The purpose of this package is to provide the infrastructure to
store, represent and exchange gated flow data. By this we mean accessing
the samples, groups, transformations, compensation matrices, gates, and
population statistics in the gating tree, which is represented as a
object in R
There are several ways to generate a GatingSet
: * built
from scratch within R
(which will be demonstrated later) *
imported from the XML workspace files exported from other software
(e.g. FlowJo, Diva, CytoBank). Details on the importing xml are
documented in CytoML
package. * generated by automated gating framework from openCyto
package * loaded from the existing GatingSet archive (that was
previously saved by save_gs()
Here we simply load an example GatingSet
archive to
illustrate how to interact with a GatingSet
dataDir <- system.file("extdata",package="flowWorkspaceData")
gs_archive <- list.files(dataDir, pattern = "gs_bcell_auto",full = TRUE)
gs <- load_gs(gs_archive)
## A GatingSet with 2 samples
We have loaded a GatingSet
with 2 samples, each of which
has 14 associated gates.
To list the samples stored in GatingSet
## [1] "12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs" "12828_2_Bcell_C02.fcs"
Subsets of a GatingSet
can be accessed using the
standard R subset syntax [
## A GatingSet with 1 samples
We can plot the gating tree:
The boolean gates(notes) are highlighted in blue color.
We can list the nodes (populations) in the gating hierarchy:
## [1] "root" "boundary/nonDebris"
## [3] "nonDebris/lymph" "lymph/Live"
## [5] "Live/CD20" "Live/CD19"
## [7] "Live/CD19andCD20" "CD19andCD20/IgD-CD27-"
## [9] "CD19andCD20/IgD+CD27-" "CD19andCD20/IgD-CD27+"
## [11] "CD19andCD20/IgD+CD27+" "CD19andCD20/Transitional"
## [13] "Live/CD19and!CD20" "CD19and!CD20/Plasmablasts"
## [15] "Live/CD3"
Note that the path
argument specifies the depth of the
gating path for each population. As shown, depth
(i.e. leaf or terminal node name) may not be sufficient
to uniquely identify each population. The issue can be resolved by
increasing the path
or simply returning the full path of
the node:
## [1] "root"
## [2] "/boundary/nonDebris"
## [3] "/boundary/nonDebris/lymph"
## [4] "/boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live"
## [5] "/boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD20"
## [6] "/boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD19"
## [7] "/boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD19andCD20"
## [8] "/boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD19andCD20/IgD-CD27-"
## [9] "/boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD19andCD20/IgD+CD27-"
## [10] "/boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD19andCD20/IgD-CD27+"
## [11] "/boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD19andCD20/IgD+CD27+"
## [12] "/boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD19andCD20/Transitional"
## [13] "/boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD19and!CD20"
## [14] "/boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD19and!CD20/Plasmablasts"
## [15] "/boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD3"
But full
path may not be necessary and could be too long
to be visualized. So we provide the path = 'auto'
option to
determine the shortest path that is still unique within the gating
## [1] "root" "nonDebris" "lymph" "Live" "CD20"
## [6] "CD19" "CD19andCD20" "IgD-CD27-" "IgD+CD27-" "IgD-CD27+"
## [11] "IgD+CD27+" "Transitional" "CD19and!CD20" "Plasmablasts" "CD3"
We can get the gate associated with the specific population:
## $`12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs`
## Ellipsoid gate 'lymph' in dimensions FSC-A and SSC-A
## $`12828_2_Bcell_C02.fcs`
## Ellipsoid gate 'lymph' in dimensions FSC-A and SSC-A
We can retrieve the population statistics :
## sample pop
## <char> <char>
## 1: 12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs root
## 2: 12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs /boundary/nonDebris
## 3: 12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs /boundary/nonDebris/lymph
## 4: 12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs /boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live
## 5: 12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs /boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD20
## 6: 12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs /boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD19
## 7: 12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs /boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD19andCD20
## 8: 12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs /boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD19andCD20/IgD-CD27-
## 9: 12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs /boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD19andCD20/IgD+CD27-
## 10: 12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs /boundary/nonDebris/lymph/Live/CD19andCD20/IgD-CD27+
## count
## <num>
## 1: 81638
## 2: 80711
## 3: 52927
## 4: 51652
## 5: 11093
## 6: 11126
## 7: 11028
## 8: 765
## 9: 9219
## 10: 590
We can plot individual gates. Note the scale of the transformed axes. The second argument is the node path of any depth as long as it is uniquely identifiable.
More details about gate visualization can be found here.
If we have metadata associated with the experiment, it can be
attached to the GatingSet
d <- data.frame(sample=factor(c("sample 1", "sample 2")),treatment=factor(c("sample","control")) )
pd <- pData(gs)
pd <- cbind(pd,d)
pData(gs) <- pd
## Replicate name Sample Center sample
## 12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs 1 12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs 12828 NHLBI sample 1
## 12828_2_Bcell_C02.fcs 2 12828_2_Bcell_C02.fcs 12828 NHLBI sample 2
## treatment
## 12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs sample
## 12828_2_Bcell_C02.fcs control
We can subset the GatingSet
by its pData
## A GatingSet with 1 samples
The underlying flow data
can be retrieved by:
## [1] "cytoset"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "flowWorkspace"
## [1] 81638
Because GatingSet
is a purely reference class, the class
type returned by gs_pop_get_data
is a cytoset
which is the purely reference class analog of a flowSet
will be discussed in more detail below. Also note that the data is
already compensated and transformed during the parsing.
We can retrieve the subset of data associated with a population node:
## [1] 52927
We can retrieve a single gating hierarchical tree (corresponding to
one sample) by using the [[
extraction operator
## Sample: 12828_1_Bcell_C01.fcs
## GatingHierarchy with 15 gates
Note that the index can be either numeric or character (the
returned by the sampleNames
The autoplot
method without specifying any node will lay
out all the gates in the same plot
We can retrieve the indices specifying if an event is included inside or outside a gate using:
## 28711 52927
The indices returned are relative to the parent population (member of parent AND member of current gate), so they reflect the true hierarchical gating structure.
provides methods to build a gating tree from
raw FCS files and add or remove flowCore gates (or populations) to or
from it.
We start from a flowSet
that contains three ungated flow
Then construct a GatingSet
from the
Then compensate it:
cfile <- system.file("extdata","compdata","compmatrix", package="flowCore")
comp.mat <- read.table(cfile, header=TRUE, skip=2, check.names = FALSE)
## create a compensation object
comp <- compensation(comp.mat)
#compensate GatingSet
gs <- compensate(gs, comp)
New: You can now pass a list
of compensation
objects with elements named by
to achieve sample-specific compensations.
Then we can transform it with any transformation defined by the user
through trans_new
function of scales
trans.func <- asinh
inv.func <- sinh
trans.obj <- trans_new("myAsinh", trans.func, inv.func)
The inverse
transformation is required so that the gates
and data can be visualized in transformed
scale while the
axis label still remains in the raw scale. Optionally, the
and format
functions can be supplied to
further customize the appearance of axis labels.
Besides doing all these by hand, we also provide some buildin
transformations: asinhtGml2_trans
, flowjo_fasinh_trans
. These are all very commonly used
transformations in flow data analysis. User can construct the transform
object by simply one-line of code. e.g.
## Transformer: asinhtGml2 [-Inf, Inf]
Once a transformer
object is created, we must convert it
to transformerList
for GatingSet
to use.
Alternatively, the overloaded estimateLogicle
method can
be used directly on GatingHierarchy
to generate a
object automatically.
## $`FL1-H`
## Transformer: logicle [-Inf, Inf]
## $`FL2-H`
## Transformer: logicle [-Inf, Inf]
## $`FL3-H`
## Transformer: logicle [-Inf, Inf]
## $`FL2-A`
## Transformer: logicle [-Inf, Inf]
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "transformerList" "list"
Now we can transform our GatingSet
with this
object. It will also store the
transformation in the GatingSet
and can be used to
inverse-transform the data.
## [1] "root"
It now only contains the root node. We can add our first
rg <- rectangleGate("FSC-H"=c(200,400), "SSC-H"=c(250, 400), filterId="rectangle")
nodeID <- gs_pop_add(gs, rg)
## [1] 2
## [1] "root" "/rectangle"
Note that the gate is added to the root node by default if the parent
is not specified. Then we add a quadGate
to the new
population generated by the rectangleGate
which is named
after the filterId
of the gate because the name was not
specified when the add
method was called.
## [1] 3 4 5 6
## [1] "root" "/rectangle"
## [3] "/rectangle/CD15 FITC-CD45 PE+" "/rectangle/CD15 FITC+CD45 PE+"
## [5] "/rectangle/CD15 FITC+CD45 PE-" "/rectangle/CD15 FITC-CD45 PE-"
Here quadGate
produces four population nodes/populations
named after the dimensions of the gate if names are not specified.
A Boolean gate can also be defined and added to GatingSet:
## booleanFilter filter 'CD15 FITC-CD45 PE+|CD15 FITC+CD45 PE-' evaluating the expression:
## CD15 FITC-CD45 PE+|CD15 FITC+CD45 PE-
## [1] 7
## [1] "root"
## [2] "/rectangle"
## [3] "/rectangle/CD15 FITC-CD45 PE+"
## [4] "/rectangle/CD15 FITC+CD45 PE+"
## [5] "/rectangle/CD15 FITC+CD45 PE-"
## [6] "/rectangle/CD15 FITC-CD45 PE-"
## [7] "/rectangle/CD15 FITC-CD45 PE+|CD15 FITC+CD45 PE-"
The gating hierarchy is plotted by:
Note that Boolean gate is skipped by default and thus needs to be
enabled explictily.
Now all the gates are added to the gating tree but the actual data is
not gated yet. This is done by calling the recompute
After gating is finished, gating results can be visualized by the
Multiple gates can be plotted on the same panel:
We may also want to plot all the gates without specifying the gate
We can retrieve all the compensation matrices from the
in case we wish to use the compensation or
transformation for the new data,
## Compensation object 'defaultCompensation':
## FL1-H FL2-H FL3-H FL4-H
## FL1-H 1.000000 0.240000 0.03200 0.00113
## FL2-H 0.007770 1.000000 0.14000 0.00274
## FL3-H 0.008690 0.170000 1.00000 0.21000
## FL4-H 0.000795 0.000995 0.00323 1.00000
Or we can retrieve transformations:
## [1] "FL1-H" "FL2-A" "FL2-H" "FL3-H"
## function (x)
## {
## length * ((asinh(x * sinh(m * log(10))/t) + a * log(10))/((m +
## a) * log(10)))
## }
## <bytecode: 0x55b74a707cc0>
## <environment: 0x55b7492df8e8>
## attr(,"type")
## [1] "fasinh"
If we want to remove one node, simply:
## Warning in Rm("rectangle", gs): 'Rm' is deprecated.
## Use 'gs_pop_remove' instead.
## See help("Deprecated")
## [1] "root"
As we see, removing one node causes all its descendants to be removed as well.
Oftentimes, we need to save a GatingSet
including the
gated flow data, gates, and populations to disk and reload it later on.
This can be done by:
We also provide the gs_clone
method to make a full copy
of an existing GatingSet
To only copy the gates and populations without copy the underlying cyto data.
This is a lightweight copying which is faster than
. But be aware the new GatingSet
the same events data (i.e. gs_cyto_data(gs)
) with the
original one.
Note that the GatingSet
is a purely reference class with
an external pointer that points to the internal ‘C’ data structure. So
make sure to use these methods in order to save or make a copy of an
existing GatingSet
object. The regular R assignment (<-)
or save
routine doesn’t work as expected for
The GatingSet
class no longer uses
and flowSet
objects for containing
the underlying flow data, but rather now uses the analogous
and cytoset
and cytoset
are essentially
reference classes with pointers to internal ‘C’ data structures and thus
enable GatingSet
operations to be performed more
While working with GatingSet
objects will often entail
working with cytoframe
and cytoset
implicitly, it is also possible to directly work with objects of both of
these classes.
Instead of read.FCS()
, cytoframe
can be created from FCS files with the
method. The optional
argument allows for parallelization of the read
files <- list.files(dataDir, "Cyto", full.names = TRUE)
cf <- load_cytoframe_from_fcs(files[1], num_threads = 4)
## cytoframe object 'CytoTrol_CytoTrol_1.fcs'
## with 119531 cells and 12 observables:
## name desc range minRange maxRange
## $P1 FSC-A NA 262143 0 262143
## $P2 FSC-H NA 262143 0 262143
## $P3 FSC-W NA 262143 0 262143
## $P4 SSC-A NA 262143 0 262143
## $P5 B710-A CD4 PcpCy55 262143 -111 262143
## ... ... ... ... ... ...
## $P8 V450-A CD3 V450 262143 -111 262143
## $P9 V545-A HLA-DR V500 262143 -111 262143
## $P10 G560-A CCR7 PE 262143 -111 262143
## $P11 G780-A CD45RA PECy7 262143 -111 262143
## $P12 Time NA 262143 0 262143
## 199 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot
## row names(0):
Instead of using read.FCSheader()
to obtain only the
header of the file, just use the text.only
argument to
## Warning: text_only is ignored when format is set to 'h5' or 'tile'!
## cytoframe object 'CytoTrol_CytoTrol_1.fcs'
## with 119531 cells and 12 observables:
## name desc range minRange maxRange
## $P1 FSC-A NA 262143 0 262143
## $P2 FSC-H NA 262143 0 262143
## $P3 FSC-W NA 262143 0 262143
## $P4 SSC-A NA 262143 0 262143
## $P5 B710-A CD4 PcpCy55 262143 -111 262143
## ... ... ... ... ... ...
## $P8 V450-A CD3 V450 262143 -111 262143
## $P9 V545-A HLA-DR V500 262143 -111 262143
## $P10 G560-A CCR7 PE 262143 -111 262143
## $P11 G780-A CD45RA PECy7 262143 -111 262143
## $P12 Time NA 262143 0 262143
## 199 keywords are stored in the 'description' slot
## row names(0):
AccessorsThe accessor methods function the same as they would for a
## events parameters
## 119531 12
## [1] "FSC-A" "FSC-H" "FSC-W" "SSC-A" "B710-A" "R660-A" "R780-A" "V450-A"
## [9] "V545-A" "G560-A" "G780-A" "Time"
## FSC-A FSC-H FSC-W SSC-A B710-A R660-A R780-A V450-A
## [1,] 140733.05 133376 69150.98 91113.96 22311.24 35576.07 14302.16 16232.649
## [2,] 26195.32 26207 65506.79 10115.28 5.04 447.93 682.56 43.700
## [3,] 64294.02 51594 81667.89 174620.03 371.28 851.62 -66.36 335.350
## [4,] 128393.87 103613 81210.08 150625.44 1494.36 5672.20 2979.09 1492.450
## [5,] 127717.88 119616 69974.92 76954.91 2545.20 2272.83 124635.93 8608.899
## [6,] 134347.02 125651 70071.60 70116.48 23052.96 1758.54 5281.15 4849.750
## V545-A G560-A G780-A Time
## [1,] 7644.65 4113.60 12672.00 0.2
## [2,] 77.90 -91.20 18.24 0.4
## [3,] 971.85 273.60 271.68 0.6
## [4,] 28790.70 771.84 988.80 0.6
## [5,] 4190.45 14306.88 58977.60 0.7
## [6,] 2859.50 2249.28 1560.96 0.7
## B710-A R660-A R780-A V450-A V545-A
## [1,] 1.000000e+00 3.143890e-02 0.1909655363 3.057568e-03 0.002047231
## [2,] 5.537983e-03 1.000000e+00 0.1768123886 0.000000e+00 0.000000000
## [3,] 9.958625e-05 9.847661e-03 1.0000000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000000
## [4,] 0.000000e+00 8.909845e-05 0.0000000000 1.000000e+00 0.451194675
## [5,] 2.477092e-03 5.235156e-04 0.0000000000 3.796154e-02 1.000000000
## [6,] 1.172236e-01 1.642721e-03 0.0003321532 0.000000e+00 0.000000000
## [7,] 1.420516e-02 4.568956e-04 0.1754022374 8.902497e-05 0.000000000
## G560-A G780-A
## [1,] 3.442413e-04 0.071933810
## [2,] 0.000000e+00 0.006618897
## [3,] 0.000000e+00 0.035399709
## [4,] 1.082746e-04 0.000000000
## [5,] 6.361807e-05 0.000000000
## [6,] 1.000000e+00 0.009219359
## [7,] 4.096870e-02 1.000000000
## $spillover
## $FCSversion
## [1] "3"
## [1] "0"
## [1] "0"
## [1] "0"
## [1] "0"
## [1] "3264"
As cytoframe
and cytoset
are reference
classes, copying objects of either class by the assignment operator
) will simply provide a copy of the external pointer
and so changes made to the copy will also affect the original
## [1] "FSC-A"
## [1] "t"
Extracting a subset of a cytoframe
is not
computationally intensive, as it merely constructs a view of the data of
the original cytoframe
. However, both objects still share
the same underlying pointer to all of the data and thus changes to a
view will affect the data of the original cytoframe
## events parameters
## 10 2
## FSC-W
## 65506.79
## FSC-W
## 0
To construct a new view of an entire cytoframe
, use the
method rather than the <-
operator. This
will ensure that a new view is created to the full underlying
It is also possible to perform a deep copy of a
or a view of it, resulting in two objects
pointing to distinct C-level representations of the data. This is
accomplished with the realize_view
cf <- load_cytoframe_from_fcs(files[1], num_threads = 4) # starting fresh
cf1 <- realize_view(cf[1:10, 2:3])
## events parameters
## 10 2
## FSC-W
## 65506.79
## FSC-W
## 65506.79
## FSC-W
## 0
Similarly, if a deep copy of all of the data is desired (not a
subset), simply call realize_view
on the original
Conversion of objects between the cytoframe
classes is accomplished with a few coercion
## [1] "flowFrame"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "flowCore"
## [1] "cytoframe"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "flowWorkspace"
Of course (as a side note), here
had no knowledge of the
origin of fr
, so
points to a new copy of the underlying data.
## [1] FALSE
in h5A couple of methods handle the task of writing or reading a
in the HDF5 format on disk
methodsMost of the above methods for cytoframe
objects have
For reading in a cytoset
from FCS files, use
files <- list.files(dataDir, "Cyto", full.names = TRUE)
cs <- load_cytoset_from_fcs(files, num_threads = 4)
## A cytoset with 2 samples.
## column names:
## FSC-A, FSC-H, FSC-W, SSC-A, B710-A, R660-A, R780-A, V450-A, V545-A, G560-A, G780-A, Time
Once constructed, it can be saved/loaded through more efficient archive format.
note that backend_readonly
is set to TRUE
by default to protect the data from accidental changes. So it has to be
turned off explicitly if your want to modify the loaded
The accessor methods function the same as they would for a
## [1] "FSC-A" "FSC-H" "FSC-W" "SSC-A" "B710-A" "R660-A" "R780-A" "V450-A"
## [9] "V545-A" "G560-A" "G780-A" "Time"
Subsetting using [
will work in a manner similar to that
for a flowSet
, but will result in another
that is a view in to the data of the original
. The Subset()
method, when called on a
, will also return a cytoset
that is a
view in to the orignal data rather than a deep copy.
Important: xtraction using [[
on a
will by default return a cytoframe
so will represent a reference of the underlying data. Thus, altering the
result of the extraction will alter the underlying data
of the original cytoset
## FSC-H
## 26207
## FSC-H
## 0
To return a flowFrame
that represents a copy of the data
of the original
cytoset, you need to use the
## FSC-H
## 0
## FSC-H
## 0
Alternatively, if it is easier to remember,
will accomplish the same goal
Finally, the []
and realize_view()
work in a similar manner for cytoset
objects as
objects. []
will return a view in to
the original data while realize_view()
will perform a deep
If this package is throwing errors when parsing your workspace, contact the package author by emails for post an issue on If you can send your workspace by email, we can test, debug, and fix the package so that it works for you. Our goal is to provide a tool that works, and that people find useful.