Package 'chipenrich'

Title: Gene Set Enrichment For ChIP-seq Peak Data
Description: ChIP-Enrich and Poly-Enrich perform gene set enrichment testing using peaks called from a ChIP-seq experiment. The method empirically corrects for confounding factors such as the length of genes, and the mappability of the sequence surrounding genes.
Authors: Ryan P. Welch [aut, cph], Chee Lee [aut], Raymond G. Cavalcante [aut], Kai Wang [cre], Chris Lee [aut], Laura J. Scott [ths], Maureen A. Sartor [ths]
Maintainer: Kai Wang <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 2.31.0
Built: 2024-12-18 06:17:37 UTC

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Assign whole peaks to all overlapping defined gene loci.


Determine all overlaps between the set of input regions peaks and the given locus definition locusdef. In addition, report where each overlap begins and ends, as well as the length of the overlap.


assign_peak_segments(peaks, locusdef)



A GRanges object representing regions to be used for enrichment.


A locus definition object from


Typically, this function will not be used alone, but inside chipenrich() with method = 'broadenrich'.


A data.frame with columns for peak_id, chr, peak_start, peak_end, gene_locus_start, gene_locus_end, gene_id, overlap_start, overlap_end, peak_overlap. The result is used in num_peaks_per_gene().


data('locusdef.hg19.nearest_tss', package = '')
data('tss.hg19', package = '')

file = system.file('extdata', 'test_assign.bed', package = 'chipenrich')
peaks = read_bed(file)

assigned_peaks = assign_peak_segments(
	peaks = peaks,
	locusdef = locusdef.hg19.nearest_tss)

Assign peak midpoints to defined gene loci.


Determine the midpoints of a set of input regions peaks and the overlap of the midpoints with a given locus definition locusdef. Also report the TSS that is nearest each region (peak) overlapping a defined locus and its distance.


assign_peaks(peaks, locusdef, tss, weighting = NULL)



A GRanges object representing regions to be used for enrichment.


A locus definition object from


A GRanges object representing the TSSs for the genome build. Includes mcols for Entrez Gene ID gene_id and gene symbol symbol.


A string defining what weighting option they want. Current options are 'multiAssign', 'signalValue', and 'logSignal Value'. Default is NULL.


Typically, this function will not be used alone, but inside chipenrich().


A data.frame with columns for peak_id, chr, peak_start, peak_end, gene_locus_start, gene_locus_end, gene_id, nearest_tss, nearest_tss_gene, dist_to_tss, nearest_tss_gene_strand. The result is used in num_peaks_per_gene().


data('locusdef.hg19.nearest_tss', package = '')
data('tss.hg19', package = '')

file = system.file('extdata', 'test_assign.bed', package = 'chipenrich')
peaks = read_bed(file)

assigned_peaks = assign_peaks(
	peaks = peaks,
	locusdef = locusdef.hg19.nearest_tss,
	tss = tss.hg19)

Run Broad-Enrich on broad genomic regions


Broad-Enrich is designed for use with broad peaks that may intersect multiple gene loci, and cumulatively cover greater than 5% of the genome. For example, ChIP-seq experiments for histone modifications. For more details, see the 'Broad-Enrich Method' section below. For help choosing a method, see the 'Choosing A Method' section below, or see the vignette.


  out_name = "broadenrich",
  out_path = getwd(),
  genome = supported_genomes(),
  genesets = c("GOBP", "GOCC", "GOMF"),
  locusdef = "nearest_tss",
  mappability = NULL,
  qc_plots = TRUE,
  min_geneset_size = 15,
  max_geneset_size = 2000,
  randomization = NULL,
  n_cores = 1



Either a file path or a data.frame of peaks in BED-like format. If a file path, the following formats are fully supported via their file extensions: .bed, .broadPeak, .narrowPeak, .gff3, .gff2, .gff, and .bedGraph or .bdg. BED3 through BED6 files are supported under the .bed extension. Files without these extensions are supported under the conditions that the first 3 columns correspond to 'chr', 'start', and 'end' and that there is either no header column, or it is commented out. If a data.frame A BEDX+Y style data.frame. See GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame for acceptable column names.


Prefix string to use for naming output files. This should not contain any characters that would be illegal for the system being used (Unix, Windows, etc.) The default value is "broadenrich", and a file "" is produced. If qc_plots is set, then a file "broadenrich_qcplots.png" is produced containing a number of quality control plots. If out_name is set to NULL, no files are written, and results then must be retrieved from the list returned by broadenrich.


Directory to which results files will be written out. Defaults to the current working directory as returned by getwd.


One of the supported_genomes().


A character vector of geneset databases to be tested for enrichment. See supported_genesets(). Alternately, a file path to a a tab-delimited text file with header and first column being the geneset ID or name, and the second column being Entrez Gene IDs. For an example custom gene set file, see the vignette.


One of: 'nearest_tss', 'nearest_gene', 'exon', 'intron', '1kb', '1kb_outside', '1kb_outside_upstream', '5kb', '5kb_outside', '5kb_outside_upstream', '10kb', '10kb_outside', '10kb_outside_upstream'. For a description of each, see the vignette or supported_locusdefs. Alternately, a file path for a custom locus definition. NOTE: Must be for a supported_genome(), and must have columns 'chr', 'start', 'end', and 'gene_id' or 'geneid'. For an example custom locus definition file, see the vignette.


One of NULL, a file path to a custom mappability file, or an integer for a valid read length given by supported_read_lengths. If a file, it should contain a header with two column named 'gene_id' and 'mappa'. Gene IDs should be Entrez IDs, and mappability values should range from 0 and 1. For an example custom mappability file, see the vignette. Default value is NULL.


A logical variable that enables the automatic generation of plots for quality control.


Sets the minimum number of genes a gene set may have to be considered for enrichment testing.


Sets the maximum number of genes a gene set may have to be considered for enrichment testing.


One of NULL, 'complete', 'bylength', or 'bylocation'. See the Randomizations section below.


The number of cores to use for enrichment testing. We recommend using only up to the maximum number of physical cores present, as virtual cores do not significantly decrease runtime. Default number of cores is set to 1. NOTE: Windows does not support multicore enrichment.


A list, containing the following items:


A data frame containing the arguments/values passed to broadenrich.


A data frame containing peak assignments to genes. Peaks which do not overlap a gene locus are not included. Each peak that was assigned to a gene is listed, along with the peak midpoint or peak interval coordinates (depending on which was used), the gene to which the peak was assigned, the locus start and end position of the gene, and the distance from the peak to the TSS.

The columns are:


an ID given to unique combinations of chromosome, peak start, and peak end.


the chromosome the peak originated from.


start position of the peak.


end position of the peak.


the Entrez ID of the gene to which the peak was assigned.


the official gene symbol for the gene_id (above).


the start position of the locus for the gene to which the peak was assigned (specified by the locus definition used.)


the end position of the locus for the gene to which the peak was assigned (specified by the locus definition used.)


the start position of the peak overlap with the gene locus.


the end position of the peak overlap with the gene locus.


the base pair overlap of the peak with the gene locus.


A data frame of the count of peaks per gene. The columns are:


the Entrez Gene ID.


the length of the gene's locus (depending on which locus definition you chose.)


the log10(locus length) for the gene.


the number of peaks that were assigned to the gene, given the current locus definition.


whether or not the gene is considered to have a peak, as defined by num_peak_threshold.


the number of base pairs of the gene covered by a peak.


the proportion of the gene covered by a peak.


A data frame of the results from performing the gene set enrichment test on each geneset that was requested (all genesets are merged into one final data frame.) The columns are:


the identifier for a given gene set from the selected database. For example, GO:0000003.


specifies from which database the Geneset.ID originates. For example, "Gene Ontology Biological Process."


gives a definition of the geneset. For example, "reproduction."


the probability of observing the degree of enrichment of the gene set given the null hypothesis that peaks are not associated with any gene sets.


the false discovery rate proposed by Bejamini \& Hochberg for adjusting the p-value to control for family-wise error rate.


the estimated odds that peaks are associated with a given gene set compared to the odds that peaks are associated with other gene sets, after controlling for locus length and/or mappability. An odds ratio greater than 1 indicates enrichment, and less than 1 indicates depletion.


the number of genes in the gene set.


the number of genes in the genes set that were assigned at least one peak.


the average length of the genes in the gene set.


the mean proportion of the gene loci in the gene set covered by a peak.


the list of genes from the gene set that had at least one peak assigned.

Broad-Enrich Method

The Broad-Enrich method uses the cumulative peak coverage of genes in its model for enrichment: GO ~ ratio + s(log10_length). Here, GO is a binary vector indicating whether a gene is in the gene set being tested, ratio is a numeric vector indicating the ratio of the gene covered by peaks, and s(log10_length) is a binomial cubic smoothing spline which adjusts for the relationship between gene coverage and locus length.

Choosing A Method

The following guidelines are intended to help select an enrichment function:


is designed for use with broad peaks that may intersect multiple gene loci, and cumulatively cover greater than 5% of the genome. For example, ChIP-seq experiments for histone modifications.


is designed for use with 1,000s or 10,000s of narrow peaks which results in fewer gene loci containing a peak overall. For example, ChIP-seq experiments for transcription factors.


is also designed for narrow peaks, for experiments with 100,000s of peaks, or in cases where the number of binding sites per gene affects its regulation. If unsure whether to use chipenrich or polyenrich, then we recommend hybridenrich.


is a combination of chipenrich and polyenrich, to be used when one is unsure which is the optimal method.


Randomization of locus definitions allows for the assessment of Type I Error under the null hypothesis. The randomization codes are:


No randomizations, the default.


Shuffle the gene_id and symbol columns of the locusdef together, without regard for the chromosome location, or locus length. The null hypothesis is that there is no true gene set enrichment.


Shuffle the gene_id and symbol columns of the locusdef together within bins of 100 genes sorted by locus length. The null hypothesis is that there is no true gene set enrichment, but with preserved locus length relationship.


Shuffle the gene_id and symbol columns of the locusdef together within bins of 50 genes sorted by genomic location. The null hypothesis is that there is no true gene set enrichment, but with preserved genomic location.

The return value with a selected randomization is the same list as without. To assess the Type I error, the alpha level for the particular data set can be calculated by dividing the total number of gene sets with p-value < alpha by the total number of tests. Users may want to perform multiple randomizations for a set of peaks and take the median of the alpha values.

See Also

Other enrichment functions: chipenrich(), polyenrich()


# Run Broad-Enrich using an example dataset, assigning peaks to the nearest TSS,
# and on a small custom geneset
data(peaks_H3K4me3_GM12878, package = '')
peaks_H3K4me3_GM12878 = subset(peaks_H3K4me3_GM12878,
peaks_H3K4me3_GM12878$chrom == 'chr1')
gs_path = system.file('extdata','vignette_genesets.txt', package='chipenrich')
results = broadenrich(peaks_H3K4me3_GM12878, locusdef='nearest_tss',
			genome = 'hg19', genesets=gs_path, out_name=NULL)

# Get the list of peaks that were assigned to genes.
assigned_peaks = results$peaks

# Get the results of enrichment testing.
enrich = results$results

Add peak overlap and ratio to result of num_peaks_per_gene()


In particular, for method = 'broadenrich' in chipenrich(), when using assign_peak_segments(). This function will add aggregated peak_overlap (in base pairs) and ratio (relative to length) columns to the result of num_peaks_per_gene() so the right data is present for the method = 'broadenrich' model.


calc_peak_gene_overlap(assigned_peaks, ppg)



A data.frame resulting from assign_peak_segments().


The aggregated peak assignments over gene_id from num_peaks_per_gene().


Typically, this function will not be used alone, but inside chipenrich() with method = 'broadenrich'.


A data.frame with columns gene_id, length, log10_length, num_peaks, peak, peak_overlap, ratio. The result is used directly in the gene set enrichment tests in chipenrich() when method = 'broadenrich'.


data('locusdef.hg19.nearest_tss', package = '')
data('tss.hg19', package = '')

file = system.file('extdata', 'test_assign.bed', package = 'chipenrich')
peaks = read_bed(file)

assigned_peaks = assign_peak_segments(
	peaks = peaks,
	locusdef = locusdef.hg19.nearest_tss)

ppg = num_peaks_per_gene(
	assigned_peaks = assigned_peaks,
	locusdef = locusdef.hg19.nearest_tss,
	mappa = NULL)

ppg = calc_peak_gene_overlap(
	assigned_peaks = assigned_peaks,
	ppg = ppg)

Run ChIP-Enrich on narrow genomic regions


ChIP-Enrich is designed for use with 1,000s or 10,000s of narrow peaks which results in fewer gene loci containing a peak overall. For example, ChIP-seq experiments for transcription factors. For more details, see the 'ChIP-Enrich Method' section below. For help choosing a method, see the 'Choosing A Method' section below, or see the vignette.


  out_name = "chipenrich",
  out_path = getwd(),
  genome = supported_genomes(),
  genesets = c("GOBP", "GOCC", "GOMF"),
  locusdef = "nearest_tss",
  method = "chipenrich",
  mappability = NULL,
  fisher_alt = "two.sided",
  qc_plots = TRUE,
  min_geneset_size = 15,
  max_geneset_size = 2000,
  num_peak_threshold = 1,
  randomization = NULL,
  n_cores = 1



Either a file path or a data.frame of peaks in BED-like format. If a file path, the following formats are fully supported via their file extensions: .bed, .broadPeak, .narrowPeak, .gff3, .gff2, .gff, and .bedGraph or .bdg. BED3 through BED6 files are supported under the .bed extension. Files without these extensions are supported under the conditions that the first 3 columns correspond to 'chr', 'start', and 'end' and that there is either no header column, or it is commented out. If a data.frame A BEDX+Y style data.frame. See GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame for acceptable column names.


Prefix string to use for naming output files. This should not contain any characters that would be illegal for the system being used (Unix, Windows, etc.) The default value is "chipenrich", and a file "" is produced. If qc_plots is set, then a file "chipenrich_qcplots.png" is produced containing a number of quality control plots. If out_name is set to NULL, no files are written, and results then must be retrieved from the list returned by chipenrich.


Directory to which results files will be written out. Defaults to the current working directory as returned by getwd.


One of the supported_genomes().


A character vector of geneset databases to be tested for enrichment. See supported_genesets(). Alternately, a file path to a a tab-delimited text file with header and first column being the geneset ID or name, and the second column being Entrez Gene IDs. For an example custom gene set file, see the vignette.


One of: 'nearest_tss', 'nearest_gene', 'exon', 'intron', '1kb', '1kb_outside', '1kb_outside_upstream', '5kb', '5kb_outside', '5kb_outside_upstream', '10kb', '10kb_outside', '10kb_outside_upstream'. For a description of each, see the vignette or supported_locusdefs. Alternately, a file path for a custom locus definition. NOTE: Must be for a supported_genome(), and must have columns 'chr', 'start', 'end', and 'gene_id' or 'geneid'. For an example custom locus definition file, see the vignette.


A character string specifying the method to use for enrichment testing. Must be one of ChIP-Enrich ('chipenrich') (default), or Fisher's exact test ('fet').


One of NULL, a file path to a custom mappability file, or an integer for a valid read length given by supported_read_lengths. If a file, it should contain a header with two column named 'gene_id' and 'mappa'. Gene IDs should be Entrez IDs, and mappability values should range from 0 and 1. For an example custom mappability file, see the vignette. Default value is NULL.


If method is 'fet', this option indicates the alternative for Fisher's exact test, and must be one of 'two-sided' (default), 'greater', or 'less'.


A logical variable that enables the automatic generation of plots for quality control.


Sets the minimum number of genes a gene set may have to be considered for enrichment testing.


Sets the maximum number of genes a gene set may have to be considered for enrichment testing.


Sets the threshold for how many peaks a gene must have to be considered as having a peak. Defaults to 1. Only relevant for Fisher's exact test and ChIP-Enrich methods.


One of NULL, 'complete', 'bylength', or 'bylocation'. See the Randomizations section below.


The number of cores to use for enrichment testing. We recommend using only up to the maximum number of physical cores present, as virtual cores do not significantly decrease runtime. Default number of cores is set to 1. NOTE: Windows does not support multicore enrichment.


A list, containing the following items:


A data frame containing the arguments/values passed to chipenrich.


A data frame containing peak assignments to genes. Peaks which do not overlap a gene locus are not included. Each peak that was assigned to a gene is listed, along with the peak midpoint or peak interval coordinates (depending on which was used), the gene to which the peak was assigned, the locus start and end position of the gene, and the distance from the peak to the TSS.

The columns are:


an ID given to unique combinations of chromosome, peak start, and peak end.


the chromosome the peak originated from.


start position of the peak.


end position of the peak.


the midpoint of the peak.


the Entrez ID of the gene to which the peak was assigned.


the official gene symbol for the gene_id (above).


the start position of the locus for the gene to which the peak was assigned (specified by the locus definition used.)


the end position of the locus for the gene to which the peak was assigned (specified by the locus definition used.)


the closest TSS to this peak (for any gene, not necessarily the gene this peak was assigned to.)


the gene having the closest TSS to the peak (should be the same as gene_id when using the nearest TSS locus definition.)


the strand of the gene with the closest TSS.


A data frame of the count of peaks per gene. The columns are:


the Entrez Gene ID.


the length of the gene's locus (depending on which locus definition you chose.)


the log10(locus length) for the gene.


the number of peaks that were assigned to the gene, given the current locus definition.


whether or not the gene is considered to have a peak, as defined by num_peak_threshold.


A data frame of the results from performing the gene set enrichment test on each geneset that was requested (all genesets are merged into one final data frame.) The columns are:


the identifier for a given gene set from the selected database. For example, GO:0000003.


specifies from which database the Geneset.ID originates. For example, "Gene Ontology Biological Process."


gives a definition of the geneset. For example, "reproduction."


the probability of observing the degree of enrichment of the gene set given the null hypothesis that peaks are not associated with any gene sets.


the false discovery rate proposed by Bejamini \& Hochberg for adjusting the p-value to control for family-wise error rate.


the estimated odds that peaks are associated with a given gene set compared to the odds that peaks are associated with other gene sets, after controlling for locus length and/or mappability. An odds ratio greater than 1 indicates enrichment, and less than 1 indicates depletion.


the number of genes in the gene set.


the number of genes in the genes set that were assigned at least one peak.


the average length of the genes in the gene set.


the list of genes from the gene set that had at least one peak assigned.

ChIP-Enrich Method

The ChIP-Enrich method uses the presence of a peak in its model for enrichment: peak ~ GO + s(log10_length). Here, GO is a binary vector indicating whether a gene is in the gene set being tested, peak is a binary vector indicating the presence of a peak in a gene, and s(log10_length) is a binomial cubic smoothing spline which adjusts for the relationship between the presence of a peak and locus length.

Choosing A Method

The following guidelines are intended to help select an enrichment function:


is designed for use with broad peaks that may intersect multiple gene loci, and cumulatively cover greater than 5% of the genome. For example, ChIP-seq experiments for histone modifications.


is designed for use with 1,000s or 10,000s of narrow peaks which results in fewer gene loci containing a peak overall. For example, ChIP-seq experiments for transcription factors.


is also designed for narrow peaks, for experiments with 100,000s of peaks, or in cases where the number of binding sites per gene affects its regulation. If unsure whether to use chipenrich or polyenrich, then we recommend hybridenrich.


is a combination of chipenrich and polyenrich, to be used when one is unsure which is the optimal method.


Randomization of locus definitions allows for the assessment of Type I Error under the null hypothesis. The randomization codes are:


No randomizations, the default.


Shuffle the gene_id and symbol columns of the locusdef together, without regard for the chromosome location, or locus length. The null hypothesis is that there is no true gene set enrichment.


Shuffle the gene_id and symbol columns of the locusdef together within bins of 100 genes sorted by locus length. The null hypothesis is that there is no true gene set enrichment, but with preserved locus length relationship.


Shuffle the gene_id and symbol columns of the locusdef together within bins of 50 genes sorted by genomic location. The null hypothesis is that there is no true gene set enrichment, but with preserved genomic location.

The return value with a selected randomization is the same list as without. To assess the Type I error, the alpha level for the particular data set can be calculated by dividing the total number of gene sets with p-value < alpha by the total number of tests. Users may want to perform multiple randomizations for a set of peaks and take the median of the alpha values.

See Also

Other enrichment functions: broadenrich(), polyenrich()


# Run ChipEnrich using an example dataset, assigning peaks to the nearest TSS,
# and on a small custom geneset
data(peaks_E2F4, package = '')
peaks_E2F4 = subset(peaks_E2F4, peaks_E2F4$chrom == 'chr1')
gs_path = system.file('extdata','vignette_genesets.txt', package='chipenrich')
results = chipenrich(peaks_E2F4, method='chipenrich', locusdef='nearest_tss',
			genome = 'hg19', genesets=gs_path, out_name=NULL)

# Get the list of peaks that were assigned to genes.
assigned_peaks = results$peaks

# Get the results of enrichment testing.
enrich = results$results

chipenrich: Gene Set Enrichment For ChIP-seq Peak Data and Other Genomic Regions


The chipenrich package includes three classes of methods that adjust for potential confounders of gene set enrichment testing (locus length and mappability of the sequence reads). The first, chipenrich, is designed for use with transcription-factor (TF) based ChIP-seq experiments and other DNA sequencing experiments with narrow genomic regions. The second, polyenrich, is similarly designed for TF based ChIP-seq, but where the number of peaks present in gene loci may be important. The third, broadenrich, is designed for use with histone modification based ChIP-seq experiments and other DNA sequencing experiments with broad genomic regions.

Function to filter genesets by locus definition and size


This function filters gene sets based on the genes that are present in a particular locus definition. After determining which genes are present in both the GeneSet, gs_obj, and the LocusDefinition ldef_obj, gene sets are filtered by size with min_geneset_size and max_geneset_size.


  min_geneset_size = 15,
  max_geneset_size = 2000



A valid GeneSet object


A valid LocusDefinition object


An integer indicating the floor for genes in a geneset. Default 15.


An integer indicating the ceiling for genes in a geneset. Default 2000.


An altered gs_obj with changed set.gene and all.genes slots reflecting min_geneset_size and max_geneset_size after intersecting with the genes present in the particular locus definition.

Get the correct organism code based on genome


Data from uses three letter organism codes for the GeneSet objects. This function ensures the correct objects are loaded.


genome_to_organism(genome = supported_genomes())



One of the supported_genomes().


A string for the three letter organism code. Convention is first letter of the first word in the binomial name, and first two letters of the second word in the binomial name. 'Homo sapiens' is then 'hsa', for example.

Get Entrez ID to gene symbol mappings for custom locus definitions


If a custom locus definition is one of the supported_genomes(), then the gene symbol column of the custom locus definition is populated using the appropriate orgDb package.


genome_to_orgdb(genome = supported_genomes())



One of the supported_genomes().


A data.frame with gene_id and symbol columns.

Get the test function name from the method name


The method comes from what is used in chipenrich() or in polyenrich().





A character for the method used. One of the supported_methods or one of the HIDDEN_METHODS in constants.R.


A singleton named character vector with value of the test function and name of the method.

Running Hybrid test, either from scratch or using two results files


Hybrid test is designed for people unsure of which test between ChIP-Enrich and Poly-Enrich to use, so it takes information of both and gives adjusted P-values. For more about ChIP- and Poly-Enrich, consult their corresponding documentation.


  out_name = "hybridenrich",
  out_path = getwd(),
  genome = supported_genomes(),
  genesets = c("GOBP", "GOCC", "GOMF"),
  locusdef = "nearest_tss",
  methods = c("chipenrich", "polyenrich"),
  weighting = NULL,
  mappability = NULL,
  qc_plots = TRUE,
  min_geneset_size = 15,
  max_geneset_size = 2000,
  num_peak_threshold = 1,
  randomization = NULL,
  n_cores = 1



Either a file path or a data.frame of peaks in BED-like format. If a file path, the following formats are fully supported via their file extensions: .bed, .broadPeak, .narrowPeak, .gff3, .gff2, .gff, and .bedGraph or .bdg. BED3 through BED6 files are supported under the .bed extension. Files without these extensions are supported under the conditions that the first 3 columns correspond to 'chr', 'start', and 'end' and that there is either no header column, or it is commented out. If a data.frame A BEDX+Y style data.frame. See GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame for acceptable column names.


Prefix string to use for naming output files. This should not contain any characters that would be illegal for the system being used (Unix, Windows, etc.) The default value is "chipenrich", and a file "" is produced. If qc_plots is set, then a file "chipenrich_qcplots.pdf" is produced containing a number of quality control plots. If out_name is set to NULL, no files are written, and results then must be retrieved from the list returned by chipenrich.


Directory to which results files will be written out. Defaults to the current working directory as returned by getwd.


One of the supported_genomes().


A character vector of geneset databases to be tested for enrichment. See supported_genesets(). Alternately, a file path to a a tab-delimited text file with header and first column being the geneset ID or name, and the second column being Entrez Gene IDs. For an example custom gene set file, see the vignette.


One of: 'nearest_tss', 'nearest_gene', 'exon', 'intron', '1kb', '1kb_outside', '1kb_outside_upstream', '5kb', '5kb_outside', '5kb_outside_upstream', '10kb', '10kb_outside', '10kb_outside_upstream'. For a description of each, see the vignette or supported_locusdefs. Alternately, a file path for a custom locus definition. NOTE: Must be for a supported_genome(), and must have columns 'chr', 'start', 'end', and 'gene_id' or 'geneid'. For an example custom locus definition file, see the vignette.


A character string array specifying the method to use for enrichment testing. Currently actually unused as the methods are forced to be one chipenrich and one polyenrich.


A character string specifying the weighting method. Method name will automatically be "polyenrich_weighted" if given weight options. Current options are: 'signalValue', 'logsignalValue', and 'multiAssign'.


One of NULL, a file path to a custom mappability file, or an integer for a valid read length given by supported_read_lengths. If a file, it should contain a header with two column named 'gene_id' and 'mappa'. Gene IDs should be Entrez IDs, and mappability values should range from 0 and 1. For an example custom mappability file, see the vignette. Default value is NULL.


A logical variable that enables the automatic generation of plots for quality control.


Sets the minimum number of genes a gene set may have to be considered for enrichment testing.


Sets the maximum number of genes a gene set may have to be considered for enrichment testing.


Sets the threshold for how many peaks a gene must have to be considered as having a peak. Defaults to 1. Only relevant for Fisher's exact test and ChIP-Enrich methods.


One of NULL, 'complete', 'bylength', or 'bylocation'. See the Randomizations section below.


The number of cores to use for enrichment testing. We recommend using only up to the maximum number of physical cores present, as virtual cores do not significantly decrease runtime. Default number of cores is set to 1. NOTE: Windows does not support multicore enrichment.


A data.frame containing:


A data frame of the results from performing the gene set enrichment test on each geneset that was requested (all genesets are merged into one final data frame.) The columns are:


is the identifier for a given gene set from the selected database. For example, GO:0000003.


is the probability of observing the degree of enrichment of the gene set given the null hypothesis that peaks are not associated with any gene sets, for the first test.


is the same as above except for the second test.


The calculated Hybrid p-value from the two tests


is the false discovery rate proposed by Bejamini \& Hochberg for adjusting the p-value to control for family-wise error rate.

Other variables given will also be included, see the corresponding methods' documentation for their details.

Hybrid p-values

Given n tests that test for the same hypothesis, same Type I error rate, and converted to p-values: p_1, ..., p_n, the Hybrid p-value is computed as: n*min(p_1, ..., p_n). This hybrid test will have at most the same Type I error as any individual test, and if any of the tests have 100% power as sample size goes to infinity, then so will the hybrid test.

Function inputs

Every input in hybridenrich is the same as in chipenrich and polyenrich. Inputs unique to chipenrich are: num_peak_threshold; and inputs unique to polyenrich are: weighting. Currently the test only supports running chipenrich and polyenrich, but future plans will allow you to run any number of different support tests.

Joining two results files

Combines two existing results files and returns one results file with hybrid p-values and FDR included. Current allowed inputs are objects from any of the supplied enrichment tests or a dataframe with at least the following columns: P.value, Geneset.ID. Optional columns include: Status. Currently we only allow for joining two results files, but future plans will allow you to join any number of results files.

Convert a BEDX+Y data.frame and into GRanges


Given a data.frame in BEDX+Y format, use the built-in function GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame() to convert to GRanges.


load_peaks(dframe, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)



A BEDX+Y style data.frame. See GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame for acceptable column names for appropriate conversion to GRanges.


Keep extra columns parameter from GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame().


Typically, this function will not be used alone, but inside chipenrich().


A GRanges that may or may not keep.extra.columns, and that may or may not be stranded, depending on whether there is strand column in the dframe.


# Example with just chr, start, end
peaks_df = data.frame(
chr = c('chr1','chr2','chr3'),
start = c(35,74,235),
end = c(46,83,421),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
peaks = load_peaks(peaks_df)

# Example with extra columns
peaks_df = data.frame(
chr = c('chr1','chr2','chr3'),
start = c(35,74,235),
end = c(46,83,421),
strand = c('+','-','+'),
score = c(36, 747, 13),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
peaks = load_peaks(peaks_df, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)

Aggregate peak assignments over the gene_id column


For each gene_id, determine the locus length and the number of peaks.


num_peaks_per_gene(assigned_peaks, locusdef, mappa = NULL)



A data.frame resulting from assign_peaks() or assign_peak_segments().


A locus definition object from


A mappability object from


Typically, this function will not be used alone, but inside chipenrich().


A data.frame with columns gene_id, length, log10_length, num_peaks, peak. The result is used directly in the gene set enrichment tests in chipenrich().


data('locusdef.hg19.nearest_tss', package = '')
data('tss.hg19', package = '')

file = system.file('extdata', 'test_assign.bed', package = 'chipenrich')
peaks = read_bed(file)

assigned_peaks = assign_peaks(
	peaks = peaks,
	locusdef = locusdef.hg19.nearest_tss,
	tss = tss.hg19)

ppg = num_peaks_per_gene(
	assigned_peaks = assigned_peaks,
	locusdef = locusdef.hg19.nearest_tss,
	mappa = NULL)

Run the test process up to, but not including the enrichment tests.


This function is used to create the *_peaks and *_peaks-per-gene files This way one does not need to remake these files whenever one just wants to test enrichment methods.


  out_name = "readyToEnrich",
  out_path = getwd(),
  genome = supported_genomes(),
  locusdef = "nearest_tss",
  weighting = NULL,
  mappability = NULL,
  qc_plots = TRUE,
  num_peak_threshold = 1,
  randomization = NULL



Either a file path or a data.frame of peaks in BED-like format. If a file path, the following formats are fully supported via their file extensions: .bed, .broadPeak, .narrowPeak, .gff3, .gff2, .gff, and .bedGraph or .bdg. BED3 through BED6 files are supported under the .bed extension. Files without these extensions are supported under the conditions that the first 3 columns correspond to 'chr', 'start', and 'end' and that there is either no header column, or it is commented out. If a data.frame A BEDX+Y style data.frame. See GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame for acceptable column names.


Prefix string to use for naming output files. This should not contain any characters that would be illegal for the system being used (Unix, Windows, etc.) The default value is "polyenrich", and a file "" is produced. If qc_plots is set, then a file "polyenrich_qcplots.pdf" is produced containing a number of quality control plots. If out_name is set to NULL, no files are written, and results then must be retrieved from the list returned by polyenrich.


Directory to which results files will be written out. Defaults to the current working directory as returned by getwd.


One of the supported_genomes().


One of: 'nearest_tss', 'nearest_gene', 'exon', 'intron', '1kb', '1kb_outside', '1kb_outside_upstream', '5kb', '5kb_outside', '5kb_outside_upstream', '10kb', '10kb_outside', '10kb_outside_upstream'. For a description of each, see the vignette or supported_locusdefs. Alternately, a file path for a custom locus definition. NOTE: Must be for a supported_genome(), and must have columns 'chr', 'start', 'end', and 'gene_id' or 'geneid'. For an example custom locus definition file, see the vignette.


(Poly-Enrich only) character string specifying the weighting method if method is chosen to be 'polyenrich_weighted'. Current options are: 'signalValue', 'logsignalValue', and 'multiAssign'.


One of NULL, a file path to a custom mappability file, or an integer for a valid read length given by supported_read_lengths. If a file, it should contain a header with two column named 'gene_id' and 'mappa'. Gene IDs should be Entrez IDs, and mappability values should range from 0 and 1. For an example custom mappability file, see the vignette. Default value is NULL.


A logical variable that enables the automatic generation of plots for quality control.


(ChIP-Enrich only) Sets the threshold for how many peaks a gene must have to be considered as having a peak. Defaults to 1. Only relevant for Fisher's exact test and ChIP-Enrich methods.


One of NULL, 'complete', 'bylength', or 'bylocation'. See the Randomizations section below.


A list, containing the following items:


A data frame containing the arguments/values passed to polyenrich.


A data frame containing peak assignments to genes. Peaks which do not overlap a gene locus are not included. Each peak that was assigned to a gene is listed, along with the peak midpoint or peak interval coordinates (depending on which was used), the gene to which the peak was assigned, the locus start and end position of the gene, and the distance from the peak to the TSS.

The columns are:


is an ID given to unique combinations of chromosome, peak start, and peak end.


is the chromosome the peak originated from.


is start position of the peak.


is end position of the peak.


is the midpoint of the peak.


is the Entrez ID of the gene to which the peak was assigned.


is the official gene symbol for the gene_id (above).


is the start position of the locus for the gene to which the peak was assigned (specified by the locus definition used.)


is the end position of the locus for the gene to which the peak was assigned (specified by the locus definition used.)


is the closest TSS to this peak (for any gene, not necessarily the gene this peak was assigned to.)


is the gene having the closest TSS to the peak (should be the same as gene_id when using the nearest TSS locus definition.)


is the strand of the gene with the closest TSS.


A data frame of the count of peaks per gene. The columns are:


is the Entrez Gene ID.


is the length of the gene's locus (depending on which locus definition you chose.)


is the log10(locus length) for the gene.


is the number of peaks that were assigned to the gene, given the current locus definition.


is whether or not the gene has a peak.


Randomization of locus definitions allows for the assessment of Type I Error under the null hypothesis. The randomization codes are:


No randomizations, the default.


Shuffle the gene_id and symbol columns of the locusdef together, without regard for the chromosome location, or locus length. The null hypothesis is that there is no true gene set enrichment.


Shuffle the gene_id and symbol columns of the locusdef together within bins of 100 genes sorted by locus length. The null hypothesis is that there is no true gene set enrichment, but with preserved locus length relationship.


Shuffle the gene_id and symbol columns of the locusdef together within bins of 50 genes sorted by genomic location. The null hypothesis is that there is no true gene set enrichment, but with preserved genomic location.

The return value with a selected randomization is the same list as without. To assess the Type I error, the alpha level for the particular data set can be calculated by dividing the total number of gene sets with p-value < alpha by the total number of tests. Users may want to perform multiple randomizations for a set of peaks and take the median of the alpha values.

Poly-Enrich Weighting Options

Poly-Enrich also allows weighting of individual peaks. Currently the options are:


weighs each peak based on the Signal Value given in the narrowPeak format or a user-supplied column, normalized to have mean 1.


weighs each peak based on the log Signal Value given in the narrowPeak format or a user-supplied column, normalized to have mean 1.


weighs each peak by the inverse of the number of genes it is assigned to.


# Run peaks2genes using an example dataset, assigning peaks to the nearest TSS
data(peaks_E2F4, package = '')
peaks_E2F4 = subset(peaks_E2F4, peaks_E2F4$chrom == 'chr1')
gs_path = system.file('extdata', package='chipenrich')
results = peaks2genes(peaks_E2F4, locusdef='nearest_tss',
			genome = 'hg19', out_name=NULL)

# Get the list of peaks that were assigned to genes.
assigned_peaks = results$peaks

QC plot for ChIP-Enrich


A plot showing an approximation of the empirical spline used to model the relationship between a gene having a peak and the locus length. For visual clarity, genes are binned into groups of 25 after sorting by locus length. Expected fits assuming independence of locus length and presence of a peak, and assuming proportionality of locus length and presence of a peak are given to demonstrate deviation from either for the dataset.


  locusdef = "nearest_tss",
  genome = supported_genomes(),
  mappability = NULL,
  legend = TRUE,
  xlim = NULL



Either a file path or a data.frame of peaks in BED-like format. If a file path, the following formats are fully supported via their file extensions: .bed, .broadPeak, .narrowPeak, .gff3, .gff2, .gff, and .bedGraph or .bdg. BED3 through BED6 files are supported under the .bed extension. Files without these extensions are supported under the conditions that the first 3 columns correspond to 'chr', 'start', and 'end' and that there is either no header column, or it is commented out. If a data.frame A BEDX+Y style data.frame. See GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame for acceptable column names.


One of: 'nearest_tss', 'nearest_gene', 'exon', 'intron', '1kb', '1kb_outside', '1kb_outside_upstream', '5kb', '5kb_outside', '5kb_outside_upstream', '10kb', '10kb_outside', '10kb_outside_upstream'. For a description of each, see the vignette or supported_locusdefs. Alternately, a file path for a custom locus definition. NOTE: Must be for a supported_genome(), and must have columns 'chr', 'start', 'end', and 'gene_id' or 'geneid'. For an example custom locus definition file, see the vignette.


One of the supported_genomes().


One of NULL, a file path to a custom mappability file, or an integer for a valid read length given by supported_read_lengths. If a file, it should contain a header with two column named 'gene_id' and 'mappa'. Gene IDs should be Entrez IDs, and mappability values should range from 0 and 1. For an example custom mappability file, see the vignette. Default value is NULL.


If true, a legend will be drawn on the plot.


Set the x-axis limit. NULL means select x-lim automatically.


A trellis plot object.


# Spline plot for E2F4 example peak dataset.
data(peaks_E2F4, package = '')

# Create the plot for a different locus definition
# to compare the effect.
plot_chipenrich_spline(peaks_E2F4, locusdef = 'nearest_gene', genome = 'hg19')

Plot histogram of distance from peak to nearest TSS


Create a histogram of the distance from each peak to the nearest transcription start site (TSS) of any gene.


plot_dist_to_tss(peaks, genome = supported_genomes())



Either a file path or a data.frame of peaks in BED-like format. If a file path, the following formats are fully supported via their file extensions: .bed, .broadPeak, .narrowPeak, .gff3, .gff2, .gff, and .bedGraph or .bdg. BED3 through BED6 files are supported under the .bed extension. Files without these extensions are supported under the conditions that the first 3 columns correspond to 'chr', 'start', and 'end' and that there is either no header column, or it is commented out. If a data.frame A BEDX+Y style data.frame. See GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame for acceptable column names.


One of the supported_genomes().


A trellis plot object.


# Create histogram of distance from peaks to nearest TSS.
data(peaks_E2F4, package = '')
peaks_E2F4 = subset(peaks_E2F4, peaks_E2F4$chrom == 'chr1')
plot_dist_to_tss(peaks_E2F4, genome = 'hg19')

QC plot for Broad-Enrich


Create a plot showing the relationship between locus length and the proportion of gene loci covered by peaks.


  locusdef = "nearest_tss",
  genome = supported_genomes(),
  mappability = NULL,
  legend = TRUE,
  xlim = NULL



Either a file path or a data.frame of peaks in BED-like format. If a file path, the following formats are fully supported via their file extensions: .bed, .broadPeak, .narrowPeak, .gff3, .gff2, .gff, and .bedGraph or .bdg. BED3 through BED6 files are supported under the .bed extension. Files without these extensions are supported under the conditions that the first 3 columns correspond to 'chr', 'start', and 'end' and that there is either no header column, or it is commented out. If a data.frame A BEDX+Y style data.frame. See GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame for acceptable column names.


One of: 'nearest_tss', 'nearest_gene', 'exon', 'intron', '1kb', '1kb_outside', '1kb_outside_upstream', '5kb', '5kb_outside', '5kb_outside_upstream', '10kb', '10kb_outside', '10kb_outside_upstream'. For a description of each, see the vignette or supported_locusdefs. Alternately, a file path for a custom locus definition. NOTE: Must be for a supported_genome(), and must have columns 'chr', 'start', 'end', and 'gene_id' or 'geneid'. For an example custom locus definition file, see the vignette.


One of the supported_genomes().


One of NULL, a file path to a custom mappability file, or an integer for a valid read length given by supported_read_lengths. If a file, it should contain a header with two column named 'gene_id' and 'mappa'. Gene IDs should be Entrez IDs, and mappability values should range from 0 and 1. For an example custom mappability file, see the vignette. Default value is NULL.


If true, a legend will be drawn on the plot.


Set the x-axis limit. NULL means select x-lim automatically.


A trellis plot object.


# Spline plot for E2F4 example peak dataset.
data(peaks_H3K4me3_GM12878, package = '')

# Create the plot for a different locus definition
# to compare the effect.
plot_gene_coverage(peaks_H3K4me3_GM12878, locusdef = 'nearest_gene', genome = 'hg19')

QC plot for Poly-Enrich


Create a plot the relationship between number of peaks assigned to a gene and locus length. The plot shows an empirical fit to the data using a binomial smoothing spline.


  locusdef = "nearest_tss",
  genome = supported_genomes(),
  mappability = NULL,
  legend = TRUE,
  xlim = NULL,
  ylim = NULL



Either a file path or a data.frame of peaks in BED-like format. If a file path, the following formats are fully supported via their file extensions: .bed, .broadPeak, .narrowPeak, .gff3, .gff2, .gff, and .bedGraph or .bdg. BED3 through BED6 files are supported under the .bed extension. Files without these extensions are supported under the conditions that the first 3 columns correspond to 'chr', 'start', and 'end' and that there is either no header column, or it is commented out. If a data.frame A BEDX+Y style data.frame. See GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame for acceptable column names.


One of: 'nearest_tss', 'nearest_gene', 'exon', 'intron', '1kb', '1kb_outside', '1kb_outside_upstream', '5kb', '5kb_outside', '5kb_outside_upstream', '10kb', '10kb_outside', '10kb_outside_upstream'. For a description of each, see the vignette or supported_locusdefs. Alternately, a file path for a custom locus definition. NOTE: Must be for a supported_genome(), and must have columns 'chr', 'start', 'end', and 'gene_id' or 'geneid'. For an example custom locus definition file, see the vignette.


One of the supported_genomes().


One of NULL, a file path to a custom mappability file, or an integer for a valid read length given by supported_read_lengths. If a file, it should contain a header with two column named 'gene_id' and 'mappa'. Gene IDs should be Entrez IDs, and mappability values should range from 0 and 1. For an example custom mappability file, see the vignette. Default value is NULL.


If true, a legend will be drawn on the plot.


Set the x-axis limit. NULL means select x-lim automatically.


Set the y-axis limit. NULL means select y-lim automatically.


A trellis plot object.


# Spline plot for E2F4 example peak dataset.
data(peaks_E2F4, package = '')

# Create the plot for a different locus definition
# to compare the effect.
plot_polyenrich_spline(peaks_E2F4, locusdef = 'nearest_gene', genome = 'hg19')

Run Poly-Enrich on narrow genomic regions


Poly-Enrich is also designed for narrow peaks, for experiments with 100,000s of peaks, or in cases where the number of binding sites per gene affects its regulation. If unsure whether to use chipenrich or polyenrich, then we recommend hybridenrich. For more details, see the 'Poly-Enrich Method' section below. For help choosing a method, see the 'Choosing A Method' section below, or see the vignette.


  out_name = "polyenrich",
  out_path = getwd(),
  genome = supported_genomes(),
  genesets = c("GOBP", "GOCC", "GOMF"),
  locusdef = "nearest_tss",
  method = "polyenrich",
  multiAssign = NULL,
  weighting = NULL,
  mappability = NULL,
  qc_plots = TRUE,
  min_geneset_size = 15,
  max_geneset_size = 2000,
  randomization = NULL,
  n_cores = 1



Either a file path or a data.frame of peaks in BED-like format. If a file path, the following formats are fully supported via their file extensions: .bed, .broadPeak, .narrowPeak, .gff3, .gff2, .gff, and .bedGraph or .bdg. BED3 through BED6 files are supported under the .bed extension. Files without these extensions are supported under the conditions that the first 3 columns correspond to 'chr', 'start', and 'end' and that there is either no header column, or it is commented out. If a data.frame A BEDX+Y style data.frame. See GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame for acceptable column names.


Prefix string to use for naming output files. This should not contain any characters that would be illegal for the system being used (Unix, Windows, etc.) The default value is "polyenrich", and a file "" is produced. If qc_plots is set, then a file "polyenrich_qcplots.pdf" is produced containing a number of quality control plots. If out_name is set to NULL, no files are written, and results then must be retrieved from the list returned by polyenrich.


Directory to which results files will be written out. Defaults to the current working directory as returned by getwd.


One of the supported_genomes().


A character vector of geneset databases to be tested for enrichment. See supported_genesets(). Alternately, a file path to a a tab-delimited text file with header and first column being the geneset ID or name, and the second column being Entrez Gene IDs. For an example custom gene set file, see the vignette.


One of: 'nearest_tss', 'nearest_gene', 'exon', 'intron', '1kb', '1kb_outside', '1kb_outside_upstream', '5kb', '5kb_outside', '5kb_outside_upstream', '10kb', '10kb_outside', '10kb_outside_upstream'. For a description of each, see the vignette or supported_locusdefs. Alternately, a file path for a custom locus definition. NOTE: Must be for a supported_genome(), and must have columns 'chr', 'start', 'end', and 'gene_id' or 'geneid'. For an example custom locus definition file, see the vignette.


A character string specifying the method to use for enrichment testing. Current options are polyenrich and polyenrich_weighted.


A boolean value for performing a multiassignment of peaks. Default is NULL. When selecting polyenrich_weighted method and locusdef equals to enhancer or enhancer_plus5kb, this multiAssign will be automatically set as TRUE.


A character string specifying the weighting method if method is chosen to be 'polyenrich_weighted'. Current options are: 'signalValue' and 'logsignalValue'.


One of NULL, a file path to a custom mappability file, or an integer for a valid read length given by supported_read_lengths. If a file, it should contain a header with two column named 'gene_id' and 'mappa'. Gene IDs should be Entrez IDs, and mappability values should range from 0 and 1. For an example custom mappability file, see the vignette. Default value is NULL.


A logical variable that enables the automatic generation of plots for quality control.


Sets the minimum number of genes a gene set may have to be considered for enrichment testing.


Sets the maximum number of genes a gene set may have to be considered for enrichment testing.


One of NULL, 'complete', 'bylength', or 'bylocation'. See the Randomizations section below.


The number of cores to use for enrichment testing. We recommend using only up to the maximum number of physical cores present, as virtual cores do not significantly decrease runtime. Default number of cores is set to 1. NOTE: Windows does not support multicore enrichment.


A list, containing the following items:


A data frame containing the arguments/values passed to polyenrich.


A data frame containing peak assignments to genes. Peaks which do not overlap a gene locus are not included. Each peak that was assigned to a gene is listed, along with the peak midpoint or peak interval coordinates (depending on which was used), the gene to which the peak was assigned, the locus start and end position of the gene, and the distance from the peak to the TSS.

The columns are:


is an ID given to unique combinations of chromosome, peak start, and peak end.


is the chromosome the peak originated from.


is start position of the peak.


is end position of the peak.


is the midpoint of the peak.


is the Entrez ID of the gene to which the peak was assigned.


is the official gene symbol for the gene_id (above).


is the start position of the locus for the gene to which the peak was assigned (specified by the locus definition used.)


is the end position of the locus for the gene to which the peak was assigned (specified by the locus definition used.)


is the closest TSS to this peak (for any gene, not necessarily the gene this peak was assigned to.)


is the gene having the closest TSS to the peak (should be the same as gene_id when using the nearest TSS locus definition.)


is the strand of the gene with the closest TSS.


A data frame of the count of peaks per gene. The columns are:


is the Entrez Gene ID.


is the length of the gene's locus (depending on which locus definition you chose.)


is the log10(locus length) for the gene.


is the number of peaks that were assigned to the gene, given the current locus definition.


is whether or not the gene has a peak.


A data frame of the results from performing the gene set enrichment test on each geneset that was requested (all genesets are merged into one final data frame.) The columns are:


is the identifier for a given gene set from the selected database. For example, GO:0000003.


specifies from which database the Geneset.ID originates. For example, "Gene Ontology Biological Process."


gives a definition of the geneset. For example, "reproduction."


is the probability of observing the degree of enrichment of the gene set given the null hypothesis that peaks are not associated with any gene sets.


is the false discovery rate proposed by Bejamini \& Hochberg for adjusting the p-value to control for family-wise error rate.


is the estimated odds that peaks are associated with a given gene set compared to the odds that peaks are associated with other gene sets, after controlling for locus length and/or mappability. An odds ratio greater than 1 indicates enrichment, and less than 1 indicates depletion.


is the number of genes in the gene set.


is the number of genes in the genes set that were assigned at least one peak.


is the average length of the genes in the gene set.


is the list of genes from the gene set that had at least one peak assigned.

Poly-Enrich Method

The Poly-Enrich method uses the number of peaks in genes in its model for enrichment: num_peaks ~ GO + s(log10_length). Here, GO is a binary vector indicating whether a gene is in the gene set being tested, num_peaks is a numeric vector indicating the number of peaks in each gene, and s(log10_length) is a negative binomial cubic smoothing spline which adjusts for the relationship between the number of peaks in a gene and locus length.

Poly-Enrich Weighting Options

Poly-Enrich also allows weighting of individual peaks. Currently the options are:


weighs each peak based on the Signal Value given in the narrowPeak format or a user-supplied column, normalized to have mean 1.


weighs each peak based on the log Signal Value given in the narrowPeak format or a user-supplied column, normalized to have mean 1.

Choosing A Method

The following guidelines are intended to help select an enrichment function:


is designed for use with broad peaks that may intersect multiple gene loci, and cumulatively cover greater than 5% of the genome. For example, ChIP-seq experiments for histone modifications.


is designed for use with 1,000s or 10,000s of narrow peaks which results in fewer gene loci containing a peak overall. For example, ChIP-seq experiments for transcription factors.


is also designed for narrow peaks, for experiments with 100,000s of peaks, or in cases where the number of binding sites per gene affects its regulation. If unsure whether to use chipenrich or polyenrich, then we recommend hybridenrich.


is a combination of chipenrich and polyenrich, to be used when one is unsure which is the optimal method.


Randomization of locus definitions allows for the assessment of Type I Error under the null hypothesis. The randomization codes are:


No randomizations, the default.


Shuffle the gene_id and symbol columns of the locusdef together, without regard for the chromosome location, or locus length. The null hypothesis is that there is no true gene set enrichment.


Shuffle the gene_id and symbol columns of the locusdef together within bins of 100 genes sorted by locus length. The null hypothesis is that there is no true gene set enrichment, but with preserved locus length relationship.


Shuffle the gene_id and symbol columns of the locusdef together within bins of 50 genes sorted by genomic location. The null hypothesis is that there is no true gene set enrichment, but with preserved genomic location.

The return value with a selected randomization is the same list as without. To assess the Type I error, the alpha level for the particular data set can be calculated by dividing the total number of gene sets with p-value < alpha by the total number of tests. Users may want to perform multiple randomizations for a set of peaks and take the median of the alpha values.

See Also

Other enrichment functions: broadenrich(), chipenrich()


# Run Poly-Enrich using an example dataset, assigning peaks to the nearest TSS,
# and on a small custom geneset
data(peaks_E2F4, package = '')
peaks_E2F4 = subset(peaks_E2F4, peaks_E2F4$chrom == 'chr1')
gs_path = system.file('extdata','vignette_genesets.txt', package='chipenrich')
results = polyenrich(peaks_E2F4, method='polyenrich', locusdef='nearest_tss',
			genome = 'hg19', genesets=gs_path, out_name=NULL)

# Get the list of peaks that were assigned to genes.
assigned_peaks = results$peaks

# Get the results of enrichment testing.
enrich = results$results

Post process the data.frame of enrichment results


Post process the data.frame of enrichment results





A data.frame of the enrichment results from broadenrich(), chipenrich(), or polyenrich() created by rbinding the list of enrichment results for each of the genesets.


A reformatted data.frame with columns in a specific order, filtered of enrichment tests that failed, and ordered first by enrichment 'Status' (if present) and then 'P.value'.

A helper function to post-process peak GRanges


Check for overlapping input regions, sort peaks, and force peak names





A GRanges of input peaks.


A GRanges that is sorted if the seqinfo is set, and has named peaks.

Run Proximity Regulation test on a set of narrow genomic regions


This method is designed for a set of narrow genomic regions (e.g. TF peaks) and is used to test whether the genomic regions assigned to genes in a gene set are closer to regulatory locations (i.e. promoters or enhancers) than by chance.


  out_name = "proxReg",
  out_path = getwd(),
  genome = supported_genomes(),
  reglocation = "tss",
  genesets = c("GOBP", "GOCC", "GOMF"),
  randomization = NULL,
  qc_plots = TRUE,
  min_geneset_size = 15,
  max_geneset_size = 2000,
  n_cores = 1



Either a file path or a data.frame of peaks in BED-like format. If a file path, the following formats are fully supported via their file extensions: .bed, .broadPeak, .narrowPeak, .gff3, .gff2, .gff, and .bedGraph or .bdg. BED3 through BED6 files are supported under the .bed extension. Files without these extensions are supported under the conditions that the first 3 columns correspond to 'chr', 'start', and 'end' and that there is either no header column, or it is commented out. If a data.frame A BEDX+Y style data.frame. See GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame for acceptable column names.


Prefix string to use for naming output files. This should not contain any characters that would be illegal for the system being used (Unix, Windows, etc.) The default value is "proxReg", and a file "" is produced. If qc_plots is set, then a file "proxReg_qcplots.pdf" is produced containing a number of quality control plots. If out_name is set to NULL, no files are written, and results then must be retrieved from the list returned by proxReg.


Directory to which results files will be written out. Defaults to the current working directory as returned by getwd.


One of the supported_genomes(). If reglocation = enhancer, genome MUST be 'hg19'.


One of: 'tss', 'enhancer'. Details in the "Regulatory locations" section


A character vector of geneset databases to be tested for enrichment. See supported_genesets(). Alternately, a file path to a tab-delimited text file with header and first column being the geneset ID or name, and the second column being Entrez Gene IDs. For an example custom gene set file, see the vignette.


One of: 'shuffle', 'unif', 'bylength', 'byenh'. These were used to test for Type I error under the null hypothesis. A general user will never have to use these.


A logical variable that enables the automatic generation of plots for quality control.


Sets the minimum number of genes a gene set may have to be considered for testing.


Sets the maximum number of genes a gene set may have to be considered for testing.


The number of cores to use for testing. We recommend using only up to the maximum number of physical cores present, as virtual cores do not significantly decrease runtime. Default number of cores is set to 1. NOTE: Windows does not support multicore testing.


A list, containing the following items:


A data frame containing the arguments/values passed to polyenrich.


A data frame containing peak assignments to genes. Peaks which do not overlap a gene locus are not included. Each peak that was assigned to a gene is listed, along with the peak midpoint or peak interval coordinates (depending on which was used), the gene to which the peak was assigned, the locus start and end position of the gene, and the distance from the peak to the TSS.

The columns are:


an ID given to unique combinations of chromosome, peak start, and peak end.


the chromosome the peak originated from.


start position of the peak.


end position of the peak.


the Entrez ID of the gene to which the peak was assigned.


the official gene symbol for the gene_id (above).


the start position of the locus for the gene to which the peak was assigned (specified by the locus definition used.)


the end position of the locus for the gene to which the peak was assigned (specified by the locus definition used.)


the closest TSS to this peak (for any gene, not necessarily the gene this peak was assigned to.)


the distance in bp to the closest TSS to this peak.


the gene having the closest TSS to the peak (should be the same as gene_id when using the nearest TSS locus definition.)


the strand of the gene with the closest TSS.


log of dist_to_tss


the log of length of the gene locus in bp


the adjusted distance to TSS, used in the calculations. Shown if reglocation = "tss"


the distance to the nearest enhancer. Shown if reglocation = "enhancer"


the empirical average for distance to the nearest enhancer for the gene the peak is assigned to. Shown if reglocation = enhancer


the adjusted distance to the nearest enhancer. Shown if reglocation = enhancer


A data frame of the results from performing the proxReg test on each geneset that was requested (all genesets are merged into one final data frame.) The columns are:


the identifier for a given gene set from the selected database. For example, GO:0000003.


specifies from which database the Geneset.ID originates. For example, "Gene Ontology Biological Process."


gives a definition of the geneset. For example, "reproduction."


the probability of observing the proxmity of genomic regions in the gene set given the null hypothesis that peaks are not closer or farther in the gene set.


the false discovery rate proposed by Bejamini \& Hochberg for adjusting the p-value to control for family-wise error rate.


the signed Wilcoxon statistic, with positive values meaning the gene set has closer genomic regions than expected by chance.


specifies if the peaks in the gene set tend to be closer or farther than those not in the gene set.


the estimated odds that peaks are associated with a given gene set compared to the odds that peaks are associated with other gene sets, after controlling for locus length and/or mappability. An odds ratio greater than 1 indicates enrichment, and less than 1 indicates depletion.


the number of genes in the gene set.


the number of genes in the genes set that were assigned at least one peak.


the list of genes from the gene set that had at least one peak assigned.

Regulatory locations

Current supported regulatory locations are gene transcription start sites (tss) or enhancer locations (hg19 only)


ProxReg first calculates the distance between each peak midpoint and regulatory location in base pairs. For gene transcription start sites, since parts of the chromosome are more sparse than others, there is an association with gene locus length that needs to be adjusted for. When using tss as the regulatory location, the peak distances are adjusted for this confounding variable based on an average of 90 ENCODE ChIP-seq experiments (details in citation pending). Similarly, for enhancers, distances depend on the density of enhancers within a gene locus, so distance to enhancer is adjusted using an empirical average of 90 ChIP-seq ENCODE experiments.

For each gene set of interest, the genomic regions are divided into two groups indicating the gene with the nearest tss is in the gene set or not. A Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test is then done to test for a difference in the adjusted distances (either to tss or enhancer).


# Run proxReg using an example dataset, assigning peaks to the nearest TSS,
# and on a small custom geneset
data(peaks_E2F4, package = '')
peaks_E2F4 = subset(peaks_E2F4, peaks_E2F4$chrom == 'chr1')
gs_path = system.file('extdata','vignette_genesets.txt', package='chipenrich')
results = proxReg(peaks_E2F4, reglocation = 'tss',
			genome = 'hg19', genesets=gs_path, out_name=NULL)

# Get the list of peaks that were assigned to genes and their distances to 
# regulatory regions.
assigned_peaks = results$peaks

# Get the results of enrichment testing.
enrich = results$results

Read files containing peaks or genomic regions


The following formats are fully supported via their file extensions: .bed, .broadPeak, .narrowPeak, .gff3, .gff2, .gff, and .bedGraph or .bdg. BED3 through BED6 files are supported under the .bed extension. Files without these extensions are supported under the conditions that the first 3 columns correspond to chr, start, and end and that there is either no header column, or it is commented out. Files may be compressed with gzip, and so might end in .narrowPeak.gz, for example. For files with extension support, the rtracklayer::import() function is used to read peaks, so adherence to the mentioned file formats is necessary.





A path to a file with input peaks/regions. See extended description above for details about file support.


NOTE: Header rows must be commented with # to be ignored. Otherwise, an error may result.

NOTE: A warning is given if any input regions overlap. In the case of enrichment testing with method = 'broadenrich', regions should be disjoint.

Typically, this function will not be used alone, but inside chipenrich().


A GRanges with mcols matching any extra columns.


# Example of generic .txt file with peaks
file = system.file('extdata', 'test_header.txt', package = 'chipenrich')
peaks = read_bed(file)

# Example of BED3
file = system.file('extdata', 'test_assign.bed', package = 'chipenrich')
peaks = read_bed(file)

# Example of narrowPeak
file = system.file('extdata', 'test.narrowPeak', package = 'chipenrich')
peaks = read_bed(file)

# Example of gzipped broadPeak
file = system.file('extdata', 'test.broadPeak.gz', package = 'chipenrich')
peaks = read_bed(file)

# Example of gzipped gff3 Fly peaks
file = system.file('extdata', 'test.gff3.gz', package = 'chipenrich')
peaks = read_bed(file)

Function to read custom gene sets from file


This function reads a two-columned tab-delimited text file (with header). Column names are ignored, but the first column should be geneset names or IDs and the second column should be Entrez Gene IDs.





A file path for the custom gene set.


A GeneSet class object.

Function to read custom locus definition from file


This function reads a tab-delimited text (with a header) file that should have columns 'chr', 'start', 'end', and a column named 'gene_id' (or 'geneid') with the Entrez Gene ID. If a supported_genomes() is given, then a column of gene symbols named 'symbol', will be added. If an unsupported genome is used there are two options: 1) Have a column named 'symbols' with the gene symbols in the custom locus definition, and leave genome = NA, or 2) leave genome = NA, do not provide gene symbols, and NAs will be used.


read_ldef(file_path, genome = NA)



A file path for the custom locus definition.


A genome from supported_genomes(), default NA.


A LocusDefinition class object with slots dframe, granges,, and organism.

Function to read custom mappability files


This function reads a two-columned tab-delimited text file (with header). Expected column names are 'mappa' and 'gene_id'. Each line is for a unique 'gene_id' and contains the mappability (between 0 and 1) for that gene.





A file path for the custom mappability.


A data.frame containing gene_id and mappa columns.

Recode a vector of number of peaks to binary based on threshold


Recode a vector of number of peaks to binary based on threshold


recode_peaks(num_peaks, threshold = 1)



An integer vector representing numbers of peaks per gene.


An integer specifying the minimum number of peaks required to code as 1.


An binary vector where an entry is 1 if the corresponding entry of num_peaks is >= threshold and is otherwise 0.

Reset n_cores for Windows


We use parallel::mclapply for multicore geneset enrichment testing, but this function supports more than one core if the OS is not Windows. If the OS is windows, the number of cores (mc.cores) must be set to 1.





An integer passed to broadenrich(), chipenrich(), or polyenrich() indicating the number of cores to use for enrichment testing.


Either the original n_cores if the OS is not Windows, or 1 if the OS is Windows.

Function to setup genesets


Function to setup genesets


setup_genesets(gs_codes, ldef_obj, genome, min_geneset_size, max_geneset_size)



A character vector of geneset databases to be tested for enrichment. See supported_genesets(). Alternately, a file path to a a tab-delimited text file with header and first column being the geneset ID or name, and the second column being Entrez Gene IDs.


A LocusDefinition object to use for filtering gene sets based on which genes are defined in the locus defintion.


One of the supported_genomes().


Sets the minimum number of genes a gene set may have to be considered for enrichment testing.


Sets the maximum number of genes a gene set may have to be considered for enrichment testing.


A list with components consisting of GeneSet objects for each of the elements of genesets. NOTE: Custom genesets must be run separately from built in gene sets.

Function to setup locus definitions


Function to setup locus definitions


setup_locusdef(ldef_code, genome, randomization = NULL)



One of 'nearest_tss', 'nearest_gene', 'exon', 'intron', '1kb', '1kb_outside', '1kb_outside_upstream', '5kb', '5kb_outside', '5kb_outside_upstream', '10kb', '10kb_outside', '10kb_outside_upstream'. Alternately, a file path for a custom locus definition. NOTE: Must be for a supported_genome(), and must have columns 'chr', 'start', 'end', and 'gene_id', or 'geneid'.


One of the supported_genomes().


One of NULL, 'complete', 'bylength', or 'bylocation'. See the Randomizations section in ?chipenrich. Default NULL.


A list with components ldef and tss.

Function to setup mappability


Function to setup mappability


setup_mappa(mappa_code, genome, ldef_code, ldef_obj)



One of NULL, a file path to a custom mappability file, or an integer for a valid read length given by supported_read_lengths. If a file, it should contain a header with two column named 'gene_id' and 'mappa'. Gene IDs should be Entrez IDs, and mappability values should range from 0 and 1. Default value is NULL.


One of the supported_genomes().


One of 'nearest_tss', 'nearest_gene', 'exon', 'intron', '1kb', '1kb_outside', '1kb_outside_upstream', '5kb', '5kb_outside', '5kb_outside_upstream', '10kb', '10kb_outside', '10kb_outside_upstream'. Alternately, a file path for a custom locus definition. NOTE: Must be for a supported_genome(), and must have columns 'chr', 'start', 'end', and 'gene_id', or 'geneid'.


A LocusDefinition object.


A data.frame with columns gene_id and mappa.

Display supported genesets for gene set enrichment.


Display supported genesets for gene set enrichment.




A data.frame with columns geneset, organism.



Display supported genomes.


Display supported genomes.




A vector indicating supported genomes.



Display supported locus definitions


The locus definitions are defined as below. For advice on selecting a locus definition, see the 'Selecting A Locus Definition' section below.


The locus is the region spanning the midpoints between the TSSs of adjacent genes.


The locus is the region spanning the midpoints between the boundaries of each gene, where a gene is defined as the region between the furthest upstream TSS and furthest downstream TES for that gene. If two gene loci overlap each other, we take the midpoint of the overlap as the boundary between the two loci. When a gene locus is completely nested within another, we create a disjoint set of 3 intervals, where the outermost gene is separated into 2 intervals broken apart at the endpoints of the nested gene.


The locus is the region within 1kb of any of the TSSs belonging to a gene. If TSSs from two adjacent genes are within 2 kb of each other, we use the midpoint between the two TSSs as the boundary for the locus for each gene.


The locus is the region more than 1kb upstream from a TSS to the midpoint between the adjacent TSS.


The locus is the region more than 1kb upstream or downstream from a TSS to the midpoint between the adjacent TSS.


The locus is the region within 5kb of any of the TSSs belonging to a gene. If TSSs from two adjacent genes are within 10 kb of each other, we use the midpoint between the two TSSs as the boundary for the locus for each gene.


The locus is the region more than 5kb upstream from a TSS to the midpoint between the adjacent TSS.


The locus is the region more than 5kb upstream or downstream from a TSS to the midpoint between the adjacent TSS.


The locus is the region within 10kb of any of the TSSs belonging to a gene. If TSSs from two adjacent genes are within 20 kb of each other, we use the midpoint between the two TSSs as the boundary for the locus for each gene.


The locus is the region more than 10kb upstream from a TSS to the midpoint between the adjacent TSS.


The locus is the region more than 10kb upstream or downstream from a TSS to the midpoint between the adjacent TSS.


Each gene has multiple loci corresponding to its exons. Overlaps between different genes are allowed.


Each gene has multiple loci corresponding to its introns. Overlaps between different genes are allowed.




A data.frame with columns genome, locusdef.

Selecting A Locus Definition

For a transcription factor ChIP-seq experiment, selecting a particular locus definition for use in enrichment testing can have implications relating to how the TF regulates genes. For example, selecting the '1kb' locus definition will imply that the biological processes found enriched are a result of TF regulation near the promoter. In contrast, selecting the '5kb_outside' locus definition will imply that the biological processes found enriched are a result of TF regulation distal from the promoter.

Selecting a locus definition can also help reduce the noise in the enrichment tests. For example, if a TF is known to primarily regulate genes by binding around the promoter, then selecting the '1kb' locus definition can help to reduce the noise from TSS-distal peaks in the enrichment testing.

The plot_dist_to_tss QC plot displays where genomic regions fall relative to TSSs genome-wide, and can help inform the choice of locus definition. For example, if many peaks fall far from the TSS, the 'nearest_tss' locus definition may be a good choice because it will capture all input genomic regions, whereas the '1kb' locus definition may not capture many of the input genomic regions and adversely affect the enrichment testing.



Display supported gene set enrichment methods.


Display supported gene set enrichment methods.




A vector indicating supported methods for gene set enrichment.



Display supported read lengths for mappability


Display supported read lengths for mappability




A data.frame with columns genome, locusdef, read_length.

