--- title: "gDRimport" author: "gDR team" output: BiocStyle::html_document vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{gDRimport} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, echo=FALSE} library(gDRimport) log_level <- futile.logger::flog.threshold("ERROR") ``` # Overview The `gDRimport` package is a part of the gDR suite. It helps to prepare raw drug response data for downstream processing. It mainly contains helper functions for importing/loading/validating dose response data provided in different file formats. # Use Cases ## Test Data There are currently four test datasets that can be used to see what's the expected input data for the gDRimport. ```{r} # primary test data td1 <- get_test_data() summary(td1) td1 # test data in Tecan format td2 <- get_test_Tecan_data() summary(td2) # test data in D300 format td3 <- get_test_D300_data() summary(td3) # test data obtained from EnVision td4 <- get_test_EnVision_data() summary(td4) ``` ## Load data The `load_data` is the key function. It wraps `load_manifest`, `load_templates` and `load_results` functions and supports different file formats. ```{r} ml <- load_manifest(manifest_path(td1)) summary(ml) t_df <- load_templates(template_path(td1)) summary(t_df) r_df <- suppressMessages(load_results(result_path(td1))) summary(r_df) l_tbl <- suppressMessages( load_data(manifest_path(td1), template_path(td1), result_path(td1))) summary(l_tbl) ``` # PRISM PRISM, the Multiplexed cancer cell line screening platform, facilitates rapid screening of a broad spectrum of drugs across more than 900 human cancer cell line models, employing a high-throughput, multiplexed approach. Publicly available PRISM data can be downloaded from the DepMap website ([DepMap](https://depmap.org/portal/download/all/)). The `gDRimport` package provides support for processing PRISM data at two levels: LEVEL5 and LEVEL6. * LEVEL5 Data: This format encapsulates all information about drugs, cell lines, and viability within a single file. To process LEVEL5 PRISM data, you can use the `convert_LEVEL5_prism_to_gDR_input()` function. This function not only transforms and cleans the data but also executes the gDR pipeline for further analysis. * LEVEL6 Data: In LEVEL6, PRISM data is distributed across three separate files: prism_data: containing collapsed log fold change data for viability assays. cell_line_data: providing information about cell lines. treatment_data: containing treatment data. Processing LEVEL6 PRISM data can be accomplished using the `convert_LEVEL6_prism_to_gDR_input()` function, which requires paths to these three files as input arguments. ### Processing LEVEL5 PRISM Data To process LEVEL5 PRISM data, you can use the following function: ```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE} convert_LEVEL5_prism_to_gDR_input("path_to_file") ``` Replace "path_to_file" with the actual path to your LEVEL5 PRISM data file. This function will handle the transformation, cleaning, and execution of the gDR pipeline automatically. ### Processing LEVEL6 PRISM Data To process LEVEL6 PRISM data, you can use the following function: ```{r, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE} convert_LEVEL6_prism_to_gDR_input("prism_data_path", "cell_line_data_path", "treatment_data_path") ``` Replace "prism_data_path", "cell_line_data_path", and "treatment_data_path" with the respective paths to your LEVEL6 PRISM data files. ## Package installation The function `installAllDeps` assists in installing package dependencies. # SessionInfo {-} ```{r sessionInfo} sessionInfo() ```