Please cite the Bioinformatics paper for the software itself and the other papers for the various original statistical methods implemented in Repitools. Statham AL, Strbenac D, Coolen MW, Stirzaker C, Clark SJ, Robinson MD. (2010). Repitools: an R package for the analysis of enrichment-based epigenomic data, Bioinformatics 26(13), 1662-3 A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {Repitools: an R package for the analysis of enrichment-based epigenomic data}, author = {Statham AL and Strbenac D and Coolen MW and Stirzaker C and Clark SJ and Robinson MD}, journal = {Bioinformatics}, volume = {26}, pages = {1659}, year = {2010}, } Robinson MD, Strbenac D, Stirzaker C, Statham AL, Song J, Speed TP, Clark SJ (2012). Copy-number-aware differential analysis of quantitative DNA sequencing data. Genome Research 22(12):2489-96. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {Copy-number-aware differential analysis of quantitative DNA sequencing data}, author = {Robinson MD and Strbenac D and Stirzaker C and Statham AL and Song J and Speed TP and Clark SJ}, journal = {Genome Research}, volume = {22}, pages = {2393}, year = {2012}, } Riebler A, Menigatti M, Song JZ, Statham AL, Stirzaker C, Mahmud N, Mein CA, Clark SJ, Robinson MD (2014). BayMeth: Improved DNA methylation quantification for affinity capture sequencing data using a flexible Bayesian approach, Genome Biol. 15(2):R35. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {BayMeth: Improved DNA methylation quantification for affinity capture sequencing data using a flexible Bayesian approach}, author = {Riebler A and Menigatti M and Song JZ and Statham AL and Stirzaker C and Mahmud N and Mein CA and Clark SJ and Robinson MD}, journal = {Genome Biology}, year = {2014}, volume = {15}, pages = {R35}, }