Package 'Rtreemix'

Title: Rtreemix: Mutagenetic trees mixture models.
Description: Rtreemix is a package that offers an environment for estimating the mutagenetic trees mixture models from cross-sectional data and using them for various predictions. It includes functions for fitting the trees mixture models, likelihood computations, model comparisons, waiting time estimations, stability analysis, etc.
Authors: Jasmina Bogojeska
Maintainer: Jasmina Bogojeska <[email protected]>
License: LGPL
Version: 1.67.0
Built: 2024-09-13 04:25:06 UTC

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Method for fitting a mutagenetic trees mixture model and analyzing its variance


This method fits an RtreemixModel to a given dataset and then analyzes its variance with the bootstrap method. The data and the number of trees K have to be specified.


bootstrap(data, K, ...)



An RtreemixData object giving the dataset used for learning the trees mixture model.


An integer larger than 0 specifying the number of branchings in the mixture model.


no.start.sol is an integer larger than 0 specifying the number of starting solutions for the k-means algorithm. The default value is 100. eps is a numeric giving the minimum conditional probability to include edge. The default value is 0. weighing is a logical specifying whether to use special weights log(Pr(v)) for the edges (root, v). The default value is FALSE. equal.edgeweights is a logical specifying whether to use equal edge weights in the noise component. The default value is TRUE. When you have few data samples always use its default value (TRUE) to ensure nonzero probabilities for all possible patterns (sets of events). seed is a positive integer specifying the random generator seed. The default value is (-1) and then the time is used as a random generator. B is an integer larger than 0 specifying the number of bootstrap samples. Its default value is 1000. conf.interval is a numeric specifying the Confidence level for the intervals. Its default value is 0.05.


The function returns an object from the class RtreemixModel. This is the mixture model learned on the given data. Besides the edge weights it also contains their confidence intervals resulting from the bootstrap analysis. Confidence intervals for the mixture parameters are also comupted and available.


The bootstrap examples are time consuming. They are commented out because of the time restrictions of the check of the package. For trying out the code please copy it and uncomment it.


Jasmina Bogojeska


Learning multiple evolutionary pathways from cross-sectional data, N. Beerenwinkel et al.

See Also

RtreemixData-class, RtreemixModel-class, fit-methods


## Create an RtreemixData object from a randomly generated RtreemixModel object.
#rand.mod <- generate(K = 2, = 7, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))
#data <- sim(model = rand.mod, no.draws = 300)

## Create a RtreemixModel and analyze its variance with the bootstrap method.
#mod.boot <- bootstrap(data = data, K = 2, equal.edgeweights = TRUE, B = 10) ## time consuming computation

## See the confidence intervals for the mixture parameters (the weights).
## See the confidence intervals of the conditional probabilities assigned to the edges.
#edgeData(getTree(mod.boot, 2), attr = "ci")

Functions for quantifying the diversity of the nontrivial trees in a mutagenetic trees mixture model


These functions implement a similarity measure for comparing the topologies of the nontrivial tree components of a specified mixture model, and thereby quantifying their diversity. All possible pairs of nontrivial components are considered when computing the similarity. comp.trees uses the sum of the number of different edges of all pairs for caracterizing the difference of the trees in the model. comp.trees.levels uses the sum of the number of different edges of all pairs and the corresponding L1 distances of their level vectors. The model must have at least two nontrivial components.





An RtreemixModel object.


The functions return a numeric value that quantifies the similarity (or diversity) of the nontrivial tree topologies of a given mixture models.


Jasmina Bogojeska

See Also

RtreemixModel-class, comp.models, fit-methods, stability.sim


## Generate two random RtreemixModel objects each with 3 components.
mix1 <- generate(K = 3, = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))
mix2 <- generate(K = 3, = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))
## Inspect the diversity of the nontrivial tree components in a given model
## using the number of distinct edges and the levels of the events in
## the treesas dissimilarity measure.
comp.trees.levels(model = mix1)
comp.trees.levels(model = mix2)

Method for calculating GPS values and their 95% bootstrap confidence intervals


The method first calculates the genetic progression score (GPS) for the patterns in a given dataset data based on a fitted mutagenetic trees mixture model with K components. The data and K have to be specified. Then, it derives a 95% confidence intervals for the GPS values with bootstrap analysis.


confIntGPS(data, K, ...)



An RtreemixData object containing the samples (patterns of genetic events) for which the GPS values and their bootstrap confidence intervals are to be calculated. The number of genetic events should NOT be greater than 20.


An integer larger than 0 specifying the number of branchings in the mixture model.


sampling.mode is a character that specifies the sampling mode ("constant" or "exponential") used in the waiting time simulations. Its default value is "exponential". sampling.param is a numeric that specifies the sampling parameter corresponding to the sampling mode given by sampling.mode. Its default value is 1. no.sim is an integer larger than 0 giving the number of iterations for the waiting time simulation. Its default values is 10000. B is an integer larger than 0 specifying the number of bootstrap samples used in the bootstrap analysis. Its default value is 1000. is a logical specifying whether to use equal edge weights in the noise component. The default value is TRUE. When you have few data samples always use its default value (TRUE) to ensure nonzero probabilities for all possible patterns (sets of events).


The function returns an object from the RtreemixGPS class that containes the calculated GPS values, their 95% confidence intervals, the model used for the computation, the data, and so on (see RtreemixGPS-class). The GPS values are represented as a numeric vector with length equal to the number of samples in data. Their corresponding confidence intervals are given in a matrix with two columns.


The data for which the GPS values and their corresponding confidence intervals are to be calculated should not have more than 20 genetic events. The reason for this is that the number of all possible patterns for which the GPS values are calculated during a computationally intensive simulations is in this case $2^20$. This demands too much memory. The GPS examples are time consuming. They are commented out because of the time restrictions of the check of the package. For trying out the code please copy it and uncomment it.


Jasmina Bogojeska

See Also

RtreemixGPS-class, gps-methods, RtreemixData-class, RtreemixModel-class, fit-methods


## Create an RtreemixData object from a randomly generated RtreemixModel object.
#rand.mod <- generate(K = 2, = 7, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))
#data <- sim(model = rand.mod, no.draws = 400)

## Create an RtreemixGPS object by calculating GPS values for a given dataset
## and their 95% confidence intervals using the bootstrap method.
#modGPS2 <- confIntGPS(data = data, K = 2, B = 100) ## time consuming computation

## See the GPS values for the object modGPS2 and their confidence intervals.

## See data.

Different distances between two given vectors


These functions are used for calculating different distances between two given vectors. Thus, L1.dist calculates the L1 distance, cosin.dist calculates the cosine distance, euclidian.dist computes the Euclidian distance, and rank.cor.dist computes the rank correlation distance. The vectors have to have same length. When using rank.cor.dist the vectors have to have length larger than 4.


L1.dist(p, q)
cosin.dist(p, q)
euclidian.dist(x, y)
rank.cor.dist(x, y)



A numeric vector specifying the first component for the distance calculation. It has to have the same length as q.


A numeric vector specifying the second component for the distance calculation.


Same as p.


Same as q.


The functions return the distance between the two given vectors.


Jasmina Bogojeska

See Also

kullback.leibler, L2.norm, stability.sim


## Define two numeric vectors with equal lengths (> 4).
x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
y <- c(5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

## Calculate the L1 distance between the vectors x and y
L1.dist(x, y)

## Calculate the Euclidian distance between the vectors x and y
euclidian.dist(x, y)

## Calculate the cosine distance between the vectors x and y
cosin.dist(x, y)

## Calculate the rank-correlation distance between the vectors x and y
rank.cor.dist(x, y)

Method for generating the (scaled) probablility distribution induced with a given mutagenetic trees mixture model


These functions generate the probability distribution induced with a given mutagenetic trees mixture model model on the space of all possible patterns of genetic events. The model has to be specified. The sampling mode and the parameters for the sampling times of the observed input and output probabilities are optional. The number of genetic events in the model cannot exceed 30.


distribution(model, sampling.mode, sampling.param, output.param)



An RtreemixModel object that encodes a probability distribution on the set of all possible patterns.


A character that specifies the sampling mode ("constant" or "exponential") for the observed input and output probabilities.


A numeric that specifies the sampling parameter for the observed input probabilities corresponding to the sampling mode given by sampling.mode.


A numeric that specifies the sampling parameter for the observed output probabilities corresponding to the sampling mode given by sampling.mode.


The function returns a dataframe of all possible patterns with their corresponding probabilities derived from the specified trees mixture model. When the sampling mode and the sampling parameters (input and output) are specified their values are printed out.


Jasmina Bogojeska


Learning multiple evolutionary pathways from cross-sectional data, N. Beerenwinkel et al.

See Also

RtreemixModel-class, fit-methods


## Generate a random RtreemixModel object with 3 components.
mod <- generate(K = 3, = 8, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))

## See the probability distribution encoded by the model on the set of all possible patterns.
distr <- distribution(model = mod)

## Get the probabilities.

## See the probability distribution encoded by the model on the set of all possible patterns
## calculated for given sampling mode, and corresponding input and output parameters.
distr1 <- distribution(model = mod, sampling.mode = "exponential", sampling.param = 1, output.param = 1)

Method for fitting mutagenetic trees mixture model to a given dataset


Function for fitting a mutagenetic trees mixture model to a given dataset data. The dataset and the number of trees K have to be specified. The function estimates K-oncogenetic trees mixture model from the specified data by using an EM-like learning algorithm. The first tree component of the model has a star topology and is referred to as the noise component.


fit(data, K, ...)



An RtreemixData object giving the dataset used for learning the trees mixture model.


An integer larger than 0 specifying the number of branchings in the mixture model.


no.start.sol is an integer larger than 0 specifying the number of starting solutions for the k-means algorithm. The default value is 100. eps is a numeric giving the minimum conditional probability to include edge. The default value is 0.01. weighing is a logical specifying whether to use special weights log(Pr(v)) for the edges (root, v). The default value is FALSE. equal.edgeweights is a logical specifying whether to use equal edge weights in the noise component. The default value is TRUE. When you have few data samples always use its default value (TRUE) to ensure nonzero probabilities for all possible patterns (sets of events). seed is a positive integer specifying the random generator seed. The default value is (-1) and then the time is used as a random generator. noise is a logical indicating the presence of a noise (star) component in the fitted mixture model. It is mostly relevant for models with a single tree component, since it is assumed that mixture models with at least two components always have the noise as a first component.


When K = 1 and noise = FALSE a single mutagenetic tree is fit to the data. When K = 1 and noise = TRUE a star mutagenetic tree is fit to the data. If K > 1 the first mutagenetic tree is always the star, i.e. the case K > 1 and noise = FALSE is not possible.


The method returns an RtreemixModel object that represents the K-trees mixture model learned from the given dataset.


When you have too few data samples always use the default value TRUE for the equal.edgeweights. Like this you make sure that all possible patterns (sets of events) have non-zero probabilities. If they don't the fitting procedure will not be completed and you will get an error!


Jasmina Bogojeska


Learning multiple evolutionary pathways from cross-sectional data, N. Beerenwinkel et al.

See Also

RtreemixData-class, RtreemixModel-class, generate-methods, bootstrap-methods, confIntGPS-methods


## Create an RtreemixData object from a randomly generated RtreemixModel object.
rand.mod <- generate(K = 3, = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))
data <- sim(model = rand.mod, no.draws = 300)

## Create an RtreemixModel object by fitting model to the given data.
mod <- fit(data = data, K = 3, equal.edgeweights = TRUE, noise = TRUE)
## See the number of tree components in the mixture model.
## See the weights of the branchings from the fitted mixture model.
## See a specific tree component k.
getTree(object = mod, k = 2)

Method for generating a random mutagenetic trees mixture model


Function for generating a random mutagenetic mixture model. Each tree component from the model is drawn uniformly at random from the tree topology space by using the Pr\"ufer encoding of trees. The number of tree components and the number of genetic events have to be specified.


generate(K,, ...)



An integer larger than 0 specifying the number of branchings in the mixture model.

An integer larger than 0 specifying the number of genetic events in the mixture model.


noise.tree is a logical indicating the presence of a noise (star) component in the random mixture model. The default value is TRUE. equal.edgeweights is a logical specifying whether to use equal edge weights in the noise component. The default value is TRUE. prob is a numeric vector of length 2 specifying the boundaries for the edge weights of the randomly generated trees. The first component of the vector (the lower boundary) must be smaller than the second component (the upper boundary). The default value is (0.0, 1.0). seed is a positive integer specifying the random generator seed. The default value is (-1) and then the time is used as a random generator.


The method returns an RtreemixModel object that represents the randomly generated K-trees mixture model.


Jasmina Bogojeska


Beweis eines Satzes \"uber Permutationen, H. Pr\"ufer; Learning multiple evolutionary pathways from cross-sectional data, N. Beerenwinkel et al.; Model Selection for Mixtures of Mutagenetic Trees, Yin et al.

See Also



## Generate a random RtreemixModel object with 3 components and 9 genetic events.
rand.mod <- generate(K = 3, = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))

Function for constructing level vectors


Function that assignes to each node the level at which that node is in a specific tree (tree.num) of the mutagenetic trees mixture model mixture. The start.val is the number assigned to the events pruned from the tree. This usually is the maximum depth of the tree with which the tree specified with tree.num will be compared.


get.tree.levels(mixture, tree.num, start.val)



An object of the class RtreemixModel.


A numeric specifying the tree component from mixture used for creating the level vector.


A numeric specifying the number assigned to the pruned events.


The function returns a named numeric vector. Its length equals the number of genetic events in mixture minus one (for the initial null event which is always on level 0). The vector names correspond to the names of the genetic events and each vector component gives the level at which the respective event is in the num.tree tree of mixture.


Jasmina Bogojeska

See Also

comp.models, comp.trees, stability.sim, RtreemixModel-class, fit-methods


## Generate two random RtreemixModel objects each with 3 components.
rand.mod <- generate(K = 3, = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob =
c(0.2, 0.8))

## Get the tree levels of the 2nd component of the model rand.mod.
get.tree.levels(mixture = rand.mod, tree.num = 2, start.val = 10)

Methods for predicting the GPS of given dataset by using a given mutagenetic trees mixture model


These functions compute the genetic progression score (GPS) of each sample in the given data by performing a waiting time simulation along the branchings of the mixture model model. The model has to be specified. If a dataset is missing a GPS for all possible patterns is calculated. The number of events of the samples in data equals the number of genetic events in the model.


gps(model, data, ...)



An object of the class RtreemixModel specifying the mutagenetic trees mixture model used for deriving the GPS values. The model should NOT have more than 20 genetic events.


An RtreemixData object or a 0-1 matrix containing the samples (patterns of genetic events) for which the GPS values are to be calculated. The length of each of them has to be equal to the number of genetic events in the model.


sampling.mode is a character that specifies the sampling mode ("constant" or "exponential") used in the waiting time simulations. Its default value is "exponential". sampling.param is a numeric that specifies the sampling parameter corresponding to the sampling mode given by sampling.mode. Its default value is 1. no.sim is an integer larger than 0 giving the number of iterations for the waiting time simulations. Its default value is 10. seed is a positive integer specifying the random generator seed. Its default value is (-1) and then the time is used as a random generator.


The function returns an object from the RtreemixGPS class that containes the calculated GPS values, the model used for the computation, the data, and so on (see RtreemixGPS-class). The GPS values are represented as a numeric vector with length equal to the number of samples in data.


model = "RtreemixModel", data = "RtreemixData", ...

A method for calculating the GPS values of the data given as RtreemixData object.

model = "RtreemixModel", data = "matrix", ...

A method for calculating the GPS values of the data given as 0-1 matrix.

model = "RtreemixModel", data = "missing", ...

A method for calculating the GPS values of the set of all possible patterns.


The mixture model used for deriving the GPS values should not have more than 20 genetic events. The reason for this is that the number of all possible patterns for which the GPS values are calculated during a computationally intensive simulations is in this case $2^20$. This demands too much memory. The GPS examples are time consuming. They are commented out because of the time restrictions of the check of the package. For trying out the code please copy it and uncomment it.


Jasmina Bogojeska


Estimating cancer survival and clinical outcome based on genetic tumor progression scores, J. Rahnenf\"urer et al.

See Also

RtreemixGPS-class, RtreemixData-class, RtreemixModel-class, fit-methods, confIntGPS-methods


## Create an RtreemixData object from a randomly generated RtreemixModel object.
#rand.mod <- generate(K = 2, = 7, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))
#data <- sim(model = rand.mod, no.draws = 400)

## Create an RtreemixModel object by fitting model to the given data.
#mod <- fit(data = data, K = 2, equal.edgeweights = TRUE, noise = TRUE)

## Create an RtreemixGPS object by calculating the GPS for all possible patterns.
#modGPS.all <- gps(model = mod, no.sim = 1000) ## time consuming copmutations

## See the GPS values for all possible data.
#GPS(modGPS.all) ## time consuming copmutations

## Create an RtreemixGPS object by calculating the GPS for the data based on the model mod.
#modGPS <- gps(model = mod, data = data, no.sim = 1000)
#show(modGPS) ## time consuming copmutations

## See the GPS values for data.
#GPS(modGPS) ## time consuming copmutations

Example of an RtreemixData object


This data object was created by using the Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database that comprises genetic measurements of 364 HIV patients treated only with the drug zidovudine. The data contains the six classical major zidovudine resistance mutations: M41L, D67N, K70R, L210W, T215F/Y, and K219E/Q.




Human immunodeficiency virus reverse transcriptase and protease sequence database, S. Rhee et al.

See Also




## print the object

Kullback-Leibler divergence


A function for calculating the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two discrete probability distributions. The vectors specifying the probability distributions must have the same length.


kullback.leibler(p, q)



A numeric vector specifying the the first probability distribution. It has to have the same length as q.


A numeric vector specifying the the second probability distribution.


The function returns the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the two specified descrete probability distributions.


The function does not check whether the values in the vectors specifying the discrete probability distributions sum up to one.


Jasmina Bogojeska

See Also

L1.dist, L2.norm, stability.sim


## Define two discrete probability distributions with equal lengths.
p <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4)
q <- c(0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.2)

## Calculate the Kullback-Leibler divergence
## between the probability distributions p and q
kullback.leibler(p, q)

L2 norm of a given vector


A function for calculating the L2 norm of a given numeric vector.





A numeric vector.


The function returns the L2 norm of the given vector x.


Jasmina Bogojeska

See Also



## Define a numeric vector
y <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)

## Calculate the L2 norm of the vector y

Method for predicting the likelihoods of a set of samples with respect to a mutagenetic trees mixture model


This function predicts the (log, weighted) likelihoods of the samples in a given dataset according to a given mutagenetic trees mixture model. The dataset and the model have to be specified.


## S4 method for signature 'RtreemixModel,RtreemixData'
likelihoods(model, data)



An RtreemixModel object specifying the probabilistic framework in which the likelihoods of the genetic patterns are computed.


An RtreemixData object giving the samples for which the likelihoods are to be calculated.


This method returns an RtreemixStats object that containes the weghted- and log-likelihoods of the samples in the given dataset with respect to the given mutagenetic trees mixture model.


Jasmina Bogojeska


Learning multiple evolutionary pathways from cross-sectional data, N. Beerenwinkel et al.

See Also

RtreemixData-class, RtreemixModel-class, fit-methods, distribution-methods


## Create an RtreemixData object from a randomly generated RtreemixModel object.
rand.mod <- generate(K = 3, = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))
data <- sim(model = rand.mod, no.draws = 300)

## Compute the likelihoods of the samples in data with respect to the model rand.mod
mod.stat <- likelihoods(model = rand.mod, data = data)

Functions for comparing the tree topologies of two mutagenetic trees mixture models


These functions implement a similarity measure for comparing the topologies of the trees of two mixture models mixture1 and mixture2. comp.models chaaracterizes the similarity of the models based on sum of the number of different edges of matched tree components (similarity pairs). comp.models.levels quantifies the similarity of two mixture models by adding to the edge ddifference of each similarity pair in the previously described sum the L1 distance of the level vectors of the trees comprising the pair. A level vector can be associated to each tree component and denotes the depth of each of the genetic events in the tree. It is necessary that the two models have the same number of tree components build on the same number of genetic events. It is assumed that the mixtures have at least two tree components.


comp.models(mixture1, mixture2)
comp.models.levels(mixture1, mixture2)



An RtreemixModel object specifying the first component for the similarity calculation.


An RtreemixModel object specifying the second component for the similarity calculation. The number of tree components equals the one of mixture1.


The value returned by the function comp.models is between 0 (no similarity) and 1 (identical models).


The functions return a numeric value that quantifies the similarity of the tree topologies of two mixture models.


Jasmina Bogojeska

See Also

RtreemixModel-class, comp.trees, fit-methods, stability.sim


## Generate two random RtreemixModel objects each with 3 components.
rand.mod1 <- generate(K = 3, = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob =
c(0.2, 0.8))
rand.mod2 <- generate(K = 3, = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob =
c(0.2, 0.8))

## Compare the topologies of the tree components of the two randomly
## generated models
comp.models(rand.mod1, rand.mod2)
comp.models.levels(rand.mod1, rand.mod2)

p-value of a given similarity value


This function calculates the p-value of a given similarity value, i.e. the probability for obtaining the same or a smaller value than the given one in a vector of random similarity values. The p-value is used to determine whether the given similarity value is significant.


Pval.dist(dist.val, random.vals)



A numeric value quanifying the similarity for which a p-value should be calculated.


A numeric vector of random similarities used for calculating the p-value.


It returns a numeric value between 0 and 1 that specifies the p-value of the given dist.val.


Jasmina Bogojeska

See Also

L1.dist, kullback.leibler, comp.models, stability.sim


## The function is currently defined as
function(dist.val, random.vals) {
  return((sum(random.vals <= dist.val) + 1) /(length(random.vals) + 1))

## Define the similarity value and a vector of random similarities
sim.val <- 0.2
rand.vals <- c(0.1, 0.24, 0.28, 0.35, 0.15, 0.5, 0.14, 0.6, 0.8, 0.3)

## Calculate the p-value of sim.val using the vector of random
## similarities
Pval.dist(dist.val = sim.val, random.vals = rand.vals)

Class "RtreemixData"


This class is used to represent the results of genetic measurements of the occurence of subsets of a given set of genetic events in a group of patients. Each observation is a binary vector that indicates which events occured in a specific patient. The length of the vector equals the size of the set of genetic events that is taken into consideration.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("RtreemixData", Sample, Patients, Events, Description, File). The RtreemixData class represents patterns of occurences of subsets of a given set of genetic events in a specific group of patients. The patterns are given as binary vectors with length equal to the size of the set of genetic events. In other words, it provides a representation of the dataset used for learning an mutagenetic trees mixture model.

The Sample is a binary matrix where each row corresponds to the pattern of genetic events observed in one of the given patients. Hence, the number of rows gives the number of patients, i.e. the size of the dataset. Each column corresponds to one of the genetic events. Missing measurement for the presence or absence of a certain genetic event in a given pattern is marked with -1. The initial null event (that initially occurs in all patients) is not present in the sample, i.e. the first component in each observation (which is always equal to 1) is left out. This is done for saving space and avoiding the process of checking for correctly specified samples.

The Patients is a character vector that contains the IDs of the patients. The length of this vector must be equal to the number of rows in the Sample.

The Events is a character vector that contains the labels of the genetic events taken into consideration. Its length equals one plus the number of columns in the Sample. This is because of the label of the null event. When the object of class RtreemixData is a parent of a randomly generated RtreemixModel object, the events specify the labels of the genetic events present in the random model, although the Sample slot is an empty matrix. This is because the random mixture models are not estimated from a given dataset, but generated randomly for some set of genetic events.

The Description is a character giving a short description for the created object.

The File specifies the path to a text file with a specific format which contains the infromation needed to create an RtreemixData object (the patient IDs, the names of the events, the matrix with the observations).



Object of class "matrix".


Object of class "character". The Patients must be of same length as the number of rows in Sample.


Object of class "character". The length of Events must be identical to the number of columns in Sample plus one (for specifying the label of the null event).


Object of class "character".



signature(object = "RtreemixData"): A method for obtaining the description of the "RtreemixData" object.


signature(object = "RtreemixData"): A method for specifying the Description of the data object.


signature(object = "RtreemixData"): A method for obtaining the labels of the genetic events.


signature(object = "RtreemixData"): A method for replacing the names of the genetic events in the data object. It checks to be sure the values have the right length. As a parent data of a random RtreemixModel object the suitable labels of events present in the model components can be specified although the Sample slot is an empty matrix.


signature(object = "RtreemixData"): A method for obtaining the IDs of the patients.


signature(object = "RtreemixData"): A method for replacing the IDs of the patients in the data object. It checks to be sure the values have the right length.


signature(object = "RtreemixData"): A method for obtaining the matrix of observations.


signature(object = "RtreemixData"): A method for obtaining the number of genetic events.


signature(object = "RtreemixData"): A method for obtaining the size of the sample (the number of patients).


Jasmina Bogojeska

See Also

RtreemixGPS-class, RtreemixStats-class, RtreemixModel-class, fit-methods, bootstrap-methods


## Create an RtreemixData object from a file given in the examples directory of the package.
data1 <- new("RtreemixData", File = paste(system.file(package = "Rtreemix"), "/examples/treemix.pat", sep = ""))
show(data1) ## show the RtreemixData object

## Create an RtreemixData object from a randomly generated RtreemixModel object.
rand.mod <- generate(K = 3, = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))
data2 <- sim(model = rand.mod, no.draws = 300)

## Create an RtreemixData object from a given binary matrix.
bin.mat <- cbind(c(1, 0, 0, 1, 1), c(0, 1, 0, 0, 1), c(1, 1, 0, 1, 0))
data3 <- new("RtreemixData", Sample = bin.mat, Events = c("0", "1", "2",

Class "RtreemixGPS"


A class for describing the genetic progression scores (GPS) of a given set of patterns resulting from a waiting time simulation along the edges of the tree components of a given mutagenetic trees mixture model. It also contains GPS confidence intervals derived with the bootstrap method.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("RtreemixGPS", Data, Model, SamplingMode, SamplingParam, GPS, gpsCI). The RtreemixGPS class contains the GPS values each assigned to the corresponding pattern from the dataset given by Data (the parent class). The GPS values are derived in a waiting time simulation for a specified sampling mode and its corresponding sampling parameter. Moreover, this class specifies the confidence intervals for the GPS values derived with the bootstrap method.

The Data is an RtreemixData object that specifies the patterns for which the GPS values are calculated.

The Model is an RtreemixModel object that specifies the mutagenetic trees mixture model used for deriving the GPS values.

The SamplingMode is a character that specifies the sampling mode ("constant" or "exponential") used in the waiting time simulations.

The SamplingParam is a numeric that specifies the sampling parameter corresponding to the sampling mode given by SamplingMode.

The GPS is a numeric vector that specifies the GPS value of each pattern in the given dataset Data. Its length equals the number of patterns in Data.

The gpsCI is a numeric matrix that specifies the confidence intervals for each GPS value in the vector GPS. The number of rows equals the number of patients in Data and the number of columns equals 2. The first column gives the lower bound and the second column gives the upper bound of each confidence interval.



Object of class "RtreemixModel".


Object of class "character". It can have one of the two possible values: "constant" or "exponential".


Object of class "numeric".


Object of class "numeric". The length of GPS must be equal to the number of patterns in the parent RtreemixData object.


Object of class "matrix". It number of columns has to be 2 and the number of rows has to be equal to the length of GPS.


Class "RtreemixData", directly.



signature(object = "RtreemixGPS"): A method for obtaining the GPS values corresponding to the patterns in the parent RtreemixData object.


signature(object = "RtreemixGPS"): A method for obtaining the model used for deriving the GPS values.


signature(object = "RtreemixGPS"): A method for obtaining the sampling mode ("constant" or "exponential") used for the waiting time simulations.


signature(object = "RtreemixGPS"): A method for obtaining the sampling parameter corresponding to the specified SamplingMode.


signature(object = "RtreemixGPS"): A method for obtaining the set of patterns for which the GPS values are calculated.


signature(object = "RtreemixGPS"): A method for obtaining the GPS confidence intervals.


The GPS examples are time consuming. They are commented out because of the time restrictions of the check of the package. For trying out the code please copy it and uncomment it.


Jasmina Bogojeska


Estimating cancer survival and clinical outcome based on genetic tumor progression scores, J. Rahnenf\"urer et al.

See Also

RtreemixData-class, RtreemixModel-class, gps-methods, fit-methods, confIntGPS-methods


## Generate a random RtreemixModel object with 3 components and 9 genetic events.
#mod <- generate(K = 3, = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))
## Generate an artificial dataset from the model mod.
#data <- sim(model = mod, no.draws = 300)

## Create an RtreemixGPS object by calculating the GPS for all possible patterns.
#modGPS.all <- gps(model = mod, no.sim = 1000)
## Create an RtreemixGPS object by calculating the GPS for the data based on the model mod.
#modGPS <- gps(model = mod, data = data, no.sim = 1000)

## See the slots from the RtreemixGPS object. 
## See data.

## Create an RtreemixGPS object by calculating GPS values for a given dataset
## and their 95% confidence intervals using the bootstrap method.
#modGPS2 <- confIntGPS(data = data, K = 2, B = 10)

## See the GPS values for the object modGPS2 and their confidence intervals.

Class "RtreemixModel"


This class contains all the data needed for characterizing the mutagenetic trees mixture model (mixture parameters, mixture components, ...). The tree components of the model are given as a list of directed graphNEL objects.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("RtreemixModel", ParentData, Weights, WeightsCI, Resp, CompleteMat, Star, Trees). The RtreemixModel class extends the RtreemixData class and specifies the mutagenetic trees mixture model. If the model is not randomly generated the parent class gives the RtreemixData used for learning the mixture model. The directed trees that build up the model are represented as a list of directed graphNEL objects, and their weights (the mixture parameters) are given as a numeric vector. This class can also contain other useful information connected with the mixture model like confidence intervals for the mixture parameters and the edge weights (resulting from a bootstrap analysis), an indicator for the presence of the star component, etc. They are all listed in the text below with brief descriptions.

The ParentData is an RtreemixData object that specifies the data used for estimating the mutagenetic trees mixture model. It is not specified for random mixture models, since they are not estimated from a given dataset but generated randomly.

The Weights is a numeric vector that contains the mixture parameters of the model. Its length equals the length of the list of tree components Trees.

The WeightsCI is a named list with length equal to the length of the Weights. Each list element is a numeric vector of length two specifying the lower and upper bound of the confidence interval for the corresponding mixture parametar. The confidence intervals are derived using the bootstrap method.

The Resp is a numeric matrix that specifies the responsibility of each tree component to generate each of the patterns in the ParentData. The number of rows in Resp is equal to the number of trees in the mixture (the length of the list Trees) and the number of columns equals the number of patients in ParentData. For random mixture models it is an empty matrix, since they are not estimated from a given dataset.

The CompleteMat is a binary matrix that specifies the complete data in case some measurements for some patients are missing in the data used for learning the model (the ParentData). It has the same size as the matrix specifying the data in ParentData. The missing data are estimated in the EM-algorithm used for fitting the mixture model. When there are no missing data in ParentData, or the model is randomly generated the CompleteMat is an empty matrix.

The Star is an indicator of the presence of a noise (star) component and is mostly relevant for models with a single tree component, since it is assumed that mixture models with at least two components always have the noise as a first component. It is of type logical.

The Trees is a list of directed graphNEL objects, each for every tree component in the mixture model. The genetic events are represented as nodes in the graphs. The edgeData of each tree can have two attributes: "weight" and "ci". Please see the help page on graph-class and graphNEL-class in the package graph. The "weight" attribute is for edge weight, i.e. the conditional probability that the child event of the edge occured given that the parent event already occured. The "ci" attribute is for the bootstrap confidence intervals for the edge weight (a numeric vector with length two).



Object of class "numeric". The length of the Weights must be equal to the length of Trees.


Object of class "list". The length of the WeightsCI must be equal to the length of Weights.


Object of class "matrix". The number of rows of Resp must be identical to the length of Trees, and its number of columns to the number of patients in the dataset used for estimating the mixture model (ParentData).


Object of class "matrix". When specified (when there are missing data) the size of the CompleteMat must be equal to the size of the matrix used to estimate the model.


Object of class "logical".


Object of class "list". The length of Trees equals the length of Weights.


Class "RtreemixData", directly.



signature(object = "RtreemixModel"): A method used for obtaining the complete dataset, in case there were any missing measurements for some patients in the dataset used to learn the mixture model.


signature(object = "RtreemixModel"): A method for obtaining the matrix of responsibilities for the trees to generate each of the samples in the dataset used for learning the model (ParentData).


signature(object = "RtreemixModel"): A method for checking the presence of a noise component in the mixture model (informative only for models with one tree component).


signature(object = "RtreemixModel"): A method for obtaining the tree components of the mixture model as a list of directed graphNEL objects.


signature(object = "RtreemixModel"): A method for obtaining the mixture parameters (the weights of the trees in the model).


signature(object = "RtreemixModel"): A method for replacing the value of the slot Weights with a specified numeric vector. The components of this vector have to sum up to one.


signature(object = "RtreemixModel"): A method for obtaining the weights of the mixture parameters.


signature(object = "RtreemixModel"): A method for obtaining the ParentData of the mixture model, i.e. the data used for learning the model.


signature(object = "RtreemixModel", k = "numeric"): A method for obtaining the k-th tree component of the mixture model as a directed graphNEL object.


signature(object = "RtreemixModel"): A method for obtaining the number of tree components building up the mixture model.


signature(x = "RtreemixModel", y = "missing"): A method for visualizing the tree components comprising a mutagenetic trees mixture model. The user can also specify the fontSize (the default value is 8) used for the text labels of the nodes and the edges of the plotted trees. Additionally, one can use the parameter k to plot a certain tree component from the mixture model.


Jasmina Bogojeska


Learning multiple evolutionary pathways from cross-sectional data, N. Beerenwinkel et al.

See Also

RtreemixGPS-class, RtreemixStats-class, RtreemixData-class, RtreemixSim-class, fit-methods, bootstrap-methods, generate-methods, comp.models, comp.trees


## Generate a random RtreemixModel object with 2 components.
rand.mod <- generate(K = 2, = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))
plot(rand.mod) ## plot the tree components of the model
plot(rand.mod, k = 2) ## plot the second component of the model

## Draw data from a specified mixture model.
draws <- sim(model = rand.mod, no.draws = 200)

## Create an RtreemixModel object by fitting model to the drawn data.
mod <- fit(data = draws, K = 2, equal.edgeweights = TRUE, noise = TRUE)

## See the values of the slots of the RtreemixModel object.
## See data used for learning the model.
## See the number of tree components in the mixture model.
## See a specific tree component k.
getTree(object = mod, k = 2)
## See the conditional probabilities assigned to edges of the second tree component.
edgeData(getTree(object = mod, k = 2), attr = "weight")
## See the probability distribution encoded by the model on the set of all possible patterns.
distr <- distribution(model = mod)
## Get the probabilities.
## See the probability distribution encoded by the model on the set of all possible patterns
## calculated for given sampling mode, and input and output parameters.
distr1 <- distribution(model = mod, sampling.mode = "exponential", sampling.param = 1, output.param = 1)

## Create a RtreemixModel and analyze its variance with the bootstrap method.
mod.boot <- bootstrap(data = draws, K = 2, equal.edgeweights = TRUE, B = 100)

## See the confidence intervals for the mixture parameters (the weights).
## See the confidence intervals of the conditional probabilities assigned to the edges.
edgeData(getTree(mod.boot, 2), attr = "ci")

Class "RtreemixSim"


This class contains data simulated from the RtreemixModel it extends together with their sampling and waiting times. It also includes the sampling mode and the sampling parameter used for the time simulation.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("RtreemixSim", Model, SimPatterns, SamplingMode, SamplingParam, WaitingTimes, SamplingTimes). The RtreemixSim class specifies patterns (RtreemixData) simulated from the parent RtreemixModel together with their waiting and sampling times resulting from the waiting time simulation along the branchings in the parent model.

The Model is an RtreemixModel object used in the data and time simulation process. In other words, this model is used for simulating patterns with their sampling and waiting times.

The SimPatterns is an RtreemixData object that contains the patterns simulated from the given Model.

The SamplingMode is a character that specifies the sampling mode ("constant" or "exponential") used in the time simulations.

The SamplingParam is a numeric that specifies the sampling parameter corresponding to the sampling mode given by SamplingMode.

The WaitingTimes is a numeric vector that specifies the waiting times for the simulated patterns. Its length equals the number of patterns in SimPatterns.

The SamplingTimes is a numeric vector that specifies the sampling times for the simulated patterns. Its length equals the number of patterns in SimPatterns.



Object of class "RtreemixData".


Object of class "character". It can have one of the two possible values: "constant" or "exponential".


Object of class "numeric".


Object of class "numeric". The length of WaitingTimes must be equal to the number of patterns in SimPatterns.


Object of class "numeric". The length of SamplingTimes must be equal to the number of patterns in SimPatterns.


Class "RtreemixModel", directly. Class "RtreemixData", by class "RtreemixModel", distance 2.



signature(object = "RtreemixSim"): A method for obtaining the sampling mode ("constant" or "exponential") used for the time simulations.


signature(object = "RtreemixSim"): A method for obtaining the sampling parameter corresponding to the specified SamplingMode.


signature(object = "RtreemixSim"): A method used for obtaining the sampling times of the patterns in SimPatterns.


signature(object = "RtreemixSim"): A method used for obtaining the patterns simulated from the parent model.


signature(object = "RtreemixSim"): A method used for obtaining the waiting times of the patterns in SimPatterns.


signature(object = "RtreemixSim"): A method for obtaining the mixture model used in the simulations.


signature(object = "RtreemixSim"): A method for obtaining the number of simulated patterns, i.e. the size of SimPatterns.


Jasmina Bogojeska


Learning multiple evolutionary pathways from cross-sectional data, N. Beerenwinkel et al.

See Also

RtreemixGPS-class, RtreemixData-class, RtreemixModel-class, fit-methods, sim-methods


## Generate a random RtreemixModel object with 3 components and 9 genetic events.
rand.mod <- generate(K = 3, = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))

## Create an RtreemixSim object by simulating patterns with their sampling and waiting times from a given mixture model. <- sim(model = rand.mod, sampling.mode = "exponential", sampling.param = 1, no.sim = 200)

## See the slots from the RtreemixSim object.
## See model.
## See number of simulated patterns.

Class "RtreemixStats"


The RtreemixStats class contains the (weighted, log) likelihoods for a given dataset (specified by the parent class) derived from the probability distribution induced by an underlying mutagenetic trees mixture model.

Objects from the Class

Objects can be created by calls of the form new("RtreemixStats", Data, Model, LogLikelihoods, WLikelihoods). The class RtreemixStats extends the RtreemixData class and specifies (log, weighted) likelihoods for these data derived from a given RtreemixModel. The number of the genetic events in the patterns from the given dataset (Data) has to be equal to the number of genetic events in the branchings from the mixture model given by the slot Model. When having the weighted likelihoods, one can easily derive the responsibilities of the model components in Model for generating the patterns in the specified dataset (Data).

The Data is an RtreemixData object that specifies the patterns for which the likelihoods are calculated.

The Model is an RtreemixModel object that specifies the mutagenetic trees mixture model used for deriving the likelihoods of the given data.

The LogLikelihoods is a numeric vector that contains the log-likelihoods of the patterns in Data. Its length equals the sample size, i.e. the number of patients in Data.

The WLikelihoods is a numeric matrix that specifies the weighted likelihoods of each pattern in the given dataset Data. The number of columns in WLikelihoods equals the number of tree components in Model and the number of rows equals the number of patients in Data.



Object of class "RtreemixModel".


Object of class "numeric". The length of LogLikelihoods must be equal to the number of patients of the dataset specified with the parent "RtreemixData" class.


Object of class "matrix". The number of rows must be equal to the sample size of the dataset specified with the parent "RtreemixData" class. The number of columns must be identical with the number of tree components in the mixture model Model.


Class "RtreemixData", directly.



signature(object = "RtreemixStats"): A method for obtaining the log-likelihoods of the patterns in the dataset specified with the parent "RtreemixData" class.


signature(object = "RtreemixStats"): A method for obtaining the mutagenetic trees mixture model used for deriving the likelihoods.


signature(object = "RtreemixStats"): A method for obtaining the weighted likelihoods of the patterns in the dataset specified with the parent "RtreemixData" class.


signature(object = "RtreemixStats"): A method for obtaining the dataset specified with the parent "RtreemixData" class.


signature(object = "RtreemixStats"): A method for computing the matrix of responsibilities for the trees to generate each of the samples in the parent dataset from their weighted likelihoods WLikelihoods.


Jasmina Bogojeska


Learning multiple evolutionary pathways from cross-sectional data, N. Beerenwinkel et al.

See Also

RtreemixData-class, RtreemixModel-class, fit-methods, likelihoods-methods


## Generate a random RtreemixModel object with 3 components and 9 genetic events.
mod <- generate(K = 3, = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))

## Draw a data sample from the model mod.
data <- sim(model = mod, no.draws = 400)

## Create an RtreemixStats object.
mod.stat <- likelihoods(model = mod, data = data)

## See the slots from the RtreemixStats object.
## See data.
## Calculate the responsibilities from the weighted likelihoods.

Method for simulating data from a mutagenetic trees mixture model


This function draws a certain number of patterns from a specified mutagenetic trees mixture model. Thus, the mixture model has to be specified. When besides the mixture model also the sampling mode and its respective sampling parameter are specified, this function simulates patterns together with their waiting and sampling times from the respective model.


sim(model, sampling.mode, sampling.param, ...)



An object of the class RtreemixModel specifying the mutagenetic trees mixture model used for drawing the patterns, or for simulating patterns with their sampling and waiting times.


A character that specifies the sampling mode ("constant" or "exponential") used in the time simulations.


A numeric that specifies the sampling parameter corresponding to the sampling mode given by sampling.mode.


no.draws is an integer larger than zero specifying the number of patterns that should be drawn from the given mixture model. no.sim is an integer larger than 0 giving the number of iterations for the waiting time simulations. Its default value is 10. seed is a positive integer specifying the random generator seed. Its default value is (-1) and then the time is used as a random generator.


The function returns an RtreemixData object in the case when one wants to draw a certain number of patterns from a given mixture model, i.e. when only the mutagenetic trees mixture model and the number of patterns to be drawn are specified. When besides the model also the sampling mode and the sampling parameter are given, the function returns an object from the RtreemixSim class where the simulated patterns together with their sampling and waiting times are stored.


Jasmina Bogojeska


Learning multiple evolutionary pathways from cross-sectional data, N. Beerenwinkel et al.

See Also

RtreemixSim-class, RtreemixModel-class, RtreemixData-class


## Create a random RtreemixModel object with 3 branchings and 9 genetic events.
rand.mod <- generate(K = 3, = 9, noise.tree = TRUE, prob = c(0.2, 0.8))

## Draw 300 samples from the randomly generated model rand.mod 
data <- sim(model = rand.mod, no.draws = 300)

## Create an RtreemixSim object by simulating patterns with their sampling and waiting times from a given mixture model. <- sim(model = rand.mod, sampling.mode = "exponential", sampling.param = 1, no.sim = 100)

Stability analysis of the mutagenetic trees mixture model


The function includes stability analysis on different levels of the mutagenetic trees mixture model: GPS values, encoded probability distribution, tree topologies. Each analysis contains the values of different similarity measures with their corresponding p-values.


stability.sim(no.trees = 3, = 9, prob = c(0.2, 0.8),
              no.draws = 300, no.rands = 100, no.sim = 1)



An integer larger than 2 giving the number of tree components of the mixture models considered in the stability analysis. The default value is 3.

An integer larger than 0 giving the number of genetic events of the mixture models considered in the stability analysis.


A numeric vector of length 2 specifying the boundaries for the edge weights of the randomly generated trees. The first component of the vector (the lower boundary) must be smaller than the second component (the upper boundary). The default value is (0.2, 0.8).


An integer larger than 0 giving the size of the data sample drawn from the random models used for learning the mixture models. The default value is 300.


An integer larger than 0 specifying the number of random models used for calculating the p-values. The default value is 100.


An integer larger than 0 specifying the number of iterations used for the waiting time simulations (a part of the GPS calculation). The default value is 1.


The stability analysis is performed by first drawing a true mixture model uniformly at random from the model space, and drawing a data sample from it. Afterwards, a mutagenetic trees model is fitted to the drawn sample. The quality of the features derived from the model is then assessed by comparing its quality with the quality of the corresponding features of a sufficient number of random mixture models sampled uniformly from the model space. A p-value is obtained as a percentage of cases in which the true model is closer to a random model tnah to the fitted model.



Results from the stability analysis of the GPS values derived from a fitted mixture model. A matrix with 4 columns and no.sim rows. The first two columns give the similarity values and their corresponding p-values when the Euclidian distance is used as a similarity measure for comparing the respective GPS vectors. The last two columns depict the same results, but with the rank correlation distance used as a similarity measure.


Results from the stability analysis of the probability distributions induced by a fitted mixture model. A matrix with 6 columns and no.sim rows. Each two columns give the values of the comparissons between the true and the fitted probability distributions and their corresponding p-values, when using the cosine distance, the L1 distance, and the Kullback-Leibler divergence as similarity measures.


Results from the stability analysis of the topologies of the tree components of a fitted mixture model. A matrix with 2 columns and no.sim rows that give the value of the comparisson of the topologies between the true and the corresponding fitted model and their p-values. The similarity measure underlying the number of different edges was used.


Similar to comp3. However, the similarity measure for comparing the tree topologies besides the number of distinct edges includes the L1 distances of the level vectors of events. See get.tree.levels.


A matrix where the columns correspond to the true GPS vector from each simulation iteration. The matrix has no.sim columns and no.draws rows.


Same as comp5, but the matrix contains the fitted GPS values from each simulation iteration.


A list where each component corresponds to the true models generated in each simulation iteration. the length of the list is no.sim.


Same as comp7, but the list contains the fitted models.


The stability simulation examples are time consuming. They are commented out because of the time restrictions of the check of the package. For trying out the code please copy it and uncomment it.


Jasmina Bogojeska


Learning multiple evolutionary pathways from cross-sectional data, N. Beerenwinkel et al.; Estimating cancer survival and clinical outcome based on genetic tumor progression scores, J. Rahnenf\"urer et al.

See Also

RtreemixData-class, RtreemixModel-class, RtreemixGPS-class, RtreemixStats-class, fit-methods, gps-methods, distribution-methods, generate-methods, sim-methods, L1.dist, Pval.dist, comp.models, comp.trees, get.tree.levels, kullback.leibler


## Stability analysis - a toy example
#stability.sim(no.trees = 3, no.rands = 5, no.sim = 4, no.draws = 300)