To cite TAPseq in publications please use: Schraivogel, D., Gschwind, A.R., Milbank, J.H. et al. Targeted Perturb-seq enables genome-scale genetic screens in single cells. Nature Methods 17, 629-635 (2020). A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {Targeted Perturb-seq enables genome-scale genetic screens in single cells}, author = {Daniel Schraivogel and Andreas R. Gschwind and Jennifer H. Milbank and Daniel R. Leonce and Petra Jakob and Lukas Mathur and Jan O. Korbel and Christoph A. Merten and Lars Velten and Lars M. Steinmetz}, journal = {Nature Methods}, volume = {17}, issue = {6}, pages = {629 - 635}, year = {2020}, issn = {1548-7091}, doi = {10.1038/s41592-020-0837-5}, pmid = {32483332}, }