mistyR 1.9

mistyR 1.8.1

mistyR 1.8.0

mistyR 1.6.1

mistyR 1.6.0

mistyR 1.5

mistyR 1.4.0

mistyR 1.3

mistyR 1.2.1

mistyR 1.2.0

mistyR 1.1

IMPORTANT: R2 is now reported in percentages for intra, multi and gain. Collecting results from running mistyR < 1.1.11 will lead to miscalculation of gain.R2. Update the performance.txt files by multiplying the values in columns intra.R2 and multi.R2 by 100.

mistyR 1.0.3

mistyR 1.0.2

mistyR 1.0.1

mistyR 1.0.0

mistyR 0.99.11

mistyR 0.99.9

Revisions requested by Bioconductor

Other changes

mistyR 0.99.0

mistyR 0.1.0