Migrated createClusterMST()
to the TrajectoryUtils package.
Modified orderCells()
to return a more informative PseudotimeOrdering object.
Handle pseudotime matrices in testPseudotime()
by testing each path separately.
Support inclusion of custom row.data=
in each output DataFrame.
Added createClusterMST()
to create a cluster-based MST from a variety of inputs,
migrated from the scran package.
Added reportEdges()
to report edge coordinates for plotting.
Added mapCellsToEdges()
to map cells to the closest edge on the MST.
Added orderCells()
to compute a pseudotemporal ordering from mapped cells.
Added quickPseudotime()
to wrap MST construction and ordering into a single call.
Added testPseudotime()
to test for DE genes along one or more paths through a MST.
Added the rowmean()
utility to compute column means for row groupings.
Added perCellEntropy()
to compute per-cell entropies across various matrix types.