Statistical analysis and visualization of functional profiles for genes and gene clusters


clusterProfiler implements methods to analyze and visualize functional profiles of genomic coordinates (supported by ChIPseeker), gene and gene clusters.

Supported Analysis

  • Over-Representation Analysis
  • Gene Set Enrichment Analysis
  • Biological theme comparison

Supported ontologies/pathways


  • barplot
  • cnetplot
  • dotplot
  • emapplot
  • gseaplot
  • goplot
  • upsetplot


Please go to for the full vignette.


If you use clusterProfiler in published research, please cite:

G Yu, LG Wang, Y Han, QY He. clusterProfiler: an R package for comparing biological themes among gene clusters. OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 2012, 16(5):284-287. doi:[10.1089/omi.2011.0118](

Need helps?

If you have questions/issues, please visit clusterProfiler homepage first. Your problems are mostly documented. If you think you found a bug, please follow the guide and provide a reproducible example to be posted on github issue tracker. For questions, please post to Bioconductor support site and tag your post with clusterProfiler.