To cite matchBox in publications use: To cite matchBox in publications use: AE Ross, et al. Gene expression pathways of high grade localized prostate cancer. The Prostate, Feb. 1-11 (2011) A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {{Gene expression pathways of high grade localized prostate cancer}}, author = {Ashley E. Ross and Marchionni Luigi and Vuica-Ross Milena and Cheadle Chris and Fan Jinshui and Berman {David M} and Schaeffer {Edward M}}, journal = {The Prostate}, year = {2011}, issue = {2}, pages = {1--11}, doi = {10.1002/pros.21373}, pmid = {21360566}, } RA Irizarry, et al. Multiple-laboratory comparison of microarray platforms. Nat. Meth. 2, 345-350 (2005) A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {{Multiple-laboratory comparison of microarray platforms}}, author = {Rafael A. Irizarry and Warren Daniel and Spencer Forrest and Kim {Irene F} and Biswal Shyam and Frank {Bryan C} and Gabrielson Edward and Garcia {Joe G N} and Geoghegan Joel and Germino Gregory and Griffin Constance and Hilmer {Sara C} and Hoffman Eric and Jedlicka {Anne E} and Kawasaki Ernest and Martinez-Murillo Francisco and Morsberger Laura and Lee Hannah and Petersen David and Quackenbush John and Scott Alan and Wilson Michael and Yang Yanqin and Ye {Shui Qing} and Yu Wayne}, journal = {Nat. Genet.}, year = {2005}, volume = {2}, number = {5}, pages = {345--350}, doi = {10.1038/nmeth756}, pmid = {15846361}, }