UMI4Cats 1.1.9
- Allow selection of number of reads to load from FastQ file in prep and split
functions. Default: 1M reads (1e9).
- Minor fixes BiocCheck.
UMI4Cats 1.1.8
- Use 'query_regions' to select the restriction fragments to use for differential
testing in 'diffWaldUMI4C'.
UMI4Cats 1.1.7
- Fixed bug with limits of the log2 OR values when plotting differential
UMI4Cats 1.1.6
- Fixed bug in creation of gene annotation when an exon belongs to more
than one transcript.
- Fixed bug when only one sample is provided (no name in assay columns).
UMI4Cats 1.1.5
- Fixed bug in selection of reference UMI4C sample when more than 1 sample
has the same number of total UMIs. Now it will select the first one.
The selection of sample to use as reference can be overriden by the
'ref_umi4c' argument.
UMI4Cats 1.1.4
- Fixed bug in domainogram plotting where white color was not aligned
with 0 log2 FC.
UMI4Cats 1.1.3
- Fixed bug when providing a reference sample to use for normalizing UMI
UMI4Cats 1.1.2
- Fixed bug when 'cut_pos'!=0 that generated a gap in the digested genome
object (see issue #8)
UMI4Cats 0.99.21
- Improvements in vignette and documentation.
UMI4Cats 0.99.20
- Avoid duplication of fragment end calculation in plotDifferential for
DESeq2 results.
UMI4Cats 0.99.19
- Minor documentation changes to pass Bioconductor checks.
UMI4Cats 0.99.18
- Fix DESeq2 example.
- Reduce size of installed example tsv.gz count files.
UMI4Cats 0.99.17
- Re-run example datasets and use again links from figshare.
UMI4Cats 0.99.16
- This version is not compatible with the .tsv.gz files created by
previous versions. You will need to run 'contactsUMI4C()' again to generate
updated .tsv.gz files.
- Improved grouping arguments for UMI-4C objects: now creates a new UMI-4C
object that can be accessed using 'groupsUMI4C(umi4c)$condition'. This allows
retaining replicate information in the main UMI4C object while allowing
plotting grouped trends stored in 'groupsUMI4C()'.
- Added new statistical test using DESeq2: 'differentialNbinomWaldTestUMI4C()'.
UMI4Cats 0.99.15
- Fixed duplicated read number in read id (.singlePrepUMI4C) (see issue #5).
- Changed example download urls to gattaca server.
UMI4Cats 0.99.14
- Fixed bug where adaptive smoothed trend was normalized twice (see issue #4).
UMI4Cats 0.99.11
- Uploaded example datasets urls in 'downloadUMI4CexampleData()' to a more
stable and permanent location (
UMI4Cats 0.99.10
- Avoid running long and redundant examples, already tested in the vignette to
avoid TIMEOUT build error.
UMI4Cats 0.99.9
- Add data object 'ex_ciita_umi4c' to use in examples and reduce check running
UMI4Cats 0.99.8
- Update package vignette to clarify the origin of the different sample files
used to exemplify a workflow using the UMI4Cats package.
UMI4Cats 0.99.7
- Added unit tests using 'testthat'.
- Use BiocFileCache to download sample files.
- Use tempdir() for demo purposes both in vignette and examples.
- Added inst\scripts to describe how the sample data was generated.
- Other minor changes to comply with Bioconductor review
UMI4Cats 0.99.6
- Delete downloaded and intermediate folders when building vignette.
- Added 'UMI4Cats_index' to .Rbuildignore to prevent ERRORs and
WARNINGs in BioCCheck.
UMI4Cats 0.99.5
- Increased speed of 'getViewpointCoordinates()' by allowing pre-selection
of viewpoint chromosome using 'sel_seqname' argument.
- Added reduced fastq files in extdata and allow downloading of reduced
bowtie index to increase vignette building speed.
UMI4Cats 0.99.4
- Added '.Rproj' files to .gitignore
UMI4Cats 0.99.3
- Changed example in vignette and manuals to *CIITA*.
- Added viewpoint name in 'plotTrend()'.
- Improved multi-panel plotting of 'plotUMI4C()'.
UMI4Cats 0.99.2
- Allow 'ref_umi4c' to be used as reference for plotting colors, domainogram
and differential analysis (not only for normalization).
- Fixed error when using 'sampleID' as 'grouping' variable in 'makeUMI4C()'.
- Fixed bug in 'results()' when 'fomat=data.frame' and 'ordered=TRUE'.
- Improved visualization of differential regions reconverting ‘Inf' and '-Inf'
to maximum and minimum (respectively) odd’s ratio values.
- Add more functionality details in the 'Analyzing UMI-4C data with UMI4Cats'
UMI4Cats 0.99.1
- Fixed error in function 'createGeneAnnotation' and 'plotGenes' that occurs
when there are no genes in the region or a gene has multiple identifiers.
- Fixed duplicated generics definition for 'SummarizedExperiment' objects to
avoid error when reloading the package.
- Fixed error when 'bait_exclusion' is set to 0.
- Added possibility to specify the sample to use as reference for normalization
('ref_umi4c' argument in 'makeUMI4C').
- Now the 'grouping' variable in 'makeUMI4C()' is used more upstream in the
analysis. For using different grouping variables, user must create different
'UMI4C' objects.
- Fixed bug where sometimes bait coordinates in the output tsv file are 'NA'.
- 'statsUMI4C' now also outputs a stats summary table in 'wk_dir/logs/stats_summary.txt'.
- Improve function documentation.
- Improve pkgdown UMI4Cats site.
- Rewrite and improve the 'Analyzing UMI-4C data with UMI4Cats' vignette.
UMI4Cats 0.99.0
- First public release of UMI4Cats.
- Added a '' file to track changes to the package.