To cite package ‘methylInheritance’ in publications use: Belleau P, Deschênes A, Scott-Boyer M-P, Lambrot R, Dalvai, M, Kimmins S, Bailey J et Droit A. Inferring and modeling inheritance of differentially methylated changes across multiple generations. Nucleic Acids Research. Volume 46, Issue 14, 21 August 2018, Pages e85. DOI: A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {Inferring and modeling inheritance of differentially methylated changes across multiple generations}, author = {Pascal Belleau and Astrid Desch{\^{e}}nes and Marie-Pier Scott-Boyer and Romain Lambrot and Mathieu Dalvai and Sarah Kimmins and Janice Bailey and Arnaud Droit}, year = {2018}, journal = {Nucleic Acids Research}, volume = {46}, issue = {14}, pages = {e85}, doi = {10.1093/nar/gky362}, url = {}, }