Title: | Efficient design and analysis of factorial two-colour microarray data |
Description: | This package contains functions for the efficient design of factorial two-colour microarray experiments and for the statistical analysis of factorial microarray data. Statistical details are described in Bretz et al. (2003, submitted) |
Authors: | Jobst Landgrebe <[email protected]> and Frank Bretz <[email protected]> |
Maintainer: | Jobst Landgrebe <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.79.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-29 04:00:24 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/daMA |
analyseMA is used for the ananlysis of factorial two-colour microarray experiments based on the experimental design, a user-defined matrix containing the experimental question in contrast form and a vector to discern vectorial contrasts from contrasts given in matrix form.
analyseMA( data, design, id, cmat, cinfo, padj=c("none","bonferroni","fdr"), tol=1e-06 )
analyseMA( data, design, id, cmat, cinfo, padj=c("none","bonferroni","fdr"), tol=1e-06 )
data |
a matrix of size |
design |
the design matrix of size |
id |
an ID vector of length G for the identification of the spots. |
cmat |
a matrix describing the p experimental questions (contrasts) to be analysed in
the experiment. The matrix can be composed of vectorial contrasts (a single row of the
matrix) and of contrasts in matrix form (several rows of the matrix),
e.g. an |
cinfo |
a vector of length p describing the grouping of the contrast matrix rows in vector or matrix form. E.g. if the design matrix contains three contrasts in vector form, cinfo = rep(1,3), if it contains two vectorial contratst and one as matrix with three rows, cinfo=c(1,1,3). |
padj |
a quoted string indicating the multiplicity adjustment that should be used. "none" - no multiplicity adjustment, "bonferroni" - Bonferroni single step adjustment, "fdr" - linear step-up procedure of Benjamini and Hochberg. |
tol |
A value indicating the tolerance for contrast estimability check |
The analysis is perfomed separately for each spot. For each spot, arrays with NA values are dropped. Then, for each experimental question (either contrast vector or contrast matrix) a check on the estimabilty of the resulting linear function is done. If the linear function of interest is estimable, t- or F-tests (whichever is appropriate) are computed and the associated unadjusted $P-$values are computed. Multiplicity adjustment is done over the number of spots only.
a matrix with the following row-wise components.
(i) |
the first column contains the ID |
(ii) |
columns 2 though p+1 contain the estimates of the linear function (in case of vectorial contrasts) or the dregrees of freedom for the quadratic form in the numerator (in case of contrasts given in matrix form and that F-tests are used), depending on cinfo. |
(iii) |
columns p+2 through 2p+1 contain the test statistics (either t- or F-tests, depending on cinfo) |
(iv) |
columns 2p+2 through 3p+1 contain the raw P-values, associated to the t- and F-tests |
(v) |
column 3p+2 contains the mean square error |
(vi) |
column 3p+3 contains the residual degrees of freedom |
(vii) |
columns 3p+4 through 4p+3 contain the multiplicity adjusted P-values, associated to the raw P-values, as long as a multiplicty adjustment method has been selected |
Jobst Landgrebe ([email protected]) and Frank Bretz ([email protected])
Bretz, F and Landgrebe J and Brunner E (2003):"Design and analysis of two colour factorial microarray experiments", submitted. http://www.microarrays.med.uni-goettingen.de/
## Not run: result <- analyseMA( data=data.3x2, design=designs.composite$BSBSBS, id=id.3x2, cmat=cmatB.AB, cinfo=c(1,3), padj=c("fdr"), tol=1e-06 ) # analyse a dataset with # 30012 spots and 18 arrays. The design # is 3x2 with 3 replicates, the # contrasts of interest are the main effect # B and the interaction effect AxB. ## End(Not run)
## Not run: result <- analyseMA( data=data.3x2, design=designs.composite$BSBSBS, id=id.3x2, cmat=cmatB.AB, cinfo=c(1,3), padj=c("fdr"), tol=1e-06 ) # analyse a dataset with # 30012 spots and 18 arrays. The design # is 3x2 with 3 replicates, the # contrasts of interest are the main effect # B and the interaction effect AxB. ## End(Not run)
This vector is used to describe the structure of the rows of the contrast
matrix cmat. The number of entries in cinfo mirrors the number of experimental
questions. "1" indicates a contrast in vectorial form, integers n > 1 indicate
contrasts given in matrix form.
Bretz, F and Landgrebe J and Brunner E (2003):"Design and analysis of two colour factorial microarray experiments", submitted.
This vector is used to describe the structure of the rows of the contrast matrix cmatB.AB Its first element (1) indicates that the first esperimental question (main effect B) is described by a single contrast in vectorial form. The second element (2) indicates that the second experimental question (interaction between A and B) is given by a contrast in matrix form.
Bretz, F and Landgrebe J and Brunner E (2003):"Design and analysis of two colour factorial microarray experiments", submitted.
This matrix of numerical constants describes the experimental question, say. Each experimental question is
described by a single contrast vector (a single row in cmat) or by a contrast matrix
(several rows in cmat). The ordering of the columns corresponds to that of the associated
design matrix X. Thus, typically the first two elements in a row of cmat are reserved for
for the two dyes. E.g. to compare the two dyes, we set (-1, 1, 0, ..., 0).
Bretz, F and Landgrebe J and Brunner E (2003):"Design and analysis of two colour factorial microarray experiments", submitted.
data(cmat) ## maybe str(cmat) ; plot(cmat) ...
data(cmat) ## maybe str(cmat) ; plot(cmat) ...
This matrix of numerical constants describes the experimental question, say p. Each experimental question is described by a single contrast vector (a single row in cmat) or by a contrast matrix (several rows in cmat). The ordering of the columns corresponds to that of the associated design matrix X. Thus, typically the first two elements in a row of cmat are reserved for for the two dyes. E.g. the first line of the matrix cmatB.AB describes the main effect B.
Bretz, F and Landgrebe J and Brunner E (2003):"Design and analysis of two colour factorial microarray experiments", submitted.
This internal function of analyseMA computes the statistics and estimators that are organised and given out by the main function analyseMA.
core(vector, design, cmat, cinfo, tol)
core(vector, design, cmat, cinfo, tol)
vector |
a simple help variable for the apply call |
design |
the design matrix of size |
cmat |
a matrix describing the p experimental questions (contrasts) to be analysed in
the experiment. The matrix can be composed of vectorial contrasts (a single row of the
matrix) and of contrasts in matrix form (several rows of the matrix),
e.g. an |
cinfo |
a vector of length p describing the grouping of the contrast matrix rows in vector or matrix form. E.g. if the design matrix contains three contrasts in vector form, cinfo = rep(1,3), if it contains two vectorial contratst and one as matrix with three rows, cinfo=c(1,1,3). |
tol |
A value indicating the tolerance for contrast estimability check |
Jobst Landgrebe ([email protected]) and Frank Bretz ([email protected])
Bretz, F and Landgrebe J and Brunner E (2003):"Design and analysis of two colour factorial microarray experiments", submitted. http://www.microarrays.med.uni-goettingen.de/
These are data from a microarray experiment in which the expression profiles of three cell lines were analysed with and without drug treatment using cDNA microarrays spotted with 300012 human cDNAs. The data matrix consists of 30012 rows and 18 columns. Each row represents one spot, each column corresponds to one microarray.
The format is: matrix of size 30012 x 18.
cDNA microarray lab of the University of Goettingen, Germany. http://www.microarrays.med.uni-goettingen.de
data(data.3x2) ## maybe str(data.3x2) ; plot(data.3x2) ...
data(data.3x2) ## maybe str(data.3x2) ; plot(data.3x2) ...
designMA computes efficient factorial microarray experimental designs for two-colour microarrays based on a list of user-defined design matrices, a matrix describing the experimental questions (contrasts), a vector to discern vectorial contrasts from contrasts given in matrix form and a design optimality criterion.
designMA(design.list, cmat, cinfo, type = c("d", "e", "t"), tol = 1e-06)
designMA(design.list, cmat, cinfo, type = c("d", "e", "t"), tol = 1e-06)
design.list |
a named list of design matrices. Each design matrix should have nrow = number of arrays and ncol= number of experimental conditions. With p columns, the first two columns describe the dye labeling (green and red), the remaining columns describe the experimental conditions. |
cmat |
a matrix describing the experimental questions (contrasts) to be analysed in
the experiment. The matrix can be composed of vectorial contrasts (a single row of the
matrix) and of contrasts in matrix form (several rows of the matrix),
e.g. an |
cinfo |
a vector describing the grouping of the contrast matrix rows in vector or matrix form. E.g. if the design matrix contains three contrasts in vector form, cinfo = rep(1,3), if it contains two vectorial contratst and one as matrix with three rows, cinfo=c(1,1,3). |
type |
a quoted letter indicating the optimality criterion that shoul be used. "d" - determinant, "e" - eigenvalue, "t" - trace. |
tol |
A value indicating the tolerance for contrast estimability check. |
The choice of the optimality criterion influences the design defined as best. We propose the trace criterion because of its straightforward interpretability. For a detailed description of optimality criteria cf. Pukelsheim, F. "Optimal Design of Experiments", New York 1993.
a list with the following components
alleff |
a matrix giving the absolute efficiency values (cols) for each contrast (rows). NA if contrast is not estimatable. |
alleffrel |
a matrix giving the relative efficiency values (cols) for each contrast (rows). The values are obtained by dividing the absolute values by the by the maximal efficiency value for a given contrast. NA if contrast is not estimatable. |
alleffave |
a vector giving the average efficiency for each design over all contrasts. |
effdesign |
the name of the design with the highest alleffave value. |
df |
a vector with the degrees of freedom of the F-statistics obtained by the designs. |
Jobst Landgrebe ([email protected]) and Frank Bretz ([email protected])
Bretz, F and Landgrebe J and Brunner E (2003):"Design and analysis of two colour factorial microarray experiments", submitted. http://www.microarrays.med.uni-goettingen.de/
## Not run: designs.basic # look at typical basic designs ## Not run: designs.composite #look at comlpex composite designs ## Not run: t.eff.3x2.B.AB <- designMA(designs.composite, cmatB.AB,cinfoB.AB,type="t")# compute design efficiencies for # a \eqn{3 \times 2} factorial experiment # using 18 microarrays and asking for # the main effect B and the interaction effect \eqn{A \times B} ## End(Not run) ## Not run: t.eff.3x2.all <- designMA(designs.composite, cmat,cinfo,type="t") ## End(Not run) #compute design efficiencies design for # a \eqn{3 \times 2} factorial # experiment using 18 # microarrays and asking for # the the simple B # effects, the main effects # A, B and the interaction # effect \eqn{A \times B}
## Not run: designs.basic # look at typical basic designs ## Not run: designs.composite #look at comlpex composite designs ## Not run: t.eff.3x2.B.AB <- designMA(designs.composite, cmatB.AB,cinfoB.AB,type="t")# compute design efficiencies for # a \eqn{3 \times 2} factorial experiment # using 18 microarrays and asking for # the main effect B and the interaction effect \eqn{A \times B} ## End(Not run) ## Not run: t.eff.3x2.all <- designMA(designs.composite, cmat,cinfo,type="t") ## End(Not run) #compute design efficiencies design for # a \eqn{3 \times 2} factorial # experiment using 18 # microarrays and asking for # the the simple B # effects, the main effects # A, B and the interaction # effect \eqn{A \times B}
A list of matrices describing basic designs for two-colour factorial microarray data of size 3 x 2. Matrix rows represent microarrays, matrix columns represent parameters.
List of matrices of size 6 x 9.
The designs are abbreviated as in the paper (cf. source and references): BS - swap over B, AL - A loop, XL - crossed loop, CL - circle loop, RS - star swap, TL - triangular loop, CR - common reference.
cDNA microarray lab of the University of Goettingen, Germany. http://www.microarrays.med.uni-goettingen.de
A list of matrices describing composite designs for two-colour factorial microarray data of size 3 x 2 using 18 microarrays each. The design matrices are made up of basic designs. Matrix rows represent microarrays, matrix columns represent parameters.
List of 10 matrices of size 18 x 9.
The matrix names reflect the basic designs they are made up from. The first two digits of the names abbreviated the first basic design, the second two the second design etc. The basic design abbreviations are: BS - swap over B, AL - A loop, XL - crossed loop, CL - circle loop, RS - star swap, TL - triangular loop, CR - common reference. BSBSBS is a tripled basic BS design, CLCLTL is a double circle loop design combined with a triangular design and so on.
cDNA microarray lab of the University of Goettingen, Germany. http://www.microarrays.med.uni-goettingen.de
Cf. data.3x2
The format is: num [1:30012] 12 24 108 120 204 216 300 312 396 408 ...