microbiomeDASim 1.1.6 (2020-03-10)
- F1000 manuscript with package details accepted and available at <>
- Citation updated within package
- Require study duration be specified when simulating observations
- Implemented functionality to allow random asynchronous timepoints samples along the study duration
- Additional functions to approximate observed longitudinal microbiome data
- Convert simulated data into common data objects in either the metagenomeSeq or phyloseq packages
- Existing function changes:
- gen_norm_microbiome (must specify t_interval for study duration and additional option to specify asynchronous time points using asynch_time=TRUE)
- mvrnorm_sim (must specify t_interval for study duration and additional option to specify asynchronous time points using asynch_time=TRUE)
- New functions:
- conversion_functions (convert simulated data to metagenomeSeq or phyloseq object)
- sim_obs_functions (host of functions that allow users to specify discrete sampling timepoints and approximate observed longitudinal patterns)
microbiomeDASim 0.99.0 (2019-08-26)
- Submitted to Bioconductor