Title: | RcisTarget Identify transcription factor binding motifs enriched on a list of genes or genomic regions |
Description: | RcisTarget identifies transcription factor binding motifs (TFBS) over-represented on a gene list. In a first step, RcisTarget selects DNA motifs that are significantly over-represented in the surroundings of the transcription start site (TSS) of the genes in the gene-set. This is achieved by using a database that contains genome-wide cross-species rankings for each motif. The motifs that are then annotated to TFs and those that have a high Normalized Enrichment Score (NES) are retained. Finally, for each motif and gene-set, RcisTarget predicts the candidate target genes (i.e. genes in the gene-set that are ranked above the leading edge). |
Authors: | Sara Aibar, Gert Hulselmans, Stein Aerts. Laboratory of Computational Biology. VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain & Disease Research. Leuven, Belgium |
Maintainer: | Gert Hulselmans <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.27.0 |
Built: | 2025-02-28 06:22:16 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/RcisTarget |
Adds a column containing the logo URL to RcisTarget results table.
addLogo(motifEnrDT, addHTML = TRUE, dbVersion = NULL, motifCol = "motif")
addLogo(motifEnrDT, addHTML = TRUE, dbVersion = NULL, motifCol = "motif")
motifEnrDT |
Results from RcisTarget (data.table) |
addHTML |
Whether to add the HTML tag <img> around the URL or not (boolean). |
dbVersion |
The default value 'v10nr_clust' corresponds to the latest version of the databases (currently version 10). For previous databases use 'v8' or 'v9', as appropriate. |
motifCol |
Name of the column which contains the logo ID. |
Returns the results table with a new column: 'logo'. This column contains either a URL with the logo image, or the HTML code to show the logo [e.g. with datatable()].
to directly show the table as HTML.
See the package vignette for more examples:
# Run the enrichment (or load previous results) load(paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes.RData", sep="/")) # Add link to logo newMotifErnTable <- addLogo(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes) # Show table library(DT) datatable(newMotifErnTable[,-c("enrichedGenes"), with=FALSE], escape = FALSE, filter="top", options=list(pageLength=5))
# Run the enrichment (or load previous results) load(paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes.RData", sep="/")) # Add link to logo newMotifErnTable <- addLogo(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes) # Show table library(DT) datatable(newMotifErnTable[,-c("enrichedGenes"), with=FALSE], escape = FALSE, filter="top", options=list(pageLength=5))
Select significant motifs and/or annotate motifs to genes or transcription factors. The motifs are considered significantly enriched if they pass the the Normalized Enrichment Score (NES) threshold.
addMotifAnnotation( auc, nesThreshold = 3, digits = 3, motifAnnot = NULL, motifAnnot_highConfCat = c("directAnnotation", "inferredBy_Orthology"), motifAnnot_lowConfCat = c("inferredBy_MotifSimilarity", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology"), idColumn = "motif", highlightTFs = NULL, keepAnnotationCategory = TRUE )
addMotifAnnotation( auc, nesThreshold = 3, digits = 3, motifAnnot = NULL, motifAnnot_highConfCat = c("directAnnotation", "inferredBy_Orthology"), motifAnnot_lowConfCat = c("inferredBy_MotifSimilarity", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology"), idColumn = "motif", highlightTFs = NULL, keepAnnotationCategory = TRUE )
auc |
Output from calcAUC. |
nesThreshold |
Numeric. NES threshold to calculate the motif significant (3.0 by default). The NES is calculated -for each motif- based on the AUC distribution of all the motifs for the gene-set [(x-mean)/sd]. |
digits |
Integer. Number of digits for the AUC and NES in the output table. |
motifAnnot |
Motif annotation database containing the annotations of the motif to transcription factors. The names should match the ranking column names. |
motifAnnot_highConfCat |
Categories considered as source for 'high confidence' annotations. By default, "directAnnotation" (annotated in the source database), and "inferredBy_Orthology" (the motif is annotated to an homologous/ortologous gene). |
motifAnnot_lowConfCat |
Categories considered 'lower confidence' source for annotations. By default, the annotations inferred based on motif similarity ("inferredBy_MotifSimilarity", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology"). |
idColumn |
Annotation column containing the ID (e.g. motif, accession) |
highlightTFs |
Character. If a list of transcription factors is provided, the column TFinDB in the otuput table will indicate whether any of those TFs are included within the 'high-confidence' annotation (two asterisks, **) or 'low-confidence' annotation (one asterisk, *) of the motif. The vector can be named to indicate which TF to highlight for each gene-set. Otherwise, all TFs will be used for all geneSets. |
keepAnnotationCategory |
Include annotation type in the TF information? |
with the folowing columns:
geneSet: Name of the gene set
motif: ID of the motif (colnames of the ranking, it might be other kind of feature)
NES: Normalized enrichment score of the motif in the gene-set
AUC: Area Under the Curve (used to calculate the NES)
TFinDB: Indicates whether the highlightedTFs are included within the high-confidence annotation (two asterisks, **) or lower-confidence annotation (one asterisk, *)
TF_highConf: Transcription factors annotated to the motif based on high-confidence annotations.
TF_lowConf: Transcription factors annotated to the motif according to based on lower-confidence annotations.
Next step in the workflow: addSignificantGenes
Previous step in the workflow: calcAUC
See the package vignette for examples and more details:
################################################## # Setup & previous steps in the workflow: #### Gene sets # As example, the package includes an Hypoxia gene set: txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "hypoxiaGeneSet.txt", sep="/") geneLists <- list(hypoxia=read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]) #### Databases ## Motif rankings: Select according to organism and distance around TSS ## (See the vignette for URLs to download) # motifRankings <- importRankings("hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather") ## For this example we will use a SUBSET of the ranking/motif databases: library(RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp) data(hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly) motifRankings <- hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly ## Motif - TF annotation: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9) # human TFs (for motif collection 9) motifAnnotation <- motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 ### Run RcisTarget # Step 1. Calculate AUC motifs_AUC <- calcAUC(geneLists, motifRankings) ################################################## ### (This step: Step 2) # Before starting: Setup the paralell computation library(BiocParallel); register(MulticoreParam(workers = 2)) # Select significant motifs, add TF annotation & format as table motifEnrichmentTable <- addMotifAnnotation(motifs_AUC, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation) # Alternative: Modifying some options motifEnrichment_wIndirect <- addMotifAnnotation(motifs_AUC, nesThreshold=2, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation, highlightTFs = "HIF1A", motifAnnot_highConfCat=c("directAnnotation"), motifAnnot_lowConfCat=c("inferredBy_MotifSimilarity", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology", "inferredBy_Orthology"), digits=3) # Getting TFs for a given TF: motifs <- motifEnrichmentTable$motif[1:3] getMotifAnnotation(motifs, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation) getMotifAnnotation(motifs, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation, returnFormat="list") ### Exploring the output: # Number of enriched motifs (Over the given NES threshold) nrow(motifEnrichmentTable) # Interactive exploration motifEnrichmentTable <- addLogo(motifEnrichmentTable) DT::datatable(motifEnrichmentTable, filter="top", escape=FALSE, options=list(pageLength=50)) # Note: If using the fake database, the results of this analysis are meaningless # The object returned is a data.table (for faster computation), # which has a diferent syntax from the standard data.frame or matrix # Feel free to convert it to a data.frame (as.data.frame()) motifEnrichmentTable[,1:6] ################################################## # Next step (step 3, optional): ## Not run: motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- addSignificantGenes(motifEnrichmentTable, geneSets=geneLists, rankings=motifRankings, method="aprox") ## End(Not run)
################################################## # Setup & previous steps in the workflow: #### Gene sets # As example, the package includes an Hypoxia gene set: txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "hypoxiaGeneSet.txt", sep="/") geneLists <- list(hypoxia=read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]) #### Databases ## Motif rankings: Select according to organism and distance around TSS ## (See the vignette for URLs to download) # motifRankings <- importRankings("hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather") ## For this example we will use a SUBSET of the ranking/motif databases: library(RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp) data(hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly) motifRankings <- hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly ## Motif - TF annotation: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9) # human TFs (for motif collection 9) motifAnnotation <- motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 ### Run RcisTarget # Step 1. Calculate AUC motifs_AUC <- calcAUC(geneLists, motifRankings) ################################################## ### (This step: Step 2) # Before starting: Setup the paralell computation library(BiocParallel); register(MulticoreParam(workers = 2)) # Select significant motifs, add TF annotation & format as table motifEnrichmentTable <- addMotifAnnotation(motifs_AUC, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation) # Alternative: Modifying some options motifEnrichment_wIndirect <- addMotifAnnotation(motifs_AUC, nesThreshold=2, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation, highlightTFs = "HIF1A", motifAnnot_highConfCat=c("directAnnotation"), motifAnnot_lowConfCat=c("inferredBy_MotifSimilarity", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology", "inferredBy_Orthology"), digits=3) # Getting TFs for a given TF: motifs <- motifEnrichmentTable$motif[1:3] getMotifAnnotation(motifs, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation) getMotifAnnotation(motifs, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation, returnFormat="list") ### Exploring the output: # Number of enriched motifs (Over the given NES threshold) nrow(motifEnrichmentTable) # Interactive exploration motifEnrichmentTable <- addLogo(motifEnrichmentTable) DT::datatable(motifEnrichmentTable, filter="top", escape=FALSE, options=list(pageLength=50)) # Note: If using the fake database, the results of this analysis are meaningless # The object returned is a data.table (for faster computation), # which has a diferent syntax from the standard data.frame or matrix # Feel free to convert it to a data.frame (as.data.frame()) motifEnrichmentTable[,1:6] ################################################## # Next step (step 3, optional): ## Not run: motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- addSignificantGenes(motifEnrichmentTable, geneSets=geneLists, rankings=motifRankings, method="aprox") ## End(Not run)
Identify which genes (of the gene-set) are highly ranked for each motif.
addSignificantGenes(): adds them to the results table.
getSignificantGenes(): Calculates the significant genes for ONE gene set. It provides the plot and the gene list (it is used by addSignificantGenes).
addSignificantGenes( resultsTable, geneSets, rankings, maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = "geneList", method = "aprox", nMean = 50, nCores = 1 ) ## S4 method for signature 'list' addSignificantGenes( resultsTable, geneSets, rankings, maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = "geneList", method = "aprox", nMean = 50, nCores = 1 ) ## S4 method for signature 'character' addSignificantGenes( resultsTable, geneSets, rankings, maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = "geneList", method = "aprox", nMean = 50, nCores = 1 ) ## S4 method for signature 'GeneSet' addSignificantGenes( resultsTable, geneSets, rankings, maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = "geneList", method = "aprox", nMean = 50, nCores = 1 ) ## S4 method for signature 'GeneSetCollection' addSignificantGenes( resultsTable, geneSets, rankings, maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = "geneList", method = "aprox", nMean = 50, nCores = 1 ) getSignificantGenes( geneSet, rankings, signifRankingNames = NULL, method = "iCisTarget", maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = c("geneList", "incidMatrix"), nCores = 1, digits = 3, nMean = 50 ) ## S4 method for signature 'list' getSignificantGenes( geneSet, rankings, signifRankingNames = NULL, method = "iCisTarget", maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = c("geneList", "incidMatrix"), nCores = 1, digits = 3, nMean = 50 ) ## S4 method for signature 'character' getSignificantGenes( geneSet, rankings, signifRankingNames = NULL, method = "iCisTarget", maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = c("geneList", "incidMatrix"), nCores = 1, digits = 3, nMean = 50 ) ## S4 method for signature 'factor' getSignificantGenes( geneSet, rankings, signifRankingNames = NULL, method = "iCisTarget", maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = c("geneList", "incidMatrix"), nCores = 1, digits = 3, nMean = 50 ) ## S4 method for signature 'GeneSet' getSignificantGenes( geneSet, rankings, signifRankingNames = NULL, method = "iCisTarget", maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = c("geneList", "incidMatrix"), nCores = 1, digits = 3, nMean = 50 ) ## S4 method for signature 'GeneSetCollection' getSignificantGenes( geneSet, rankings, signifRankingNames = NULL, method = "iCisTarget", maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = c("geneList", "incidMatrix"), nCores = 1, digits = 3, nMean = 50 )
addSignificantGenes( resultsTable, geneSets, rankings, maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = "geneList", method = "aprox", nMean = 50, nCores = 1 ) ## S4 method for signature 'list' addSignificantGenes( resultsTable, geneSets, rankings, maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = "geneList", method = "aprox", nMean = 50, nCores = 1 ) ## S4 method for signature 'character' addSignificantGenes( resultsTable, geneSets, rankings, maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = "geneList", method = "aprox", nMean = 50, nCores = 1 ) ## S4 method for signature 'GeneSet' addSignificantGenes( resultsTable, geneSets, rankings, maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = "geneList", method = "aprox", nMean = 50, nCores = 1 ) ## S4 method for signature 'GeneSetCollection' addSignificantGenes( resultsTable, geneSets, rankings, maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = "geneList", method = "aprox", nMean = 50, nCores = 1 ) getSignificantGenes( geneSet, rankings, signifRankingNames = NULL, method = "iCisTarget", maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = c("geneList", "incidMatrix"), nCores = 1, digits = 3, nMean = 50 ) ## S4 method for signature 'list' getSignificantGenes( geneSet, rankings, signifRankingNames = NULL, method = "iCisTarget", maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = c("geneList", "incidMatrix"), nCores = 1, digits = 3, nMean = 50 ) ## S4 method for signature 'character' getSignificantGenes( geneSet, rankings, signifRankingNames = NULL, method = "iCisTarget", maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = c("geneList", "incidMatrix"), nCores = 1, digits = 3, nMean = 50 ) ## S4 method for signature 'factor' getSignificantGenes( geneSet, rankings, signifRankingNames = NULL, method = "iCisTarget", maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = c("geneList", "incidMatrix"), nCores = 1, digits = 3, nMean = 50 ) ## S4 method for signature 'GeneSet' getSignificantGenes( geneSet, rankings, signifRankingNames = NULL, method = "iCisTarget", maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = c("geneList", "incidMatrix"), nCores = 1, digits = 3, nMean = 50 ) ## S4 method for signature 'GeneSetCollection' getSignificantGenes( geneSet, rankings, signifRankingNames = NULL, method = "iCisTarget", maxRank = 5000, plotCurve = FALSE, genesFormat = c("geneList", "incidMatrix"), nCores = 1, digits = 3, nMean = 50 )
resultsTable |
Output table from |
geneSets |
[addSignificantGenes] List of gene-sets which was analyzed. |
rankings |
Motif rankings used to analyze the gene list (They should be the same as used for calcAUC in this same analysis). |
maxRank |
Maximum rank to take into account for the recovery curve (Default: 5000). |
plotCurve |
Logical. Wether to plot the recovery curve (Default: FALSE). |
genesFormat |
"geneList" or "incidMatrix". Format to return the genes (Default: "geneList"). |
method |
"iCisTarget" or "aprox". There are two methods to identify the highly ranked genes: (1) equivalent to the ones used in iRegulon and i-cisTarget (method="iCisTarget", recommended if running time is not an issue), and (2) a faster implementation based on an approximate distribution using the average at each rank (method="aprox", useful to scan multiple gene sets). (Default: "aprox") |
nMean |
Only used for "aprox" method: Interval to calculate the running mean and sd. Default: 50 (aprox. nGenesInRanking/400). |
nCores |
Number of cores to use for parallelization (Default: 1). |
geneSet |
[getSignificantGenes] Gene-set to analyze (Only one). |
signifRankingNames |
[getSignificantGenes] Motif ranking name. |
digits |
[getSignificantGenes] Number of digits to include in the output. |
The highly ranked genes are selected based on the distribution of the recovery curves of the gene set across all the motifs in the database. In the plot, the red line indicates the average of the recovery curves of all the motifs, the green line the average + standard deviation, and the blue line the recovery curve of the current motif. The point of maximum distance between the current motif and the green curve (mean+sd), is the rank selected as maximum enrichment. All the genes with lower rank will be considered enriched.
Depending on whether the method is "iCisTarget" or "aprox", the mean and SD at each rank are calculated slightly different. "iCisTarget" method calculates the recovery curves for all the motifs, and then calculates the average and SD at each rank. Due to the implementation of the function in R, this method is slower than just subsetting the ranks of the genes in for each motif, and calculating the average of the available ones at each position with a sliding window. Since there are over 18k motifs, the chances of getting several measures at each rank are very high and highly resemble the results calculated by iCisTarget, though they are often not exactly the same (hence the name: "aprox" method).
Output from addMotifAnnotation
adding the folowing columns:
nEnrGenes: Number of genes highly ranked
rankAtMax: Ranking at the maximum enrichment, used to determine the number of enriched genes.
enrichedGenes: Genes that are highly ranked for the given motif. If genesFormat="geneList", the gene names are collapsed into a comma separated text field (alphabetical order). If genesFormat="incidMatrix", they are formatted as an indicence matrix, i.e. indicanting with 1 the genes present, and 0 absent.
If plotCurve=TRUE, the recovery curve is plotted.
Previous step in the workflow: addMotifAnnotation
See the package vignette for examples and more details:
################################################## # Setup & previous steps in the workflow: #### Gene sets # As example, the package includes an Hypoxia gene set: txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "hypoxiaGeneSet.txt", sep="/") geneLists <- list(hypoxia=read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]) #### Databases ## Motif rankings: Select according to organism and distance around TSS ## (See the vignette for URLs to download) # motifRankings <- importRankings("hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather") ## For this example we will use a SUBSET of the ranking/motif databases: library(RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp) data(hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly) motifRankings <- hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly ## Motif - TF annotation: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9) # human TFs (for motif collection 9) motifAnnotation <- motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 ### Run RcisTarget # Step 1. Calculate AUC motifs_AUC <- calcAUC(geneLists, motifRankings) # Step 2. Select significant motifs, add TF annotation & format as table motifEnrichmentTable <- addMotifAnnotation(motifs_AUC, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation) ################################################## ################################################## # (This step: Step 3) # Identify the genes that have the motif significantly enriched # (i.e. genes from the gene set in the top of the ranking) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- addSignificantGenes(motifEnrichmentTable, genesFormat="geneList", plotCurve=TRUE, geneSets=geneLists, rankings=motifRankings, method="aprox") #### Exploring the output: # The object returned is a data.table # Feel free to convert it to a data.frame: motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- as.data.frame(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes) # Enriched genes enrGenes <- motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes[1,"enrichedGenes"] enrGenes strsplit(enrGenes, ";") # As incidence matrix motifEnr_wIncidMat <- addSignificantGenes(motifEnrichmentTable, geneSets=geneLists, rankings=motifRankings, method="aprox", genesFormat = "incidMatrix") motifEnr_wIncidMat <- as.data.frame(motifEnr_wIncidMat) which(colnames(motifEnr_wIncidMat) == "rankAtMax") incidMat <- motifEnr_wIncidMat[,8:ncol(motifEnr_wIncidMat)] rownames(incidMat) <- motifEnr_wIncidMat[,"motif"] incidMat <- incidMat[, colSums(incidMat)>0, drop=FALSE] # Plot as network par(mfrow=c(1,1)) library(igraph) plot(graph.incidence(incidMat)) ############################################################### # Alternative method: getSignificantGenes() selectedMotif <- rownames(incidMat) onlyGenes <- getSignificantGenes(geneSet=geneLists$hypoxia, signifRankingNames=selectedMotif, genesFormat="incidMatrix", plotCurve=TRUE, rankings=motifRankings, method="aprox")
################################################## # Setup & previous steps in the workflow: #### Gene sets # As example, the package includes an Hypoxia gene set: txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "hypoxiaGeneSet.txt", sep="/") geneLists <- list(hypoxia=read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]) #### Databases ## Motif rankings: Select according to organism and distance around TSS ## (See the vignette for URLs to download) # motifRankings <- importRankings("hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather") ## For this example we will use a SUBSET of the ranking/motif databases: library(RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp) data(hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly) motifRankings <- hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly ## Motif - TF annotation: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9) # human TFs (for motif collection 9) motifAnnotation <- motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 ### Run RcisTarget # Step 1. Calculate AUC motifs_AUC <- calcAUC(geneLists, motifRankings) # Step 2. Select significant motifs, add TF annotation & format as table motifEnrichmentTable <- addMotifAnnotation(motifs_AUC, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation) ################################################## ################################################## # (This step: Step 3) # Identify the genes that have the motif significantly enriched # (i.e. genes from the gene set in the top of the ranking) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- addSignificantGenes(motifEnrichmentTable, genesFormat="geneList", plotCurve=TRUE, geneSets=geneLists, rankings=motifRankings, method="aprox") #### Exploring the output: # The object returned is a data.table # Feel free to convert it to a data.frame: motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- as.data.frame(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes) # Enriched genes enrGenes <- motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes[1,"enrichedGenes"] enrGenes strsplit(enrGenes, ";") # As incidence matrix motifEnr_wIncidMat <- addSignificantGenes(motifEnrichmentTable, geneSets=geneLists, rankings=motifRankings, method="aprox", genesFormat = "incidMatrix") motifEnr_wIncidMat <- as.data.frame(motifEnr_wIncidMat) which(colnames(motifEnr_wIncidMat) == "rankAtMax") incidMat <- motifEnr_wIncidMat[,8:ncol(motifEnr_wIncidMat)] rownames(incidMat) <- motifEnr_wIncidMat[,"motif"] incidMat <- incidMat[, colSums(incidMat)>0, drop=FALSE] # Plot as network par(mfrow=c(1,1)) library(igraph) plot(graph.incidence(incidMat)) ############################################################### # Alternative method: getSignificantGenes() selectedMotif <- rownames(incidMat) onlyGenes <- getSignificantGenes(geneSet=geneLists$hypoxia, signifRankingNames=selectedMotif, genesFormat="incidMatrix", plotCurve=TRUE, rankings=motifRankings, method="aprox")
Contains the AUC scores for each gene- or region-set.
They can be accessed through getAUC()
and the regular methods
(i.e. nrow, rownames... ) available for SummarizedExperiment objects.
## S4 method for signature 'aucScores' show(object) ## S4 method for signature 'aucScores' getAUC(object)
## S4 method for signature 'aucScores' show(object) ## S4 method for signature 'aucScores' getAUC(object)
object |
Results from |
show: Prints a summary of the object
getAUC: Returns the matrix containing the AUC scores
################################################## # Setup & previous steps in the workflow: #### Gene sets # As example, the package includes an Hypoxia gene set: txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "hypoxiaGeneSet.txt", sep="/") geneLists <- list(hypoxia=read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]) #### Databases ## Motif rankings: Select according to organism and distance around TSS ## (See the vignette for URLs to download) # motifRankings <- importRankings("hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather") ## For this example we will use a SUBSET of the ranking/motif databases: library(RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp) data(hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly) motifRankings <- hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly ## Motif - TF annotation: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9) # human TFs (for motif collection 9) motifAnnotation <- motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 ### Run RcisTarget # Step 1. Calculate AUC motifs_AUC <- calcAUC(geneLists, motifRankings) ################################################## #Exploring the output: motifs_AUC class(motifs_AUC) # Extracting the AUC matrix: getAUC(motifs_AUC)[,1:5] # Subsetting and regular manipulation methods are also available: motifs_AUC[1,] motifs_AUC[,3:4] dim(motifs_AUC) nrow(motifs_AUC) ncol(motifs_AUC) colnames(motifs_AUC) rownames(motifs_AUC)
################################################## # Setup & previous steps in the workflow: #### Gene sets # As example, the package includes an Hypoxia gene set: txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "hypoxiaGeneSet.txt", sep="/") geneLists <- list(hypoxia=read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]) #### Databases ## Motif rankings: Select according to organism and distance around TSS ## (See the vignette for URLs to download) # motifRankings <- importRankings("hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather") ## For this example we will use a SUBSET of the ranking/motif databases: library(RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp) data(hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly) motifRankings <- hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly ## Motif - TF annotation: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9) # human TFs (for motif collection 9) motifAnnotation <- motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 ### Run RcisTarget # Step 1. Calculate AUC motifs_AUC <- calcAUC(geneLists, motifRankings) ################################################## #Exploring the output: motifs_AUC class(motifs_AUC) # Extracting the AUC matrix: getAUC(motifs_AUC)[,1:5] # Subsetting and regular manipulation methods are also available: motifs_AUC[1,] motifs_AUC[,3:4] dim(motifs_AUC) nrow(motifs_AUC) ncol(motifs_AUC) colnames(motifs_AUC) rownames(motifs_AUC)
Calculates the Area Under the Curve (AUC) of each gene-set for each motif ranking. This measure is used in the following steps to identify the DNA motifs that are significantly over-represented in the gene-set.
calcAUC( geneSets, rankings, nCores = 1, aucMaxRank = 0.03 * getNumColsInDB(rankings), verbose = TRUE ) ## S4 method for signature 'list' calcAUC( geneSets, rankings, nCores = 1, aucMaxRank = 0.03 * getNumColsInDB(rankings), verbose = TRUE ) ## S4 method for signature 'character' calcAUC( geneSets, rankings, nCores = 1, aucMaxRank = 0.03 * getNumColsInDB(rankings), verbose = TRUE ) ## S4 method for signature 'GeneSet' calcAUC( geneSets, rankings, nCores = 1, aucMaxRank = 0.03 * getNumColsInDB(rankings), verbose = TRUE ) ## S4 method for signature 'GeneSetCollection' calcAUC( geneSets, rankings, nCores = 1, aucMaxRank = 0.03 * getNumColsInDB(rankings), verbose = TRUE )
calcAUC( geneSets, rankings, nCores = 1, aucMaxRank = 0.03 * getNumColsInDB(rankings), verbose = TRUE ) ## S4 method for signature 'list' calcAUC( geneSets, rankings, nCores = 1, aucMaxRank = 0.03 * getNumColsInDB(rankings), verbose = TRUE ) ## S4 method for signature 'character' calcAUC( geneSets, rankings, nCores = 1, aucMaxRank = 0.03 * getNumColsInDB(rankings), verbose = TRUE ) ## S4 method for signature 'GeneSet' calcAUC( geneSets, rankings, nCores = 1, aucMaxRank = 0.03 * getNumColsInDB(rankings), verbose = TRUE ) ## S4 method for signature 'GeneSetCollection' calcAUC( geneSets, rankings, nCores = 1, aucMaxRank = 0.03 * getNumColsInDB(rankings), verbose = TRUE )
geneSets |
List of gene-sets to analyze.
The gene-sets should be provided as |
rankings |
'Motif rankings' database for the required organism and
search-space (i.e. 10kbp around- or 500bp upstream the TSS).
These objects are provided in separate files,
which can be imported with
See Since the normalized enrichment score (NES) of the motif depends on the total number of motifs in the database, we highly recommend to use the full version of the databases (20k motifs). A smaller version of the human databases, containing only the 4.6k motifs from cisbp, are available in Bioconductor:
nCores |
Number of cores to use for computation. Note: In general, using a higher number of cores (e.g. processes) decreases overall running time. However, it also deppends on the available memory and overall system load. Setting nCores too high might also decrease performance. |
aucMaxRank |
Threshold to calculate the AUC.
In a simplified way, the AUC value represents the fraction of genes,
within the top X genes in the ranking, that are included in the signature.
The parameter 'aucMaxRank' allows to modify the number of genes
(maximum ranking) that is used to perform this computation.
By default it is set to 5% of the total number of genes in the rankings.
Common values range from 1 to 10%.
See |
verbose |
Should the function show progress messages? (TRUE / FALSE) |
of gene-sets (columns) by motifs (rows)
with the value of AUC for each pair as content.
Next step in the workflow: addMotifAnnotation
See the package vignette for examples and more details:
# RcisTarget workflow for advanced users: # Running the workflow steps individually ## Not run: ################################################## #### Load your gene sets # As example, the package includes an Hypoxia gene set: txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "hypoxiaGeneSet.txt", sep="/") geneLists <- list(hypoxia=read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]) #### Load databases ## Motif rankings: Select according to organism and distance around TSS ## (See the vignette for URLs to download) motifRankings <- importRankings("hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather") ## Motif - TF annotation: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9) # human TFs (for motif collection 9) motifAnnotation <- motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 ################################################## #### Run RcisTarget # Step 1. Calculate AUC motifs_AUC <- calcAUC(geneLists, motifRankings) # Step 2. Select significant motifs, add TF annotation & format as table motifEnrichmentTable <- addMotifAnnotation(motifs_AUC, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation) # Step 3 (optional). Identify genes that have the motif significantly enriched # (i.e. genes from the gene set in the top of the ranking) motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- addSignificantGenes(motifEnrichmentTable, geneSets=geneLists, rankings=motifRankings, method="aprox") ## End(Not run)
# RcisTarget workflow for advanced users: # Running the workflow steps individually ## Not run: ################################################## #### Load your gene sets # As example, the package includes an Hypoxia gene set: txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "hypoxiaGeneSet.txt", sep="/") geneLists <- list(hypoxia=read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]) #### Load databases ## Motif rankings: Select according to organism and distance around TSS ## (See the vignette for URLs to download) motifRankings <- importRankings("hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather") ## Motif - TF annotation: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9) # human TFs (for motif collection 9) motifAnnotation <- motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 ################################################## #### Run RcisTarget # Step 1. Calculate AUC motifs_AUC <- calcAUC(geneLists, motifRankings) # Step 2. Select significant motifs, add TF annotation & format as table motifEnrichmentTable <- addMotifAnnotation(motifs_AUC, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation) # Step 3 (optional). Identify genes that have the motif significantly enriched # (i.e. genes from the gene set in the top of the ranking) motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- addSignificantGenes(motifEnrichmentTable, geneSets=geneLists, rankings=motifRankings, method="aprox") ## End(Not run)
Identifies DNA motifs significantly over-represented in a gene-set.
This is the main function to run RcisTarget. It includes on the following steps:
1. Motif enrichment analysis (calcAUC)
2. Motif-TF annotation (addMotifAnnotation)
3. Selection of significant genes (addSignificantGenes)
cisTarget( geneSets, motifRankings, motifAnnot = NULL, motifAnnot_highConfCat = c("directAnnotation", "inferredBy_Orthology"), motifAnnot_lowConfCat = c("inferredBy_MotifSimilarity", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology"), highlightTFs = NULL, nesThreshold = 3, aucMaxRank = 0.05 * ncol(motifRankings), geneErnMethod = "aprox", geneErnMaxRank = 5000, nCores = 1, verbose = TRUE )
cisTarget( geneSets, motifRankings, motifAnnot = NULL, motifAnnot_highConfCat = c("directAnnotation", "inferredBy_Orthology"), motifAnnot_lowConfCat = c("inferredBy_MotifSimilarity", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology"), highlightTFs = NULL, nesThreshold = 3, aucMaxRank = 0.05 * ncol(motifRankings), geneErnMethod = "aprox", geneErnMaxRank = 5000, nCores = 1, verbose = TRUE )
geneSets |
List of gene-sets to analyze.
The gene-sets should be provided as |
motifRankings |
Database of the appropiate organism and search-space
(i.e. 10kbp around- or 500bp upstream the TSS).
These objects are provided in separate files,
which can be imported with
See |
motifAnnot |
Motif annotation database containing the annotations of the motif to transcription factors. |
motifAnnot_highConfCat |
Categories considered as source for 'high confidence' annotations. By default, "directAnnotation" (annotated in the source database), and "inferredBy_Orthology" (the motif is annotated to an homologous/ortologous gene). |
motifAnnot_lowConfCat |
Categories considered 'lower confidence' source for annotations. By default, the annotations inferred based on motif similarity ("inferredBy_MotifSimilarity", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology"). |
highlightTFs |
Character. If a list of transcription factors is provided, the column TFinDB in the otuput table will indicate whether any of those TFs are included within the 'high-confidence' annotation (two asterisks, **) or 'low-confidence' annotation (one asterisk, *) of the motif. The vector can be named to indicate which TF to highlight for each gene-set. Otherwise, all TFs will be used for all geneSets. |
nesThreshold |
Numeric. NES threshold to calculate the motif significant (3.0 by default). The NES is calculated -for each motif- based on the AUC distribution of all the motifs for the gene-set [(x-mean)/sd]. The motifs are considered significantly enriched if they pass the the Normalized Enrichment Score (NES) threshold. |
aucMaxRank |
Threshold to calculate the AUC. In a simplified way, the AUC value represents the fraction of genes -within the top X genes in the ranking- that are included in the signature. The parameter 'aucThresholdPERC' allows to modify the percentage of genes (of the top of the ranking) that is used to perform this computation. By default it is set to 5% of the total number of genes in the rankings. Common values range from 1 to 10%. |
geneErnMethod |
"iCisTarget" or "aprox". Method to identify the highly ranked genes (see addSignificantGenes for details). |
geneErnMaxRank |
Maximum rank to take into account for the gene enrichment recovery curve (see addSignificantGenes for details). |
nCores |
Number of cores to use for computation. Note: In general, using a higher number of cores (e.g. processes) decreases overall running time. However, it also deppends on the available memory and overall system load. Setting nCores too high might also decrease performance. |
verbose |
Should the function show progress messages? (TRUE / FALSE) |
containing the over-represented
motifs (according to the selected NES threshold),
their statistics, annotation to transcription factors and the genes with
high enrichment of the motif.
See the package vignette for examples and more details:
# Example for running RcisTarget using cisTarget() function (workflow wrapper) ## Not run: ################################################## ### Load your gene sets # As example, the package includes an Hypoxia gene set: txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "hypoxiaGeneSet.txt", sep="/") geneLists <- list(hypoxia=read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]) ### Load databases # Motif rankings: Select according to organism and distance around TSS # (See the vignette for URLs to download) motifRankings <- importRankings("hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather") ## Motif - TF annotation: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9) # human TFs (for motif collection 9) motifAnnotation <- motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 ################################################## # Run (R)cisTarget motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- cisTarget(geneLists, motifRankings, motifAnnot_direct=hg19_direct_motifAnnotation, nesThreshold=3.5, geneErnMethod="aprox", nCores=2) ## End(Not run) # Load results from analysis load(paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes.RData", sep="/")) ### Exploring the output: # Note: If using the fake-database, the results are not meaningful # Number of enriched motifs (Over the given NES threshold) nrow(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes) # Available info (columns) colnames(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes) # The object returned is a data.table (for faster computation), # which has a diferent syntax from the standard data.frame or matrix # Feel free to convert it to a data.frame (as.data.frame()) class(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes) motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes[,1:5] # Enriched genes enrGenes <- as.character(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes[1,"enrichedGenes"]) strsplit(enrGenes, ";") # Interactive exploration motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- addLogo(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes) DT::datatable(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes[,1:9], escape = FALSE, filter="top", options=list(pageLength=5)) # Note: If using the fake database, the results of this analysis are meaningless
# Example for running RcisTarget using cisTarget() function (workflow wrapper) ## Not run: ################################################## ### Load your gene sets # As example, the package includes an Hypoxia gene set: txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "hypoxiaGeneSet.txt", sep="/") geneLists <- list(hypoxia=read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]) ### Load databases # Motif rankings: Select according to organism and distance around TSS # (See the vignette for URLs to download) motifRankings <- importRankings("hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather") ## Motif - TF annotation: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9) # human TFs (for motif collection 9) motifAnnotation <- motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 ################################################## # Run (R)cisTarget motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- cisTarget(geneLists, motifRankings, motifAnnot_direct=hg19_direct_motifAnnotation, nesThreshold=3.5, geneErnMethod="aprox", nCores=2) ## End(Not run) # Load results from analysis load(paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes.RData", sep="/")) ### Exploring the output: # Note: If using the fake-database, the results are not meaningful # Number of enriched motifs (Over the given NES threshold) nrow(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes) # Available info (columns) colnames(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes) # The object returned is a data.table (for faster computation), # which has a diferent syntax from the standard data.frame or matrix # Feel free to convert it to a data.frame (as.data.frame()) class(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes) motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes[,1:5] # Enriched genes enrGenes <- as.character(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes[1,"enrichedGenes"]) strsplit(enrGenes, ";") # Interactive exploration motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- addLogo(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes) DT::datatable(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes[,1:9], escape = FALSE, filter="top", options=list(pageLength=5)) # Note: If using the fake database, the results of this analysis are meaningless
Convert a set of input regions to the overlapping regions in the target set.
convertToTargetRegions( queryRegions, targetRegions, minOverlap = 0.4, overlapType = "any", returnCorrespondence = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
convertToTargetRegions( queryRegions, targetRegions, minOverlap = 0.4, overlapType = "any", returnCorrespondence = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
queryRegions |
List of regions to convert (normally the query region set). |
targetRegions |
List of regions in the target set (normally the database). |
minOverlap |
Minimum overlap to consider (in either direction, default: 0.40). |
overlapType |
Parameter for |
returnCorrespondence |
Returns a table containing the matches, or only a list of overlapping regions (default: FALSE). |
verbose |
Print the number of regions selected? |
IDs of the regions in the "target regions" overlapping with the query regions.
See the package vignette for examples and more details:
## Not run: ## To apply on a list of regionSets: regionSets_db <- lapply(regionSets, function(x) convertToTargetRegions(queryRegions=x, targetRegions=dbRegionsLoc)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: ## To apply on a list of regionSets: regionSets_db <- lapply(regionSets, function(x) convertToTargetRegions(queryRegions=x, targetRegions=dbRegionsLoc)) ## End(Not run)
dbRegionsLoc_hg19_v9: Contains the location for HUMAN regions in the database hg19-regions-9species.all_regions.mc9nr (hg19,refseq_r45, motif collection v9).
Source: hg19__refseq_r45__ClusteredUniformDHS_all_merge_cleaned2_features_rm-insul_rm-exons2_extend.regionid-location.bed
dbRegionsLoc_mm9_v9: Contains the location for MOUSE regions in the database mm9-regions-9species.all_regions.mc9nr (mm9, refseq_r70, motif collection v9).
Source: mm9__refseq_r70__regulatory_regions.regionid-location.bed
For drosophila, use the function getDbRegionsLoc
Documentation for the data
Gets the region location based on the region ID. Only needed for drosophiladrosophila (fruit fly) regions.
For human/mouse the region locations are stored in a separate object (i.e. ). This function is not needed.
getDbRegionsLoc(featherFilePath, spltChr = "__", indexCol = NULL)
getDbRegionsLoc(featherFilePath, spltChr = "__", indexCol = NULL)
featherFilePath |
Path to the rankings database |
spltChr |
Character(s) used to split the prefix from the region location. The default is used for current Drosophila versions. Use NULL to skip. |
indexCol |
Column name including the motif/feature IDs. By default it will use the first column. |
The region locations in a GRanges object, with the original region ID as name.
See the package vignette for examples and more details:
## Not run: featherFilePath <- "~/databases/dm6-regions-11species.mc9nr.feather" dbRegionsLoc <- getDbRegionsLoc(featherFilePath) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: featherFilePath <- "~/databases/dm6-regions-11species.mc9nr.feather" dbRegionsLoc <- getDbRegionsLoc(featherFilePath) ## End(Not run)
Get the genes/transcription factors annotated to the given motifs
getMotifAnnotation( motifs, motifAnnot, annotCats = c("directAnnotation", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity", "inferredBy_Orthology", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology"), idColumn = "motif", returnFormat = c("asCharacter", "subset", "list")[1], keepAnnotationCategory = TRUE )
getMotifAnnotation( motifs, motifAnnot, annotCats = c("directAnnotation", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity", "inferredBy_Orthology", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology"), idColumn = "motif", returnFormat = c("asCharacter", "subset", "list")[1], keepAnnotationCategory = TRUE )
motifs |
Motif IDs |
motifAnnot |
Motif annotation database containing the annotations of the motif to genes or transcription factors. |
annotCats |
Annotation categories to be considered: "directAnnotation" (annotated in the source database), "inferredBy_Orthology" (the motif is annotated to an homologous/ortologous gene), or inferred based on motif similarity ("inferredBy_MotifSimilarity", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology"). |
idColumn |
Annotation column containing the ID (e.g. motif, accession) |
returnFormat |
Determines the output format. Choose one of the following values: |
keepAnnotationCategory |
Include annotation type in the TF information?
See argument returnFormat
add the annotation directly to the motif enrichment results.
See the package vignette for examples and more details:
################################################## # Setup & previous steps in the workflow: #### Gene sets # As example, the package includes an Hypoxia gene set: txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "hypoxiaGeneSet.txt", sep="/") geneLists <- list(hypoxia=read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]) #### Databases ## Motif rankings: Select according to organism and distance around TSS ## (See the vignette for URLs to download) # motifRankings <- importRankings("hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather") ## For this example we will use a SUBSET of the ranking/motif databases: library(RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp) data(hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly) motifRankings <- hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly ## Motif - TF annotation: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9) # human TFs (for motif collection 9) motifAnnotation <- motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 ### Run RcisTarget # Step 1. Calculate AUC motifs_AUC <- calcAUC(geneLists, motifRankings) ################################################## ### (This step: Step 2) # Before starting: Setup the paralell computation library(BiocParallel); register(MulticoreParam(workers = 2)) # Select significant motifs, add TF annotation & format as table motifEnrichmentTable <- addMotifAnnotation(motifs_AUC, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation) # Alternative: Modifying some options motifEnrichment_wIndirect <- addMotifAnnotation(motifs_AUC, nesThreshold=2, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation, highlightTFs = "HIF1A", motifAnnot_highConfCat=c("directAnnotation"), motifAnnot_lowConfCat=c("inferredBy_MotifSimilarity", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology", "inferredBy_Orthology"), digits=3) # Getting TFs for a given TF: motifs <- motifEnrichmentTable$motif[1:3] getMotifAnnotation(motifs, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation) getMotifAnnotation(motifs, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation, returnFormat="list") ### Exploring the output: # Number of enriched motifs (Over the given NES threshold) nrow(motifEnrichmentTable) # Interactive exploration motifEnrichmentTable <- addLogo(motifEnrichmentTable) DT::datatable(motifEnrichmentTable, filter="top", escape=FALSE, options=list(pageLength=50)) # Note: If using the fake database, the results of this analysis are meaningless # The object returned is a data.table (for faster computation), # which has a diferent syntax from the standard data.frame or matrix # Feel free to convert it to a data.frame (as.data.frame()) motifEnrichmentTable[,1:6] ################################################## # Next step (step 3, optional): ## Not run: motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- addSignificantGenes(motifEnrichmentTable, geneSets=geneLists, rankings=motifRankings, method="aprox") ## End(Not run)
################################################## # Setup & previous steps in the workflow: #### Gene sets # As example, the package includes an Hypoxia gene set: txtFile <- paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "hypoxiaGeneSet.txt", sep="/") geneLists <- list(hypoxia=read.table(txtFile, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,1]) #### Databases ## Motif rankings: Select according to organism and distance around TSS ## (See the vignette for URLs to download) # motifRankings <- importRankings("hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather") ## For this example we will use a SUBSET of the ranking/motif databases: library(RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp) data(hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly) motifRankings <- hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly ## Motif - TF annotation: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9) # human TFs (for motif collection 9) motifAnnotation <- motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 ### Run RcisTarget # Step 1. Calculate AUC motifs_AUC <- calcAUC(geneLists, motifRankings) ################################################## ### (This step: Step 2) # Before starting: Setup the paralell computation library(BiocParallel); register(MulticoreParam(workers = 2)) # Select significant motifs, add TF annotation & format as table motifEnrichmentTable <- addMotifAnnotation(motifs_AUC, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation) # Alternative: Modifying some options motifEnrichment_wIndirect <- addMotifAnnotation(motifs_AUC, nesThreshold=2, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation, highlightTFs = "HIF1A", motifAnnot_highConfCat=c("directAnnotation"), motifAnnot_lowConfCat=c("inferredBy_MotifSimilarity", "inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology", "inferredBy_Orthology"), digits=3) # Getting TFs for a given TF: motifs <- motifEnrichmentTable$motif[1:3] getMotifAnnotation(motifs, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation) getMotifAnnotation(motifs, motifAnnot=motifAnnotation, returnFormat="list") ### Exploring the output: # Number of enriched motifs (Over the given NES threshold) nrow(motifEnrichmentTable) # Interactive exploration motifEnrichmentTable <- addLogo(motifEnrichmentTable) DT::datatable(motifEnrichmentTable, filter="top", escape=FALSE, options=list(pageLength=50)) # Note: If using the fake database, the results of this analysis are meaningless # The object returned is a data.table (for faster computation), # which has a diferent syntax from the standard data.frame or matrix # Feel free to convert it to a data.frame (as.data.frame()) motifEnrichmentTable[,1:6] ################################################## # Next step (step 3, optional): ## Not run: motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes <- addSignificantGenes(motifEnrichmentTable, geneSets=geneLists, rankings=motifRankings, method="aprox") ## End(Not run)
RcisTarget package includes the motif annotations for the rankings using the latest motif collection (version 10 clustered, 19895 motifs):
Human: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc)
Mouse: data(motifAnnotations_mgi)
Fly: data(motifAnnotations_dmel)
Previous versions (Annotations for motif collection version 9 (24453 motifs) or 8: motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 (Human), motifAnnotations_mgi_v9 (Mouse), motifAnnotations_dmel_v9 (Fly) motifAnnotations_hgnc_v8 (Human), motifAnnotations_mgi_v8 (Mouse), motifAnnotations_dmel_v8 (Fly)
This function (importAnnotations) allows to import annotations for other versions of the rankings, or to keep extra data columns.
e.g. Source of the annotations: https://resources.aertslab.org/cistarget/motif2tf/
importAnnotations(annotFile, motifsInRanking = NULL, columnsToKeep = NULL)
importAnnotations(annotFile, motifsInRanking = NULL, columnsToKeep = NULL)
annotFile |
File containing the motif annotations corresponding to the rankings. They should match in organism and version. |
motifsInRanking |
Subset of motifs to keep.
columnsToKeep |
Other colums from the file to keep |
data.table with the annotations of the motifs to transcription factors
motif: Motif ID.
TF: Transcription factor (or inferred gene).
directAnnotation, inferred_Orthology, inferred_MotifSimil: Boolean values indicating whether the motif is annotated to the TF in the source database ("directAnnotation"), or whether it was inferred by orthology ("inferred_Orthology") or motif similarity ("inferred_MotifSimil").
Description: Description of the source of the annotation.
annotationSource: Source of the annotation formatted as factor (e.g. for subsetting). Levels: directAnnotation, inferredBy_Orthology, inferredBy_MotifSimilarity, inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology.
See iRegulon paper and documentation for details on how the rankings and annotations were built.
# motifAnnotations <- importAnnotations("motifs-v10nr_clust-nr.hgnc-m0.001-o0.0.tbl") ## To save (decrease from ~100MB to 1MB): # save(motifAnnotations, file="motifAnnotations_hngc.RData", compress='xz') # This code would generate the equivalent to data(motifAnnotations_hgnc)
# motifAnnotations <- importAnnotations("motifs-v10nr_clust-nr.hgnc-m0.001-o0.0.tbl") ## To save (decrease from ~100MB to 1MB): # save(motifAnnotations, file="motifAnnotations_hngc.RData", compress='xz') # This code would generate the equivalent to data(motifAnnotations_hgnc)
The rankings are typically loaded from a .feather or .parquet file
with importRankings()
importRankings( dbFile, indexCol = NULL, colType = "gene", columns = NULL, warnMissingColumns = TRUE, dbDescr = NULL ) getRowNames(dbFile, indexCol = NULL) getColumnNames(dbFile)
importRankings( dbFile, indexCol = NULL, colType = "gene", columns = NULL, warnMissingColumns = TRUE, dbDescr = NULL ) getRowNames(dbFile, indexCol = NULL) getColumnNames(dbFile)
dbFile |
.feather or .parquet file containing the rankings |
indexCol |
Column name containing the feature IDs (e.g. motif names or chip-seq tracks). If NULL, it will try to use 'motifs', 'tracks', or 'features'. |
colType |
Colum type. i.e.:'gene'or 'region' |
columns |
Columns to load from the .feather or .parquet file (e.g. to read only specific genes or regions) |
warnMissingColumns |
If 'columns' is provided, warn if any ID is not available in the rankings? |
dbDescr |
Description fields (not used in the analysis, just for convenience of the user)
rankingRcisTarget object with the following slots: #'
rankings: data.frame containing the rankings
colType: 'gene'or 'region'
nColsInDB: Number of columns (e.g. genes/regions) available in the database (.feather or .parquet file). Note that not all might be loaded in the current object.
rowType: 'motif' or the type of feature is stored (e.g. ChipSeq)
org: human/mouse/fly
genome: hg19, mm9, ...
description: global description, summary, or any other information
maxRank: Maximum ranking included in the database, higher values are converted to Inf.
## Loading from a .feather or .parquet file: # dbFilePath = "hg38_10kbp_up_10kbp_down_full_tx_v10_clust.genes_vs_motifs.rankings.feather" # motifRankings<-importRankings(dbFilePath) ## The annotations for Motif collection 9 (sufix 'mc9nr') # are included in RcisTarget, and can be loaded with: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc) ## For other versions, import the appropiate annotation. e.g.: # annotDb <- importAnnotations("motifs-v10nr_clust-nr.hgnc-m0.001-o0.0.tbl") # optional: motifsInRanking <- getRanking(motifRankings)$motifs
## Loading from a .feather or .parquet file: # dbFilePath = "hg38_10kbp_up_10kbp_down_full_tx_v10_clust.genes_vs_motifs.rankings.feather" # motifRankings<-importRankings(dbFilePath) ## The annotations for Motif collection 9 (sufix 'mc9nr') # are included in RcisTarget, and can be loaded with: data(motifAnnotations_hgnc) ## For other versions, import the appropiate annotation. e.g.: # annotDb <- importAnnotations("motifs-v10nr_clust-nr.hgnc-m0.001-o0.0.tbl") # optional: motifsInRanking <- getRanking(motifRankings)$motifs
motifAnnotations_hgnc: Annotations to HUMAN transcription factors for the rankings using motif collection version 10. Source: motifs-v10nr_clust-nr.hgnc-m0.001-o0.0.tbl
motifAnnotations_mgi: Contains the annotations to MOUSE transcription factors for the rankings using motif collection version 10. Source: motifs-v10nr_clust-nr.mgi-m0.001-o0.0.tbl
motifAnnotations_dmel: Contains the annotations to FLY transcription factors for the rankings using motif collection version 10. Source: motifs-v10nr_clust-nr.flybase-m0.001-o0.0.tbl
Previous versions:
Annotations for motif collection version 9 ('mc9nr').
Human: motifAnnotations_hgnc_v9 (motifs-v9-nr.hgnc-m0.001-o0.0.tbl)
Mouse: motifAnnotations_mgi_v9 (motifs-v9-nr.mgi-m0.001-o0.0.tbl)
Fly: motifAnnotations_dmel_v9 (motifs-v9-nr.flybase-m0.001-o0.0.tbl)
Annotations for motif collection version 8 ('mc8nr'). - Deprecated: Will be removed in upcoming versions of the package
Human: motifAnnotations_hgnc_v8 (motifs-v8-nr.hgnc-m0.001-o0.0.tbl)
Mouse: motifAnnotations_mgi_v8 (motifs-v8-nr.mgi-m0.001-o0.0.tbl)
Fly: motifAnnotations_dmel_v8 (motifs-v8-nr.flybase-m0.001-o0.0.tbl)
These objects are meant to be provided to RcisTarget without modification,
but it can also be explored by the user
to obtain further information about the motifs.
The original files can be downloaded from https://resources.aertslab.org/cistarget/motif2tf/
motif: Motif ID.
TF: Transcription factor (or inferred gene).
directAnnotation, inferred_Orthology, inferred_MotifSimil: Boolean values indicating whether the motif is annotated to the TF in the source database ("directAnnotation"), or whether it was inferred by orthology ("inferred_Orthology") or motif similarity ("inferred_MotifSimil").
Description: Description of the source of the annotation.
annotationSource: Source of the annotation formatted as factor (e.g. for subsetting). Levels: directAnnotation, inferredBy_Orthology, inferredBy_MotifSimilarity, inferredBy_MotifSimilarity_n_Orthology.
Documentation for the data
importAnnotations, RcisTarget
This class contains the rankings used by RcisTarget.
They are typically loaded from a .feather file with importRankings()
If the associated .descr file is available, it will also load the description of the database.
Class slots:
rankings: data.frame (tbl_df) containing the rankings
colType: 'gene'or 'region'
rowType: 'motif' or the type of feature is stored (e.g. ChipSeq)
org: human/mouse/fly
genome: hg19, mm9, ...
nColsInDB: Number of columns (e.g. genes/regions) available in the database (.feather file). Note that not all might be loaded in the current object.
description: global description, summary, or any other information
maxRank: Maximum ranking included in the database, higher values are converted to Inf.
Note that the main slot is @rankings
which is the one used by RcisTarget
(it can accessed with getRanking()
The 'description' slots are mostly for user convenience.
## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' show(object) ## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' getRanking(object) ## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' nrow(x) ## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' ncol(x) ## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' colnames(x) ## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' rownames(x) ## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' getMaxRank(x) ## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' getNumColsInDB(x)
## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' show(object) ## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' getRanking(object) ## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' nrow(x) ## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' ncol(x) ## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' colnames(x) ## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' rownames(x) ## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' getMaxRank(x) ## S4 method for signature 'rankingRcisTarget' getNumColsInDB(x)
object |
[method: show] rankingRcisTarget object to show |
x |
[several methods] rankingRcisTarget object to apply the method |
show: Prints a summary of the object
getRanking: Returns the rankings
ncol, nrow: Returns the number of columns or rows of the ranking
## Loading from a .feather file: # dbFile <- "hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather" # motifRankings <- importRankings(dbFile) # motifRankings ## Loading a built object: library(RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp) data("hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly") hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly class(hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly)
## Loading from a .feather file: # dbFile <- "hg19-500bp-upstream-7species.mc9nr.feather" # motifRankings <- importRankings(dbFile) # motifRankings ## Loading a built object: library(RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp) data("hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly") hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly class(hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly)
Re-ranks the genes/regions in the database for each motif. This allows to do motif enrichment over a background.
reRank(rankingsDb, columns = NULL)
reRank(rankingsDb, columns = NULL)
rankingsDb |
Results from RcisTarget (data.table) |
columns |
Whether to add the HTML tag <img> around the URL or not (boolean). |
Returns a new ranking database with the new ranking values.
See the "background" vignette for more examples:
library(RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp) data(hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly) motifRankings <- hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly genes <- colnames(getRanking(motifRankings))[10:20] reRank(motifRankings, columns=genes)
library(RcisTarget.hg19.motifDBs.cisbpOnly.500bp) data(hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly) motifRankings <- hg19_500bpUpstream_motifRanking_cispbOnly genes <- colnames(getRanking(motifRankings))[10:20] reRank(motifRankings, columns=genes)
Shows the results motif enrichment table as an HTML including the motif logos. Note that Transfac-Pro logos cannot be shown.
showLogo( motifEnrDT, motifCol = c("motif", "bestMotif", "MotifID"), dbVersion = NULL, nSignif = 3, colsToShow = c(motifEnrichment = c("motifDb", "logo", "NES", "geneSet", "TF_highConf"), regulonTargets = c("TF", "gene", "nMotifs", "bestMotif", "logo", "NES", "highConfAnnot", "Genie3Weight")), options = list(pageLength = 50), ... )
showLogo( motifEnrDT, motifCol = c("motif", "bestMotif", "MotifID"), dbVersion = NULL, nSignif = 3, colsToShow = c(motifEnrichment = c("motifDb", "logo", "NES", "geneSet", "TF_highConf"), regulonTargets = c("TF", "gene", "nMotifs", "bestMotif", "logo", "NES", "highConfAnnot", "Genie3Weight")), options = list(pageLength = 50), ... )
motifEnrDT |
Results from RcisTarget (data.table) |
motifCol |
Name of the column which contains the logo ID. |
dbVersion |
For current databases (version 10) use "v10nr_clust" |
nSignif |
Number of digits to show in numeric columns. |
colsToShow |
Columns to show in the HTML (by default, the list of the enriched genes is hidden) |
options |
List of options to pass to |
... |
Other arguments to pass to |
Returns the DT::datatable() object which can be shown as HTML.
See the package vignette for more examples:
# Run the enrichment (or load previous results) load(paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes.RData", sep="/")) # Show table as HTML showLogo(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes)
# Run the enrichment (or load previous results) load(paste(file.path(system.file('examples', package='RcisTarget')), "motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes.RData", sep="/")) # Show table as HTML showLogo(motifEnrichmentTable_wGenes)