genomeIntervals 1.45.2
- Ported changes from 1.44.2
genomeIntervals 1.45.1
- Ported changes from 1.44.1
genomeIntervals 1.44.2
- Updated the maintainer email address
- Cleared the imports
genomeIntervals 1.44.1
- Updated the vignette (data.frame() default is not a factor anymore for character vectors in R4)
- Removed the defunct RangedData usage
genomeIntervals 1.31.1
- the signature of rank() has now ... and "last" as option in ties.method (for compatibility only -- not supported)
genomeIntervals 1.25.3
- Changed the "c" function from an S3method to use the S4 generic.
genomeIntervals 1.25.2
- Fixed the width function to handle correctly the left end of the intervals
genomeIntervals 1.25.1
- Changed readGff3 to use closed intervals by default. Implemented two
sub-functions that implement reading a gff3 as base-pair features only (no
zero length intervals, i.e. right-closed intervals) or which allows for
zero length intervals, i.e. right-open intervals, when start equals end)
- Deprecated the seq_name accessors in favour of the BiocGenerics seqnames
- Added a width accessor - similar to the IRanges functionality
- Added coercion to GRangesList and RangedData
- Edited some of the documentation (man page) and NAMESPACE generation to
use roxygen2
genomeIntervals 1.25.0
genomeIntervals 1.24.1
genomeIntervals 1.24.0
genomeIntervals 1.23.2
- Ported version 1.22.2-1.22.3 changes
genomeIntervals 1.23.1
- Ported version 1.22.1 changes
genomeIntervals 1.23.0
genomeIntervals 1.22.3
- Fixed a documentation cosmetic issue
genomeIntervals 1.22.2
- Fixed a pretty printing issue if the formatting (inclusion of space)
genomeIntervals 1.22.1
- Fixed an issue in the formatting of the coordinates in the
writeGff3 function
genomeIntervals 1.22.0
genomeIntervals 1.21.1
- Ported version 1.20.1 changes
genomeIntervals 1.20.1
- Added an argument to the readGff3 function to
enable quietness.
- Corrected some R CMD check warnings
genomeIntervals 1.15.3
- genome intervals order now consisten with assumption that (start == [start-1 and that stop) == stop-1]
genomeIntervals 1.15.2
- Depends on intervals >=0.14.0 to fix a change in R's split behavior
- sort does not have byName argument any longer
- order, sort, rank and xtfrm consistently implemented.
genomeIntervals 1.15.1
- Created that NEWS file to replace the
CHANGES file and be compliant to the R
standard package architecture
- introduced a coercion to data.frame
- introduced a writeGff3 function
- reverted the sort behavior to the default R behavior
and added a method argument. Setting it to byName results
in a more biologically relevant sorting of the object.
genomeIntervals 1.13.4
- annotation and annotation<- now from BiocGenerics. Thanks to Nicolas Delhomme.
- in interval_union use full argument name (levels instead of level)
- updated Julien's email address
- added a 'which_nearest' method for Genome_intervals objects
genomeIntervals 1.11.1
- strand and strand<- now from BiocGenerics. Thanks to Nicolas Delhomme.
genomeIntervals 1.7.5
- show only show the 1st 4 rows and the last 4 rows of a genomeIntervals
genomeIntervals 1.7.4
- Added a 'sort' method for 'Genome_intervals' objects
genomeIntervals 1.7.3
- Added a new user-friendly constructor function 'GenomeIntervals'
for constructing both 'Genome_intervals' and
'Genome_intervals_stranded' objects
genomeIntervals 1.7.2
- regular expression in the extract method (called by parseGffAttributes()) fixed to make sure any key is at the beginning of after a ';'
genomeIntervals 1.7.1
- The package does not "Depends" on Biobase but only "Imports" it.
- readGff3 deals with Gff having only "+" strand entries (bug report from Nicolas Servant) as well as "?" strand entries