To cite package ‘miQC’ in publications use: Hippen AA, Falco MM, Weber LM, Erkan EP, Zhang K, Doherty JA, et al. (2021) miQC: An adaptive probabilistic framework for quality control of single-cell RNA-sequencing data. PLoS Comput Biol 17(8): e1009290. journal.pcbi.1009290 A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {miQC: An adaptive probabilistic framework for quality control of single-cell RNA-sequencing data}, author = {Ariel Hippen and Matias Falco and Lukas Weber and Erdogan Erkan and Kaiyang Zhang and Jennifer Doherty and Anna Vähärautio and Casey Greene and Stephanie Hicks}, year = {2021}, journal = {PLoS Comput Biol}, url = {}, }