To cite the RankProd package in publications use: {Del Carratore}, F., Jankevics, A., Eisinga, R., Heskes, T., Hong, F. & Breitling, R. (2017). RankProd 2.0: a refactored Bioconductor package for detecting differentially expressed features in molecular profiling datasets. Bioinformatics. 33(17):2774-2775 A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, author = {{Del Carratore} and {F.} and {Jankevics} and {A.} and {Eisinga} and {R.} and {Heskes} and {T.} and {Hong} and {F.} and {Breitling} and {R.}}, title = {RankProd 2.0: a refactored Bioconductor package for detecting differentially expressed features in molecular profiling datasets}, journal = {Bioinformatics}, year = {2017}, volume = {33}, issue = {17}, pages = {2774-2775}, } Hong, F., Breitling, R., McEntee, W.C., Wittner, B.S., Nemhauser, J.L., Chory, J. (2006). RankProd: a bioconductor package for detecting differentially expressed genes in meta-analysis Bioinformatics. 22(22):2825-2827 A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, author = {{Hong} and {F.} and {Breitling} and {R.} and {McEntee} and {W.C.} and {Wittner} and {B.S.} and {Nemhauser} and {J.L.} and {Chory} and {J.}}, title = {RankProd: a bioconductor package for detecting differentially expressed genes in meta-analysis}, journal = {Bioinformatics}, year = {2006}, volume = {22}, pages = {2825-2827}, } See manpages and related packages for respective citations.