glmGamPoi 1.19 (2024-11-26)
- glmGamPoi is using the new tatami library instead of the old beachmat interface.
These libraries helped to work with different kind of matrices (dense, HDF5-backed).
One important change is that glmGamPoi now requires C++17 (instead of C++14).
(PR#66,thanks Aaron Lun)
- The input data can be sparse! Building on top of tatami allows me to support arbitrary
matrix types such as sparse matrices and DelayedArrays.
- Fix bug regarding matrix columns in 'pseudobulk' (
- Add work-around for
glmGamPoi 1.17 (2024-05-29)
- 'test_de' can now compute the standard error of the log2-fold change
(PR#63, thanks @jackkamm)
- 'predict' now considers the 'ridge_penalty' when calculating the
standard errors.
- Detect if smart subset of MatrixGenerics' 'rowMeans2' and 'rowSums2'
can be used to speed-up 'pseudobulk' calculation.
glmGamPoi 1.15 (2023-11-04)
- Fix typo in 'quasi_gamma_poisson_shrinkage' example (thanks to @nlubock)
- Add 'sample_fraction' argument to 'loc_median_fit' (once again thanks @nlubock)
glmGamPoi 1.13 (2023-07-03)
- Implement a likelihood ratio test based on the Chi-squared distribution, if
'test_de' is called after setting 'overdispersion_shrinkage = FALSE'. Note that
this test is less reliable than than the quasi-likelihood F test that is run
for 'overdispersion_shrinkage = TRUE'.
glmGamPoi 1.11 (2023-01-03)
- Breaking change: rename 'pseudobulk_sce' to 'pseudobulk'
- Add a new vignette explaining how and why pseudobulking is
a powerful concept for single cell data analysis
- Depcreate 'pseudobulk_by' argument in 'test_de'. Use the 'pseudobulk' function
- Add a new argument 'max_lfc' to to 'test_de' to avoid impractically large
log fold changes for lowly expressed genes.
- Support rlang quosures for the contrast argument in 'test_de'
- Add a helper function called 'fact' that simplifies specification
of contrast for complex experimental designs
- Add 'use_assay' argument to 'glm_gp'
- Add 'vctrs' as dependency. The package is necessary to replicate the
'group_by' behavior from 'dplyr'.
- Add 'size_factors = "ratio"' to emulate the behavior of DESeq2's size
factor calculation
- Make sure that the 'ignore_degeneracy' argument is propagated to 'test_de'
glmGamPoi 1.9
- Breaking change to the way that non-standard evaluation parameters are handled.
Variables in arguments such as 'pseudobulk_by' or 'subset_to' which evaluate
to a single string are no longer interpreted as referring to a column.
This change makes the handling of NSE more consistent.
- Add new function 'pseudobulk_sce' to easily form pseudobulk samples
glmGamPoi 1.5
- Choose a more reasonable scale for global overdispersion estimate
- Make code more robust accidental internal NA's
- Add fallback mechanism in case the Fisher scoring fails to converge.
Instead of returing NA, try again using the BFGS algorithm.
- Better error message if the design contains NA's
glmGamPoi 1.4 (2021-05-19)
- Ridge regularization framework. glmGamPoi now supports regularizing
the coefficient estimates using a quadratic penalty function.
Furthmore, more advanced regularization schemes, such as regularizing
towards a specific value and full Tikhonov regularization are implemented.
- New predict() function. Also supports estimating the standard error
of the mean estimate.
- Make sure that Fisher scoring does not converge to unrealistically
large values of mu
- Fix minor bug in test_de() concerning the calculation of the degree
of freedom
- Fix minor bug in calculation of working and Pearson residuals, which
used to return NaN if mu was 0. Now, they are 0.
- Improve vignette/Readme: add section on differential expression
analysis with Kang et al. (2018) as example data
- 'glm_gp' returns the Offset matrix and bug fix for test_de() if a
offset was specified
- Add CITATION file
- Make sure that residuals are pristine (when the input was a DelayedArray)
- Set dimnames of residuals
- Improve error message if input is a sparse matrix
glmGamPoi 1.2 (2020-11-09)
- Remove dual likelihood functions for overdispersion estimation.
Instead merge functionality into conventional_***. This should
cause no user facing changes, however should make it easier to
maintain the package
- Make conventional_score_function_fast() more robust to extreme
inputs. Avoid numerically imprecise subtractions and employ
bounds based on series expansions for very small input
- If dispersion estimate quits because there is no maximum or
all y are 0, return iterations = 0
- Add limits (1e-16 / 1e16) for nlminb estimates of the
dispersion. This protects against errors due to NA's in
the conventional_likelihood_fast
- Automatically set 'size_factors = FALSE' for input with
0 or 1 row. This will change the estimated beta, but not the
- Rename gampoi_overdispersion_mle() -> overdispersion_mle()
- Store data in the object returned by glm_gp()
- Remove Y from the interface of residuals.glmGamPoi, because
I can just get it directly from fit$data
- Add function test_de() that does a quasi-likelihood ratio
test to detect differentially expressed genes
- Add functionality to make a pseudobulk test directly
from test_de() by aggregating the data around one column
- In group-wise beta estimation, fall back to optimize()
if the Newton method fails
- Change the default size factor estimation method from
"poscounts" to "normed_sum" and provide an easy way to
call scran::calculateSumFactors()
- New "global" mode for dispersion estimation
glmGamPoi 0.0.99 (2020-03-23)
- Submitted to Bioconductor