To cite package ‘bacon’ in publications use: van Iterson, M., van Zwet, E.W., Heijmans, B.T. (2017). “Controlling bias and inflation in epigenome- and transcriptome-wide association studies using the empirical null distribution.” _Genome Biology_, *18*(1), 19. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, author = {{van Iterson} and {M.} and {van Zwet} and {E.W.} and {Heijmans} and {B.T.}}, title = {Controlling bias and inflation in epigenome- and transcriptome-wide association studies using the empirical null distribution.}, journal = {Genome Biology}, year = {2017}, volume = {18}, number = {1}, pages = {19}, month = {Jan}, }