SBMLR 1.57.1
- Added new function S4toS3() for converting S4 SBML models of rsbml into S3 SBMLR models.
- Includes code from Vishak Venkateswaran's branch of SBMLR on github (July 2011).
This is may allow it to read more models in
I say may because I don't fully understand all of his codes, but add it in anyway.
- Problem of libsbml allowing multiple args to multiplication operator was solved
by using prod(). Similarly for sum(). Note that "*"() is strictly a binary operator.
- Call my model object call SBMLR now to let SBML refer to rsbml's SBML object. Similary
my simulate() is now sim() to keep it clear of rsbml's simulate().
- SBMLR model files no longer need to have the reversible flag set. The default is FALSE,
which is the opposite of Level 2: all of my reaction rate laws have always been positive,
and a design objective I like is to keep SBMLR model files as lean as possible (subject to
the constraint that they be valid R code).
- Simulate handles lsoda() event dataframes, see simulate help.
- curtoNatural.R (see Fig. 7 BMC Bioinformatics 2004, 5:190) is now in the models folder.
- The SOD model of Kowald et al, JTB 238 (2006) 828–840 is now also in this folder.
- Two pdfs of publications that are freely available were removed to make the package lighter.
- Similarly, only manual.doc remains: its redundant pdf is now out.
- SBMLR objects do need to have their reversible flag set in files, but do in SBMLR objects in R.
SBMLR 1.51.1
- Replaced odesolve dependence with deSolve dependence.
- Updated url in description
- This is the last version with changes logged in doc/readme.txt (3/20/2012)