The purpose of this package is to detect meso-scale changes in chromatin conformation from 3C data. Typical 3C data might look like the following:
chr | start | end | EScells_1 |
chr2 | 13505797 | 13506141 | 2 |
chr2 | 13506144 | 13506556 | 2 |
chr2 | 13654334 | 13655871 | 14 |
… | … | … | … |
chr2 | 105656443 | 105656693 | 241 |
chr2 | 105656696 | 105659412 | 263 |
chr2 | 105659415 | 105660479 | 126 |
chr2 | 105662321 | 105663389 | 275 |
chr2 | 105663392 | 105663974 | 615 |
… | … | … | … |
chr2 | 173656857 | 173657083 | 2 |
chr2 | 173694707 | 173695349 | 2 |
chr2 | 173698231 | 173698911 | 4 |
The segments shown are restriction enzyme digestion fragments. The counts show the numbers of experimentally captured interactions captured interactions between each of these fragments and the Paupar viewpoint. This viewpoint lies in the region 105661048 -105661864 and we see higher numbers of captures for digestion fragments near the viewpoint. Packages like r3Cseq attempt to determine p-values for the numbers of captures for each fragment. In order to do this, it estimates a ‘background’ level of interaction as a function of distance from the viewpoint. Comparing the count for each fragment to this background level allows it to estimate significance for each fragment.
This method makes only limited use of positional information. While it considers distance from the viewpoint in estimating background levels it ignores the proximity of individual fragments. But suppose we have ten consecutive fragments, each with counts only slightly above background. None may rise to statistical significance on its own, but their co-location may make the group highly significant. We will exploit this observation to look for statistically significant changes in counts between treatments or cell types.
Consider 3C data for the same viewpoint for two replicates each for two different cell types.
chr | start | end | EScells_1 | EScells_2 | Neu_1 | Neu_2 |
chr2 | 6226506 | 6226673 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
chr2 | 6235906 | 6237082 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
chr2 | 6270043 | 6270850 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
… | … | … | … | … | … | … |
chr2 | 105656443 | 105656693 | 241 | 120 | 184 | 82 |
chr2 | 105656696 | 105659412 | 263 | 215 | 365 | 225 |
chr2 | 105659415 | 105660479 | 126 | 182 | 220 | 160 |
chr2 | 105662321 | 105663389 | 275 | 90 | 171 | 133 |
chr2 | 105663392 | 105663974 | 615 | 166 | 327 | 301 |
… | … | … | … | … | … | … |
chr2 | 179455636 | 179455885 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
chr2 | 179473020 | 179473517 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
chr2 | 179473520 | 179473584 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
We wish to discover regions where there is a statisitcally significant change in the interaction levels between the two cell types.
The first task is to normalize the values for each of the cell types. This will allow us to find the mean count for each of the digestion fragments in each of the cell types and consequently find the difference in the mean normalized counts for the two cell types. Normalizing depends on estimating a size factor for each replicate. Here we are relying on DESeq2::estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(). For further details see the DESeq2 vignette or Love, M.I., Huber, W., Anders, S. Moderated estimation of fold change and dispersion for RNA-seq data with DESeq2 Genome Biology 15(12):550 (2014)
We have included a miniature version of the summarized experiment miniSE in order to demonstrate the process of extracting the delta mean normalized value miniDeltaSE.
miniDeltaSE = getDeltaSE(miniSE)
The actual deltaSE comes from a SummarizedExperiment representing the complete data set for these four replicates and is subsequently trimmed to a region on chromosome2 surrounding our region of interest. After binning to a bin size of 1kb it looks like this:
Our interface carries out the binning inside the call to the function getSignificantRegions(). The delta data (here deltaSE) is then mined for significant regions.
The algorithm proceeds as follows:
significantRegions = getSignificantRegions(deltaSE,
which are then ploted using
significantRegionsPlot = plotSignificantRegions(significantRegions,
This gives the following result:
We have given an example above of the use of getDeltaSE(), converting miniSE into miniDeltaSE. This is a multi-step process, first normalizing the columns of miniSE, then averaging the values for each of the two treatments and finally taking their difference. For normalization, we relied on DESeq2::estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix().
se = miniSE
counts = assays(se)[['counts']]
sizeFactors = DESeq2::estimateSizeFactorsForMatrix(counts)
colData(se)$sizeFactors = sizeFactors
assays(se)[['normalizedCounts']] = counts
for(i in seq_len(ncol(assays(se)[['normalizedCounts']])))
assays(se)[['normalizedCounts']][,i] =
assays(se)[['normalizedCounts']][,i] /
Depending on your application, you may wish to use your own method of normalization.
The delta SummarizedExperiment is then the difference between the mean expressions for the two treatments.
meanNormalizedCountsSE = getMeanNormalizedCountsSE(miniSE)
meanCounts = assay(meanNormalizedCountsSE)
delta = matrix(meanCounts[,1] - meanCounts[,2],ncol=1)
colData = data.frame(delta=sprintf('%s - %s',
deltaSE = SummarizedExperiment(assay=list(delta=delta),
rowRanges(deltaSE) = rowRanges(meanNormalizedCountsSE)
Binning is the rate-limiting step as can be seen from the binning of a small Summarized experiment into a small set of bins:
#> [1] 201
#> [1] 401
tictoc::tic('binning into small bins')
binnedSummarizedExperiment = binSummarizedExperiment(smallSetOfSmallBins,smallerDeltaSE)
#> binning into small bins: 44.222 sec elapsed
The algorithm depends on the permutation of small bins and the rebinning of the resulting permuted data into large bins for comparison to the actual data binned into the same larger bins. The binning into smaller bins only happens once, while the rebinning into larger bins is carried out for each permutation. Consequently, we require the larger bin size to be an integer multiple of the smaller and this rebinning is much faster.