Title: | Identifying Differential Effects in Tiling Microarray Data |
Description: | The 'les' package estimates Loci of Enhanced Significance (LES) in tiling microarray data. These are regions of regulation such as found in differential transcription, CHiP-chip, or DNA modification analysis. The package provides a universal framework suitable for identifying differential effects in tiling microarray data sets, and is independent of the underlying statistics at the level of single probes. |
Authors: | Julian Gehring, Clemens Kreutz, Jens Timmer |
Maintainer: | Julian Gehring <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.57.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-20 05:16:27 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/les |
The 'les' package estimates Loci of Enhanced Significance (LES) in tiling microarray data. These are regions of regulation such as found in differential transcription, CHiP-chip, or DNA modification analysis. The package provides a universal framework suitable for identifying differential effects in tiling microarray data sets, and is independent of the underlying statistics at the level of single probes.
The 'les' package provides a universal framework for detecting differential effects in tiling microarray experiments.
It is universal in the sense that one is free to choose any
statistical test to estimate the effect of differential effect for
each probe on the tiling microarray. Provided with the p-values for each probe
and the corresponding positions of the probes, 'les' uses a sliding
window approach to estimate the fraction of regulated probes in the
local surrounding of each probe. The approach is related to computing
a spatially resolved and weighted false discovery rate, and yields a
interpretable statistical feature .
Resulting regions can be scored according to their overall effect. Methods for high-level plotting and export of the results to other software and genome browsers are provided.
The 'les' package is published under the GPL-3 license.
Julian Gehring, Clemens Kreutz, Jens Timmer
Maintainer: Julian Gehring <[email protected]>
in preparation
This package is based on:
Kilian Bartholome, Clemens Kreutz, and Jens Timmer: Estimation of gene induction enables a relevance-based ranking of gene sets, Journal of Computational Biology: A Journal of Computational Molecular Cell Biology 16, no. 7 (July 2009): 959-967. http://www.liebertonline.com/doi/abs/10.1089/cmb.2008.0226
Methods and functions:
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, 200) x <- threshold(x) x <- regions(x) subset <- pos >= 5232300 & pos <= 5233200 x <- ci(x, subset, conf=0.90, nBoot=50) ## plot data plot(x, region=TRUE) plot(x, region=TRUE, error="ci") ## Not run: ## export data of chromosome 1 export(x, file="les_out.bed", chr=1) export(x, file="les_out.wig", format="wig", chr=1) ## End(Not run)
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, 200) x <- threshold(x) x <- regions(x) subset <- pos >= 5232300 & pos <= 5233200 x <- ci(x, subset, conf=0.90, nBoot=50) ## plot data plot(x, region=TRUE) plot(x, region=TRUE, error="ci") ## Not run: ## export data of chromosome 1 export(x, file="les_out.bed", chr=1) export(x, file="les_out.wig", format="wig", chr=1) ## End(Not run)
The 'chi2' method can be used to optimize the window size for defined
regions of interest. It computes for window
based on the estimates of
the false-discovery rate.
chi2(object, winSize, regions, offset, fdr = "lfdr", method, scaling = les:::scaleNorm, nCores = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Les' chi2(object, winSize, regions, offset, fdr = "lfdr", method, scaling = les:::scaleNorm, nCores = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)
chi2(object, winSize, regions, offset, fdr = "lfdr", method, scaling = les:::scaleNorm, nCores = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Les' chi2(object, winSize, regions, offset, fdr = "lfdr", method, scaling = les:::scaleNorm, nCores = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)
object |
Object of class 'Les' as returned by 'estimate' or a subsequent step. |
winSize |
Integer vector specifying the window sizes |
regions |
Data frame containing the regions of interest. It has to contain the columns 'start', 'end' and 'chr' specifying the start and end position for each region, as well the chromosome if more than one chromosome is present. The structure is related to the 'regions' output of the 'regions' method. If missing the data frame from the 'regions' slot will be used if available. For details please see the 'regions' method. |
offset |
Integer or vector of integers specifying the offset for the regions given by the 'regions' input argument. If missing the regions will be taken as specified. If present start and end of each regions will be taken as 'start - offset' and 'end + offset'. |
fdr |
Character string specifying the fdr method to use for
method |
Character string specifying the method used for linear regression. It is equivalent to the 'method' argument in the 'estimate' method. If missing the value set in the 'estimate' method will be used. |
scaling |
Function specifying the scaling of Lambda and fdr (default: les:::scaleNorm). By default both will be scaled to the range [0,1]. |
nCores |
Integer indicating the number of cores to use for computation. This feature requires the 'parallel' package which is only available for certain platforms. The package is used only if 'library(parallel)' has been called manually by the user before and if 'nCores' is an integer unequal NULL specifying the number of cores to use. The value is passed directly to 'mclapply' as argument 'n.cores'. For details and benefits please see the 'Details' section. |
verbose |
Logical indicating whether the progress of the computation should be printed on screen (default: FALSE). |
... |
Further arguments passed to subsequent functions. |
The 'chi2' method can be used to optimize the window size for defined
regions of interest. It computes for each
window size
based on the estimates of false-discovery rate (fdr) and
with a Leave-One-Out Cross Validation
(LOOCV). The shape of the
landscape can
constrain suitable values for
Object of class 'Les' with additionally filled slots: winSize, chi2
Julian Gehring
Maintainer: Julian Gehring <[email protected]>
Methods and functions:
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, 200, weighting=rectangWeight) x <- threshold(x) x <- regions(x) regions <- x["regions"] winsize <- seq(100, 300, by=20) x <- chi2(x, winsize, regions, offset=2500) plot(winsize, x["chi2"], type="b")
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, 200, weighting=rectangWeight) x <- threshold(x) x <- regions(x) regions <- x["regions"] winsize <- seq(100, 300, by=20) x <- chi2(x, winsize, regions, offset=2500) plot(winsize, x["chi2"], type="b")
Computes confidence intervals (CI) for using
ci(object, subset, nBoot = 100, conf = 0.95, nCores = NULL, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Les' ci(object, subset, nBoot = 100, conf = 0.95, nCores = NULL, ...)
ci(object, subset, nBoot = 100, conf = 0.95, nCores = NULL, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Les' ci(object, subset, nBoot = 100, conf = 0.95, nCores = NULL, ...)
object |
Object of class 'Les' as returned by 'estimate' or 'regions'. |
subset |
Vector of logical specifying the probes for which the CIs should be computed. If missing CIs will be computed for all probes. |
nBoot |
Integer specifying the number of bootstrap samples (default: 100). For details see 'boot' from the 'boot' package. |
conf |
Numeric specifying the confidence level (default: 0.95). For details see 'boot' from the 'boot' package. |
nCores |
Integer indicating the number of cores to use for computation. This feature requires the 'multicore' package which is only available for certain platforms. The package is used only if 'library(multicore)' has been called manually by the user before and if 'nCores' is an integer unequal NULL specifying the number of cores to use. The value is passed directly to 'mclapply' as argument 'n.cores'. For details and benefits please see the 'Details' section. |
... |
Further arguments passed to subsequent functions. |
The 'ci' method computes confidence intervals (CI) by bootstrapping probes in each window. Since based on percentiles the resulting CIs are asymmetrical.
All arguments for computation are taken from 'object' and thereby kept the same as for the results from 'estimation'.
Since bootstrapping is computational demanding and CIs are often only wanted for certain regions of interest it may be useful to restrict computation with the 'subset' argument.
The 'multicore' package can be used to spread the computation over several cores in a simple way. This can be useful on multi-core machines for large datasets or computation of confidence intervals for many probes. The 'multicore' package is not available on all platforms. To use multicore processing 'library(multicore)' has to be called beforehand and a number of cores to use has to be specified in 'nCores'. For details see the documentation of the 'multicore' package.
Object of class 'Les' with additionally filled slots: ci, subset, nBoot, conf
Julian Gehring
Maintainer: Julian Gehring <[email protected]>
Methods and functions:
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, win=200, grenander=FALSE) subset <- pos >= 5232300 & pos <= 5233200 x <- ci(x, subset, conf=0.90, nBoot=50) plot(x, error="ci") ## Not run: ## multicore computation ## only available on certain platforms library(multicore) x <- ci(x, subset=150:200, conf=0.90, nBoot=50, nCores=2) ## End(Not run)
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, win=200, grenander=FALSE) subset <- pos >= 5232300 & pos <= 5233200 x <- ci(x, subset, conf=0.90, nBoot=50) plot(x, error="ci") ## Not run: ## multicore computation ## only available on certain platforms library(multicore) x <- ci(x, subset=150:200, conf=0.90, nBoot=50, nCores=2) ## End(Not run)
The 'estimate' method computes the fraction of
probes with significant effect in the local surrounding of the genome.
estimate(object, win, weighting = triangWeight, grenander = TRUE, se = FALSE, minProbes = 3, method = "la", nCores = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Les' estimate(object, win, weighting = triangWeight, grenander = TRUE, se = FALSE, minProbes = 3, method = "la", nCores = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)
estimate(object, win, weighting = triangWeight, grenander = TRUE, se = FALSE, minProbes = 3, method = "la", nCores = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Les' estimate(object, win, weighting = triangWeight, grenander = TRUE, se = FALSE, minProbes = 3, method = "la", nCores = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)
object |
Object of class 'Les' containing experimental data, as returned by 'Les'. |
win |
Integer specifying window size for the weighting function. This value is directly passed to the function specified by 'weighting'. For details see the description for the used window function 'weighting'. |
weighting |
Function specifying the shape of the weighting window. If not specified the supplied 'triangWeight' function with a triangular window will be used. For details on other window functions and how to specify own functions please see the 'Details' section. |
grenander |
Logical specifying if the Grenander correction for the cumulative density should be used (default: TRUE). For details see the 'Details' section. |
se |
Logical indicating whether the standard error (SE) from the final linear model should be computed and stored (default: FALSE). The standard error displays the goodness of fit for every probe, but is not needed for further computation. If computation time is a critical factor computation of the SE can be omitted to save some time. |
minProbes |
Integer specifying the minimal number of unqiue
p-values that must be present for each fit (default: 3). For very
small number of p-values the cumulative density is not well defined
and therefore estimation has a high uncertainty. If the number of
unique p-values is smaller than 'minProbes' no estimation is
performed for this probe and |
method |
Character string specifying the method used for linear regression (default: 'la'). Possible options are 'la' for a method based on linear algebra or 'qr' for a method based on qr decomposition. 'la' will be faster for few probes, 'qr' for many probes in a window. The best choice varies between data sets, parameters and machines. However this option only influences computation time but not the results. |
nCores |
Integer indicating the number of cores to use for computation. This feature requires the 'multicore' package which is only available for certain platforms. The package is used only if 'library(multicore)' has been called manually by the user before and if 'nCores' is an integer unequal NULL specifying the number of cores to use. The value is passed directly to 'mclapply' as argument 'n.cores'. For details and benefits please see the 'Details' section. |
verbose |
Logical indicating whether the progress of the computation should be printed on screen (default: FALSE). |
... |
Further arguments passed to subsequent functions. |
This function estimates for all probes
. This is normally the first step in the analysis after
storing the experimental data with 'Les'.
The 'win' argument influences the number of neighboring probes taken into account by the weighting function. The value is passed to the function specified in 'weighting'. Larger values result in a smoother features. Details on a reasonable choice for this value can be found in the references.
With the 'weighting' argument the applied weighting function can be specified from a predefined set or a custom function can be used. In the 'les' package the four functions 'triangWeight', 'rectangWeight', 'epWeight' and 'gaussWeight' are already supplied and offer a triangular, rectangular, Epanechnikov and Gaussian weighting function respectively. For details on the functions itself and how to use custom ones please see the documentation of the single functions or the vignette of this package.
The Grenander correction for the cumulative density includes the general knowledge about the concave shape of the cumulative density. This reduces the variance of the estimates and leads to a conservative estimation. Please note that using this feature may significantly increase computation time.
The 'multicore' package can be used to spread the computation over several cores in a simple way. This can be useful on multi-core machines for large datasets. The 'multicore' package is not available on all platforms. To use multicore processing 'library(multicore)' has to be called beforehand and a number of cores to use has to be specified in 'nCores'. For details see the documentation of the 'multicore package.
Please note that calling 'estimate' with an object returned by the methods 'ci' and 'regions' will overwrite data stored by these two methods. This ensures that no inconsistent data is stored.
Object of class 'Les' with additionally filled slots: lambda, win, weighting, grenander, nProbes, se (se only if computed)
Julian Gehring
Maintainer: Julian Gehring <[email protected]>
Methods and functions:
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, win=200) x
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, win=200) x
Exports the results into files for interaction with other
software. Estimated regions can be exported in 'bed' and 'gff' format,
in 'wig' format.
export(object, file, format="bed", chr, range, description = "Lambda", strand=".", group="les", precision=4, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Les' export(object, file, format="bed", chr, range, description = "Lambda", strand=".", group="les", precision=4, ...)
export(object, file, format="bed", chr, range, description = "Lambda", strand=".", group="les", precision=4, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Les' export(object, file, format="bed", chr, range, description = "Lambda", strand=".", group="les", precision=4, ...)
object |
Object of class 'Les' containing experimental data, as returned by 'estimate' or 'regions'. |
file |
Character string specifying the file path and name for export. |
format |
Character string with the export format (default:
'bed'). Possible values are 'bed' and 'gff' for export of the
estimated regions and 'wig' for export of |
chr |
Character string specifying the chromosome from which results should be exported. This value must be set if exporting to 'wig' format, for other formats is optional. 'chr' must have exactly one match in the 'chr' argument specified in 'Les'. |
range |
Numeric vector specifying the range of probe positions which should be exported. If missing all probes of the chromosome will be exported. This value has only an effect if 'format' is set to 'wig'. |
description |
Character string with description for the exported track (default: 'Lambda'). This will be used as description by several programs and genome browsers. |
strand |
Character string with strand specification for 'gff' export (default: '.'). Possible values are '+', '-' or '.'. |
group |
Character string with group specifications of the resulting regions in 'gff' format (default: 'les'). |
precision |
Integer specifying the number of digits
... |
Further arguments passed to subsequent functions. |
This function is useful to export the estimated Lambda to external programs and genome browsers.
The 'bed', 'gff' and 'wig' format provide widely used standard formats and are compatible with most genome browsers and related software. For details about the file formats see http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html.
Julian Gehring
Maintainer: Julian Gehring <[email protected]>
Methods and functions:
## Not run: data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, 200) x <- threshold(x) x <- regions(x) export(x, file="test.bed") export(x, file="test.gff", format="gff") export(x, file="test.wig", format="wig", chr=0) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, 200) x <- threshold(x) x <- regions(x) export(x, file="test.bed") export(x, file="test.gff", format="gff") export(x, file="test.wig", format="wig", chr=0) ## End(Not run)
The class 'Les' is used by the package 'les'.
Objects of class 'Les' are constructed by calling the function 'Les'.
:Integer vector with probe positions. Provided by the user through the 'Les' function.
:Factor with chromosomes for each probe. Provided by the user through the 'Les' function.
:Numeric vector with estimates Lambda for each probe.
:Numeric vector with estimates Lambda0 without the Grenander estimator for each probe. This is used if 'grenander' is set to TRUE.
:Numeric vector with standard error from linear fitting for each probe.
:Integer with number of probes used in fit for each probe
:Numeric vector with p-values for each probe. Provided by the user through the 'Les' function.
:Integer with the window size. Set by the user in the 'estimate' function.
:Function with the weighting function used for probe weighting according to position. Set by the user in the 'estimate' function.
:Logical indicating usage of the Grenander estimator. Set by the user in the 'estimate' function.
:Data frame with the confidence intervals for each probe specified in 'subset'.
:Integer with the number of bootstraps to be drawn. Set by the user in the 'ci' function.
:Numeric with the confidence level. Set by the user in the 'ci' function.
:Integer vector with indices of bootstrap subset. Set by the user in the 'ci' function.
:Numeric with the threshold value Theta.
:Integer with the number of estimated significant probes.xs
:Data frame with estimated Loci of Enhanced Significance.
:Numeric with the threshold value for estimation of 'regions'. Set by the user in the 'regions' function.
:Integer with the number of chromosomes.
:Numeric specifying the largest gap allowed in one region. Set by the user in the 'regions' function.
:Integer specifying the minimal number of probes in one region. Set by the user in the 'regions' function.
:Integer specifying the minimal number of unique p-values allowed for each fit. Set by the user in the 'estimate' function.
:Character specifying the method used for linear regression.
:Integer vector specifying the window sizes used for chi2 computation.
:Matrix containing the chi2 values for different window sizes.
:Character vector containing the analysis steps applied on the data object. Used for internal consistency checks.
Julian Gehring
Maintainer: Julian Gehring <[email protected]>
Methods and functions:
Constructs an object of class 'Les' and stores experimental tiling microarray data. This is the initial step for all further analysis with the 'les' package.
Les(pos, pval, chr)
Les(pos, pval, chr)
pos |
Integer vector containing the probe positions. |
pval |
Numeric vector containing the p-values corresponding to 'pos'. It must be of the same length as 'pos'. |
chr |
Vector specifying the chromosome each probe in located on. If missing all probes are located on one chromosome (default: 'chr0'). If specified it must be of the same length as 'pos'. Internally it will be stored as a factor. |
This method gathers all data necessary for subsequent analysis, checks for valid inputs and stores it in an object of class 'Les'.
The data is checked for the following criteria: 'pos' and 'chr' must not contain any NAs. 'pval' may contain NAs but such probes (including corresponding 'pos' and 'chr') are discarded for subsequent computation since they contain no usable information. Please note that in such a case fewer probes are stored in the resulting object then were passed to 'Les'. In case of duplicate probe positions on one chromosome a warning is printed. This normally indicates that probes from both strands are present in the data.
After storing the experimental data with 'Les' in an object the variables containing the original data can be deleted from the workspace. All further steps of 'les' will get their data from this object. This can be useful in cases when memory usage is a critical factor.
Object of class 'Les' with filled slots: pos, pval, chr
Julian Gehring
Maintainer: Julian Gehring <[email protected]>
Methods and functions:
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x
The 'plot' method plots the estimates of the 'les' package along the
genome. This includeds with confidence
intervals and estimated regions.
plot(x, y, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Les' plot(x, y, chr, error="none", region=FALSE, limit=TRUE, rug=FALSE, xlim, ylim=c(0, 1), ...)
plot(x, y, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Les' plot(x, y, chr, error="none", region=FALSE, limit=TRUE, rug=FALSE, xlim, ylim=c(0, 1), ...)
x |
Object of class 'Les', as returned by 'estimate', 'threshold' or 'ci'. |
y |
Annotation object, currently not used. |
chr |
Character or numeric specifying which chromosome to plot. Must have a match in 'chr' passed to 'Les'. A value is required if the probes are located on more than one chromosome. |
error |
Character string specifying if error estimates for
region |
Logical indicating whether the estimated regions should be included in the plot. The 'regions' method must have been called beforehand. |
limit |
Logical specifying whether the estimated threshold
rug |
Logical whether the positions of the probes should be indicated along the x-axis (default: FALSE). For details see 'rug'. |
xlim |
Numeric vector with two elements specifying the range on the x-axis. |
ylim |
Numeric vector with two elements specifying the range on the y-axis. |
... |
Optional arguments used in order to customize the plot. See the ‘details’ section. |
This method provides high-level plotting for the 'Les' class.
The plot
method uses a special system in order to customize the
graphical elements of the figure. It allows to refer to the different
components with the name of the additional input argument; its value
is a list containing named graphical parameters for the underlying
plot function. The following list describes the possible names and
their contribution.
Arguments for the axis and the labeling, passed to the
Arguments for the border lines at
equal to 0 and 1, passed to the
Arguments for the confidence interval of
, passed to the
function of the
gplots package.
Arguments for the representation of probes,
passed to the points
Arguments for the horizontal line
representing the threshold , passed to
Arguments for the representation of
significant probes with , passed to the
Arguments for the representation of the probe
coverage along the genome, passed to the rug
Arguments for the representation of
estimated LES, passed to the rect
function. If 'col' is
specified as a function it determines the color of each region
depending on its input (default: gray()).
If 'col' is a vector its elements are used to color the regions
with recycling.
Julian Gehring
Maintainer: Julian Gehring <[email protected]>
Methods and functions:
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, 200) x <- threshold(x) x <- regions(x) plot(x, region=TRUE)
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, 200) x <- threshold(x) x <- regions(x) plot(x, region=TRUE)
Estimates distinct regions of continuously elevated
above a threshold
regions(object, limit=NULL, minLength=2, maxGap=Inf, verbose = FALSE, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Les' regions(object, limit=NULL, minLength=2, maxGap=Inf, verbose = FALSE, ...)
regions(object, limit=NULL, minLength=2, maxGap=Inf, verbose = FALSE, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Les' regions(object, limit=NULL, minLength=2, maxGap=Inf, verbose = FALSE, ...)
object |
Object of class 'Les' as returned by 'threshold'. |
limit |
Numeric specifying the threshold |
minLength |
Integer specifying the minimum number of probes in a region (default: 2). |
maxGap |
Integer specifying maximum gap in base pairs between two neighboring probes in a region (default: Inf). If this value is exceeded the region will be split into smaller ones such that one region does not have neighboring probes with larger distance than 'maxGap'. If not specified arbitrary large gap sizes are allowed. |
verbose |
Logical indicating whether a summary of the estimated regions should be printed on screen (default: FALSE). |
... |
Further arguments passed to subsequent functions. |
This method finds distinct regions in by
thresholding with
. The regions have to meet the
following criteria:
(1) For all probes in the region
has to hold.
(2) Each region has to contain at least as many probes as specified in
(3) The gap between to neighboring probes has to be smaller or equal
to 'maxGap'.
Along with the boundaries of the regions the number of regulated probes within each region is estimated. This is used to sort the regions in order to get a list of top regions. The resulting data frame containing the regions can be accessed with the '[' method.
Object of class 'Les' with additionally filled slots: regions, limit
'regions' is a data frame with variables:
chr |
Chromosome the regions is located on. |
start |
Position of the beginning of the region. |
end |
Position of the end of the region. |
size |
Extend of the region in base pairs (measured in the same units as input 'pos', normally base pairs). |
nProbes |
Number of probes in the region. |
ri |
Regulation Index of the region indicating the fraction of regulated probes in the region. |
se |
Standard error of the estimation of 'ri'. |
rs |
Regulation score defined as 'ri'/'se'. The data frame is sorted according to this variable. |
Julian Gehring
Maintainer: Julian Gehring <[email protected]>
Methods and functions:
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, win=200) x <- threshold(x, grenander=TRUE, verbose=TRUE) x <- regions(x, verbose=TRUE) print(x["regions"])
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, win=200) x <- threshold(x, grenander=TRUE, verbose=TRUE) x <- regions(x, verbose=TRUE) print(x["regions"])
This data set is part of a quality control study for tiling microarrays (Johnson et al., 2008), in which spike-ins were used to assess the influence of microarray platforms, preparation procedures, and analysis algorithms on the accuracy and reproducibility of ChIP-chip experiments. Here, the expression intensities of one region from the 'undiluted' data set investigated with Affymetrix arrays is selected, consisting of 452 probes and two conditions with three replicates each. The data has been normalized using quantile normalization and probe positions remapped to a common reference.
Matrix with expression intensities, with rows representing probes and columns arrays. The names of the rows and columns contain the probe position and the treatment, respectively.
Vector with p-values assessing the differential effect between the conditions with a modified t-test. For details, please see the vignette of this package.
Data frame containing the location of the spike-in.
GEO accession IDs: GSM248996, ..., GSM249001
Johnson, D. S. et al. (2008). Systematic evaluation of variability in ChIP-chip experiments using predefined DNA targets. Genome Research, 18(3):393-403.
This data set is part of a quality control study for tiling microarrays (Johnson et al., 2008), in which spike-ins were used to assess the influence of microarray platforms, preparation procedures, and analysis algorithms on the accuracy and reproducibility of ChIP-chip experiments. Here, the expression intensities of one region from the 'undiluted' data set investigated with Affymetrix arrays is selected, consisting of 452 probes and two conditions with three replicates each. The data has been normalized using quantile normalization and probe positions remapped to a common reference.
Vector with probe positions.
Vector with p-values assessing the differential effect between the conditions with a modified t-test. For details, please see the vignette of this package.
GEO accession IDs: GSM248996, ..., GSM249001
Johnson, D. S. et al. (2008). Systematic evaluation of variability in ChIP-chip experiments using predefined DNA targets. Genome Research, 18(3):393-403.
The 'threshold' method estimates a suitable threshold
from the data. Thresholding provides the ability
the define distinct Loci of Enhanced Significance (LES) with the
'regions' method in a later step.
threshold(object, grenander = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Les' threshold(object, grenander = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...)
threshold(object, grenander = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Les' threshold(object, grenander = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ...)
object |
Object of class 'Les' as returned by 'estimate' or 'Les'. |
grenander |
Logical indicating whether the Grenander estimator for the cumulative density should be used (default: FALSE). For details see below and at the 'GSRI' package. |
verbose |
Logical indicating whether a summary of the estimated number of regulated probes should be printed on screen (default: FALSE). |
... |
Further arguments passed to subsequent functions. |
This method estimates the number of probes with a significant
effect . The estimation is based on the p-value
distribution. The analysis is based on the 'Gene Set Regulation Index'
by Bartholome et al., 2009.
Estimation of the threshold is independent of the computation performed by the 'estimate' method.
A reasonable estimate for the cutoff value can be
chosen such that
The Grenander estimator for the cumulative density results in a conservative estimate for the number of significant probes with decreased variance.
A reasonable subsequent step is to call 'regions' to find distinct Loci of Enhanced Significance.
Object of class 'Les' with additionally filled slots:
nSigProbes |
Estimated number of significant probes. |
theta |
Estimated threshold |
Julian Gehring
Maintainer: Julian Gehring <[email protected]>
Kilian Bartholome, Clemens Kreutz, and Jens Timmer: Estimation of gene induction enables a relevance-based ranking of gene sets, Journal of Computational Biology: A Journal of Computational Molecular Cell Biology 16, no. 7 (July 2009): 959-967. http://www.liebertonline.com/doi/abs/10.1089/cmb.2008.0226
Methods and functions:
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, 200) x <- threshold(x, verbose=TRUE)
data(spikeInStat) x <- Les(pos, pval) x <- estimate(x, 200) x <- threshold(x, verbose=TRUE)
Set of functions to compute spatial weights between probes.
triangWeight(distance, win) rectangWeight(distance, win) gaussWeight(distance, win) epWeight(distance, win)
triangWeight(distance, win) rectangWeight(distance, win) gaussWeight(distance, win) epWeight(distance, win)
distance |
Numeric vector specifying the distance of probes from the central probe. Negative values refer to probes upstream, positive values to probes downstream. |
win |
Integer specifying maximum size of window. |
The functions 'triangWeight', 'rectangWeight', 'epWeight' and 'gaussWeight' provide a triangular, rectangular, Epanechnikov and Gaussian weighting window, respectively. The weighting function can be specified by the 'weightingFunction' argument in the 'estimate' method.
This way it is also possible to use custom weighting functions. In general they have to be called the same way as the functions mentioned before and have to return a vector of weights of the same length as the argument 'distance'. For more details on how to use own weighting functions please refer to the vignette of this package.
Please note that the returned weights do not have to be normalized since this is done at the computation of the weighted cumulative density.
A numeric vector with weights for each probe in the window.
Julian Gehring
Maintainer: Julian Gehring <[email protected]>
Methods and functions:
distance <- seq(-50, 50) win <- 50 weight <- triangWeight(distance, win) plot(distance, weight, type="l", main="triangWeight") weight <- rectangWeight(distance, win) plot(distance, weight, type="l", main="rectangWeight") weight <- gaussWeight(distance, win) plot(distance, weight, type="l", main="gaussWeight") weight <- epWeight(distance, win) plot(distance, weight, type="l", main="epWeight") ## simple example for a custom weighting function ownWeighting <- function(distance, win) { weight <- as.integer(abs(distance) < win) return(weight) }
distance <- seq(-50, 50) win <- 50 weight <- triangWeight(distance, win) plot(distance, weight, type="l", main="triangWeight") weight <- rectangWeight(distance, win) plot(distance, weight, type="l", main="rectangWeight") weight <- gaussWeight(distance, win) plot(distance, weight, type="l", main="gaussWeight") weight <- epWeight(distance, win) plot(distance, weight, type="l", main="epWeight") ## simple example for a custom weighting function ownWeighting <- function(distance, win) { weight <- as.integer(abs(distance) < win) return(weight) }