Under the Artistic License, you are free to use and redistribute this software.
We apply a cluster merging approach to perform automated gating of cell populations in flow cytometry data. The max BIC model fitting criterion for mixture models generally overestimates the number of cell populations (ie clusters) in flow cytometry data because the number of mixture components required to accurately model a distribution is usually greater than the number of distinct cell populations. Model fitting criteria based on the entropy, such as the ICL, provide better estimates of the number of clusters but tend to provide a poor fit to the underlying distribution. We combine these two approaches by merging mixture components from the max BIC fit based on an entropy criterion. This approach allows multiple mixture components to represent the same cell sub–population. Merged clusters are mixtures themselves and are summarized by a weighted combination of their component model parameters. The result is a mixture model that retains the good model fitting properties of the max BIC solution but the number of components more closely reflects the true number of distinct cell sub–populations.
requires several packages to be pre–installed
for full functionality. Specifically, flowClust
, flowViz
and snow
parallel computations) should be installed and functional.
To demonstrate the functionality we use a flow cytometry data set
from a drug-screening project to identify agents that would enhance the
anti-lymphoma activity of Rituximab, a therapeutic monoclonal antibody.
The data set is an object of class flowFrame
; it consists
of eight variables, among them only the two scattering variables
) and two channels for the
fluorochrome measurements (FL1.H
, FL3.H
) are
of interest in this experiment. The flowMerge package may be invoked
upon the output of a call to flowClust, or it may be invoked on a
directly via the parallelized method
, which will itself call flowClust
but throw away intermediate results. The following code will model one
through 10 clusters using flowClust in a parallel manner using
, choose the best BIC solution, merge clusters in the
best BIC solution, choose the best merged solution based on the entropy
criterion, then plot the results. This functionality is wrapped in the
function, with additional parallelization using
. Additionally, if the snow cluster object passed to
pFlowMerge is null, the non-parallel version of flowMerge is called.
#> Loading required package: graph
#> Loading required package: BiocGenerics
#> Loading required package: generics
#> Attaching package: 'generics'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> as.difftime, as.factor, as.ordered, intersect, is.element, setdiff,
#> setequal, union
#> Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> Filter, Find, Map, Position, Reduce, anyDuplicated, aperm, append,
#> as.data.frame, basename, cbind, colnames, dirname, do.call,
#> duplicated, eval, evalq, get, grep, grepl, is.unsorted, lapply,
#> mapply, match, mget, order, paste, pmax, pmax.int, pmin, pmin.int,
#> rank, rbind, rownames, sapply, saveRDS, table, tapply, unique,
#> unsplit, which.max, which.min
#> Loading required package: feature
#> Loading required package: flowClust
#> Attaching package: 'flowClust'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:BiocGenerics':
#> Map
#> The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
#> box
#> The following object is masked from 'package:base':
#> Map
#> Loading required package: Rgraphviz
#> Loading required package: grid
#> Loading required package: foreach
#> Loading required package: snow
#> Attaching package: 'flowMerge'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:snow':
#> checkForRemoteErrors
#> The following object is masked from 'package:stats':
#> BIC
#> Min. 59.0000 11.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.000 0.0000 0.00000
#> 1st Qu. 178.0000 130.0000 197.0000 55.0000 150.000 0.0000 0.00000
#> Median 249.0000 199.0000 244.0000 116.0000 203.000 0.0000 0.00000
#> Mean 287.0822 251.8265 349.1638 126.3994 258.345 73.4589 17.59871
#> 3rd Qu. 331.0000 307.0000 445.0000 185.0000 315.000 8.0000 0.00000
#> Max. 1023.0000 1023.0000 974.0000 705.0000 1023.000 1023.0000 444.00000
#> Time
#> Min. 2.0000
#> 1st Qu. 140.0000
#> Median 285.0000
#> Mean 294.0388
#> 3rd Qu. 451.0000
#> Max. 598.0000
flowClust.res <- flowClust(rituximab, varNames=c(colnames(rituximab)[1:2]), K=1:6,trans=1,nu.est=1,randomStart=20);
flowClust.res is a flowClust
object containing the 5
cluster solution. We extract the BIC of each solution with the internal
function BIC
main="BIC for 1 through 5 cluster flowClust solutions",xlab="K",ylab="BIC",type="o");
Here we have extracted the max BIC solution, found for K=4. Before we
run the cluster merging algorithm on the max BIC solution, we have to
create a flowObj
object from the flowClust
result and the flowFrame
data. We then run the
function on the flowObj
and extract then
entropy of clustering from the merged results using the ENT
function. The list of merged cluster solutions are input to the
function. This function fits a piecewise
linear regression to the entropy vs number of clusters and locates the
position of the changepoint, if appropriate. Model selection is done via
the BIC criterion. The results of the fit can be optionally plotted.
#> Merged to 3 clusters
#> Merged to 2 clusters
#> Merged to 1 clusters
#> Updating model statistics
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
#> Updated model 1
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
#> Updated model 2
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
#> Updated model 3
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
#> Updated model 4
Next we extract the merged solution with number of clusters equal to
the position of the changepoint found by
. This is the optimal merged solution
based on the entropy criterion. The solution can be plotted with the
plot(flowClust.res[[4]],data=rituximab,main="Max BIC solution");
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
plot(flowClust.res[[which.max(flowMerge:::ICL(flowClust.res))]],data=rituximab,main="Max ICL solution");
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
plot(flowClust.mergeopt,level=0.75,pch=20,main="Merged Solution");
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 75% quantile
We see that the merged solution provides a better fit to the lymphocyte
population than either the max BIC solution, or the max ICL solution.
Additionally, debris and granulocytes are also clearly identified, in
contrast to the ICL solution. We can extract the lymphocyte population
and re-run flowClust and flowMerge on the fluorescence channels of the
lymphocytes only.
The lymphocyte population is between the debris and the granulocytes
in the forward and side–scatter dimensions. We can easily select it by
examining the means of the three populations. We’re only interested in
the fluorescence channels, so we subset those with the []
operator inherited from flowClust
. Finally, another call to
performs a round of clustering on the lymphocyte
plot(l.flowO,main="max BIC solution",new.window=F,pch=20,level=0.9);
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
plot(flowObj(l.flowC[[which.max(flowMerge:::ICL(l.flowC))]],lymphocytes),main="max ICL solution",new.window=F,pch=20,level=0.9);
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
#> Merged to 5 clusters
#> Merged to 4 clusters
#> Merged to 3 clusters
#> Merged to 2 clusters
#> Merged to 1 clusters
#> Updating model statistics
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
#> Updated model 1
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
#> Updated model 2
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
#> Updated model 3
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
#> Updated model 4
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
#> Updated model 5
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
#> Updated model 6
plot(l.flowM[[i]],new.window=F,main="Best Merged Solution",pch=20,level=0.9);
#> Rule of identifying outliers: 90% quantile
We complete the analysis by choosing the best fitting merged solution
and comparing it to the max BIC and max ICL solutions. ## Parallel
computations with the snow package The methodology described in the
first section is wrapped in a single function call with the additional
benefits of utilizing the parallel processing capabilities of the
package to speed up model fitting using
. The function pFlowMerge
can be
passed multiple flowFrames in the form of a flowSet, or a list of
flowFrames, as well as a snow
cluster object, and the usual
set of parameters required by flowClust
to specify the
model. The call parallelizes the computation of multiple models for each
. For example if one wants to fit all models
starting from the one cluster model through to the ten cluster model for
each of ten flowFrames, these will be distributed amongst the number of
processors defined in the snow
cluster object. Each
processor will be assigned the calculation for a single flowFrame and
model combination, until all processors are occupied. This speeds up
computations significantly in a high–throughput analysis setting.
The resulting models are evaluated for the max BIC solutions for each
, the merging algorithm is run on each max BIC
solution, the optimal merged solution is found as described in the
example and returned to the user. The non–parallel version can be called
via pFlowMerge with the ``cl’’ argument equal to NULL.
The flowMerge algorithm has been updated to increase speed and now
supports parallelization when the foreach
package is
installed. FlowMerge now also supports merging on the mahalanobis
distance metric as well as the entropy. These can be specified to the
merging algorithm via the optional metric
to the
function. The default is to use “entropy”.
We have added some new features for plotting the tree of merged populations, and highlighting the nodes/populations according to marker expression. For the fluorescent markers above:
#> A graphNEL graph with directed edges
#> Number of Nodes = 5
#> Number of Edges = 4
#> A graphNEL graph with directed edges
#> Number of Nodes = 5
#> Number of Edges = 4
Circular nodes with dashed borders show merged clusters. Elliptical nodes show the chosen populations in the best fitting model. Square nodes show the rest of the complete merging to a single cluster. Red indicated higher expression of the marker, and blue/green shows lower expression. Note that it is normalized between 0 and 1 on the range of the data.
FlowMerge is undergoing continuous usability improvements, specifically with respect to the parallel computation framework. Figures of merit and other statistics will be output to allow the user to monitor the success or failure of the merging algorithm as it works through a large data set. A framework for semi–supervised selection of lymphocyte populations across multiple samples is also in the works. pFlowMerge does not do any sophisticated memory management, as such if you have a large data set, we suggest feeding it to pFlowMerge piece by piece, depending on the amount of RAM available to your machine / cluster.
Q: How do I use pFlowMerge?
A: pFlowMerge is implemented to parallelize computations for flowSets
or lists of flowFrames, rather than for multiple clusters in a single
flowFrame. For example, if data
is flowSet
ten flowFrames
and cl
is a snow
cluster of ten nodes, then, running
distribute the ten flowFrames
across the ten nodes, and
each node will evaluate the model for K=1:10
clusters. If
you wish to parallelize the K=1:10
cluster computations
across multiple nodes, you would need to make function call that
utilizes snow
functionality directly, such as:
This will distribute the calculation of flowFrame
for each
value of K=1
through K=10
components across
the ten nodes of cl
. The addition of the try()
wrapper ensures the function will return even if an individual model
fails to converge for a given value of K
. Alternately, if
you wish to do the above for a flowSet
you will need to
replicate each element of the flowSet
$} times, where
`K$_{max$} is the total number of model components to evaluate per
flowFrame. Again, an example:
clusterMap(cl,function(…)try(flowClust(…)),rep(as(flowSet,“list”),each=length(Kvector)),varNames=list(c(“A”,“B”,“C”)),K=Kvector). Please remember to ensure
flowClustis loaded in each R work environment on the nodes by calling