miaViz 1.15
- plotAbundance: Improved visualization of sample metadata
- plotScree: Method for creating scree plots
- plotRDA: Now it is possible to add only specified vectors
- plotMediation: Method to visualise results of mediation analysis
miaViz 1.13
- plot*Tree: bugfix, ununique nodes
- Added confidence.level parameter to plotCCA
- add plotNMDS to miaViz (plotNMDS deprecated in mia)
- Added getNeatOrder function
- plotAbundance: enable plotting without agglomeration
- Change parameter naming convention from parameter_name to
- Added plotLoadings function
miaViz 1.11
- replace addTaxonomyTree with addHierarchyTree after renaming in mia package
miaViz 1.9
- Updated plotDMN to work with newest mia version
- Added plotCCA and plotRDA functions
miaViz 1.7.2 (2022-02-17)
- assay_name argument changed to assay.type
miaViz 1.7
- Fixed plotGraph* that was broked due changes in dependencies
miaViz 1.5
- plot*Tree & *TreeData: Add support for multiple trees
- plot*Tree layout bugfix
miaViz 1.3
- Bugfix for plotting functions to support sparseMatrix and other assay types (2021-12-31)
- Replaced abund_values with assay_name
miaViz 1.1
- Added plotAbundanceDensity (2021-06-23)
miaViz 0.99.0 (2021-03-19)
- Submitted to Bioconductor