Summary Read Report

Explanation of variables

Experiment Count - how many IDs belongs to this barcode
Read Count - how many reads belongs to this barcode
Bad Base Quality - how many reads had base quality worse than specified (default is 0)
Bad Average Quality - how many reads had average base quality worse than specified (default is 0)
Bad Alphabet - how many reads had alphabet with bases other than A, C, G, T
Filtered Read Count - how many reads were left after filtering
Unique Reads - how many reads (forward and reverse together) for this barcode is unique
Assigned Reads/Unassigned Reads - how many reads have been assigned/not assigned to any of the experiments

Total reads

Read Quality

Read assignment


Reads by barcode

Summary Table

Barcodes Experiment Count Read Count Bad base quality Bad average quality Bad alphabet Good Reads Unique Reads Unassigned Reads Assigned Reads
barcode_1 2 20 0 3 0 17 11 4 7
barcode_2 3 21 0 0 0 21 9 0 9

Table 1. Reads distributed for each barcode