Package 'bamsignals'

Title: Extract read count signals from bam files
Description: This package allows to efficiently obtain count vectors from indexed bam files. It counts the number of reads in given genomic ranges and it computes reads profiles and coverage profiles. It also handles paired-end data.
Authors: Alessandro Mammana [aut, cre], Johannes Helmuth [aut]
Maintainer: Johannes Helmuth <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.39.0
Built: 2025-02-05 05:57:48 UTC

Help Index

Converts the container to a list l such that l[[i]] is the i-th signal.


Converts the container to a list l such that l[[i]] is the i-th signal.


## S3 method for class 'CountSignals'
as.list(x, ...)



A CountSignals object


not used


a list l such that l[[i]] is x[i].

Efficient counting of reads in a bam file


Functions and classes for extracting signals from a bam file. Differently than the other packages, this package is not supposed to import reads in R. All the read-processing is done in C/C++ and the only output are read counts.


Alessandro Mammana [email protected]

Johannes Helmuth [email protected]

See Also

bamsignals-methods for the functions and CountSignals for the class.

Functions for extracting count signals from a bam file.


Functions for extracting count signals from a bam file.

bamCount: for each range, count the reads whose 5' end map in it.

bamProfile: for each base pair in the ranges, compute the number of reads whose 5' end maps there.

bamCoverage: for each base pair in the ranges, compute the number of reads covering it.


## S4 method for signature 'character,GenomicRanges'
bamCount(bampath, gr, mapqual = 0,
  shift = 0, ss = FALSE, paired.end = c("ignore", "filter", "midpoint"),
  tlenFilter = NULL, filteredFlag = -1, verbose = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'character,GenomicRanges'
bamProfile(bampath, gr, binsize = 1,
  mapqual = 0, shift = 0, ss = FALSE, paired.end = c("ignore", "filter",
  "midpoint"), tlenFilter = NULL, filteredFlag = -1, verbose = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'character,GenomicRanges'
bamCoverage(bampath, gr, mapqual = 0,
  paired.end = c("ignore", "extend"), tlenFilter = NULL,
  filteredFlag = -1, verbose = TRUE)



path to the bam file storing the read. The file must be indexed.


GenomicRanges object used to specify the regions. If a range is on the negative strand the profile will be reverse-complemented.


discard reads with mapping quality strictly lower than this parameter. The value 0 ensures that no read will be discarded, the value 254 that only reads with the highest possible mapping quality will be considered.


shift the read position by a user-defined number of basepairs. This can be handy in the analysis of chip-seq data.


produce a strand-specific profile or ignore the strand of the read. This option does not have any effect on the strand of the region. Strand-specific profiles are twice as long then strand-independent profiles.


a character string indicating how to handle paired-end reads. If paired.end!="ignore" then only first reads in proper mapped pairs will be considered (SAMFLAG 66, i.e. in the flag of the read, the bits in the mask 66 must be all ones).
If paired.end=="midpoint" then the midpoint of a filtered fragment is considered, where mid = fragment_start + int(abs(tlen)/2), and where tlen is the template length stored in the bam file. For even tlen, the given midpoint will be moved of 0.5 basepairs in the 3' direction (bamCount, bamProfile).
If paired.end=="extend" then the whole fragment is treated as a single read (bamCoverage).


A filter on fragment length as estimated from alignment in paired end experiments (TLEN). If set to c(min,max) only reads are considered where min <= TLEN <= max. If paired.end=="ignore", this argument is set to NULL and no filtering is done. If paired.end!="ignore", this argument defaults to c(0,1000).


Filter out reads with a certain flag set, e.g. "1024" to filter out PCR or optical duplicates.


a logical value indicating whether verbose output is desired


If the value is set to 1, the method will return basepair-resolution read densities, for bigger values the density profiles will be binned (and the memory requirements will scale accordingly).


A read position is always specified by its 5' end, so a read mapping to the reference strand is positioned at its leftmost coordinate, a read mapping to the alternative strand is positioned at its rightmost coordinate. This can be changed using the shift parameter.


  • bamProfile and bamCoverage: a CountSignals object with a signal per region

  • bamCount: a vector with one element per region or, if ss==TRUE, a matrix with one column per region and two rows (sense and antisense).

See Also

CountSignals for handling the return value of bamProfile and bamCoverage


## TOY DATA ##
bampath <- 
system.file("extdata", "randomBam.bam", package="bamsignals")
genes <- 
get(load(system.file("extdata", "randomAnnot.Rdata", package="bamsignals")))

## THE FUNCTION 'count' ##
#count how many reads map in each region (according to 5' end)
v <- bamCount(bampath, genes)
#plot it
labs <- paste0(seqnames(genes), ":", start(genes), "-", end(genes))
par(mar=c(5, 6, 4, 2))
barplot(v, names.arg=labs, main="read counts per region", las=2, 
	horiz=TRUE, cex.names=.6)

#distinguish between strands
v2 <- bamCount(bampath, genes, ss=TRUE)
#plot it
par(mar=c(5, 6, 4, 2))
barplot(v2, names.arg=labs, main="read counts per region", las=2, 
	horiz=TRUE, cex.names=.6, col=c("blue", "red"), legend=TRUE)

## THE FUNCTIONS 'bamProfile' and 'bamCoverage' ##
#count how many reads map to each base pair (according to 5' end)
pu <- bamProfile(bampath, genes)
#count how many reads cover each base pair
du <- bamCoverage(bampath, genes)
#plot it
xlab <- "offset from start of the region"
ylab <- "reads per base pair"
main <- paste0("read coverage and profile of the region ", labs[1])
plot(du[1], ylim=c(0, max(du[1])), ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, main=main, type="l")
lines(pu[1], lty=2)
llab <- c("covering the base pair", "5' end maps to the base pair")
legend("topright", llab, lty=c(1,2), bg="white")

proms <- promoters(genes, upstream=150, downstream=150)
#pileup according to strand
pu_ss <- bamProfile(bampath, proms, ss=TRUE)
#compute average over regions
avg_ss <- apply(alignSignals(pu_ss), 2, rowMeans)

#profile using a strand-specific shift
pu_shift <- bamProfile(bampath, proms, shift=75)
#compute average over regions
avg_shift <- rowMeans(alignSignals(pu_shift))

#profile using a strand-specific shift and a binning scheme
binsize <- 20
pu_shift_bin <- bamProfile(bampath, proms, shift=75, binsize=binsize)
#compute average over regions
avg_shift_bin <- rowMeans(alignSignals(pu_shift_bin))

#plot it
xs <- -149:150
main <- paste0("average read profile over ", length(proms), " promoters")
xlab <- "distance from TSS"
ylab <- "average reads per base pair"
plot(xs, avg_shift, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, type="l", 
	ylim=c(0, max(avg_shift)))
lines(xs, avg_ss["sense",], col="blue")
lines(xs, avg_ss["antisense",], col="red")
lines(xs, rep(avg_shift_bin/binsize, each=binsize), lty=2)
llabs <- 
c("sense reads", "antisense reads", "with shift", "binned and with shift")
legend("topright", llabs, col=c("blue", "red", "black", "black"),
	lty=c(1,1,1,2), bg="white")

Container for count signals


This s4 class is a tiny wrapper around a normal list (stored in the signals slot) and it is the output of the methods in the bamsignals package. Among other things the container provides an accessor method, that returns single signals as vectors and matrices, and the methods as.list and alignSignals, that convert the container to a list or an array/matrix respectively. A CountSignals object is read-only, i.e. it cannot be modified.


## S4 method for signature 'CountSignals'

## S4 method for signature 'CountSignals'

## S4 method for signature 'CountSignals,ANY'
x[i, drop = TRUE]

## S4 method for signature 'CountSignals'

## S4 method for signature 'CountSignals'



A CountSignals object


Index for subsetting. It can be a single index as well as a vector of indices.


In case i is a vector of length 1, after subsetting, collapse the CountSignal object to a single signal or not.


return values are described in the Methods section.

Methods (by generic)

  • length: Number of contained signals

  • width: Width of each signal. If the CountSignals object csig is strand-specific then width(csig)[i] == ncol(csig[i]), otherwise width(csig)[i] = length(csig[i]).

  • [: Access single signals or subset the CountSignals object. If i is a single index and drop==TRUE then the accessor returns a single signal. If x is strand-specific then a single signal is a matrix with two rows, the first for the sense, the second for the antisense strand. Otherwise a signle signal is simply a vector of integers. If i is a vector of length different than 1, then the acessor returns a subset of the CountSignals object. Invalid indices result into errors.

  • as.list: Converts the container to a list l such that l[[i]] is the i-th signal.

  • alignSignals: Convert to a matrix or to an array. This is only possible if all signals have the same width w. If the CountSignals object csig is strand-specific, the result is an array of dimensions [2, w, length(csig)], otherwise it will be a matrix of dimensions [w, length(csig)].



A single boolean value indicating whether all signals are strand-specific or not


A list of integer vectors (if ss==TRUE) or of integer matrices, representing each signal

See Also

bamsignals-methods for the functions that produce this object


#get a CountSignals object
bampath <- 
system.file("extdata", "randomBam.bam", package="bamsignals")
genes <- 
get(load(system.file("extdata", "randomAnnot.Rdata", package="bamsignals")))
csig <- bamProfile(bampath, genes, ss=TRUE)

#show it

#number of contained signals
len <- length(csig)

#width of each signal
w <- width(csig)

#get one element as a vector (or matrix)
v <- csig[1]

#use as if it was a list
tot_per_sig <- sapply(csig, sum)

#convert to a list
siglist <- as.list(csig)

#get regions and signals of the same width
proms <- promoters(genes, upstream=150, downstream=150)
csig <- bamCoverage(bampath, proms)

#convert to matrix
mat <- alignSignals(csig)