TrIdent 0.99.3
- Updated vignette to print a select few plots rather than all the output
- Added a text document to the inst/script/ directory with specific code and
instructions for generating the sample pileup files used in the examples, vignette
- Fixed bug with verbose argument where verbose=FALSE still printed messages to
the console
- Updated use of 'if(verbose == TRUE)' to 'if(verbose)'
TrIdent 0.99.2
- Updated vignette and README with BiocManager installation instructions
- Moved Acknowledgements, Funding, and SessionInfo() to 'supplemental
section in vignette
- Changed TOC_depth from 2 to 3 in vignette
- Updated formatting of NEWS file
- Grouped related functions in .R files for easier troubleshooting
- Add verbose = TRUE/FALSE argument to allow users to choose whether to print
- Added co-authors to DESCRIPTION file
- Added additional logic for input file validation
- Added better descriptions of input file requirements in the main function
.man pages
- Added rendered summary histogram plot to output list
- Removed all usage of <<-
- Fixed improper usage of lapply
TrIdent 0.99.1
- Fixed unit tests for Bioc submission
TrIdent 0.99.0