Package 'S4Arrays'

Title: Foundation of array-like containers in Bioconductor
Description: The S4Arrays package defines the Array virtual class to be extended by other S4 classes that wish to implement a container with an array-like semantic. It also provides: (1) low-level functionality meant to help the developer of such container to implement basic operations like display, subsetting, or coercion of their array-like objects to an ordinary matrix or array, and (2) a framework that facilitates block processing of array-like objects (typically on-disk objects).
Authors: Hervé Pagès [aut, cre] , Jacques Serizay [ctb]
Maintainer: Hervé Pagès <[email protected]>
License: Artistic-2.0
Version: 1.7.3
Built: 2025-03-10 04:50:19 UTC

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Generalized permutation of the dimensions of an array


aperm2() extends the functionality of base::aperm() by allowing dropping and/or adding ineffective dimensions (i.e. dimensions with an extent of 1) from/to the input array, in addition to permuting its dimensions.

Note that, like base::aperm(), aperm2() always preserves the length of the input array. However, unlike with base::aperm(), the array returned by aperm2() doesn't necessarily have the same number of dimensions as the input array.


aperm2(a, perm)



An ordinary array.


An integer vector, possibly containing NAs, indicating how the dimensions of the returned array should be mapped to those of the input array.

More precisely, perm can be one of the following:

  • A permutation of the seq_along(dim(a)) vector, like for base::aperm(). Note that if the identity permutation is used (i.e. perm=seq_along(dim(a))), then aperm2() is a no-op (like with base::aperm()).

  • A permutation of a subset of the seq_along(dim(a)) vector. In this case the dimensions that are excluded must be ineffective dimensions i.e. each of them must have an extent of 1. In other words, only integers that belong to which(dim(a) == 1) can be missing from perm.

    In this case, the ineffective dimensions that are excluded will be dropped i.e. they won't be carried over to the returned array.

  • Additionally, any number of NAs can be inserted anywhere in a perm vector like one described above.

    In this case, ineffective dimensions will be added to the returned array. These added dimensions will materialize as additional 1's in the dim() vector of the returned array, at positions that match the positions of the NAs in perm.

Note that if perm is missing, then aperm2(a) reverses the order of a's dimensions (i.e. perm gets set to rev(seq_along(dim(a)))), like base::aperm(a) does.


An array with one dimension per element in the perm argument. The length of the returned array will always be the same as the length of the input array. (Note that for an array a, length(a) is prod(dim(a)).)


The aperm() method for DelayedArray objects defined in the DelayedArray package implements the "aperm2 semantic", that is, it allows dropping and/or adding ineffective dimensions from/to the input DelayedArray object.

See Also


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

a <- array(1:72, c(3, 6, 1, 4),
           dimnames=list(NULL, letters[1:6], NULL, LETTERS[1:4]))

## Permute first two dimensions:
aperm2(a, perm=c(2,1,3,4))

## Permute first and last dimensions:
aperm2(a, perm=c(4,2,3,1))

## Drop 3rd dimension:
aperm2(a, perm=c(1,2,4))

## Drop 3rd dimension and permute 2nd and last:
aperm2(a, perm=c(1,4,2))

## Drop 3rd dimension and cycle the order of the remaining ones:
aperm2(a, perm=c(2,4,1))

## Add one ineffective dimension:
aperm2(a, perm=c(NA,1,2,3,4))
aperm2(a, perm=c(1,NA,2,3,4))
aperm2(a, perm=c(1,2,NA,3,4))
aperm2(a, perm=c(1,2,3,NA,4))
aperm2(a, perm=c(1,2,3,4,NA))

## Add four ineffective dimensions:
aperm2(a, perm=c(NA,1,2,3,NA,NA,4,NA))

## Permute first and last dimensions and add one ineffective dimension:
aperm2(a, perm=c(4,2,3,NA,1))

## Drop 3rd dimension, cycle the order of the remaining ones, and add
## two ineffective dimensions:
aperm2(a, perm=c(2,4,NA,1,NA))

## No-op:
aperm2(a, perm=seq_along(dim(a)))

## Reverse the order of the dimensions (multidimensional transposition):
aperm2(a)  # same as 'aperm2(a, perm=rev(seq_along(dim(a))))'

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## Applying two successive aperm() transformations, first with 'perm'
## set to 'perm1' then set to 'perm2', is equivalent to applying a
## single aperm() transformation with 'perm' set to 'perm1[perm2]'.
## More formally:
##     aperm(aperm(a, perm=perm1), perm=perm2)
## is equivalent to:
##     aperm(a, perm=perm1[perm2])
## Note that this also applies to aperm2()!

## Examples with aperm():

perm1 <- c(2,4,3,1)
perm2 <- c(4,3,2,1)
perm3 <- c(2,1,4,3)

a12 <- aperm(aperm(a, perm=perm1), perm=perm2)
stopifnot(identical(a12, aperm(a, perm=perm1[perm2])))

a13 <- aperm(aperm(a, perm=perm1), perm=perm3)
stopifnot(identical(a13, aperm(a, perm=perm1[perm3])))

a23 <- aperm(aperm(a, perm=perm2), perm=perm3)
stopifnot(identical(a23, aperm(a, perm=perm2[perm3])))

a123 <- aperm(aperm(aperm(a, perm=perm1), perm=perm2), perm=perm3)
stopifnot(identical(a123, aperm(a, perm=perm1[perm2][perm3])))
stopifnot(identical(a123, aperm(a, perm=perm1[perm2[perm3]])))

## Examples with aperm2():

perm1 <- c(2,4,1)
perm2 <- c(1,3,NA,2,NA)
perm3 <- c(5,4,2,1)

a12 <- aperm2(aperm2(a, perm=perm1), perm=perm2)
stopifnot(identical(a12, aperm2(a, perm=perm1[perm2])))

a123 <- aperm2(aperm2(aperm2(a, perm=perm1), perm=perm2), perm=perm3)
stopifnot(identical(a123, aperm2(a, perm=perm1[perm2][perm3])))
stopifnot(identical(a123, aperm2(a, perm=perm1[perm2[perm3]])))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## An aperm() or aperm2() transformation is always reversible.
## The 'perm' vector to use to achieve the reverse transformation
## can be inferred from the initial 'perm' vector using the following
## helper function ('n' must be the number of dimensions of
## the original array):
build_rev_perm <- function(perm, n=length(perm)) {
    rev_perm <-, n)
    na_idx <- which(!
    rev_perm[perm[na_idx]] <- na_idx

## Examples:

perm <- c(2,4,NA,1,NA)
rev_perm <- build_rev_perm(perm, n=length(dim(a)))
stopifnot(identical(aperm2(aperm2(a, perm=perm), perm=rev_perm), a))

## The "composed" 'perm' vector achieves identity:

## Sanity checks:

perm <- seq_len(10)
stopifnot(identical(build_rev_perm(perm), perm))

perm <- c(2:5,1L)
rev_perm <- build_rev_perm(perm)
stopifnot(identical(perm[rev_perm], seq_along(perm)))

perm <- c(5L,NA,2:4,NA,NA,1L)
rev_perm <- build_rev_perm(perm, n=6)
stopifnot(identical(perm[rev_perm], c(1:5,NA)))

Replicate array elements


arep_times() and arep_each() are multidimensional versions of base::rep( , times=) and base::rep( , each=), respectively.

They're both generic functions with default methods that work on any array-like object that supports [ (single-bracket subsetting).


arep_times(x, times)
arep_each(x, each)



An array-like object, that is, an ordinary array or any object with dimensions.

times, each

An integer vector parallel to dim(x) i.e. with one element per dimension in x.


An array-like object of the same class as x and with dimensions dim(x) * times for arep_times or dim(x) * each for arep_each. The dimnames on x are propagated, if any.

See Also


m <- matrix(1:10, nrow=2)
arep_times(m, c(4, 2))
arep_each(m, c(4, 2))

## Note that the output array is 'prod(times)' (or 'prod(each)') times
## bigger than the input array!

Manipulation of array selections


NOTE: The tools documented in this man page are primarily intended for developers or advanced users curious about the internals of the SparseArray or DelayedArray packages. End users typically don't need them for their regular use of SparseArray or DelayedArray objects.

An array selection is just an index into an array-like object that contains the information of which array elements are selected. This index can take various forms but 3 special forms are particularly useful and extensively used in the context of the SparseArray and DelayedArray packages: linear index (also referred to as L-index or Lindex), matrix index (also referred to as M-index or Mindex), N-dimensional index (also referred to as N-index or Nindex). See Details section below for more information.

Two utility functions are provided at the moment to convert back and forth between L-indices and M-indices. More will be added in the future to convert between other types of array indices.


## Convert back and forth between L-indices and M-indices:
Lindex2Mindex(Lindex, dim, use.names=FALSE)
Mindex2Lindex(Mindex, dim, use.names=FALSE, as.integer=FALSE)



An L-index. See Details section below.


An M-index. See Details section below.

For convenience, Mindex can also be specified as an integer vector with one element per dimension in the underlying array, in which case it will be treated like a 1-row matrix.


An integer vector containing the dimensions of the underlying array.

Note that dim can also be an integer matrix, in which case it must have one row per element in Lindex (or per row in Mindex) and one column per dimension in the underlying array.


Should the names (or rownames) on the input be propagated to the output?


Set to TRUE to force Mindex2Lindex to return the L-index as an integer vector. Dangerous!

By default, i.e. when as.integer=FALSE, Mindex2Lindex will return the L-index either as an integer or numeric vector. It will choose the former only if it's safe, that is, only if all the values in the L-index "fit" in the integer type. More precisely:

  • If dim is not a matrix (i.e. is a vector) or if it's a matrix with a single row: Mindex2Lindex returns an integer or numeric vector depending on whether prod(dim) is <= .Machine$integer.max (2^31 - 1) or not.

  • Otherwise Mindex2Lindex returns a numeric vector.

Note that with these rules, Mindex2Lindex can return a numeric vector even if an integer vector could have been used.

Use as.integer=TRUE only in situations where you know that all the L-index values are going to "fit" in the integer type. Mindex2Lindex will return garbage if they don't.


The 3 special forms of array indices that are extensively used in the context of the SparseArray and DelayedArray packages:

  1. Linear index (or L-index or Lindex): A numeric vector where each value is >= 1 and <= the length of the array-like object. When using an L-index to subset an array-like object, the returned value is a vector-like object (i.e. no dimensions) of the same length as the L-index.


                a <- array(101:124, 4:2)
                Lindex <- c(7, 2, 24, 2)
  2. Matrix index (or M-index or Mindex): An integer matrix with one column per dimension in the array-like object and one row per array element in the selection. The values in each column must be >= 1 and <= the extent of the array-like object along the corresponding dimension. When using an M-index to subset an array-like object, the returned value is a vector-like object (i.e. no dimensions) of length the number of rows in the M-index.


                a <- array(101:124, 4:2)
                Mindex <- rbind(c(3, 2, 1),
                                c(2, 1, 1),
                                c(4, 3, 2),
                                c(2, 1, 1))

    Note that this is the type of index returned by base::arrayInd.

  3. N-dimensional (or N-index or Nindex): A list with one list element per dimension in the array-like object. Each list element must be a subscript describing the selection along the corresponding dimension of the array-like object. IMPORTANT: A NULL subscript is interpreted as a missing subscript ("missing" like in a[ , , 1:2]), that is, as a subscript that runs along the full extend of the corresponding dimension of the array-like object. This means that before an N-index can be used in a call to [, [<-, [[ or [[<-, the NULL list elements in it must be replaced with objects of class "name". When using an N-index to subset an array-like object, the returned value is another array-like object of dimensions the lengths of the selections along each dimensions.


                a <- array(101:124, 4:2)
                ## Normalized N-index (i.e. non-NULL subscripts are integer
                ## vectors with positive values only):
                Nindex <- list(c(1, 4, 1), NULL, 1)
                ## Same as a[c(1, 4, 1), , 1, drop=FALSE]:
                S4Arrays:::subset_by_Nindex(a, Nindex)
                Nindex <- list(integer(0), NULL, 1)
                ## Same as a[integer(0), , 1, drop=FALSE]:
                S4Arrays:::subset_by_Nindex(a, Nindex)
                ## Non-normalized N-index:
                Nindex <- list(-3, NULL, c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))
                Nindex <- S4Arrays:::normalize_Nindex(Nindex, a)
                ## Same as a[-3, , 1, drop=FALSE]:
                S4Arrays:::subset_by_Nindex(a, Nindex)
                Nindex <- list(IRanges(2, 4), NULL, 1)
                Nindex <- S4Arrays:::normalize_Nindex(Nindex, a)
                ## Same as a[2:4, , 1, drop=FALSE]:
                S4Arrays:::subset_by_Nindex(a, Nindex)
                dimnames(a)[[1]] <- LETTERS[1:4]
                Nindex <- list(c("D", "B"), NULL, 1)
                Nindex <- S4Arrays:::normalize_Nindex(Nindex, a)
                ## Same as a[c("D", "B"), , 1, drop=FALSE]:
                S4Arrays:::subset_by_Nindex(a, Nindex)


Lindex2Mindex returns an M-index.

Mindex2Lindex returns an L-index.

See Also

arrayInd in the base package.


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## M-index vs L-index
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

a <- array(101:124, 4:2)

## The same "array selection" can be represented by an M-index or
## an L-index. Here we use both representations to select the same
## 4 array elements:
Mindex <- rbind(c(3, 2, 1),
                c(2, 1, 1),
                c(4, 3, 2),
                c(2, 1, 1))

Lindex <- c(7, 2, 24, 2)

## Sanity check:
stopifnot(identical(a[Mindex], a[Lindex]))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Convert back and forth between M-index and L-index representation
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Mindex2Lindex(Mindex, dim(a))  # L-index

Lindex2Mindex(Lindex, dim(a))  # M-index

## Sanity checks:
storage.mode(Mindex) <- storage.mode(Lindex) <- "integer"
stopifnot(identical(Mindex2Lindex(Mindex, dim(a)), Lindex))
stopifnot(identical(Lindex2Mindex(Lindex, dim(a)), Mindex))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## More Mindex2Lindex() examples
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

dim <- 4:2
Mindex2Lindex(c(4, 3, 1), dim)
Mindex2Lindex(c(4, 3, 2), dim)

Mindex <- rbind(c(1, 1, 1),
                c(2, 1, 1),
                c(3, 1, 1),
                c(4, 1, 1),
                c(1, 2, 1),
                c(1, 1, 2),
                c(4, 3, 2))

Mindex2Lindex(Mindex, dim)

## With a matrix of dimensions:

dims <- rbind(c(4L, 3L),
              c(5L, 3L),
              c(6L, 3L))

Mindex <- rbind(c(1,  2),
                c(1,  2),
                c(1,  2))

Mindex2Lindex(Mindex, dims)

## Sanity checks:

dim <- c(33:30, 45L, 30L)
stopifnot(Mindex2Lindex(rep(1, 6), dim) == 1)
stopifnot(Mindex2Lindex(dim, dim) == prod(dim))

stopifnot(identical(Mindex2Lindex(arrayInd(1:120, 6:4), 6:4), 1:120))
stopifnot(identical(Mindex2Lindex(arrayInd(840:1, 4:7), 4:7), 840:1))

Multidimensional array recycling


Arithmetic and other binary operations in base R between a matrix or array and a vector don't let the user control how the latter should be recycled: it's always recycled along the first dimension of the matrix or array. This has led users to use various tricks when they need recycling along the second dimension (a.k.a. "horizontal recycling"), like the popular "double-transposition" trick: t(t(x) / cs). However this is inefficient and inelegant.

as_tile() is meant to address this.

It also allows arithmetic and other binary operations between two arrays of distinct dimensions (rejected as "non-conformable" by arithmetic operations in base R), typically between a small one (the tile) and a bigger one, as long as their geometries are compatible.


as_tile(x, along=1L, dim=NULL)



An array-like object or a vector.


Can only be used when x is a vector. Must be a single positive integer indicating the "orientation" of the tile to be created, that is, the dimension along which x will be recycled by arithmetic operations and other binary operations.


NULL or the dimensions (supplied as an integer vector) of the tile to be created.


A tile object (tile is an extension of array).

See Also


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
m0 <- matrix(1:54, nrow=6)
x <- c(-1, 0, 100)

## Arithmetic operations in base R recycle 'x' along the first dimension
## of the matrix ("vertical recycling"):
m0 * x

## To recycle 'x' along the second dimension of the matrix ("horizontal
## recycling"), we turn it into an "horizontal" tile:
t <- as_tile(x, along=2)

m0 * t

## The above produces the same result as the double-transposition trick
## but is more efficient (and also makes code easier to read):
stopifnot(identical(m0 * t, t(t(m0) * x)))

## A less artificial example:
cs0 <- colSums(m0)
m <- m0 / as_tile(cs0, along=2)

stopifnot(all(colSums(m) == 1))  # sanity check

## Using an arbitrary 2D tile:

t <- m0[1:2, 1:3]
## Unfortunately arithmetic operations in base R refuse to operate on
## arrays that don't have the same dimensions:
## Not run: 
  m0 / t  # ERROR! (non-conformable arrays)

## End(Not run)

## Wrapping 't' in a tile object makes this work:
m0 / as_tile(t)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Note that colSums() supports multidimensional arrays. In this case
## the user can use the 'dims' argument to control how the array should
## be sliced into "columns". See '?base::colSums' for the details.

a <- array(runif(300), dim=c(10, 5, 6))

## Using 'dims=2' indicates that the columns are the 2D slices obtained
## by slicing the array along its 3rd dimension. With this slicing, each
## column is a 10 x 5 matrix.
cs2 <- colSums(a, dims=2)
cs2  # vector of length 6 (one value per 2D slice)

t <- as_tile(cs2, along=3)
a / t

stopifnot(all(colSums(a / t, dims=2) == 1))  # sanity check

## By default (i.e. when 'dims=1') the array is considered to be made
## of 5*6 columns of length 10.
cs1 <- colSums(a)
cs1  # 5 x 6 matrix

t <- as_tile(cs1, dim=c(1L, dim(cs1)))
a / t

stopifnot(all(colSums(a / t) == 1))  # sanity check

Array objects


Array is a virtual class with no slots intended to be extended by concrete subclasses with an array-like semantic.


Some examples of Array derivatives:

See Also


showClass("Array")  # virtual class with no slots

Kronecker products on Array objects


The S4Arrays package implements kronecker() methods for Array objects that work out-of-the-box on Array derivatives that support [ and *.

Note that kronecker is a generic function defined in the methods package but documented in the base package. See ?base::kronecker.


## S4 method for signature 'Array,ANY'
kronecker(X, Y, FUN="*", make.dimnames=FALSE, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'ANY,Array'
kronecker(X, Y, FUN="*", make.dimnames=FALSE, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'Array,Array'
kronecker(X, Y, FUN="*", make.dimnames=FALSE, ...)

## The workhorse behind the three above methods.
kronecker2(X, Y, FUN="*", make.dimnames=FALSE, ...)


X, Y

Array-like objects. Alternatively X and/or Y can be vectors, in which case they are converted to 1D-arrays with as.array().

Note that X and Y are expected to have the same number of dimensions. However, when they don't, ineffective dimensions (i.e. dimensions with an extent of 1) are added to the object with less dimensions.

For the S4 methods, at least one of X or Y must be an Array derivative.

FUN, make.dimnames, ...

See ?base::kronecker for a description of these arguments.


The three kronecker() methods listed above delegate to kronecker2(), a re-implementation of base::kronecker().

kronecker2() is semantically equivalent to base::kronecker. However, unlike the latter which calls as.array() on X and Y internally, the former operates natively on the input objects regardless of their internal representations, as long as they are array-like objects that support [ (single-bracket subsetting) and *. In particular, when X and Y use the same internal representations, the returned object will also use that representation. In other words, the output object will have the same class as the input objects (endomorphism).

The endomorphism property is particularly important when the input objects are sparse (e.g. SVT_SparseArray objects from the SparseArray package) or when they use an on-disk representation (e.g. DelayedArray objects from the DelayedArray package). For example, if X and Y are DelayedArray objects, the returned object is another DelayedArray object. Also in that case, calling kronecker2() is virtually instantaneous because all the operations that the function performs internally on X and Y by the are delayed!


An array-like object with dimensions dim(X) * dim(Y).

See Also


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## SIMPLE kronecker2() EXAMPLES
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

m1 <- matrix(1:10, nrow=2)     # 2 x 5 matrix
m2 <- matrix(101:106, nrow=3)  # 3 x 2 matrix
kronecker2(m1, m2)             # 6 x 10 matrix

a1 <- array(1:16, dim=c(4, 2, 2))
a2 <- array(1:30, dim=c(3, 5, 2))
kronecker2(a1, a2)    # 12 x 10 x 4 array

## The Kronecker product is **not** commutative:
m1 <- matrix(LETTERS[1:10], nrow=2)
m2 <- matrix(letters[1:6], nrow=3)
kronecker2(m1, m2, paste, sep="*")
kronecker2(m2, m1, paste, sep="*")

## Sanity checks:
  identical(kronecker2(m1, m2, paste0), kronecker(m1, m2, paste0)),
  identical(kronecker2(m2, m1, paste0), kronecker(m2, m1, paste0))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## USING kronecker() ON Array DERIVATIVES
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## The user should typically avoid direct calls to kronecker2() and
## stick to kronecker(). Because this is a generic function, it will
## dispatch to the appropriate method based on the classes of the input
## objects. If one of them is an Array derivative, kronecker2() will
## be called thanks to the methods defined in the S4Arrays package and
## listed in the Usage section above.

## With SparseMatrix objects (Array derivatives):
sm1 <- poissonSparseMatrix(300, 15, density=0.25)
sm2 <- poissonSparseMatrix(80, 500, density=0.15)
kronecker2(sm1, sm2)  # 24000 x 7500 SparseMatrix object

## With TENxMatrix objects (DelayedArray derivatives, therefore also
## Array derivatives):
M1 <- writeTENxMatrix(sm1)  # 300 x 15 TENxMatrix object
M2 <- writeTENxMatrix(sm2)  # 80 x 500 TENxMatrix object
K <- kronecker2(M1, M2)     # instantaneous! (all operations are delayed)
showtree(K)  # show delayed operations details

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## See for details
## about "The mixed-product property".

## We verify the property on 4 random matrices:
A <- matrix(runif(1000), ncol=40)
B <- matrix(runif(800), ncol=100)
C <- matrix(runif(600), nrow=40)
D <- matrix(runif(5000), nrow=100)

kAB <- kronecker2(A, B)
kCD <- kronecker2(C, D)
kAB_x_kCD <- kAB %*% kCD
A_x_C <- A %*% C
B_x_D <- B %*% D
stopifnot(all.equal(kAB_x_kCD, kronecker2(A_x_C, B_x_D)))

## The mixed-product property also for the element-wise product
## (Hadamard product). We verify this on 4 random arrays:
A <- array(1:60, dim=5:3)
B <- array(101:180, dim=c(2,10,4))
C <- array(runif(60), dim=5:3)
D <- array(runif(80), dim=c(2,10,4))

kAB <- kronecker2(A, B)
kCD <- kronecker2(C, D)
kAB_o_kCD <- kAB * kCD
A_o_C <- A * C
B_o_D <- B * D
stopifnot(all.equal(kAB_o_kCD, kronecker2(A_o_C, B_o_D)))

ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects


A grid is a partitioning of an array-like object into block-shaped regions called viewports.

The S4Arrays package defines two S4 classes to formally represent grids and viewports: the ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport classes. Note that ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects are used extensively in the context of block processing of array-like objects.

There are two variants of ArrayGrid objects:

  • RegularArrayGrid objects: for grids where all the blocks have the same geometry (except maybe for the edge blocks).

  • ArbitraryArrayGrid objects: for grids where blocks don't necessarily have the same geometry.


## Constructor functions:
RegularArrayGrid(refdim, spacings=refdim)

downsample(x, ratio=1L)



An integer vector containing the dimensions of the reference array.


An integer vector specifying the grid spacing along each dimension.


A list of integer vectors, one along each dimension of the reference array, representing the tickmarks along that dimension. Each integer vector must be sorted in ascending order. NAs or negative values are not allowed.


An ArrayGrid object.


An integer vector specifying the ratio of the downsampling along each dimension. Can be of length 1, in which case the same ratio is used along all the dimensions.


RegularArrayGrid and ArbitraryArrayGrid are concrete subclasses of ArrayGrid, which itself is a virtual class.

Note that an ArrayGrid or ArrayViewport object doesn't store any array data, only the geometry of the grid or viewport. This makes these objects extremely light-weight, even for grids made of millions of blocks.


For RegularArrayGrid(), a RegularArrayGrid instance.

For ArbitraryArrayGrid(), an ArbitraryArrayGrid instance.

For downsample(), an ArrayGrid object on the same reference array than x.

See Also

  • read_block to read a block of data from an array-like object.

  • blockApply and family, in the DelayedArray package, for convenient block processing of an array-like object.

  • mapToGrid for mapping reference array positions to grid positions and vice-versa.

  • array and matrix objects in base R.


## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## A. ArrayGrid OBJECTS
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## Create a regularly-spaced grid on top of a 3700 x 100 x 33 array:
grid1 <- RegularArrayGrid(c(3700, 100, 33), c(250, 100, 10))

## Dimensions of the reference array:

## Number of grid elements along each dimension of the reference array:

## Total number of grid elements:

## First element in the grid:
grid1[[1L]]             # same as grid1[[1L, 1L, 1L]]

## Last element in the grid:
grid1[[length(grid1)]]  # same as grid1[[15L, 1L, 4L]]

## Dimensions of the grid elements:
dims(grid1)             # one row per grid element

## Lengths of the grid elements:
lengths(grid1)          # same as rowProds(dims(grid1))
stopifnot(sum(lengths(grid1)) == prod(refdim(grid1)))

maxlength(grid1)        # does not need to compute lengths(grid1)) first
                        # so is more efficient than max(lengths(grid1))
stopifnot(maxlength(grid1) == max(lengths(grid1)))

## Create an arbitrary-spaced grid on top of a 15 x 9 matrix:
grid2 <- ArbitraryArrayGrid(list(c(2L, 7:10, 13L, 15L), c(5:6, 6L, 9L)))

grid2[[1L]]             # same as grid2[[1L, 1L]]
grid2[[length(grid2)]]  # same as grid2[[15L, 9L]]

array(lengths(grid2), dim(grid2))  # display the grid element lengths in
                                   # an array of same shape as grid2

stopifnot(sum(lengths(grid2)) == prod(refdim(grid2)))

maxlength(grid2)        # does not need to compute lengths(grid2)) first
                        # so is more efficient than max(lengths(grid2))
stopifnot(maxlength(grid2) == max(lengths(grid2)))

## Max (i.e. highest) resolution grid:
Hgrid <- RegularArrayGrid(6:4, c(1, 1, 1))
dim(Hgrid)              # same as refdim(Hgrid)
stopifnot(identical(dim(Hgrid), refdim(Hgrid)))
stopifnot(all(lengths(Hgrid) == 1))

## Min (i.e. lowest) resolution grid:
Lgrid <- RegularArrayGrid(6:4, 6:4)
stopifnot(all(dim(Lgrid) == 1))
stopifnot(identical(dim(Lgrid[[1L]]), refdim(Lgrid)))
stopifnot(identical(dims(Lgrid), matrix(refdim(Lgrid), nrow=1)))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## B. ArrayViewport OBJECTS
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## Grid elements are ArrayViewport objects:
stopifnot(is(grid1[[1L]], "ArrayViewport"))
grid1[[2L, 1L, 1L]]
grid1[[15L, 1L, 4L]]

## Construction of a standalong ArrayViewport object:
m0 <- matrix(1:30, ncol=5)
block_dim <- c(4, 3)
viewport1 <- ArrayViewport(dim(m0), IRanges(c(3, 2), width=block_dim))

dim(viewport1)     # 'block_dim'
length(viewport1)  # number of array elements in the viewport

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

tgrid2 <- t(grid2)

## Use aperm() if the grid has more than 2 dimensions:
tgrid1 <- aperm(grid1)

aperm(grid1, c(3, 1, 2))
aperm(grid1, c(1, 3, 2))
aperm(grid1, c(3, 1))     # some dimensions can be dropped
aperm(grid1, c(3, 2, 3))  # and some can be repeated

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## The elements (ArrayViewport) of an ArrayGrid object can be replaced
## with bigger elements obtained by merging adjacent elements. How many
## adjacent elements to merge along each dimension is specified via the
## 'ratio' vector (one integer per dimension). We call this operation
## "downsampling. It can be seen as reducing the "resolution" of a grid
## by the specified ratio (if we think of the grid elements as pixels).
downsample(grid2, 2)
downsample(grid2, 3)
downsample(grid2, 4)

## Downsampling preserves the dimensions of the reference array:
stopifnot(identical(refdim(downsample(grid2, 2)), refdim(grid2)))
stopifnot(identical(refdim(downsample(grid2, 3)), refdim(grid2)))
stopifnot(identical(refdim(downsample(grid2, 4)), refdim(grid2)))

## A big enough ratio will eventually produce the coarsest possible grid
## i.e. a grid with a single grid element covering the entire reference
## array:
grid3 <- downsample(grid2, 7)
stopifnot(identical(dim(grid3[[1L]]), refdim(grid3)))

## Downsampling by a ratio of 1 is a no-op:
stopifnot(identical(downsample(grid2, 1), grid2))

## Using one ratio per dimension:
downsample(grid2, c(2, 1))

## Downsample a max resolution grid:
refdim <- c(45, 16, 20)
grid4 <- RegularArrayGrid(refdim, c(1, 1, 1))
ratio <- c(6, 1, 3)
    downsample(grid4, ratio),
    RegularArrayGrid(refdim, ratio)

Combine multidimensional array-like objects


Bind multidimensional array-like objects along any dimension.

NOTE: This man page is for the abind S4 generic function defined in the S4Arrays package. See ?abind::abind for the default method (defined in the abind package). Bioconductor packages can define specific methods for objects not supported by the default method.


## Bind array-like objects along any dimension:
abind(..., along=NULL, rev.along=NULL)

## Bind array-like objects along their first or second dimension:



The array-like objects to bind.

along, rev.along

See ?abind::abind for a description of these arguments.


An array-like object, typically of the same class as the input objects if they all have the same class.

See Also

  • abind::abind in the abind package for the default abind method.

  • rbind and cbind in the base package for the corresponding operations on matrix-like objects.


a1 <- array(1:60, c(3, 5, 4),
            dimnames=list(NULL, paste0("A1y", 1:5), NULL))
a2 <- array(101:240, c(7, 5, 4),
            dimnames=list(paste0("A2x", 1:7), paste0("A2y", 1:5), NULL))
a3 <- array(10001:10100, c(5, 5, 4),
            dimnames=list(paste0("A3x", 1:5), NULL, paste0("A3z", 1:4)))

abind(a1, a2, a3, along=1)  # same as 'arbind(a1, a2, a3)'

m2 <- matrix(1:35, nrow=7)
abind(m2, a2, along=3)
abind(a2, m2, along=3)

abind(m2, m2+0.5, rev.along=0)  # same as 'abind(m2, m2+0.5, along=3)'

Check for sparse representation


is_sparse indicates whether an object (typically array-like) uses a sparse representation of the data or not.

Note that this is about data representation and not about the data itself. For example, is_sparse() always returns FALSE on an ordinary matrix, even if the matrix contains 99% zeros, because the data in such a matrix is always stored in a dense form. OTOH is_sparse() always returns TRUE on a SparseArray derivative from the SparseArray package, or on a dgCMatrix object from the Matrix package, even if the data contains no zeros, because these objects use a sparse representation of the data.





Any object, but will typically be an array-like object.

Examples of array-like objects: ordinary arrays, SparseArray objects from the SparseArray package, dgCMatrix objects from the Matrix package, DelayedArray objects from the DelayedArray package, or any object with an array semantic (i.e. an object for which dim(x) is not NULL).



See Also

  • read_block to read a block of data from an array-like object.

  • array and matrix objects in base R.

  • dgCMatrix objects implemented in the Matrix package.


m <- matrix(0L, nrow=50, ncol=20)
stopifnot(identical(is_sparse(m), FALSE))

dgc <- as(m + runif(1000), "dgCMatrix")
stopifnot(identical(is_sparse(dgc), TRUE))

Read array blocks


Use read_block to read a block of data from an array-like object.

Note that this function is typically used in the context of block processing of on-disk objects (e.g. DelayedArray objects), often in combination with write_block.


read_block(x, viewport, as.sparse=NA)

## Internal generic function used by read_block() when is_sparse(x)
## is FALSE:
read_block_as_dense(x, viewport)



An array-like object.

This can be an ordinary array, a SparseArray object from the SparseArray package, a dgCMatrix object from the Matrix package, a DelayedArray object from the DelayedArray package, or any object with an array semantic (i.e. an object for which dim(x) is not NULL).


An ArrayViewport object compatible with x, that is, such that refdim(viewport) is identical to dim(x).


Can be FALSE, TRUE, or NA.

If FALSE, the block is returned as an ordinary array (a.k.a. dense array).

If TRUE, it's returned as a SparseArray object.

If NA (the default), the block is returned as an ordinary array if is_sparse(x) is FALSE and as a SparseArray object otherwise. In other words, using as.sparse=NA is equivalent to using as.sparse=is_sparse(x). This preserves sparsity and is the most efficient way to read a block.

Note that when returned as a 2D SparseArray object with numeric or logical data, a block can easily and efficiently be coerced to a sparseMatrix derivative from the Matrix package with as(block, "sparseMatrix"). This will return a dgCMatrix object if type(block) is "double" or "integer", and a lgCMatrix object if it's "logical".


read_block() delegates to 2 internal generic functions for reading a block:

  • read_block_as_dense: used when is_sparse(x) is FALSE.

  • read_block_as_sparse (defined in the SparseArray package): used when is_sparse(x) is TRUE.

Note that these 2 internal generic functions are not meant to be called directly by the end user. The end user should always call the higher-level user-facing read_block() function instead.


A block of data. More precisely, the data from x that belongs to the block delimited by the specified viewport.

The block of data is returned either as an ordinary (dense) array or as a SparseArray object from the SparseArray package.

Note that the returned block of data is guaranteed to have the same type as x and the same dimensions as the viewport. More formally, if block is the value returned by read_block(x, viewport), then:

    identical(type(block), type(x))


    identical(dim(block), dim(viewport))

are always TRUE.

See Also

  • ArrayGrid for ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects.

  • is_sparse to check whether an object uses a sparse representation of the data or not.

  • SparseArray objects implemented in the SparseArray package.

  • S4Arrays::type to get the type of the elements of an array-like object.

  • The read_block_as_sparse internal generic function defined in the SparseArray package and used by read_block() when is_sparse(x) is TRUE.

  • write_block to write a block of data to an array-like object.

  • blockApply and family, in the DelayedArray package, for convenient block processing of an array-like object.

  • dgCMatrix and lgCMatrix objects implemented in the Matrix package.

  • DelayedArray objects implemented in the DelayedArray package.

  • array and matrix objects in base R.


## Please note that, although educative, the examples below are somewhat
## artificial and do not illustrate real-world usage of read_block().
## See '?RealizationSink' in the DelayedArray package for more realistic
## read_block/write_block examples.

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
m1 <- matrix(1:30, ncol=5)

## Define the viewport on 'm1' to read the data from:
block1_dim <- c(4, 3)
viewport1 <- ArrayViewport(dim(m1), IRanges(c(3, 2), width=block1_dim))

## Read the block:
block1 <- read_block(m1, viewport1)  # same as m1[3:6, 2:4, drop=FALSE]

## Use 'as.sparse=TRUE' to read the block as sparse object:
block1b <- read_block(m1, viewport1, as.sparse=TRUE)
is_sparse(block1b)  # TRUE
class(block1b)      # an SVT_SparseArray object

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(type(m1), type(block1)))
stopifnot(identical(dim(viewport1), dim(block1)))
stopifnot(identical(m1[3:6, 2:4, drop=FALSE], block1))
stopifnot(is(block1b, "SparseArray"))
stopifnot(identical(type(m1), type(block1b)))
stopifnot(identical(dim(viewport1), dim(block1b)))
stopifnot(identical(block1, as.array(block1b)))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
m2 <- rsparsematrix(12, 20, density=0.2,
                    rand.x=function(n) sample(25, n, replace=TRUE))
is_sparse(m2)  # TRUE

## Define the viewport on 'm2' to read the data from:
block2_dim <- c(2, 20)
viewport2 <- ArrayViewport(dim(m2), IRanges(c(1, 1), width=block2_dim))

## By default, read_block() preserves sparsity:
block2 <- read_block(m2, viewport2)
is_sparse(block2)  # TRUE
class(block2)      # an SVT_SparseArray object

## Use 'as.sparse=FALSE' to force read_block() to return an ordinary
## matrix or array:
block2b <- read_block(m2, viewport2, as.sparse=FALSE)
as(block2b, "sparseMatrix")

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(is(block2, "SparseArray"))
stopifnot(identical(type(m2), type(block2)))
stopifnot(identical(dim(viewport2), dim(block2)))
stopifnot(identical(type(m2), type(block2b)))
stopifnot(identical(dim(viewport2), dim(block2b)))
stopifnot(identical(block2b, as.array(block2)))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
a3 <- array(1:60, dim=5:3)

## Define the viewport on 'a3' to read the data from:
block3_dim <- c(2, 4, 1)
viewport3 <- ArrayViewport(dim(a3), IRanges(c(1, 1, 3), width=block3_dim))

## Read the block:
block3 <- read_block(a3, viewport3)  # same as a3[1:2, 1:4, 3, drop=FALSE]

## Note that unlike [, read_block() never drops dimensions.

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(type(a3), type(block3)))
stopifnot(identical(dim(viewport3), dim(block3)))
stopifnot(identical(a3[1:2, 1:4, 3, drop=FALSE], block3))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
a4 <- array(runif(120), dim=6:4)

## Define a grid of 2x3x2 blocks on 'a4':
grid4 <- RegularArrayGrid(dim(a4), spacings=c(2,3,2))
nblock <- length(grid4)  # number of blocks

## Walk on the grid and print the corresponding blocks:
for (bid in seq_len(nblock)) {
    viewport <- grid4[[bid]]
    block <- read_block(a4, viewport)
    cat("====== Block ", bid, "/", nblock, " ======\n", sep="")

## Walk on the grid and compute the sum of each block:
block_sums <- sapply(grid4,
    function(viewport) sum(read_block(a4, viewport))

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(length(block_sums), nblock))
stopifnot(all.equal(sum(block_sums), sum(a4)))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## THE read_block/write_block COMBO
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## See '?write_block' for examples that use the read_block/write_block
## combo.

Compute column/row sums of a matrix-like object, for groups of rows/columns


rowsum() computes column sums across rows of a numeric matrix-like object for each level of a grouping variable.

colsum() computes row sums across columns of a numeric matrix-like object for each level of a grouping variable.

NOTE: This man page is for the rowsum and colsum S4 generic functions defined in the S4Arrays package. See ?base::rowsum for the default rowsum() method (defined in the base package). Bioconductor packages can define specific methods for objects (typically matrix-like) not supported by the default methods.


rowsum(x, group, reorder=TRUE, ...)

colsum(x, group, reorder=TRUE, ...)



A numeric matrix-like object.

group, reorder, ...

See ?base::rowsum for a description of these arguments.


See ?base::rowsum for the value returned by the default method.

The default colsum() method simply does t(rowsum(t(x), group, reorder=reorder, ...)).

Specific methods defined in Bioconductor packages should behave as consistently as possible with the default methods.

See Also


rowsum  # note the dispatch on the 'x' arg only
selectMethod("rowsum", "ANY")     # the default rowsum() method

colsum  # note the dispatch on the 'x' arg only
selectMethod("colsum", "ANY")     # the default colsum() method
selectMethod("colsum", "matrix")  # colsum() method for ordinary matrices

Get the type of the elements of an array-like object


The S4Arrays package defines a couple of type() methods to get the type of the elements of a matrix-like or array-like object.


## S4 method for signature 'ANY'

## S4 method for signature 'DataFrame'



For the default type() method: An array-like object. This can be an ordinary array, a SparseArray object from the SparseArray package, a dgCMatrix object from the Matrix package, a DelayedArray object from the DelayedArray package, or any object with an array semantic (i.e. an object for which dim(x) is not NULL).

For the method for DataFrame objects: A DataFrame derivative for which preserves the number of columns. See below for more information.


Note that for an ordinary matrix or array x, type(x) is the same as typeof(x).

On an array-like object x that is not an ordinary array, type(x) is semantically equivalent to typeof(as.array(x)). However, the actual implementation is careful to avoid turning the full array-like object x into an ordinary array, as this would tend to be very inefficient in general. For example, doing so on a big DelayedArray object could easily eat all the memory available on the machine.

On a DataFrame object, type(x) only works if preserves the number of columns, in which case it is semantically equivalent to typeof(as.matrix( Here too, the actual implementation is careful to avoid turning the full object into a data frame, then into a matrix, for efficiency reasons.


A single string indicating the type of the array elements in x.

See Also

  • The type generic function defined in the BiocGenerics package.

  • SparseArray objects implemented in the SparseArray package.

  • DelayedArray objects implemented in the DelayedArray package.

  • DataFrame objects implemented in the S4Vectors package.


m <- matrix(rpois(54e6, lambda=0.4), ncol=1200)
type(m)   # integer

x1 <- as(m, "dgCMatrix")
type(x1)  # double

x2 <- SparseArray(m)
type(x2)  # integer

Write array blocks


Use write_block to write a block of data to an array-like object.

Note that this function is typically used in the context of block processing of on-disk objects (e.g. DelayedArray objects), often in combination with read_block.


write_block(sink, viewport, block)



A **writable** array-like object. This is typically a RealizationSink derivative (RealizationSink is a virtual class defined in the DelayedArray package), but not necessarily. See ?RealizationSink in the DelayedArray package for more information about RealizationSink objects.

Although write_block() will typically be used on a RealizationSink derivative, it can also be used on an ordinary array or other in-memory array-like object that supports subassignment (`[<-`), like a SparseArray object from the SparseArray package, or a dgCMatrix object from the Matrix package.


An ArrayViewport object compatible with sink, that is, such that refdim(viewport) is identical to dim(sink).


An array-like object of the same dimensions as viewport.


The modified array-like object sink.

See Also

  • ArrayGrid for ArrayGrid and ArrayViewport objects.

  • SparseArray objects implemented in the SparseArray package.

  • read_block to read a block of data from an array-like object.

  • blockApply and family, in the DelayedArray package, for convenient block processing of an array-like object.

  • RealizationSink objects implemented in the DelayedArray package for more realistic write_block examples.

  • array and matrix objects in base R.


## Please note that, although educative, the examples below are somewhat
## artificial and do not illustrate real-world usage of write_block().
## See '?RealizationSink' in the DelayedArray package for more realistic
## read_block/write_block examples.

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
m1 <- matrix(1:30, ncol=5)

## Define the viewport on 'm1' to write the data to:
block1_dim <- c(4, 3)
viewport1 <- ArrayViewport(dim(m1), IRanges(c(3, 2), width=block1_dim))

## Data to write:
block1 <- read_block(m1, viewport1) + 1000L

## Write the block:
m1A <- write_block(m1, viewport1, block1)

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(`[<-`(m1, 3:6, 2:4, value=block1), m1A))
m1B <- write_block(m1, viewport1, as(block1, "dgCMatrix"))
stopifnot(identical(m1A, m1B))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
m2 <- rsparsematrix(12, 20, density=0.2,
                    rand.x=function(n) sample(25, n, replace=TRUE))

## Define the viewport on 'm2' to write the data to:
block2_dim <- c(2, 20)
viewport2 <- ArrayViewport(dim(m2), IRanges(c(1, 1), width=block2_dim))

## Data to write:
block2 <- matrix(1001:1040, nrow=2)

## Write the block:
m2A <- write_block(m2, viewport2, block2)

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(`[<-`(m2, 1:2, , value=block2), m2A))
m2B <- write_block(m2, viewport2, as(block2, "dgCMatrix"))
stopifnot(identical(m2A, m2B))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
a3 <- array(1:60, dim=5:3)

## Define the viewport on 'a3' to write the data to:
block3_dim <- c(2, 4, 1)
viewport3 <- ArrayViewport(dim(a3), IRanges(c(1, 1, 3), width=block3_dim))

## Data to write:
block3 <- array(-(1:8), dim=block3_dim)

## Write the block:
a3A <- write_block(a3, viewport3, block3)

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(`[<-`(a3, 1:2, , 3, value=block3), a3A))
a3B <- write_block(a3, viewport3, as(block3, "SparseArray"))
stopifnot(identical(a3A, a3B))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
a4 <- array(NA_real_, dim=6:4)

## Define a grid of 2x3x2 blocks on 'a4':
grid4 <- RegularArrayGrid(dim(a4), spacings=c(2,3,2))
nblock <- length(grid4)  # number of blocks

## Walk on the grid and write blocks of random data:
for (bid in seq_len(nblock)) {
    viewport <- grid4[[bid]]
    block <- array(runif(length(viewport)), dim=dim(viewport))
    cat("====== Write block ", bid, "/", nblock, " ======\n", sep="")
    a4 <- write_block(a4, viewport, block)

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Say we have a 3D array and want to collapse its 3rd dimension by
## summing the array elements that are stacked vertically, that is, we
## want to compute the matrix 'm' obtained by doing 'sum(a[i, j, ])' for
## all valid i and j. There are several ways to do this.

## 1. Here is a solution based on apply():

collapse_3rd_dim <- function(a) apply(a, MARGIN=1:2, sum)

## 2. Here is a slightly more efficient solution:

collapse_3rd_dim <- function(a) {
    m <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(a), ncol=ncol(a))
    for (z in seq_len(dim(a)[[3]]))
        m <- m + a[ , , z]

## 3. And here is a block-processing solution that involves two grids,
##    one for the sink, and one for the input:

a5 <- array(runif(8000), dim=c(25, 40, 8))  # input
m  <- array(NA_real_, dim=dim(a5)[1:2])     # sink

## Since we're going to walk on the two grids simultaneously, read a
## block from 'a5' and write it to 'm', we need to make sure that we
## define grids that are "aligned". More precisely, the two grids must
## have the same number of viewports, and the viewports in one must
## correspond to the viewports in the other one:
m_grid  <- RegularArrayGrid(dim(m),  spacings=c(10, 10))
a5_grid <- RegularArrayGrid(dim(a5), spacings=c(10, 10, dim(a5)[[3]]))

## Let's check that our two grids are actually "aligned":
stopifnot(identical(length(m_grid), length(a5_grid)))
stopifnot(identical(dims(m_grid), dims(a5_grid)[ , 1:2, drop=FALSE]))

## Walk on the two grids simultaneously, and read/collapse/write blocks:
for (bid in seq_along(m_grid)) {
    ## Read block from 'a5'.
    a5_viewport <- a5_grid[[bid]]
    block <- read_block(a5, a5_viewport)
    ## Collapse it.
    block <- collapse_3rd_dim(block)
    ## Write the collapsed block to 'm'.
    m_viewport <- m_grid[[bid]]
    m <- write_block(m, m_viewport, block)

## Sanity checks:
stopifnot(identical(dim(a5)[1:2], dim(m)))
stopifnot(identical(sum(a5), sum(m)))
stopifnot(identical(collapse_3rd_dim(a5), m))

## See '?RealizationSink' in the DelayedArray package for a more
## realistic "array collapse" example where the blocks are written
## to a RealizationSink object.