esetVis 1.29.2
- interactive plot: replace rbokeh (archived) by plotly
- doc: use internal keyword for internal functions
esetVis 1.29.1
- vignette: run rbokeh example only if package is available
esetVis 1.26.1
- rbokeh plot - fixes error:
- when no aesthetic variable is specified
- dataPlotWithAnnotationWthtNA not found
- add GO.db to the 'Suggests'
esetVis 1.19.1
- default for typePlot: fix issue length > 1 in coercion to logical
- fix for ggplot2 >= 3.3.4: replace guides(fill = FALSE) by guides(fill = 'none')
- fix few notes check SummarizedExperiment + ggvis
esetVis 1.7.3
- vignette: use print rather 'knit_print.ggvis'
- ggvis: include transparency, fix issue position legend
- rbokeh: use vector instead of column names for ly_hexbin
esetVis 1.7.2
- ggplotEsetPlot: enable title/axes labels of type expression
esetVis 1.7.1
- fix issue duplicated columns when same column is used for multiple aesthetics (reported as issue in ggplot2:
esetVis 1.3.2
- fix specification default values of fixed aesthetics
esetVis 1.3.1
- implement S4 class approach
esetVis 1.1.2
- fixes for ggplot 2.2.0: count for stat_bin_hex, center title
- fix use axis.text.y twice
esetVis 1.1.1
- add Rbuildignore
- test with rbokeh 0.5.0
- correct documentation to avoid warning R CMD check
esetVis 0.99.9
esetVis 0.99.8
- fix issue for ggplot2 plot when variable names contain space
esetVis 0.99.7
- fix issue: no annotated samples/genes and returnAnalysis set to TRUE
esetVis 0.99.6
- fix issue when returnAnalysis and no top elements
esetVis 0.99.5
- annotated one gene/sample when topGenes/topSamples is set to 1
esetVis 0.99.4
esetVis 0.99.3
- support object of class 'SummarizedExperiment'
esetVis 0.99.2
- increase version number after subscribed to bioc-devel list
esetVis 0.99.1
- add extra imports (packages base R) + vignette with clean = FALSE
esetVis 0.99.0
- first version of the package submitted to Bioconductor