Title: | Package to Perform High Throughput Biological Screening |
Description: | ScreenR is a package suitable to perform hit identification in loss of function High Throughput Biological Screenings performed using barcoded shRNA-based libraries. ScreenR combines the computing power of software such as edgeR with the simplicity of use of the Tidyverse metapackage. ScreenR executes a pipeline able to find candidate hits from barcode counts, and integrates a wide range of visualization modes for each step of the analysis. |
Authors: | Emanuel Michele Soda [aut, cre] (0000-0002-2301-6465), Elena Ceccacci [aut] (0000-0002-2285-8994), Saverio Minucci [fnd, ths] (0000-0001-5678-536X) |
Maintainer: | Emanuel Michele Soda <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 1.9.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-30 04:12:28 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/ScreenR |
Table for the annotation of Barcode
A data frame with 5320 rows and 2 columns obtained from a loss-of-function genetic screening. This table is used to store information about the shRNAs:
It Contains the gene name
It contains an ID that identify each barcode (it is an unique identifier for an shRNA). I t can be use to merge the annotation table with t he count table
It Contains a unique Gene ID
It contains the cDNA sequence of the shRNA associated to the barcode
It contains the library from which the shRNA come from. In this case is a pooled from https://cellecta.com/cellecta
This function counts the number of barcodes lost during the sequencing. A barcode is lost if its associated shRNA has zero mapped read in a sample.
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
Return a tibble containing the number of barcode lost for each sample
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) # In order to count the number of barcodes lost just the ScreenR object is # needed head(barcode_lost(object))
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) # In order to count the number of barcodes lost just the ScreenR object is # needed head(barcode_lost(object))
This function computes the data table that will be used for the analysis. The data_table is a tidy and normalized version of the original count_table and will be used throughout the analysis.
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
ScreenR_Object with the data_table filed containing the table.
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) object <- compute_data_table(object) head(slot(object, "data_table"))
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) object <- compute_data_table(object) head(slot(object, "data_table"))
This function computes the metrics that will be then used
to compute the z-score using the function
starting from the screenr object
for a given treatment in a given day. More information about the
z-score and other metrics used in genetic screening can be found
at this paper
compute_metrics(screenR_Object, control, treatment, day)
compute_metrics(screenR_Object, control, treatment, day)
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
control |
A string specifying the sample that as to be used as control in the analysis. This string has to be equal to the interested sample in the Treatment column of the data_table slot |
treatment |
A string specifying the sample that as to be used as treatment in the analysis. This string has to be equal to the interested sample in the Treatment column of the data_table slot. |
day |
A string containing the day (time point) to consider in the metrics computation. This string has to be equal to the interested sample in the Day column of the data_table slot. |
Return a tibble with all the measure computed.
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) metrics <- compute_metrics(object, control = "TRT", treatment = "Time3", day = "Time3" ) head(metrics)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) metrics <- compute_metrics(object, control = "TRT", treatment = "Time3", day = "Time3" ) head(metrics)
This function is used to compute the slope of the gene passed as input
compute_slope(screenR_Object, genes, group_var)
compute_slope(screenR_Object, genes, group_var)
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
genes |
The genes for which the slope as to be computed. Those genes are the result of the three statistical methods selection |
group_var |
The variable to use as independent variable (x) for the linear model |
A tibble containing in each row the gene and the corresponding Slope
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) compute_slope(object, genes = c("Gene_42", "Gene_24"), group_var = c("T1", "T2", "TRT") )
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) compute_slope(object, genes = c("Gene_42", "Gene_24"), group_var = c("T1", "T2", "TRT") )
This function counts the number of reads for each barcode in each sample. It is a quality control function (QC) to see if the biological protocol went as planned. If a sample has very low mapped compared to the other means that is has a lower quality.
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
Return a tibble containing the number of mapped read for sample
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) head(count_mapped_reads(object))
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) head(count_mapped_reads(object))
Table of the count table
A data frame with 5323 rows and 15 variables obtained from barcode alignment to the reference library. It is generated from a [Cellecta](https://cellecta.com/) protocol. The samples generated are then sequenced using an RNA-seq protocol. Due to the fact that different shRNAs are sequenced for a gene each barcode has its associated reads. This reads were aligned to the reference library using [bowtie2](http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/index.shtml) and then sorted with [samtools](https://github.com/samtools/samtools). Since this dataset comes from a Chemical Synthetic Lethality experiments the samples treated and combined with the shRNAs knockdown should present a decreased number of reads compared to the controls.
It contains an ID that identify each barcode. It can be use to marge the annotation table with the count table. A Barcode is a unique identifier of an shRNA. In a genetic screening multiple slightly different shRNAs perform a knockout of a gene each with its efficacy. For this reason it is important to keep track of each shRNA using a unique barcode.
It contains the counts at time zero. This is the first time point at which cells are not treated and not infected.
It contains the counts after the cell were washed. At this time point the cells are infected and following the Cellecta protocol are washed with the puromycin.
It contains the counts for the first replicate of the treated at the first time point. Usually the first time point is 7 day after the puromycin wash.
It contains the counts for the second replicate of the treated at the first time point. Usually the first time point is 7 day after the puromycin wash.
It contains the counts for the third replicate of the treated at the first time point. Usually the first time point is 7 day after the puromycin wash.
It contains the counts for the first replicate of the control at the first time point. Usually the first time point is 7 day after the puromycin wash.
It contains the counts for the second replicate of the control at the first time point. Usually the first time point is 7 day after the puromycin wash.
It contains the counts for the third replicate of the control at the first time point. Usually the first time point is 7 day after the puromycin wash.
It contains the counts for the first replicate of the treated at the second time point. Usually the first time point is 14 day after the puromycin wash.
It contains the counts for the second replicate of the treated at the second time point. Usually the first time point is 14 day after the puromycin wash.
It contains the counts for the third replicate of the treated at the second time point. Usually the first time point is 14 day after the puromycin wash.
It contains the counts for the first replicate of the control at the second time point. Usually the first time point is 14 day after the puromycin wash.
It contains the counts for the second replicate of the control at the second time point. Usually the first time point is 14 day after the puromycin wash.
It contains the counts for the third replicate of the control at the second time point. Usually the first time point is 14 day after the puromycin wash.
Utility function that using the screenr-class object create the corresponding edgeR object. This function and other utility function enables the user to not worry abut the implementation and just focus on the analysis. The ScreenR package will take care of the rest.
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
The edgeR object will all the needed information for the analysis.
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) create_edger_obj(object)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) create_edger_obj(object)
Initial function to create the Screen Object.
create_screenr_object( table = NULL, annotation = NULL, groups = NULL, replicates = c("") )
create_screenr_object( table = NULL, annotation = NULL, groups = NULL, replicates = c("") )
table |
The count table obtained from the read alignment that contains the Barcodes as rows and samples as columns. |
annotation |
The annotation table containing the information for each Barcode and the association to the corresponding Gene |
groups |
A factor containing the experimental design label |
replicates |
A vector containing the replicates label |
An object containing all the needed information for the analysis.
count_table <- data.frame( Barcode = c("Code_1", "Code_2", "Code_3", "Code_3"), Time_3_rep1 = c("3520", "3020", "1507", "1400"), Time_3_rep2 = c("3500", "3000", "1457", "1490"), Time_3_TRT_rep1 = c("1200", "1100", "1300", "1350"), Time_3_TRT_rep2 = c("1250", "1000", "1400", "1375") ) annotation_table <- data.frame( Gene = c("Gene_1", "Gene_1", "Code_2", "Code_2"), Barcode = c("Code_1", "Code_2", "Code_3", "Code_3"), Gene_ID = rep(NA, 4), Sequence = rep(NA, 4), Library = rep(NA, 4) ) groups <- factor(c("Control", "Control", "Treated", "Treated")) obj <- create_screenr_object( table = count_table, annotation = annotation_table, groups = groups, replicates = c("") ) obj
count_table <- data.frame( Barcode = c("Code_1", "Code_2", "Code_3", "Code_3"), Time_3_rep1 = c("3520", "3020", "1507", "1400"), Time_3_rep2 = c("3500", "3000", "1457", "1490"), Time_3_TRT_rep1 = c("1200", "1100", "1300", "1350"), Time_3_TRT_rep2 = c("1250", "1000", "1400", "1375") ) annotation_table <- data.frame( Gene = c("Gene_1", "Gene_1", "Code_2", "Code_2"), Barcode = c("Code_1", "Code_2", "Code_3", "Code_3"), Gene_ID = rep(NA, 4), Sequence = rep(NA, 4), Library = rep(NA, 4) ) groups <- factor(c("Control", "Control", "Treated", "Treated")) obj <- create_screenr_object( table = count_table, annotation = annotation_table, groups = groups, replicates = c("") ) obj
This function is used to improve the quality of the hits found. It computes a regression line in the different samples ad uses the slope of this line to see the trend
filter_by_slope( screenR_Object, genes, group_var_treatment, group_var_control, slope_control, slope_treatment )
filter_by_slope( screenR_Object, genes, group_var_treatment, group_var_control, slope_control, slope_treatment )
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
genes |
The genes for which the slope as to be computed. Those genes are the result of the three statistical methods selection |
group_var_treatment |
The variable to use as independent variable (x) for the linear model of the treatment |
group_var_control |
The variable to use as independent variable (x) for the linear model of the the control |
slope_control |
A value used as threshold for the control slope |
slope_treatment |
A value used as threshold for the treatment slope |
A data frame with the slope for the treatment and the control for each gene
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) filter_by_slope( screenR_Object = object, genes = c("Gene_1", "Gene_2"), group_var_treatment = c("T1", "T2", "TRT"), group_var_control = c("T1", "T2", "Time3", "Time4"), slope_control = 0.5, slope_treatment = 1 )
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) filter_by_slope( screenR_Object = object, genes = c("Gene_1", "Gene_2"), group_var_treatment = c("T1", "T2", "TRT"), group_var_control = c("T1", "T2", "Time3", "Time4"), slope_control = 0.5, slope_treatment = 1 )
This function is used to improve the quality of the hits. It compute the variance among the hits and filter the one with a value greater than the threshold set
filter_by_variance( screenR_Object, genes, matrix_model, variance = 0.5, contrast )
filter_by_variance( screenR_Object, genes, matrix_model, variance = 0.5, contrast )
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
genes |
The genes for which the variance as to be computed. Those genes are the result of the three statistical methods selection |
matrix_model |
a matrix created using |
variance |
The maximum value of variance accepted |
contrast |
The variable to use as X for the linear model for the Treatment |
A data frame with the variance for the treatment and the control for each gene
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) matrix_model <- model.matrix(~ slot(object, "groups")) colnames(matrix_model) <- c("Control", "T1_T2", "Treated") contrast <- limma::makeContrasts(Treated - Control, levels = matrix_model) data <- filter_by_variance( screenR_Object = object, genes = c("Gene_42"), matrix_model = matrix_model, contrast = contrast ) head(data)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) matrix_model <- model.matrix(~ slot(object, "groups")) colnames(matrix_model) <- c("Control", "T1_T2", "Treated") contrast <- limma::makeContrasts(Treated - Control, levels = matrix_model) data <- filter_by_variance( screenR_Object = object, genes = c("Gene_42"), matrix_model = matrix_model, contrast = contrast ) head(data)
This function implements the method by proposed by Wu and
Smyth (2012).
The original camera
method is a gene set
test, here is applied in the contest of a genetic screening
and so it erforms a competitive barcode set test.
The paper can be found here
find_camera_hit( screenR_Object, matrix_model, contrast, number_barcode = 3, thresh = 1e-04, lfc = 1, direction = "Down" )
find_camera_hit( screenR_Object, matrix_model, contrast, number_barcode = 3, thresh = 1e-04, lfc = 1, direction = "Down" )
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
matrix_model |
The matrix that will be used to perform the
linear model analysis created using
contrast |
A vector or a single value indicating the index or the name of the column the model_matrix with which perform the analysis |
number_barcode |
Number of barcode that as to be differentially expressed (DE)in order to consider the gene associated DE. Example a gene is associated with 10 shRNA we consider a gene DE if it has at least number_barcode = 5 shRNA DE. |
thresh |
The threshold for the False Discovery Rate (FDR) that has to be used to select the statistically significant hits. |
lfc |
The Log2FC threshold. |
direction |
String containing the direction of the variation, "Down" for the down regulation "Up" for the up regulation. |
The data frame containing the hit found using the camera method
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) matrix <- model.matrix(~ slot(object, "groups")) colnames(matrix) <- c("Control", "T1/T2", "Treated") result <- find_camera_hit( screenR_Object = object, matrix_model = matrix, contrast = "Treated" ) head(result)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) matrix <- model.matrix(~ slot(object, "groups")) colnames(matrix) <- c("Control", "T1/T2", "Treated") result <- find_camera_hit( screenR_Object = object, matrix_model = matrix, contrast = "Treated" ) head(result)
This method find the hit in common between the three methods
find_common_hit(hit_zscore, hit_camera, hit_roast, common_in = 3)
find_common_hit(hit_zscore, hit_camera, hit_roast, common_in = 3)
hit_zscore |
The matrix obtained by the |
hit_camera |
The matrix obtained by the |
hit_roast |
The matrix obtained by the |
common_in |
Number of methods in which the hit has to be in common in order to be considered a candidate hit. The default value is 3, which means that has to be present in the result of all the three methods. |
A vector containing the common hit
hit_zscore <- data.frame(Gene = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")) hit_camera <- data.frame(Gene = c("A", "B", "C", "F", "H", "G")) hit_roast <- data.frame(Gene = c("A", "L", "N")) # common among all the three methods find_common_hit(hit_zscore, hit_camera, hit_roast) # common among at least two of the three methods find_common_hit(hit_zscore, hit_camera, hit_roast, common_in = 2)
hit_zscore <- data.frame(Gene = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")) hit_camera <- data.frame(Gene = c("A", "B", "C", "F", "H", "G")) hit_roast <- data.frame(Gene = c("A", "L", "N")) # common among all the three methods find_common_hit(hit_zscore, hit_camera, hit_roast) # common among at least two of the three methods find_common_hit(hit_zscore, hit_camera, hit_roast, common_in = 2)
Find the hit using the roast method. Roast is a competitive gene set test which uses rotation instead of permutation. Here is applied in a contest of a genetic screening so it perform a barcode competitive test testing for barcode which are differentially expressed within a gene. More information can be found in Roast
find_roast_hit( screenR_Object, matrix_model, contrast, nrot = 9999, number_barcode = 3, direction = "Down", p_val = 0.05 )
find_roast_hit( screenR_Object, matrix_model, contrast, nrot = 9999, number_barcode = 3, direction = "Down", p_val = 0.05 )
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
matrix_model |
The matrix that will be used to perform the
linear model analysis. Created using
contrast |
A vector or a single value indicating the index or the name of the column the model_matrix to which perform the analysis |
nrot |
Number of rotation to perform the test. Higher number of rotation leads to more statistically significant result. |
number_barcode |
Number of barcode that as to be differentially expressed (DE)in order to consider the gene associated DE. Example a gene is associated with 10 shRNA we consider a gene DE if it has at least number_barcode = 5 shRNA DE. |
direction |
Direction of variation |
p_val |
The value that as to be used as p-value cut off |
The hits found by ROAST method
set.seed(42) object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) matrix_model <- model.matrix(~ slot(object, "groups")) colnames(matrix_model) <- c("Control", "T1_T2", "Treated") result <- find_roast_hit(object, matrix_model = matrix_model, contrast = "Treated", nrot = 100 ) head(result)
set.seed(42) object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) matrix_model <- model.matrix(~ slot(object, "groups")) colnames(matrix_model) <- c("Control", "T1_T2", "Treated") result <- find_roast_hit(object, matrix_model = matrix_model, contrast = "Treated", nrot = 100 ) head(result)
Title Find robust Z-score Hit
find_robust_zscore_hit(table_treate_vs_control, number_barcode)
find_robust_zscore_hit(table_treate_vs_control, number_barcode)
table_treate_vs_control |
A table computed with the function
number_barcode |
Number of barcode that as to be differentially expressed (DE)in order to consider the gene associated DE. Example a gene is associated with 10 shRNA we consider a gene DE if it has at least number_barcode = 5 shRNA DE. |
Return a tibble containing the hit for the robust Z-score
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) table <- compute_metrics(object, control = "TRT", treatment = "Time3", day = "Time3" ) result <- find_robust_zscore_hit(table, number_barcode = 6) head(result)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) table <- compute_metrics(object, control = "TRT", treatment = "Time3", day = "Time3" ) result <- find_robust_zscore_hit(table, number_barcode = 6) head(result)
Title Find Z-score Hit
find_zscore_hit(table_treate_vs_control, number_barcode = 6, metric = "median")
find_zscore_hit(table_treate_vs_control, number_barcode = 6, metric = "median")
table_treate_vs_control |
table computed with the function
number_barcode |
Number of barcode that as to be differentially expressed (DE)in order to consider the gene associated DE. Example a gene is associated with 10 shRNA we consider a gene DE if it has at least number_barcode = 5 shRNA DE. |
metric |
A string containing the metric to use. The value allowed are "median" or "mean". |
Return a tibble containing the hit for the Z-score
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) table <- compute_metrics(object, control = "TRT", treatment = "Time3", day = "Time3" ) # For the the median result <- find_zscore_hit(table, number_barcode = 6) head(result) # For the mean result <- find_zscore_hit(table, number_barcode = 6, metric = "mean") head(result)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) table <- compute_metrics(object, control = "TRT", treatment = "Time3", day = "Time3" ) # For the the median result <- find_zscore_hit(table, number_barcode = 6) head(result) # For the mean result <- find_zscore_hit(table, number_barcode = 6, metric = "mean") head(result)
Get function for the annotation table of the ScreenR object
get_annotation_table(object) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' get_annotation_table(object)
get_annotation_table(object) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' get_annotation_table(object)
object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
The annotation table of the ScreenR object
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) annotation_table <- get_annotation_table(object) head(annotation_table)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) annotation_table <- get_annotation_table(object) head(annotation_table)
Get function for the count table of the ScreenR object
get_count_table(object) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' get_count_table(object)
get_count_table(object) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' get_count_table(object)
object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
The count table of the ScreenR object
It is used to store the count table to perform the analysis
It is used to store the annotation of the shRNA
It is used to store the vector of treated and untreated
It is used to store information about the replicates
It is used to store a normalized version of the count table
It is used to store a tidy format of the count table
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) count_table <- get_count_table(object) head(count_table) data("count_table", package = "ScreenR") data("annotation_table", package = "ScreenR") groups <- factor(c( "T1/T2", "T1/T2", "Treated", "Treated", "Treated", "Control", "Control", "Control", "Treated", "Treated", "Treated", "Control", "Control", "Control" )) obj <- create_screenr_object( table = count_table, annotation = annotation_table, groups = groups, replicates = c("") )
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) count_table <- get_count_table(object) head(count_table) data("count_table", package = "ScreenR") data("annotation_table", package = "ScreenR") groups <- factor(c( "T1/T2", "T1/T2", "Treated", "Treated", "Treated", "Control", "Control", "Control", "Treated", "Treated", "Treated", "Control", "Control", "Control" )) obj <- create_screenr_object( table = count_table, annotation = annotation_table, groups = groups, replicates = c("") )
Get function for the data_table of the ScreenR object
get_data_table(object) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' get_data_table(object)
get_data_table(object) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' get_data_table(object)
object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
The data_table of the ScreenR object
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) data_table <- get_data_table(object) data_table
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) data_table <- get_data_table(object) data_table
Get function for the groups of the ScreenR object
get_groups(object) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' get_groups(object)
get_groups(object) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' get_groups(object)
object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
The groups of the ScreenR object
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) groups <- get_groups(object) groups
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) groups <- get_groups(object) groups
Get function for the normalized_count_table of the ScreenR object
get_normalized_count_table(object) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' get_normalized_count_table(object)
get_normalized_count_table(object) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' get_normalized_count_table(object)
object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
The normalized_count_table of the ScreenR object
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) normalized_count_table <- get_normalized_count_table(object) normalized_count_table
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) normalized_count_table <- get_normalized_count_table(object) normalized_count_table
Get function for the replicates of the ScreenR object
get_replicates(object) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' get_replicates(object)
get_replicates(object) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' get_replicates(object)
object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
The replicates of the ScreenR object
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) replicates <- get_replicates(object) replicates
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) replicates <- get_replicates(object) replicates
This function returns the number of mapped reads inside the ScreenR object
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
Return a tibble containing the number of mapped read for sample
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) mapped_reads(object)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) mapped_reads(object)
This function perform a normalization on the data considering the fact that each shRNA has a defined length so this will not influence the data. Basically is computed the sum for each row and then multiply by 1e6. At the end the data obtained will be Count Per Million.
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
Return the ScreenR object with the normalize data
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) object <- normalize_data(object) slot(object, "normalized_count_table")
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) object <- normalize_data(object) slot(object, "normalized_count_table")
Create a barcode plot for a hit. A barcode plot displays if the hit is differentially up or down regulated. If most of the vertical line are on the left side the gene associated to the barcodes is down regulated otherwise is up regulated.
plot_barcode_hit( screenR_Object, matrix_model, contrast, number_barcode = 3, gene, quantile = c(-0.5, 0.5), labels = c("Negative logFC", "Positive logFC") )
plot_barcode_hit( screenR_Object, matrix_model, contrast, number_barcode = 3, gene, quantile = c(-0.5, 0.5), labels = c("Negative logFC", "Positive logFC") )
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
matrix_model |
The matrix that will be used to perform the linear model analysis. It is created using model.matrix. |
contrast |
An object created with |
number_barcode |
Number of barcode that as to be differentially expressed (DE) in order to consider the associated gene DE. Example a gene is associated with 10 shRNA we consider a gene DE if it has at least number_barcode = 5 shRNA DE. |
gene |
The name of the gene that has to be plot |
quantile |
Quantile to display on the plot |
labels |
The label to be displayed on the quantile side |
The barcode plot
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) matrix_model <- model.matrix(~ slot(object, "groups")) colnames(matrix_model) <- c("Control", "T1_T2", "Treated") contrast <- limma::makeContrasts(Treated - Control, levels = matrix_model) plot_barcode_hit(object, matrix_model, contrast = contrast, gene = "Gene_300" )
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) matrix_model <- model.matrix(~ slot(object, "groups")) colnames(matrix_model) <- c("Control", "T1_T2", "Treated") contrast <- limma::makeContrasts(Treated - Control, levels = matrix_model) plot_barcode_hit(object, matrix_model, contrast = contrast, gene = "Gene_300" )
This function plots the number of barcode lost in each sample. Usually lots of barcodes lost mean that the sample has low quality.
plot_barcode_lost( screenR_Object, palette = NULL, alpha = 1, legende_position = "none" )
plot_barcode_lost( screenR_Object, palette = NULL, alpha = 1, legende_position = "none" )
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
palette |
A vector of colors to be used to fill the barplot. |
alpha |
A value for the opacity of the plot. Allowed values are in the range 0 to 1 |
legende_position |
Where to positioning the legend of the plot. Allowed values are in the "top", "bottom", "right", "left", "none". |
Returns the plot displaying the number of barcode lost in each sample
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) plot_barcode_lost(object)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) plot_barcode_lost(object)
This function plots the number of barcodes lost in each sample for each gene. Usually in a genetic screening each gene is is associated with multiple shRNAs and so barcodes. For this reason a reasonable number of barcodes associated with the gene has to be retrieved in order to have a robust result. Visualizing the number of genes that have lost lot's of barcode is a Quality Check procedure in order to be aware of the number of barcode for the hit identified.
plot_barcode_lost_for_gene(screenR_Object, facet = TRUE, samples)
plot_barcode_lost_for_gene(screenR_Object, facet = TRUE, samples)
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
facet |
A boolean to use the facet. |
samples |
A vector of samples that as to be visualize |
Return the plot displaying the number of barcode lost for each gene in each sample.
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) plot_barcode_lost_for_gene(object, samples = c("Time3_A", "Time3_B") ) plot_barcode_lost_for_gene(object, samples = c("Time3_A", "Time3_B"), facet = FALSE )
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) plot_barcode_lost_for_gene(object, samples = c("Time3_A", "Time3_B") ) plot_barcode_lost_for_gene(object, samples = c("Time3_A", "Time3_B"), facet = FALSE )
Plot the log2FC over time of the barcodes in the different time point. This plot is useful to check we efficacy of each shRNA. Good shRNAs should have consistent trend trend over time.
plot_barcode_trend( list_data_measure, genes, n_col = 1, size_line = 1, color = NULL )
plot_barcode_trend( list_data_measure, genes, n_col = 1, size_line = 1, color = NULL )
list_data_measure |
A list containing the measure table of the different time point. Generated using the compute_metrics function. |
genes |
The vector of genes name. |
n_col |
The number of column to use in the facet wrap. |
size_line |
The thickness of the line. |
color |
The vector of colors. One color for each barcode. |
The trend plot for the genes in input.
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) metrics <- dplyr::bind_rows( compute_metrics(object, control = "TRT", treatment = "Time3", day = "Time3" ), compute_metrics(object, control = "TRT", treatment = "Time4", day = "Time4" ) ) # Multiple Genes plot_barcode_trend(metrics, genes = c("Gene_1", "Gene_50"), n_col = 2 ) # Single Gene plot_barcode_trend(metrics, genes = "Gene_300")
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) metrics <- dplyr::bind_rows( compute_metrics(object, control = "TRT", treatment = "Time3", day = "Time3" ), compute_metrics(object, control = "TRT", treatment = "Time4", day = "Time4" ) ) # Multiple Genes plot_barcode_trend(metrics, genes = c("Gene_1", "Gene_50"), n_col = 2 ) # Single Gene plot_barcode_trend(metrics, genes = "Gene_300")
This function plots a boxplot for each sample for the genes passed as input. It can be used to see the overall trend of a gene and so to visualize if the gene is up or down regulated.
plot_boxplot( screenR_Object, genes, group_var, alpha = 0.5, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, fill_var = "Sample", type = "boxplot", scales = "free" )
plot_boxplot( screenR_Object, genes, group_var, alpha = 0.5, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, fill_var = "Sample", type = "boxplot", scales = "free" )
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
genes |
The vector of genes that will be displayed |
group_var |
The variable that as to be used to filter the data, for example the different treatment |
alpha |
A value for the opacity of the plot. Allowed values are in the range 0 to 1 |
nrow |
The number of rows in case multiple genes are plotted |
ncol |
The number of columns in case multiple genes are plotted |
fill_var |
The variable used to fill the boxplot |
type |
The type of plot to use "boxplot" or "violinplot" |
scales |
The scales used for the facet. Possible values can be "free", "fixed" and "free_y" |
A boxplot
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) plot_boxplot(object, genes = c("Gene_34"), group_var = c("T1", "T2", "TRT"), nrow = 1, ncol = 2, fill_var = "Day", type = "violinplot" )
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) plot_boxplot(object, genes = c("Gene_34"), group_var = c("T1", "T2", "TRT"), nrow = 1, ncol = 2, fill_var = "Day", type = "violinplot" )
This method plot the hits in common among the three methods is
a wrapper for the ggvenn
plot_common_hit( hit_zscore, hit_camera, hit_roast, alpha = 0.5, stroke_size = 0.5, set_name_size = 4, text_color = "black", text_size = 4, show_percentage = TRUE, title = "", color = c("#1B9E77", "#D95F02", "#7570B3"), show_elements = TRUE )
plot_common_hit( hit_zscore, hit_camera, hit_roast, alpha = 0.5, stroke_size = 0.5, set_name_size = 4, text_color = "black", text_size = 4, show_percentage = TRUE, title = "", color = c("#1B9E77", "#D95F02", "#7570B3"), show_elements = TRUE )
hit_zscore |
The list of hits of the |
hit_camera |
The list of hits of the |
hit_roast |
The list of hits of the |
alpha |
A value for the opacity of the plot. Allowed values are in the range 0 to 1 |
stroke_size |
Stroke size for drawing circles |
set_name_size |
Text size for set names |
text_color |
Text color for intersect contents |
text_size |
Text size for intersect contents |
show_percentage |
Show percentage for each set |
title |
The title to display above the plot |
color |
The three vector color for the venn |
show_elements |
Show set elements instead of count/percentage. |
A vector containing the common hit
hit_zscore <- data.frame(Gene = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")) hit_camera <- data.frame(Gene = c("A", "B", "C", "F", "H", "G")) hit_roast <- data.frame(Gene = c("A", "L", "N")) plot_common_hit(hit_zscore, hit_camera, hit_roast)
hit_zscore <- data.frame(Gene = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")) hit_camera <- data.frame(Gene = c("A", "B", "C", "F", "H", "G")) hit_roast <- data.frame(Gene = c("A", "L", "N")) plot_common_hit(hit_zscore, hit_camera, hit_roast)
This function plot the explained variance by the Principal Component analysis.
plot_explained_variance( screenR_Object, cumulative = FALSE, color = "steelblue" )
plot_explained_variance( screenR_Object, cumulative = FALSE, color = "steelblue" )
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
cumulative |
A boolean value which indicates whether or not to plot the cumulative variance. The default value is FALSE. |
color |
The color to fill the barplot the default value is steelblue |
The explained variance plot
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) plot_explained_variance(object) # For the cumulative plot plot_explained_variance(object, cumulative = TRUE)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) plot_explained_variance(object) # For the cumulative plot plot_explained_variance(object, cumulative = TRUE)
This function plots the number of reads mapped for each
sample. It internally call the count_mapped_reads
function, to compute the number of mapped reads.
plot_mapped_reads( screenR_Object, palette = NULL, alpha = 1, legende_position = "none" )
plot_mapped_reads( screenR_Object, palette = NULL, alpha = 1, legende_position = "none" )
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
palette |
A vector of color that as to be used to fill the barplot. |
alpha |
A value for the opacity of the plot. Allowed values are in the range 0 to 1 |
legende_position |
Where to positioning the legend of the plot ("none", "left", "right", "bottom", "top") |
return a ggplot object
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) plot_mapped_reads(object)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) plot_mapped_reads(object)
This function creates a boxplot or a densityplot to show the distribution of the mapped reads in different samples. This function can be used to assess the quality of the samples. Samples which show roughly the same distribution have good quality.
plot_mapped_reads_distribution( screenR_Object, palette = NULL, alpha = 1, type = "boxplot" )
plot_mapped_reads_distribution( screenR_Object, palette = NULL, alpha = 1, type = "boxplot" )
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
palette |
The color vector that as to be used for the plot. |
alpha |
A value for the opacity of the plot. Allowed values are in the range 0 to 1 |
type |
The type of plot. The default is "boxplot" the other option is "density." |
Return a tibble containing the number of mapped read for each sample
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) # Boxplot plot_mapped_reads_distribution(object) # Density plot_mapped_reads_distribution(object, type = "density") plot_mapped_reads_distribution(object, type = "density", alpha = 0.2)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) # Boxplot plot_mapped_reads_distribution(object) # Density plot_mapped_reads_distribution(object, type = "density") plot_mapped_reads_distribution(object, type = "density", alpha = 0.2)
Plot samples on a two-dimensional scatterplot so that distances on the plot approximate the typical log2 fold changes between the samples.
plot_mds( screenR_Object, groups = NULL, alpha = 0.8, size = 2.5, color = "black" )
plot_mds( screenR_Object, groups = NULL, alpha = 0.8, size = 2.5, color = "black" )
screenR_Object |
The Object of the package
groups |
The vector that has to be used to fill the plot if NULL the function will use the default groups slot in the object passed as input. |
alpha |
The opacity of the labels. Possible value are in a range from 0 to 1. |
size |
The dimension of the labels. The default value is 2.5 |
color |
The color of the labels. The default value is black |
The MDS Plot
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) plot_mds(object)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) plot_mds(object)
This function plot the trend of a gene resulted as hit
plot_trend( screenR_Object, genes, group_var, alpha = 0.5, se = FALSE, point_size = 1, line_size = 1, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, scales = "free" )
plot_trend( screenR_Object, genes, group_var, alpha = 0.5, se = FALSE, point_size = 1, line_size = 1, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, scales = "free" )
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
genes |
The vector of genes to use |
group_var |
The variable that as to be used to filter the data, for example the different treatment |
alpha |
A value for the opacity of the plot. Allowed values are in the range 0 to 1 |
se |
A boolean to indicate where or not to plot the standard error |
point_size |
The dimension of each dot |
line_size |
The dimension of the line |
nrow |
The number of rows in case multiple genes are plotted |
ncol |
The number of columns in case multiple genes are plotted |
scales |
The scales to be used in the facette |
The plot of the trend over time for a specific treatment.
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) plot_trend(object, genes = "Gene_42", group_var = c("T1", "T2", "TRT")) plot_trend(object, genes = c("Gene_42", "Gene_100"), group_var = c("T1", "T2", "TRT"), nrow = 2 )
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) plot_trend(object, genes = "Gene_42", group_var = c("T1", "T2", "TRT")) plot_trend(object, genes = c("Gene_42", "Gene_100"), group_var = c("T1", "T2", "TRT"), nrow = 2 )
This function plots the Log2FC Z-score distribution of the treated vs control in the different time points.
plot_zscore_distribution(time_point_measure, alpha = 1)
plot_zscore_distribution(time_point_measure, alpha = 1)
time_point_measure |
A list containing the table for each time point. Each table contains for each barcode the counts for the treated and control the Log2FC, Zscore, ZscoreRobust, Day. |
alpha |
A value for the opacity of the plot. Allowed values are in the range 0 to 1 |
return the density plot of the distribution of the Z-score
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) table1 <- compute_metrics(object, control = "TRT", treatment = "Time3", day = "Time3" ) table2 <- compute_metrics(object, control = "TRT", treatment = "Time4", day = "Time4" ) plot_zscore_distribution(list(table1, table2), alpha = 0.5)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) table1 <- compute_metrics(object, control = "TRT", treatment = "Time3", day = "Time3" ) table2 <- compute_metrics(object, control = "TRT", treatment = "Time4", day = "Time4" ) plot_zscore_distribution(list(table1, table2), alpha = 0.5)
This function removes the rows that have zero count in all samples. It takes care of updating both count_table and annotation_table. Very_Important: It has to be performed before the data normalization.
screenR_Object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
The ScreenR object with the count_table and the annotation_table filtered.
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) counts <- get_count_table(object) nrow(counts) object <- remove_all_zero_row(object) counts <- get_count_table(object) nrow(counts)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) counts <- get_count_table(object) nrow(counts) object <- remove_all_zero_row(object) counts <- get_count_table(object) nrow(counts)
Set function for the annotation table of the ScreenR object
set_annotation_table(object, annotation_table) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' set_annotation_table(object, annotation_table)
set_annotation_table(object, annotation_table) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' set_annotation_table(object, annotation_table)
object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
annotation_table |
a table containing the annotation for each shRNA |
The ScreenR object with the annotation table
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) annotation <- get_annotation_table(object) set_annotation_table(object, annotation)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) annotation <- get_annotation_table(object) set_annotation_table(object, annotation)
Set function for the count table of the ScreenR object
set_count_table(object, count_table) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' set_count_table(object, count_table)
set_count_table(object, count_table) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' set_count_table(object, count_table)
object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
count_table |
A count table containing in each row an shRNA and in each column a sample |
The ScreenR object with the count table
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) counts <- get_count_table(object) set_count_table(object, counts)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) counts <- get_count_table(object) set_count_table(object, counts)
Set function for the data_table of the ScreenR object
set_data_table(object, data_table) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' set_data_table(object, data_table)
set_data_table(object, data_table) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' set_data_table(object, data_table)
object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
data_table |
A count table in a tidy format |
The ScreenR object with the set data_table
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) data_table <- get_data_table(object) set_data_table(object, data_table)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) data_table <- get_data_table(object) set_data_table(object, data_table)
Set function for the groups of the ScreenR object
set_groups(object, groups) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' set_groups(object, groups)
set_groups(object, groups) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' set_groups(object, groups)
object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
groups |
The treatment and control groups |
The ScreenR object containing the group field
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) groups <- get_groups(object) set_groups(object, groups)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) groups <- get_groups(object) set_groups(object, groups)
Set function for the normalized_count_table of the ScreenR object
set_normalized_count_table(object, normalized_count_table) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' set_normalized_count_table(object, normalized_count_table)
set_normalized_count_table(object, normalized_count_table) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' set_normalized_count_table(object, normalized_count_table)
object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
normalized_count_table |
A table of the normalized count table |
The ScreenR object with the set normalized_count_table
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) normalized_count_table <- get_normalized_count_table(object) normalized_count_table set_normalized_count_table(object, normalized_count_table)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) normalized_count_table <- get_normalized_count_table(object) normalized_count_table set_normalized_count_table(object, normalized_count_table)
Set function for the replicates of the ScreenR object
set_replicates(object, replicates) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' set_replicates(object, replicates)
set_replicates(object, replicates) ## S4 method for signature 'screenr_object' set_replicates(object, replicates)
object |
The ScreenR object obtained using the
replicates |
The vector containing the replicates name |
The ScreenR object with the specific replicates
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) replicates <- get_replicates(object) set_replicates(object, replicates)
object <- get0("object", envir = asNamespace("ScreenR")) replicates <- get_replicates(object) set_replicates(object, replicates)