--- title: "mia: Microbiome analysis tools" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" package: mia output: BiocStyle::html_document: fig_height: 7 fig_width: 10 toc: true toc_float: true toc_depth: 2 number_sections: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{mia} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} bibliography: references.bib --- ```{r, echo=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache = FALSE, fig.width = 9, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE) ``` `mia` implements tools for microbiome analysis based on the `SummarizedExperiment` [@SE], `SingleCellExperiment` [@SCE] and `TreeSummarizedExperiment` [@TSE] infrastructure. Data wrangling and analysis are the main scope of this package. # Installation To install `mia`, install `BiocManager` first, if it is not installed. Afterwards use the `install` function from `BiocManager`. ```{r, eval=FALSE} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("mia") ``` # Load *mia* ```{r load-packages, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library("mia") ``` # Loading a `TreeSummarizedExperiment` object A few example datasets are available via `mia`. For this vignette the `GlobalPatterns` dataset is loaded first. ```{r} data(GlobalPatterns, package = "mia") tse <- GlobalPatterns tse ``` # Functions for working with microbiome data One of the main topics for analysing microbiome data is the application of taxonomic data to describe features measured. The interest lies in the connection between individual bacterial species and their relation to each other. `mia` does not rely on a specific object type to hold taxonomic data, but uses specific columns in the `rowData` of a `TreeSummarizedExperiment` object. `taxonomyRanks` can be used to construct a `character` vector of available taxonomic levels. This can be used, for example, for subsetting. ```{r} # print the available taxonomic ranks colnames(rowData(tse)) taxonomyRanks(tse) # subset to taxonomic data only rowData(tse)[,taxonomyRanks(tse)] ``` The columns are recognized case insensitive. Additional functions are available to check for validity of taxonomic information or generate labels based on the taxonomic information. ```{r} table(taxonomyRankEmpty(tse, "Species")) head(getTaxonomyLabels(tse)) ``` For more details see the man page `?taxonomyRanks`. ## Merging and agglomeration based on taxonomic information. Agglomeration of data based on these taxonomic descriptors can be performed using functions implemented in `mia`. In addition to the `aggValue` functions provide by `TreeSummarizedExperiment` `agglomerateByRank` is available. `agglomerateByRank` does not require tree data to be present. `agglomerateByRank` constructs a `factor` to guide merging from the available taxonomic information. For more information on merging have a look at the man page via `?mergeFeatures`. ```{r} # agglomerate at the Family taxonomic rank x1 <- agglomerateByRank(tse, rank = "Family") ## How many taxa before/after agglomeration? nrow(tse) nrow(x1) ``` Tree data can also be shrunk alongside agglomeration, but this is turned of by default. ```{r} # with agglomeration of the tree x2 <- agglomerateByRank(tse, rank = "Family", agglomerateTree = TRUE) nrow(x2) # same number of rows, but rowTree(x1) # ... different rowTree(x2) # ... tree ``` For `agglomerateByRank` to work, taxonomic data must be present. Even though only one rank is available for the `enterotype` dataset, agglomeration can be performed effectively de-duplicating entries for the genus level. ```{r} data(enterotype, package = "mia") taxonomyRanks(enterotype) agglomerateByRank(enterotype) ``` To keep data tidy, the agglomerated data can be stored as an alternative experiment in the object of origin. With this synchronized sample subsetting becomes very easy. ```{r} altExp(tse, "family") <- x2 ``` Keep in mind, that if you set `na.rm = TRUE`, rows with `NA` or similar value (defined via the `empty.fields` argument) will be removed. Depending on these settings different number of rows will be returned. ```{r} x1 <- agglomerateByRank(tse, rank = "Species", na.rm = TRUE) altExp(tse,"species") <- agglomerateByRank(tse, rank = "Species", na.rm = FALSE) dim(x1) dim(altExp(tse,"species")) ``` For convenience the function `agglomerateByRanks` is available, which agglomerates data on all `ranks` selected. By default all available ranks will be used. The output is compatible to be stored as alternative experiments. ```{r} tse <- agglomerateByRanks(tse) tse altExpNames(tse) ``` ## Constructing a tree from taxonomic data Constructing a taxonomic tree from taxonomic data stored in `rowData` is quite straightforward and uses mostly functions implemented in `TreeSummarizedExperiment`. ```{r} taxa <- rowData(altExp(tse,"Species"))[,taxonomyRanks(tse)] taxa_res <- resolveLoop(as.data.frame(taxa)) taxa_tree <- toTree(data = taxa_res) taxa_tree$tip.label <- getTaxonomyLabels(altExp(tse,"Species")) rowNodeLab <- getTaxonomyLabels(altExp(tse,"Species"), make.unique = FALSE) altExp(tse,"Species") <- changeTree(altExp(tse,"Species"), rowTree = taxa_tree, rowNodeLab = rowNodeLab) ``` ## Transformation of assay data Transformation of count data stored in `assays` is also a main task when work with microbiome data. `transformAssay` can be used for this and offers a few choices of available transformations. A modified object is returned and the transformed counts are stored in a new `assay`. ```{r} assayNames(enterotype) anterotype <- transformAssay(enterotype, method = "log10", pseudocount = 1) assayNames(enterotype) ``` For more details have a look at the man page `?transformAssay`. Sub-sampling to equal number of counts per sample. Also known as rarefying. ```{r} data(GlobalPatterns, package = "mia") tse.subsampled <- rarefyAssay(GlobalPatterns, sample = 60000, name = "subsampled", replace = TRUE, seed = 1938) tse.subsampled ``` Alternatively, one can save both original TreeSE and subsampled TreeSE within a MultiAssayExperiment object. ```{r} library(MultiAssayExperiment) mae <- MultiAssayExperiment(c("originalTreeSE" = GlobalPatterns, "subsampledTreeSE" = tse.subsampled)) mae ``` ```{r} # To extract specifically the subsampled TreeSE experiments(mae)$subsampledTreeSE ``` ## Community indices In the field of microbiome ecology several indices to describe samples and community of samples are available. In this vignette we just want to give a very brief introduction. Functions for calculating alpha and beta diversity indices are available. Using `addAlpha` multiple diversity indices are calculated by default and results are stored automatically in `colData`. Selected indices can be calculated individually by setting `index = "shannon"` for example. ```{r} tse <- addAlpha(tse, index = "shannon") colnames(colData(tse))[8:ncol(colData(tse))] ``` Beta diversity indices are used to describe inter-sample connections. Technically they are calculated as `dist` object and reduced dimensions can be extracted using `cmdscale`. This is wrapped up in the `runMDS` function of the `scater` package, but can be easily used to calculated beta diversity indices using the established functions from the `vegan` package or any other package using comparable inputs. ```{r} library(scater) altExp(tse,"Genus") <- runMDS(altExp(tse,"Genus"), FUN = vegan::vegdist, method = "bray", name = "BrayCurtis", ncomponents = 5, assay.type = "counts", keep_dist = TRUE) ``` JSD and UniFrac are implemented in `mia` as well. `getJSD` can be used as a drop-in replacement in the example above (omit the `method` argument as well) to calculate the JSD. For calculating the UniFrac distance via `getUniFrac` either a `TreeSummarizedExperiment` must be used or a tree supplied via the `tree` argument. For more details see `?getJSD`, `?getUnifrac` or `?getDPCoA`. `runMDS` performs the decomposition. Alternatively `addNMDS` can also be used. ## Other indices `estimateDominance` and `estimateEvenness` implement other sample-wise indices. The function behave equivalently to `estimateDiversity`. For more information see the corresponding man pages. # Utility functions To make migration and adoption as easy as possible several utility functions are available. ## Data loading functions Functions to load data from `biom` files, `QIIME2` output, `DADA2` objects [@dada2] or `phyloseq` objects are available. ```{r, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE} library(phyloseq) data(esophagus, package = "phyloseq") ``` ```{r} esophagus esophagus <- convertFromPhyloseq(esophagus) esophagus ``` For more details have a look at the man page, for examples `?convert`. ## General wrapper functions Row-wise or column-wise assay data subsetting. ```{r} # Specific taxa assay(tse['522457',], "counts") |> head() # Specific sample assay(tse[,'CC1'], "counts") |> head() ``` ## Selecting most interesting features `getTop` returns a vector of the most `top` abundant feature IDs. ```{r} data(esophagus, package = "mia") top_taxa <- getTop(esophagus, method = "mean", top = 5, assay.type = "counts") top_taxa ``` ## Generating tidy data To generate tidy data as used and required in most of the tidyverse, `meltAssay` can be used. A `data.frame` in the long format will be returned. ```{r} molten_data <- meltAssay(tse, assay.type = "counts", add.row = TRUE, add.col = TRUE ) molten_data ``` # Session info ```{r} sessionInfo() ``` # References