methrix 1.8.01
- Fix error when bedgraph contains duplicated loci.
methrix 1.8.0
methrix 1.6.0
methrix 1.4.07
- Fix bug when exporting bsseq objects from methrix objects created using Methyldackel pipeline. Issue: #26
methrix 1.4.05
- rotate x axis labels by 45 degrees in report
- update 'methrix_pca()' screeplot
- added CITATION
methrix 1.4.00
- read_bedgraphs() supports bedgraphs files from "Bismark_cov", "MethylDackel", "MethylcTools", "BisSNP", "BSseeker2_CGmap"
- write_bedgraphs() supports output to multiBed and metilene file formats
- write_bigwigs() exports methrix object as bigWigs
methrix 1.2.10
- BSgenome ref build parsing error. Issue: #24
- Show which CpGs are missing when loading bedGraphs. Issue: #22
- Faster HDF5 processing. PR: #21
- include SeqStyle option in Manual write_bedgraphs() function. PE: #20
- added the argument for SeqlevelsStyle and trackline in bedgraph. PR: #19
methrix 1.2.06
methrix 1.2.05
- Methrix plot typo fix. Issue: #20
methrix 1.0.05
- Bugfixes in methrix report. Issue: #12
- Bugfixes in the coverge_filter function --> the output methrix is now sorted
- Bugfixes in the subset_methrix function --> works on unsorted methrix
- Bugfixes in read_bedgraphs function --> when all fields are present, parse_source_idx did not return M and U columns
- Added group option to coverage_filter
- Added prefix option to methrix_report
- Added keep option to snp_removal
- minor changes in plotting functions
methrix 0.99.0
- Submission to Bioconductor