mia 1.15
- subsetBy*: added update.tree argument
- agglomerateBy*: Add na.rm option for excluding NA counts
- Added getPERMANOVA and addPERMANOVA functions to calculate PERMANOVA
- update.tree = TRUE by default
- Add functions for classifying taxa based on their average abundance
- Add addPrevalence function that adds results of getPrevalence to rowData
- Added support for dimred to getCrossAssociation
- Add wrapper for PhILR transformation
- Support rarefaction when applying unifrac
- Added getMDS and addMDS: wrappers for scater::calculateMDS and scater::runMDS
- Fix tree merging and agglomeration
mia 1.13
- Added new functions getMediation and addMediation
- replace getExperiment* and testExperiment* functions with getCrossAssociation
- Replace mergeRows and mergeCols with new function agglomerateByVariable
- agglomerateByRank: bugfix related to agglomeration of non-existing tree
- getHierarchyTree: bugfix related to empty cells in rowData
- agglomerateByRank: bugfix: trees was not pruned correctly
- rename meltAssay to meltSE
- Rename countDominantFeatures and countDominantTaxa to summarizeDominance
- rename subsetByPrevalent* and subsetByRare* to subsetByPrevalent and subsetByRare
- Deprecate transformFeatures, transformSamples, transformCounts, Ztransform,
- rename getRare* functions to getRare, getUnique* functions to getUnique,
getTop* functions to getTop and getPrevalent* functions to getPrevalent
- Rename subsampleCounts to rarefyAssay
- Rename perSampleDominant* functions to getDominant and addPerSampleDominant*
functions to addDominant
- Rename splitByRanks to agglomerateByRanks and add option as.list
- Explain that rarefyAssay returns a new SummarizedExperiment object that
includes the newly added subsampled assay.
- Fix bug in mergeFeaturesByPrevalence
- new aliases calculateDPCoA to getDPCoA, calculateNMDS to getNMDS, calculateRDA to getRDA,
calculateCCA to getCCA
- add informative error message in rarefyAssay on assays with strictly-negative values
- Use rbiom package in unifrac implementation
- Updated parameter names to follow naming convention ""
- rename converters makeTreeSEFrom* to convertFrom* and makePhyloseqFromTreeSE to
- add rowTree agglomeration and RefSeq agglomeration in agglomerateByPrevalence
- Fix tree merging in unsplit and mergeSEs functions
- Added addAlpha; a wrapper for calculating all alpha diversity indices
- Added importTaxpasta
- Changes in default taxonomy ranks; more ranks supported
- Added Tito2024QMP dataset
- Added convertToBIOM
- new methods getLDA and addLDA for LDA ordination with feature loadings
- new methods getNMF and addNMF for NMF ordination with feature loadings
- If missing values, give informative error in *RDA/*CCA functions
- transformAssay can apply transformation to altExp
- Added CSS transformation
- In agglomerateByVariable, splitOn and getDominant, use 'group' to specify grouping variable.
mia 1.11
- loadFromMetaphlan: support strain rank
- agglomerateByRank: agglomerate tree fix
- Replace taxonomyTree and addTaxonomyTree with getHierarchyTree and addHierarchyTree
- splitOn: update rowTree fix
- perSampleDominantFeatures: add new arguments (n,, complete)
- loadFromMetaphlan: support "taxonomy" column for specifying taxonomy
- cluster: Overwrite old results instead of failing
- getPrevalence: bugfix, if assay contains NA values, it does not end up to NA anymore.
- getExperimentCrossCorrelation fix: enable using of sampleMap in MAE.
- Implemented the setTaxonomyRanks function to specify which ranks are recognized as taxonomy ranks.
- Rename cluster to addCluster
- rename importers loadFromBiom, loadFromQIIME2, readQZA, loadFromMothur, loadFromMetaphlan, loadFromHumann
- fix typo in loadFromBiom definition (deprecate file)
- deprecate subsetSamples, subsetFeatures and subsetTaxa
- deprecate plotNMDS after moving it to miaViz
- rename estimateDivergence to addDivergence
- Add details to documentation of function agglomerateByPrevalence
mia 1.9
- loadFromMetaphlan: Bugfix, not all files include ID column.
- cluster: added wrapper for bluster's clusterRows function
- Added loadFromHumann
- calculateDMM: deprecated/updated outdated functions
- Added Tengeler2020 dataset
- *RDA & *CCA: calculate also statistical significance
- altExp support for meltAssay
- Deprecate mergeRows, mergeCols, agglomerateByRank, agglomerateByPrevalence
- Removed getAbundanceSample and getAbundanceFeature
- Updated test to avoid warning from deprecated functions
- Export mergeFeaturesByRank
- *RDA & *CCA: scores parameter for specifying output
- Improve mergeSEs and loadFromBiom
- Faith index: bugfix
- runRDA bugfix: vegan::dbrda and vegan::vegdist have different parameter for dissimilarity --> taken into account
- Add support for Metaphlan v2
- loadFromHumann: Improved speed
mia 1.7
- Deprecated assay_name arguments, replaced with assay.type
- Removed abund_values argument
- makePhyloseqFromTreeSE: added option for choosing a tree from multiple rowTrees
- mergeSEs: match rows based on all available taxonomy level data on rowData
- mergeSEs: fix bug related to equally named variables that are different class
- mergeSEs: option for merging multiple assays
- calculateUnifrac: option for specifying the tree from TreeSE
- transformAssay: utilize vegan package
- calculateUnifrac: subset tree based on data
- agglomerateByRank: take into account multiple trees
- loadFromBiom: name columns of rowData based on prefixes
- Deprecate transformSamples, *Features, relabundance, ZTransform, relAbundanceCounts
- mergeSEs: faster tree merging
- Faith's index: fix bug that occurred when only one taxon is present
mia 1.5
- Added HintikkaXOData
- Added sample metadata option to getExperimentCrossAssociation
- estimateFaith: add support for multiple rowTrees
- calculateRDA/CCA: added variable argument & replaced altexp argument with altExp
- getExpCrossCorr: bugfix; samples should match when correlations between features are calculated
- getExpCrossCorr: Kendall's tau is the default method
- mergeSEs: bugfix; links between trees and rows/cols were wrong & rowData did not include all info
- calculateDPCoA, calculateUnifrac & merge: add support for multiple trees
- altExp parameter to altexp
- agglomerateByRank: make rownames unique by default
- removed calculateDistance and calculateUniFrac alias
- calculateUnifrac bugfix
mia 1.3
- name change: testForExperimentCrossCorrelation to testExperimentCrossCorrelation
- getExperimentCrossCorrelation: Filtering disabled by default, option to suppress warnings
- bugfix: taxonomyTree gave error if taxa were agglomerated at highest level (taxa name mismatch)
- bugfix: subsampleCounts errors if no samples are found after subsampling
- added loadFromMetaphlan
- renamed calculateUniFrac to calculateUnifrac
- added na.rm option to getTopTaxa function
- bugfix: makeTreeSEFromPseq -- orientation of assay is taken into account
- bugfix: getExperimentCrossCorrelation's "matrix"" mode works with features named equally
- bugfix: getExperimentCrossCorrelation's calculates correlations correctly with features named equally
- getExperimentCrossCorrelation name changed to getExperimentCrossAssociation
- getExperimentCrossAssociation: user's own function supported, sort in mode == table enabled
- getExperimentCrossAssociation: added MARGIN & paired options, efficiency of algorithm improved
- Added *Features aliases for *Taxa functions
- *RDA functions utilize vegan:dbrda instead of vegan:rda
- Sped up estimateDivergence by removing unnecessary pairwise comparisons
- Added new internal function .calculate_reference_distance to calculate distance to a single reference sample
- added new skin microbiome example data set 'peerj13075'
- added splitOn and unsplitOn functions
- CLR transformation: remove internal relative transformation
- Replace 'abund_values' argument with 'assay_name'
- getExpCrossCorr: added altExp option
- added detection threshold option to getTopTaxa
- makeSummarizedExperimentFromBiom is now makeTreeSummarizedExperimentFromBiom
- Added mergeSE function
- bugfix: loadFromBiom
mia 1.1
- split transformAssay into transformSamples and transformFeatures
- added log_modulo_skewness as a diversity index
- added functions for summarizing dominant taxa information
- added wrapper for adding dominant taxa information to colData
- added specialized subsetting function for subsetting by prevalence (subsetByPrevalentTaxa/subsetByRareTaxa)
- added mapTaxonomy
- added estimateDivergence
- bugfix: makePhyloseqFromTreeSummarizedExperiment checks now for rowTree be compatible
- bugfix: meltAssay supports Matrix types
- bugfix: meltAssay is able to include rowData also when there are duplicated rownames
- added subsampleCounts for Subsampling/Rarefying data
- added getExperimentCrossCorrelation for calculatting cross-correlation between features
- added calculateOverlap
- getUniqueTaxa & getTopTaxa: added option for alphabetical order
mia 0.99.0
- Submitted to Bioconductor