Package 'logicFS'

Title: Identification of SNP Interactions
Description: Identification of interactions between binary variables using Logic Regression. Can, e.g., be used to find interesting SNP interactions. Contains also a bagging version of logic regression for classification.
Authors: Holger Schwender, Tobias Tietz
Maintainer: Holger Schwender <[email protected]>
License: LGPL (>= 2)
Version: 2.25.0
Built: 2024-10-01 05:08:38 UTC

Help Index

Example Data of logicFS


data.logicfs contains two objects: a simulated matrix data.logicfs of 400 observations (rows) and 15 variables (columns) and a vector cl.logicfs of length 400 containing the class labels of the observations.

Each variable is categorical with realizations 1, 2 and 3. The first 200 observations are cases, the remaining are controls. If one of the following expression is TRUE, then the corresponding observation is a case:

SNP1 == 3

SNP2 == 1 AND SNP4 == 3

SNP3 == 3 AND SNP5 == 3 AND SNP6 == 1

where SNP1 is in the first column of data.logicfs, SNP2 in the second, and so on.

See Also

logic.bagging, logicFS

Evaluate Prime Implicants


Computes the values of prime implicants for observations for which the values of the variables composing the prime implicants are available.


getMatEval(data, vec.primes, check = TRUE)



a data frame in which each row corrsponds to an observation, and each column to a binary variable.


a character vector naming the prime implicants that should be evaluated. Each of the variables composing these prime implicants must be represented by one column of data.


should some checks be done before the evaluation is performed? It is highly recommended not to change the default check = TRUE.


a matrix in which each row corresponds to an observation (the same observations in the same order as in data, and each column to one of the prime implicants.


Holger Schwender, [email protected]

Bagged Logic Regression


A bagging and subsampling version of logic regression. Currently available for the classification, the linear regression, and the logistic regression approach of logreg. Additionally, an approach based on multinomial logistic regressions as implemented in mlogreg can be used if the response is categorical.


## Default S3 method:
logic.bagging(x, y, B = 100, useN = TRUE, ntrees = 1, nleaves = 8, 
  glm.if.1tree = FALSE, replace = TRUE, sub.frac = 0.632,
  anneal.control = logreg.anneal.control(), oob = TRUE, 
  onlyRemove = FALSE, = 0.5, importance = TRUE,
	score = c("DPO", "Conc", "Brier", "PL"), addMatImp = FALSE, fast = FALSE, 
	neighbor = NULL, adjusted = FALSE, ensemble = FALSE, rand = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'formula'
logic.bagging(formula, data, recdom = TRUE, ...)



a matrix consisting of 0's and 1's. Each column must correspond to a binary variable and each row to an observation. Missing values are not allowed.


a numeric vector, a factor, or a vector of class Surv specifying the values of a response for all the observations represented in x, where no missing values are allowed in y. If a numeric vector, then y either contains the class labels (coded by 0 and 1) or the values of a continuous response depending on whether the classification or logistic regression approach of logic regression, or the linear regression approach, respectively, should be used. If the response is categorical, then y must be a factor naming the class labels of the observations. If the response is a (right-censored survival time), then y must be vector of class Surv (generated, e.g., with the function Surv from the R package survival.


an integer specifying the number of iterations.


logical specifying if the number of correctly classified out-of-bag observations should be used in the computation of the importance measure. If FALSE, the proportion of correctly classified oob observations is used instead. Ignored if importance = FALSE. Also ignored in the survival case.


an integer indicating how many trees should be used.

For a binary response: If ntrees is larger than 1, the logistic regression approach of logic regreesion will be used. If ntrees is 1, then by default the classification approach of logic regression will be used (see glm.if.1tree.)

For a continuous response: A linear regression model with ntrees trees is fitted in each of the B iterations.

For a categorical response: n.lev1n.lev-1 logic regression models with ntrees trees are fitted, where n.levn.lev is the number of levels of the response (for details, see mlogreg).

For a response of class Surv: A Cox proportional hazards regression model with ntrees trees is fitted in each of the B iterations.


a numeric value specifying the maximum number of leaves used in all trees combined. See the help page of the function logreg of the package LogicReg for details.


if ntrees is 1 and glm.if.1tree is TRUE the logistic regression approach of logic regression is used instead of the classification approach. Ignored if ntrees is not 1 or the response is not binary.


should sampling of the cases be done with replacement? If TRUE, a bootstrap sample of size length(cl) is drawn from the length(cl) observations in each of the B iterations. If FALSE, ceiling(sub.frac * length(cl)) of the observations are drawn without replacement in each iteration.


a proportion specifying the fraction of the observations that are used in each iteration to build a classification rule if replace = FALSE. Ignored if replace = TRUE.


a list containing the parameters for simulated annealing. See the help page of logreg.anneal.control in the LogicReg package.


should the out-of-bag error rate (classification and logistic regression) or the out-of-bag root mean square prediction error (linear regression), respectively, be computed?


should in the single tree case the multiple tree measure be used? If TRUE, the prime implicants are only removed from the trees when determining the importance in the single tree case. If FALSE, the original single tree measure is computed for each prime implicant, i.e.\ a prime implicant is not only removed from the trees in which it is contained, but also added to the trees that do not contain this interaction. Ignored in all other than the classification case.

a numeric value between 0 and 1. If the outcome of the logistic regression, i.e.\ the class probability, for an observation is larger than, this observations will be classified as case (or 1).


should the measure of importance be computed?


a character string naming the score that should be used in the computation of the importance measure for a survival time analysis. By default, the distance between predicted outcomes (score = "DPO") proposed by Tietz et al.\ (2018) is used in the determination of the importance of the variables. Alternatively, Harrell's C-Index ("Conc"), the Brier score ("Brier"), or the predictive partial log-likelihood ("PL") can be used.


should the matrix containing the improvements due to the prime implicants in each of the iterations be added to the output? (For each of the prime implicants, the importance is computed by the average over the B improvements.) Must be set to TRUE, if standardized importances should be computed using vim.norm, or if permutation based importances should be computed using vim.signperm. If ensemble = TRUE and addMatImp = TRUE in the survival case, the respective score of the full model is added to the output instead of an improvement matrix.


should a greedy search (as implemented in logreg) be used instead of simulated annealing?


a list consisting of character vectors specifying SNPs that are in LD. If specified, all SNPs need to occur exactly one time in this list. If specified, the importance measures are adjusted for LD by considering the SNPs within a LD block as exchangable.


logical specifying whether the measures should be adjusted for noise. Often, the interaction actually associated with the response is not exactly found in some iterations of logic bagging, but an interaction is identified that additionally contains one (or seldomly more) noise SNPs. If adjusted is set to TRUE, the values of the importance measure is corrected for this behaviour.


in the case of a survival outcome, should ensemble importance measures (as, e.g., in randomSurvivalSRC be used? If FALSE, importance measures analogous to the ones in the logicFS analysis of other outcomes are used (see Tietz et al., 2018).


numeric value. If specified, the random number generator will be set into a reproducible state.


an object of class formula describing the model that should be fitted.


a data frame containing the variables in the model. Each row of data must correspond to an observation, and each column to a binary variable (coded by 0 and 1) or a factor (for details, see recdom) except for the column comprising the response, where no missing values are allowed in data. The response must be either binary (coded by 0 and 1), categorical, continuous, or a right-censored survival time. If a survival time, i.e. an object of class Surv, a Cox propotional hazard model is fitted in each of the B iterations of logicFS. If continuous, a linear model is fitted in each iterations. If categorical, the column of data specifying the response must be a factor. In this case, multinomial logic regressions are performed as implemented in mlogreg. Otherwise, depending on ntrees (and glm.if.1tree) the classification or the logistic regression approach of logic regression is used.


a logical value or vector of length ncol(data) comprising whether a SNP should be transformed into two binary dummy variables coding for a recessive and a dominant effect. If recdom is TRUE (and a logical value), then all factors/variables with three levels will be coded by two dummy variables as described in make.snp.dummy. Each level of each of the other factors (also factors specifying a SNP that shows only two genotypes) is coded by one indicator variable. If recdom isFALSE (and a logical value), each level of each factor is coded by an indicator variable. If recdom is a logical vector, all factors corresponding to an entry in recdom that is TRUE are assumed to be SNPs and transformed into two binary variables as described above. All variables corresponding to entries of recdom that are TRUE (no matter whether recdom is a vector or a value) must be coded either by the integers 1 (coding for the homozygous reference genotype), 2 (heterozygous), and 3 (homozygous variant), or alternatively by the number of minor alleles, i.e. 0, 1, and 2, where no mixing of the two coding schemes is allowed. Thus, it is not allowed that some SNPs are coded by 1, 2, and 3, and others are coded by 0, 1, and 2.


for the formula method, optional parameters to be passed to the low level function logic.bagging.default. Otherwise, ignored.


logic.bagging returns an object of class logicBagg containing


a list containing the B logic regression models,


a list specifying the B Bootstrap samples,


an object of class logicFS (if importance = TRUE),


the out-of-bag error (if oob = TRUE),


further parameters of the logic regression.


Holger Schwender, [email protected]; Tobias Tietz, [email protected]


Ruczinski, I., Kooperberg, C., LeBlanc M.L. (2003). Logic Regression. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 12, 475-511.

Schwender, H., Ickstadt, K. (2007). Identification of SNP Interactions Using Logic Regression. Biostatistics, 9(1), 187-198.

Tietz, T., Selinski, S., Golka, K., Hengstler, J.G., Gripp, S., Ickstadt, K., Ruczinski, I., Schwender, H. (2018). Identification of Interactions of Binary Variables Associated with Survival Time Using survivalFS. Submitted.

See Also

predict.logicBagg, plot.logicBagg, logicFS


## Not run: 
 # Load data.
   # For logic regression and hence logic.bagging, the variables must
   # be binary. data.logicfs, however, contains categorical data 
   # with realizations 1, 2 and 3. Such data can be transformed 
   # into binary data by
   # To speed up the search for the best logic regression models
   # only a small number of iterations is used in simulated annealing.
   # Bagged logic regression is then performed by
   # The output of logic.bagging can be printed
   # By default, also the importances of the interactions are 
   # computed
   # and can be plotted.
   # The original variable names are displayed in
   # New observations (here we assume that these observations are
   # in data.logicfs) are assigned to one of the classes by

## End(Not run)

Prime Implicants


Computes the out-of-bag error of the classification rule comprised by a logicBagg object.


logic.oob(log.out, = 0.5)



an object of class logicBagg, i.e.\ the output of logic.bagging.

a numeric value between 0 and 1. If the logic regression models are logistic regression models, i.e.\ if in logic.bagging ntree is set to a value larger than 1, or glm.if.1tree is set to TRUE, then an observation will be classified as case (or more exactly, as 1) if the class probability is larger than


The out-of-bag error estimate.


Holger Schwender, [email protected]

See Also


Prime Implicants


Determines the prime implicants contained in the logic regression models comprised in an object of class logicBagg.





an object of class logicBagg, i.e.\ the output of logic.bagging.


Since we are interested in all potentially interested interactions and not in a minimum set of them, logic.pimp and returns all prime implicants and not a minimum number of them.


A list consisting of the prime implicants for each of the B logic regression models of log.out.


Holger Schwender, [email protected]

See Also

logic.bagging, logicFS, prime.implicants

Feature Selection with Logic Regression


Identification of interesting interactions between binary variables using logic regression. Currently available for the classification, the linear regression and the logistic regression approach of logreg and for a multinomial logic regression as implemented in mlogreg.


## Default S3 method:
logicFS(x, y, B = 100, useN = TRUE, ntrees = 1, nleaves = 8, 
  glm.if.1tree = FALSE, replace = TRUE, sub.frac = 0.632, 
  anneal.control = logreg.anneal.control(), onlyRemove = FALSE, = 0.5, score = c("DPO", "Conc", "Brier", "PL"), 
	addMatImp = TRUE, fast = FALSE, neighbor = NULL, 
	adjusted = FALSE, ensemble = FALSE, rand = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'formula'
logicFS(formula, data, recdom = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'logicBagg'
logicFS(x, neighbor = NULL, adjusted = FALSE, = 0.5, score = c("DPO", "Conc", "Brier", "PL"), 
	ensemble = FALSE, addMatImp = TRUE, ...)



a matrix consisting of 0's and 1's. Alternatively, x can also be an object of class logicBagg, i.e. the output of logic.bagging. If a matrix, each column must correspond to a binary variable and each row to an observation. Missing values are not allowed.


a numeric vector, a factor, or a vector of class Surv specifying the values of a response for all the observations represented in x, where no missing values are allowed in y. If a numeric vector, then y either contains the class labels (coded by 0 and 1) or the values of a continuous response depending on whether the classification or logistic regression approach of logic regression, or the linear regression approach, respectively, should be used. If the response is categorical, then y must be a factor naming the class labels of the observations. If the response is a (right-censored survival time), then y must be vector of class Surv (generated, e.g., with the function Surv from the R package survival.


an integer specifying the number of iterations.


logical specifying if the number of correctly classified out-of-bag observations should be used in the computation of the importance measure. If FALSE, the proportion of correctly classified oob observations is used instead. Ignored in the survival case.


an integer indicating how many trees should be used.

For a binary response: If ntrees is larger than 1, the logistic regression approach of logic regreesion will be used. If ntrees is 1, then by default the classification approach of logic regression will be used (see glm.if.1tree.)

For a continuous response: A linear regression model with ntrees trees is fitted in each of the B iterations.

For a categorical response: n.lev1n.lev-1 logic regression models with ntrees trees are fitted, where n.levn.lev is the number of levels of the response (for details, see mlogreg).

For a response of class Surv: A Cox proportional hazards regression model with ntrees trees is fitted in each of the B iterations.


a numeric value specifying the maximum number of leaves used in all trees combined. For details, see the help page of the function logreg of the package LogicReg.


if ntrees is 1 and glm.if.1tree is TRUE the logistic regression approach of logic regression is used instead of the classification approach. Ignored if ntrees is not 1, or the response is not binary.


should sampling of the cases be done with replacement? If TRUE, a Bootstrap sample of size length(y) is drawn from the length(y) observations in each of the B iterations. If FALSE, ceiling(sub.frac * length(y)) of the observations are drawn without replacement in each iteration.


a proportion specifying the fraction of the observations that are used in each iteration to build a classification rule if replace = FALSE. Ignored if replace = TRUE.


a list containing the parameters for simulated annealing. See the help of the function logreg.anneal.control in the LogicReg package.


should in the single tree case the multiple tree measure be used? If TRUE, the prime implicants are only removed from the trees when determining the importance in the single tree case. If FALSE, the original single tree measure is computed for each prime implicant, i.e.\ a prime implicant is not only removed from the trees in which it is contained, but also added to the trees that do not contain this interaction. Ignored in all other than the classification case.

a numeric value between 0 and 1. If the outcome of the logistic regression, i.e.\ the predicted probability, for an observation is larger than this observations will be classified as case (or 1).


a character string naming the score that should be used in the computation of the importance measure for a survival time analysis. By default, the distance between predicted outcomes (score = "DPO") proposed by Tietz et al.\ (2018) is used in the determination of the importance of the variables. Alternatively, Harrell's C-Index ("Conc"), the Brier score ("Brier"), or the predictive partial log-likelihood ("PL") can be used.


should the matrix containing the improvements due to the prime implicants in each of the iterations be added to the output? (For each of the prime implicants, the importance is computed by the average over the B improvements.) Must be set to TRUE, if standardized importances should be computed using vim.norm, or if permutation based importances should be computed using vim.signperm. If ensemble = TRUE and addMatImp = TRUE in the survival case, the respective score of the full model is added to the output instead of an improvement matrix.


should a greedy search (as implemented in logreg) be used instead of simulated annealing?


a list consisting of character vectors specifying SNPs that are in LD. If specified, all SNPs need to occur exactly one time in this list. If specified, the importance measures are adjusted for LD by considering the SNPs within a LD block as exchangable.


logical specifying whether the measures should be adjusted for noise. Often, the interaction actually associated with the response is not exactly found in some iterations of logic bagging, but an interaction is identified that additionally contains one (or seldomly more) noise SNPs. If adjusted is set to TRUE, the values of the importance measure is corrected for this behaviour.


in the case of a survival outcome, should ensemble importance measures (as, e.g., in randomSurvivalSRC be used? If FALSE, importance measures analogous to the ones in the logicFS analysis of other outcomes are used (see Tietz et al., 2018).


numeric value. If specified, the random number generator will be set into a reproducible state.


an object of class formula describing the model that should be fitted.


a data frame containing the variables in the model. Each row of data must correspond to an observation, and each column to a binary variable (coded by 0 and 1) or a factor (for details, see recdom) except for the column comprising the response, where no missing values are allowed in data. The response must be either binary (coded by 0 and 1), categorical, continuous, or a right-censored survival time. If a survival time, i.e. an object of class Surv, a Cox propotional hazard model is fitted in each of the B iterations of logicFS. If continuous, a linear model is fitted in each iterations. If categorical, the column of data specifying the response must be a factor. In this case, multinomial logic regressions are performed as implemented in mlogreg. Otherwise, depending on ntrees (and glm.if.1tree) the classification or the logistic regression approach of logic regression is used.


a logical value or vector of length ncol(data) comprising whether a SNP should be transformed into two binary dummy variables coding for a recessive and a dominant effect. If recdom is TRUE (and a logical value), then all factors/variables with three levels will be coded by two dummy variables as described in make.snp.dummy. Each level of each of the other factors (also factors specifying a SNP that shows only two genotypes) is coded by one indicator variable. If recdom isFALSE (and a logical value), each level of each factor is coded by an indicator variable. If recdom is a logical vector, all factors corresponding to an entry in recdom that is TRUE are assumed to be SNPs and transformed into two binary variables as described above. All variables corresponding to entries of recdom that are TRUE (no matter whether recdom is a vector or a value) must be coded either by the integers 1 (coding for the homozygous reference genotype), 2 (heterozygous), and 3 (homozygous variant), or alternatively by the number of minor alleles, i.e. 0, 1, and 2, where no mixing of the two coding schemes is allowed. Thus, it is not allowed that some SNPs are coded by 1, 2, and 3, and others are coded by 0, 1, and 2.


for the formula method, optional parameters to be passed to the low level function logicFS.default. Otherwise, ignored.


An object of class logicFS containing


the prime implicants,


the importance of the prime implicants,


the proportion of logic regression models containing the prime implicants (or the neighbors of the prime implicants, if neighbor != NULL; or the extended primes of the prime implicants, if adjusted = TRUE; or the extended primes of the neighbors of the prime implicants, if neighbor != NULL and adjusted = TRUE),


the type of model (1: classification, 2: linear regression, 3: logistic regression, 4: Cox regression),


further parameters (if addInfo = TRUE),


either the matrix containing the improvements if addMatImp = TRUE and ensemble = FALSE, or the respective score of the full model if addMatImp = TRUE and ensemble = TRUE, or NULL if addMatImp = FALSE,


the name of the used importance measure,




the value of useN,






Holger Schwender, [email protected]; Tobias Tietz, [email protected]


Ruczinski, I., Kooperberg, C., LeBlanc M.L. (2003). Logic Regression. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 12, 475-511.

Schwender, H., Ickstadt, K. (2007). Identification of SNP Interactions Using Logic Regression. Biostatistics, 9(1), 187-198.

Tietz, T., Selinski, S., Golka, K., Hengstler, J.G., Gripp, S., Ickstadt, K., Ruczinski, I., Schwender, H. (2018). Identification of Interactions of Binary Variables Associated with Survival Time Using survivalFS. Submitted.

See Also

plot.logicFS, logic.bagging


## Not run: 
   # Load data.
   # For logic regression and hence logic.fs, the variables must
   # be binary. data.logicfs, however, contains categorical data 
   # with realizations 1, 2 and 3. Such data can be transformed 
   # into binary data by
   # To speed up the search for the best logic regression models
   # only a small number of iterations is used in simulated annealing.
   # Feature selection using logic regression is then done by
   # The output of logic.fs can be printed
   # One can specify another number of interactions that should be
   # printed, here, e.g., 15.
   # The variable importance can also be plotted.
   # And the original variable names are displayed in

## End(Not run)

SNPs to Dummy Variables


Transforms SNPs into binary dummy variables.





a matrix in which each column corresponds to a SNP and each row to an observation. The genotypes of all SNPs must be either coded by 1 (for the homozygous reference genotype), 2 (heterozygous), and 3 (homozygous variant) or by 0, 1, 2. It is not allowed that some SNPs following the 1, 2, 3 coding scheme and some SNPs the 0, 1, 2 coding. Missing values are allowed, but please note that neither logic.bagging nor logicFS can handle missing values so that the missing values need to be imputed (preferably before an application of make.snp.dummy.


make.snp.dummy assumes that the homozygous dominant genotype is coded by 1, the heterozygous genotype by 2, and the homozygous recessive genotype by 3. Alternatively, the three genotypes can be coded by the number of minor alleles, i.e. by 0, 1, and 2. For each SNP, two dummy variables are generated:


At least one of the bases explaining the SNP are of the recessive type.


Both bases are of the recessive type.


A matrix with 2*ncol(data) columns containing 2 dummy variables for each SNP.


See the R package scrime for more general functions for recoding SNPs.


Holger Schwender, [email protected]

Multinomial Logic Regression


Performs a multinomial logic regression for a nominal response by fitting a logic regression model (with logit as link function) for each of the levels of the response except for the level with the smallest value which is used as reference category.


## S3 method for class 'formula'
mlogreg(formula, data, recdom = TRUE, ...)

## Default S3 method:
mlogreg(x, y, ntrees = 1, nleaves = 8, anneal.control = logreg.anneal.control(), 
    select = 1, rand = NA, ...)



an object of class formula describing the model that should be fitted.


a data frame containing the variables in the model. Each column of data must correspond to a binary variable (coded by 0 and 1) or a factor (for details on factors, see recdom) except for the column comprising the response, and each row to an observation. The response must be a categorical variable with less than 10 levels. This response can be either a factor or of type numeric or character.


a logical value or vector of length ncol(data) comprising whether a SNP should be transformed into two binary dummy variables coding for a recessive and a dominant effect. If TRUE (logical value), then all factors (variables) with three levels will be coded by two dummy variables as described in make.snp.dummy. Each level of each of the other factors (also factors specifying a SNP that shows only two genotypes) is coded by one indicator variable. If FALSE (logical value), each level of each factor is coded by an indicator variable. If recdom is a logical vector, all factors corresponding to an entry in recdom that is TRUE are assumed to be SNPs and transformed into the two binary variables described above. Each variable that corresponds to an entry of recdom that is TRUE (no matter whether recdom is a vector or a value) must be coded by the integers 1 (coding for the homozygous reference genotype), 2 (heterozygous), and 3 (homozygous variant).


a matrix consisting of 0's and 1's. Each column must correspond to a binary variable and each row to an observation.


either a factor or a numeric or character vector specifying the values of the response. The length of y must be equal to the number of rows of x.


an integer indicating how many trees should be used in the logic regression models. For details, see logreg in the LogicReg package.


a numeric value specifying the maximum number of leaves used in all trees combined. See the help page of the function logreg in the LogicReg package for details.


a list containing the parameters for simulated annealing. For details, see the help page of logreg.anneal.control in the LogicReg package.


numeric value. Either 0 for a stepwise greedy selection (corresponds to select = 6 in logreg) or 1 for simulated annealing.


numeric value. If specified, the random number generator will be set into a reproducible state.


for the formula method, optional parameters to be passed to the low level function mlogreg.default. Otherwise, ignored.


An object of class mlogreg composed of


a list containing the logic regression models,


a matrix containing the binary predictors,


a vector comprising the class labels,


a numeric value naming the maximum number of trees used in the logic regressions,


a numeric value comprising the maximum number of leaves used in the logic regressions,


a logical value specifying whether the faster search algorithm, i.e.\ the greedy search, has been used.


Holger Schwender, [email protected]


Schwender, H., Ruczinski, I., Ickstadt, K. (2011). Testing SNPs and Sets of SNPs for Importance in Association Studies. Biostatistics, 12, 18-32.

See Also

predict.mlogreg, logic.bagging, logicFS

Variable Importance Plot


Generates a dotchart of the importance of the most important interactions for an object of class logicFS or logicBagg.


## S3 method for class 'logicFS'
plot(x, topX = 15, cex = 0.9, pch = 16, col = 1, show.prop = FALSE, 
   force.topX = FALSE, coded = TRUE, add.thres = TRUE, thres = NULL, 
   include0 = TRUE, add.v0 = TRUE, v0.col = "grey50", main = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'logicBagg'
plot(x, topX = 15, cex = 0.9, pch = 16, col = 1, show.prop = FALSE, 
   force.topX = FALSE, coded = TRUE, include0 = TRUE, add.v0 = TRUE,
   v0.col = "grey50", main = NULL, ...)



an object of either class logicFS or logicBagg.


integer specifying how many interactions should be shown. If topX is larger than the number of interactions contained in x all the interactions are shown. For further information, see force.topX.


a numeric value specifying the relative size of the text and symbols.


specifies the used symbol. See the help of par for details.


the color of the text and the symbols. See the help of par for how colors can be specified.


if TRUE the proportions of models that contain the interactions of interest are shown. If FALSE (default) the importances of the interactions are shown.


if TRUE exactly topX interactions are shown. If FALSE (default) all interactions up to the topXth most important one and all interactions having the same importance as the topXth most important one are shown.


should the coded variable names be displayed? Might be useful if the actual variable names are pretty long. The coded variable name of the j-th variable is Xj.


should a vertical line marking the threshold for a prime implicant to be called important be drawn in the plot? If TRUE, this vertical line will be drawn at NULL.


non-negative numeric value specifying the threshold for a prime implicant to be called important. If NULL and add.thres = TRUE, the suggested threshold from x will be used.


should the x-axis include zero regardless whether the importances of the shown interactions are much higher than 0?


should a vertical line be drawn at x=0x = 0? Ignored if include0 = FALSE and all importances are larger than zero.


the color of the vertical line at x=0x = 0. See the help page of par for how colors can be specified.


character string naming the title of the plot. If NULL, the name of the importance measure is used.




Holger Schwender, [email protected]

See Also

logicFS, logic.bagging

Survival and Cumulative Hazard Function Plot


Plots predicted survival or cumulative hazard curves of new observations for an object of class predict.survivalFS.


## S3 method for class 'predict.survivalFS'
plot(x, select_obs, xlab = "time", ylab = NULL, 
              ylim = NULL, type = "l", main = NULL, sub = NULL, 
              vec_col = NULL, vec_lty = NULL, addLegend = TRUE, ...)



an object of class predict.survivalFS as generated by the function predict.logicBagg.


a numeric vector identifying the observations whose survival curves should be plotted. If is.missing(select.obs) the first five observations, or, if the number of observations is less than five, all observations are chosen.


a title for the x axis: see title.


a title for the y axis: see title. If NULL, the title is generated automatically.


a numeric vector of length 2 that sets the limits of the y axis. If NULL, the limits are generated automatically.


character indicating the type of plotting; actually any of the types as in plot.default.


an overall title for the plot: see title. If NULL, the main title is generated automatically.


a sub title for the plot: see title. If NULL, the sub title is generated automatically.


a numeric or character vector that specifies the plotting colors of the survival curves (see par). Vector must have the same length as select_obs.


a numeric or character vector that specifies the line types of the survival curves (see par). Vector must have the same length as select_obs.


should a legend be added to the plot automatically?




Tobias Tietz, [email protected]

Predict Method for logicBagg objects


Prediction for test data using an object of class logicBagg.


## S3 method for class 'logicBagg'
predict(object, newData, = 0.5, 
    type = c("class", "prob"), score = c("DPO", "Conc", "Brier"), ...)



an object of class logicBagg.


a matrix or data frame containing new data. If omitted object\$data, i.e.\ the original training data, are used. Each row of newData must correspond to a new observation. Each row of newData must contain the same variable as the corresponding column of the data matrix used in logic.bagging, i.e.\ x if the default method of logic.bagging has been used, or data without the column containing the response if the formula method has been used.

a numeric value between 0 and 1. A new observation will be classified as case (or more exactly, as 1) if the class probability, i.e.\ the average of the predicted probabilities of the models (if the logistic regression approach of logic regression has been used), or the percentage of votes for class 1 (if the classification approach of logic regression has been used) is larger than Ignored if type = "prob" or the response is either quantitative or an object of class Surv.


character vector indicating the type of output. If "class", a numeric vector of zeros and ones containing the predicted classes of the observations (using the specification of will be returned. If "prob", the class probabilities or percentages of votes for class 1, respectively, for all observations are returned. Ignored if the response is quantitative or an object of class Surv.


a character string naming the score that should be used to assess the performance of the prediction model in the survival case. By default, the distance between predicted outcomes (score = "DPO") proposed by Tietz et al.\ (2018) is used in the assessment of the prediction performance. Alternatively, Harrell's C-Index ("Conc"), or the Brier score ("Brier") can be used. Furthermore, score determines whether a prediction for the cumulative hazard function (score = "DPO" or score = "Conc") or the survival function (score = "Brier") of the new observations should be made. Ignored in all other than the survival case.




A numeric vector containing the predicted classes (if type = "class") or the class probabilities (if type = "prob") of the new observations if the classification or the logistic regression approach of logic regression is used. If the response is quantitative, the predicted value of the response for all observations in the test data set is returned. If the response is of class Surv, an object of class predict.survivalFS with either an prediction for the cumulative hazard function or the survival function of the new observations is returned.


Holger Schwender, [email protected], Tobias Tietz, [email protected]

See Also


Predict Method for mlogreg Objects


Prediction for test data using an object of class mlogreg.


## S3 method for class 'mlogreg'
predict(object, newData, type = c("class", "prob"), ...)



an object of class mlogreg, i.e.\ the output of the function mlogreg.


a matrix or data frame containing new data. If omitted object\$data, i.e.\ the original training data, are used. Each row of newData must correspond to a new observation. Each row of newData must contain the same variable as the corresponding column of the data matrix used in mlogreg, i.e.\ x if the default method of mlogreg has been used, or data without the column containing the response if the formula method has been used.


character vector indicating the type of output. If "class", a vector containing the predicted classes of the observations will be returned. If "prob", the class probabilities for each level and all observations are returned.




A numeric vector containing the predicted classes (if type = "class"), or a matrix composed of the class probabilities (if type = "prob").


Holger Schwender, [email protected]

See Also


Print a logicFS object


Prints an object of class logicFS.


## S3 method for class 'logicFS'
print(x, topX = 5, show.prop = TRUE, coded = FALSE, digits = 2, ...)



an object of either class logicFS.


integer indicating how many interactions should be shown. Additionally to the topX most important interactions, any interaction having the same importance as the topX most important one are also shown.


should the proportions of models containing the interactions of interest also be shown?


should the coded variable names be displayed? Might be useful if the actual variable names are pretty long. The coded variable name of the j-th variable is Xj.


number of digits used in the output.




Holger Schwender, [email protected]

See Also

logicFS, vim.logicFS

Logic Feature Selection for Survival Data


Identification of interactions of binary variables associated with survival time using logic regression.


## Default S3 method:
survivalFS(x, y, B = 20, replace = FALSE, 
  sub.frac = 0.632, score = c("DPO", "Conc", "Brier", "PL"), 
	addMatImp = TRUE, adjusted = FALSE, neighbor = NULL, 
	ensemble = FALSE, rand = NULL, ...)
## S3 method for class 'formula'
survivalFS(formula, data, recdom = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'logicBagg'
survivalFS(x, score = c("DPO", "Conc", "Brier", "PL"),
  adjusted = FALSE, neighbor = NULL, ensemble = FALSE,
	addMatImp = TRUE, rand = NULL, ...)



a matrix consisting of 0's and 1's. Alternatively, x can also be an object of class logicBagg, i.e. the output of logic.bagging. If a matrix, each column must correspond to a binary variable and each row to an observation. Missing values are not allowed.


a vector of class Surv specifying the right-censored survival time for all observations represented in x, where no missing values are allowed in y. This vector can, e.g., be generated using the function Surv from the R package survival.


an integer specifying the number of iterations.


should sampling of the cases be done with replacement? If TRUE, a Bootstrap sample of size length(y) is drawn from the length(y) observations in each of the B iterations. If FALSE, ceiling(sub.frac * length(y)) of the observations are drawn without replacement in each iteration.


a proportion specifying the fraction of the observations that are used in each iteration to build a classification rule if replace = FALSE. Ignored if replace = TRUE.


a character string naming the score that should be used in the computation of the importance measure for a survival time analysis. By default, the distance between predicted outcomes (score = "DPO") proposed by Tietz et al.\ (2018) is used in the determination of the importance of the variables. Alternatively, Harrell's C-Index ("Conc"), the Brier score ("Brier"), or the predictive partial log-likelihood ("PL") can be used.


should the matrix containing the improvements due to the prime implicants in each of the iterations be added to the output if ensemble = FALSE? (For each of the prime implicants, the importance is computed by the average over the B improvements.) If ensemble = TRUE and addMatImp = TRUE, the respective score of the full model is added to the output instead of an improvement matrix.


logical specifying whether the measures should be adjusted for noise. Often, the interaction actually associated with the response is not exactly found in some iterations of logic bagging, but an interaction is identified that additionally contains one (or seldomly more) noise SNPs. If adjusted is set to TRUE, the values of the importance measure is corrected for this behaviour.


a list consisting of character vectors specifying SNPs that are in LD. If specified, all SNPs need to occur exactly one time in this list. If specified, the importance measures are adjusted for LD by considering the SNPs within a LD block as exchangable.


in the case of a survival outcome, should ensemble importance measures (as, e.g., in randomSurvivalSRC be used? If FALSE, importance measures analogous to the ones in the logicFS analysis of other outcomes are used (see Tietz et al., 2018).


numeric value. If specified, the random number generator will be set into a reproducible state.


an object of class formula describing the model that should be fitted.


a data frame containing the variables in the model. Each row of data must correspond to an observation, and each column to a binary variable (coded by 0 and 1) or a factor (for details, see recdom) except for the column comprising the response, where no missing values are allowed in data. The response must be an object of class Surv.


a logical value or vector of length ncol(data) comprising whether a SNP should be transformed into two binary dummy variables coding for a recessive and a dominant effect. If recdom is TRUE (and a logical value), then all factors/variables with three levels will be coded by two dummy variables as described in make.snp.dummy. Each level of each of the other factors (also factors specifying a SNP that shows only two genotypes) is coded by one indicator variable. If recdom isFALSE (and a logical value), each level of each factor is coded by an indicator variable. If recdom is a logical vector, all factors corresponding to an entry in recdom that is TRUE are assumed to be SNPs and transformed into two binary variables as described above. All variables corresponding to entries of recdom that are TRUE (no matter whether recdom is a vector or a value) must be coded either by the integers 1 (coding for the homozygous reference genotype), 2 (heterozygous), and 3 (homozygous variant), or alternatively by the number of minor alleles, i.e. 0, 1, and 2, where no mixing of the two coding schemes is allowed. Thus, it is not allowed that some SNPs are coded by 1, 2, and 3, and others are coded by 0, 1, and 2.


further arguments of logicFS. Ignored, if x is an object of class logicBagg.


An object of class logicFS containing


the prime implicants,


the importance of the prime implicants,


the proportion of logic regression models containing the prime implicants, (or the neighbors of the prime implicants, if neighbor != NULL; or the extended primes of the prime implicants, if adjusted = TRUE; or the extended primes of the neighbors of the prime implicants, if neighbor != NULL and adjusted = TRUE),


the type of model (1: classification, 2: linear regression, 3: logistic regression, 4: Cox regression),


further parameters (if addInfo = TRUE),


either the matrix containing the improvements if addMatImp = TRUE and ensemble = FALSE, or the respective score of the full model if addMatImp = TRUE and ensemble = TRUE, or NULL if addMatImp = FALSE,


the name of the used importance measure,




the value of useN,






Tobias Tietz, [email protected]


Tietz, T., Selinski, S., Golka, K., Hengstler, J.G., Gripp, S., Ickstadt, K., Ruczinski, I., Schwender, H. (2018). Identification of Interactions of Binary Variables Associated with Survival Time Using survivalFS. Submitted.

See Also

logicFS, logic.bagging

Approximate P-Value Based Importance Measure


Computes the importances based on an approximation to a t- or F-distribution.


vim.approxPval(object, version = 1, adjust = "bonferroni")



an object of class logicFS which contains the values of standardized importances. Only in the linear regression case, the importances in object are allowed to be non-standardized.


either 1 or 2. If 1, then the importance measure is computed by 1 - padj, where padj is the adjusted p-value. If 2, the importance measure is determined by -log10(padj), where a raw p-value equal to 0 is set to 1 / (10 * n.perm) to avoid infinitive importances.


character vector naming the method with which the raw permutation based p-values are adjusted for multiplicity. If "qvalue", the function from the package siggenes is used to compute q-values. Otherwise, p.adjust is used to adjust for multiple comparisons. See p.adjust for all other possible specifications of adjust. If "none", the raw p-values will be used.


An object of class logicFS containing the same object as object except for


the values of the importance measure based on an approximation to the t- or F-distribution,


the name of the used importance measure,


0.95 if version = 1, and -log10(0.05) if version = 2.


Holger Schwender, [email protected]


Schwender, H., Ruczinski, I., Ickstadt, K. (2011). Testing SNPs and Sets of SNPs for Importance in Association Studies. Biostatistics, 12, 18-32.

See Also

logic.bagging, logicFS, vim.input, vim.set, vim.permSet

ChiSquare Based Importance


Determining the importance of interactions found by logic.bagging or logicFS by Pearson's ChiSquare Statistic. Only available for the classification and the logistic regression approach of logic regression.


vim.chisq(object, data = NULL, cl = NULL)



either an object of class logicFS or the output of an application of logic.bagging with importance = TRUE.


a data frame or matrix consisting of 0's and 1's in which each column corresponds to one of the explanatory variables used in the original analysis with logic.bagging or logicFS, and each row corresponds to an observation. Must be specified if object is an object of class logicFS, or cl is specified. If object is an object of class logicBagg and neither data nor cl is specified, data and cl stored in object is used to compute the ChiSquare statistics. It is, however, highly recommended to use new data to test the interactions contained in object, as they have been found using the data stored in object, and it is very likely that most of them will show up as interesting if they are tested on the same data set.


a numeric vector of 0's and 1's specifying the class labels of the observations in data. Must be specified either if object is an object of class logicFS, or if data is specified.


Currently Pearson's ChiSquare statistic is computed without continuity correction.

Contrary to vim.logicFS (and vim.norm and vim.signperm), vim.chisq does neither take the logic regression models into acount nor uses the out-of-bag observations for computing the importances of the identified interactions. It "just" tests each of the found interactions on the whole data set by calculating Pearson's ChiSquare statistic for each of these interactions. It is, therefore, highly recommended to use an independent data set for specifying the importances of these interactions with vim.chisq.


An object of class logicFS containing


the prime implicants


the values of Pearson's ChiSquare statistic,






further parameters (if object is the output of logicFS or vim.logicFS with addInfo = TRUE),




"ChiSquare Based",


the 1 - 0.05/m quantile of the ChiSquare distribution with one degree of freedom,




Holger Schwender, [email protected]

See Also

logic.bagging, logicFS, vim.logicFS, vim.norm, vim.ebam

EBAM Based Importance


Determines the importance of interactions found by logic.bagging or logicFS by an Empirical Bayes Analysis of Microarrays (EBAM). Only available for the classification and the logistic regression approach of logic regression.


vim.ebam(object, data = NULL, cl = NULL, storeEBAM = FALSE, ...)



either an object of class logicFS or the output of an application of logic.bagging with importance = TRUE.


a data frame or matrix consisting of 0's and 1's in which each column corresponds to one of the explanatory variables used in the original analysis with logic.bagging or logicFS, and each row corresponds to an observation. Must be specified if object is an object of class logicFS, or cl is specified. If object is an object of class logicBagg and neither data nor cl is specified, data and cl stored in object is used to compute the ChiSquare statistics. It is, however, highly recommended to use new data to test the interactions contained in object, as they have been found using the data stored in object, and it is very likely that most of them will show up as interesting if they are tested on the same data set.


a numeric vector of 0's and 1's specifying the class labels of the observations in data. Must be specified either if object is an object of class logicFS, or if data is specified.


logical specifying whether the output of the EBAM analysis should be stored in the output of vim.ebam.


further arguments of ebam and cat.ebam. For details, see the help files of these functions from the package siggenes.


For each interaction found by logic.bagging or logicFS, the posterior probability that this interaction is significant is computed using the Empirical Bayes Analysis of Microarrays (EBAM). These posterior probabilities are used as the EBAM based importances of the interactions.

The test statistic underlying this EBAM analysis is Pearson's ChiSquare statistic. Currently, the value of this statistic is computed without continuity correction.

Contrary to vim.logicFS (and vim.norm and vim.signperm), vim.ebam does neither take the logic regression models into acount nor uses the out-of-bag observations for computing the importances of the identified interactions. It "just" tests each of the found interactions on the whole data set by calculating Pearson's ChiSquare statistic for each of these interactions and performing an EBAM analysis. It is, therefore, highly recommended to use an independent data set for specifying the importances of these interactions with vim.ebam.


An object of class logicFS containing


the prime implicants,


the posterior probabilities of the interactions,






further parameters (if object is the output of logicFS or vim.logicFS with addInfo = TRUE),




"EBAM Based",


the value of delta used in the EBAM analysis (see help files for ebam); by default: 0.9,




an object of class EBAM (only available if storeEBAM = TRUE).


Holger Schwender, [email protected]


Schwender, H. and Ickstadt, K. (2008). Empirical Bayes Analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms. BMC Bioinformatics, 9:144.

See Also

logic.bagging, logicFS, vim.logicFS, vim.norm, vim.chisq

VIM for Inputs


Quantifies the importance of each input variable occuring in at least one of the logic regression models found in the application of logic.bagging.


vim.input(object, useN = NULL, iter = NULL, prop = TRUE,
   standardize = NULL, mu = 0, addMatImp = FALSE, = 0.5, rand = NA)



an object of class logicBagg, i.e.\ the output of logic.bagging


logical specifying if the number of correctly classified out-of-bag observations should be used in the computation of the importance measure. If FALSE, the proportion of correctly classified oob observations is used instead. If NULL (default), then the specification of useN in object is used.


integer specifying the number of times the values of the considered variable are permuted in the computation of its importance. If NULL (default), the values of the variable are not permuted, but the variable is removed from the model.


should the proportion of logic regression models containing the respective variable also be computed?


should a standardized version of the importance measure for a set of variables be returned? By default, standardize = TRUE is used in the classification and the (multinomial) logistic regression case, and standarize is set to FALSE in the linear regression case. For details, see mu.


a non-negative numeric value. Ignored if standardize = FALSE. Otherwise, a t-statistic for testing the null hypothesis that the importance of the respective variable is equal to mu is computed.


should the matrix containing the improvements due to each of the variables in each of the logic regression models be added to the output?

a numeric value between 0 and 1. If the logistic regression approach of logic regression has been used in logic.bagging, then an observation will be classified as a case (or more exactly, as 1), if the class probability of this observation is larger than Otherwise, is ignored.


an integer for setting the random number generator in a reproducible case.


An object of class logicFS containing


the importances of the variables,


the proportion of logic regression models containing the respective variable (if prop = TRUE) or NULL (if prop = FALSE),


the names of the variables,


the type of model (1: classification, 2:linear regression, 3: logistic regression),


further parameters (if addInfo = TRUE in the previous call of logic.bagging),


either a matrix containing the improvements due to the variables for each of the models (if addMatImp = TRUE), or NULL (if addMatImp = FALSE),


the name of the used importance measure,


the value of useN,


NULL if standardize = FALSE, otherwise the 10.05/m1-0.05/m quantile of the t-distribution with B1B-1 degrees of freedom, where mm is the number of variables and BB is the number of logic regression models composing object,


mu (if standardize = TRUE), or NULL (otherwise),




Holger Schwender, [email protected]


Schwender, H., Ruczinski, I., Ickstadt, K. (2011). Testing SNPs and Sets of SNPs for Importance in Association Studies. Biostatistics, 12, 18-32.

See Also

logic.bagging, logicFS, vim.logicFS, vim.set, vim.ebam, vim.chisq

Importance Measures


Computes the value of the single or the multiple tree measure, respectively, for each prime implicant contained in a logic bagging model to specify the importance of the prime implicant for classification, if the response is binary. If the response is quantitative, the importance is specified by a measure based on the log2-transformed mean square prediction error. If the response is a time to an event, performance measures for time-to-event models are employed to determine the importance measures.


vim.logicFS(log.out, neighbor = NULL, adjusted = FALSE, useN = TRUE, 
   onlyRemove = FALSE, = 0.5, addInfo = FALSE, 
	 score = c("DPO", "Conc", "Brier", "PL"), ensemble = FALSE, 
	 addMatImp = TRUE)



an object of class logicBagg, i.e.\ the output of logic.bagging.


a list consisting of character vectors specifying SNPs that are in LD. If specified, all SNPs need to occur exactly one time in this list. If specified, the importance measures are adjusted for LD by considering the SNPs within a LD block as exchangable.


logical specifying whether the measures should be adjusted for noise. Often, the interaction actually associated with the response is not exactly found in some iterations of logic bagging, but an interaction is identified that additionally contains one (or seldomly more) noise SNPs. If adjusted is set to TRUE, the values of the importance measure is corrected for this behaviour.


logical specifying if the number of correctly classified out-of-bag observations should be used in the computation of the importance measure. If FALSE, the proportion of correctly classified oob observations is used instead. Ignored in the survival case.


should in the single tree case the multiple tree measure be used? If TRUE, the prime implicants are only removed from the trees when determining the importance in the single tree case. If FALSE, the original single tree measure is computed for each prime implicant, i.e.\ a prime implicant is not only removed from the trees in which it is contained, but also added to the trees that do not contain this interaction. Ignored in all other than the classification case.

a numeric value between 0 and 1. If the logistic regression approach of logic regression is used (i.e.\ if the response is binary, and in logic.bagging ntrees is set to a value larger than 1, or glm.if.1tree is set to TRUE), then an observation will be classified as a case (or more exactly as 1), if the class probability of this observation estimated by the logic bagging model is larger than


should further information on the logic regression models be added?


a character string naming the score that should be used in the computation of the importance measure for a survival time analysis. By default, the distance between predicted outcomes (score = "DPO") proposed by Tietz et al.\ (2018) is used in the determination of the importance of the variables. Alternatively, Harrell's C-Index ("Conc"), the Brier score ("Brier"), or the predictive partial log-likelihood ("PL") can be used.


in the case of a survival outcome, should ensemble importance measures (as, e.g., in randomSurvivalSRC be used? If FALSE, importance measures analogous to the ones in the logicFS analysis of other outcomes are used (see Tietz et al., 2018).


should the matrix containing the improvements due to the prime implicants in each of the iterations be added to the output? (For each of the prime implicants, the importance is computed by the average over the B improvements.) Must be set to TRUE, if standardized importances should be computed using vim.norm, or if permutation based importances should be computed using vim.signperm. If ensemble = TRUE and addMatImp = TRUE in the survival case, the respective score of the full model is added to the output instead of an improvement matrix.


An object of class logicFS containing


the prime implicants,


the importance of the prime implicants,


the proportion of logic regression models containing the prime implicants (or the neighbors of the prime implicants, if neighbor != NULL; or the extended primes of the prime implicants, if adjusted = TRUE; or the extended primes of the neighbors of the prime implicants, if neighbor != NULL and adjusted = TRUE),


the type of model (1: classification, 2: linear regression, 3: logistic regression, 4: Cox regression),


further parameters (if addInfo = TRUE),


either the matrix containing the improvements if addMatImp = TRUE and ensemble = FALSE, or the respective score of the full model if addMatImp = TRUE and ensemble = TRUE, or NULL if addMatImp = FALSE,


the name of the used importance measure,




the value of useN,






Holger Schwender, [email protected]; Tobias Tietz, [email protected]


Schwender, H., Ickstadt, K. (2007). Identification of SNP Interactions Using Logic Regression. Biostatistics, 9(1), 187-198.

Tietz, T., Selinski, S., Golka, K., Hengstler, J.G., Gripp, S., Ickstadt, K., Ruczinski, I., Schwender, H. (2018). Identification of Interactions of Binary Variables Associated with Survival Time Using survivalFS. Submitted.

See Also

logic.bagging, logicFS, vim.norm, vim.signperm

Standardized and Sign-Permutation Based Importance Measure


Computes a standarized or a sign-permutation based version of either the Single Tree Measure, the Quantitative Response Measure, or the Multiple Tree Measure.


vim.norm(object, mu = 0)

vim.signperm(object, mu = 0, n.perm = 10000, n.subset = 1000, 
  version = 1, adjust = "bonferroni", rand = NA)



either the output of logicFS or vim.logicFS with addMatImp = TRUE, or the output of logic.bagging with importance = TRUE and addMatImp = TRUE.


a non-negative numeric value against which the importances are tested. See Details.


the number of sign permutations used in vim.signperm.


an integer specifying how many permutations should be considered at once.


either 1 or 2. If 1, then the importance measure is computed by 1 - padj, where padj is the adjusted p-value. If 2, the importance measure is determined by -log10(padj), where a raw p-value equal to 0 is set to 1 / (10 * n.perm) to avoid infinitive importances.


character vector naming the method with which the raw permutation based p-values are adjusted for multiplicity. If "qvalue", the function from the package siggenes is used to compute q-values. Otherwise, p.adjust is used to adjust for multiple comparisons. See p.adjust for all other possible specifications of adjust. If "none", the raw p-values will be used. For more details, see Details.


an integer for setting the random number generator in a reproducible case.


In both vim.norm and vim.signperm, a paired t-statistic is computed for each prime implicant, where the numerator is given by VIMVIM -mu with VIM being the single or the multiple tree importance, and the denominator is the corresponding standard error computed by employing the B improvements of the considered prime implicant in the B logic regression models, where VIM is the mean over these B improvements.

Note that in the case of a quantitative response, such a standardization is not necessary. Thus, vim.norm returns a warning when the response is quantitative, and vim.signperm does not divide VIMVIM -mu by its sample standard error.

Using mu = 0 might lead to calling a prime implicant important, even though it actually shows only improvements of 1 or 0. When considering the prime implicants, it might be therefore be helpful to set mu to a value slightly larger than zero.

In vim.norm, the value of this t-statistic is returned as the standardized importance of a prime implicant. The larger this value, the more important is the prime implicant. (This applies to all importance measures – at least for those contained in this package.) Assuming normality, a possible threshold for a prime implicant to be considered as important is the 10.05/m1 - 0.05 / m quantile of the t-distribution with B1B - 1 degrees of freedom, where mm is the number of prime implicants.

In vim.signperm, the sign permutation is used to determine n.perm permuted values of the one-sample t-statistic, and to compute the raw p-values for each of the prime implicants. Afterwards, these p-values are adjusted for multiple comparisons using the method specified by adjust. The permutation based importance of a prime implicant is then given by 11 - these adjusted p-values. Here, a possible threshold for calling a prime implicant important is 0.95.


An object of class logicFS containing


the prime implicants,


the respective importance of the prime implicants,




the type of model (1: classification, 2: linear regression, 3: logistic regression),


further parameters (if addInfo = TRUE),




the name of the used importance measure,


the value of useN from the original analysis with, e.g., logicFS,


the threshold suggested in Details,




Holger Schwender, [email protected]


Schwender, H., Ruczinski, I., Ickstadt, K. (2011). Testing SNPs and Sets of SNPs for Importance in Association Studies. Biostatistics, 12, 18-32.

See Also

logic.bagging, logicFS, vim.logicFS, vim.chisq, vim.ebam

Permutation Based Importance Measures


Computes the importances of input variables, SNPs, or sets of SNPs, respectively, based on permutations of the response. Currently only available for the classification and the logistic regression approach of logic regression.


vim.permInput(object, n.perm = NULL, standardize = TRUE, 
    rebuild = FALSE, = 0.5, useAll = FALSE, version = 1, 
    adjust = "bonferroni", addMatPerm = FALSE, rand=NA)

  vim.permSNP(object, n.perm = NULL, standardize = TRUE,
     rebuild = FALSE, = 0.5, useAll = FALSE, version = 1,
     adjust = "bonferroni", addMatPerm = FALSE, rand = NA)

  vim.permSet(object, set = NULL, n.perm = NULL, standardize = TRUE,
     rebuild = FALSE, = 0.5, useAll = FALSE, version = 1,
     adjust = "bonferroni", addMatPerm = FALSE, rand = NA)



an object of class logicBagg, i.e.\ the output of logic.bagging.


either a list or a character or numeric vector.

If NULL (default), then it will be assumed that data, i.e.\ the data set used in the application of logic.bagging, has been generated using make.snp.dummy or similar functions for coding variables by binary variables, i.e.\ with a function that splits a variable, say SNPx, into the dummy variables SNPx.1, SNPx.2, ... (where the “." can also be any other sign, e.g., an underscore).

If a character or a numeric vector, then the length of set must be equal to the number of variables used in object, i.e.\ the number of columns of data in the logicBagg object, and must specify the set to which a variable belongs either by an integer between 1 and the number of sets, or by a set name. If a variable should not be included in any of the sets, set the corresponding entry of set to NA. Using this specification of set it is not possible to assign a variable to more than one sets. For such a case, set set to a list (as follows).

If set is a list, then each object in this list represents a set of variables. Therefore, each object must be either a character or a numeric vector specifying either the names of the variables that belongs to the respective set or the columns of data that contains these variables. If names(set) is NULL, generic names will be employed as names for the sets. Otherwise, names(set) are used.


number of permutations used in the computation of the importances. By default (i.e.\ if n.perm = NULL), 100 permutations are used if rebuild = TRUE and the regression approach of logic regression has been used in logic.bagging (by setting ntrees to an integer larger than 1, or glm.if.1tree = TRUE). Otherwise, 1000 permutation are employed. Note that actually much more permutations should be used.


should the standardized importance measure be used?


logical indicating whether the logic regression models should be rebuild (i.e.\ the parameters β\beta of the generalized linear models should be recomputed) after removing a variable or a set of variables from the logic trees and for each permutation of the response. Note that setting rebuild = TRUE increases the computation time substantially.

a numeric value between 0 and 1. If the logistic regression approach of logic regression has been used in logic.bagging, then an observation will be classified as a case (or more exactly, as 1), if the class probability of this observation is larger than Otherwise, is ignored.


logical indicating whether all mm * n.perm permuted values should be used in the computation of the permutation based p-values, where mm is the number of variables or sets of variables, respectively. If FALSE, the n.perm permuted values corresponding to the respective variable (or set of variables) are employed in the determination of the p-value of this variable (or set of variables).


either 1 or 2. If 1, then the importance measure is computed by 1 - padj, where padj is the adjusted p-value. If 2, the importance measure is determined by -log10(padj), where a raw p-value equal to 0 is set to 1 / (10 * n.perm) to avoid infinitive importances.


character vector naming the method with which the raw permutation based p-values are adjusted for multiplicity. If "qvalue", the function from the package siggenes is used to compute q-values. Otherwise, p.adjust is used to adjust for multiple comparisons. See p.adjust for all other possible specifications of adjust. If "none", the raw p-values will be used.


should the (n.perm + 1) x mm matrix containing the original values (first column) and the permuted values (the remaining columns) of the importance measure for the mm variables or mm sets of variables be added to the output?


an integer for setting the random number generator in a reproducible state.


An object of class logicFS containing


the values of the importance measure for the input variables, the SNPs, or the sets of SNPs, respectively,




the names of the inputs, SNPs, or sets of variables, respectively,


the type of model (1: classification, 3: logistic regression),






the name of the used importance measure,


0.95, i.e.\ the suggested threshold for calling an input, SNP or set of SNPs, respectively, important (this is just used as default value when plotting the importances, see argument thres of plot.logicFS),






either "Variable", "SNP", or "Set",


if addMatPerm = FALSE, NULL; otherwise, a matrix containing the original and the permuted values of the respective importance measure.


Holger Schwender, [email protected]


Schwender, H., Ruczinski, I., Ickstadt, K. (2011). Testing SNPs and Sets of SNPs for Importance in Association Studies. Biostatistics, 12, 18-32.

See Also

logic.bagging, vim.input, vim.set, vim.signperm

VIM for SNPs and Sets of Variables


Quantifies the importances of SNPs or sets of variables, respectively, contained in a logic bagging model.


vim.snp(object, useN = NULL, iter = NULL, standardize = NULL, 
     mu = 0, addMatImp = FALSE, = 0.5, 
     score = c("DPO", "Conc", "Brier", "PL"), ensemble = FALSE, 
     rand = NULL)

  vim.set(object, set = NULL, useN = NULL, iter = NULL, standardize = NULL, 
     mu = 0, addMatImp = FALSE, = 0.5, 
     score = c("DPO", "Conc", "Brier", "PL"), ensemble = FALSE,
     rand = NULL)



an object of class logicBagg, i.e.\ the output of logic.bagging.


either a list or a character or numeric vector.

If NULL (default), then it will be assumed that data, i.e.\ the data set used in the application of logic.bagging, has been generated using make.snp.dummy or similar functions for coding variables by binary variables, i.e.\ with a function that splits a variable, say SNPx, into the dummy variables SNPx.1, SNPx.2, ... (where the “." can also be any other sign, e.g., an underscore).

If a character or a numeric vector, then the length of set must be equal to the number of variables used in object, i.e.\ the number of columns of data in the logicBagg object, and must specify the set to which a variable belongs either by an integer between 1 and the number of sets, or by a set name. If a variable should not be included in any of the sets, set the corresponding entry of set to NA. Using this specification of set it is not possible to assign a variable to more than one sets. For such a case, set set to a list (as follows).

If set is a list, then each object in this list represents a set of variables. Therefore, each object must be either a character or a numeric vector specifying either the names of the variables that belongs to the respective set or the columns of data that contains these variables. If names(set) is NULL, generic names will be employed as names for the sets. Otherwise, names(set) are used.


logical specifying if the number of correctly classified out-of-bag observations should be used in the computation of the importance measure. If FALSE, the proportion of correctly classified oob observations is used instead. If NULL (default), then the specification of useN in object is used. In the survival case, useN is ignored.


integer specifying the number of times the values of the variables in the respective set are permuted in the computation of the importance of this set. If NULL (default), the values of the variables are not permuted, but all variables belonging to the set are removed from the model. Permutation of variables is not available in the survival case, i.e. iter is set to NULL.


should a standardized version of the importance measure for a set of variables be returned? By default, standardize = TRUE is used in the classification and the (multinomial) logistic regression case, and standarize is set to FALSE in the linear regression case. Standardization is not available in the survival case. For details, see mu.


a non-negative numeric value. Ignored if standardize = FALSE. Otherwise, a t-statistic for testing the null hypothesis that the importance of the respective set is equal to mu is computed.


should the matrix containing the improvements due to each of the sets in each of the logic regression models be added to the output? If ensemble = TRUE and addMatImp = TRUE in the survival case, the respective score of the full model is added to the output instead of an improvement matrix.

a numeric value between 0 and 1. If the logistic regression approach of logic regression has been used in logic.bagging, then an observation will be classified as a case (or more exactly, as 1), if the class probability of this observation is larger than Otherwise, is ignored.


a character string naming the score that should be used in the computation of the importance measure for a survival time analysis. By default, the distance between predicted outcomes (score = "DPO") proposed by Tietz et al.\ (2018) is used in the determination of the importance of the variables. Alternatively, Harrell's C-Index ("Conc"), the Brier score ("Brier"), or the predictive partial log-likelihood ("PL") can be used.


in the case of a survival outcome, should ensemble importance measures (as, e.g., in randomSurvivalSRC be used? If FALSE, importance measures analogous to the ones in the logicFS analysis of other outcomes are used (see Tietz et al., 2018).


an integer for setting the random number generator in a reproducible state.


An object of class logicFS containing


the importances of the sets of variables,




the names of the sets of variables,


the type of model (1: classification, 2:linear regression, 3: logistic regression, 4: Cox regression),


further parameters (if addInfo = TRUE in the previous call of logic.bagging), or NULL (otherwise),


either a matrix containing the improvements due to the sets of variables for each of the models (if addMatImp = TRUE and ensemble = FALSE), or the respective score of the full model (if addMatImp = TRUE and ensemble = TRUE, or NULL (if addMatImp = FALSE),


the name of the used importance measure,


the value of useN,


NULL if standardize = FALSE, otherwise the 10.05/m1-0.05/m quantile of the t-distribution with B1B-1 degrees of freedom, where mm is the number of sets and BB is the number of logic regression models composing object,


mu (if standardize = TRUE), or NULL (otherwise),






Holger Schwender, [email protected]; Tobias Tietz, [email protected]


Schwender, H., Ruczinski, I., Ickstadt, K. (2011). Testing SNPs and Sets of SNPs for Importance in Association Studies. Biostatistics, 12, 18-32.

Tietz, T., Selinski, S., Golka, K., Hengstler, J.G., Gripp, S., Ickstadt, K., Ruczinski, I., Schwender, H. (2018). Identification of Interactions of Binary Variables Associated with Survival Time Using survivalFS. Submitted.

See Also

logic.bagging, logicFS, vim.logicFS, vim.input, vim.ebam, vim.chisq