To cite package ‘deepSNV’ in publications use: Gerstung M, Beisel C, Rechsteiner M, Wild P, Schraml P, Moch H, Beerenwinkel N (2012). “Reliable detection of subclonal single-nucleotide variants in tumor cell populations.” _Nat Commun_, *3*, 811. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{GerstungNC2012, abstract = {According to the clonal evolution model, tumor growth is driven by competing subclones in somatically evolving cancer cell populations, which gives rise to genomically heterogeneous tumors. We present a comparative sequencing approach combined with a customized statistical algorithm for detecting and quantifying subclonal single-nucleotide variants in mixed populations. We rigorously assess this method experimentally and show that it is capable of detecting variants with frequencies as low as 1/10,000 alleles. In selected genomic loci of the TP53 and VHL genes isolated from matched tumor and normal samples of four renal cell carcinoma patients, we detect 24 variants at allele frequencies ranging from 0.0002 to 0.34. Our findings demonstrate that genomic diversity is common in renal cell carcinomas and provide quantitative evidence for the clonal evolution model.}, author = {Moritz Gerstung and Christian Beisel and Markus Rechsteiner and Peter Wild and Peter Schraml and Holger Moch and Niko Beerenwinkel}, journal = {Nat Commun}, title = {Reliable detection of subclonal single-nucleotide variants in tumor cell populations}, volume = {3}, pages = {811}, year = {2012}, } Gerstung M, Papaemmanuil E, Campbell PJ (2014). “Subclonal variant calling with multiple samples and prior knowledge.” _Bioinformatics_, *30*, 1198-1204. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{GerstungB2014, author = {Moritz Gerstung and Elli Papaemmanuil and Peter J Campbell}, journal = {Bioinformatics}, title = {Subclonal variant calling with multiple samples and prior knowledge}, volume = {30}, pages = {1198-1204}, year = {2014}, }