Title: | dagLogo: a Bioconductor package for visualizing conserved amino acid sequence pattern in groups based on probability theory |
Description: | Visualize significant conserved amino acid sequence pattern in groups based on probability theory. |
Authors: | Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu, Alexey Stukalov, Niraj Nirala, Usha Acharya, Lihua Julie Zhu |
Maintainer: | Jianhong Ou <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>=2) |
Version: | 1.45.0 |
Built: | 2024-12-19 03:44:10 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/dagLogo |
Add a custom coloring or grouping scheme for ungrouped or grouped amino acids as desired.
addScheme( color = vector("character"), symbol = vector("character"), group = NULL )
addScheme( color = vector("character"), symbol = vector("character"), group = NULL )
color |
A named vector of character. This vector specifies different colors for visualizing the different amino acids or amino acid groups. |
symbol |
A named vector of character. This vector specifies the different symbols for visualizing the different amino acids or amino acid groups. |
group |
A list or NULL. If only coloring amino acids of similar property is
desired, set |
Add the custom coloring or grouping scheme to the environment
## Add a grouping scheme based on the BLOSUM50 level 3 color = c(LVIMC = "#33FF00", AGSTP = "#CCFF00", FYW = '#00FF66', EDNQKRH = "#FF0066") symbol = c(LVIMC = "L", AGSTP = "A", FYW = "F", EDNQKRH = "E") group = list( LVIMC = c("L", "V", "I", "M", "C"), AGSTP = c("A", "G", "S", "T", "P"), FYW = c("F", "Y", "W"), EDNQKRH = c("E", "D", "N", "Q", "K", "R", "H")) addScheme(color = color, symbol = symbol, group = group)
## Add a grouping scheme based on the BLOSUM50 level 3 color = c(LVIMC = "#33FF00", AGSTP = "#CCFF00", FYW = '#00FF66', EDNQKRH = "#FF0066") symbol = c(LVIMC = "L", AGSTP = "A", FYW = "F", EDNQKRH = "E") group = list( LVIMC = c("L", "V", "I", "M", "C"), AGSTP = c("A", "G", "S", "T", "P"), FYW = c("F", "Y", "W"), EDNQKRH = c("E", "D", "N", "Q", "K", "R", "H")) addScheme(color = color, symbol = symbol, group = group)
List all predefined coloring and grouping schemes stored in the environmetn 'cacheEnv'
A vector of names of predefined coloring and grouping schemes stored in the environment 'cacheEnv'.
Haibo Liu
A method used to build background models for testing differential amino acid usage
buildBackgroundModel( dagPeptides, background = c("wholeProteome", "inputSet", "nonInputSet"), model = c("any", "anchored"), targetPosition = c("any", "Nterminus", "Cterminus"), uniqueSeq = FALSE, numSubsamples = 300L, rand.seed = 1, replacement = FALSE, testType = c("ztest", "fisher"), proteome )
buildBackgroundModel( dagPeptides, background = c("wholeProteome", "inputSet", "nonInputSet"), model = c("any", "anchored"), targetPosition = c("any", "Nterminus", "Cterminus"), uniqueSeq = FALSE, numSubsamples = 300L, rand.seed = 1, replacement = FALSE, testType = c("ztest", "fisher"), proteome )
dagPeptides |
An object of |
background |
A character vector with options: "wholeProteome", "inputSet", and "nonInputSet", indicating what set of peptide sequences should be considered to generate a background model. |
model |
A character vector with options: "any" and "anchored", indicating whether an anchoring position should be applied to generate a background model. |
targetPosition |
A character vector with options: "any", "Nterminus" and "Cterminus", indicating which part of protein sequences of choice should be used to generate a background model. |
uniqueSeq |
A logical vector indicating whether only unique peptide sequences are included in a background model for sampling. |
numSubsamples |
An integer, the number of random sampling. |
rand.seed |
An integer, the seed used to perform random sampling |
replacement |
A logical vector of length 1, indicating whether replacement is allowed for random sampling. |
testType |
A character vector of length 1. Available options are "ztest" and "fisher". |
proteome |
An object of Proteome, output of |
The background could be generated from wholeProteome, inputSet or nonInputSet. Case 1: If background ="wholeProteome" and model = "any": The background set is composed of randomly selected subsequences from the wholeProteome with each subsequence of the same length as input sequences.
Case 2: If background ="wholeProteome and model = "anchored": The background set is composed of randomly selected subsequences from the wholeProteome with each subsequence of same length as input sequences.Additionally, the amino acids at the anchoring positions must be the same amino acid as that defined in the dagPeptides object,such as "K" for lysine.
Case 3: If background ="inputSet" and model = "any": similar to Case 1, but the full length protein sequences matching the protein sequence IDs in the inputSet are used for build background model after excluding the subsequences specified in the inputSet from the full length sequences.
Case 4: If background ="inputSet" and model = "anchored": similar to Case 2, but the full-length protein sequences matching the protein sequence IDs in the inputSet are used for build background model after excluding the subsequences specified in the inputSet from the full length sequences.
Case 5: If background ="nonInputSet" and model = "any": The background set is composed of randomly selected subsequences from the wholeProteome, not including the sequences corresponding to the inpuSet sequencesm with each subsequence of same length as input sequences.
Case 6: If background ="nonInputSet" and model = "anchored": similar to Case 5, but the amino acids at the anchoring positions must be the same amino acid as that defined in the dagPeptides object, such as "K" for lysine.
An object of dagBackground-class
Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu
dat <- unlist(read.delim(system.file( "extdata", "grB.txt", package = "dagLogo"), header = FALSE, as.is = TRUE)) ##prepare an object of Proteome Class from a fasta file proteome <- prepareProteome(fasta = system.file("extdata", "HUMAN.fasta", package = "dagLogo"), species = "Homo sapiens") ##prepare an object of dagPeptides Class seq <- formatSequence(seq = dat, proteome = proteome, upstreamOffset = 14, downstreamOffset = 15) bg_fisher <- buildBackgroundModel(seq, background = "wholeProteome", proteome = proteome, testType = "fisher") bg_ztest <- buildBackgroundModel(seq, background = "wholeProteome", proteome = proteome, testType = "ztest")
dat <- unlist(read.delim(system.file( "extdata", "grB.txt", package = "dagLogo"), header = FALSE, as.is = TRUE)) ##prepare an object of Proteome Class from a fasta file proteome <- prepareProteome(fasta = system.file("extdata", "HUMAN.fasta", package = "dagLogo"), species = "Homo sapiens") ##prepare an object of dagPeptides Class seq <- formatSequence(seq = dat, proteome = proteome, upstreamOffset = 14, downstreamOffset = 15) bg_fisher <- buildBackgroundModel(seq, background = "wholeProteome", proteome = proteome, testType = "fisher") bg_ztest <- buildBackgroundModel(seq, background = "wholeProteome", proteome = proteome, testType = "ztest")
clean up the input peptide subsequences. The function removes peptides which do NOT contain any anchoring amino acid. Adds peptide for each additional anchor in each peptide, and allows multiple anchoring amino acids.
cleanPeptides(dat, anchors)
cleanPeptides(dat, anchors)
dat |
input data. The input dat contains two columns 'symbol', protein ID, and 'peptides', peptide sequence.The anchoring amino acid must be in lower case. |
anchors |
A vector of character, anchoring amino acid must be in lower case. |
A data.frame with columns: 'symbol', 'peptides' and 'anchor'
Jianhong Ou, Julie Zhu
dat <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "peptides2filter.csv", package="dagLogo")) dat dat.new <- cleanPeptides(dat, anchors = c("s", "t"))
dat <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "peptides2filter.csv", package="dagLogo")) dat dat.new <- cleanPeptides(dat, anchors = c("s", "t"))
retrieve prepared color setting for logo
colorsets2( colorScheme = c("null", "classic", "charge", "chemistry", "hydrophobicity") )
colorsets2( colorScheme = c("null", "classic", "charge", "chemistry", "hydrophobicity") )
colorScheme |
A vector of length 1, the option could be 'null', 'charge', 'chemistry', 'classic' or 'hydrophobicity' |
A character vector of color scheme
Jianhong Ou
.An S4 class to represent a background composed of a formatted, aligned peptides for dagLogo analysis.
A list of data frame, each of which represetns one subset of the background set. Within each n-by-1 dataframe is a the aligned peptides of same length.
An integer. That is the length of the background
An character. The type of statistic testing for dagLogo analysis of differential usage of amino acids.
Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu
Using a heatmap to visualize results of testing differential amino acid usage.
dagHeatmap(testDAUresults, type = c("diff", "statistics"), ...)
dagHeatmap(testDAUresults, type = c("diff", "statistics"), ...)
testDAUresults |
An object of |
type |
A character vector of length 1, the type of metrics to display on y-axis. The available options are "diff" and "statistics", which are differences in amino acid usage at each position between the inputSet and the backgroundSet, and the Z-scores or odds ratios when Z-test or Fisher's exact test is performed to test the differential usage of amino acid at each position between the two sets. |
... |
other parameters passed to the |
The output from the pheatmap
Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu
data("seq.example") data("proteome.example") bg <- buildBackgroundModel(seq.example, proteome=proteome.example, numSubsamples=10) t0 <- testDAU(seq.example, bg) dagHeatmap(testDAUresults = t0, type = "diff")
data("seq.example") data("proteome.example") bg <- buildBackgroundModel(seq.example, proteome=proteome.example, numSubsamples=10) t0 <- testDAU(seq.example, bg) dagHeatmap(testDAUresults = t0, type = "diff")
Create sequence logo for visualizing results of testing differential usage of amino acids.
dagLogo( testDAUresults, type = c("diff", "zscore"), pvalueCutoff = 0.05, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(testDAUresults@group), font = "Helvetica", fontface = "bold", fontsize = 8, title = NULL, legend = FALSE, labelRelativeToAnchor = FALSE, labels = NULL, alpha = 1, markers = list() )
dagLogo( testDAUresults, type = c("diff", "zscore"), pvalueCutoff = 0.05, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(testDAUresults@group), font = "Helvetica", fontface = "bold", fontsize = 8, title = NULL, legend = FALSE, labelRelativeToAnchor = FALSE, labels = NULL, alpha = 1, markers = list() )
testDAUresults |
An object of |
type |
A character vector of length 1. Type of statistics to be displayed on y-axis. Available choices are "diff" or "zscore". |
pvalueCutoff |
A numeric vector of length 1. A cutoff of p-values. |
groupingSymbol |
A named character vector. |
font |
A character vector of length 1. Font type for displaying sequence Logo. |
fontface |
An integer, fontface of text for axis annotation and legends. |
fontsize |
An integer, fontsize of text for axis annotation and legends. |
title |
A character vector of length 1, main title for a plot. |
legend |
A logical vector of length 1, indicating whether to show the legend. |
labelRelativeToAnchor |
A logical vector of length 1, indicating whether x-axis label should be adjusted relative to the anchoring position. |
labels |
A character vector, x-axis labels. |
alpha |
Alpha channel for transparency of low affinity letters. |
markers |
A list of marker-class. |
A sequence Logo is plotted without returned values.
Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu
data('seq.example') data('proteome.example') bg <- buildBackgroundModel(seq.example, proteome=proteome.example, numSubsamples=10, testType = "ztest") t0 <- testDAU(seq.example, bg) t1 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq.example, dagBackground = bg, groupingScheme = "hydrophobicity_KD") t2 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq.example, dagBackground = bg, groupingScheme = "charge_group") t3 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq.example, dagBackground = bg, groupingScheme = "chemistry_property_Mahler") t4 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq.example, dagBackground = bg, groupingScheme = "hydrophobicity_KD_group") dagLogo(t0, markers = list(new("marker", type="rect", start=c(5, 8), gp=gpar(lty=3, fill=NA)), new("marker", type="text", start=9, label="*", gp=gpar(col=3)))) dagLogo(t1, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t1@group)) dagLogo(t2, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t2@group)) dagLogo(t3, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t3@group)) dagLogo(t4, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t4@group))
data('seq.example') data('proteome.example') bg <- buildBackgroundModel(seq.example, proteome=proteome.example, numSubsamples=10, testType = "ztest") t0 <- testDAU(seq.example, bg) t1 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq.example, dagBackground = bg, groupingScheme = "hydrophobicity_KD") t2 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq.example, dagBackground = bg, groupingScheme = "charge_group") t3 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq.example, dagBackground = bg, groupingScheme = "chemistry_property_Mahler") t4 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq.example, dagBackground = bg, groupingScheme = "hydrophobicity_KD_group") dagLogo(t0, markers = list(new("marker", type="rect", start=c(5, 8), gp=gpar(lty=3, fill=NA)), new("marker", type="text", start=9, label="*", gp=gpar(col=3)))) dagLogo(t1, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t1@group)) dagLogo(t2, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t2@group)) dagLogo(t3, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t3@group)) dagLogo(t4, groupingSymbol = getGroupingSymbol(t4@group))
An S4 class to represent formatted, aligned peptides for dagLogo analysis.Class dagPeptides
An S4 class to represent formatted, aligned peptides for dagLogo analysis.
A data frame with column names: IDs, anchorAA, anchorPos, peptide and anchor.
A matrix of character, each element is a single-character symbol for a amino acid.
An integer, the upstream offset relative to the anchoring position.
An integer, the downstream offset relative to the anchoring position.
A character vector of length 1. Available options :"UniProt",
and "fasta" if the dagPeptides
object is generated using
the function formatSequence
, or "entrezgene" and
"uniprotswissprot" if generated by the function fetchSequence
Objects can be created by calls of the form
new("dagPeptides", data, peptides, upstreamOffset, downstreamOffset, type)
Jianhong Ou
representing the
Escherichia coli proteome.A dataset containing the E. coli proteome.
An object of Proteome-class
for Escherichia coli proteome.
The format is: A list with one data frame and an character.
*‘proteome': ’data.frame': 13780 obs. of 4 variables *‘type': ’character': "UniProt" *‘species': ’character': "Escherichia coli"
The format of proteome is *'ENTREZ_GENE': a character vector, records entrez gene id *'SEQUENCE': a character vector, peptide sequences *'ID': a character vector, Uniprot ID *'LEN': a character vector, length of peptides
used as an example dataset
Annotation data obtained by:
taxId(UniProt.ws) <- 562
proteome <- prepareProteome(UniProt.ws, species="Escherichia coli")
data(ecoli.proteome) head(ecoli.proteome@proteome) ecoli.proteome@type
data(ecoli.proteome) head(ecoli.proteome@proteome) ecoli.proteome@type
object.This function fetches protein/peptide sequences from a Biomart database or
from a Proteome-class
object based on protein/peptide IDs and create
a dagPeptides-class
object following restriction as specified by
parameters: anchorAA or anchorPos, upstreamOffset and downstreamOffset.
fetchSequence( IDs, type = "entrezgene", anchorAA = NULL, anchorPos, mart, proteome, upstreamOffset, downstreamOffset )
fetchSequence( IDs, type = "entrezgene", anchorAA = NULL, anchorPos, mart, proteome, upstreamOffset, downstreamOffset )
IDs |
A character vector containing protein/peptide IDs used to fetch
sequences from a Biomart database or a |
type |
A character vector of length 1. The available options are
"entrezgene" and "uniprotswissprot" if parameter |
anchorAA |
A character vector of length 1 or the same length as that of anchorPos, each element of which is a single letter symbol of amino acids, for example, "K" for lysine. |
anchorPos |
A character or numeric vector. Each element of which is (1) a single-letter symbol of amino acid followed by the position of the anchoring amino acid in the target peptide/protein sequence, for example, "K123" for lysine at position 123 or the position of the anchoring amino acid in the target peptide/protein sequence, for example, "123" for an amino acid at position 123; or (2) a vector of subsequences containing the anchoring AAs. |
mart |
A Biomart database name you want to connect to. Either of parameters
proteome |
An object of |
upstreamOffset |
An integer, the upstream offset relative to the anchoring position. |
downstreamOffset |
An integer, the downstream offset relative to the anchoring position. |
An object of class dagPeptides-class
## Case 1: You have both positions of the anchoring AAs and the identifiers ## of their enclosing peptide/protein sequences for fetching sequences using ## the fetchSequence function via the Biomart. if (interactive()) { try({ mart <- useMart("ensembl") fly_mart <- useDataset(mart = mart, dataset = "dmelanogaster_gene_ensembl") dat <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "dagLogoTestData.csv", package = "dagLogo")) seq <- fetchSequence( IDs = as.character(dat$entrez_geneid), anchorPos = as.character(dat$NCBI_site), mart = fly_mart, upstreamOffset = 7, downstreamOffset = 7) head(seq@peptides) }) } ## Case 2: You don't have the exactly postion information, but You have the ## interesting peptide subsequences and the identifiers of their enclosing ## peptide/protein sequences for fetching sequences using the fetchSequence ## function via the Biomart. In the following examples, the anchoring AAs ## are marked by asterisks. if (interactive()) { try({ mart <- useMart("ensembl") fly_mart <- useDataset(mart = mart, dataset = "dmelanogaster_gene_ensembl") dat <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "dagLogoTestData.csv", package = "dagLogo")) seq <- fetchSequence( IDs = as.character(dat$entrez_geneid), anchorAA = "*", anchorPos = as.character(dat$peptide), mart = fly_mart, upstreamOffset = 7, downstreamOffset = 7 ) head(seq@peptides) }) } ## In following example, the anchoring AAs are lower-case "s" for amino acid ## serine. if(interactive()) { try({ dat <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "peptides4dagLogo.csv", package = "dagLogo")) mart <- useMart("ensembl") human_mart <- useDataset(mart = mart, dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl") seq <- fetchSequence(IDs = toupper(as.character(dat$symbol)), type = "hgnc_symbol", anchorAA = "s", anchorPos = as.character(dat$peptides), mart = human_mart, upstreamOffset = 7, downstreamOffset = 7) head(seq@peptides) }) }
## Case 1: You have both positions of the anchoring AAs and the identifiers ## of their enclosing peptide/protein sequences for fetching sequences using ## the fetchSequence function via the Biomart. if (interactive()) { try({ mart <- useMart("ensembl") fly_mart <- useDataset(mart = mart, dataset = "dmelanogaster_gene_ensembl") dat <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "dagLogoTestData.csv", package = "dagLogo")) seq <- fetchSequence( IDs = as.character(dat$entrez_geneid), anchorPos = as.character(dat$NCBI_site), mart = fly_mart, upstreamOffset = 7, downstreamOffset = 7) head(seq@peptides) }) } ## Case 2: You don't have the exactly postion information, but You have the ## interesting peptide subsequences and the identifiers of their enclosing ## peptide/protein sequences for fetching sequences using the fetchSequence ## function via the Biomart. In the following examples, the anchoring AAs ## are marked by asterisks. if (interactive()) { try({ mart <- useMart("ensembl") fly_mart <- useDataset(mart = mart, dataset = "dmelanogaster_gene_ensembl") dat <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "dagLogoTestData.csv", package = "dagLogo")) seq <- fetchSequence( IDs = as.character(dat$entrez_geneid), anchorAA = "*", anchorPos = as.character(dat$peptide), mart = fly_mart, upstreamOffset = 7, downstreamOffset = 7 ) head(seq@peptides) }) } ## In following example, the anchoring AAs are lower-case "s" for amino acid ## serine. if(interactive()) { try({ dat <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "peptides4dagLogo.csv", package = "dagLogo")) mart <- useMart("ensembl") human_mart <- useDataset(mart = mart, dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl") seq <- fetchSequence(IDs = toupper(as.character(dat$symbol)), type = "hgnc_symbol", anchorAA = "s", anchorPos = as.character(dat$peptides), mart = human_mart, upstreamOffset = 7, downstreamOffset = 7) head(seq@peptides) }) }
Convert already aligned peptide sequences into an object of
formatSequence(seq, proteome, upstreamOffset, downstreamOffset)
formatSequence(seq, proteome, upstreamOffset, downstreamOffset)
seq |
A vector of aligned peptide sequences of the same length |
proteome |
An object of |
upstreamOffset |
An integer, the upstream offset relative to the anchoring position. |
downstreamOffset |
An integer, the downstream offset relative to the anchoring position. |
An object of dagPeptides-class
Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu
## Suppose you already have the aligned peptides sequences at hands. Then you can use ## the formatSequence function to prepare an object of dagPeptides. Befor doing ## that, you need prepare a Proteome object by the prepareProteome function. dat <- unlist(read.delim(system.file( "extdata", "grB.txt", package = "dagLogo"), header = FALSE, as.is = TRUE)) ## prepare an object of Proteome Class from a fasta file proteome <- prepareProteome(fasta = system.file("extdata", "HUMAN.fasta", package = "dagLogo"), species = "Homo sapiens") ## prepare an object of dagPeptides Class from a Proteome object seq <- formatSequence(seq = dat, proteome = proteome, upstreamOffset = 14, downstreamOffset = 15)
## Suppose you already have the aligned peptides sequences at hands. Then you can use ## the formatSequence function to prepare an object of dagPeptides. Befor doing ## that, you need prepare a Proteome object by the prepareProteome function. dat <- unlist(read.delim(system.file( "extdata", "grB.txt", package = "dagLogo"), header = FALSE, as.is = TRUE)) ## prepare an object of Proteome Class from a fasta file proteome <- prepareProteome(fasta = system.file("extdata", "HUMAN.fasta", package = "dagLogo"), species = "Homo sapiens") ## prepare an object of dagPeptides Class from a Proteome object seq <- formatSequence(seq = dat, proteome = proteome, upstreamOffset = 14, downstreamOffset = 15)
convert group name to a single character to shown in a logo
nameHash(nameScheme = c("classic", "charge", "chemistry", "hydrophobicity"))
nameHash(nameScheme = c("classic", "charge", "chemistry", "hydrophobicity"))
nameScheme |
could be "classic", "charge", "chemistry", "hydrophobicity" |
A character vector of name scheme
Jianhong Ou
prepare proteome from UniProt webserver or a fasta file
prepareProteome(source, fasta, species = "unknown", ...)
prepareProteome(source, fasta, species = "unknown", ...)
source |
An object of |
fasta |
fasta file name or an object of AAStringSet |
species |
an character to assign the species of the proteome |
... |
parameters could be passed to prepareProteomeByFTP. |
an object of Proteome which contain protein sequence information.
Jianhong Ou
, buildBackgroundModel
if(interactive()){ library(UniProt.ws) availableUniprotSpecies("Drosophila melanogaster") UniProt.ws <- UniProt.ws(taxId=7227) proteome <- prepareProteome(UniProt.ws, species="Drosophila melanogaster") }
if(interactive()){ library(UniProt.ws) availableUniprotSpecies("Drosophila melanogaster") UniProt.ws <- UniProt.ws(taxId=7227) proteome <- prepareProteome(UniProt.ws, species="Drosophila melanogaster") }
Class.Create an object of Proteome
Class by downloading a whole
proteome data from UniProt for a given organism of an NCBI taxonomy ID or
species' scientific name, or by using peptide sequences in a fasta file.
prepareProteomeByFTP( source = "UniProt", taxonID = NULL, species = NULL, destDir = tempdir(check = TRUE), fastaFile, ... )
prepareProteomeByFTP( source = "UniProt", taxonID = NULL, species = NULL, destDir = tempdir(check = TRUE), fastaFile, ... )
source |
A character vector of length 1 or NULL. A database source from
which the proteome sequences are to be downloaded. By default, currently it is
"UniProt". If it is NULL, then |
taxonID |
An integer(1), specifying Taxonomy ID for a species of interest.
Check the NCBI taxonomy database: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/taxonomy
or the UniProt database http://www.uniprot.org/taxonomy/. At least one
of the two parameters, |
species |
A character vector of length 1. The Latin name of a species
confirming to the Linnaean taxonomy nomenclature system. CAUTION: for species
with different strains, attention should be paid. You can interactively choose
the right |
destDir |
A character vector of length 1. A destination directory with writing permission for saving downloaded sequences. Default is a temporary directory in the system's temporary directory. |
fastaFile |
A character vector of length 1. A fasta file name from which protein sequences are read in. |
... |
other parameters passing to the function |
An object of Proteome
Haibo Liu
## Not run: ## Prepare an objecto of Proteome Class for a proteome from the UniProt database #' proteome <- prepareProteomeByFTP(source = "UniProt", species = "Homo sapiens") ## End(Not run) ## Prepare an objecto of Proteome Class from a fasta file fasta <- system.file("extdata", "HUMAN.fasta", package="dagLogo") proteome <- prepareProteomeByFTP(source = NULL, species = "Homo sapiens", fastaFile=fasta)
## Not run: ## Prepare an objecto of Proteome Class for a proteome from the UniProt database #' proteome <- prepareProteomeByFTP(source = "UniProt", species = "Homo sapiens") ## End(Not run) ## Prepare an objecto of Proteome Class from a fasta file fasta <- system.file("extdata", "HUMAN.fasta", package="dagLogo") proteome <- prepareProteomeByFTP(source = NULL, species = "Homo sapiens", fastaFile=fasta)
Create an object of Proteome
Class by query
the UniProt database of an organism of a given species' scientific name,
or by using peptide sequences in a fasta file or in an AAStringSet object.
prepareProteomeByUniProtWS(UniProt.ws, fasta, species = "unknown")
prepareProteomeByUniProtWS(UniProt.ws, fasta, species = "unknown")
UniProt.ws |
An object of |
fasta |
A fasta file name or an object of |
species |
An character vector of length (1) to designate the species of the proteome |
An object of Proteome which contain protein sequence information.
Jianhong Ou
, buildBackgroundModel
if(interactive()){ library(UniProt.ws) availableUniprotSpecies("Drosophila melanogaster") UniProt.ws <- UniProt.ws(taxId=7227) proteome <- prepareProteomeByUniProtWS(UniProt.ws, species="Drosophila melanogaster") }
if(interactive()){ library(UniProt.ws) availableUniprotSpecies("Drosophila melanogaster") UniProt.ws <- UniProt.ws(taxId=7227) proteome <- prepareProteomeByUniProtWS(UniProt.ws, species="Drosophila melanogaster") }
.An S4 class to represent a whole proteome for dagLogo analysis.
A data frame.
A character vector of length 1. Available options :"UniProt", and "fasta".
A character vector of length 1, such as a conventional Latin name for a species.
Objects can be created by calls of the form
new("Proteome", proteome, type, species)
Jianhong Ou
representing the subset of
Drosophila melanogaster proteome.The subset Proteome-class
of fruit fly.
An object of Proteome-class
for fly subset proteome.
The format is: A list with one data frame and an character.
*‘proteome': ’data.frame': 1406 obs. of 4 variables *‘type': ’character': "UniProt" *‘species': ’character': "Drosophila melanogaster"
The format of proteome is
*'ENTREZ_GENE': a character vector, records entrez gene id *'SEQUENCE': a character vector, peptide sequences *'ID': a character vector, Uniprot ID *'LEN': a character vector, length of peptides
used as an example dataset
Annotation data obtained by:
taxId(UniProt.ws) <- 7227
proteome <- prepareProteome(UniProt.ws)
proteome@proteome <- proteome@proteome[sample(1:19902, 1406), ]
data(proteome.example) head(proteome.example@proteome) proteome.example@type
data(proteome.example) head(proteome.example@proteome) proteome.example@type
representing acetylated lysine-containing peptides.A dataset containing the acetylated lysine-containing peptides from Drosophila melanogaster.
An object of dagPeptides-class
The format is: A list.
*‘data': ’data.frame': 732 obs. of 7 variables *‘peptides': ’matrix': amnio acid in each position *'upstreamOffset': an integer, upstream offset position *'downstreamOffset': an integer, downstream offset position *'type': "character", type of identifiers
The format of data is
*'IDs': a character vector, input identifiers *'anchorAA': a character vector, anchor amino acid provided in inputs *'anchorPos': a numeric vector, anchor position in the protein *'peptide': a character vector, peptide sequences *'anchor': a character vector, anchor amino acid in the protein *'upstream': a character vector, upstream peptides *'downstream': a character vector, downstream peptides
used as an example dataset
seq obtained by:
mart <- useMart("ensembl", "dmelanogaster_gene_ensembl")
dat <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "dagLogoTestData.csv", package="dagLogo"))
seq <- fetchSequence(as.character(dat$entrez_geneid),
data(seq.example) head(seq.example@peptides) seq.example@upstreamOffset seq.example@downstreamOffset
data(seq.example) head(seq.example@peptides) seq.example@upstreamOffset seq.example@downstreamOffset
Test differential usage of amino acids with or without grouping between experimental sets and background sets.
testDAU( dagPeptides, dagBackground, groupingScheme = ls(envir = cachedEnv), bgNoise = NA, method = "none" )
testDAU( dagPeptides, dagBackground, groupingScheme = ls(envir = cachedEnv), bgNoise = NA, method = "none" )
dagPeptides |
An object of Class |
dagBackground |
An object of Class |
groupingScheme |
A character vector of length 1. Available choices are "no","bulkiness_Zimmerman","hydrophobicity_KD", "hydrophobicity_HW", "isoelectric_point_Zimmerman", "contact_potential_Maiorov", "chemistry_property_Mahler", "consensus_similarity_SF", "volume_Bigelow", "structure_alignments_Mirny", "polarity_Grantham", "sequence_alignment_Dayhoff", "bulkiness_Zimmerman_group", "hydrophobicity_KD_group", "hydrophobicity_HW_group", "charge_group", "contact_potential_Maiorov_group", "chemistry_property_Mahler_group", "consensus_similarity_SF_group", "volume_Bigelow_group", "structure_alignments_Mirny_group", "polarity_Grantham_group", "sequence_alignment_Dayhoff_group", "custom" and "custom_group". If "custom" or "custom_group" are used, users must define a grouping scheme using a list containing sublist named as "color", and "symbol" using the function addScheme, with group set as "NULL" or a list with same names as those of color and symbol. No grouping was applied for the first 12 schemes. It is used to color AAs based on similarities or group amino acids into groups of similarities. |
bgNoise |
A numeric vector of length 1 if not NA. It should be in the interval of (0, 1) when not NA. |
method |
A character vector of length 1, specifying the method
used for p-value adjustment to correct for multiple testing. it can be
"holm", "hochberg", "hommel","bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", or "none".
For more details, see |
An object of Class testDAUresults-class
Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu
dat <- unlist(read.delim(system.file( "extdata", "grB.txt", package = "dagLogo"), header = FALSE, as.is = TRUE)) ##prepare an object of Proteome Class from a fasta file proteome <- prepareProteome(fasta = system.file("extdata", "HUMAN.fasta", package = "dagLogo"), species = "Homo sapiens") ##prepare an object of dagPeptides Class seq <- formatSequence(seq = dat, proteome = proteome, upstreamOffset = 14, downstreamOffset = 15) bg_fisher <- buildBackgroundModel(seq, background = "wholeProteome", proteome = proteome, testType = "fisher") bg_ztest <- buildBackgroundModel(seq, background = "wholeProteome", proteome = proteome, testType = "ztest") ## no grouping and distinct coloring scheme, adjust p-values using the ## "BH" method. t0 <- testDAU(seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, method = "BY") ## grouped by polarity index (Granthm, 1974) t1 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, groupingScheme = "polarity_Grantham_group") ## grouped by charge. t2 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, groupingScheme = "charge_group") ## grouped on the basis of the chemical property of side chains. t3 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, groupingScheme = "chemistry_property_Mahler_group") ## grouped on the basis of hydrophobicity (Kyte and Doolittle, 1982) t4 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, groupingScheme = "hydrophobicity_KD_group")
dat <- unlist(read.delim(system.file( "extdata", "grB.txt", package = "dagLogo"), header = FALSE, as.is = TRUE)) ##prepare an object of Proteome Class from a fasta file proteome <- prepareProteome(fasta = system.file("extdata", "HUMAN.fasta", package = "dagLogo"), species = "Homo sapiens") ##prepare an object of dagPeptides Class seq <- formatSequence(seq = dat, proteome = proteome, upstreamOffset = 14, downstreamOffset = 15) bg_fisher <- buildBackgroundModel(seq, background = "wholeProteome", proteome = proteome, testType = "fisher") bg_ztest <- buildBackgroundModel(seq, background = "wholeProteome", proteome = proteome, testType = "ztest") ## no grouping and distinct coloring scheme, adjust p-values using the ## "BH" method. t0 <- testDAU(seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, method = "BY") ## grouped by polarity index (Granthm, 1974) t1 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, groupingScheme = "polarity_Grantham_group") ## grouped by charge. t2 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, groupingScheme = "charge_group") ## grouped on the basis of the chemical property of side chains. t3 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, groupingScheme = "chemistry_property_Mahler_group") ## grouped on the basis of hydrophobicity (Kyte and Doolittle, 1982) t4 <- testDAU(dagPeptides = seq, dagBackground = bg_ztest, groupingScheme = "hydrophobicity_KD_group")
.An S4 class to represent a DAU statistical test result from dagLogo analysis.
A character vector of length 1, the type of method for grouping amino acid.
A character vector of length 1, the type of statistic testing. The available options are "fisher" and "z-test".
A numeric matrix consisting of differences of amino acid proportions between the test set and the background set of aligned, formatted peptides at each position.
A numeric matrix consisting of Z-scores or odds ratios for Z-test and Fisher's exact test, respectively.
A numeric matrix consisting of p-values.
A numeric matrix consisting of amino acid proportions in the background set of aligned, formatted peptides at each position.
A numeric matrix consisting of amino acid proportions at each position for visualization by dagLogo.
A positive integer, the upstream offset relative to the anchoring position.
A positive integer, the upstream offset relative to the anchoring position.
Jianhong Ou, Haibo Liu