update coExp for R4.0 due to Matrix is now Array.
dotplot shows gene number and -log2(q-value) heatmapPEI.
update vignettes using rmarkdown v2.
update gene sets and rename gene sets name.
update AllGeneSymbol using gene symbols from https://www.genenames.org/ (accessed at Feb. 26, 2020)
add dotplot in heatmapPEI and vignettes
multi-group labelling
update vignette
add gmtlist2file function
Bioconductor 3.2 Dev
Bioconductor 3.2
update exmaple dataset.
add drug repositioning gene sets and anlaysis.
debug cutree.
values are -log2(FDR) in heatmapPEI instead of -log(FDR).
redesign cogena.
add coExp and clEnrich as a substitute for the original cogena function.
update vignette
add tests
add PPIinfo and hubGene funtions, delete PPIenrichment, netInCluster and plotPPI
add PPIenrichment function.
debug pCluster function.
add heatmapEnrich, plotPPI and netInCluster functions.
sampleColor randomly in heatmapCluster.
add Molecular Signatures Database v5.0.
import mclust instead of suggesting it.
cogena is released with Bioconductor 3.1.
use makeCluster to creat cluster to avoid checking error from Windows.
Update indent based on the coding style of Bioconductor.
Trim long line.
Add runnable examples for functions.
Update R version dependency from 2.10 to 3.2.
Add non-empty value sections for some functions.
Submit cogena to Bioconductor.