Url corrections for new pdb.org website file structure.
Updated file to be consistent with Bioconductor version numbering. Also fixed a rare bug that gave an error if every residue aligned between mutational and positional data.
COSMIC changed it's display of FASTA sequences. Examples changed to work with the Uniprot Site.
Included get.Remapped.Order() function that displays the reshuffled amino acids after culling.
Set the "AtomCount" column label to display "Can.Count" when the get.Positions function is called to be consistent with the get.AlignedPositions function.
Included a "Plot.Protein.Linear" function that helps visualize the protein rearrangements.
You can now specify the title of your choice to the "Plot.Protein.Linear" function.
First release of the iPAC package.
ClusterFind method allows the use of MDS and linear mappers.
Two beta methods available to reconcile data between the COSMIC and PDB databases.