mbkmeans 1.3.4 (2020-03-25)
- Change default batch size to 500 in 'mbkmeans'.
- Change default init_fraction to be the same as the batch size in 'mbkmeans'.
mbkmeans 1.3.3 (2020-03-12)
- Change to 'blockApply' to compute labels.
mbkmeans 1.3.2 (2020-02-04)
- Added option 'compute_labels=TRUE' to optionally avoid computing labels and
return only the centroids.
mbkmeans 0.99.0 (2019-03-08)
- This is the pre-submission version.
- Change default in mbkmeans to use a batch size equal to 5% of the data.
- Change default in mbkmeans to max 100 iterations.
- Fix blocksize() to work if impossible to calculate available ram.