Title: | Quality assessment and low-level analysis for Illumina BeadArray data |
Description: | The package is able to read bead-level data (raw TIFFs and text files) output by BeadScan as well as bead-summary data from BeadStudio. Methods for quality assessment and low-level analysis are provided. |
Authors: | Mark Dunning, Mike Smith, Jonathan Cairns, Andy Lynch, Matt Ritchie |
Maintainer: | Mark Dunning <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 2.57.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-10 04:39:46 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/beadarray |
The beadarray package: a tool for low-level analysis of Illumina BeadArrays
Mark Dunning, Mike Smith, Jonathan Cairns, Matt Richie, Andy Lynch
Adds extra probe-specific data to an ExpressionSetIllumina
object using an installed annotation package
addFeatureData(data, toAdd = c("SYMBOL", "PROBEQUALITY", "CODINGZONE", "PROBESEQUENCE"), annotation = NULL)
addFeatureData(data, toAdd = c("SYMBOL", "PROBEQUALITY", "CODINGZONE", "PROBESEQUENCE"), annotation = NULL)
data |
An ExpressionSetIllumina object |
toAdd |
Either a pre-prepared data frame, or characters which refer to mappings within an annotation pacakge |
annotation |
Optional character identifying the annotation of the ExpressionSetIllumina object. e.g. Humanv3, Mousev2. |
The function will identify which package should be used by concatenating the character string illumina with the value of the annotation slot of the object, or the annotation argument passed in. If this package is not installed on the users computer, then the function will fail.
Assuming the package has been correctly loaded, the character vector toAdd
is converted to the names of environments within the package. These environments are then queried with the featureNames
of the input object. The result of each query is converted to a data frame and merged with the original feature data of the object.
Alternatively, rather than querying from an annotation pacakge, a pre-prepared data frame can be used.
An ExpressionSetIllumina object with modified featureData
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleSummaryData) exampleSummaryData <- addFeatureData(exampleSummaryData) head(fData(exampleSummaryData)) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleSummaryData) exampleSummaryData <- addFeatureData(exampleSummaryData) head(fData(exampleSummaryData)) }
An interface to set or retrieve information about the annotation of a beadLevelData
or ExpressionSetIllumina
suggestAnnotation(data,verbose=FALSE) annotation(object,...)
suggestAnnotation(data,verbose=FALSE) annotation(object,...)
data |
An object of class |
verbose |
If TRUE, report overlaps with known platforms |
object |
Either a |
... |
Extra arguments used by annotation |
A character string is used to specify the annotation with the currently supported values being; Humanv4, Humanv3, Humanv2, Humanv1, Mousev2, Mousev1, Mousev1p1 and Ratv1. This string is used within beadarray to retrieve control probe IDs within particular QC functions.
The suggestAnnotation
function tries to determine a suitable value for a beadLevelData-class
based on the probe IDs and compiled list of IDs from all expression platforms. This is based on the percentage of IDs on the array that overlap with IDs from known platforms. The platform with highest overlap is chosen.
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) annotation(exampleBLData) suggestAnnotation(exampleBLData,verbose=TRUE) annotation(exampleBLData) <- "Humanv2" data(exampleSummaryData) annotation(exampleSummaryData) annotation(exampleBLData) <- "Humanv1" }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) annotation(exampleBLData) suggestAnnotation(exampleBLData,verbose=TRUE) annotation(exampleBLData) <- "Humanv2" data(exampleSummaryData) annotation(exampleSummaryData) annotation(exampleBLData) <- "Humanv1" }
Function to perform a basic bead-level background correction using a defined set of foreground and background intensities.
backgroundCorrectSingleSection(BLData, array = 1, fg="Grn", bg="GrnB", newName = "Grn.bc")
backgroundCorrectSingleSection(BLData, array = 1, fg="Grn", bg="GrnB", newName = "Grn.bc")
BLData |
a |
array |
the number of the array-section to be corrected |
fg |
the name under which the foreground intensities are stored |
bg |
the name under which the background intensities are stored |
newName |
Name to store the corrected intensities |
This function takes two attributes of a bead-level object and returns that bead-level object with an additional attribute consisting of the difference of the other two. We anticipate this being used as a simple background correction step, returning the difference between foreground and background intensities to be used as the specific intensity associated with a bead.
Functions to perform more advanced background correction steps can easily be constructed after consideration of this function.
object with modified beadData slot for the particular section
Mark Dunning
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) head(exampleBLData[[1]]) for(i in 1:2){ exampleBLData = backgroundCorrectSingleSection(exampleBLData, array=i) } head(exampleBLData[[1]]) } else { stop("You will need the beadarrayExampleData package to run this example") } ## End(Not run)
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) head(exampleBLData[[1]]) for(i in 1:2){ exampleBLData = backgroundCorrectSingleSection(exampleBLData, array=i) } head(exampleBLData[[1]]) } else { stop("You will need the beadarrayExampleData package to run this example") } ## End(Not run)
BASH is an automatic detector of physical defects on an array. It is designed to detect three types of defect - COMPACT, DIFFUSE and EXTENDED.
BASH(BLData, array, neighbours=NULL, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod, compn=3, wtsname=NULL, compact = TRUE, diffuse = TRUE, extended = TRUE, cinvasions = 10, dinvasions = 15, einvasions = 20, bgcorr = "median", maxiter = 10, compcutoff = 8, compdiscard = TRUE, diffcutoff = 10, diffsig = 0.0001, diffn = 3, difftwotail = FALSE, useLocs = TRUE, ...)
BASH(BLData, array, neighbours=NULL, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod, compn=3, wtsname=NULL, compact = TRUE, diffuse = TRUE, extended = TRUE, cinvasions = 10, dinvasions = 15, einvasions = 20, bgcorr = "median", maxiter = 10, compcutoff = 8, compdiscard = TRUE, diffcutoff = 10, diffsig = 0.0001, diffn = 3, difftwotail = FALSE, useLocs = TRUE, ...)
BLData |
array |
integer specifying which section/array to plot. |
neighbours |
the user may specify the neighbours matrix, rather than have BASH calculate it. Time can be saved if using BASH and |
transFun |
function to use to transform data prior to running BASH |
outlierFun |
the choice of outlier calling function to use. |
compn |
Numerical - when finding outliers in the compact analysis, how many MADs away from the median (for example) an intensity must be for it to be labelled an outlier. |
wtsname |
name under which bead weights are stored in the BLData object. It is only necessary to specify this if a) weights have already been set, and b) you wish BASH to observe them. |
compact |
Logical - Perform compact analysis? |
diffuse |
Logical - Perform diffuse analysis? |
extended |
Logical - Perform extended analysis? |
cinvasions |
Integer - number of invasions used whenever closing the image - see |
dinvasions |
Integer - number of invasions used in diffuse analysis, to find the kernel - see |
einvasions |
Integer - number of invasions used when filtering the error image - see |
bgcorr |
One of "none", "median", "medianMAD" - Used in diffuse analysis, this determines how we attempt to compensate for the background varying across an array. For example, on a SAM array this should be left at "median", or maybe even switched to "none", but if analysing a large beadchip then you might consider setting this to "medianMAD". (this code is passed to the |
maxiter |
Integer - Used in compact analysis - the max number of iterations allowed. (Exceeding this results in a warning.) |
compcutoff |
Integer - the threshold used to determine whether a group of outliers is in a compact defect. In other words, if a group of at least this many connected outliers is found, then it is labelled as a compact defect. |
compdiscard |
Logical - should we discard compact defect beads before doing the diffuse analyis? |
diffcutoff |
Integer - this is the threshold used to determine the minimum size that clusters of diffuse defects must be. |
diffsig |
Probability - The significance level of the binomial test performed in the diffuse analysis. |
diffn |
Numerical - when finding outliers on the diffuse error image, how many MADs away from the median an intensity must be for it to be labelled an outlier. |
difftwotail |
Logical - If TRUE, then in the diffuse analysis, we consider the high outlier and low outlier images seperately. |
useLocs |
Logical - If TRUE then a .locs file corresponding to the array is sought and, if found, used to identify the neighbouring beads. If FALSE the neighbours are infered algorithmically. See |
... |
Logical - Perform compact analysis? |
pipeline function performs three types of defect analysis on an image.
The first, COMPACT DEFECTS, finds large clusters of outliers, as per BASHCompact
. The outliers are found using findAllOutliers()
. We then find which outliers are clustered together. This process is iterative - having found a compact defect, we remove it, and then see if any more defects are found.
The second, DIFFUSE DEFECTS, finds areas which are densely populated with outliers (which are not necessarily connected), as per BASHDiffuse
. To make this type of defect more obvious, we first generate an ERROR IMAGE, and then find outliers based on this image. (The error image is calculated by using method = "median"
and bgfilter = "medianMAD"
in generateE
, unless ebgcorr = FALSE
in which case we use bgfilter = "median"
.) Now we consider a neighbourhood around each bead and count the number of outlier beads in this region. Using a binomial test we determine whether this is more that we would expect if the outliers were evenly spread over the entire array. If so, we mark it as a diffuse defect. (A clustering algorithm similar to the compact defect analysis is run to reduce false positives.)
After each of these two analyses, we "close" the image, filling in gaps.
The third, EXTENDED DEFECTS, returns a score estimating how much the background is changing across an array, as per BASHExtended
. To estimate the background intensity, we generate an error image using the median filter (i.e. generateE
with method = "median"
and bgfilter = "median"
). We divide the variance of this by the variance of an error image without using the median filter, to obtain our extended score.
It should be noted that to avoid repeated computation of distance, a "neighbours" matrix is used in the analysis. This matrix describes which beads are close to other beads. If a large number of beads are missing (for example, if beads with ProbeID = 0 were discarded) then this algorithm may be affected.
For more detailed descriptions of the algorithms, read the help files of the respective functions listed in "see also".
BASH is currently quite a slow, memory-intensive function. It will only run on a single array at a time, and for analysis of multiple arrays, we recommend parallelising the command. An example is shown using the base parallel package.
The output is a list with four attributes:
wts: A vector of weights for the matrix.
ext: A vector of extended scores (null if the extended analysis was disabled).
QC: A summary of the extended score and the number of beads masked.
call: The function you used to call BASH.
Jonathan Cairns
J. M. Cairns, M. J. Dunning, M. E. Ritchie, R. Russell, and A. G. Lynch (2008). BASH: a tool for managing BeadArray spatial artefacts. Bioinformatics 15; 24(24)
, BASHDiffuse
, BASHExtended
, generateNeighbours
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) output <- BASH(exampleBLData,array=1,useLocs=FALSE) exampleBLData <- setWeights(exampleBLData, output$wts, array=1) #apply BASH weights to exampleBLData ###BASH only accepts one array at a time, but it can be made to run in a parallel fashion library(parallel) output <- mclapply(c(1,2), function(x) BASH(exampleBLData, array=x, useLocs=FALSE)) for(i in 1:2){ exampleBLData <- setWeights(exampleBLData, output[[i]]$wts, array=i) } #diffuse test is stricter output <- BASH(exampleBLData, diffsig = 0.00001,array=1, useLocs=FALSE) #more outliers on the error image are used in the diffuse analysis output <- BASH(exampleBLData, diffn = 2,array=1, useLocs=FALSE) #only perform compact & diffuse analyses (we will only get weights) output <- BASH(exampleBLData, extended = FALSE,array=1, useLocs=FALSE) #attempt to correct for background. output <- BASH(exampleBLData, bgcorr = "median",array=1, useLocs=FALSE) } else{ stop("You will need the beadarrayExampleData package to run this example") } ## End(Not run)
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) output <- BASH(exampleBLData,array=1,useLocs=FALSE) exampleBLData <- setWeights(exampleBLData, output$wts, array=1) #apply BASH weights to exampleBLData ###BASH only accepts one array at a time, but it can be made to run in a parallel fashion library(parallel) output <- mclapply(c(1,2), function(x) BASH(exampleBLData, array=x, useLocs=FALSE)) for(i in 1:2){ exampleBLData <- setWeights(exampleBLData, output[[i]]$wts, array=i) } #diffuse test is stricter output <- BASH(exampleBLData, diffsig = 0.00001,array=1, useLocs=FALSE) #more outliers on the error image are used in the diffuse analysis output <- BASH(exampleBLData, diffn = 2,array=1, useLocs=FALSE) #only perform compact & diffuse analyses (we will only get weights) output <- BASH(exampleBLData, extended = FALSE,array=1, useLocs=FALSE) #attempt to correct for background. output <- BASH(exampleBLData, bgcorr = "median",array=1, useLocs=FALSE) } else{ stop("You will need the beadarrayExampleData package to run this example") } ## End(Not run)
Creates a list of probes marked as being in compact defects.
BASHCompact(inten, probeIDs, neighbours = NULL, wts=1, n=3, maxiter = 10, cutoff = 8, cinvasions = 10, outlierFun=illuminaOutlierMethod, ...)
BASHCompact(inten, probeIDs, neighbours = NULL, wts=1, n=3, maxiter = 10, cutoff = 8, cinvasions = 10, outlierFun=illuminaOutlierMethod, ...)
inten |
the (transformed) intensities associated with beads on an array. |
probeIDs |
the probe identities associated with those beads (i.e. indicating which beads are of which sort) |
neighbours |
A Neighbours matrix such as that generated by |
wts |
weights indicating any beads to be masked in calculations. |
n |
Specify a cut-off for outliers (e.g. as n median absolute deviations (MADs) from the median). The default value is 3 |
maxiter |
Integer - Maximum number of iterations. |
cutoff |
Integer - Size a cluster must be to be labelled a compact defect. |
cinvasions |
Integer - Number of invasions used when closing the image. |
outlierFun |
the choice of outlier calling function to use. |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed to |
finds "compact defects" on an array. A compact defect is defined as a large connected cluster of outliers.
This function first finds the outliers on an array. This is done via the user's choice of function (e.g. illuminaOutlierMethod
or squeezedVarOutlierMethod
Next, using the Neighbours matrix and a Flood Fill algorithm, it determines which beads are in large connected clusters of outliers (of size larger than cutoff
). These beads are then temporarily removed and the process repeated with the remaining beads. The repetition continues until either no large clusters of outliers remain, or until we have repeated the process maxiter
times (and in this case, a warning will be given). In this way, we obtain a list of defective probes.
Finally, we "close" the image, to fill in small gaps in the defect image. This consists of a "dilation" and an "erosion". In the dilation, we expand the defect image, by adding beads adjacent to defective beads into the defect image. This is repeated cinvasions
times. In the erosion, we contract the defect image, by removing beads adjacent to non-defective beads from the defect image. (Erosion of the defect image is equivalent to a dilation of the non-defective image.)
A vector consisting of the BeadIDs of beads labelled as compact defects.
Jonathan Cairns
J. M. Cairns, M. J. Dunning, M. E. Ritchie, R. Russell, and A. G. Lynch (2008). BASH: a tool for managing BeadArray spatial artefacts. Bioinformatics 15; 24(24)
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) o <- BASHCompact(getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="Grn"), getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="ProbeIDs")) ##increased no of closure invasions o <- BASHCompact(getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="Grn"), getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="ProbeIDs"), cinvasions = 10) ##only larger defects will be found with this setting o <- BASHCompact(getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="Grn"), getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="ProbeIDs"), cutoff = 12) } ## End(Not run)
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) o <- BASHCompact(getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="Grn"), getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="ProbeIDs")) ##increased no of closure invasions o <- BASHCompact(getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="Grn"), getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="ProbeIDs"), cinvasions = 10) ##only larger defects will be found with this setting o <- BASHCompact(getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="Grn"), getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="ProbeIDs"), cutoff = 12) } ## End(Not run)
Creates a list of probes marked as being in diffuse defects.
BASHDiffuse(inten, probeIDs, wts=NULL, neighbours = NULL, E = NULL, n = 3, compact = NULL, sig = 0.0001, invasions = 10, cutoff = 8, cinvasions = 10, twotail = FALSE, einvasions = 20, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod, ...)
BASHDiffuse(inten, probeIDs, wts=NULL, neighbours = NULL, E = NULL, n = 3, compact = NULL, sig = 0.0001, invasions = 10, cutoff = 8, cinvasions = 10, twotail = FALSE, einvasions = 20, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod, ...)
inten |
the (transformed) intensities associated with beads on an array. |
probeIDs |
the probe identities associated with those beads (i.e. indicating which beads are of which sort) |
wts |
weights indicating any beads to be masked in calculations. |
neighbours |
A Neighbours matrix such as that generated by |
E |
Numerical vector - The error image to use. Optional - if left blank, it will be computed, using |
n |
Specify a cut-off for outliers (e.g. as n median absolute deviations (MADs) from the median). The default value is 3 |
compact |
Vector - Optional. BeadIDs of beads in compact defects to remove from the analysis. |
sig |
Numerical - Significance level of binomial test. |
invasions |
Integer - Number of invasions to use to find the kernel (see below). |
cutoff |
Integer - Size a cluster must be to be labelled a diffuse defect. |
cinvasions |
Integer - Number of invasions used when closing the image. |
twotail |
Logical - If TRUE, then we analyse positive and negative outliers separately, and then combine the diffuse defect images at the end. |
einvasions |
Integer - Number of invasions used when forming the error image |
outlierFun |
the choice of outlier calling function to use. |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed to |
finds "diffuse defects" on an array. A diffuse defect is defined as a region containing an unusually large number of (not necessarily connected) outliers.
Firstly, we consider the error image E
, and find outlier beads on this image. Outliers for a particular bead type are determined using a 3 MAD cut-off from the median.
We now consider an area around each bead (known as the "kernel"). The kernel is found by an invasion process using the neighbours matrix - we choose the beads which can be reached from the central bead in cinvasions
We count how many beads are in the kernel, and how many of these are marked as outliers. Using a binomial test, we work out if there are significantly more outliers in the kernel than would be expected if the outliers were equally distributed over the entire array. If so, then the central bead is marked as a diffuse defect.
Lastly, we run a clustering algorithm and a closing algorithm similar to those in BASHCompact
A vector consisting of the BeadIDs of beads considered diffuse defects.
Jonathan Cairns
J. M. Cairns, M. J. Dunning, M. E. Ritchie, R. Russell, and A. G. Lynch (2008). BASH: a tool for managing BeadArray spatial artefacts. Bioinformatics 15; 24(24)
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) o <- BASHDiffuse(getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="Grn"), getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="ProbeIDs")) o <- BASHDiffuse(getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="Grn"), getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="ProbeIDs"), sig = 0.00001) ##stricter significance value, perhaps more useful on a BeadChip. o <- BASHDiffuse(getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="Grn"), getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="ProbeIDs"), cutoff = 12) ##only larger defects will be found with this setting } ## End(Not run)
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) o <- BASHDiffuse(getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="Grn"), getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="ProbeIDs")) o <- BASHDiffuse(getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="Grn"), getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="ProbeIDs"), sig = 0.00001) ##stricter significance value, perhaps more useful on a BeadChip. o <- BASHDiffuse(getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="Grn"), getBeadData(exampleBLData,array=1,what="ProbeIDs"), cutoff = 12) ##only larger defects will be found with this setting } ## End(Not run)
Returns a score, which assesses the extent to which the background is changing across the array/strip.
BASHExtended(BLData, array, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, neighbours = NULL, useLocs = TRUE, E = NULL, E.BG = NULL)
BASHExtended(BLData, array, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, neighbours = NULL, useLocs = TRUE, E = NULL, E.BG = NULL)
BLData |
array |
integer specifying which section/array to analyse |
transFun |
Function to use to transform data prior to running BASH. |
neighbours |
A Neighbours matrix. Optional - if left NULL, it will be computed, using default |
useLocs |
Logical value, specifiying whether the .locs file (if present) should be used to determine neighbours. |
E |
Numerical vector - The error image to use. Optional - if left blank, it will be computed, using |
E.BG |
Numerical vector - The background error image to use. Optional - if left blank, it will be computed from |
assesses the change of background across an array.
The error image used should not be background filtered (as opposed to the error image used in BASHDiffuse
). Here, E is the error image
Scalar (Extended defect score)
Jonathan Cairns
J. M. Cairns, M. J. Dunning, M. E. Ritchie, R. Russell, and A. G. Lynch (2008). BASH: a tool for managing BeadArray spatial artefacts. Bioinformatics 15; 24(24)
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) extended <- BASHExtended(exampleBLData, 1) } ## End(Not run)
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) extended <- BASHExtended(exampleBLData, 1) } ## End(Not run)
Finds the location of the beadarray User's Guide and opens it.
beadarrayUsersGuide(view=TRUE, topic="beadlevel")
beadarrayUsersGuide(view=TRUE, topic="beadlevel")
view |
logical, should the document be opened using the default PDF document reader? (default is |
topic |
character string specifying topic ( |
The function vignette("beadarray")
will find the short beadarray vignette which describes how to obtain
the more detailed user's guide on the analysis of raw "beadlevel"
data, "beadsummary"
data or how
to use the "BASH"
method for detecting spatial artefacts.
Character string giving the file location.
Matt Ritchie
beadarrayUsersGuide(view=FALSE) beadarrayUsersGuide(view=FALSE, topic="beadsummary")
beadarrayUsersGuide(view=FALSE) beadarrayUsersGuide(view=FALSE, topic="beadsummary")
The function will plot the intensities of selected beads on a specified array
plotBeadIntensities(BLData, array = 1, BeadIDs, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, cols = NULL, ...)
plotBeadIntensities(BLData, array = 1, BeadIDs, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, cols = NULL, ...)
BLData |
a |
array |
numeric specifying which array to plot the intensities from |
BeadIDs |
what ArrayAddress IDs to be plotted |
transFun |
function specifying what transformation to be applied to the |
cols |
a vector of colours to be used to plot each ID. If NULL the |
... |
other argument that may be passed along to plot. |
The function will take all data from the specified section, apply the transformation (the default is to do log2) and then find the subset of beads that have the specified ID. These IDs should match the numeric ArrayAddress IDs that are stored in the beadLevelData object.
Plot is produced on current graphical device.
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) randIDs = sample(getBeadData(exampleBLData, array=1, what="ProbeID"),10) plotBeadIntensities(exampleBLData, array=1, BeadIDs = randIDs) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) randIDs = sample(getBeadData(exampleBLData, array=1, what="ProbeID"),10) plotBeadIntensities(exampleBLData, array=1, BeadIDs = randIDs) }
A class for storing red and green channel foreground and background intensities from an Illumina experiment.
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("beadLevelData")
, but are usually created by readIllumina
Objects of this class contain the following slots
beadData : |
A list of arrays, indexed by array name. Each item in this list is itself a list, containing enviroments holding the data for that array. |
sectionData : |
a list containing information. Each item in the list is a data frame containing one row for each section |
experimentData : |
a list containing the annotation of the platform, link to the sdf file and type of data (slide or Sentrix Array Matrix) |
history : |
Character vector storing the operations performed on this object. |
Printing method for BeadLevelList
Returns the strip/array names from a
Returns the number of beads on selected arrays
retrieve data
Input or modify existing data
Mark Dunning, Mike Smith
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) sectionNames(exampleBLData) head(exampleBLData[[1]]) getBeadData(exampleBLData, array=1, what="Grn")[1:10] }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) sectionNames(exampleBLData) head(exampleBLData[[1]]) getBeadData(exampleBLData, array=1, what="Grn")[1:10] }
A class for storing red and green channel foreground and background intensities from an Illumina experiment.
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("BeadLevelList")
, but are usually created by readIllumina
Objects of this class contain the following slots
beadData : |
an environment for storing the raw bead-level data. Each row correspond to a bead and columns the data. |
phenoData : |
an 'AnnotatedDataFrame' containing experimental information. |
arrayInfo : |
a list containing array information. |
annotation : |
character storing annotation package information. |
Returns the strip/array names from a
object for selected arrays
the what
intensities on the log
scale from the
Mark Dunning and Matt Ritchie
A class for storing information relating to the registration of the image.
Objects of this class contain the following slots
layout : |
A list entry containing details of the structure of a BeadChip. By default entries for the number of sections, the number of segments per section and a logical value stating whether the chip is two colour are created. |
registrationData : |
A list with length equal to the total number of segments registered. Each entry contains a vector of the differences between the within bead-type variances calculated using randomly assigned bead IDs and those calculated using the provided bead IDs. |
coordinateData : |
A list with length equal to the total number of segments registered. Each entry contains the coordinates of the beads assigned to the segment, taken from the .locs file. |
cornerData : |
A list with length equal to the total number of segments registered. Each entry contains a set of four coordinate pairs that mark the corners of the segment within it's image. These can be extracted from the coordinateData and this slot may be removed at a later date. |
p95 : |
A numeric vector storing the 95th percentile of bead intensities within each segment. |
imageLocations : |
Character vector storing the location of the tiff images of the array. These are obtained from the sectionData slot of the beadLevelData object that was processed by checkRegistration , and are required for visualising the bead locations. |
metrics : |
A data.frame, where each line contains the appropriate entry from the Metrics.txt file. Currently not used, but may be later. |
Mike Smith
The standard boxplot function has been extended to work with the ExpressionSetIllumina
class. Moreover, it generates graphics using the ggplot2
package and can incorporate user-defined factors into the plots.
Extra factors can be added to the plots provided they are present in either the phenoData
or featureData
or the object.
A ggplot
object is produced and displayed on screen
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleSummaryData) subset <- channel(exampleSummaryData, "G")[,1:8] boxplot(subset) boxplot(subset, what="nObservations") ###You can use columns from the featureData in the plots. Here we will use the control-type head(fData(subset)) table(fData(subset)[,"Status"]) boxplot(subset, probeFactor = "Status") ###Similarly, we group samples according to colums in phenoData pData(subset) boxplot(subset, SampleGroup = "SampleFac") ##Both sample and probe factors can be combined into the same plot boxplot(subset, SampleGroup = "SampleFac", probeFactor = "Status") ##Suppose we have found differentially expressed genes between experimental conditions and want to plot their response. This can be done by first subsetting the ExpressionSetIllumina object and then using the probeFactor and SampleGroup accordingly if(require(illuminaHumanv3.db)){ ids <- unlist(mget("ALB", revmap(illuminaHumanv3SYMBOL))) subset2 <- subset[ids,] boxplot(subset2, SampleGroup = "SampleFac") boxplot(subset2, SampleGroup = "SampleFac", probeFactor = "IlluminaID") } }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleSummaryData) subset <- channel(exampleSummaryData, "G")[,1:8] boxplot(subset) boxplot(subset, what="nObservations") ###You can use columns from the featureData in the plots. Here we will use the control-type head(fData(subset)) table(fData(subset)[,"Status"]) boxplot(subset, probeFactor = "Status") ###Similarly, we group samples according to colums in phenoData pData(subset) boxplot(subset, SampleGroup = "SampleFac") ##Both sample and probe factors can be combined into the same plot boxplot(subset, SampleGroup = "SampleFac", probeFactor = "Status") ##Suppose we have found differentially expressed genes between experimental conditions and want to plot their response. This can be done by first subsetting the ExpressionSetIllumina object and then using the probeFactor and SampleGroup accordingly if(require(illuminaHumanv3.db)){ ids <- unlist(mget("ALB", revmap(illuminaHumanv3SYMBOL))) subset2 <- subset[ids,] boxplot(subset2, SampleGroup = "SampleFac") boxplot(subset2, SampleGroup = "SampleFac", probeFactor = "IlluminaID") } }
Function to calculate detection scores for summarized data if they are not available.
calculateDetection(BSData, status=fData(BSData)$Status, negativeLabel="negative")
calculateDetection(BSData, status=fData(BSData)$Status, negativeLabel="negative")
BSData |
An ExpressionSetIllumina object |
status |
character vector giving probe types |
negativeLabel |
character giving identifer for negative controls |
Detection scores are a measure of whether the probe is showing any specific expression. This function implements Illumina's method for calculating the detection scores for all bead types on a given array. Within an array, Illumina discard negative control bead-types whose summary values are more than three MADs from the median for the negative controls. Illumina then rank the summarized intensity for each other bead-type against the summarized values for the remaining negative control bead-types and calculate a detection p-value 1-R/N, where R is the relative rank of the bead intensity when compared to the $N$ remaining negative controls. Thus, if a particular bead has higher intensity than all the negative controls it will be assigned a value of 0. This calculation is repeated for all arrays.
The function expects the negative controls to be indicated by the Status
column in the featureData
slot of the ExpressionSetIllumina
object. If this is not present the user can supply a status vector with the same length as the number of rows in the ExpressionSetIllumina object.
Matrix of detection scores with the same dimensions as the exprs matrix of BSData. This matrix can be stored in a ExpressionSetIllumina object using the Detection
Mark Dunning and Andy Lynch
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleSummaryData) ##By default, the status column of featureData is used exampleSummaryData.log2 <- channel(exampleSummaryData ,"G") det <- calculateDetection(exampleSummaryData.log2) Detection(exampleSummaryData.log2) <- det ##Example of specifying own status vector exampleSummaryData.log2 <- addFeatureData(exampleSummaryData.log2) pq <- fData(exampleSummaryData.log2)$PROBEQUALITY det2 <- calculateDetection(exampleSummaryData.log2, status="pq", negativeLabel="No match") }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleSummaryData) ##By default, the status column of featureData is used exampleSummaryData.log2 <- channel(exampleSummaryData ,"G") det <- calculateDetection(exampleSummaryData.log2) Detection(exampleSummaryData.log2) <- det ##Example of specifying own status vector exampleSummaryData.log2 <- addFeatureData(exampleSummaryData.log2) pq <- fData(exampleSummaryData.log2)$PROBEQUALITY det2 <- calculateDetection(exampleSummaryData.log2, status="pq", negativeLabel="No match") }
Function that determines the outlier beads on an array and how they are distributed among the segments
calculateOutlierStats(BLData, array = array, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod, n=3, useLocs = TRUE, nSegments = 9,...)
calculateOutlierStats(BLData, array = array, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod, n=3, useLocs = TRUE, nSegments = 9,...)
BLData |
a |
array |
the number of the array of interest |
transFun |
how the section data is to be transformed prior to calculating outliers |
outlierFun |
a function for calculating outliers |
n |
an indicator of how extreme an observation must be (e.g. how many MADs from the median), to be passed to the function that will identify outliers |
useLocs |
use locs and sdf information (if available) to determine section layout |
nSegments |
manually set how many segments the section is divided into |
... |
Additional arguments to be passed to |
A section of an expression BeadChip (e.g. the Humanv3 or HumanHT-12) is made up of 9 physcially-separate segments. A useful QA check is to see how the outliers are distributed among these segments. Outliers are beads that have outlying intensities according to some rule that the user can specify. The default (as used by Illumina) is to exclude beads that are more than 3 median absolute deviations from the median. Once outliers are determined, the coordinates for these outliers are binned into segments by assuming that the segments are evenly spaced across the section surface.
Note that sections from Sentrix Array Matrix do not have segments, so the results may not be informative
vector with the percentage of beads found in each segment that were determined to be outliers
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) ##Artificial example, there are no segments on this type of BeadArray calculateOutlierStats(exampleBLData, array=1, nSegments=10, useLocs=FALSE) calculateOutlierStats(exampleBLData, array=2, nSegments=10, useLocs=FALSE) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) ##Artificial example, there are no segments on this type of BeadArray calculateOutlierStats(exampleBLData, array=1, nSegments=10, useLocs=FALSE) calculateOutlierStats(exampleBLData, array=2, nSegments=10, useLocs=FALSE) }
Occasionally the registration of an array can go wrong, with the bead centres found in the wrong place in an image. The effective result of this is a scrambling of the bead IDs.
Note that the function requires that the sdf file and locs file are present, and has particular expectations towards their file names and locations.
checkRegistration(BLData, array = 1)
checkRegistration(BLData, array = 1)
BLData |
An object of class |
array |
Integer specifying the index of the arrays to be checked. Can be a vector to process multiple arrays e.g. |
In order to check for mis-registration we can examine the within bead-type variance across the array. This function computes this statistic twice for each array segment (since each segment is registered independently), once using the given bead IDs and once using a randomly assigned set of IDs. The former is then subtracted from the later. In cases where the registration has worked successfully we expect the majority of these values to be greater than zero, which for misregistered arrays the differences should be centred about zero.
Returns an object of class beadRegistrationData
Mike Smith
Smith ML, Dunning MJ, Tavare S, Lynch AG. Identification and correction of previously unreported spatial phenomena using raw Illumina BeadArray data. BMC Bioinformatics (2010) 11:208
Combine two seperate objects into a single object.
## S4 method for signature 'beadLevelData,beadLevelData' combine(x, y) ## S4 method for signature 'ExpressionSetIllumina,ExpressionSetIllumina' combine(x,y)
## S4 method for signature 'beadLevelData,beadLevelData' combine(x, y) ## S4 method for signature 'ExpressionSetIllumina,ExpressionSetIllumina' combine(x,y)
x |
An object of class |
y |
An object of the same class as |
The combine
function allows two objects of the same class that have been created seperately to be combined into one.
Returns an object of the same class as the two inputs.
Mark Dunning, Mike Smith
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) sectionNames(exampleBLData) data2 <- combine(exampleBLData, exampleBLData) sectionNames(data2) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) sectionNames(exampleBLData) data2 <- combine(exampleBLData, exampleBLData) sectionNames(data2) }
Function to calculate the percentage of beads matching a defined set of control types that are detected as having intensity above background level on an array-section.
controlProbeDetection(BLData, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, array = 1, controlProfile = NULL, tagsToDetect = list(housekeeping = "housekeeping", Biotin = "phage_lambda_genome", Hybridisation = "phage_lambda_genome:high"), negativeTag = "permuted_negative", detThresh = 0.05)
controlProbeDetection(BLData, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, array = 1, controlProfile = NULL, tagsToDetect = list(housekeeping = "housekeeping", Biotin = "phage_lambda_genome", Hybridisation = "phage_lambda_genome:high"), negativeTag = "permuted_negative", detThresh = 0.05)
BLData |
a |
transFun |
transformation to be applied to data |
array |
a numeric index of the array section |
controlProfile |
optional data frame defining ArrayAddressIDs belonging to each control type |
tagsToDetect |
vector of character strings defined which control types to interrogate |
negativeTag |
character string defining which control type to use as background |
detThresh |
numeric value for threshold for detection |
Details of the controls on the array-section can be inferred from the annotation of the beadLevelData
object or supplied as a data frame. The first column of the data frame should contain ArrayAddressIDs, with the control type of the each ID in the second column. The strings supplied in the tagsToDetect
and negativeTag
parameters should be present in this column.
The ArrayAddressIDs that correspond to the specified tags are matching to the ArrayAddressIDs for the chosen array and intensities for all beads are extracted. The function implements Illumina's method for calculating the detection scores for all bead types on a given array. Within an array, Illumina discard negative control bead-types whose summary values are more than three MADs from the median for the negative controls. Illumina then rank the summarized intensity for each other bead-type against the summarized values for the remaining negative control bead-types and calculate a detection p-value 1-R/N, where R is the relative rank of the bead intensity when compared to the $N$ remaining negative controls. Thus, if a particular bead has higher intensity than all the negative controls it will be assigned a value of 0. This calculation is repeated for all arrays.
The percentage reported is the percentage of beads of each control type that are detected at the defined threshold.
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) for(i in 1:2){ print(controlProbeDetection(exampleBLData, array = i, tagsToDetect=c("housekeeping", "biotin"), negativeTag="negative")) } }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) for(i in 1:2){ print(controlProbeDetection(exampleBLData, array = i, tagsToDetect=c("housekeeping", "biotin"), negativeTag="negative")) } }
As of beadarray version 2.0 the BeadLevelList class has been deprecated and replaced by the beadLevelData class. Whilst these are superficially similar, the way the data are stored is quite different, meaning most functionality within the package is no longer compatible with the original BeadLevelList class.
This function converts any object that is of the old BeadLevelList class into a beadLevelData object.
BeadLevelList |
An object of class BeadLevelList |
Returns an object of class beadLevelData.
Mike Smith
This function, when pointed to a directory containing Illumina bead-level files (e.g. txt, idat, locs, tif) will return a simple targets file of the sort expected by beadarray. Note that a user created targets file is likely to be of greater value.
createTargetsFile(dir = NULL, nochannels = 1, channel1 = "Grn", channel2 = "Red", txtsuff = "txt", imgsuff = "tif", locssuff = "locs", xmlsuff = "xml", verbose = FALSE, special = c("sdf", "fiducial"), ColourConfusionStop = T, metricsflag = "Metrics", metsep = "\t", metricsection = "Section", metricchip = "Matrix")
createTargetsFile(dir = NULL, nochannels = 1, channel1 = "Grn", channel2 = "Red", txtsuff = "txt", imgsuff = "tif", locssuff = "locs", xmlsuff = "xml", verbose = FALSE, special = c("sdf", "fiducial"), ColourConfusionStop = T, metricsflag = "Metrics", metsep = "\t", metricsection = "Section", metricchip = "Matrix")
dir |
nochannels |
channel1 |
channel2 |
txtsuff |
imgsuff |
locssuff |
xmlsuff |
verbose |
special |
ColourConfusionStop |
metricsflag |
codemetricsflag: This gives the key word that can be used to identify metrics files. |
metsep |
metricsection |
metricchip |
This function bases its resultant targets file on the files with suffix txtsuff.
This returns a dataframe containing
Andy Lynch
Functions that have been renamed in the latest version of beadarray, but kept in for backwards compatibility.
Mark Dunning
Retrieve the dimension of an object.
## S4 method for signature 'beadLevelData' dim(x) ## S4 method for signature 'ExpressionSetIllumina' dim(x)
## S4 method for signature 'beadLevelData' dim(x) ## S4 method for signature 'ExpressionSetIllumina' dim(x)
x |
An object of class |
Mark Dunning
Function to produce various QC plots and HTML summary pages for bead-level data.
expressionQCPipeline(BLData, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, qcDir = "QC", plotType = ".jpeg", horizontal = TRUE, controlProfile = NULL, overWrite=FALSE,nSegments=9,outlierFun=illuminaOutlierMethod,tagsToDetect = list(housekeeping = "housekeeping", Biotin = "biotin", Hybridisation = "cy3_hyb"),zlim=c(5,7),positiveControlTags = c("housekeeping", "biotin"), hybridisationTags = c("cy3_hyb"), negativeTag= "negative", boxplotFun = logGreenChannelTransform, imageplotFun = logGreenChannelTransform)
expressionQCPipeline(BLData, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, qcDir = "QC", plotType = ".jpeg", horizontal = TRUE, controlProfile = NULL, overWrite=FALSE,nSegments=9,outlierFun=illuminaOutlierMethod,tagsToDetect = list(housekeeping = "housekeeping", Biotin = "biotin", Hybridisation = "cy3_hyb"),zlim=c(5,7),positiveControlTags = c("housekeeping", "biotin"), hybridisationTags = c("cy3_hyb"), negativeTag= "negative", boxplotFun = logGreenChannelTransform, imageplotFun = logGreenChannelTransform)
BLData |
a |
transFun |
what transformation function to apply |
qcDir |
a directory to write output to |
plotType |
desired file extension for plots (jpeg or png) |
horizontal |
if TRUE imageplots and outlier plots are produced with longest edge on x axis |
controlProfile |
a data frame defining all control types. not required if annotation information is stored in the bead-level object |
overWrite |
if FALSE any plots that exist in the directory will not be recreated |
nSegments |
how many segments each section is divided into |
outlierFun |
a function to removed outliers |
tagsToDetect |
which control types to used in the detection metrics |
zlim |
the range of the imageplots |
boxplotFun |
what transformation function to be used in boxplots |
imageplotFun |
what transformation function to be used for imageplots |
positiveControlTags |
character strings defining which positive controls to plot |
hybridisationTags |
additional control types to be plotted |
negativeTag |
character string to identify which control type in the control profile corresponds to negative controls |
This function is a convient way of automatically generating QC plots for each section within a beadLevelData
object. The following plots are produced for each section. i) scatter plots of all bead observation of the positive controls. See poscontPlot
. ii) Further scatter plots of other controls of interest using poscontPlot
. iii) imageplot (imageplot
) of section data after applying transformation function iv) plot of outlier locations using specified outlier function. A HTML page displaying all the plots is produced.
After plots have been produced for each section, makeQCTable
is run to make a table of mean and standard deviations for the defined control types, followed by the results of calculateOutlierStats
and controlProbeDetection
for each section and written to a HTML page in the requested directory.
The function should be able to run automatically for expression data that has its annotation stored using setAnnotation
or using readIllumina
. Otherwise the controlProfile
data frame can be used to define the control types on the array and their associated ArrayAddressIDs. Similarly, the function assumes single-channel data but a transformation function can be passed.
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ ## Not run: data(exampleBLData) expressionQCPipeline(exampleBLData, horizontal=T) ## End(Not run) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ ## Not run: data(exampleBLData) expressionQCPipeline(exampleBLData, horizontal=T) ## End(Not run) }
Container for high-throughput assays and experimental
metadata. ExpressionSetIllumina
class is derived from
, and requires matrices exprs
, nObservations
, Detection
as assay data members. The slots featureData
, phenoData
are accessed in the usual manner using fData
and pData
For ExpressionSetIllumina
objects created from bead-level data (using the summarize
function), a QC
slot is used to contain any quality control data that was present in the beadLevelData
object. This is a change from previous versions of beadarray, where the intensities of the control probes themselves were stored in this slot. From version 2.0.0 onwards, control probes are stored in the assayData
slot with the regular probes and the featureData
slot has a reference for which rows correspond to controls.
The ExpressionSetIllumina
class is able to accomodate different channels when created from bead-level data. The channelNames
function may be used to find out what channels are present in the object. The channel
function can be used to select a particular channel, returning an ExpressionSetIllumina
Mark Dunning
Generates a neighbours matrix from either a .locs file or the X and Y coordinates in a beadLevelData
generateNeighbours(BLData, array = 1, useLocs = TRUE, window = 30, margin = 10, thresh = 2.2)
generateNeighbours(BLData, array = 1, useLocs = TRUE, window = 30, margin = 10, thresh = 2.2)
BLData |
An object of class |
array |
integer specifying which section/array to process |
useLocs |
logical value, specifiying whether the .locs file (if present) should be used to determine neighbours. |
window |
numeric value, specifying window size (see below) |
margin |
numeric value, specifying size of window margin (see below) |
thresh |
numeric value, which determines how large links are removed. (see below) |
generateNeighbours determines, for each bead on the array, which beads are next to it. It assumes that the beads are in a hexagonal lattice.
If the .locs
file is present and useLocs = TRUE
then the ordering of the .locs
file is used to infere the grid layout. This is far quicker than the alternative and is thus recommended, but can only be used on BeadChip platforms. If the data is from a Sentrix Array useLocs
is automatically set to FALSE
and the following algorithm is applied instead.
The algorithm used first links each bead to its 6 closest neighbours. It then removes the longest link if its squared length is more than thresh
multiplied by the squared length of the next longest link. A similar process is applied to the 2nd and 3rd longest links.
Finally, any one way links are removed (i.e. a link between two beads is only preserved if each bead considers the other to be its neighbour).
To ease computation, the algorithm only computes neighbours of beads in a square window of side length 2*(window)
which travels across the array. Beads in a margin around the square, of width (margin)
, are also considered as possible neighbours.
A matrix with 6 columns. Each row corresponds to a bead in the passed beadLevelData-class
and the six entries are the indices of the 6 neighbouring beads. Values of NA indicate that the neighbouring bead appears to be missing, either due to failing Illumina's decoding or being at the edge of the array.
Jonathan Cairns, Mike Smith
Lynch AG, Smith ML, Dunning MJ, Cairns JM, Barbosa-Morais NL, Tavare S. beadarray, BASH and HULK - tools to increase the value of Illumina BeadArray experiments. In A. Gusnato, K.V. Mardia, & C.J. Fallaize (eds), Statistical Tools for Challenges in Bioinformatics. 2009 pp. 33-37. Leeds, Leeds University Press.
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData); neighbours <- generateNeighbours(exampleBLData, array = 1, useLocs = FALSE); } ## End(Not run)
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData); neighbours <- generateNeighbours(exampleBLData, array = 1, useLocs = FALSE); } ## End(Not run)
Retrieves the raw bead data from a beadLevelData
for a given section/array.
getBeadData(BLData, what="Grn", array=1)
getBeadData(BLData, what="Grn", array=1)
BLData |
what |
character string specifying the values to retrieve (e.g. "ProbeID", "Grn" etc.). |
array |
integer specifying the section/array to use |
A vector containing the specified bead data for the particular array.
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) summary(getBeadData(exampleBLData)) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) summary(getBeadData(exampleBLData)) }
Normalizes an probe intensities by calculating a weighted average residual based on the residuals of the surrounding probes.
HULK(BLData, array = 1, neighbours = NULL, invasions = 20, useLocs = TRUE, weightName = "wts", transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod)
HULK(BLData, array = 1, neighbours = NULL, invasions = 20, useLocs = TRUE, weightName = "wts", transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod)
BLData |
An object of class |
array |
integer specifying which section/array to process |
neighbours |
A Neighbours matrix. Optional - if left NULL, it will be computed. |
invasions |
Integer - Number of invasions used when identifying neighbouring beads. |
useLocs |
If information from an associated .locs file is to be used. If available using a .locs file can improve both the speed and accuracy of determining the network of neighbouring beads. |
weightName |
Column name where bead weights are to be taken from. |
transFun |
Transformation function. |
outlierFun |
Name or definition for the function to be used to calculated outliers. |
HULK is a method of intensity normalization based upon the BASH framework. Firstly For each bead a local neighbourhood of beads is determined, using the same process as the other BASH functions.
For each bead a weighted average residual is calculated. The average
residual is calculated as the sum of the residuals for each bead in
the neighbourhood, divided by 1 plus the number of invasions it took to reach
that bead. This calculation is made by a call to
The average residuals are then subtracted from each bead and a vector of
the resulting corrected intensities object is returned. These corrected intensities can be saved in the original beadLevelData object using insertBeadData
A vector of corrected intensities.
Mike Smith
Lynch AG, Smith ML, Dunning MJ, Cairns JM, Barbosa-Morais NL, Tavare S. beadarray, BASH and HULK - tools to increase the value of Illumina BeadArray experiments. In A. Gusnato, K.V. Mardia, & C.J. Fallaize (eds), Statistical Tools for Challenges in Bioinformatics. 2009 pp. 33-37. Leeds, Leeds University Press.
, insertBeadData
, logGreenChannelTransform
, squeezedVarOutlierMethod
, illuminaOutlierMethod
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) o <- HULK(exampleBLData, 1) } ## End(Not run)
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) o <- HULK(exampleBLData, 1) } ## End(Not run)
Using the control annotation specified for the array, the function will classify each bead as belonging to a control group, or as being a regular probe.
identifyControlBeads(BLData, array = 1, controlProfile = NULL)
identifyControlBeads(BLData, array = 1, controlProfile = NULL)
BLData |
a |
array |
the numeric id of the array section |
controlProfile |
an optional control profile data frame |
The function requires either that a control profile data frame is specified (This associates probe IDs with their control status - see the example), or that the annotation of the beadLevelData
object be set to an array that the package recognises (see getAnnotation
). Note that some positive control bead-types may also be functioning 'regular' probes.
a vector of character strings giving the status of each bead
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) statVec = identifyControlBeads(exampleBLData) table(statVec) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) statVec = identifyControlBeads(exampleBLData) table(statVec) }
A class to define how illumina bead-level data are summarized
From beadarray version 2.0 onwards, users are allowed more flexibility in how to create summarized data from bead-level data. The illuminaChannel
is a means of allowing this flexibility by definining how summarization will be performed on each array section in the bead-level data object. The three keys steps applied to each section are; 1) use a transform function to get the quantities to be summarized (one value per bead). The most common use-case would be to extract the Green channel intensities and possibly perform a log2 transformation. 2) remove any outliers from this list of values 3) split the values according to ArrayAddressIDs and apply the definied exprFun
and varFun
to the quantities belonging to each ArrayAddress.
Objects of this class contain the following slots
transFun : |
function to transform the data from each array-section. |
outlierFun : |
A function for identifying outliers from a list of bead intensiites and associated ArrayAddressIDs . |
exprFun : |
A function for producing a single summary of expression level from a vector of bead-type intensities. e.g. mean . |
varFun : |
A function for producing a single summary of variability from a vector of bead-type intensities. e.g. sd |
name : |
Character vector that defines a name for the channel |
Mark Dunning
greenChannel redChannel = new("illuminaChannel", redChannelTransform, illuminaOutlierMethod, mean, sd, "R") logRatio = new("illuminaChannel", logRatioTransform, illuminaOutlierMethod, mean, sd, "M")
greenChannel redChannel = new("illuminaChannel", redChannelTransform, illuminaOutlierMethod, mean, sd, "R") logRatio = new("illuminaChannel", logRatioTransform, illuminaOutlierMethod, mean, sd, "M")
Implementation of the illumina method for excluding outliers using a fixed number of MADs (median absolute deviations) cutoff for each bead type
illuminaOutlierMethod(inten, probeList, wts=1, n = 3)
illuminaOutlierMethod(inten, probeList, wts=1, n = 3)
inten |
a list of intensities |
probeList |
the IDs corresponding to each intensity value |
wts |
Weights associated with beads, indicating those recommended for removal by, for example, |
n |
number of MADs cutoff used |
This function is called within the summarisation routine of beadarray to exclude outliers from an array-section prior to summary. The intensities are not assumed to be on any particular scale and can result from any user-defined transformation function.
Beads with weight zero do not contribute to the outlier calling.
the positions in the original vector that were determined to be outliers
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) oList = illuminaOutlierMethod(logGreenChannelTransform(exampleBLData, 1), getBeadData(exampleBLData, array=1, what="ProbeID")) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) oList = illuminaOutlierMethod(logGreenChannelTransform(exampleBLData, 1), getBeadData(exampleBLData, array=1, what="ProbeID")) }
Generates an image plot for data from a beadLevelData
imageplot(BLData, array = 1, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, squareSize = NULL, useLocs = TRUE, horizontal = TRUE, low = "lightgreen", high = "darkgreen", ncolors = 100, zlim = NULL, legend = TRUE, ...)
imageplot(BLData, array = 1, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, squareSize = NULL, useLocs = TRUE, horizontal = TRUE, low = "lightgreen", high = "darkgreen", ncolors = 100, zlim = NULL, legend = TRUE, ...)
BLData |
array |
integer specifying what section to plot |
transFun |
Function that defines how values from the BLData object are to be transformed prior to plotting. |
squareSize |
Numeric specifying how many pixels in the original image make up each square in the imageplot. If NULL, the function will guess a suitable value from the data. |
useLocs |
If |
horizontal |
If |
low |
colour to use for lowest intensity |
high |
colour to use for highest intensity |
ncolors |
The number of colour graduations between high and low |
zlim |
numerical vector of length 2 giving the extreme values of 'z' to associate with colours 'low' and 'high'. |
legend |
logical, if |
... |
other arguments to plot |
Produces a standard imageplot for the specified section. The default, transformation logGreenChannelTransform
, takes the log2 of the green channel. For two channel data, the red channel or log ratio can be plotted by logRedChannelTransform
or logRatioTransform
functions can be used. The user can also specify their own functions.
The default plotting orientation is such that the longest edge of the section is along the x axis. If horizontal = FALSE
, the longest edge will by on the y axis and should match how the corresponding TIFF image from the BeadScan directory is orientated.
If locs = TRUE
and locs file were made available to readIllumina
, the segments that the section is comprised of will be visible (For expression BeadChips, each section is made of nine physically separate segments). The squareSize parameter will also be set appropriately.
As a result of both having identical function names this function can conflict with the imageplot
method in 'limma'. If both packages are loaded, the function from whichever package was loaded last takes precedence. If the 'beadarray' imageplot() function is masking that from 'limma', one can directly call the 'limma' method using the command "limma::imageplot()". Alternatively, one can detach the 'beadarray' package using "detach(package:beadarray)". Similar techniques can be used if 'limma' is masking the 'beadarray' method.
A ggplot object which is printed to screen by default
Mike Smith and Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) ##By default the first array is plotted, here we plot the 2nd which should give a more interesting example imageplot(exampleBLData, array=2) } ## Not run: ip <- imageplot(exampleBLData, array=2, low="lightgreen", high="darkgreen", horizontal=FALSE) ggsave(ip, filename="myimageplot.png") ip2 <- imageplot(exampleBLData, array=2, low="lightgreen", high="darkgreen", horizontal=TRUE) ggsave(ip2, filename="myimageplot2.png") ## End(Not run)
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) ##By default the first array is plotted, here we plot the 2nd which should give a more interesting example imageplot(exampleBLData, array=2) } ## Not run: ip <- imageplot(exampleBLData, array=2, low="lightgreen", high="darkgreen", horizontal=FALSE) ggsave(ip, filename="myimageplot.png") ip2 <- imageplot(exampleBLData, array=2, low="lightgreen", high="darkgreen", horizontal=TRUE) ggsave(ip2, filename="myimageplot2.png") ## End(Not run)
Functions for obtaining bead intensity values from raw tiff images. The three commands with the illumina prefix attempt to emulate the image processing implemented by Illumina. The medianBackground function implements a more robust background calculation recommended by Smith et al.
illuminaForeground(pixelMatrix, beadCoords) illuminaBackground(pixelMatrix, beadCoords) illuminaSharpen(pixelMatrix) medianBackground(pixelMatrix, beadCoords)
illuminaForeground(pixelMatrix, beadCoords) illuminaBackground(pixelMatrix, beadCoords) illuminaSharpen(pixelMatrix) medianBackground(pixelMatrix, beadCoords)
pixelMatrix |
A matrix storing the individual pixel values of an image. Intended to be created by |
beadCoords |
Two column matrix with each row containing a pair of coordinates representing a bead centre. |
illuminaForeground, illuminaBackground and medianBackground return a vector of intensity values, with one entry for every row in the beadCoords argument. Any pairs of coordinates that fall outside the dimensions of the image return NA.
illuminaSharpen returns a matrix with the same dimensions as the pixelMatrix argument.
Mike Smith
Smith ML, Dunning MJ, Tavare S, Lynch AG. Identification and correction of previously unreported spatial phenomena using raw Illumina BeadArray data. BMC Bioinformatics (2010) 11:208
Add, modify or remove data in a beadLevelData
insertBeadData(BLData, array = 1, what, data) removeBeadData(BLData, array = 1, what)
insertBeadData(BLData, array = 1, what, data) removeBeadData(BLData, array = 1, what)
BLData |
An object of class |
array |
Positive integer specifying what section should be modified. |
what |
Name of the data that is being modified. If ‘what’ doesn't exist then a new entry is created using the name specified in this argument. |
data |
A numeric vector to be stored, the same length as the number of beads in the section specified by the array argument. |
These functions allow the beadData
slot of the beadLevelData-class
object to be modified for a given array.
Returns an object of class beadLevelData-class
Mike Smith
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) logIntensity <- log2(getBeadData(exampleBLData, what = "Grn", array = 1)) ## This will add a new entry called "LogGrn" to BLData exampleBLData <- insertBeadData(exampleBLData, array = 1, what = "LogGrn", data = logIntensity) head(exampleBLData[[1]]) ## Supplying an existing entry to "what" will overwrite the current data exampleBLData <- insertBeadData(exampleBLData, array = 1, what = "Grn", data = logIntensity) head(exampleBLData[[1]]) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) logIntensity <- log2(getBeadData(exampleBLData, what = "Grn", array = 1)) ## This will add a new entry called "LogGrn" to BLData exampleBLData <- insertBeadData(exampleBLData, array = 1, what = "LogGrn", data = logIntensity) head(exampleBLData[[1]]) ## Supplying an existing entry to "what" will overwrite the current data exampleBLData <- insertBeadData(exampleBLData, array = 1, what = "Grn", data = logIntensity) head(exampleBLData[[1]]) }
A function to modify the sectionData slot of a beadLevelData
object. Data can be be added if it is a data frame with a number of rows equal to the number of sections in the beadLevelData object.
insertSectionData(BLData, what, data)
insertSectionData(BLData, what, data)
BLData |
a |
what |
a character string specifiying a name for the new data |
data |
a data frame containing the data we wish to add |
This function allows users to modifiy the per\-section information that is included in the sectionData slot. Typical usage would be to store quality control data that has been computed.
a modified beadLevelData
object with the new data attached to sectionData
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) qct = makeQCTable(exampleBLData) exampleBLData = insertSectionData(exampleBLData, what="ProbeQC", data = qct) exampleBLData@sectionData }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) qct = makeQCTable(exampleBLData) exampleBLData = insertSectionData(exampleBLData, what="ProbeQC", data = qct) exampleBLData@sectionData }
Function to perform a standard limma analysis using a single command.
limmaDE(summaryData, SampleGroup, DesignMatrix = NULL, makeWts = TRUE, ...)
limmaDE(summaryData, SampleGroup, DesignMatrix = NULL, makeWts = TRUE, ...)
summaryData |
ExpressionSetIllumina object |
SampleGroup |
Name of column in phenoData that will be used to construct sample groups for analysis |
DesignMatrix |
Optional design matrix |
makeWts |
if TRUE weights will be calculated for each array |
... |
Other arguments that lmFit can accept |
The function automates the steps used in a typical limma analysis. Firstly, the lmFit is used to fit a linear model from the specified column in phenoData
. Array weights can be calculated (arrayWeights) and used in the fit. A contrast matrix of all possible contrasts is created (makeContrasts) and fitted (makeContrasts). The empirical Bayes shrinkage of variances is then applied (eBayes). The design matrix, contrast matrix and array weights can all be extracted for the resulting object.
a limmaResults object
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleSummaryData) rawdata <- channel(exampleSummaryData, "G") normdata <- normaliseIllumina(rawdata) limmaResults <- limmaDE(normdata, SampleGroup = "SampleFac") limmaResults DesignMatrix(limmaResults) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleSummaryData) rawdata <- channel(exampleSummaryData, "G") normdata <- normaliseIllumina(rawdata) limmaResults <- limmaDE(normdata, SampleGroup = "SampleFac") limmaResults DesignMatrix(limmaResults) }
Container for results from a limma differential expression analysis
Mark Dunning
Following the guidelines at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/info/geo_illu.html, we provide functionality to create the three types of file required for a GEO submission of Illumina expression data. These are 1) sample metadata 2) Normalised intensities 3) Raw intensities.
makeGEOSubmissionFiles(normData, rawData, forceDetection = TRUE, basename = "GEO", softTemplate = NULL) createGEOMeta(normData,basename) createGEOMatrix(normData,forceDetection=TRUE,basename="GEO",softTemplate=NULL,normalised=T)
makeGEOSubmissionFiles(normData, rawData, forceDetection = TRUE, basename = "GEO", softTemplate = NULL) createGEOMeta(normData,basename) createGEOMatrix(normData,forceDetection=TRUE,basename="GEO",softTemplate=NULL,normalised=T)
normData |
A normalised ExpressionSetIllumina object |
rawData |
A 'raw' non-normalised ExpressionSetIllumina object |
forceDetection |
TRUE forces the calculation of detection scores (if they are not present). |
basename |
A prefix that all the output files will be given |
softTemplate |
A SOFT file downloaded from GEO that we wish to annotate against. e.g. GPL10558.annot for Humanv4 |
normalised |
if TRUE the suffix ProcessedMatrix will be used to write the intensities to. Otherwise the Raw suffix is used. |
Each file is written as a tab-delimited file in the current working directory. Note that the metadata contains the correct number of columns for the number of samples in the data, but the contents should be entered / curated manually prior to submission.\
Meta file: A template file that can be used to record all the relevant metadata for the experiment, plus the information required by GEO. The SAMPLES section of the file contains the per-sample metadata and has columns generate from the required GEO data an the phenoData stored with the input data\
Processed Matrix - GEO seems to want normalised intensities and detection scores for each probe on each array. Detection scores can be generated if they are not present in the data. The probes that are reported in this file are decided using the annotation slot of the object and querying the appropriate annotation package. Otherwise, a SOFT file downloaded from GEO can be used. \ Raw Matrix - As above, but non-normalised intensities are used
Mark Dunning
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleSummaryData) rawdata <- channel(exampleSummaryData, "G") normdata <- normaliseIllumina(rawdata) makeGEOSubmissionFiles(normdata, rawdata) ##To annotate against a SOFT file that can be downloaded from GEO ##e.g. ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/platforms/GPL10nnn/GPL10558/annot/GPL10558.annot.gz makeGEOSubmissionFiles(normdata, rawdata,softTemplate="GPL10558.annot") } ## End(Not run)
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleSummaryData) rawdata <- channel(exampleSummaryData, "G") normdata <- normaliseIllumina(rawdata) makeGEOSubmissionFiles(normdata, rawdata) ##To annotate against a SOFT file that can be downloaded from GEO ##e.g. ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/platforms/GPL10nnn/GPL10558/annot/GPL10558.annot.gz makeGEOSubmissionFiles(normdata, rawdata,softTemplate="GPL10558.annot") } ## End(Not run)
Function to retrieve the bead IDs for a particular annotation platform
makeControlProfile(annoName, excludeERCC = TRUE)
makeControlProfile(annoName, excludeERCC = TRUE)
annoName |
An abberviated name for the annotation packaget. e.g. Humanv3, MouseV2 |
excludeERCC |
Ignore any controls with REPORTERGROUPNAME beginning with ERCC. These are a large collection of spike controls on the Humanv4 chip and can make some control tables too big if they are included. |
The function will use the relevant annotation package (if it is installed) and return all IDs that are present in the REPORTERGROUPNAME mapping. Note that this mapping is only available in versions 1.12.0 and greater.
A matrix with one row per control bead-type giving the bead-level ID (ArrayAddressID) and control type.
Mark Dunning
Function to make a table of quality control scores for every section in a beadLevelData
object. Either the annotation of the data needs to be specified, or a control profile data frame that lists ArrayAddress IDs and control types. The supplied summary functions are applied to each control type on each section.
makeQCTable(BLData, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, controlProfile = NULL, summaryFns = list(Mean = function(x) mean(x, na.rm=TRUE), Sd = function(x) sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)), channelSuffix = NULL)
makeQCTable(BLData, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, controlProfile = NULL, summaryFns = list(Mean = function(x) mean(x, na.rm=TRUE), Sd = function(x) sd(x, na.rm=TRUE)), channelSuffix = NULL)
BLData |
a |
transFun |
a function to be applied to the |
controlProfile |
an optional data frame that specifies ID and type of controls to be used to generate the table |
summaryFns |
list of functions to apply to each control type on every section |
channelSuffix |
optional character string to append to the column names of the resulting table |
For each section in turn, the function groups together IDs of the same control type (e.g. housekeeping), and uses an lapply
with the specified summary functions. A transformation function is applied to BLData
prior to the summary, with the default being to take the log2 of the green channel.
If the annotation of the beadLevelData
has been set by readIllumina
or setAnnotation
then the controlProfile data frame is calculated automatically and the controlProfile
argument may be omitted.
A matrix with one row per section and one column for each combination of control type and summary function.
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) qct = makeQCTable(exampleBLData) qct }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) qct = makeQCTable(exampleBLData) qct }
Normalises expression intensities so that the intensities or log-ratios have equal median values across a series of arrays (columns).
medianNormalise(exprs, log=TRUE)
medianNormalise(exprs, log=TRUE)
exprs |
a matrix of expression values |
log |
if TRUE then do a log2 transformation prior to normalising |
Normalisation is intended to remove from the expression measures any systematic trends which arise from the microarray technology rather than from differences between the probes or between the target RNA samples hybridized to the arrays.
For median normalisation, the intensity for each gene is adjusted by subtracting the median of all genes on the array and then adding the median across all arrays. The effect is that each array then has the same median value.
Produces a matrix of normalised intensity values (on the log2 scale by
default) with the same dimensions as exprs
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleSummaryData) exampleSummaryData.log2 <- channel(exampleSummaryData,"G") exampleSummaryData.med = assayDataElementReplace(exampleSummaryData.log2, "exprs", medianNormalise(exprs(exampleSummaryData.log2))) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleSummaryData) exampleSummaryData.log2 <- channel(exampleSummaryData,"G") exampleSummaryData.med = assayDataElementReplace(exampleSummaryData.log2, "exprs", medianNormalise(exprs(exampleSummaryData.log2))) }
Template containing latest required fields for GEO submission
The metrics
, p95
and snr
methods conveniently access metrics information that is stored in a beadLevelData object. These data are generated by the Illumina scanning software and can be an early indicator of array quality. These include the 95th (P95) and 5th (P05) quantiles of all pixel intensities on the image. A signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) can be calculated as the ratio of these two quantities. These metrics can be viewed in real-time as the arrays themselves are being scanned. By tracking these metrics over time, one can potentially halt problematic experiments before they even reach the analysis stage. Illumina recommend that the SNR ratio should be above 10, so these arrays are acceptable. However, the P95 and P05 values will fluctuate over time and are dependant upon the scanner setup. Including SNR values for arrays other than those currently being analysed will give a better indication of whether any outlier arrays exist.
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) metrics(exampleBLData) p95(exampleBLData, "Grn") snr(exampleBLData, "Grn") }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) metrics(exampleBLData) p95(exampleBLData, "Grn") snr(exampleBLData, "Grn") }
The summarize
function demands that an outlier function is called. This function allows one to satisfy this requirement and still not remove any outliers.
noOutlierMethod(inten, probeList, wts=1,n=3)
noOutlierMethod(inten, probeList, wts=1,n=3)
inten |
a list of intensities but the intensities are not in fact used |
probeList |
the IDs corresponding to each intensity value (not used) |
wts |
Weights associated with beads. Again, these are not actually used. |
n |
another parameter that is not, in fact, used. |
This function returns integer(0).
Andy Lynch
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) oList = noOutlierMethod(logGreenChannelTransform(exampleBLData, 1), getBeadData(exampleBLData, array=1, what="ProbeID")) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) oList = noOutlierMethod(logGreenChannelTransform(exampleBLData, 1), getBeadData(exampleBLData, array=1, what="ProbeID")) }
Normalises expression intensities from an ExpressionSetIllumina
object so that the intensities are comparable between arrays.
normaliseIllumina(BSData, method="quantile", transform="none", T=NULL, status=fData(BSData)$Status,negctrl="negative",regular="regular",...)
normaliseIllumina(BSData, method="quantile", transform="none", T=NULL, status=fData(BSData)$Status,negctrl="negative",regular="regular",...)
BSData |
an |
method |
character string specifying normalisation method
(options are |
transform |
character string specifying transformation to apply
to the data prior to normalisation (options are |
T |
A target distribution vector used when |
status |
character vector giving probe types (used in neqc normalisation only) |
negctrl |
character vector giving negative control probes (used in neqc normalisation only) |
regular |
character vector giving regular probes (used in neqc normalisation only) |
... |
further arguments to be passed to |
Normalisation is intended to remove from the expression measures any systematic trends which arise from the microarray technology rather than from differences between the probes or between the target RNA samples hybridized to the arrays.
In this function, the transform
specified by the user is
applied prior to the chosen normalisation procedure.
When transform="vst"
the variance-stabilising transformation
from the 'lumi' package is applied to the data.
Refer to the lumiT
documentation for further particulars. Note that
the Detection P values are only passed on when they are available
(i.e. not NA). The rsn option calls code directly from lumi
For further particulars on the different normalisation methods options
refer to the individual help pages (?normalize.quantiles
, ?normalize.qspline
for "qspline",
for "rankInvariant"
for "median"
and ?vsn2
for "vsn"
For median normalisation, the intensity for each gene is adjusted by subtracting the median of all genes on the array and then adding the median across all arrays. The effect is that each array then has the same median value.
Note: If your BSData
object contains data already on the
log-scale, be careful that you choose an appropriate transform
to avoid transforming it twice. The same applies for the "vst"
transformation and "vsn"
normalisation methods which require
the expression data stored in BSData
to be on the original
(un-logged) scale. When method="vsn"
, transform must be set to
, since this method transforms and normalises the data as
part of the model.
The neqc normalisation is described in Shi et al (2010) and documented in the limma package. Note that the output from this method has control probes removed.
An 'ExpressionSetIllumina' object which conatains the transformed and normalised expression values for each array.
Matt Ritchie and Mark Dunning
Shi. W, Oshlack. A, Smyth, GK, (2010) Optimizing the noise versus bias trade-off for Illumina whole genome expression BeadChips. Nucleic Acids Research
Lin, S.M., Du, P., Kibbe, W.A., (2008) 'Model-based Variance-stabilizing Transformation for Illumina Microarray Data', Nucleic Acids Res. 36, e11
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleSummaryData) exampleSummaryData.norm = normaliseIllumina(channel(exampleSummaryData, "G"), method="quantile", transform="none") exampleSummaryData.rsn = normaliseIllumina(channel(exampleSummaryData, "G.ul"),method="rsn", transform="none") }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleSummaryData) exampleSummaryData.norm = normaliseIllumina(channel(exampleSummaryData, "G"), method="quantile", transform="none") exampleSummaryData.rsn = normaliseIllumina(channel(exampleSummaryData, "G.ul"),method="rsn", transform="none") }
Retrieves the number of beads on selected sections from a beadLevelData
numBeads(object, arrays=NULL)
numBeads(object, arrays=NULL)
object |
arrays |
either |
retrieves the number of beads on arrays from the arrayInfo slot.
A vector containing the number of beads on individual array sections.
Matt Ritchie
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) numBeads(exampleBLData) numBeads(exampleBLData, arrays=2) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) numBeads(exampleBLData) numBeads(exampleBLData, arrays=2) }
Function to plot where the outliers are located on a given array
outlierplot(BLData, array = 1, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod,n=3, wtsname=NULL, horizontal = TRUE, nSegments = NULL, lowOutlierCol = "blue", highOutlierCol = "pink", outlierPch = ".", main = "", ...)
outlierplot(BLData, array = 1, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod,n=3, wtsname=NULL, horizontal = TRUE, nSegments = NULL, lowOutlierCol = "blue", highOutlierCol = "pink", outlierPch = ".", main = "", ...)
BLData |
a |
array |
the number of the array to plot |
transFun |
a function defining how to transform the data prior to calculating outliers |
outlierFun |
function that will identify outliers |
n |
an indicator of how extreme an observation must be (e.g. how many MADs from the median), to be passed to the function that will identify outliers |
wtsname |
column name of BLData object containing weights to feed to the outlier function |
horizontal |
if TRUE the longest edge of the array section will be on the x axis |
nSegments |
How many segments the section is divided into. If this argument is left as the default value (NULL) the code will attempt to extract this information from the relevant .sdf file. If it can't be found then the segments will not be indicated on the final plot. |
lowOutlierCol |
what colour to plot outliers below the median |
highOutlierCol |
what colour to plot outliers above the median |
outlierPch |
plotting character for the outliers |
main |
an optional title for the plot |
... |
additional arguments |
The function calls the specified outlier function to determine the outliers on the array and then plots their location. Points are coloured according the intensity of the bead is above or below the median for that bead-type.
plot produced on current graphical device
Mark Dunning and Mike Smith
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) outlierplot(exampleBLData, array=1, horizontal = FALSE) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) outlierplot(exampleBLData, array=1, horizontal = FALSE) }
A list of bead-level IDs for each Illumina expression array platform, as obtained by the lumi mapping packages. These are used to suggest the annotation of a possibly unknown bead-level dataset.
Can plot where specified beads, or bead types were located on the array surface
plotBeadLocations(BLData, ProbeIDs = NULL, BeadIDs = NULL, array = 1, SAM = FALSE, xCol = "GrnX", yCol = "GrnY", xlab = "x-coordinate", ylab = "y-coordinate", horizontal = TRUE, main = paste("Bead", ProbeIDs, "locations"), ...)
plotBeadLocations(BLData, ProbeIDs = NULL, BeadIDs = NULL, array = 1, SAM = FALSE, xCol = "GrnX", yCol = "GrnY", xlab = "x-coordinate", ylab = "y-coordinate", horizontal = TRUE, main = paste("Bead", ProbeIDs, "locations"), ...)
BLData |
a |
ProbeIDs |
a list of ArrayAddress IDs to plot |
BeadIDs |
a list of beads (rows in the beadLevelData object) to plot |
array |
the number of the section to plot |
if TRUE the array is treated as a Sentrix Array Matrix (hexagonal) |
xCol |
column name for the x coordinates |
yCol |
column name for the x coordinates |
xlab |
optional label for the x axis |
ylab |
optional label for the y axis |
horizontal |
if TRUE the longest edge of the array surface will be plotted on the x axis |
main |
an optional title for the plot |
... |
any arguments to be passed to plots |
plot to current graphical device
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) ##Plot location of first 100 beads as they are listed in beadLevelData object plotBeadLocations(exampleBLData, BeadIDs = 1:100, array=1, horizontal = FALSE) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) ##Plot location of first 100 beads as they are listed in beadLevelData object plotBeadLocations(exampleBLData, BeadIDs = 1:100, array=1, horizontal = FALSE) }
Using the values obtained from a sentrix descriptor object generated by simpleXMLparse, a plot is generated showing samples and sections.
plotChipLayout(SD, subsC = NULL, sampC = NULL, sectC = NULL, desectC = "red", markC = "white", main = NULL, samplab = NULL, sectlab = NULL)
plotChipLayout(SD, subsC = NULL, sampC = NULL, sectC = NULL, desectC = "red", markC = "white", main = NULL, samplab = NULL, sectlab = NULL)
SD |
A sentrix descriptor object such as that generated by simpleXMLparse from an Illumina sdf file |
subsC |
The colour for the array substrate. Will be extracted from the sentrix descriptor object if null. |
sampC |
The colour for the samples. Will be extracted from the sentrix descriptor object if null. |
sectC |
The colour for the sections. Will be extracted from the sentrix descriptor object if null. |
desectC |
The colour with which to outline the decode sections |
markC |
The colour for plotting decoding and analytical markers |
main |
A title to give the figure (e.g. chip name) |
samplab |
labels for the samples. Will be extracted from the sentrix descriptor object if null. |
sectlab |
labels for the sections (if appropriate). Will be extracted from the sentrix descriptor object if null. |
returns a plot to the current device (recommend this is tall and thin)
Andy Lynch
## SD<-simpleXMLparse(mysdf) ## plotChipLayout(SD)
## SD<-simpleXMLparse(mysdf) ## plotChipLayout(SD)
Note that a ggplot2 object is returned, which can be modified programatically.
The default operation is to construct a reference array be averaging all probes across the whole datasets, and then making an MA plot by comparing each array to this reference. A log2 transformation is performed, but this can be turned-off by setting do.log=FALSE
Alternatively, a SampleGroup may be specified. This is a character string that should match a column in the phenoData for the object. Then, the resulting MA plot will contain all pairwise comparisons between samples belonging to the same group. A list of ggplot objects is returned, each item in the list being a different group.
Densities are computed using the 'hexbin' package
A list of ggplot2 objects is returned.
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ library(ggplot2) data(exampleSummaryData) rawdata <- channel(exampleSummaryData, "G") mas <- plotMA(rawdata,do.log=FALSE) mas ##Smoothed lines can be added mas + geom_smooth(col="red") ##Added lines on the y axis mas + geom_hline(yintercept=c(-1.5,1.5),col="red") ##Changing the color scale mas + scale_fill_gradient2(low="yellow",mid="orange",high="red") mas <- plotMA(rawdata,do.log=FALSE,SampleGroup="SampleFac") ## Not run: mas[[1]] mas[[2]] ## End(Not run) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ library(ggplot2) data(exampleSummaryData) rawdata <- channel(exampleSummaryData, "G") mas <- plotMA(rawdata,do.log=FALSE) mas ##Smoothed lines can be added mas + geom_smooth(col="red") ##Added lines on the y axis mas + geom_hline(yintercept=c(-1.5,1.5),col="red") ##Changing the color scale mas + scale_fill_gradient2(low="yellow",mid="orange",high="red") mas <- plotMA(rawdata,do.log=FALSE,SampleGroup="SampleFac") ## Not run: mas[[1]] mas[[2]] ## End(Not run) }
Produces smoothed scatter plots of M versus A and X versus Y for all pairwise comparisons from a set of arrays.
plotMAXY(exprs, arrays, log = TRUE, genesToLabel=NULL, labels=colnames(exprs)[arrays],labelCol="red", labelpch=16,foldLine=2,sampleSize=NULL,...)
plotMAXY(exprs, arrays, log = TRUE, genesToLabel=NULL, labels=colnames(exprs)[arrays],labelCol="red", labelpch=16,foldLine=2,sampleSize=NULL,...)
exprs |
a matrix of expression values |
arrays |
integer vector giving the indices of the arrays
(columns of |
log |
if TRUE then all values will be log2-transformed before plotting |
genesToLabel |
vector of genes to highlight on the plot.
These must match the rownames of |
labels |
vector of array names to display on the plot |
labelCol |
plotting colours for highlighted genes |
labelpch |
plotting characters for highlighted genes |
foldLine |
a numeric value defining where to draw horizontal fold change lines on the plot |
sampleSize |
The number of genes to plot. Default is NULL, which plots every gene |
... |
other graphical parameters to be passed |
This graphical tool shows differences that exist between two arrays and can be used to highlight biases between arrays as well as highlighting genes which are differentially expressed. For each bead type, we calculate the average (log2) intensity and difference in intensity (log2-ratio) for each pair of arrays.
In the lower-left section of the plot we see XY plots of the intensities for all pairwise comparisons between the arrays and in the upper right we have pairwise MA plots. Going down the first column we observe XY plots of array 1 against array 2 and array 1 against array 3 etc. Similarly, in the upper-right corner we can observe pairwise MA plots.
Mark Dunning
##This function is to be replaced. Please see plotMA
##This function is to be replaced. Please see plotMA
Produces a plot of an Illumina tiff image, which can be useful for observing spatial artifacts on an array and checking the alignment of spot centres features in the image.
plotTIFF(tiff, xrange = c(0, ncol(tiff)-1), yrange = c(0, nrow(tiff)-1), high = "cyan", low = "black", mid = NULL, ncolours = 100, log = TRUE, values = FALSE, textCol = "black", ...)
plotTIFF(tiff, xrange = c(0, ncol(tiff)-1), yrange = c(0, nrow(tiff)-1), high = "cyan", low = "black", mid = NULL, ncolours = 100, log = TRUE, values = FALSE, textCol = "black", ...)
tiff |
Intended to the the result of |
xrange |
Range of X coordinates to plot. |
yrange |
Range of Y coordinates to plot. |
high |
Colour to plot the brightest pixels in the image. |
low |
Colour to plot the dimmest pixels. |
mid |
If specified the colour gradient will go from low to mid to high. If not specified then the gradient simply goes from low to high. |
ncolours |
Specify how many steps there should be in the gradient between the high and low colours |
log |
If TRUE the pixel values are logged before the colour gradient is created. |
values |
When set to TRUE each pixel in the image has it's value displayed over it. This should only be used when displaying a very small number of pixels as the text very quickly covers the entire image. |
textCol |
If |
... |
Other graphical parameters specified in |
This can be very slow, especially when the Cairo graphics library is being used. When using the Cairo library, if one is plotting a large tiff with 10s of millions of pixels, the plotting time increases from around 20 seconds to 5 minutes on an Intel Xeon E5420.
If running on a Linux system it is recommended to use:
x11(type = "Xlib")
before running plotTIFF()
, on order to force the quicker
plotting mechanism.
Of course it is debatable whether it is useful to plot all of those pixels, given that there are far more than can be displayed on a normal screen, and future revisions of the code may address this.
A plot is produced on the current graphical device.
Mike Smith
Function for retrieving and plotting the biotin and housekeeping controls for an expression array. We know these controls should show high signal and are therefore useful for QA purposes. The housekeeping control targets a bead-type believed to be universally expressed whereas the biotin control targets the biotin used for staining.
poscontPlot(BLData, array = 1, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, positiveControlTags = c("housekeeping", "biotin"), colList = c("red", "blue"), controlProfile = NULL, ...)
poscontPlot(BLData, array = 1, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, positiveControlTags = c("housekeeping", "biotin"), colList = c("red", "blue"), controlProfile = NULL, ...)
BLData |
a |
array |
The section to be plotted |
transFun |
What transformation function to be applied prior to plotting |
positiveControlTags |
What identifiers to be used as positive controls |
colList |
vector of colours to be used to each positive control |
controlProfile |
an optional data frame with columns defining the ArrayAddress IDs and control\-type for all controls on the platform. |
... |
other arguments to plot |
Function for plotting the observed intensites for all replicates of the specified control probes on a given array\-section. The identity of the control probes can be specified by passing a ControlProfile data frame, with the first column being a vector of ArrayAddress IDs and the second column being a corresponding set of characters tags. The beads to be plotted are found by matching the positiveControlTags
argument to these character tags.
Users with expression data can have the ControlProfile data frame defining automatically within the function, provided the annotation of the beadLevelData
object has been defined by readIllumina
or setAnnotation
Plot to current graphical device
Mark Dunning
###Load the example beadLevelData and associated controlProfile if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) poscontPlot(exampleBLData, array=1) poscontPlot(exampleBLData, array=2) }
###Load the example beadLevelData and associated controlProfile if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) poscontPlot(exampleBLData, array=1) poscontPlot(exampleBLData, array=2) }
Data from Illumina's newer iScan system come in a different format to the previous BeadScan data. This function is intended to transform the data into a format compatible with beadarray.
processSwathData(inputDir = NULL, outputDir = NULL, twoColour=NULL, textstring="_perBeadFile.txt", segmentHeight = 326, segmentWidth = 397, fullOutput = FALSE, newTextString=".txt", verbose = FALSE)
processSwathData(inputDir = NULL, outputDir = NULL, twoColour=NULL, textstring="_perBeadFile.txt", segmentHeight = 326, segmentWidth = 397, fullOutput = FALSE, newTextString=".txt", verbose = FALSE)
inputDir |
Character string specifying the directory containing the data to be processed. If left |
outputDir |
Similar to the above, specifying the directory where the output should be written. If left |
twoColour |
Boolean value specifying whether the data is one or two channel. If left NULL the function will attempt to determing the number of channels be examing the files present in the directory. |
textstring |
String specifying the suffix to identify the text file containing original bead-level data. |
segmentHeight |
Each array section is made up of several segments of beads, arranged in an hexagonal pattern. This value specifies the number of rows in a segment, and can be found in the accompanying .sdf file (<SizeGridX>). In the future we will attempt to automate this. |
segmentWidth |
Similar to the above argument, this specifies the number of columns in an array segment (<SizeGridY>). |
fullOutput |
Boolean value specifying the type of output. More details are given below. |
newTextString |
Suffix for the two new "per swath" bead-level text file. |
verbose |
Boolean value that, if TRUE, directs the function to print progress to the screen. |
Data from the iScan system comes with two images of each array section (along with two .locs files), which are labelled Swath1 and Swath2. These two images are of the two halves of the array section, with an overlapping region in the middle. However, there is only one bead-level text file, with no indication as to which of the two images each entry comes from. Given this, simply reading the bead-level text file will result in any function that uses bead locations performing undesirably.
This function works to try and deconvolute the bead-level data and create two files, one per swath, which can then be read independently into beadarray.
The exact content of the output files depends upon the fullOutput
argument. If the default value of FALSE
is selected the function compares the coordinates in the "perBeadFile.txt" file with those found in the two .locs files, in order to determine which swath each bead is from. From this two new bead-level text files (with names containing "Swath1" and "Swath2" are created, containing all the beads from the orginal file. If the .locs files are not present this process will fail and the assigning of beads to swaths cannot be performed.
If the fullOutput
argument is set to TRUE
both text files contain all the beads that can be identified in their respective images. Assuming that both the .locs and .tif files are present, we can use the bead-centre coordinates stored in the .locs files to calculate intensity values for beads in both images, even if no intensity is recorded Illumina's text file. Any bead that is found in the overlapping region, and thus appearing in both images, will have two intensities calculated. The files that are created contain the same data as regular bead-level text files, but with an additional column entitled "Weights". Beads that appear in both images are assigned a weight of 0.5 (since the are two intensity values for them), whilst all other beads are given a weigth of 1. If the TIFF images aren't available the intensities cannot be calculate, so the output will default to the same as if fullOutput = FALSE
This function is called for its side effects, which is to produce two text files containing the beads match to the approriate swath. No value it returned by the function.
Mike Smith and Andy Lynch
A utility function for quickly creating summary values for particular IDs (e.g. control IDs) on a given section.
quickSummary(BLData, array = 1, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, reporterIDs = NULL, reporterTags = NULL, reporterFun = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
quickSummary(BLData, array = 1, transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, reporterIDs = NULL, reporterTags = NULL, reporterFun = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
BLData |
a |
array |
Which section to summarize |
transFun |
a transformation to be applied prior to summarization |
reporterIDs |
vector specifying the set of IDs to be summarized |
reporterTags |
a vector that divides the supplied IDs into categories |
reporterFun |
a function used to summarize each category |
The function can be used to calculate summarized values for particular control types on a section. The IDs for all controls are supplied in the reporterIDs
argument along with which control type they belong to in the reporterTags
argument. A summarized value for each control type is then calculated with the specified function (default is mean).
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) quickSummary(exampleBLData, array=1) quickSummary(exampleBLData, array=2) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) quickSummary(exampleBLData, array=1) quickSummary(exampleBLData, array=2) }
Function to read the output of Illumina's BeadStudio software into beadarray
readBeadSummaryData(dataFile, qcFile=NULL, sampleSheet=NULL, sep="\t", skip=8, ProbeID="ProbeID", columns = list(exprs = "AVG_Signal", se.exprs="BEAD_STDERR", nObservations = "Avg_NBEADS", Detection="Detection Pval"), qc.sep="\t", qc.skip=8, controlID="ProbeID", qc.columns = list(exprs="AVG_Signal", se.exprs="BEAD_STDERR", nObservations="Avg_NBEADS", Detection="Detection Pval"), illuminaAnnotation=NULL, dec=".", quote="", annoCols = c("TargetID", "PROBE_ID","SYMBOL"))
readBeadSummaryData(dataFile, qcFile=NULL, sampleSheet=NULL, sep="\t", skip=8, ProbeID="ProbeID", columns = list(exprs = "AVG_Signal", se.exprs="BEAD_STDERR", nObservations = "Avg_NBEADS", Detection="Detection Pval"), qc.sep="\t", qc.skip=8, controlID="ProbeID", qc.columns = list(exprs="AVG_Signal", se.exprs="BEAD_STDERR", nObservations="Avg_NBEADS", Detection="Detection Pval"), illuminaAnnotation=NULL, dec=".", quote="", annoCols = c("TargetID", "PROBE_ID","SYMBOL"))
dataFile |
character string specifying the name of the file containing the BeadStudio output for each probe on each array in an experiment (required). Ideally this should be the 'SampleProbeProfile' from BeadStudio. |
qcFile |
character string giving the name of the file containing the control probe intensities (optional). This file should be either the 'ControlProbeProfile' or 'ControlGeneProfile' from BeadStudio. |
sampleSheet |
character string used to specify the file containing sample infomation (optional) |
sep |
field separator character for the |
skip |
number of header lines to skip at the top of |
ProbeID |
character string of the column in |
columns |
list defining the column headings in |
qc.sep |
field separator character for |
qc.skip |
number of header lines to skip at the top of |
controlID |
character string specifying the column in |
qc.columns |
list defining the column headings in |
illuminaAnnotation |
character string specifying the name of the annotation package (only available for certain expression arrays at present) |
dec |
the character used in the |
quote |
the set of quoting characters (disabled by default) |
annoCols |
additional columns containing annotation to be read from the file |
This function can be used to read gene expression data exported
from versions 1,2 and 3 of the Illumina BeadStudio application.
The format of the BeadStudio output will depend on the version number.
For example, the file may be comma or tab separated of have header
information at the top of the file. The parameters sep
and skip
can be used to adapt the function as required (i.e. skip=7 is
appropriate for data from earlier version of BeadStudio, and skip=0 is
required if header information hasn't been exported.
The format of the BeadStudio file is assumed to have one row for each probe sequence in the experiment and a set number of columns for each array. The columns which are exported for each array are chosen by the user when running BeadStudio. At a minimum, columns for average intensity standard error, the number of beads and detection scores should be exported, along with a column which contains a unique identifier for each bead type (usually named "ProbeID").
It is assumed that the average bead intensities for each array appear in
columns with headings of the form 'AVG\_Signal-ARRAY1',
'AVG\_Signal-ARRAY2',...,'AVG\_Signal-ARRAYN' for the N arrays found in the
file. All other column headings are matched in the same way using the character
strings specified in the columns
NOTE: With version 2 of BeadStudio it is possible to export annotation and sequence information along with the intensities. We \_don't\_ recommend exporting this information, as special characters found in the annotation columns can cause problems when reading in the data. This annotation information can be retrieved later on from other Bioconductor packages.
The default object created by readBeadSummaryData is an
If the control intensities have been exported from BeadStudio
('ControlProbeProfile') this may be read into beadarray as well. The
, qc.sep
and qc.columns
parameters can be
used to adjust for the contents of the file. If the 'ControlGeneProfile'
is exported, you will need to set controlID="TargetID"
Sample sheet information can also be used. This is a file format used by Illumina to specify which sample has been hybridised to each array in the experiment.
Note that if the probe identifiers are non-unique, the duplicated
rows are removed. This may occur if the 'SampleGeneProfile' is
exported from BeadStudio and/or ProbeID="TargetID"
is specified
(the "ProbeID" column has a unique identifier in the 'SampleProbeProfile',
whereas the "TargetID" may not, as multiple beads can target the same
An ExpressionSetIllumina
Mark Dunning and Mike Smith
##Read the example data from ##http://www.switchtoi.com/datasets/asuragenmadqc/AsuragenMAQC_BeadStudioOutput.zip ##To follow this example, download the zip file ## Not run: dataFile = "AsuragenMAQC-probe-raw.txt" qcFile = "AsuragenMAQC-controls.txt" BSData = readBeadSummaryData(dataFile=dataFile, qcFile=qcFile, controlID="ProbeID",skip=0,qc.skip=0, qc.columns=list(exprs = "AVG_Signal")) ## End(Not run)
##Read the example data from ##http://www.switchtoi.com/datasets/asuragenmadqc/AsuragenMAQC_BeadStudioOutput.zip ##To follow this example, download the zip file ## Not run: dataFile = "AsuragenMAQC-probe-raw.txt" qcFile = "AsuragenMAQC-controls.txt" BSData = readBeadSummaryData(dataFile=dataFile, qcFile=qcFile, controlID="ProbeID",skip=0,qc.skip=0, qc.columns=list(exprs = "AVG_Signal")) ## End(Not run)
Function to read IDAT files into beadarray.
readIdatFiles(idatFiles = NULL)
readIdatFiles(idatFiles = NULL)
idatFiles |
A vector of file paths to the idat files that are to be read. |
This function allows IDAT files, produced during the BeadArray scanning,
to be read directly into beadarray
. This removes the requirement to
use Illumina's GenomeStudio software to convert such files into an ASCII format
before they can be processed.
The expection is that IDAT files from expression BeadArrays will be read using this function. However, this is not currently checked for explicitly and it is possible that files from other platforms may be read successfully.
If files from a two-colour array are to be read, they should all be listed
in the idatFiles
argument. The function will determine two-colour data
is present and act accordingly. If unequal numbers of green and red files are
supplied, or the names of the array sections do not match, the function will
IDAT files often contain probes that are used as internal controls and are not annotated by Illumina. Such probes are not included in the output of this function.
An ExpressionSetIllumina
Mike Smith
Reads bead-level ouput by Illumina's BeadScan software.
readIllumina(dir = ".", useImages = FALSE, illuminaAnnotation = NULL, sectionNames = NULL, metricsFile = "Metrics.txt", forceIScan = FALSE, dec = ".", sampleSheet="sampleSheet.csv",...)
readIllumina(dir = ".", useImages = FALSE, illuminaAnnotation = NULL, sectionNames = NULL, metricsFile = "Metrics.txt", forceIScan = FALSE, dec = ".", sampleSheet="sampleSheet.csv",...)
dir |
Directory from which to read the data, the default being the current working directory. If this is set to NULL, a sample sheet can be used (see below) |
useImages |
Boolean value specifying if bead intensities should be read directly from the source text files or calculated using the bead centre coordinates and image files. More details on the intensity calculation used are given below. |
illuminaAnnotation |
Character string specifiying the Illumina platform on which the data were generated. This is optional and will help to automate some analyses on expression data. Currently the choices for this argument are Humanv4, Humanv3, Humanv2, Humanv1, Mousev2, Mousev1, Mousev1p1, Ratv1. |
sectionNames |
Optional vector of character strings corresponding to section names to be read in. Typically these are the 10 digit numeric ID of Illumina chip followed by an underscore and capital letter |
metricsFile |
Optional name of a metrics file to be read in from the directory. Defaults to Metrics.txt. See details below for more information. |
forceIScan |
Only necessary for data from iScan machines. When TRUE, this argument forces beadarray to read data from files with the "perBeadFile.txt" extension, rather than seeking a file per swath. Use this if you are receiving the error "iScan data detected. This must first be processed with the function processSwathData()", but don't have access to .locs and .tif files for the array. |
dec |
Decimal point character. This should be a character string containing just one single-byte character. |
sampleSheet |
A comma-separated file that can be used to define the sections that make up the experiment to be analysed. See readSampleSheet for the specifications of this file |
... |
Other arguments to pass when reading bead-level text files. |
The bead-level data can be generated by any Illumina assay (expression, genotyping, methylation) and via BeadChips or Sentrix Array Matrix. However, some operations within the package are optimised for expression data. For optimal performance, BeadScan needs to be modified to output coordinates for each bead and to include outliers. See http://www.compbio.group.cam.ac.uk/Resources/illumina/index.html for details.
If present, the function will automatically read the following files from the directory
.txt Text file that lists the ID, coordinates and intensity for every decoded bead on an array section. The intensities have been subjected to a local background correction. If useImages = FALSE
these intensities will be used as a starting point for analysis
.sdf Illumina\'s Sample Description File for the entire chip or SAM. This is used within beadarray to determine the physical properties of a section.
.locs Locations of all beads on the array (i.e. including all those that could not be decoded)
Metrics.txt Illumina\'s metrics that are produced at the time of scanning. Identification of the Metrics file is defined by the metricsFile
argument. Internally, this argument is passed to grep. The default will thus find other items such as "Metrics.txt2" or "OtherMetrics.txt". To avoid these being read you can use a more specific regex such as "^Metrics.txt$".
Separate functionality exists to read and manipulate TIFF images that may be found in the same directory. See readTIFF
If useImage
is set to TRUE
, intensities are extracted from the TIFF images using the bead-centre coordinates provided in the text file. Foreground values are calculated from a sharpened version of the image as described in Kuhn et al. Background values are calculated as the median of the 5 lowest pixels in a 17x17 pixel square around the bead-centre, detailed in Smith et al.
Returns an object of class beadLevelData-class
Mike Smith, Mark Dunning, Andy Lynch
Kuhn K, Baker SC, Chudin E, Lieu MH, Oeser S, Bennett H, Rigault P, Barker D, McDaniel TK, Chee MS. A novel, high-performance random array platform for quantitative gene expression profiling. Genome Research. 2004;14(11):2347-2356
Smith ML, Dunning MJ, Tavare S, Lynch AG. Identification and correction of previously unreported spatial phenomena using raw Illumina BeadArray data. BMC Bioinformatics. 2010;11:208
Reads the binary Illumina bead location files and returns a matrix of the coordinate pairs for every bead on the array.
fileName |
A string containing the name of the “.locs” file to be read. |
The locs file contains bead centre locations for every bead on the array, unlike the bead level text files, with contain just the beads that were decoded. Reading these can be useful if one wants to verify that the image registration was successful, or is interested in the locations of the undecoded beads.
The locs file itself is in a binary format, with each of the bead locations stored as a pair of doubles. The first 2 bytes contain header information, with the 3rd byte containing the number of probes on the array. The location information begins with the 4th byte.
Returns a two column matrix of bead coordinates, one row per bead.
Mike Smith
Read a comma-separated sample sheet into beadarray, which can then be used to annotate the data that beadarray reads in and add relevant metadata to the analysis.
readSampleSheet(sheet = "sampleSheet.csv")
readSampleSheet(sheet = "sampleSheet.csv")
sheet |
A file name for the sample sheet |
The sample sheet should describe all sections are expected to be part of the experiment, along with any relevant metadata. We assume the GenomeStudio sample sheet specification, with [Data] and [Header] sections. The Data section is where the sample metadata are defined. One row is required for each section, and the columns Sentrix\_ID, Sentrix\_Position, Sample\_Name, Sample\_Group must be present. The Sentrix\_ID and Sentrix\_Position columns give the name of the chip (usually a 10 digit number) and slot (a letter A to L) where a given sample was hybridised to. The Sample\_Group and Sample\_Name columns can take any valid R name. If there are muliple images per section, for example for Mouse WG-6 data, which have bead-level data suffixed by A\_1, A\_2, B\_1, B\_2 etc, only one entry is required in the sample sheet for sections A and B. beadarray will duplicate the metadata as neccessary.
a list comprised of a tabular sample table and any header information that is present.
Mark Dunning
Reads Illumina tiff images and produces a matrix of pixel values.
readTIFF(fileName, path = NULL, verbose = FALSE, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL)
readTIFF(fileName, path = NULL, verbose = FALSE, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL)
fileName |
String specifying the name of the tiff image to be read. |
path |
String specifying the path to the desired image. The default value of NULL means the current working directory will be used. |
verbose |
If TRUE then details from the header of the tiff are printed as it is read. These include things like the byte order, the number of pixels in the image, the number of tags in the header etc. Defaults to FALSE as this is generally not of interest. |
xlim |
Used to specify a subsection of the image to read in. Takes a two entry vector e.g c(m,n) specifying that only pixels with x-coordinates between m and n (inclusive) should be read in. |
ylim |
Same a xlim, but for the y-cordinates. |
This function has been specifically written to read the grayscale tiff images which are produced by the Illumina scanners. It is not generic enough to read all tiff files, although this functionality may be added in the future.
Given that the raw images can be quite large, functionality has also been included to read tiffs that have been compressed as either .bz2 or .gz files. Identification is performed based on the file extension and it is assumed that each tif is compressed individually. Support for zip files may be added in the future.
Returns a matrix with the same dimensions as the pixels in the tiff file to be read in.
Mike Smith
Retrieves the section names from a beadLevelData
sectionNames(object, arrays=NULL)
sectionNames(object, arrays=NULL)
object |
Object of class |
arrays |
integer (scalar or vector) specifying the sections/arrays to retrieve the names of. When |
retrieves the name of the sections from the sectionInfo slot.
A character vector containing the names of the individual sections.
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) sectionNames(exampleBLData) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) sectionNames(exampleBLData) }
Function for committing the weights calculated by BASH into the beadLevelData object
setWeights(BLData, wts, array, combine = FALSE, wtName = "wts")
setWeights(BLData, wts, array, combine = FALSE, wtName = "wts")
BLData |
a |
wts |
the wts component of the BASH output |
array |
a vector of arrays that we want to set the weights for |
combine |
if TRUE combine the weights with existing weights (if they exist) |
wtName |
name of column to assign weights to |
Modified beadLevelData object
Mark Dunning
Prints a summary of an objects contents.
## S4 method for signature 'beadLevelData' show(object) ## S4 method for signature 'ExpressionSetIllumina' show(object)
## S4 method for signature 'beadLevelData' show(object) ## S4 method for signature 'ExpressionSetIllumina' show(object)
object |
An object of class |
is commonly invoked by simply entering the name of an object. Calling it on the classes defined in beadarray will print a summary of the object contents, with the actual output dependent on the class of the object.
Output for the beadLevelData
class is broken down into three sections: experiment information, data that relate to each array section and data for individual beads. The full information relating to the first two groups will be display, with only a short summary of the per-bead information shown (currently 5 beads from the first section).
The ExpressionSetIllumina
class is based up the eSet class and the output from show
is closely related, with a short summary of the contents of available slots.
Mark Dunning
Function to display beads masked by BASH. The masked beads are assumed to have a weight of 0 in the specified weights column.
showArrayMask(BLData,array = 0, override = FALSE, wtsName = "wts", transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod, horizontal=TRUE)
showArrayMask(BLData,array = 0, override = FALSE, wtsName = "wts", transFun = logGreenChannelTransform, outlierFun = illuminaOutlierMethod, horizontal=TRUE)
BLData |
A BeadLevelList object. |
override |
Logical. Plotting a large mask can cause slowdown problems. By default, if more than 200 000 beads are masked, the current mask will not be plotted. You can force the mask to be plotted by setting this argument to |
wtsName |
name under which the bead weights are stored |
array |
numeric index of the array to plot |
transFun |
function to transform intensities prior to calculating outliers |
outlierFun |
function to remove outliers |
horizontal |
if TRUE the resulting image is plotting with the longest edge along the x axis |
plots the beads on an array that have been assigned a weight of 0 by BASH in red, and beads determined to be outliers in black.
None returned
Jonathan Cairns and Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) showArrayMask(exampleBLData,2) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) showArrayMask(exampleBLData,2) }
An outlier calling method that shrinks the observed variance for a bead-type towards the predicted variance based on all bead-types on the array-section.
squeezedVarOutlierMethod(inten, probeList, wts=1, n = 3, predictNlim=14)
squeezedVarOutlierMethod(inten, probeList, wts=1, n = 3, predictNlim=14)
inten |
a list of intensities |
probeList |
the IDs corresponding to each intensity value |
wts |
Weights associated with beads, indicating those recommended for removal by,
for example, |
n |
number of SDs cutoff used |
predictNlim |
how many beads of a bead-type must be present for that bead-type to contribute to prediction of variances? |
This function is called within the summarize
routine of beadarray to exclude outlying beads from an array-section prior to summary. The intensities are not assumed to be on any particular scale and can result from any user-defined transformation function, however a log-transformation is recommended.
Bead-types that have predictNlim
numbers are used to locally regress bead-type precision against bead-type mean, as well as the squared residual error of bead-type precision against bead-type mean. These are then used as prior values for the distribution of precision to feed into a standard Bayesian calcuation to obtain an estimate of the posterior variance.
Beads with weight zero do not contribute to the outlier calling.
the positions in the original vector that were determined to be outliers
Andy Lynch
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) oList = squeezedVarOutlierMethod( logGreenChannelTransform(exampleBLData, 1), getBeadData(exampleBLData, array=1, what="ProbeID") ) }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) oList = squeezedVarOutlierMethod( logGreenChannelTransform(exampleBLData, 1), getBeadData(exampleBLData, array=1, what="ProbeID") ) }
Function to summarize the data in a beadLevelData
object into a form more ameanable for downstream analysis (with the same number of observations for each bead type).
summarize(BLData, channelList = list(greenChannel), probeIDs=NULL, useSampleFac = FALSE, sampleFac= NULL, weightNames = "wts", removeUnMappedProbes = TRUE)
summarize(BLData, channelList = list(greenChannel), probeIDs=NULL, useSampleFac = FALSE, sampleFac= NULL, weightNames = "wts", removeUnMappedProbes = TRUE)
BLData |
An object of class beadLevelData |
channelList |
List of objects of class illuminaChannel that defines the summarisation to be performed. The default is to do a log2 transformation and report the mean and standard deviation of each bead type after outlier removal. |
probeIDs |
Vector of ArrayAddressIDs to be included in the summarized object. The default is to summarize all probes. |
useSampleFac |
if TRUE sections belonging to the same biological sample will be combined. The default is to summarize each section separately. |
sampleFac |
optional character vector giving which a sample identifer for each section |
weightNames |
name of column in the |
removeUnMappedProbes |
if TRUE and annotation information is stored in the |
From beadarray version 2.0 onwards, users are allowed more flexibility in how to create summarized data from bead-level data. The illuminaChannel
is a means of allowing this flexibility by definining how summarization will be performed on each array section in the bead-level data object. The three keys steps applied to each section are; 1) use a transform function to get the quantities to be summarized (one value per bead). The most common use-case would be to extract the Green channel intensities and possibly perform a log2 transformation. 2) remove any outliers from this list of values 3) split the values according to ArrayAddressIDs and apply the definied exprFun
and varFun
to the quantities belonging to each ArrayAddress.
Some Illumina chips have multiple sections for the same biological sample; for example the HumanWG-6 chip or the Infinium genotyping chips. For such cases it may be more convenient to produce a summarized object where each column in the output is a different biological sample. This is especially important for genotpying chips where different SNPs are interrogated on the different sections, making a section-based summary problematic.
If the useSampleFac
argument is set to TRUE, beadarray will try and combine sections belonging to the same sample. If the location of the sdf file for the chip is sucessfully stored in the experimentData
slot of the beadLevelData
object, the sdf will be interrogated to determine how samples were allocated to the chip. Otherwise the user can specifiy a sample factor that is the same length as the number of sections. If the sample factor is not supplied, or cannot be determined, then beadarray will summarize each section separately.
During the course of the summary, ArrayAddressIDs present in the beadLevelData
object will be converted to Illumina IDs (prefix ILMN) if the annotation of the object was set by readIllumina
or setAnnotation
. The rownames of the resulting ExpressionSetIllumina will be set to these new IDs, and the featureData
slot will contain the original and new IDs. Any control probes present in the beadLevelData
object will retain their original ArrayAddressID and the Status vector in featureData
will report if each probe is a control or regular probe. Some ArrayAddressIDs present in the beadLevelData
object may be neither regular probes will ILMN IDs, or control probes. These are internal controls used by Illumina and can be stopped from appearing in the summarized object by choosing the removeUnmappedProbes = TRUE
The user can specify a vector of ArrayAddressIDs to be summarized using the probeIDs
argument. Otherwise, a unique set of IDs is derived from all the array sections in the beadLevelData
Returns an object of class ExpressionSetIllumina
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) bsd = summarize(exampleBLData) myMean = function(x) mean(x,na.rm=TRUE) mySd = function(x) sd(x,na.rm=TRUE) greenChannel = new("illuminaChannel", logGreenChannelTransform, illuminaOutlierMethod, myMean, mySd, "G" ) bsd = summarize(exampleBLData, channelList = list(greenChannel)) bsd }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) bsd = summarize(exampleBLData) myMean = function(x) mean(x,na.rm=TRUE) mySd = function(x) sd(x,na.rm=TRUE) greenChannel = new("illuminaChannel", logGreenChannelTransform, illuminaOutlierMethod, myMean, mySd, "G" ) bsd = summarize(exampleBLData, channelList = list(greenChannel)) bsd }
object for easier visualisation or summarisation.
Functions for transforming the data store in a beadLevelData
object for easier visualisation or summarisation.
logGreenChannelTransform(BLData, array) logRedChannelTransform(BLData, array) logRatioTransform(BLData, array)
logGreenChannelTransform(BLData, array) logRedChannelTransform(BLData, array) logRatioTransform(BLData, array)
BLData |
array |
numeric specifying the section to be transformed |
beadarray aims to support the whole range of data that can be generated by the Illumina BeadArray technology and allows users to build upon the functionality in the package to make pipeline to automtically process their own data and develop new methodologies. Therefore we have made the quality assessment and summarisation tools general enough to take any kind of values that can be derived from the beadLevelData object. This is achieved by the definition of transformation functions that can be used throughout the package whenever a function is operating on data on a per-section basis.
The default transformation is to take the data from the Green channel (column Grn in the beadLevelData object) and perform a log2 transformation and is the default to functions such as boxplot
or imageplot
Users with two channel data (e.g. data from methylation and SNP assays) can use the logRedChannelTransform
function which instead extracts the red channel on the log2 scale or logRatioTransform
Transformation functions return a numeric vector with the same length as the number of beads for the particular section.
Mark Dunning
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) head(exampleBLData[[1]]) log2(getBeadData(exampleBLData, array=1,what="Grn")[1:10]) logGreenChannelTransform(exampleBLData, array=1)[1:10] }
if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) head(exampleBLData[[1]]) log2(getBeadData(exampleBLData, array=1,what="Grn")[1:10]) logGreenChannelTransform(exampleBLData, array=1)[1:10] }
This function identifies those beads that have been set to having a weight of 0. Primarily intended to allow deprecation of the function showArrayMask
by the more flexible outlierplot.
weightsOutlierMethod(inten, probeList, wts,n=3)
weightsOutlierMethod(inten, probeList, wts,n=3)
inten |
a list of intensities but the intensities are not in fact used |
probeList |
the IDs corresponding to each intensity value (not used) |
wts |
Weights associated with beads. |
n |
another parameter that is not, in fact, used. |
This function the locations at which wts is equal to zero.
the positions in the original vector that had weight zero
Andy Lynch
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) outlierplot(exampleBLData, array=1, outlierFun = weightsOutlierMethod,horizontal = FALSE) } ## End(Not run)
## Not run: if(require(beadarrayExampleData)){ data(exampleBLData) outlierplot(exampleBLData, array=1, outlierFun = weightsOutlierMethod,horizontal = FALSE) } ## End(Not run)