geomeTriD 1.1.7
- Fix the issues of measurment marker do not rotate and unexpected resize window when export.
geomeTriD 1.1.6
- Export pdf with visible layers only.
geomeTriD 1.1.5
geomeTriD 1.1.4
- Fix the input check issue in kabsch.
geomeTriD 1.1.3
geomeTriD 1.1.2
- Add resolution for view3dStructure.
geomeTriD 1.1.1
- Add autocomplete input for search key words.
geomeTriD 0.99.18
- Fix the issue for measurements in threeJsViewer when the world matrix updated.
geomeTriD 0.99.17
- Add parameter genomicScoreRange parameter for create3dGenomicSignals.
geomeTriD 0.99.16
- Fix the error in mdsPlot: 'dims' must contain all (i,j) pairs
geomeTriD 0.99.15
- Change the background color set.
- Remove local version of CSS2DRenderer.
geomeTriD 0.99.14
- add measurement for threeJsViewer.
geomeTriD 0.99.13
- add switch for orthographic and perspective projection to camera.
- add flip controler.
geomeTriD 0.99.12
- change OrbitControls to ArcballControls.
geomeTriD 0.99.11
- Handle the error if NA values is in the GenoSig of create3dGenomicSignals.
geomeTriD 0.99.10
- Add title and subregion for threeJsViewer.
geomeTriD 0.99.9
- Add possible to export the GRanges object for mdsPlot.
geomeTriD 0.99.8
- Fix the warning 'rgl.init' failed, running with 'rgl.useNULL = TRUE'.
geomeTriD 0.99.7
- Add 'saveWidget' sample code to vignettes.
geomeTriD 0.99.6
- Add LICENSE items for threejs.
- Add help page for the package itself.
geomeTriD 0.99.5
- Fix the warning message in create3dGenomicSignals when calling mapply.
geomeTriD 0.99.4
- Add type 'polygon' to threeJsGeometry.
geomeTriD 0.99.3
- Add rotation slot to threeJsGeometry.
geomeTriD 0.99.2
- Fix a bug that color info is missing when create 3d geometries.
- Update the documentation.
geomeTriD 0.99.0
geomeTriD 0.0.25
- simplify the documentation.
geomeTriD 0.0.24
- add more geometries for rglViewer.
geomeTriD 0.0.23
- Fix multiple bugs.
- Add multiple unit test.
- Rewrite the plotInteractionData vignette.
geomeTriD 0.0.22
- Fix the code style.
- Add multiple unit test.
- export the create3dGenomicSignals function.
geomeTriD 0.0.21
- Add resize block for threeJsViewer.
geomeTriD 0.0.20
geomeTriD 0.0.19
- Add group adjust controler for threeJsViewer.
- Add background color controler for threeJsViewer.
- Make the controler dragable for threeJsViewer.
- Add signalTransformFun for view3dStructure.
geomeTriD 0.0.18
- Add search by coordinates for threeJsViewer.
geomeTriD 0.0.17
- Add key control and linked OribitControl for threeJsViewer.
geomeTriD 0.0.16
- Add side by side comparison for threeJsViewer.
geomeTriD 0.0.15
- Add search box for threeJsViewer.
geomeTriD 0.0.14
geomeTriD 0.0.13
- update ATAC-seq signals to Genomic signals.
geomeTriD 0.0.12
- add plotScCells vignettes.
geomeTriD 0.0.11
geomeTriD 0.0.9
- add video exporter for tjviewer.
geomeTriD 0.0.8
geomeTriD 0.0.7
- Change atacSig to segments for tjviewer.
geomeTriD 0.0.6
- Fix the arrow direction for tjviewer.
geomeTriD 0.0.5
geomeTriD 0.0.4
geomeTriD 0.0.3
geomeTriD 0.0.2
geomeTriD 0.0.1
- Init.
- Create the htmlwidgets.