Package 'eiR'

Title: Accelerated similarity searching of small molecules
Description: The eiR package provides utilities for accelerated structure similarity searching of very large small molecule data sets using an embedding and indexing approach.
Authors: Kevin Horan, Yiqun Cao and Tyler Backman
Maintainer: Thomas Girke <[email protected]>
License: Artistic-2.0
Version: 1.47.1
Built: 2025-02-12 09:23:39 UTC

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Add Transform


New descriptor types can be added using the addTransform function. These transforms are basically just ways to read descriptors from compound definitions, and to convert descriptors between string and object form. This conversion is required because descriptors are stored as strings in the SQL database, but are used by the rest of the program as objects.

There are two main components that need to be added. The addTransform function takes the name of the transform and two functions, toString, and toObject. These have slightly different meanings depending on the component you are adding. The first component to add is a transform from a chemical compound format, such as SDF, to a descriptor format, such as atom pair (AP), in either string or object form. The toString function should take any kind of chemical compound source, such an SDF file, an SDF object or an SDFset, and output a string representation of the descriptors. Since this function can be written in terms of other functions that will be defined, you can usually accept the default value of this function. The toObject function should take the same kind of input, but output the descriptors as an object. The actual return value is a list containing the names of the compounds (in the names field), and the actual descriptor objects ( in the descriptors field).

The second component to add is a transform that converts between string and object representations of descriptors. In this case the toString function takes descriptors in object form and returns a string representation for each. The toObject function performs the inverse operation. It takes descriptors in string form and returns them as objects. The objects returned by this function will be exactly what is handed to the distance function, so you need to make sure that the two match each other.


addTransform(descriptorType, compoundFormat = NULL, toString = NULL, toObject)



The name of the type of the descritor being added.


The format of the compound data the descriptor will be extracted from.


A function with three arguments, the data, an SQL connection object, and a directory name. The last two are optional and can be set to a default value of NULL if not used in the body of the function. If this parameter is NULL and compoundFormat is not NULL, then a default function will be used for this value.


A function with three arguments, the data, an SQL connection object, and a directory name. The last two are optional and can be set to a default value of NULL if not used in the body of the function. If compoundFormat is not NULL, then the return value of this function should be a list with the fields "names" and "descriptors", containing the compound names and descriptor objects, respectivly. If compoundFormat is NULL, then the return value should be a collection of descriptor objects, in whatever format the distance function for this descrptor type requires.


No value returned.


Kevin Horan

See Also



# adding support for atompair (ap) descriptors extracted from
	# sdf formmatted data.

    #first component
        # Any sdf source -> APset
        toObject = function(input,conn=NULL,dir="."){
            sdfset=if(is.character(input) && file.exists(input)){
            }else if(inherits(input,"SDFset")){
                stop(paste("unknown type for 'input', or filename does not exist. type found:",class(input)))

    #second component
        # APset -> string,
        toString = function(apset,conn=NULL,dir="."){
            unlist(lapply(ap(apset), function(x) paste(x,collapse=", ")))
        # string or list -> AP set list
        toObject= function(v,conn=NULL,dir="."){ 
            if(inherits(v,"list") || length(v)==0)

            as( if(!inherits(v,"APset")){
                } else v,

Add new compounds


Add additional compounds to and existing database


		updateByName = FALSE,...)



The id number identifying a particular set of settings for a database. This is generally the number returned by eiMakeDbIf your coming from an older version of eiR, you should not use this value instead of specifying r, d, descriptorType and refIddb,.


The compounds to add. This can be either a file in sdf format, or and SDFset object.


The directory where the "data" directory lives. Defaults to the current directory.


The format of the data given in additions. Currently only "sdf" is supported.


Database connection to use.


The distance function to be used to compute the distance between two descriptors. A default function is provided for "ap" and "fp" descriptors.


If true we make the assumption that all compounds, both in the existing database and the given dataset, have unique names. This function will then avoid re-adding existing, identical compounds, and will update existing compounds with a new definition if a new compound definition with an existing name is given.

If false, we allow duplicate compound names to exist in the database, though not duplicate definitions. So identical compounds will not be re-added, but if a new version of an existing compound is added it will not update the existing one, it will add the modified one as a completely new compound with a new compound id.


Additional options passed to eiInit.


New Compounds can be added to an existing database, however, the reference compounds cannot be changed. This will also update the matrix file in the run/job directory with the new compounds.


Kevin Horan

See Also

eiMakeDb eiPerformanceTest eiQuery


   r<- 50
   d<- 40


   #create compound db

   #find compounds similar two each query

Cluster compounds


Uses Jarvis-Patrick clustering to cluster the compound database using the LSH algorithm to quickly find nearest neighbors.


eiCluster(runId,K,minNbrs,compoundIds=c(), dir=".",cutoff=NULL,
							 conn=defaultConn(dir), searchK=-1,type="cluster",linkage="single")



The id number identifying a particular set of settings for a database. This is generally the number returned by eiMakeDb. If your coming from an older version of eiR, you should not use this value instead of specifying r, d, and descriptorType.


The number of neighbors to consider for each compound.


The minimum number of neighbors that two comopunds must have in common in order to be joined.


If this variable is set to a vector of compound ids, then clustering will be done with just those compounds. If left unset or empty, clustering will apply to all compounds in the given run.


The directory where the "data" directory lives. Defaults to the current directory.


The distance function to be used to compute the distance between two descriptors. A default function is provided for "ap" and "fp" descriptors.


Distance cutoff value. Compounds having a distance larger this this value will not be included in the nearest neighbor table. Note that this is a distance value, not a similarity value, as is often used in other ChemmineR functions.


Database connection to use.


Tunable Annoy LSH parameter. A larger value will give more accurate results, but will take longer time to return. The default value of -1 will allow the value to chosen automatically, which will set a value of numTrees * (approximate number of nearest neighbors). See Annoy page for details.


If "cluster", returns a clustering, else, if "matrix", returns a list in the format expected by the jarvisPatrick function in ChemmineR. This list contains the nearest neighbor matrix along with the similarity matrix. This allows one to quickly try different cutoff values without having to re-compute the whole similarity matrix each time. Note that since we are returning similarity values here instead of distance values, this will only work if the given distance function returns a value between 0 and 1. This is true of the default funtions.


Can be one of "single", "average", or "complete", for single linkage, average linkage and complete linkage merge requirements, respectively. In the context of Jarvis-Patrick, average linkage means that at least half of the pairs between the clusters under consideration must pass the merge requirement. Similarly, for complete linkage, all pairs must pass the merge requirement. Single linkage is the normal case for Jarvis-Patrick and just means that at least one pair must meet the requirement.


The jarvis patrick clustering algorithm takes a set of items, a distance function, and two parameters, K, and minNbrs. For each item, it find the K nearest neighbors of that item. Normally this requires computing the distance between every pair of items. However, using Locality Sensative Hashing (LSH), the set of nearst neighbors can be found in near constant time. Once the nearest neighbor matrix is computed, the algorithm makes one pass through the items and merges all pairs that have at least minNbrs neighbors in common.

Although not required, it is avisable to specify a cutoff value. This is the maximum distance two items can have from each other and still be considered to be neighbors. It is thus possible for an item to end up with less than K neighbors if less than K items are close enough to it. If a cutoff is not specified, it is possible for highly un-related items to be listed as neighbors of another item simply because nothing else was nearby. This can lead to items being joined into clusters with which they have no true connection.

The type parameter can be used to return a list which can be used to call the jarvisPatrick function in ChemmineR directly. The advantage of this is that it will contain the similarity matrix which can then be used to quickly set different cutoff values (using trimNeighbors) whithout having to re-compute the similarity matrix. Note that this requires that the given distance function return a value between 0 and 1 so it can be converted to a similarity function.


If type is "cluster", returns a clustering. This will be a vector in which the names are the compound names, and the values are the cluster labels. Otherwise, if type is "matrix", returns a list with the following components:


index values of nearest neighbors, for each item.


The database compound id of each item in the set.


The similarity values of each neighbor to the item for that row. Each similarity values corresponds to the id number in the same position in the indexes entry

If there are not K neibhbors for a compound, that row will be padded with NAs.


Kevin Horan


   r<- 50
   d<- 40


   #create compound db
   runId=eiMakeDb(r,d,numSamples=20,dir=dir, cl=makeCluster(1,type="SOCK",outfile=""))


Initialize a compound database


Takes the raw compound database in whatever format the given measure supports and creates a "data" directory.


	conn=defaultConn(dir,create=TRUE), updateByName = FALSE, cl = NULL, connSource = NULL,
	priorityFn = forestSizePriorities,skipPriorities=FALSE)



Either a filename of a file in format format, or an SDFset. This can also be a vector of filenames and if cl is also specified and if you database supports it (SQLite does not), it will load these file in parallel on the cluster.


The directory where the "data" directory lives. Defaults to the current directory.


The format of the data in inputs. Currently only "sdf" and "smiles" is supported.


The format of the descriptor. Currently supported values are "ap" for atom pair, and "fp" for fingerprint.


If true the given compounds will be added to an existing database and the <data-dir>/Main.iddb file will be updated with the new compound id numbers. This should not normally be used directly, use eiAdd instead to add new compounds to a database.


Database connection to use. If a connection is given, you must ensure that it has been initialized using the initDb function from ChemmineR before calling eiInit.


If true we make the assumption that all compounds, both in the existing database and the given dataset, have unique names. This function will then avoid re-adding existing, identical compounds, and will update existing compounds with a new definition if a new compound definition with an existing name is given.

If false, we allow duplicate compound names to exist in the database, though not duplicate definitions. So identical compounds will not be re-added, but if a new version of an existing compound is added it will not update the existing one, it will add the modified one as a completely new compound with a new compound id.


A SNOW cluster can be given here to run this function in parallel.


A function returning a new database connection. Note that it is not sufficient to return a reference to an existing connection, it must be a distinct, new connection. This is needed for cluster operations that make use of the database as they will each need to create a new connection. If not given, certain parts of this function will not be parallelized.

This function can also be used to setup the environment on the cluster worker nodes. For example, you might need to re-load libraries like RSQLite and such.


This option takes a function that takes a list of compound ids and returns a data frame with the compound ids as the column 'compound_id', and their priority as the column 'priority'. There are two pre-defined functions in ChemmineR: 'randomPriorities', and 'forestSizePriorities' (default).

When several compounds map to the same descriptor, then when some functions need to go from a descriptor to a compound, there is ambiguity about which compound to select. In that case, it will pick the compound with the highest priority.


If this is true, then no priority values will be computed. See option priorityFn for an explanation of priorities.


EiInit can take either an SDFset, or a filename. SDF and SMILES is supported by default. It might complain if your SDF file does not follow the SDF specification. If this happens, you can create an SDFset with the read.SDFset command and then use that instead of the filename.

EiInit will create a folder called 'data'. Commands should always be executed in the folder containing this directory (ie, the parent directory of "data"), or else specify the location of that directory with the dir option.


A directory called "data" will have been created in the current working directory. The generated compound ids of the given compounds will be returned. These can be used to reference a compound or set of compounds in other functions, such as eiQuery.


Kevin Horan

See Also

eiMakeDb eiPerformanceTest eiQuery



Create an embedded database


Uses the initalized compound data to create an embedded compound databbase with r reference compounds in d dimensions.


				name = file.path(dir,Main)) * 0.1,conn=defaultConn(dir),



The reference compounds to use to build the database you wish to query against. Refs can be one of three things. It can be a filename of an iddb file giving the index values of the reference compounds to use, it can be vector of index values, or it can be a scalar value giving the number of randomly selected references to use.


The number of dimensions used to build the database you wish to query against.


The format of the descriptor. Currently supported values are "ap" for atom pair, and "fp" for fingerprint.


The distance function to be used to compute the distance between two descriptors. A default function is provided for "ap" and "fp" descriptors.


The directory where the "data" directory lives. Defaults to the current directory.


The number of non-reference samples to be chosen now to be used later by the eiPerformanceTest function.


Database connection to use.


A SNOW cluster can be given here to run this function in parrallel.


A function returning a new database connection. Note that it is not suffient to return a reference to an existing connection, it must be a distinct, new connection. This is needed for cluster operations that make use of the database as they will each need to craete a new connection. If not given, certain parts of this function will not be parrallelized.

This function can also be used to setup the envrionment on the cluster worker nodes. For example, you might need to re-load libraries like RSQLite and such.


Affects the build time and the index size. A larger value will produce more accurate results, but use more disk space. See for more details.


This function will embedd compounds from the data directory in another space which allows for more efficient searching. The main two parameters are r and d. r is the number of reference compounds to use and d is the dimension of the embedding space. We have found in practice that setting d to around 100 works well. r should be large enough to “represent” the full compound database. Note that an r by r matrix will be constructed during the course of execution, so r should be less than about 46,000 to avoid overflowing an integer. Since this is the longest running step, a SNOW cluster can be provided to parallelize the task.

To help tune these values, eiMakeDb will pick numSamples non-reference samples which can later be used by the eiPerformanceTest function.

eiMakdDb does its job in a job folder, named after the number of reference compounds and the number of embedding dimensions. For example, using 300 reference compounds to generate a 100-dimensional embedding (r=300, d=100) will result in a job folder called run-300-100. The embedding result is the file matrix.<r>.<d>. In the above example, the output would be run-300-100/matrix.300.100.


Creates files in dir ("run-r-d" by default). The return value is an id number called the runId, which needs to be given to other functions such as eiQuery or eiAdd.


Kevin Horan

See Also

eiInit eiPerformanceTest eiQuery eiCluster



   r<- 50
   d<- 40


   #create compound db

Test the performance of LSH search


Tests the performance of embedding and LSH.


		conn=defaultConn(dir),dir=".",K=200, searchK=-1)



The id number identifying a particular set of settings for a database. This is generally the number returned by eiMakeDb. If your coming from an older version of eiR, you should not use this value instead of specifying r, d, and descriptorType.


The distance function to be used to compute the distance between two descriptors. A default function is provided for "ap" and "fp" descriptors.


Database connection to use.


The directory where the "data" directory lives. Defaults to the current directory.


Number of search results to use for LSH performance test.


Tunable Annoy LSH parameter. A larger value will give more accurate results, but will take longer time to return. See Annoy page for details.


This function can be used to tune the two Annoy LSH parameters, numTrees, and searchK.

NumTrees is provided to the eiMakeDb function and affects the build time and the index size. A larger value will produce more accurate results, but use more disk space.

SearchK is given to the eiQuery function, or to this function. A larger value will give more accurate results, but will require more time to run.

This function will perform two different tests. The first test is how well the embedding is working. When the eiMakeDb function is run, you can specify the number of test samples to use for this test. If not specified, it will default to 10% of the data set size. During this test, we take each sample and compute its distance to every other compund in the dataset using both the given descriptor distance function (e.g., "AP" or "fingerprint"), as well as the euclidean distance computed on the embedded version. We then measure how similar the resulting ranks of these lists are using Rank Based Overlap (Webber,2010) ( The similarity for each sample is output in a file called 'embedding.performance' in the work directory. Each line corresponds to one sample.

The second test compares the rankings produced using the descriptor distance function, to the rankings produced by the final output of the LSH search, for each sample query. Again, rank based overlap (RBO) is used to compare the rankings. The results are output in the same format as for the fist test, in a file called 'indexed.performance'.

RBO is a similarity measure that produces a value in the range of [0,1]. Values closer to 0 are very dissimilar, while values closer to 1 are more similar.


Returns the results of the indexing test. Each element of the resulting vector is the RBO similarity for the coresponding query. Creates files in dir/run-r-d.


Kevin Horan

See Also

eiInit eiMakeDb eiQuery



   r<- 50
   d<- 40


   #create compound db
   runId = eiMakeDb(r,d,numSamples=20,dir=dir,


Perform a query on an embedded database


Finds similar compounds for each query.


		asSimilarity=FALSE, K=200, searchK=-1,lshData=NULL,
		mainIds = readIddb(conn,file.path(dir, Main)))



The id number identifying a particular set of settings for a database. This is generally the number returned by eiMakeDb. If your coming from an older version of eiR, you should not use this value instead of specifying r, d,refIddb, and descriptorType.


This can be either an SDFset, or a file containg 1 or more query compounds.


The format in which the queries are given. Valid values are: "sdf" when queries is either a filename of an sdf file, or and SDFset object; "compound_id" when queries is a list of id numbers; and "name", when queries is a list of compound names, as returned by cid(apset).


The directory where the "data" directory lives. Defaults to the current directory.


The distance function to be used to compute the distance between two descriptors. A default function is provided for "ap" and "fp" descriptors. The Tanimoto function is used by default.


Database connection to use.


If true, return similarity values instead of distance values. This only works in the given distance function returns values between 0 and 1. This is true for the default atom pair and finger print distance functions.


The number of results to return.


Tunable Annoy LSH parameter. A larger value will give more accurate results, but will take longer time to return. The default value of -1 will allow the value to chosen automatically, which will set a value of numTrees * (approximate number of nearest neighbors). See Annoy page for details.


DEPRECATED. This is no longer used.


A vector of all id numbers in the current database. This is mainly provided as an option here to avoid having to re-read the id list multiple times when executing several queries. If not supplied it will read it in itself.


This function identifies the database by the r, d, and refIddb parameters. The queries can be given in a few different formats, see the queries parameter for details. The LSH algorithm is used to quickly identify compounds similar to the queries. This function must use a distance function rather than a similarity function. However, if the distance function given returns values between 0 and 1, then the asSimilarity parameter may be used to return similarity values rather than distance values.


Returns a data frame with columns 'query', 'target', 'target_ids', and 'distance'. 'query' and 'target' are the compound names and distance is the distance between them, as computed by the given distance function.'target_ids' is the compound id of the target. Query namess are repeated for each matching target found. If asSimilarity is true then instead of a "distance" column there will be a "similarity" column.


Kevin Horan

See Also

eiInit eiMakeDb eiPerformanceTest


   r<- 50
   d<- 40


   #create compound db

   #find compounds similar two each query
   results = eiQuery(runId,sdfsample[1:2],K=15,dir=dir)

Example Compounds


122 compounds in SDF format, stored as a list. Each element of the list is one line of text. This is just used in some unit tests.


The format is: chr [1:12222] "3540" " OpenBabel06051210572D" "" ...

Deprecated Free LSH Data


This function is no longer needed with the new LSH package in use now. It will be defunct in the next release.

Free the memory allocated by loadLSHData.





A pointer returned by loadLSHData.


No return value.


Kevin Horan

See Also

loadLSHData eiQuery


## Not run: 
		lshData = loadLSHData(r,d)
		eiQuery(r,d,refIddb,c("650002","650003"), format="name",K=15,lshData=lshData)
		eiQuery(r,d,refIddb,c("650004","650005"), format="name",K=15,lshData=lshData)
## End(Not run)

Depreacated Load LSH Data


This function is no longer needed with the new LSH package in use now. It will be defunct in the next release.

Load the LSH index and data. If many queries are going to be performed it is advantageous to load this object first and then hand it to eiQuery via the lshData parameter for each query.

If the data needs to be freed you can call the freeLSHData function.


loadLSHData(r, d, W = NA, M = NA, L = NA, K = NA, T = NA, dir = ".", matrixFile = NULL)



The number of references used to build the database you wish to query against.


The number of dimensions used to build the database you wish to query against.


See eiQuery


See eiQuery


See eiQuery


See eiQuery


See eiQuery


The directory where the "data" directory lives. Defaults to the current directory.


The path to the matrix file. If not specified it will look for it in the default spot.


Returns a pointer to the allocated data. This should only be passed to other functions with an lshData parameter, such as eiQuery


Kevin Horan

See Also

freeLSHData eiQuery


## Not run: 
		lshData = loadLSHData(r,d)
		eiQuery(r,d,refIddb,c("650002","650003"), format="name",K=15,lshData=lshData)
		eiQuery(r,d,refIddb,c("650004","650005"), format="name",K=15,lshData=lshData)
## End(Not run)

Set the default distance function for a descriptor type


Set the default distance function for a descriptor type. This is the distance function that will be used if none is given for a particular function call.


setDefaultDistance(descriptorType, distance)



The type of the descriptor to set a distance function for. Built-in values are "ap" and "fp". Additional values can be set as well.


A distance function taking two descriptor objects (as returned by toObject in a descriptor transform, see \ ink{addTransform} for details), and returning a distance value.


No return value.


Kevin Horan

See Also



setDefaultDistance("ap", function(d1,d2) 1-cmp.similarity(d1,d2) )