Package 'SpatialExperiment'

Title: S4 Class for Spatially Resolved -omics Data
Description: Defines an S4 class for storing data from spatial -omics experiments. The class extends SingleCellExperiment to support storage and retrieval of additional information from spot-based and molecule-based platforms, including spatial coordinates, images, and image metadata. A specialized constructor function is included for data from the 10x Genomics Visium platform.
Authors: Dario Righelli [aut, cre], Davide Risso [aut], Helena L. Crowell [aut], Lukas M. Weber [aut], Nicholas J. Eagles [ctb]
Maintainer: Dario Righelli <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.17.0
Built: 2025-02-12 03:57:24 UTC

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Methods for handling image-related data


The set of functions described below is designed to handle the image-related data stored inside a SpatialExperiment's imgData int_metadata field. These include:

  • getImg, addImg, rmvImg to retrieve/add/remove an image entry to/from the imgData DataFrame

  • imgSource, imgRaster to retrieve the path/URL and raster object, respectively, associated with an image or set of images


## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'
getImg(x, sample_id = NULL, image_id = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'
addImg(x, imageSource, scaleFactor, sample_id, image_id, load = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'
rmvImg(x, sample_id = NULL, image_id = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'
imgSource(x, sample_id = NULL, image_id = NULL, path = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'
imgRaster(x, sample_id = NULL, image_id = NULL)

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'
rotateImg(x, sample_id = NULL, image_id = NULL, degrees = 90)

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'
mirrorImg(x, sample_id = NULL, image_id = NULL, axis = c("h", "v"))



a SpatialExperiment


character string, TRUE or NULL specifying sample/image identifier(s); here, TRUE is equivalent to all samples/images and NULL specifies the first available entry (see details)


see sample_id


a character string specifying an image file name (.png, .jpg or .tif) or URL to source the image from


single numeric scale factor used to rescale spatial coordinates according to the image's resolution


logical; should the image(s) be loaded into memory as a raster object? if FALSE, will store the path/URL instead


logical; for RemoteSpatialImages, TRUE returns the path to the image's cached file, and FALSE its URL. For Stored/LoadedSpatialImages, a path/NA is returned, irrespective of path.


single numeric in +/-[0,90,...,360] specifying how many degrees to rotate. A negative/positive value corresponds to counter-/clockwise rotation


character string specifying whether to mirror horizontally ("h") or vertically ("v")


getImg() returns a single or list of SpatialImage(s).

add/rmvImg() return a SpatialExperiment with modified imgData; specifically, they create/remove an image entry (row) in the imgData DataFrame.

imgRaster/Source() access relevant data in the SpatialImage(s) stored inside the imgData's data field. Depending on whether or not multiple entries are accessed, a character string or vector is returned by imgSource(), and a single or list of raster object(s) is returned by imgRaster().

rotate/mirrorImg() return a LoadedSpatialImage with modified a raster matrix.


Helena L. Crowell



# 'SpatialImage' accession
(spi <- getImg(spe))

# remove an image
spe <- rmvImg(spe,
  sample_id = "section1",
  image_id = "lowres")

# add an image
url <- ""
spe <- addImg(spe,
  sample_id = "section1",
  image_id = "pomeranian",
  imageSource = url,
  scaleFactor = NA_real_,
  load = FALSE)

# extract image
img <- imgRaster(spe,
  sample_id = "section1",
  image_id = "pomeranian")

# transformations #

# clockwise rotation
spe1 <- rotateImg(spe, 
  degrees = 90) # first image
spe2 <- rotateImg(spe, 
  sample_id = TRUE,
  image_id = TRUE, 
  degrees = 90) # all images

par(mfrow = c(1, 3))

# horizontal/vertical mirroring
spe1 <- mirrorImg(spe, axis = "h")
spe2 <- mirrorImg(spe, axis = "v")

par(mfrow = c(1, 3))

Load data from a 10x Genomics Visium experiment


Creates a SpatialExperiment from the Space Ranger output directories for 10x Genomics Visium spatial gene expression data.


  samples = "",
  sample_id = paste0("sample", sprintf("%02d", seq_along(samples))),
  type = c("HDF5", "sparse"),
  data = c("filtered", "raw"),
  images = "lowres",
  load = TRUE



a character vector specifying one or more directories, each corresponding to a 10x Genomics Visium sample (see Details); if provided, names will be used as sample identifiers


character string specifying unique sample identifiers, one for each directory specified via samples; ignored if !is.null(names(samples))


character string specifying the type of format to read count data from (see read10xCounts)


character string specifying whether to read in filtered (spots mapped to tissue) or raw data (all spots).


character vector specifying which images to include. Valid values are "lowres", "hires", "fullres", "detected", "aligned"


logical; should the image(s) be loaded into memory as a grob? If FALSE, will store the path/URL instead.


The constructor assumes data from each sample are located in a single output directory as returned by Space Ranger, thus having the following file organization (where "raw/filtered" refers to either "raw" or "filtered" to match the 'data' argument.) The base directory "outs/" from Space Ranger can either be included manually in the paths provided in 'samples', or can be ignored; if ignored, it will be added automatically. The '.h5' files are used if 'type = "HDF5"'. (Note that 'tissue_positions.csv' was renamed in Space Ranger v2.0.0.)

· | — outs
· · | — raw/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.h5
· · | — raw/filtered_feature_bc_matrix
· · · | — barcodes.tsv.gz
· · · | — features.tsv.gz
· · · | — matrix.mtx.gz
· · | — spatial
· · · | — scalefactors_json.json
· · · | — tissue_lowres_image.png
· · · | — tissue_positions.csv


a SpatialExperiment object


Helena L. Crowell


dir <- system.file(
  file.path("extdata", "10xVisium"), 
  package = "SpatialExperiment")
sample_ids <- c("section1", "section2")
samples <- file.path(dir, sample_ids, "outs")
list.files(file.path(samples[1], "spatial"))
file.path(samples[1], "raw_feature_bc_matrix")

(spe <- read10xVisium(samples, sample_ids, 
  type = "sparse", data = "raw", 
  images = "lowres", load = FALSE))

# base directory 'outs/' from Space Ranger can also be omitted
samples2 <- file.path(dir, sample_ids)
(spe2 <- read10xVisium(samples2, sample_ids, 
  type = "sparse", data = "raw", 
  images = "lowres", load = FALSE))

# tabulate number of spots mapped to tissue
cd <- colData(spe)
  in_tissue = cd$in_tissue, 
  sample_id = cd$sample_id)

# view available images

Read images & scale factors for 10x Genomics Visium


Function to read in images and scale factors for 10x Genomics Visium data, and return as a valid imgData DataFrame.


  path = ".",
  sample_id = names(path),
  imageSources = file.path(path, "tissue_lowres_image.png"),
  scaleFactors = file.path(path, "scalefactors_json.json"),
  load = TRUE



a path where to find one or more images


the sample_id for the SpatialExperiment object


the images source path(s)


the .json file where to find the scale factors


logical; should the image(s) be loaded into memory as a grob? If FALSE, will store the path/URL instead.


a DataFrame


Helena L. Crowell


dir <- system.file(
  file.path("extdata", "10xVisium", "section1", "outs", "spatial"),
  package = "SpatialExperiment")

# base directory contains
# - scale factors (scalefactors_json.json)
# - one image (tissue_lowres_image.png)

# read in images & scale factors
# as valid 'imgData' 'DFrame'
readImgData(dir, sample_id = "foo")

Methods for named assays


The SpatialExperiment class provides methods for getting or setting named assays. For example, molecules(spe) will get or set an assay named molecules from object spe, equivalent to assay(spe, i = "molecules"). This provides a convenient interface for users and encourages standardization of assay names across packages.

Available methods

In the following code, spe is a SpatialExperiment object, value is a BumpyMatrix-like object with the same dimensions as spe, and ... are further arguments passed to assay (for the getter) or assay<- (for the setter).

molecules(x, ...), molecules(x, ...) <- value:

Get or set an assay named molecules, which is usually assumed to be a BumpyMatrix-formatted object containing spatial coordinates (and any other information) of the individual molecules per gene per cell.


Dario Righelli

See Also

assay and assay<-



The SpatialExperiment class


The SpatialExperiment class is designed to represent spatially resolved transcriptomics (ST) data. It inherits from the SingleCellExperiment class and is used in the same manner. In addition, the class supports storage of spatial information via spatialCoords and storage of images via imgData.



Arguments passed to the SingleCellExperiment constructor to fill the slots of the base class.


A character sample identifier, which matches the sample_id in imgData. The sample_id will also be stored in a new column in colData, if not already present. Default = sample01.


A character vector of column names from colData containing spatial coordinates, which will be accessible with spatialCoords. Alternatively, the spatialCoords argument may be provided. If both are provided, spatialCoordsNames is given precedence, and a warning is returned. Default = c("x", "y").


A numeric matrix containing columns of spatial coordinates, which will be accessible with spatialCoords. Alternatively, spatialCoordsNames may be provided. If both are provided, spatialCoordsNames is given precedence, and a warning is returned.


Optional scale factors associated with the image(s). This can be provided as a numeric value, numeric vector, list, or file path to a JSON file for the 10x Genomics Visium platform. For 10x Genomics Visium, the correct scale factor will automatically be selected depending on the resolution of the image from imageSources. Default = 1.


Optional DataFrame containing the image data. Alternatively, this can be built from the arguments imageSources and image_id (see Details).


Optional file path(s) or URL(s) for one or more image sources.


Optional character vector (same length as imageSources) containing unique image identifiers.


Logical indicating whether to load image into memory. Default = FALSE.


(Deprecated) A character vector of column names from colData to include in spatialData. Alternatively, the spatialData argument may be provided. If both are provided, spatialDataNames is given precedence, and a warning is returned. (Note: spatialData and spatialDataNames have been deprecated; colData and spatialCoords should be used for all columns. The arguments have been retained for backward compatibility but may be removed in the future.)


(Deprecated) A DataFrame containing columns to store in spatialData, which must contain at least the columns of spatial coordinates. Alternatively, spatialDataNames may be provided. If both are provided, spatialDataNames is given precedence, and a warning is returned. (Note: spatialData and spatialDataNames have been deprecated; colData and spatialCoords should be used for all columns. The arguments have been retained for backward compatibility but may be removed in the future.)


In this class, rows represent genes, and columns represent spots (for spot-based ST platforms) or cells (for molecule-based ST platforms). As for SingleCellExperiment, counts and logcounts can be stored in the assays slot, and row and column metadata in rowData and colData. For molecule-based ST data, the additional measurements per molecule per cell can be stored in a BumpyMatrix-formatted assay named molecules.

The additional arguments in the constructor documented above (e.g. spatialCoords, imgData, and others) represent the extensions to the SingleCellExperiment class to store associated spatial and imaging information for ST data.

The constructor expects colData to contain a column named sample_id. If this is not present, it will assign the value from the sample_id argument. If the imgData argument is provided, the constructor expects the imgData DataFrame to already be built. Otherwise, it will build it from the imageSources and (optional) image_id arguments. If image_id is not provided, this will be assumed from sample_id and imageSources instead. To combine multiple samples within a single object, see combine.

For 10x Genomics Visium datasets, the function read10xVisium can be used to load data and create a SpatialExperiment object directly from Space Ranger output files.


A SpatialExperiment object.


Dario Righelli and Helena L. Crowell

See Also

?"SpatialExperiment-methods", which includes: spatialCoords, spatialCoordsNames, imgData, scaleFactors

?"SpatialExperiment-assays", which includes: molecules










# Example 1: Spot-based ST (10x Visium) using constructor

dir <- system.file(
    file.path("extdata", "10xVisium", "section1", "outs"),
    package = "SpatialExperiment")

# read in counts
fnm <- file.path(dir, "raw_feature_bc_matrix")
sce <- DropletUtils::read10xCounts(fnm)

# read in image data
img <- readImgData(
    path = file.path(dir, "spatial"),

# read in spatial coordinates
fnm <- file.path(dir, "spatial", "tissue_positions_list.csv")
xyz <- read.csv(fnm, header = FALSE,
    col.names = c(
        "barcode", "in_tissue", "array_row", "array_col",
        "pxl_row_in_fullres", "pxl_col_in_fullres"))
# construct observation & feature metadata
rd <- S4Vectors::DataFrame(
    symbol = rowData(sce)$Symbol)
# construct 'SpatialExperiment'
(spe <- SpatialExperiment(
    assays = list(counts = assay(sce)),
    rowData = rd,
    colData = DataFrame(xyz),
    spatialCoordsNames = c("pxl_col_in_fullres", "pxl_row_in_fullres"),
    imgData = img,
    sample_id = "foo"))
# Example 2: Spot-based ST (10x Visium) using 'read10xVisium'

# see ?read10xVisium for details

# Example 3: Molecule-based ST

# create simulated data
n <- 1000; ng <- 50; nc <- 20
# sample xy-coordinates in [0,1]
x <- runif(n)
y <- runif(n)
# assign each molecule to some gene-cell pair
gs <- paste0("gene", seq(ng))
cs <- paste0("cell", seq(nc))
gene <- sample(gs, n, TRUE)
cell <- sample(cs, n, TRUE)
# construct data.frame of molecule coordinates
df <- data.frame(gene, cell, x, y)

# (assure gene & cell are factor so that
# missing observations aren't dropped)
df$gene <- factor(df$gene, gs)
df$cell <- factor(df$cell, cs)

# construct BumpyMatrix
mol <- BumpyMatrix::splitAsBumpyMatrix(
    df[, c("x", "y")],
    row = df$gene, column = df$cell)

# get count matrix
y <- with(df, table(gene, cell))
y <- as.matrix(unclass(y))

# construct SpatialExperiment
(spe_mol <- SpatialExperiment(
    assays = list(
        counts = y, 
        molecules = mol)))

SpatialExperiment coercion methods


The SpatialExperiment class inherits from the SingleCellExperiment class making it necessary to coerce between these classes. To do so, we designed two different methods: the traditional as method and the toSpatialExperiment function (recommended). The as method checks if the SingleCellExperiment object has already populated int_colData with three elements: spatialData, spatialCoords, and imgData. It also checks if colData already contains a sample_id. In case these checks pass the new SpatialExperiment will have the same values as the SingleCellExperiment passed object. Otherwise a SpatialExperiment with default values for these slots will be created.

The toSpatialExperiment method expects a SingleCellExperiment object and additional arguments as explained in the related section of this documentation. In case the SingleCellExperiment object has already populated int_colData with spatialData and/or spatialCoords and/or imgData, these will be respectively overwritten in case the arguments spatialData/spatialDataNames and/or spatialCoords/spatialCoordsNames and/or imgData are not NULL.



A SingleCellExperiment object.


A character sample identifier, which matches the sample_id in imgData. The sample_id will also be stored in a new column in colData, if not already present. Default = sample01.


A character vector of column names from colData containing spatial coordinates, which will be accessible with spatialCoords. Alternatively, the spatialCoords argument may be provided. If both are provided, spatialCoordsNames is given precedence, and a warning is returned. Default = c("x", "y").


A numeric matrix containing columns of spatial coordinates, which will be accessible with spatialCoords. Alternatively, spatialCoordsNames may be provided. If both are provided, spatialCoordsNames is given precedence, and a warning is returned.


Optional scale factors associated with the image(s). This can be provided as a numeric value, numeric vector, list, or file path to a JSON file for the 10x Genomics Visium platform. For 10x Genomics Visium, the correct scale factor will automatically be selected depending on the resolution of the image from imageSources. Default = 1.


Optional DataFrame containing the image data. Alternatively, this can be built from the arguments imageSources and image_id (see Details).


Optional file path(s) or URL(s) for one or more image sources.


Optional character vector (same length as imageSources) containing unique image identifiers.


Logical indicating whether to load image into memory. Default = FALSE.


(Deprecated) A character vector of column names from colData to include in spatialData. Alternatively, the spatialData argument may be provided. If both are provided, spatialDataNames is given precedence, and a warning is returned. (Note: spatialData and spatialDataNames have been deprecated; colData and spatialCoords should be used for all columns. The arguments have been retained for backward compatibility but may be removed in the future.)


(Deprecated) A DataFrame containing columns to store in spatialData, which must contain at least the columns of spatial coordinates. Alternatively, spatialDataNames may be provided. If both are provided, spatialDataNames is given precedence, and a warning is returned. (Note: spatialData and spatialDataNames have been deprecated; colData and spatialCoords should be used for all columns. The arguments have been retained for backward compatibility but may be removed in the future.)


dir <- system.file(
    file.path("extdata", "10xVisium", "section1", "outs"),
    package = "SpatialExperiment")

# read in counts
fnm <- file.path(dir, "raw_feature_bc_matrix")
sce <- DropletUtils::read10xCounts(fnm)

# read in spatial coordinates
fnm <- file.path(dir, "spatial", "tissue_positions_list.csv")
xyz <- read.csv(fnm, header = FALSE,
    col.names = c("barcode", "in_tissue", "array_row", "array_col",
    "pxl_row_in_fullres", "pxl_col_in_fullres"))

# read in image data
img <- readImgData(
    path = file.path(dir, "spatial"),
    sample_id = "sample01")

## as method
(spe <- as(sce, "SpatialExperiment"))

colData(sce) <- DataFrame(xyz[,c(1:4)])
int_colData(sce)$spatialCoords <- as.matrix(xyz[,c(5,6)])

## Coercing an sce without imgData
(spe <- as(sce, "SpatialExperiment"))

## Coercing an sce with imgData
int_colData(sce)$imgData <- img
(spe <- as(sce, "SpatialExperiment"))

## toSpatialExperiment method
colData(sce) <- DataFrame(xyz)
(spe <- toSpatialExperiment(sce,
    imgData = img,
    spatialCoordsNames = c("pxl_col_in_fullres", "pxl_row_in_fullres"),
    sample_id = "sample01"))

SpatialExperiment colData


The SpatialExperiment class provides a modified colData setter, which ensures that the SpatialExperiment object remains valid.


## S4 replacement method for signature 'SpatialExperiment,DataFrame'
colData(x) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SpatialExperiment,'NULL''
colData(x) <- value



a SpatialExperiment


a DataFrame


The colData setter performs several checks to ensure validity. If the replacement colData does not contain a sample_id column, the existing sample_ids will be retained. If the replacement colData contains sample_ids, a check is performed to ensure the number of unique sample_ids is the same, i.e. a one-to-one mapping is possible. If the replacement is NULL, the sample_ids are retained. In addition, checks are performed against the sample_ids in imgData.


a SpatialExperiment object with updated colData



# empty replacement retains sample identifiers
colData(spe) <- NULL

# replacement of sample identifiers
# requires one-to-one mapping

## invalid replacement

  spe$sample_id <- seq(ncol(spe)),
  error = function(e) message(e)) 
## valid replacement  
old <- c("section1", "section2")
new <- c("sample_A", "sample_B")
idx <- match(spe$sample_id, old)

tmp <- spe
tmp$sample_id <- new[idx]
table(spe$sample_id, tmp$sample_id)

Combining SpatialExperiment objects


The SpatialExperiment class provides modified methods to combine multiple SpatialExperiment objects by column, for example from multiple samples. These methods ensure that all data fields remain synchronized when samples are added or removed.


## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'
cbind(..., deparse.level = 1)



a list of SpatialExperiment objects


refer to ?rbind


a combined SpatialExperiment object


The ... argument is assumed to contain one or more SpatialExperiment objects.

cbind(..., deparse.level=1):

Returns a SpatialExperiment where all objects in ... are combined column-wise, i.e., columns in successive objects are appended to the first object.

Each SpatialExperiment object in ... must have the same colData (with the same spatialCoords). If multiple objects use the same sample_id, the method will proceed by assigning unique sample_ids.

Additionally, the method combines imgData by row using rbind.

Refer to ?"cbind,SingleCellExperiment-method" for details on how metadata and other inherited attributes are combined in the output object.

Refer to ?cbind for the interpretation of deparse.level.


Dario Righelli


example(read10xVisium, echo = FALSE)

# merging with duplicated 'sample_id's
# will automatically assign unique identifiers
spe1 <- spe2 <- spe
spe3 <- cbind(spe1, spe2)

# assign unique sample identifiers
spe1 <- spe2 <- spe
spe1$sample_id <- paste(spe1$sample_id, "sample1", sep = ".")
spe2$sample_id <- paste(spe2$sample_id, "sample2", sep = ".")

# combine into single object
spe <- cbind(spe1, spe2)

# view joint 'imgData'

# tabulate number of spots mapped to tissue
cd <- colData(spe)
  in_tissue = cd$in_tissue, 
  sample_id = cd$sample_id)

Methods for spatial attributes


The SpatialExperiment class provides a family of methods to get and set spatial data attributes in SpatialExperiment objects. Spatial attributes include spatialCoords, imgData, and scaleFactors, as well as methods to rotate and mirror SpatialExperiment objects and their spatial coordinates.


## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SpatialExperiment,DFrame'
spatialData(x) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SpatialExperiment,'NULL''
spatialData(x) <- value

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SpatialExperiment,character'
spatialDataNames(x) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SpatialExperiment,'NULL''
spatialDataNames(x) <- value

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SpatialExperiment,matrix'
spatialCoords(x) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SpatialExperiment,'NULL''
spatialCoords(x) <- value

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SpatialExperiment,character'
spatialCoordsNames(x) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SpatialExperiment,'NULL''
spatialCoordsNames(x) <- value

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'
scaleFactors(x, sample_id = TRUE, image_id = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SpatialExperiment,DataFrame'
imgData(x) <- value

## S4 replacement method for signature 'SpatialExperiment,'NULL''
imgData(x) <- value



A SpatialExperiment object.


Replacement value for replacement methods.


Logical value or character vector specifying sample identifier(s) for scaleFactors. Default = TRUE (all samples).


Logical value or character vector specifying image identifier(s) for scaleFactors. Default = TRUE (all images).


The name of the colData column to extract.


Additional details for each type of data attribute are provided below.

Note: spatialData and spatialDataNames (previously used to store a subset of columns from colData) have been deprecated. All columns should be stored in either spatialCoords (numeric matrix containing spatial coordinates) or colData (all other columns). The spatialData/spatialDataNames functionality has been retained for backward compatibility but may be removed in the future.

See rotateCoords, mirrorCoords, rotateObject, or mirrorObject for details on methods to rotate and mirror SpatialExperiment objects and their spatialCoords.


Return value varies depending on method, as described below.

spatialData and spatialCoords methods

spatialData(x) <- value:

The spatialData setter expects a DataFrame. If the input does not contain an in_tissue column, this will be included with a default value of 1.


Getter for numeric matrix of spatial coordinates.

spatialCoords(x) <- value:

Setter for numeric matrix of spatial coordinates.

spatialDataNames and spatialCoordsNames methods


Returns the names of the colData associated with the spatial information, which are stored in the int_metadata.

spatialDataNames(x) <- value:

Setter to replace column names in the spatialData DataFrame.


Returns the defined names of the spatial coordinates (e.g. c("x", "y")).

spatialCoordsNames(x) <- value:

Setter to define the names of the spatial coordinate columns.

imgData methods


Getter to return the imgData DataFrame.

imgData(x) <- value:

Setter to provide a DataFrame object as imgData of the SpatialExperiment object.

Other methods

scaleFactors(x, sample_id, image_id):

Getter to return the scale factors associated with the sample_id(s) and image_id(s) provided. This is related to the stored image(s) in the SpatialExperiment imgData structure. See argument descriptions for further details.



# spatialCoords returns a numeric matrix

# change spatial coordinate names
spatialCoordsNames(spe) <- c("x", "y")

# imgData and scale factors

# tabulate number of spots mapped to tissue
cd <- colData(spe)
  in_tissue = cd$in_tissue, 
  sample_id = cd$sample_id)

Miscellaneous SpatialExperiment methods


Miscellaneous methods for the SpatialExperiment class and its descendants that do not fit into any other documentation category such as, for example, show methods.


## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'



a SpatialExperiment object


Returns NULL


Dario Righelli and Helena L. Crowell



Methods for spatial attributes


The SpatialExperiment class provides methods to rotate and mirror SpatialExperiment objects and their spatialCoords.


## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'
rotateCoords(x, sample_id = NULL, degrees = 90, warn = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'
mirrorCoords(x, sample_id = NULL, axis = c("h", "v"), warn = TRUE)

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'
rotateObject(x, sample_id = NULL, image_id = NULL, degrees = 90)

## S4 method for signature 'SpatialExperiment'
mirrorObject(x, sample_id = NULL, image_id = NULL, axis = c("h", "v"))



A SpatialExperiment object.


Logical value or character vector specifying sample identifier(s) for scaleFactors. Default = TRUE (all samples).


single numeric in +/-[0,90,...,360] specifying how many degrees to rotate. A negative/positive value corresponds to counter-/clockwise rotation. Applicable for rotateCoords and rotateObject methods.


Logical value indicating whether to print a warning about mismatches between coordinates and images, possible with the spatialCoords transformation methods rotateCoords and mirrorCoords.


character string specifying whether to mirror horizontally ("h") or vertically ("v"). Applicable for mirrorCoords and mirrorObject methods.


Logical value or character vector specifying image identifier(s) for scaleFactors. Default = TRUE (all images).


Additional details for each type of data attribute are provided below.


Return value varies depending on method, as described below.

spatialCoords transformation methods

rotateCoords(x, sample_id, degrees, warn):

Apply a rotation to the spatialCoords of x, potentially subsetted to sample sample_id (or without subsetting if sample_id is NULL), by the specified number of degrees clockwise. Warn about mismatches with images if warn.

mirrorCoords(x, sample_id, axis, warn):

Reflect the spatialCoords of x across either the horizontal or vertical axis, specified by supplying "h" or "v" to the axis argument, respectively. Subset x to just the sample sample_id, if not NULL. Warn about mismatches with images if warn.

SpatialExperiment transformation wrapper methods

rotateObject(x, sample_id, image_id, degrees):

Apply a rotation to the spatialCoords and imgData of x, potentially subsetted to sample sample_id (or without subsetting if sample_id is NULL), by the specified number of degrees clockwise. Wrapper around rotateCoords and rotateImg.

mirrorObject(x, sample_id, image_id, axis):

Reflect the spatialCoords and imgData of x across either the horizontal or vertical axis, specified by supplying "h" or "v" to the axis argument, respectively. Subset x to just the sample sample_id, if not NULL. Wrapper around mirrorCoords and mirrorImg.


Nicholas J. Eagles



# rotateCoords(), mirrorCoords(), rotateObject(), and mirrorObject() return a
# SpatialExperiment, potentially subsetted by sample.

# Subset to just "section1"; rotate coordinates 90 degrees clockwise followed
# by a reflection across the vertical axis
spe_coords <- rotateCoords(spe, sample_id = "section1", degrees = 90)
spe_coords <- mirrorCoords(spe_coords, axis = "v")

# Subset to just "section2"; transform both the imgData() and spatialCoords()
# by a 180-degree rotation then reflection across the vertical axis
spe_wrapper <- rotateObject(spe, sample_id = "section2", degrees = 180)
spe_wrapper <- mirrorObject(spe_wrapper, axis = "v")

Subsetting SpatialExperiment objects


The subsetting method for SpatialExperiment objects ensures that spatial data attributes (spatialCoords and imgData) are subsetted correctly to match rows and columns with the remainder of the object.



a SpatialExperiment object


row indices for subsetting


column indices for subsetting


a SpatialExperiment object



subsetting method




idx <- sample(ncol(spe), 10)
sub <- spe[, idx]

The SpatialImage class


The SpatialImage class hierarchy provides representations of images from a variety of sources. It is used by the SpatialExperiment class to manage the loading of images across multiple studies.


SpatialImage(x, is.url) will return a SpatialImage object. The class of the object depends on the type of x:

  • If x is a raster object, a LoadedSpatialImage is returned. This represents an image that is fully realized into memory, where the raster representation is stored inside the output object.

  • If x is a string and is.url=TRUE or it starts with "http://", "http://" or "ftp://", a RemoteSpatialImage is returned. This represents an image that is remotely hosted and retrieved only on request.

  • If x is a string and is.url=TRUE or it does not start with a URL-like prefix, a StoredSpatialImage is returned. This represents an image that is stored in a local file and is loaded into memory only on request.

Getting the raster image

For a SpatialImage object x, imgRaster(x, ...) will return a raster object (see ?as.raster). This is effectively a matrix of RGB colors for each pixel in the image.

For a StoredSpatialImage object x, additional arguments in ... are passed to image_read. This controls how the image is read into memory.

For a RemoteSpatialImage object x, the image file is first downloaded before the raster is returned. Here, ... may contain an extra cache argument, which should be a BiocFileCache object (from the BiocFileCache package) specifying the file cache location. The default location is determined by options("SpatialExperiment.remote.cache.path"), otherwise it defaults to a subdirectory in the R temporary directory. Any further named arguments in ... are passed to image_read.

as.raster(x, ...) is the same as imgRaster(x, ...).

In-memory caching

For StoredSpatialImage and RemoteSpatialImage objects, loading the image with imgRaster will automatically store the loaded raster object in an in-memory cache. Any subsequent imgRaster call will retrieve the raster from the cache, avoiding costly retrieval from the file system.

The cache policy is to evict the least recently used images when a new image would be added that exceeds the maximum cache size. If the new image by itself exceeds the maximum cache size, all images are evicted from the cache to trigger garbage collection and free up memory.

By default, the maximum size of the cache is 4 GB. This can be modified by setting options("SpatialExperiment.cache.size") to some number of bytes, e.g., 2^32.


Two basic image transformations are currently supported for any SpatialImage x, namely, rotateImg(x, degrees) for clockwise (degrees > 0) and counter-clockwise (degrees < 0) rotation, and mirrorImg(x, axis) for horizontal (axis = "h") and vertical (axis = "v") mirroring.

Note that, both rotateImg() and mirrorImg() operate on the raster matrix of the input SpatialImage. Thus, any SpatialImage will automatically be coerced into a LoadedSpatialImage upon rotation/mirroring.

Other methods

dim(x) will return an integer vector of length 2, containing the width and height of the image in pixels. Note that this calls imgRaster under the hood and thus may interact with the file and memory caches as described above.

For any SpatialImage x, as(x, "LoadedSpatialImage") will create a LoadedSpatialImage containing an in-memory raster object.

For a RemoteSpatialImage x, as(x, "StoredSpatialImage") will create a StoredSpatialImage pointing to the file cache location.


Aaron Lun


path <- system.file(
  "extdata", "10xVisium", "section1", "outs", "spatial", 
  "tissue_lowres_image.png", package="SpatialExperiment")

spi <- SpatialImage(path)

# the following operations all use the cache 
# so there is no need to reload the image

# coercing to an explicitly in-memory raster
spi <- as(spi, "LoadedSpatialImage")

# transformations #

# (counter-)clockwise rotation
spi1 <- rotateImg(spi, degrees = +90)
spi2 <- rotateImg(spi, degrees = -90)

par(mfrow = c(1, 3))

# horizontal/vertical mirroring
spi1 <- mirrorImg(spi, axis = "h")
spi2 <- mirrorImg(spi, axis = "v")

par(mfrow = c(1, 3))

Miscellaneous SpatialImage methods


Miscellaneous methods for the SpatialImage class that do not fit into any other documentation category such as, for example, show methods.


## S4 method for signature 'VirtualSpatialImage'



a SpatialImage object




Helena L. Crowell