Title: | Fast, Epiallele-Aware Methylation Caller and Reporter |
Description: | Epialleles are specific DNA methylation patterns that are mitotically and/or meiotically inherited. This package calls and reports cytosine methylation as well as frequencies of hypermethylated epialleles at the level of genomic regions or individual cytosines in next-generation sequencing data using binary alignment map (BAM) files as an input. Among other things, this package can also extract and visualise methylation patterns and assess allele specificity of methylation. |
Authors: | Oleksii Nikolaienko [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Oleksii Nikolaienko <[email protected]> |
License: | Artistic-2.0 |
Version: | 1.15.3 |
Built: | 2025-03-06 03:35:04 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/epialleleR |
This function calls cytosine methylation and stores calls in BAM files.
callMethylation( input.bam.file, output.bam.file, genome, nthreads = 1, verbose = TRUE )
callMethylation( input.bam.file, output.bam.file, genome, nthreads = 1, verbose = TRUE )
input.bam.file |
input BAM file location string. |
output.bam.file |
output BAM file location string. |
genome |
reference (genomic) sequences file location string or an
output of |
nthreads |
non-negative integer for the number of additional HTSlib threads to be used during file decompression (default: 1). |
verbose |
boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE). |
The function makes cytosine methylation calls for short-read methylation (bisulfite/enzymatic) sequencing alignments from input BAM file and writes them in the XM tag of the output BAM file. Calls are made on the basis of reference (e.g., genomic) sequence and observed sequence and cytosine context of reads. Data reading/processing is done by means of HTSlib, therefore it is possible to significantly (>5x) speed up the calling using several (4-8) HTSlib decompression threads.
Methylation calling with this function is only possible for sequencing data obtained using either bisulfite or other similar sequencing method (enzymatic methylation sequencing). Cytosine methylation in long-read, native DNA sequencing alignments should be called using other, appropriate tools.
It is a requirement that the genomic strand the read was aligned to is known. This information is typically stored in XG tag of Bismark/Illumina BAM files, or in YD tag of BWA-meth alignment files, or in ZS tag of BSMAP alignment files. 'epialleleR' is aware of that and will use the whichever tag is available.
The sequence context of cytosines (h/H for "CHH", x/X for "CHG", z/Z for "CG") is determined based on the actual (observed) sequence of the read. E.g., if read "ACGT" was aligned to the forward strand of reference sequence "ACaaGT" with the CIGAR string "2M2D2M" (2 bases match, 2 reference bases are deleted, 2 bases match), then methylation call string will be ".Z.." (in contrast to the reference's one of ".H...."). This makes cytosine calls nearly identical to ones produced by Bismark Bisulfite Read Mapper and Methylation Caller or Illumina DRAGEN Bio IT Platform, however with one important distinction: 'epialleleR' reports sequence context of cytosines followed by unknown bases ("CNN") as "H.." instead of "U.." (unknown; as for example Illumina DRAGEN Bio IT Platform does). Similarly, forward strand context of "CNG" is reported as "X..", forward strand context of "CGN" -> "Z..", reverse strand context of "NNG" -> "..H", reverse strand context of "CNG" -> "..X", reverse strand context of "NCG" -> "..Z". Both lowercase and uppercase ACGTN symbols in reference sequence are allowed and correctly recognised, however all the other symbols (e.g., extended IUPAC symbols, MRSVWYHKDB) within sequences are converted to N.
As a reference sequence, the function expects either location of
(preferably 'bgzip'ped) FASTA file or an object obtained by
. The latter is recommended if methylation
calling is to be performed on multiple BAM files.
The alignment records of the output BAM file will contain additional XM tag with the methylation call string for every mapped read which did not have XM tag available. Besides that, XG tag with reference sequence strand ("CT" or "GA") is added to such reads in case it wasn't present.
Please note that for the purpose of methylation calling, the very same
reference genome must be used for both alignment (when BAM is produced) and
calling cytosine methylation by callMethylation
Exception is thrown if reference sequence header of BAM file doesn't match
reference sequence data provided (this matching is performed on the basis
of names and lengths of reference sequences).
list object with simple statistics of processed ("nrecs") records and calls made ("ncalled"). Even though "ncalled" can be less than "nrecs" (e.g., because not all reads are mapped), all records from the input BAM are written to the output BAM.
for preloading reference sequences
and 'epialleleR' vignettes for the description of usage and sample data.
Bismark Bisulfite Read Mapper and Methylation Caller, bwa-meth for fast and accurate alignment of long bisulfite-seq reads, BSMAP: whole genome bisulfite sequence MAPping program, or info on Illumina DRAGEN Bio IT Platform.
callMethylation( input.bam.file=system.file("extdata", "test", "dragen-se-unsort-xg.bam", package="epialleleR"), output.bam.file=tempfile(pattern="output-", fileext=".bam"), genome=system.file("extdata", "test", "reference.fasta.gz", package="epialleleR") )
callMethylation( input.bam.file=system.file("extdata", "test", "dragen-se-unsort-xg.bam", package="epialleleR"), output.bam.file=tempfile(pattern="output-", fileext=".bam"), genome=system.file("extdata", "test", "reference.fasta.gz", package="epialleleR") )
This function extracts methylation patterns (epialleles) for a given genomic region of interest.
extractPatterns( bam, bed, bed.row = 1, zero.based.bed = FALSE, match.min.overlap = 1, extract.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), min.context.freq = 0.01, clip.patterns = FALSE, strand.offset = c(CG = 1, CHG = 2, CHH = 0, CxG = 0, CX = 0)[extract.context], highlight.positions = c(), ..., verbose = TRUE )
extractPatterns( bam, bed, bed.row = 1, zero.based.bed = FALSE, match.min.overlap = 1, extract.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), min.context.freq = 0.01, clip.patterns = FALSE, strand.offset = c(CG = 1, CHG = 2, CHH = 0, CxG = 0, CX = 0)[extract.context], highlight.positions = c(), ..., verbose = TRUE )
bam |
BAM file location string OR preprocessed output of
bed |
Browser Extensible Data (BED) file location string OR object of
class |
bed.row |
single non-negative integer specifying what 'bed' region should be included in the output (default: 1). |
zero.based.bed |
boolean defining if BED coordinates are zero based (default: FALSE). |
match.min.overlap |
integer for the smallest overlap between read's and
BED/ |
extract.context |
string defining cytosine methylation context used to report:
min.context.freq |
real number in the range [0;1] (default: 0.01). Genomic positions that are covered by smaller fraction of patterns (e.g., with erroneous context) won't be included in the report. |
clip.patterns |
boolean if patterns should not extend over the edge of 'bed' region (default: FALSE). |
strand.offset |
single non-negative integer specifying the offset of bases at the reverse (-) strand compared to the forward (+) strand. Allows to "merge" genomic positions when methylation is symmetric (in CG and CHG contexts). By default, equals 1 for 'extract.context'=="CG", 2 for "CHG", or 0 otherwise. |
highlight.positions |
integer vector with genomic positions of bases to include in every overlapping pattern. Allows to visualize the distribution of single-nucleotide variations (SNVs) among methylation patterns. 'highlight.positions' takes precedence if any of these positions overlap with within-the-context positions of methylation pattern. |
... |
other parameters to pass to the
verbose |
boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE). |
The function matches reads (for paired-end sequencing alignment files - read
pairs as a single entity) to the genomic
region provided in a BED file/GRanges
object, extracts
methylation statuses of bases within those reads, and returns a data frame
which can be used for further analysis and/or plotting of DNA methylation
patterns by plotPatterns
object containing
per-read (pair) base methylation information for the genomic region of
interest. The report columns are:
seqnames – read (pair) reference sequence name
strand – read (pair) strand
start – start of the read (pair)
end – end of the read (pair)
nbase – number of within-the-context bases for this read (pair)
beta – beta value of this read (pair), calculated as a ratio of the number of methylated within-the-context bases to the total number of within-the-context bases
pattern – hex representation of 64-bit FNV-1a hash calculated for all reported base positions and bases in this read (pair). This hash value depends only on included genomic positions and their methylation call string chars (hHxXzZ) or nucleotides (ACGT, for highlighted bases only), thus it is expected to be unique for every methylation pattern, although equal for identical methylation patterns independently on read (pair) start, end, or strand (when correct 'strand.offset' is given)
... – columns for each genomic position that hold corresponding methylation call string char, or NA if position is not present in the read (pair)
for pretty plotting of the output,
for preloading BAM data,
for methylation statistics at the level
of individual cytosines, generateBedReport
for genomic
region-based statistics, generateVcfReport
for evaluating
epiallele-SNV associations, generateBedEcdf
for analysing the
distribution of per-read beta values, and 'epialleleR' vignettes for the
description of usage and sample data.
# amplicon data amplicon.bam <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon010meth.bam", package="epialleleR") amplicon.bed <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon.bed", package="epialleleR") # extract patterns patterns <- extractPatterns(bam=amplicon.bam, bed=amplicon.bed, bed.row=3) # and then plot them plotPatterns(patterns)
# amplicon data amplicon.bam <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon010meth.bam", package="epialleleR") amplicon.bed <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon.bed", package="epialleleR") # extract patterns patterns <- extractPatterns(bam=amplicon.bam, bed=amplicon.bed, bed.row=3) # and then plot them plotPatterns(patterns)
This function computes empirical cumulative distribution functions (eCDF) for per-read beta values of the sequencing reads.
generateBedEcdf( bam, bed, bed.type = c("amplicon", "capture"), bed.rows = c(1), zero.based.bed = FALSE, match.tolerance = 1, match.min.overlap = 1, ecdf.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), ..., verbose = TRUE )
generateBedEcdf( bam, bed, bed.type = c("amplicon", "capture"), bed.rows = c(1), zero.based.bed = FALSE, match.tolerance = 1, match.min.overlap = 1, ecdf.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), ..., verbose = TRUE )
bam |
BAM file location string OR preprocessed output of
bed |
Browser Extensible Data (BED) file location string OR object of
class |
bed.type |
character string for the type of assay that was used to produce sequencing reads:
bed.rows |
integer vector specifying what 'bed' regions should be included in the output. If 'c(1)' (the default), then function returns eCDFs for the first region of 'bed', if NULL - eCDF functions for all 'bed' genomic regions as well as for the reads that didn't match any of the regions (last element of the return value; only if there are such reads). |
zero.based.bed |
boolean defining if BED coordinates are zero based (default: FALSE). |
match.tolerance |
integer for the largest difference between read's and
match.min.overlap |
integer for the smallest overlap between read's and
ecdf.context |
string defining cytosine methylation context used for computing within-the-context and out-of-context eCDFs:
... |
other parameters to pass to the
verbose |
boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE). |
The function matches reads (for paired-end sequencing alignment files - read
pairs as a single entity) to the genomic
regions provided in a BED file/GRanges
object, computes
average per-read beta values according to the cytosine context parameter
'ecdf.context', and returns a list of eCDFs for within- and out-of-context
average per-read beta values, which can be used for plotting.
The resulting eCDFs and their plots can be used to characterise the methylation pattern of a particular genomic region, e.g. if reads that match to that region are methylated in an "all-CpGs-or-none" manner or if some intermediate methylation levels are more frequent.
list with a number of elements equal to the length of 'bed.rows' (if not NULL), or to the number of genomic regions within 'bed' (if 'bed.rows==NULL') plus one item for all reads not matching 'bed' genomic regions (if any). Every list item is a list on it's own, consisting of two eCDF functions for within- and out-of-context per-read beta values.
for preloading BAM data,
for methylation statistics at the level
of individual cytosines, generateBedReport
for genomic
region-based statistics, generateVcfReport
for evaluating
epiallele-SNV associations, extractPatterns
for exploring
methylation patterns and plotPatterns
for pretty plotting
of its output, and 'epialleleR' vignettes for the description of
usage and sample data.
# amplicon data amplicon.bam <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon010meth.bam", package="epialleleR") amplicon.bed <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon.bed", package="epialleleR") # let's compute eCDF amplicon.ecdfs <- generateBedEcdf(bam=amplicon.bam, bed=amplicon.bed, bed.rows=NULL) # there are 5 items in amplicon.ecdfs, let's plot them all par(mfrow=c(1,length(amplicon.ecdfs))) # cycle through items for (x in 1:length(amplicon.ecdfs)) { # four of them have names corresponding to amplicon.bed genomic regions, # fifth - NA for all the reads that don't match to any of those regions main <- if (is.na(names(amplicon.ecdfs[x]))) "unmatched" else names(amplicon.ecdfs[x]) # plotting eCDF for within-the-context per-read beta values (in red) plot(amplicon.ecdfs[[x]]$context, col="red", verticals=TRUE, do.points=FALSE, xlim=c(0,1), xlab="per-read beta value", ylab="cumulative density", main=main) # adding eCDF for out-of-context per-read beta values (in blue) plot(amplicon.ecdfs[[x]]$out.of.context, add=TRUE, col="blue", verticals=TRUE, do.points=FALSE) } # recover default plotting parameters par(mfrow=c(1,1))
# amplicon data amplicon.bam <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon010meth.bam", package="epialleleR") amplicon.bed <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon.bed", package="epialleleR") # let's compute eCDF amplicon.ecdfs <- generateBedEcdf(bam=amplicon.bam, bed=amplicon.bed, bed.rows=NULL) # there are 5 items in amplicon.ecdfs, let's plot them all par(mfrow=c(1,length(amplicon.ecdfs))) # cycle through items for (x in 1:length(amplicon.ecdfs)) { # four of them have names corresponding to amplicon.bed genomic regions, # fifth - NA for all the reads that don't match to any of those regions main <- if (is.na(names(amplicon.ecdfs[x]))) "unmatched" else names(amplicon.ecdfs[x]) # plotting eCDF for within-the-context per-read beta values (in red) plot(amplicon.ecdfs[[x]]$context, col="red", verticals=TRUE, do.points=FALSE, xlim=c(0,1), xlab="per-read beta value", ylab="cumulative density", main=main) # adding eCDF for out-of-context per-read beta values (in blue) plot(amplicon.ecdfs[[x]]$out.of.context, add=TRUE, col="blue", verticals=TRUE, do.points=FALSE) } # recover default plotting parameters par(mfrow=c(1,1))
'generateBedReport', 'generateAmpliconReport', 'generateCaptureReport' – these functions match BAM reads to the set of genomic locations and return the fraction of reads with an average methylation level passing an arbitrary threshold.
generateAmpliconReport( bam, bed, report.file = NULL, zero.based.bed = FALSE, match.tolerance = 1, threshold.reads = TRUE, threshold.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), min.context.sites = 2, min.context.beta = 0.5, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1, ..., gzip = FALSE, verbose = TRUE ) generateCaptureReport( bam, bed, report.file = NULL, zero.based.bed = FALSE, match.min.overlap = 1, threshold.reads = TRUE, threshold.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), min.context.sites = 2, min.context.beta = 0.5, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1, ..., gzip = FALSE, verbose = TRUE ) generateBedReport( bam, bed, report.file = NULL, zero.based.bed = FALSE, bed.type = c("amplicon", "capture"), match.tolerance = 1, match.min.overlap = 1, threshold.reads = TRUE, threshold.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), min.context.sites = 2, min.context.beta = 0.5, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1, ..., gzip = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
generateAmpliconReport( bam, bed, report.file = NULL, zero.based.bed = FALSE, match.tolerance = 1, threshold.reads = TRUE, threshold.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), min.context.sites = 2, min.context.beta = 0.5, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1, ..., gzip = FALSE, verbose = TRUE ) generateCaptureReport( bam, bed, report.file = NULL, zero.based.bed = FALSE, match.min.overlap = 1, threshold.reads = TRUE, threshold.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), min.context.sites = 2, min.context.beta = 0.5, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1, ..., gzip = FALSE, verbose = TRUE ) generateBedReport( bam, bed, report.file = NULL, zero.based.bed = FALSE, bed.type = c("amplicon", "capture"), match.tolerance = 1, match.min.overlap = 1, threshold.reads = TRUE, threshold.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), min.context.sites = 2, min.context.beta = 0.5, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1, ..., gzip = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
bam |
BAM file location string OR preprocessed output of
bed |
Browser Extensible Data (BED) file location string OR object of
class |
report.file |
file location string to write the BED report. If NULL
(the default) then report is returned as a
zero.based.bed |
boolean defining if BED coordinates are zero based (default: FALSE). |
match.tolerance |
integer for the largest difference between read's and
threshold.reads |
boolean defining if sequence reads should be thresholded before counting reads belonging to variant epialleles (default: TRUE). Disabling thresholding is possible but makes no sense in the context of this function, because all the reads will be assigned to the variant epiallele, which will result in VEF==1 (in such case 'NA' VEF values are returned in order to avoid confusion). As thresholding is not recommended for long-read sequencing data, this function is not recommended for such data either. |
threshold.context |
string defining cytosine methylation context used for thresholding the reads:
This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled. |
min.context.sites |
non-negative integer for minimum number of cytosines within the 'threshold.context' (default: 2). Reads containing fewer within-the-context cytosines are considered completely unmethylated (thus belonging to the reference epiallele). This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled. |
min.context.beta |
real number in the range [0;1] (default: 0.5). Reads with average beta value for within-the-context cytosines below this threshold are considered completely unmethylated (thus belonging to the reference epiallele). This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled. |
max.outofcontext.beta |
real number in the range [0;1] (default: 0.1). Reads with average beta value for out-of-context cytosines above this threshold are considered completely unmethylated (thus belonging to the reference epiallele). This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled. |
... |
other parameters to pass to the
gzip |
boolean to compress the report (default: FALSE). |
verbose |
boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE). |
match.min.overlap |
integer for the smallest overlap between read's and
bed.type |
character string for the type of assay that was used to produce sequencing reads:
Functions report hypermethylated variant epiallele frequencies (VEF) per genomic region of interest using BAM and BED files as input. Reads (for paired-end sequencing alignment files - read pairs as a single entity) are matched to genomic locations by exact coordinates ('generateAmpliconReport' or 'generateBedReport' with an option bed.type="amplicon") or minimum overlap ('generateCaptureReport' or 'generateBedReport' with an option bed.type="capture") – the former to be used for amplicon-based NGS data, while the latter – for the capture-based NGS data. The function's logic is explained below.
Let's suppose we have a BAM file with four reads, all mapped to the "+" strand of chromosome 1, positions 1-16. The genomic range is supplied as a parameter 'bed = as("chr1:1-100", "GRanges")'. Assuming the default values for the thresholding parameters (threshold.reads = TRUE, threshold.context = "CG", min.context.sites = 2, min.context.beta = 0.5, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1), the input and results will look as following:
methylation string | threshold | explained |
...Z..x+.h..x..h. | below | min.context.sites < 2 (only one zZ base) |
...Z..z.h..x..h. | above | pass all criteria |
...Z..z.h..X..h. | below | max.outofcontext.beta > 0.1 (1XH / 3xXhH = 0.33) |
...Z..z.h..z-.h. | below | min.context.beta < 0.5 (1Z / 3zZ = 0.33) |
Only the second read will satisfy all of the thresholding criteria, leading to the following BED report (given that all reads map to chr1:+:1-16):
seqnames | start | end | width | strand | nreads+ | nreads- | VEF |
chr1 | 1 | 100 | 100 | * | 4 | 0 | 0.25 |
Please note, that read thresholding by an average methylation level
(as explained above) makes little sense for long-read sequencing alignments,
as such reads can cover multiple regions with very different DNA methylation
properties. Instead, please use extractPatterns
, limiting
pattern output to the region of interest only.
object containing VEF report for
BED GRanges
or NULL if report.file was
specified. If BAM file contains reads that would not match to any of BED
, the last row in the report will
contain information on such reads (with seqnames, start and end equal to NA).
The report columns are:
seqnames – reference sequence name
start – start of genomic region
end – end of genomic region
width – width of genomic region
strand – strand
... – other columns that were present in BED or metadata columns of
nreads+ – number of reads (pairs) mapped to the forward ("+") strand
nreads- – number of reads (pairs) mapped to the reverse ("-") strand
VEF – frequency of reads passing the threshold
for preloading BAM data,
for methylation statistics at the level
of individual cytosines, generateVcfReport
for evaluating
epiallele-SNV associations, extractPatterns
for exploring
methylation patterns and plotPatterns
for pretty plotting
of its output, generateBedEcdf
for analysing the
distribution of per-read beta values, and 'epialleleR' vignettes for the
description of usage and sample data.
class for working with genomic ranges,
function for getting or setting
the seqlevels style.
# amplicon data amplicon.bam <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon010meth.bam", package="epialleleR") amplicon.bed <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon.bed", package="epialleleR") amplicon.report <- generateAmpliconReport(bam=amplicon.bam, bed=amplicon.bed) # capture NGS capture.bam <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR") capture.bed <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bed", package="epialleleR") capture.report <- generateCaptureReport(bam=capture.bam, bed=capture.bed) # generateAmpliconReport and generateCaptureReport are just aliases # of the generateBedReport bed.report <- generateBedReport(bam=capture.bam, bed=capture.bed, bed.type="capture") identical(capture.report, bed.report)
# amplicon data amplicon.bam <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon010meth.bam", package="epialleleR") amplicon.bed <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon.bed", package="epialleleR") amplicon.report <- generateAmpliconReport(bam=amplicon.bam, bed=amplicon.bed) # capture NGS capture.bam <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR") capture.bed <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bed", package="epialleleR") capture.report <- generateCaptureReport(bam=capture.bam, bed=capture.bed) # generateAmpliconReport and generateCaptureReport are just aliases # of the generateBedReport bed.report <- generateBedReport(bam=capture.bam, bed=capture.bed, bed.type="capture") identical(capture.report, bed.report)
This function counts methylated and unmethylated DNA bases taking into the account average methylation level of the entire sequence read.
generateCytosineReport( bam, report.file = NULL, threshold.reads = TRUE, threshold.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), min.context.sites = 2, min.context.beta = 0.5, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1, report.context = threshold.context, ..., gzip = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
generateCytosineReport( bam, report.file = NULL, threshold.reads = TRUE, threshold.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), min.context.sites = 2, min.context.beta = 0.5, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1, report.context = threshold.context, ..., gzip = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
bam |
BAM file location string OR preprocessed output of
report.file |
file location string to write the cytosine report. If NULL
(the default) then report is returned as a
threshold.reads |
boolean defining if sequence reads (read pairs) should be thresholded before counting methylated cytosines (default: TRUE). Disabling thresholding makes the report virtually indistinguishable from the ones generated by other software, such as Bismark or Illumina DRAGEN Bio IT Platform. Thresholding is not recommended for long-read sequencing data. |
threshold.context |
string defining cytosine methylation context used for thresholding the reads:
This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled. |
min.context.sites |
non-negative integer for minimum number of cytosines within the 'threshold.context' (default: 2). Reads containing fewer within-the-context cytosines are considered completely unmethylated (all C are counted as T). This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled. |
min.context.beta |
real number in the range [0;1] (default: 0.5). Reads with average beta value for within-the-context cytosines below this threshold are considered completely unmethylated (all C are counted as T). This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled. |
max.outofcontext.beta |
real number in the range [0;1] (default: 0.1). Reads with average beta value for out-of-context cytosines above this threshold are considered completely unmethylated (all C are counted as T). This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled. |
report.context |
string defining cytosine methylation context to report (default: value of 'threshold.context'). |
... |
other parameters to pass to the
gzip |
boolean to compress the report (default: FALSE). |
verbose |
boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE). |
The function reports cytosine methylation information using BAM file or data as an input. In contrast to the other currently available software, reads (for paired-end sequencing alignment files - read pairs as a single entity) can be thresholded by their average methylation level before counting methylated bases, effectively resulting in hypermethylated variant epiallele frequency (VEF) being reported instead of beta value. The function's logic is explained below.
Let's suppose we have a BAM file with four reads, all mapped to the "+" strand of chromosome 1, positions 1-16. Assuming the default values for the thresholding parameters (threshold.reads = TRUE, threshold.context = "CG", min.context.sites = 2, min.context.beta = 0.5, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1), the input and results will look as following:
methylation string | threshold | explained | methylation reported |
...Z..x+.h..x..h. | below | min.context.sites < 2 (only one zZ base) | all cytosines unmethylated |
...Z..z.h..x..h. | above | pass all criteria | only C4 (Z at position 4) is methylated |
...Z..z.h..X..h. | below | max.outofcontext.beta > 0.1 (1XH / 3xXhH = 0.33) | all cytosines unmethylated |
...Z..z.h..z-.h. | below | min.context.beta < 0.5 (1Z / 3zZ = 0.33) | all cytosines unmethylated |
Only the second read will satisfy all of the thresholding criteria, leading to the following CX report (given that all reads map to chr1:+:1-16):
rname | strand | pos | context | meth | unmeth |
chr1 | + | 4 | CG | 1 | 3 |
chr1 | + | 7 | CG | 0 | 3 |
chr1 | + | 9 | CHH | 0 | 4 |
chr1 | + | 12 | CHG | 0 | 3 |
chr1 | + | 15 | CHH | 0 | 4 |
With the thresholding disabled (threshold.reads = FALSE) all methylated bases will retain their status, so the CX report will be similar to the reports produced by other methylation callers (such as Bismark or Illumina DRAGEN Bio IT Platform):
rname | strand | pos | context | meth | unmeth |
chr1 | + | 4 | CG | 4 | 0 |
chr1 | + | 7 | CG | 0 | 3 |
chr1 | + | 9 | CHH | 0 | 4 |
chr1 | + | 12 | CHG | 1 | 2 |
chr1 | + | 15 | CHH | 0 | 4 |
Other notes:
To produce conventional cytosine reports without thresholding by within-context methylation level though minimally affected by incomplete cytosine conversion, run this method with the following parameters: 'threshold.reads=TRUE', 'threshold.context="CG"', 'min.context.sites=0', 'min.context.beta=0', 'max.outofcontext.beta=0.1'. All cytosines within reads (read pairs) having more than 10 cytosines methylated, will be effectively treated as unmethylated ones.
Methylation string bases in unknown context ("uU") are simply ignored, which, to the best of our knowledge, is consistent with the behaviour of other tools.
In order to mitigate the effect of sequencing errors (leading to rare variations in the methylation context, as in reads 1 and 4 above), the context present in more than 50% of the reads is assumed to be correct, while all bases at the same position but having other methylation context are simply ignored. This allows reports to be prepared without using the reference genome sequence.
The downside of not using the reference genome sequence is the inability to determine the actual sequence of triplet for every base in the cytosine report. Therefore this sequence is not reported, and this won't change until such information will be considered as worth adding.
Please also note, that read thresholding by an average methylation level (as explained above) makes little sense for long-read sequencing alignments, as such reads can cover multiple regions with very different DNA methylation properties.
object containing cytosine
report in Bismark-like format or NULL if report.file was specified. The
report columns are:
rname — reference sequence name (as in BAM)
strand — strand
pos — cytosine position
context — methylation context
meth — number of methylated cytosines
unmeth — number of unmethylated cytosines
'values' vignette for a comparison and visualisation of epialleleR output values for various input files. 'epialleleR' vignette for the description of usage and sample data.
for preloading BAM data,
for genomic region-based statistics,
for evaluating epiallele-SNV associations,
for exploring methylation patterns and
for pretty plotting of its output,
for analysing the distribution of per-read
beta values.
capture.bam <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR") # CpG report with thresholding cg.report <- generateCytosineReport(capture.bam) # CX report without thresholding cx.report <- generateCytosineReport(capture.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE, report.context="CX")
capture.bam <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR") # CpG report with thresholding cg.report <- generateCytosineReport(capture.bam) # CX report without thresholding cx.report <- generateCytosineReport(capture.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE, report.context="CX")
This function computes Linearised Methylated Haplotype Load
() per genomic position.
generateMhlReport( bam, report.file = NULL, haplotype.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), max.haplotype.window = 0, min.haplotype.length = 0, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1, ..., gzip = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
generateMhlReport( bam, report.file = NULL, haplotype.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), max.haplotype.window = 0, min.haplotype.length = 0, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1, ..., gzip = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
bam |
BAM file location string OR preprocessed output of
report.file |
file location string to write the |
haplotype.context |
string for a cytosine context that defines a haplotype:
If |
max.haplotype.window |
non-negative integer for maximum value of
min.haplotype.length |
non-negative integer for minimum length of a haplotype (default: 0 will include haplotypes of any length). When 'min.haplotype.length'>0, reads (read pairs) with fewer than 'min.haplotype.length' cytosines within the 'haplotype.context' are skipped. |
max.outofcontext.beta |
real number in the range [0;1] (default: 0.1). Reads (read pairs) with average beta value for out-of-context cytosines above this threshold are skipped. Set to 1 to disable filtering. |
... |
other parameters to pass to the
gzip |
boolean to compress the report (default: FALSE). |
verbose |
boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE). |
The function reports Linearised Methylated Haplotype Load
() at the level of individual cytosines using BAM file location
or preprocessed data as an input. Function uses the following formula:
where is the length of a calculation window
(e.g., number of CpGs;
is the length of a haplotype covering current genomic
is a number of fully successive methylated stretches
loci within a methylated stretch that overlaps
current genomic position,
is a number of fully successive stretches with
is a weight for
-locus haplotype (
This formula is a modification of the original Methylated Haplotype Load (MHL) formula that was first described by Guo et al., 2017 (doi: 10.1038/ng.3805):
where is the length of a longest haplotype covering current genomic
is the fraction
of fully successive methylated stretches with
a weight for
-locus haplotype (
The modifications to original formula are made in order to:
provide granularity of values — the original MHL
formula gives the same MHL value for every cytosine of a partially
methylated haplotype (e.g., MHL=0.358 for each cytosine within a read with
methylation call string "zZZZ"). In contrast, ==0 for the
non-methylated cytosines (e.g.,
==c(0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) for
cytosines within a read with methylation call string "zZZZ").
enable calculations for long-read sequencing alignments —
calculation window can be limited to a particular number of cytosines.
This allows to use the formula for very long haplotypes as well as
to compare values for sequencing data of varying read length.
reduce the complexity of MHL calculation for data of high
breadth and depth — values for all genomic positions can be
calculated using a single pass (cycling through reads just once) as
the linearised calculations of numerator and denominator for
do not require prior knowledge on how many reads cover
a particular position. This is achieved by moving
to the denominator of the
These modifications make calculation similar though
non-equivalent to the original MHL.
However, the most important property of MHL — emphasis on
hypermethylated blocks — is retained. And in return,
gets better
applicability for analysis of sequencing data of varying depth and read
Other notes on function's behaviour:
Methylation string bases in unknown context ("uU") are simply ignored, which, to the best of our knowledge, is consistent with the behaviour of other tools.
Cytosine context present in more than 50% of the reads is assumed to be correct, while all bases at the same position but having other methylation context are simply ignored. This allows reports to be prepared without using the reference genome sequence.
object containing
report or NULL if report.file was specified. The
report columns are:
rname – reference sequence name (as in BAM)
strand – strand
pos – cytosine position
context – methylation context
coverage – number of reads (read pairs) that include this position
length – average length of a haplotype, i.e., average number of cytosines within 'haplotype.context' for reads (read pairs) that include this position
lmhl – value
'values' vignette for a comparison and visualisation of epialleleR output values for various input files. 'epialleleR' vignette for the description of usage and sample data.
for preloading BAM data,
for other methylation statistics at the
level of individual cytosines,
for genomic region-based statistics,
for evaluating epiallele-SNV associations,
for exploring methylation patterns
and plotPatterns
for pretty plotting of its output,
for analysing the distribution of per-read
beta values.
capture.bam <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR") # lMHL report mhl.report <- generateMhlReport(capture.bam) # lMHL report with a `max.haplotype.window` of 1 is identical to a # conventional cytosine report (or nearly identical when sequencing errors # are present) mhl.report <- generateMhlReport(capture.bam, max.haplotype.window=1) cg.report <- generateCytosineReport(capture.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE) identical( mhl.report[, .(rname, strand, pos, context, value=lmhl)], cg.report[ , .(rname, strand, pos, context, value=meth/(meth+unmeth))] )
capture.bam <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR") # lMHL report mhl.report <- generateMhlReport(capture.bam) # lMHL report with a `max.haplotype.window` of 1 is identical to a # conventional cytosine report (or nearly identical when sequencing errors # are present) mhl.report <- generateMhlReport(capture.bam, max.haplotype.window=1) cg.report <- generateCytosineReport(capture.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE) identical( mhl.report[, .(rname, strand, pos, context, value=lmhl)], cg.report[ , .(rname, strand, pos, context, value=meth/(meth+unmeth))] )
This function reports base frequencies at particular genomic positions and tests their association with the methylation status of the sequencing reads.
generateVcfReport( bam, vcf, vcf.style = NULL, bed = NULL, report.file = NULL, zero.based.bed = FALSE, threshold.reads = TRUE, threshold.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), min.context.sites = 2, min.context.beta = 0.5, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1, ..., gzip = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
generateVcfReport( bam, vcf, vcf.style = NULL, bed = NULL, report.file = NULL, zero.based.bed = FALSE, threshold.reads = TRUE, threshold.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), min.context.sites = 2, min.context.beta = 0.5, max.outofcontext.beta = 0.1, ..., gzip = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
bam |
BAM file location string OR preprocessed output of
vcf |
Variant Call Format (VCF) file location string OR a VCF object
returned by |
vcf.style |
string for the seqlevels style of the VCF file, if different from BED file/object. Only has effect when 'vcf' parameter points to the VCF file location and 'bed' is not NULL. Possible values:
bed |
Browser Extensible Data (BED) file location string OR object of
class |
report.file |
file location string to write the VCF report. If NULL
(the default) then report is returned as a
zero.based.bed |
boolean defining if BED coordinates are zero based (default: FALSE). |
threshold.reads |
boolean defining if sequence reads should be thresholded before counting bases in reference and variant epialleles (default: TRUE). Disabling thresholding is possible but makes no sense in the context of this function, because all the reads will be assigned to the variant epiallele, which will result in Fisher's Exact test p-value of 1 (in columns 'FEp+' and 'FEP-'). As thresholding is not recommended for long-read sequencing data, this function is not recommended for such data either. |
threshold.context |
string defining cytosine methylation context used for thresholding the reads:
This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled. |
min.context.sites |
non-negative integer for minimum number of cytosines within the 'threshold.context' (default: 2). Reads containing fewer within-the-context cytosines are considered completely unmethylated (thus belonging to the reference epiallele). This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled. |
min.context.beta |
real number in the range [0;1] (default: 0.5). Reads with average beta value for within-the-context cytosines below this threshold are considered completely unmethylated (thus belonging to the reference epiallele). This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled. |
max.outofcontext.beta |
real number in the range [0;1] (default: 0.1). Reads with average beta value for out-of-context cytosines above this threshold are considered completely unmethylated (thus belonging to the reference epiallele). This option has no effect when read thresholding is disabled. |
... |
other parameters to pass to the
gzip |
boolean to compress the report (default: FALSE). |
verbose |
boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE). |
Using BAM reads and sequence variation information as an input, 'generateVcfReport' function thresholds the reads (for paired-end sequencing alignment files - read pairs as a single entity) according to supplied parameters and calculates the occurrence of Reference and Alternative bases within reads, taking into the account DNA strand the read mapped to and average methylation level (epiallele status) of the read.
The information on sequence variation can be supplied as a Variant Call
Format (VCF) file location or an object of class VCF, returned by the
function call. As whole-genome VCF
files can be extremely large, it is strongly advised to use only relevant
subset of their data, prefiltering the VCF object manually before calling
'generateVcfReport' or specifying 'bed' parameter when 'vcf' points to the
location of such large VCF file. Please note that all the BAM, BED and VCF
files must use the same style for seqlevels (i.e. chromosome names).
After counting, function checks if certain bases occur more often within reads belonging to certain epialleles using Fisher Exact test (HTSlib's own implementation) and reports separate p-values for reads mapped to "+" (forward) and "-" (reverse) DNA strands.
Please note that the final report currently includes only the VCF entries with single-base REF and ALT alleles. Also, the default ('min.baseq=0') output of 'generateVcfReport' is equivalent to the one of 'samtools mplieup -Q 0 ...', and therefore may result in false SNVs caused by misalignments. Remember to increase 'min.baseq' ('samtools mplieup -Q' default value is 13) to obtain higher-quality results.
Read thresholding by an average methylation level used in this function
makes little sense for long-read sequencing alignments,
as such reads can cover multiple regions with very different DNA methylation
properties. Instead, please use extractPatterns
limiting pattern output to the region of interest only.
object containing VCF report or
NULL if report.file was specified. The report columns are:
name – variation identifier (e.g. "rs123456789")
seqnames – reference sequence name
range – genomic coordinates of the variation
REF – base at the reference allele
ALT – base at the alternative allele
[M|U][+|-][Ref|Alt] – number of Reference or Alternative bases that were found at this particular position within Methylated (above threshold) or Unmethylated (below threshold) reads that were mapped to "+" (forward) or "-" (reverse) DNA strand. NA values mean that it is not possible to determine the number of bases due to the bisulfite conversion-related limitations (C->T variants on "+" and G->A on "-" strands)
SumRef – sum of all Reference base counts
SumAlt – sum of all Alternative base counts
FEp+ – Fisher Exact test p-value for association of a variation with methylation status of the reads that map to the "+" (forward) DNA strand. Calculated using following contingency table:
M+Ref | M+Alt |
U+Ref | U+Alt |
FEp- – Fisher Exact test p-value for association of a variation with methylation status of the reads that map to the "-" (reverse) DNA strand. Calculated using following contingency table:
M-Ref | M-Alt |
U-Ref | U-Alt |
for preloading BAM data,
for methylation statistics at the level
of individual cytosines, generateBedReport
for genomic
region-based statistics, extractPatterns
for exploring
methylation patterns and plotPatterns
for pretty plotting
of its output, generateBedEcdf
for analysing the
distribution of per-read beta values, and 'epialleleR' vignettes for the
description of usage and sample data.
class for working with genomic ranges,
function for loading VCF data,
function for getting or setting
the seqlevels style.
capture.bam <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR") capture.bed <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bed", package="epialleleR") capture.vcf <- system.file("extdata", "capture.vcf.gz", package="epialleleR") # VCF report vcf.report <- generateVcfReport(bam=capture.bam, bed=capture.bed, vcf=capture.vcf)
capture.bam <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR") capture.bed <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bed", package="epialleleR") capture.vcf <- system.file("extdata", "capture.vcf.gz", package="epialleleR") # VCF report vcf.report <- generateVcfReport(bam=capture.bam, bed=capture.bed, vcf=capture.vcf)
This convenience function plots methylation patterns (epialleles) previously
extracted by extractPatterns
plotPatterns( patterns, order.by = c("beta", "count"), beta.range = c(0, 1), bin.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), nbins = 10, npatterns.per.bin = 2, plot.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), genomic.scale = c("continuous", "discrete"), breaks = "auto", marginal = c("density", "count"), marginal.position = c("left", "right"), marginal.transform = c("identity", "log10"), marginal.limits = NULL, marginal.size = 0.25, ..., tag = c("none", "count", "beta", "pattern"), tag.size = 2.5, tag.colour = "#87654c", tag.fill = "lemonchiffon", title = TRUE, subtitle = TRUE, context.size = c(1, 2, 3), base.size = 3, methylation.fill = c("grey97", "grey10"), plot = TRUE, verbose = TRUE )
plotPatterns( patterns, order.by = c("beta", "count"), beta.range = c(0, 1), bin.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), nbins = 10, npatterns.per.bin = 2, plot.context = c("CG", "CHG", "CHH", "CxG", "CX"), genomic.scale = c("continuous", "discrete"), breaks = "auto", marginal = c("density", "count"), marginal.position = c("left", "right"), marginal.transform = c("identity", "log10"), marginal.limits = NULL, marginal.size = 0.25, ..., tag = c("none", "count", "beta", "pattern"), tag.size = 2.5, tag.colour = "#87654c", tag.fill = "lemonchiffon", title = TRUE, subtitle = TRUE, context.size = c(1, 2, 3), base.size = 3, methylation.fill = c("grey97", "grey10"), plot = TRUE, verbose = TRUE )
patterns |
output of |
order.by |
string defining order of patterns on the plot (default order by: "beta"). |
beta.range |
numeric vector of length 2 for the range of average pattern beta values represented on the plot (default: [0;1]). |
bin.context |
string defining cytosine methylation context used to calculate average beta value of a pattern that is further used to assign patterns to bins:
nbins |
a single integer defining the number of bins (i.e., intervals within 'beta.range'). Default: 10. |
npatterns.per.bin |
integer vector for the number of the most abundant patterns selected from each bin (default: 2). When of length 1, the same number of patterns will be taken. When of length 'nbins', allows to fine-tune the number of selected patterns from each bin. Setting to 'Inf' effectively results in plotting all patterns. |
plot.context |
string defining methylation context of cytosines included in the plot (default: "CG"; for the range of available values, see 'bin.context' above). |
genomic.scale |
string for the type of genomic position scale of the plot: either "continuous" (the default) or "discrete". |
breaks |
a vector of breaks for the genomic position scale of the plot.
If "auto" (the default), breaks for continuous scale are computed by the
default ggplot2 routines, while breaks for discrete scale are a subset of
plotted positions selected using |
marginal |
string for the type of marginal plot: either "density" (probability density of average beta values of all patterns; the default) or "count" (counts of plotted patterns). "none" is not implemented yet; create an issue if interested. |
marginal.position |
string for the position of marginal plot: either "left" (the default) or "right" (not implemented yet; create an issue if interested). |
marginal.transform |
string for the transformation of marginal scale
(default: "identity"). Check
marginal.limits |
limits of marginal scale (default: NULL). Check
marginal.size |
numeric in range (0;1) for the relative width of the marginal plot (default: 0.25). |
... |
additional arguments passed to
tag |
string for optional tagging of patterns with their count ("count"), average beta value ("beta"), or pattern ID ("pattern"). Default: "none". |
tag.size |
numeric for the font size of the tag text (in millimetres; default: 2.5). |
tag.colour |
string for the colour of of the tag text. Default: "#87654c". |
tag.fill |
string for the colour of of the tag background. Default: "lemonchiffon". |
title |
the title of the plot. When 'TRUE' (the default), a genomic region from which patterns were extracted. Other possible values: anything that can be converted to string, or 'NULL' for no title. |
subtitle |
the subtitle of the plot. When 'TRUE' (the default), a number of patterns plotted. Other possible values: anything that can be converted to string, or 'NULL' for no subtitle. |
context.size |
a numeric vector with sizes of circles representing cytosines within each of three contexts: CHH, CHG, and CG (default: c(1, 2, 3)). |
base.size |
numeric for the font size of the text for highlighted bases (in millimetres; default: 3). |
methylation.fill |
a vector of length 2 for colours representing unmethylated and methylated cytosines, respectively. These colours are also mapped to the lowest (0) and highest (1) possible beta values to represent average beta values of methylation patterns and create a gradient fill of a marginal density plot. Default: c("grey97", "grey10"). |
plot |
boolean. If 'TRUE' (the default), patterns are plotted, and the
selected ones are silently returned as a |
verbose |
boolean to report basic info on input and output. |
As the number of methylation patterns can be quite large, by default, the function plots the most abundant unique patterns only. The complete logic is as follows:
from the input methylation patterns, all unique patterns are extracted and counted
unique patterns are split in bins by their average beta value
most abundant unique methylation patterns from each bin are plotted and silently returned
On the resulting plot, each cytosine is shown as a circle, where the size of that circle represents cytosine context and the fill encodes methylation status. If available, highlighted bases are shown as labels of different colours.
the plot and (silently) the data.table
object containing plotted methylation patterns (if 'plot==TRUE'),
or grob table
object (if 'plot==FALSE').
for extracting methylation patterns,
for preloading BAM data,
for methylation statistics at the level
of individual cytosines, generateBedReport
for genomic
region-based statistics, generateVcfReport
for evaluating
epiallele-SNV associations, generateBedEcdf
for analysing the
distribution of per-read beta values, and 'epialleleR' vignettes for the
description of usage and sample data.
# amplicon data amplicon.bam <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon010meth.bam", package="epialleleR") custom.range <- as("chr17:43124861-43125150", "GRanges") # let's get our patterns patterns <- extractPatterns(bam=amplicon.bam, bed=custom.range) # default plot + silently returned plotted patterns selected.patterns <- plotPatterns(patterns) # all unique patterns with their counts as a margin, categorical positions, # tagged with pattern IDs, returned as a `gtable` object tbl <- plotPatterns(patterns, npatterns.per.bin=Inf, marginal="count", genomic.scale="discrete", tag="pattern", plot=FALSE) # which can be plotted later grid::grid.newpage() grid::grid.draw(tbl)
# amplicon data amplicon.bam <- system.file("extdata", "amplicon010meth.bam", package="epialleleR") custom.range <- as("chr17:43124861-43125150", "GRanges") # let's get our patterns patterns <- extractPatterns(bam=amplicon.bam, bed=custom.range) # default plot + silently returned plotted patterns selected.patterns <- plotPatterns(patterns) # all unique patterns with their counts as a margin, categorical positions, # tagged with pattern IDs, returned as a `gtable` object tbl <- plotPatterns(patterns, npatterns.per.bin=Inf, marginal="count", genomic.scale="discrete", tag="pattern", plot=FALSE) # which can be plotted later grid::grid.newpage() grid::grid.draw(tbl)
This function reads and preprocesses BAM file.
preprocessBam( bam.file, paired = NULL, override.check = FALSE, min.mapq = 0, min.baseq = 0, min.prob = -1, highest.prob = TRUE, skip.duplicates = FALSE, skip.secondary = TRUE, skip.qcfail = TRUE, skip.supplementary = TRUE, trim = 0, nthreads = 1, verbose = TRUE )
preprocessBam( bam.file, paired = NULL, override.check = FALSE, min.mapq = 0, min.baseq = 0, min.prob = -1, highest.prob = TRUE, skip.duplicates = FALSE, skip.secondary = TRUE, skip.qcfail = TRUE, skip.supplementary = TRUE, trim = 0, nthreads = 1, verbose = TRUE )
bam.file |
BAM file location string. |
paired |
boolean for expected alignment endness: 'TRUE' for paired-end, 'FALSE' for single-end, or 'NULL' for auto detect (the default). |
override.check |
boolean to use supplied endness ('paired' parameter) even if it is different from the autodetected one (default: FALSE). |
min.mapq |
non-negative integer threshold for minimum read mapping quality (default: 0). |
min.baseq |
non-negative integer threshold for minimum nucleotide base quality (default: 0). |
min.prob |
integer threshold for minimum scaled probability of modification (methylation) to consider. Affects processing long-read sequencing alignments only. According to SAM/BAM specification, the continuous base modification probability range 0.0 to 1.0 is remapped in equal sized portions to the discrete integers 0 to 255 inclusively. If default (-1), then all C+m and G-m cytosine methylation modifications recorded in MM/Mm tag will be included, even if ML/Ml tag with probabilities is absent (in such case, probability of modification equals -1). |
highest.prob |
boolean defining if methylation modification must have the highest probability among all modifications at a particular base to be considered in the analyses (default: TRUE). Affects processing long-read sequencing alignments only. If default (TRUE) and ML/Ml tag with probability scores is absent, then cytosines with more than one modification will be omitted (as the probability of all modifications will be equal). |
skip.duplicates |
boolean defining if duplicate aligned reads should be skipped (default: FALSE). Option has no effect if duplicate reads were not marked by alignment software. |
skip.secondary |
boolean defining if secondary alignments should be skipped (default: TRUE). Do not change. |
skip.qcfail |
boolean defining if alignments failing QC should be skipped (default: TRUE). Do not change. |
skip.supplementary |
boolean defining if supplementary alignments should be skipped (default: TRUE). Do not change. |
trim |
non-negative integer or vector of length 2 for the number of nucleotide bases to be trimmed from 5' and 3' ends of a template (i.e., read pair for paired-end BAM or read for single-end BAM). Default: 0 for no trimming. Specifying 'trim=1' will result in removing of a single base from both ends, while specifying 'trim=c(1,2)' will result in removing of a single base from 5' end and 2 bases from 3' end. |
nthreads |
non-negative integer for the number of additional HTSlib threads to be used during BAM file decompression (default: 1). Two threads (and usually no more than two) make sense for the files larger than 100 MB. |
verbose |
boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE). |
The function loads and preprocesses BAM file, saving time when multiple analyses are to be performed on large input files. Currently, HTSlib is used to read the data, therefore it is possible to speed up the loading by means of HTSlib decompression threads.
This function is also called internally when BAM file location is supplied as an input for other 'epialleleR' methods.
'preprocessBam' currently allows to load both short-read (e.g., bisulfite) and long-read (native) sequencing alignments. Specific requirements for these types of data are given below.
object containing preprocessed
BAM data.
For preprocessing of short reads (and therefore for all reporting
methods), 'epialleleR' requires genomic
strand (XG tag) and a methylation call string (XM tag) to be present in a
BAM file - i.e., methylation calling must be performed after read
mapping/alignment by your software of choice. It is the case for BAM files
produced by Bismark Bisulfite Read Mapper and Methylation Caller,
Illumina DRAGEN, Illumina Cloud analysis solutions, as well as
contemporary Illumina sequencing instruments
with on-board read mapping/alignment (NextSeq 1000/2000, NovaSeq X),
therefore such files can be analysed without additional steps.
For alignments produced by other tools, e.g., BWA-meth or BSMAP, methylation
calling must be performed prior to BAM loading / reporting, by means of
For preprocessing of long reads, 'epialleleR' requires presence of MM (Mm) and ML (Ml) tags that hold information on base modifications and related probabilities, respectively. These are standard tags described in SAM/BAM format specification, therefore relevant tools for analysis and alignment of long sequencing reads should be able to produce them.
'preprocessBam' always tests if BAM file is paired- or single-ended and has all the necessary tags available. It is recommended to use 'verbose' processing and check messages for correct identification of alignment endness. Otherwise, if the 'paired' parameter is set explicitly, exception is thrown when expected endness differs from the autodetected one. It is nevertheless possible to override the autodetected endness and load BAM as specified in 'paired' by setting the 'override.check' to TRUE.
During preprocessing of paired-end alignments, paired reads are merged according to their base quality: nucleotide base with the highest value in the QUAL string is taken, unless its quality is less than 'min.baseq', which results in no information for that particular position ("-"/"N"). These merged reads are then processed as a single entity in all 'epialleleR' methods. Due to merging, overlapping bases in read pairs are counted only once, and the base with the highest quality is taken.
During preprocessing of single-end alignments, no read merging is performed. Only bases with quality of at least 'min.baseq' are considered. Lower base quality results in no information for that particular position ("-"/"N").
For RRBS-like protocols, it is possible to trim alignments from one or both ends. Trimming is performed during BAM loading and will therefore influence results of all downstream 'epialleleR' methods. Internally, trimming is performed at the level of a template (i.e., read pair for paired-end BAM or individual read for single-end BAM). This ensures that only necessary parts (real ends of sequenced fragment) are removed for paired-end sequencing reads.
It is also a requirement currently that paired-end BAM file must be sorted by QNAME instead of genomic location (i.e., "unsorted") to perform merging of paired-end reads. Error message is shown if it is sorted by genomic location, in this case please sort it by QNAME using 'samtools sort -n -o out.bam in.bam'.
Any location not reported is implicitly assumed to contain no modification.
According to SAM format specification, MM base modification tags are allowed to list modifications observed not only on the original sequenced strand (e.g., 'C+m') but also on the opposite strand (e.g., 'G-m'). The logic of their processing is as follows (with the examples given below):
if an alignment record has no methylation modifications (neither 'C+m', nor 'G-m' are present), this record is, naturally, considered to be a single read with no cytosines methylated
if an alignment record has 'C+m' modification (base modifications on the original sequenced strand), then this record is, naturally, considered to be a single read with cytosine modifications on the sequenced strand
if an alignment record has 'G-m' modification (base modifications on the strand opposite to sequenced), then this record is treated as two reads, with the original sequenced strand having no modifications, while the opposite strand having cytosine modifications
if both 'C+m' and 'G-m' are present, then this record is treated as two reads, with both strands having cytosine modifications
for preloading reference
sequences and callMethylation
for methylation calling.
for methylation statistics at
the level of individual cytosines, generateBedReport
genomic region-based statistics, generateVcfReport
evaluating epiallele-SNV associations, extractPatterns
exploring methylation patterns and plotPatterns
for pretty
plotting of its output, generateBedEcdf
analysing the distribution of per-read beta values, and 'epialleleR'
vignettes for the description of usage and sample data.
Sequence Alignment/Map format specifications, specifications for optional SAM tags, duplicate alignments marking by Samtools and Illumina DRAGEN Bio IT Platform.
capture.bam <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR") bam.data <- preprocessBam(capture.bam) # Specifics of long-read alignment processing out.bam <- tempfile(pattern="out-", fileext=".bam") simulateBam( seq=c("ACGCCATYCGCGCCA"), Mm=c("C+m,0,2,0;"), Ml=list(as.integer(c(102,128,153))), output.bam.file=out.bam ) generateCytosineReport(out.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE, report.context="CX") simulateBam( seq=c("ACGCCATYCGCGCCA"), Mm=c("G-m,0,0,0;"), Ml=list(as.integer(c(138,101,96))), output.bam.file=out.bam ) generateCytosineReport(out.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE, report.context="CX") simulateBam( seq=c("ACGCCATYCGCGCCA"), Mm=c("C+m,0,2,0;G-m,0,0,0;"), Ml=list(as.integer(c(102,128,153,138,101,96))), output.bam.file=out.bam ) generateCytosineReport(out.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE, report.context="CX")
capture.bam <- system.file("extdata", "capture.bam", package="epialleleR") bam.data <- preprocessBam(capture.bam) # Specifics of long-read alignment processing out.bam <- tempfile(pattern="out-", fileext=".bam") simulateBam( seq=c("ACGCCATYCGCGCCA"), Mm=c("C+m,0,2,0;"), Ml=list(as.integer(c(102,128,153))), output.bam.file=out.bam ) generateCytosineReport(out.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE, report.context="CX") simulateBam( seq=c("ACGCCATYCGCGCCA"), Mm=c("G-m,0,0,0;"), Ml=list(as.integer(c(138,101,96))), output.bam.file=out.bam ) generateCytosineReport(out.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE, report.context="CX") simulateBam( seq=c("ACGCCATYCGCGCCA"), Mm=c("C+m,0,2,0;G-m,0,0,0;"), Ml=list(as.integer(c(102,128,153,138,101,96))), output.bam.file=out.bam ) generateCytosineReport(out.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE, report.context="CX")
This function reads and preprocesses (optionally 'bgzip'ped) FASTA file with reference sequences.
preprocessGenome(genome.file, nthreads = 1, verbose = TRUE)
preprocessGenome(genome.file, nthreads = 1, verbose = TRUE)
genome.file |
reference (genomic) sequences file location string. |
nthreads |
non-negative integer for the number of additional HTSlib threads to be used during file decompression (default: 1). |
verbose |
boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE). |
The function loads and preprocesses reference (genomic) sequences, saving time when methylation calling needs to be performed on multiple BAM files. Currently, reading the data is done by means of HTSlib, therefore it is possible to speed up the loading by means of HTSlib decompression threads when FASTA file is compressed by 'bgzip'.
This function is also called internally when file location is supplied
as an input for callMethylation
'preprocessGenome' checks if index file is present, and if not, creates it automatically. It is possible and recommended to use compressed FASTA file as an input, but the file must be compressed by 'bgzip' (part of samtools/HTSlib). When FASTA file is compressed, faster loading can be achieved using (typically one) additional HTSlib decompression thread.
During loading, both lowercase and uppercase ACGTN symbols are allowed and correctly recognised, however all the other symbols (e.g., extended IUPAC symbols, MRSVWYHKDB) within sequences are converted to N.
Please also note that for the purpose of methylation calling, the very same
reference genome must be used for both alignment (when BAM is produced) and
calling cytosine methylation by callMethylation
list object containing preprocessed reference sequence data.
for methylation calling,
and 'epialleleR' vignettes for the description of usage and sample data.
Block compression/decompression utility bgzip.
genome.file <- system.file("extdata", "test", "reference.fasta.gz", package="epialleleR") genome.data <- preprocessGenome(genome.file)
genome.file <- system.file("extdata", "test", "reference.fasta.gz", package="epialleleR") genome.data <- preprocessGenome(genome.file)
This function creates sample BAM files given mandatory and optional BAM fields.
simulateBam( output.bam.file = NULL, qname = NULL, flag = NULL, rname = NULL, pos = NULL, mapq = NULL, cigar = NULL, rnext = NULL, pnext = NULL, tlen = NULL, seq = NULL, qual = NULL, ..., verbose = TRUE )
simulateBam( output.bam.file = NULL, qname = NULL, flag = NULL, rname = NULL, pos = NULL, mapq = NULL, cigar = NULL, rnext = NULL, pnext = NULL, tlen = NULL, seq = NULL, qual = NULL, ..., verbose = TRUE )
output.bam.file |
output BAM file location string. If NULL (default),
records are not written to BAM but returned as a
qname |
character vector of query names. When default (NULL), names like "q0001".."qNNNN" will be assigned. |
flag |
integer vector of bitwise flags (a combination of the BAM_F* constants). When default (NULL), zero (i.e., unique, valid, single-end, aligned read) is assigned for every record. |
rname |
character vector of chromosome (reference) names. When default (NULL), "chrS" is assigned for every record. |
pos |
integer vector of 1-based leftmost coordinates of the queries. When default (NULL), 1 is assigned for every record. |
mapq |
integer vector of mapping qualities. When default (NULL), 60 is assigned for every record. |
cigar |
character vector of CIGAR strings. When default (NULL), "lM" is assigned for every record, where 'l' is the length of the query ('seq'). |
rnext |
character vector of chromosome (reference) names for next read in template. When default (NULL), "chrS" is assigned for every record. |
pnext |
integer vector of 1-based leftmost coordinates of next read in template. When default (NULL), 1 is assigned for every record. |
tlen |
integer vector of observed template lengths. When default (NULL), the length of the corresponding query ('seq') is assigned for every record. |
seq |
character vector of query sequences. When default (NULL), random sequence is assigned. The lengths of these random sequences equal to the lengths of methylation call strings from the 'XM' optional parameter (if supplied), or to the 'tlen' parameter (if defined). If none of these parameters is supplied, length of every 'seq' will equal 10. |
qual |
query sequence quality strings (ASCII of base QUALity plus 33). When default (NULL), quality of every base is assigned to "F" (QUALity of 47 + 33). The lengths of these quality strings equal to the length of the corresponding query sequences ('seq') for every record. |
... |
optional tags to add to the records, in the form 'tag=value'. Value can be either:
verbose |
boolean to report progress and timings (default: TRUE). |
The function creates sample alignment records and saves them in BAM file. Output can be used to test epialleleR methods as well as other tools for methylation analysis. This method can significantly simplify calculation of methylation metrics on example data (beta, VEF, and lMHL values of epialleleR; methylation heterogeneity metrics of other tools).
The number of records written will be equal to the largest length of any supplied (nondefault) parameter or 1 if no parameters were supplied. If lengths of supplied parameters differ, shorter vectors will be recycled (a whole number of times or with remainder if necessary).
Please note that function performs almost no validity checks for supplied fields. In particular, be extra careful constructing paired-end BAM alignments, and if necessary use 'samtools' to perform validity check or manual editing after BAM->SAM conversion.
number of BAM records written (if 'output.bam.file' is not NULL) or
object containing final records
prepared for writing. NB: this object has 0-based coordinates and
numerically encoded reference names.
for methylation reports at the level of
individual cytosines, as well as
'epialleleR' vignettes for the description of usage and sample data.
Samtools for viewing BAM files. SAMv1 file format specifications. Specifications of optional SAM tags. metheor for ultrafast DNA methylation heterogeneity calculation from bisulfite alignments.
out.bam <- tempfile(pattern="simulated", fileext=".bam") simulateBam( output.bam.file=out.bam, pos=c(1, 2), XM=c("ZZZzzZZZ", "ZZzzzzZZ"), XG=c("CT", "AG"), xi=5:6, xf=0.05, ai=list(as.integer(c(1:3)), as.integer(c(4:6))), af=list(seq(-1, 1, 0.5)) ) generateCytosineReport(out.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE) # check this BAM with `samtools view` or using `output.bam.file=NULL`
out.bam <- tempfile(pattern="simulated", fileext=".bam") simulateBam( output.bam.file=out.bam, pos=c(1, 2), XM=c("ZZZzzZZZ", "ZZzzzzZZ"), XG=c("CT", "AG"), xi=5:6, xf=0.05, ai=list(as.integer(c(1:3)), as.integer(c(4:6))), af=list(seq(-1, 1, 0.5)) ) generateCytosineReport(out.bam, threshold.reads=FALSE) # check this BAM with `samtools view` or using `output.bam.file=NULL`