Title: | A package to produce metagene plots |
Description: | This package produces metagene plots to compare coverages of sequencing experiments at selected groups of genomic regions. It can be used for such analyses as assessing the binding of DNA-interacting proteins at promoter regions or surveying antisense transcription over the length of a gene. The metagene2 package can manage all aspects of the analysis, from normalization of coverages to plot facetting according to experimental metadata. Bootstraping analysis is used to provide confidence intervals of per-sample mean coverages. |
Authors: | Eric Fournier [cre, aut], Charles Joly Beauparlant [aut], Cedric Lippens [aut], Arnaud Droit [aut] |
Maintainer: | Eric Fournier <[email protected]> |
License: | Artistic-2.0 |
Version: | 1.23.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-08 05:34:52 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/metagene2 |
This function creates an ordering of regions to be used with the
function. The regions are not actually
reordered, but returned as-is.
metagene |
The metagene object whose grouped regions should be ordered. |
A list, with as many elements as there are region groups in the metagene object. Each element of that list is an ordering of the regions of that group based on their original ordering in the metagene2 object.
demo_metagene = get_demo_metagene() as_is_region_order(demo_metagene)
demo_metagene = get_demo_metagene() as_is_region_order(demo_metagene)
This class will allow to load, convert and normalize alignments and regions files/data.
A BAM manager
returns a Bam_Handler
object which contains
coverage related information for every BAM files.
bh <- Bam_Handler$new(bam_files, cores = SerialParam())
A vector
of BAM filenames. The BAM files must be
indexed. i.e.: if a file is named file.bam, there must
be a file named file.bam.bai or file.bai in the same
The number of cores available to parallelize the analysis.
Either a positive integer or a BiocParallelParam
Default: SerialParam()
, metagene will deal with paired-end
data. If FALSE
, single-end data are expected
returns a Bam_Handler
object that contains
and manages BAM files. Coverage related information as alignment count can
be obtain by using this object.
The name of the BAM file.
The name of the BAM file.
The name of the BAM file.
A vector
of BAM filenames.
bh$get_coverage(bam_file, regions)
force_seqlevels = FALSE)
The name of the BAM file.
A not empty GRanges
, Remove regions that are not found
in bam file header. Default: FALSE
respectively correspond to pruning.mode = "coarse"
and "error" in ?seqinfo.
bh$get_normalized_coverage(bam_file, regions)
force_seqlevels = FALSE)
The name of the BAM file.
A not empty GRanges
, Remove regions that are not found
in bam file header. Default: FALSE
respectively correspond to pruning.mode = "coarse"
and "error" in ?seqinfo.
The path to the chip bam file.
The path to the input (control) bam file.
Bam_Handler$new( bam_files, cores = SerialParam(), paired_end = FALSE, strand_specific = FALSE, paired_end_strand_mode = 2, extend_reads = 0, invert_strand = FALSE )
Bam_Handler$get_coverage( bam_file, regions, force_seqlevels = FALSE, simplify = TRUE )
Bam_Handler$get_normalized_coverage( bam_file, regions, force_seqlevels = FALSE, simplify = TRUE )
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
Bam_Handler$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
bam_file <- get_demo_bam_files()[1] bh <- metagene2:::Bam_Handler$new(bam_files = bam_file) bh$get_aligned_count(bam_file)
bam_file <- get_demo_bam_files()[1] bh <- metagene2:::Bam_Handler$new(bam_files = bam_file) bh$get_aligned_count(bam_file)
This function creates an ordering of regions within region groups based on
ascending or descending mean coverage. This is used with the
coverage_order(metagene, design_groups = NULL, decreasing = TRUE)
coverage_order(metagene, design_groups = NULL, decreasing = TRUE)
metagene |
The metagene object whose grouped regions should be ordered. |
design_groups |
A vector of design groups to be used for determining the
ordering. If |
decreasing |
If TRUE, regions are ordered from the highest mean coverage to the lowest mean coverage, and vice versa. |
A list, with as many elements as there are region groups in the metagene object. Each element of that list is an ordering of the regions of that group based on their mean coverage.
demo_metagene = get_demo_metagene() coverage_order(demo_metagene)
demo_metagene = get_demo_metagene() coverage_order(demo_metagene)
Get BAM filenames for demo
A vector of BAM filenames
bam_files <- get_demo_bam_files()
bam_files <- get_demo_bam_files()
Get a demo design object
A data.frame
corresponding to a valid design.
mg <- get_demo_design()
mg <- get_demo_design()
Get a demo metagene object
A metagene object
mg <- get_demo_metagene()
mg <- get_demo_metagene()
Get regions filenames for demo
A vector of regions filenames
regions <- get_demo_regions()
regions <- get_demo_regions()
Get demo regions
A vector of regions filenames
regions <- get_demo_regions()
regions <- get_demo_regions()
Get BAM filenames for demo
A vector of BAM filenames
bam_files <- get_demo_rna_bam_files()
bam_files <- get_demo_rna_bam_files()
Get demo regions
A GRangesList with two genes
regions <- get_demo_rna_regions()
regions <- get_demo_rna_regions()
This metagene2 class encapsulates all of the steps necessary to perform metagene analyses, which are aggregations of coverages over multiple regions (genes) to reveal patterns that might not be apparent from looking at individual regions. It will allow to load, convert and normalize bam alignments and regions files/data. Once the data is ready, the user can then choose to produce metagene plots on the data or some subset of it.
A metagene experiment manager
Most metagene analyses are a two-step affair:
Initialize the object using mg = metagene2$new()
, specifying
which regions and bam files should be used for the analysis.
Generate a metagene plot using mg$produce_metagene
, specifying
any additional parameter (Number of bins, facetting variables, etc).
The metagene2
object will then internally chain all 6 required
processing steps, updating its internal caches along the way:
Coverages are inferred from bam files (metagene2$new
Coverages from multiple bam files are grouped and normalized
Coverages are binned together (mg$bin_coverages
Binned coverages are split according to the type of region they belong
to (mg$split_coverages_by_regions
Coverage means and confidence intervals are calculated for each
region * group combination (mg$calculate_ci
Metadata is added to the calculated coverages (
The metagene is plotted (mg$plot
Each of these steps has an associated function, which takes as input certain parameters of the metagene analysis and returns an intermediary structure of interest (coverages, binned coverages, long-form data frame of confidence intervals, etc). Those are described below, in the "Processing methods" section.
All processing methods automatically call previous processing steps if
those have not already been run. For example, there is no need to call
before calling mg$bin_coverages()
: the
metagene2 object will automatically detect that certain prerequisite steps
have not yet been performed, and run them.
Additionally, when calling produce_metagene a second time to change certain analysis parameters after generating an initial metagene plot, only the required caches are reset: all non-impacted aspects of the analysis are left untouched, decreasing processing time.
For further examples, see the metagene2 vignette.
returns a metagene2
object which contains the
normalized coverage values for every regions in all specified BAM files.
mg <- metagene2$new(regions, bam_files, padding_size = 0,
cores = SerialParam(), verbose = FALSE,
force_seqlevels = FALSE, paired_end = FALSE,
assay = 'chipseq', strand_specific=FALSE,
region_mode="auto", region_metadata=NULL,
extend_reads=0, invert_strand=FALSE, ...)
This method returns a new metagene2
object. Upon initialization, a
object calculates coverages over all given regions in the
provided bam files. Any and all parameter associated with any of the
processing steps can be initialized upon object construction. All analysis
parameters that are not explicitly specified in the constructor call are
initialized to sensible defaults.
A description of all regions over which metagenes will be calculated.
When region_mode
is "separate", those should be provided using
a GRanges
object representing all individual, contiguous regions
to be examined.
When region_mode
is "stitch", those should be provided using a
object where each individual GRanges
represents a set of regions to be stitched together.
As a convenience, in "separate" mode, metagene2
will convert any
passed in GRangesList
into an unlisted GRanges
with an
additional region_name
metadata column containing
the name of the GRangesList
element it was extracted
Also as a convenience, regions
can also be a character
of filenames, which are then imported into a GRangesList.
Supported file formats are BED, narrowPeak, broadPeak, gff and gtf.
A vector
of BAM filenames. The BAM files must be
indexed. i.e.: if a file is named file.bam, there must
be a file named file.bam.bai or file.bai in the same
directory. If bam_files
is a named vector, then the provided names
can be used downstream to refer to those bam files. If no
names are provided, metagene2
will try to infer appropriate ones.
, 'rnaseq'
or NULL. If non-NULL, metagene will
set other parameters, such as region_mode and strand_specific, to logical
values for the given assay. Default: 'chipseq'
Set the way the regions
parameter is interpreted. Can be
, 'stitch'
or 'auto'
. In separate mode,
is expected to be a GRanges defining individual, contiguous regions. In
mode, regions
is expected to be a GRangesList
where each GRanges
element represents a set of regions to be
stitched together and treated as a single logical region. If 'auto'
then a logical value is inferred from the assay
Default: 'auto'
A data-frame of metadata to be associated with the elements of regions
It must contain has many rows as there are elements in regions
. If
is NULL but regions
has an mcols element,
then it is used.
The provided regions
will be extended on each side by the
value of this parameter. The padding_size must be a
non-negative integer. Default = 0.
The number of cores available to parallelize the analysis.
Either a positive integer or a BiocParallelParam
Default: SerialParam()
Print progression of the analysis. A logical constant.
Default: FALSE
, remove regions that are not found
in bam file header. Default: FALSE
respectively correspond to pruning.mode = "coarse"
and "error" in ?seqinfo.
Set this to TRUE
if the provided bam files
describe paired-end reads. If FALSE
, single-ended
data are expected. Default: FALSE
, only reads which align to the same
strand as those specified in regions
count toward coverage for that region. Useful for RNA-seq
profiles generated from strand-specific libraries, such
as Illumina TruSeq. Default: 'FALSE'
or '2'
. In paired-end mode,
indicates which read in a pair sets the pair's strand.
If 1
, this is the first read (This should be used
with directional protocols such as Directional Illumina
(Ligation) or Standard SOLiD).
If 2
, this is the second read (This should be used
with directional protocols such as dUTP, NSR, NNSR,
or Illumina stranded TruSeq PE).
Ignored if either paired_end or strand_specific is FALSE.
Default: '2'
Extend individual reads to have a minimum length equal to this parameter. When set to 0, no read extension occurs. This is useful for single-end chip-seq experiments, where the length of the captured fragment is usually longer than the sequenced read.
, coverages for the given regions will be inferred
from the coverage on the strand opposite theirs. Useful
for single-end stranded experiments which use cDNA.
This parameter is ignored if strand-specific is FALSE
Additional parameters for the metagene analysis. See produce_metagene
for a list of possible parameters.
returns a metagene2
object that contains the
coverages for every BAM files in the regions from the regions
is the workhorse method of the metagene2 object.
This method performs all of the necessary analysis steps for the production
of the metagene plot, and returns that plot. Any and all parameters of the
metagene analysis, as documented in the individual processing steps, can be
passed to produce_metagene
. The metagene2 object will then determines
which intermediate caches would be affected by changes to those parameters,
invalidate them, and rerun all steps up to the plotting. This makes
ideal for fast, iterative takes on the data.
Below we present those parameters and a brief description of their usage. Please refer to the affected processing step for a more in-depth explanation of each parameter.
A data.frame
that describes the grouping of the bam files
into design groups. By default, each bam file is its own design group.
See group_coverages
The algorithm to use to normalize coverages,
(no normalization) or "RPM". By default,
no normalization occurs. See group_coverages
Indices indicating which subset of design groups should
be included in the analysis. By default, all design
groups/bam files are included. See
The number of bins regions should be split into. Defaults
to 100. See bin_coverages
The subset of regions to be kept for the analysis.
By default, all regions are kept. See bin_coverages
Which metadata columns should we use to split the set of
regions into subset of interests? Defaults to "region_name",
an automatically added column.
See split_coverages_by_regions
The alpha level of the confidence interval estimates.
Defaults to 0.05. See calculate_ci
The number of draws to perform in the bootstrap
calculations used to calculate the confidence inteval.
Defaults to 1000. See calculate_ci
The resampling strategy to be used when performing the
bootstrap analysis, which can be either 'profile'
or 'bin'
. Defaults to 'bin'
. See
A data-frame containing metadata for the design groups.
By default, no metadata is associated. See
A title to add to the graph. See plot
X-axis label for the metagene plot. See plot
A formula to be used for facetting the metagene plot.
By default, no facetting occurs. See plot
The metadata column used to build the color scale. By
default, the combination of design and region name is
used. See plot
Each of the following methods perform one step of metagene processing.
Most do not need to be called explicitly. Instead, you can simply call
. However, you can use them to access intermediary
results: grouped coverages, binned coverages, split coverages, and long-form
data-frame of coverages with confidence intervals.
mg$group_coverages(design=NA, normalization=NA,
design_filter=NA, simplify=FALSE)
This method normalizes genome-wide coverages, then groups
them according to the specified design groups. It returns
a list of possible read orientations (+, -, *), each element
of which is either NULL (depending on the value of the
strand_specific parameter) or a list of possible design groups.
In turn, the lists of design groups contain lists of Rle
objects representing coverage over a specific chromosome or sequence.
A data.frame
that describes the grouping of the bam files
into design groups. The first column of the design should contain the
names of bam_files passed on initialization. Each subsequent columns
represents a design group, that is to say a combination of bam files
whose coverages should be grouped together into a logical unit.
These columns should contain integer values indicating whether the
bam files on that row should be excluded (0), included as an'
"input" (1) or included as a "control" (2) within the specified
design group. Control samples are used for "log2_ratio"
normalization, but are ignored for no or "RPM" normalization.
can be used keep previous design value. Default: NA
The algorithm to use to normalize coverages. Possible
values are NULL
(no normalization), "RPM" and "log2_ratio".
"RPM" transforms raw counts into Reads-Per-Million.
"log2_ratio" uses the formula log2((input RPM + 1) / (control RPM + 1))
to calculate a log-ratio between input and control. NA
be used keep the previous value. Default: NA
A logical vector specifying which of the design groups specified
within the design
parameter should be included in the metagene.
Useful for quickly reprocessing a subset of samples.
can be used keep previous design value. Default: NA
In single strand mode, set simplify
to return
only the '*' coverage and omit the empty '+' and '-' components.
Default: FALSE
mg$bin_coverages(bin_count=NA, region_filter=NA)
This method summarizes the coverage over regions of interests into a specified number of bins. For each design group, it produces a matrix of binned coverages where each row represents a region, and each column represents a bin. Those are returned in a named list where each element contains the resulting matrix for a specific design group.
The number of bins regions should be split into. The specified
bin_count must always be equal or higher than the minimum size of
the specified regions. NA
can be used to keep the previous
value. Default: NA
This parameter defines the subset of regions within the regions
parameter passed on initialization on which the metagene
should be generated. region_filter
can be (1) a quosure, to be evaluated
in the context of the region_metadata
data-frame, (2) a character
vector containing the names of the regions to be used or (3) a logical or numeric
vector to be used for subsetting. NA
can be used to keep the previous
value. Default: NA
This methods splits the matrices generated by mg$bin_coverages
into groups of regions where the values of the metadata columns
specified by split_by
are homogeneous. It returns a list
where each element represents a design group: each of those
element is in turn a list representing groups of regions for which
all metadata values specified by "split_by" are equal. The leaf elements
of this list hierarchy are coverage matrices where each row represents a
region, and each column represents a bin.
A vector of column names from the region_metadata
parameter, as specified on metagene initialization. The
selected columns must allow conversion into a factor.
By default, this is set to region_name, a metadata column
which is automatically generated by metagene. NA
be used to keep the previous value. Default: NA
mg$calculate_ci(alpha = NA, sample_count = NA, resampling_strategy=NA)
This method calculates coverage means and confidence intervals for all design_group * region * bin combination. These are returned as a long-form data-frame.
The alpha level of the confidence interval estimate.
can be used to keep the previous value.
Default: NA
The number of draws to perform in the bootstrap
calculations used to calculate the confidence inteval.
can be used to keep the previous value. Default: NA
The resampling strategy to be used when performing the
bootstrap analysis, which can be either 'profile'
or 'bin'
. In 'profile'
mode, whole profiles
across all bins are resampled. In 'bin'
each bin is resampled individually and independantly from
all others. NA
can be used to keep the previous value.
Default: NA
This method adds design group and region metadata to the data-frame
produced by mg$calculate_ci
for easier plotting.
A data-frame containing metadata for the design groups. It must contain as many rows as there are design groups, and must contain at least one column named 'design' which is used to match the rows to design groups.
mg$plot(region_names = NULL, design_names = NULL,
title = NA, x_label = NA, facet_by=NA, group_by=NA)
This method produces a ggplot object giving a graphical representation of the metagene analysis.
The names of the regions to be plotted. If NULL
all the regions are plotted. Default: NULL
The names of the design groups to be plotted. If
, all the design groups are
plotted. Default: NULL
A title to add to the graph. NA
can be used to keep
the previous value. Default: NA
X-axis label for the metagene plot. NA
can be
used to keep the previous value. Default: NA
A formula to be used for facetting the metagene plot. This
formula can include any design metadata, or region_metadata
can be used to keep the previous value.
Default: NA
A string representing a single column from design_metadata or region_metadata
which will be used to group observations together into lines and which will
be used to generate the color scale.
can be used to keep the previous value.
Default: NA
The following methods return various informations about the metagene object.
Returns a list of all parameters used to perform this metagene analysis.
Returns the design used to perform this metagene analysis.
Returns the regions used for this metagene analysis.
mg$get_data_frame(region_names = NULL, design_names = NULL)
Returns full data-frame of results.
The names of the regions to extract. If NULL
all the regions are returned. Default: NULL
The names of the design groups to extract. If NULL
design groups are returned. Default: NULL
Returns the ggplot object generated by the metagene2$plot
Returns raw coverages over the regions specified on initialization.
Returns normalized coverages over the regions specified on initialization.
metagene2$new( regions, bam_files, padding_size = 0, cores = SerialParam(), verbose = FALSE, force_seqlevels = FALSE, paired_end = FALSE, assay = "chipseq", strand_specific = FALSE, paired_end_strand_mode = 2, region_mode = "auto", region_metadata = NULL, extend_reads = 0, invert_strand = FALSE, ... )
metagene2$get_data_frame(region_names = NULL, design_names = NULL)
metagene2$group_coverages( design = NA, normalization = NA, design_filter = NA, simplify = TRUE )
metagene2$bin_coverages(bin_count = NA, region_filter = NA)
metagene2$split_coverages_by_regions(split_by = NA)
metagene2$calculate_ci(alpha = NA, sample_count = NA, resampling_strategy = NA)
metagene2$add_metadata(design_metadata = NA)
metagene2$plot( region_names = NULL, design_names = NULL, title = NA, x_label = NA, facet_by = NA, group_by = NA )
metagene2$plot_single_region( region, facet_by = NA, group_by = NA, no_binning = FALSE )
The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.
metagene2$clone(deep = FALSE)
Whether to make a deep clone.
mg <- metagene2$new(regions = get_demo_regions(), bam_files = get_demo_bam_files()) ## Not run: mg$plot() ## End(Not run)
mg <- metagene2$new(regions = get_demo_regions(), bam_files = get_demo_bam_files()) ## Not run: mg$plot() ## End(Not run)
This function creates an ordering of regions within region groups based on
ascending or descending mean coverage. This is used with the
metagene2_heatmap( metagene, region_order = as_is_region_order(metagene), scale_trans = "identity" )
metagene2_heatmap( metagene, region_order = as_is_region_order(metagene), scale_trans = "identity" )
metagene |
The metagene object to be plotted as a heatmap. |
region_order |
A named list with as many elements as there are region
groups, with each element containing an ordering for the
regions within that group.
The |
scale_trans |
A character string giving the transformation that should be applied to the coverage values. Common values are "identity" and "log1p". See the ggplot2 documentation for scale_continuous for more details. |
A ggplot object containing a heatmap representation of the metagene2 object.
demo_metagene = get_demo_metagene() metagene2_heatmap(demo_metagene)
demo_metagene = get_demo_metagene() metagene2_heatmap(demo_metagene)
Produce a metagene plot
plot_metagene(df, facet_by = NULL, group_by = NULL)
plot_metagene(df, facet_by = NULL, group_by = NULL)
df |
a |
facet_by |
A formula to be used for facetting the metagene plot. This
formula can include any design metadata, or region_metadata
group_by |
A string representing a single column from design_metadata or
region_metadata which will be used to group observations
together into lines and which will be used to generate the
color scale. |
A 'ggplot' object.
mg <- get_demo_metagene() df <- mg$add_metadata() p <- metagene2::plot_metagene(df)
mg <- get_demo_metagene() df <- mg$add_metadata() p <- metagene2::plot_metagene(df)