This document guides one through
all available functions of the iGC
package. Package iGC
aims to analyze gene expression (GE) and copy number alteration (CNA)
(iGC) concurrently.
Traditional CNA analysis method is to investigate different types of samples and integrate their results by Venn diagrams. Challenges arise, however, when the low reproducibility and inconsistency are observed across multiple platforms. To address these issues, iGC tests gene expression profiles and copy number variation simultaneously.
For more information about the method iGC uses, please refer to our publication: Yi-Pin Lai, Liang-Bo Wang, Liang-Chuan Lai, Mong-Hsun Tsai, Tzu-Pin Lu, Eric Y Chuang. iGC–an integrated analysis package of Gene expression and Copy number alteration, Bioinfomatics (publication pending).
iGC is on Bioconductor and can be installed following standard installation procedure.
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
To use,
The general workflow can be summarized as follows,
Basically there are four steps, corresponding to four R functions, to complete the analysis:
As shown in the workflow, samples of paired CNA and gene expression data are required for the analysis. Since iGC reads CNA and gene expression data at gene level or chromosome location, data sources are platform and technology agnostic, that is, data from either microarrary or next-generation sequencing are acceptable. However, it also implies some standard preprocessing steps are required to convert the raw readings into interpretable data.
For each sample, the data should have at least two columns, gene and expression:
GENE Expression
A 0.1
B -0.5
C 0.4
iGC reads all the samples’ gene expression by
and make a joint gene expression table,
GENE SampleA SampleB ...
A 0.1 0.5
B -0.5 2.1
C 0.4 NA
That means, if such joint expression table exists, one could skip this step.
iGC accepts two kinds of the CNA data format, chromsome location
based and gene based, which are handled by create_gene_cna
and direct_gene_cna
respectively. For chromosome location
based CNA records, each sample’s data should has at least the following
Choromsome Start End Expression
1 1000 5030 2.5
10 10 2560 -1.3
X 12345 14200 3.3
iGC will convert this format of records into gene based format by looking up the genome reference, which currently supports hg19 only (see Q&A for more info and future developemnt plan).
For gene based CNA records, data format resembles the gene expression data,
GENE Expression
A 2.5
B 2.5
C -1.3
In the end, iGC reads all samples’ CNA records and make a joint CNA table. Different from the gene expression processing, CNA records are additionally converted to CNA gain/loss events by given thresholds.
GENE SampleA SampleB ...
A 0 0
B -1 -1
C 0 1
If such joint table already existed one could skip this step as well.
To support various kinds of data formats, all
, create_gene_cna
, and
accept an arugment read_fun
, a
function to read sample data, to customize how the data should be read.
Please refer to their documentation to find out the implementation
Here we show an example using the data shipped together with iGC.
To demonstrate the usage of the iGC
package, the package
comes with 50 breast cancer samples, which are selected from a
microarray dataset of total 523 breast cancer samples from TCGA level
For each sample, it contains a paired gene expression (GE) and the copy number (CN) data. The GE data was conducted by Agilent G4502A platform and the CN data was generated from Genome Wide SNP platform.
First, a sample description table is created to connect sample names
with their data. It can be stored as a CSV file with three columns:
, CNA_filepath
, and
sample_desc_pth <- system.file("extdata", "sample_desc.csv", package = "iGC")
sample_desc <- create_sample_desc(sample_desc_pth)
Alternatively, one can pass three separate character vectors to create the same table,
sample_desc <- create_sample_desc(
sample_names = sample_desc$Sample,
cna_filepaths = sample_desc$CNA_filepath,
ge_filepaths = sample_desc$GE_filepath
## Sample
## <char>
## 1: TCGA-AO-A0JL-01A
## 2: TCGA-BH-A0HF-01A
## 3: TCGA-BH-A0HK-01A
## 4: TCGA-AO-A0JF-01A
## 5: TCGA-BH-A0DP-01A
## 6: TCGA-AO-A0JJ-01A
## CNA_filepath
## <char>
## 1: /tmp/RtmpK6p0Yg/Rinst8e07cf9613d/iGC/extdata/CNA/A04_697150.hg19.txt
## 2: /tmp/RtmpK6p0Yg/Rinst8e07cf9613d/iGC/extdata/CNA/A05_697032.hg19.txt
## 3: /tmp/RtmpK6p0Yg/Rinst8e07cf9613d/iGC/extdata/CNA/A07_697200.hg19.txt
## 4: /tmp/RtmpK6p0Yg/Rinst8e07cf9613d/iGC/extdata/CNA/A09_697146.hg19.txt
## 5: /tmp/RtmpK6p0Yg/Rinst8e07cf9613d/iGC/extdata/CNA/B01_697160.hg19.txt
## 6: /tmp/RtmpK6p0Yg/Rinst8e07cf9613d/iGC/extdata/CNA/B03_697186.hg19.txt
## GE_filepath
## <char>
## 1: /tmp/RtmpK6p0Yg/Rinst8e07cf9613d/iGC/extdata/GE/US82800149_251976012210_S01.tcga_level3.txt
## 2: /tmp/RtmpK6p0Yg/Rinst8e07cf9613d/iGC/extdata/GE/US82800149_251976012504_S01.tcga_level3.txt
## 3: /tmp/RtmpK6p0Yg/Rinst8e07cf9613d/iGC/extdata/GE/US82800149_251976012510_S01.tcga_level3.txt
## 4: /tmp/RtmpK6p0Yg/Rinst8e07cf9613d/iGC/extdata/GE/US82800149_251976012517_S01.tcga_level3.txt
## 5: /tmp/RtmpK6p0Yg/Rinst8e07cf9613d/iGC/extdata/GE/US82800149_251976012261_S01.tcga_level3.txt
## 6: /tmp/RtmpK6p0Yg/Rinst8e07cf9613d/iGC/extdata/GE/US82800149_251976012204_S01.tcga_level3.txt
Second, we join all samples’ gene expression as one table.
comes with a builtin reader function to
read in the gene expression data. However for formats that it fails to
recognize, one can define one’s own reader function through
gene_exp <- create_gene_exp(
read_fun = read.table,
progress = TRUE, progress_width = 60,
# arugments passed to the customized read_fun (here is read.table)
header = FALSE,
skip = 2,
na.strings = "null",
colClasses = c("character", "double")
Note that arguments header
, skip
, and colClasses
are not used by
but passed to read.table
, the
custom reader function defined here, directly.
We select the expression of gene TP53, BRCA1, and NFKB1 for the first 9 samples (first column contains gene names).
## <char> <num> <num> <num> <num>
## 1: TP53 -0.9326667 -0.4386667 -0.5056667 -0.1083333
## 2: BRCA1 -2.0526667 -2.0460833 -2.0060833 -2.0717500
## 3: NFKB1 1.1812000 1.3117000 0.8047000 1.1610000
## <num> <num> <num> <num>
## 1: -0.182500 -0.3288333 -0.535500 -0.06183333
## 2: -1.448833 -0.9750000 -1.673083 -1.78058333
## 3: 1.490200 1.5671000 1.358000 0.62590000
## <num>
## 1: -0.7593333
## 2: -2.3987500
## 3: 0.8151000
Thirdly, the CNA data is read, collected, and mapped on to human gene locations using genome reference hg19. Each gene will be evaluated as CNA-gain (1), CNA-loss (-1), and neutral (0). Threshold can be set to tune the level of CNA determined as gain or loss.
Here we set the threshold of 2.4 for gain and 1.6 for loss events.
my_cna_reader <- function(cna_filepath) {
cna <- data.table::fread(cna_filepath, sep = '\t', header = TRUE)
cna[, .(Chromosome, Start, End, Segment_Mean)]
gain_loss = log2(c(2.4, 1.6)) - 1
gene_cna <- create_gene_cna(
gain_threshold = gain_loss[1], loss_threshold = gain_loss[2],
read_fun = my_cna_reader,
progress = FALSE
gene_cna[GENE %in% c('TP53', 'BRCA1', 'NFKB1'), 1:10, with=FALSE]
## <char> <num> <num> <num> <num>
## 1: BRCA1 -1 -1 0 0
## 2: NFKB1 0 1 0 0
## 3: TP53 0 0 -1 0
## <num> <num> <num> <num>
## 1: 0 0 0 -1
## 2: 0 0 0 0
## 3: -1 0 0 -1
## <num>
## 1: -1
## 2: 0
## 3: -1
For performance issues, one can enable parallelization to boost the process.
If one’s CNA data already contains gene information, try
Lastly, run find_cna_driven_gene
to identify
differentially expressed genes driven by CNAs from samples with both
proprocessed GE gene_exp
and CNA data gene_cna
that were obtained from the previous steps.
A threshold for proportion of the copy number changed samples (gain or loss) is given to select CNA-driven genes.
cna_driven_genes <- find_cna_driven_gene(
gene_cna, gene_exp,
gain_prop = 0.15, loss_prop = 0.15,
progress = FALSE, parallel = FALSE
## GENE p_value fdr gain_sample_prop normal_sample_prop
## <char> <num> <num> <num> <num>
## 1: TRPT1 5.515568e-07 0.002097571 0.2500 0.7500
## 2: SLC9A3R1 1.995817e-06 0.002530031 0.2500 0.6875
## 3: SNAPC1 1.555874e-06 0.002530031 0.1875 0.6875
## 4: PMVK 4.758945e-06 0.004524567 0.7500 0.2500
## 5: SIRPG 6.048564e-06 0.004600538 0.1875 0.6875
## 6: CDC42EP2 9.042107e-06 0.004912448 0.1875 0.7500
## loss_sample_prop gain_exp_mean normal_exp_mean loss_exp_mean
## <num> <num> <num> <num>
## 1: 0.0000 0.4967500 -0.2129028 NaN
## 2: 0.0625 2.6232500 0.6852500 -0.670500
## 3: 0.1250 -0.7475000 -1.5413333 -1.505833
## 4: 0.0000 1.2829792 0.4458750 NaN
## 5: 0.1250 0.2345417 1.5736818 2.524063
## 6: 0.0625 1.5993333 0.6277917 -0.069000
## vs_rest_exp_diff
## <num>
## 1: 0.7096528
## 2: 2.0509792
## 3: 0.7883718
## 4: 0.8371042
## 5: -1.4853526
## 6: 1.0251410
## GENE p_value fdr gain_sample_prop normal_sample_prop
## <char> <num> <num> <num> <num>
## 1: POLK 8.417198e-10 3.447685e-06 0.1250 0.6875
## 2: EZH1 4.227489e-07 7.088258e-04 0.0000 0.5625
## 3: SOD2 5.191596e-07 7.088258e-04 0.0625 0.7500
## 4: MRPS36 8.307626e-07 8.245376e-04 0.1250 0.6875
## 5: NBR1 1.053985e-06 8.245376e-04 0.0625 0.5000
## 6: ZNF554 1.207819e-06 8.245376e-04 0.1250 0.6875
## loss_sample_prop gain_exp_mean normal_exp_mean loss_exp_mean
## <num> <num> <num> <num>
## 1: 0.1875 -0.403300 -0.1174404 -1.2971667
## 2: 0.4375 NaN 0.2341667 -0.4589762
## 3: 0.1875 0.066250 -0.2052812 -1.0430417
## 4: 0.1875 0.364375 -0.0490000 -1.0135833
## 5: 0.4375 0.644500 0.8796875 -0.3331786
## 6: 0.1875 0.950625 0.6446591 -0.2225833
## vs_rest_exp_diff
## <num>
## 1: -1.1357479
## 2: -0.6931429
## 3: -0.8586474
## 4: -1.0281795
## 5: -1.1867341
## 6: -0.9143141
## GENE gain_p_value gain_fdr loss_p_value loss_fdr gain_sample_prop
## <char> <num> <num> <num> <num> <num>
## 1: AHNAK2 0.0001146049 0.01676318 0.103289129 0.32975236 0.1875
## 2: NTF3 0.0002403053 0.02343285 0.559826577 0.76690624 0.1875
## 3: ABR 0.0011628790 0.05807826 0.001161531 0.04115464 0.1875
## 4: RFX3 0.0011221713 0.05807826 0.107495688 0.33610865 0.1875
## 5: IDH3B 0.0014698661 0.06051011 0.658967508 0.83357965 0.1875
## 6: FNTB 0.0016109439 0.06315896 0.063966171 0.26626569 0.1875
## normal_sample_prop loss_sample_prop gain_exp_mean normal_exp_mean
## <num> <num> <num> <num>
## 1: 0.625 0.1875 0.8897222 -0.26045227
## 2: 0.625 0.1875 -2.8278333 -1.33816667
## 3: 0.375 0.4375 1.0030000 0.64137500
## 4: 0.625 0.1875 0.7407222 -0.05018333
## 5: 0.625 0.1875 -0.5640417 -0.98650000
## 6: 0.625 0.1875 0.7234333 0.33618000
## loss_exp_mean gain_vs_rest_exp_diff loss_vs_exp_diff
## <num> <num> <num>
## 1: -1.08888889 1.3413522 -1.0938615
## 2: -1.20477778 -1.5204487 0.4771581
## 3: -0.02914286 0.7226731 -0.7910595
## 4: -1.00261111 1.0106966 -1.1349444
## 5: -1.03441667 0.4335160 -0.1454071
## 6: -0.18523333 0.5075795 -0.6107795
For example, BRCA1 appears to be CNA loss-driven in this dataset, and its expression is lower in samples of CNA loss than samples of CNA neutral.
## GENE p_value fdr gain_sample_prop normal_sample_prop
## <char> <num> <num> <num> <num>
## 1: BRCA1 0.3259034 0.5930255 0 0.5625
## loss_sample_prop gain_exp_mean normal_exp_mean loss_exp_mean
## <num> <num> <num> <num>
## 1: 0.4375 NaN -1.547074 -1.773119
## vs_rest_exp_diff
## <num>
## 1: -0.226045
In the early phase of development, iGC required a special data structure for genome reference hence one is bundled. Now no such special structure is required, so we plan to relax such constraint in the coming-up release and user will be able to pass in other references available on Bioconductor.
Currently the modified hg19DBNM
contains RefSeq
transcripts of hg19 from UCSC Genome Browser. The transcripts with NM
marker ID and protein coding, were selected.