Title: | RTN: Reconstruction of Transcriptional regulatory Networks and analysis of regulons |
Description: | A transcriptional regulatory network (TRN) consists of a collection of transcription factors (TFs) and the regulated target genes. TFs are regulators that recognize specific DNA sequences and guide the expression of the genome, either activating or repressing the expression the target genes. The set of genes controlled by the same TF forms a regulon. This package provides classes and methods for the reconstruction of TRNs and analysis of regulons. |
Authors: | Clarice Groeneveld [ctb], Gordon Robertson [ctb], Xin Wang [aut], Michael Fletcher [aut], Florian Markowetz [aut], Kerstin Meyer [aut], and Mauro Castro [aut] |
Maintainer: | Mauro Castro <[email protected]> |
License: | Artistic-2.0 |
Version: | 2.31.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-18 04:07:02 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/RTN |
A transcriptional regulatory network (TRN) consists of a collection of transcription factors (TFs) and the regulated target genes. TFs are regulators that recognize specific DNA sequences and guide the expression of the genome, either activating or repressing the expression the target genes. The set of genes controlled by the same TF forms a regulon. This package provides classes and methods for the reconstruction of TRNs and analysis of regulons.
TNI-class: | an S4 class for Transcriptional Network Inference. |
tni.preprocess: | a preprocessing method for objects of class TNI. |
tni.permutation: | inference of transcriptional networks. |
tni.bootstrap: | inference of transcriptional networks. |
tni.dpi.filter: | data processing inequality (DPI) filter. |
tni.conditional: | conditional mutual information analysis. |
tni.get: | get information from individual slots in a TNI object. |
tni.graph: | compute a graph from TNI objects. |
tni.gsea2: | compute regulon activity. |
tni.prune: | prune regulons to remove redundant targets for regulon activity analysis. |
tni.sre: | subgroup regulon difference analysis. |
tni.plot.sre: | plot subgroup regulon rnrichment . |
tni.regulon.summary: | return a summary of network and regulons. |
tni.plot.checks: | plot regulon target counts. |
tni.alpha.adjust: | adjust the significance level for two datasets. |
tni.replace.samples: | replace samples of an existing TNI-class objects. |
tni2tna.preprocess: | a preprocessing method for objects of class TNI. |
TNA-class: | an S4 class for Transcriptional Network Analysis. |
tna.mra: | master regulator analysis (MRA) over a list of regulons. |
tna.gsea1: | one-tailed gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) over a list of regulons. |
tna.gsea2: | two-tailed gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) over a list of regulons. |
tna.get: | get information from individual slots in a TNA object. |
tna.plot.gsea1: | plot results from the one-tailed GSEA. |
tna.plot.gsea2: | plot results from the two-tailed GSEA. |
AVS-class: | an S4 class to do enrichment analyses in associated variant sets (AVSs). |
avs.vse: | variant set enrichment analysis. |
avs.evse: | an eQTL/VSE pipeline for variant set enrichment analysis. |
avs.pevse: | an EVSE pipeline using precomputed eQTLs. |
avs.get: | get information from individual slots in an AVS object. |
avs.plot1: | plot results from AVS methods, single plots. |
avs.plot2: | plot results from AVS methods, multiple plots. |
Further information is available in the vignettes by typing vignette("RTN")
. Documented
topics are also available by typing help.start()
and selecting the RTN package
from the menu.
Maintainer: Mauro Castro <[email protected]>
Fletcher M.N.C. et al., Master regulators of FGFR2 signalling and breast cancer risk. Nature Communications, 4:2464, 2013.
Castro M.A.A. et al., Regulators of genetic risk of breast cancer identified by integrative network analysis. Nature Genetics, 48:12-21, 2016.
: an S4 class for variant set enrichment analysis.This S4 class includes a series of methods to do enrichment analyses in Associated Variant Sets (AVSs).
Objects can be created by calls of the form new("AVS", markers)
:Object of class "character"
, a data frame,
a 'BED file' format with rs# markers mapped to the same genome build of the LD source in the RTNdata package.
:Object of class "data.frame"
a data frame with genome positions of the validated markers.
:Object of class "list"
an associated variant set.
:Object of class "list"
a random associated variant set.
:Object of class "list"
a list of parameters for variant set enrichment analysis.
:Object of class "list"
a list of results (see return values in the AVS methods).
:Object of class "list"
a list of summary information for markers
, para
and results
:Object of class "character"
a character value specifying the status of the AVS object
based on the available methods.
signature(object = "AVS")
: see avs.vse
signature(object = "AVS")
: see avs.evse
signature(object = "AVS")
: see avs.rvse
signature(object = "AVS")
: see avs.pevse
signature(object = "AVS")
: see avs.get
Mauro Castro
## Not run: #This example requires the RTNdata package! (currently available under request) library(RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18) data(bcarisk, package = "RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") avs <- avs.preprocess.LDHapMapRel27.hg18(bcarisk, nrand=100) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: #This example requires the RTNdata package! (currently available under request) library(RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18) data(bcarisk, package = "RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") avs <- avs.preprocess.LDHapMapRel27.hg18(bcarisk, nrand=100) ## End(Not run)
The VSE method (avs.vse
) provides a robust framework
to cope with the heterogeneous structure of haplotype blocks, and has been
designed to test enrichment in cistromes and epigenomes. In order to extend
the variant set enrichment to genes this pipeline implements an additional
step using expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs).
avs.evse(object, annotation, gxdata, snpdata, glist=NULL, maxgap=250, minSize=100, pValueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="bonferroni", boxcox=TRUE, fineMapping=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
avs.evse(object, annotation, gxdata, snpdata, glist=NULL, maxgap=250, minSize=100, pValueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="bonferroni", boxcox=TRUE, fineMapping=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
object |
an object of class |
annotation |
a data frame with genomic annotations listing chromosome coordinates to which a particular property or function has been attributed. It should include the following columns: <CHROM>, <START>, <END> and <ID>. The <ID> column can be any genomic identifier, while values in <CHROM> should be listed in ['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3' ..., 'chrX']. Both <START> and <END> columns correspond to chromosome positions mapped to the human genome assembly used to build the AVS object. |
gxdata |
object of class "matrix", a gene expression matrix. |
snpdata |
either an object of class "matrix" or "ff", a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) matrix. |
glist |
an optional list with character vectors mapped to the 'annotation' data via <ID> column. This list is used to run a batch mode for gene sets and regulons. |
maxgap |
a single integer value specifying the max distant (kb) between the AVS and the annotation used to compute the eQTL analysis. |
minSize |
if 'glist' is provided, this argument is a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements for each gene set in the 'glist'. Gene sets with fewer than this number are removed from the analysis. If 'fineMapping=FALSE', an alternative min size value can be provided as a vector of the form c(minSize1, minSize2) used to space the null distributions (see 'fineMapping'). |
pValueCutoff |
a single numeric value specifying the cutoff for p-values considered significant. |
pAdjustMethod |
a single character value specifying the p-value adjustment method to be used (see 'p.adjust' for details). |
boxcox |
a single logical value specifying to use Box-Cox procedure to find a
transformation of the null that approaches normality (when boxcox=TRUE) or
not (when boxcox=FALSE). See |
fineMapping |
if 'glist' is provided, this argument is a single logical value specifying to compute individual null distributions, sized for each gene set (when fineMapping=TRUE). This option has a significant impact on the running time required to perform the computational analysis, especially for large gene set lists. When fineMapping=FALSE, a low resolution analysis is performed by pre-computing a fewer number of null distributions of different sizes (spaced by 'minSize'), and then used as a proxy of the nulls. |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
a data frame in the slot "results", see 'what' options in
Mauro Castro
## Not run: # This example requires the RTNdata package! (currently available under request) library(RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18) library(Fletcher2013b) library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene) ################################################## ### Build AVS and random AVSs (mapped to hg18) ################################################## #--- step 1: load 'risk SNPs' data (e.g. BCa risk SNPs from the GWAS catalog) data(bcarisk, package = "RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: build an AVS and 1000 matched random AVSs for the input 'risk SNPs' bcavs <- avs.preprocess.LDHapMapRel27.hg18(bcarisk, nrand=1000) ################################################## ### Example of EVSE analysis for sets of genomic ### annotations (e.g. regulons, gene sets, etc.) ################################################## #--- step 1: load a precomputed AVS (same 'bcavs' object as above!) data(bcavs, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: load genomic annotation for all genes genemap <- as.data.frame(genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene)) genemap <- genemap[,c("seqnames","start","end","gene_id")] colnames(genemap) <- c("CHROM","START","END","ID") #--- step 3: load a TNI object, or any other source of regulons (e.g. gene sets) #--- and prepare a gene set list #--- (gene ids should be the same as in the 'genemap' object) data("rtni1st") glist <- tni.get(rtni1st,what="refregulons",idkey="ENTREZ") glist <- glist[ c("FOXA1","GATA3","ESR1") ] #reduce the list for demonstration! #--- step 4: input matched variation and gene expression datasets! #--- here we use two "toy" datasets for demonstration purposes only. data(toy_snpdata, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") data(toy_gxdata, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 5: run the avs.evse pipeline bcavs<-avs.evse(bcavs, annotation=genemap, gxdata=toy_gxdata, snpdata=toy_snpdata, glist=glist, pValueCutoff=0.01) #--- step 6: generate the EVSE plots avs.plot2(bcavs,"evse", height=2.5, width.panels=c(1,2), rmargin=0) ### NOTE REGARDING THIS EXAMPLE #### #- This example is for demonstration purposes only, using toy datasets. #- Any eventual positive/negative associations derived from these datasets #- are not comparable with the original studies that described the method #- (doi: 10.1038/ng.3458; 10.1038/ncomms3464). #################################### ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # This example requires the RTNdata package! (currently available under request) library(RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18) library(Fletcher2013b) library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene) ################################################## ### Build AVS and random AVSs (mapped to hg18) ################################################## #--- step 1: load 'risk SNPs' data (e.g. BCa risk SNPs from the GWAS catalog) data(bcarisk, package = "RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: build an AVS and 1000 matched random AVSs for the input 'risk SNPs' bcavs <- avs.preprocess.LDHapMapRel27.hg18(bcarisk, nrand=1000) ################################################## ### Example of EVSE analysis for sets of genomic ### annotations (e.g. regulons, gene sets, etc.) ################################################## #--- step 1: load a precomputed AVS (same 'bcavs' object as above!) data(bcavs, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: load genomic annotation for all genes genemap <- as.data.frame(genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene)) genemap <- genemap[,c("seqnames","start","end","gene_id")] colnames(genemap) <- c("CHROM","START","END","ID") #--- step 3: load a TNI object, or any other source of regulons (e.g. gene sets) #--- and prepare a gene set list #--- (gene ids should be the same as in the 'genemap' object) data("rtni1st") glist <- tni.get(rtni1st,what="refregulons",idkey="ENTREZ") glist <- glist[ c("FOXA1","GATA3","ESR1") ] #reduce the list for demonstration! #--- step 4: input matched variation and gene expression datasets! #--- here we use two "toy" datasets for demonstration purposes only. data(toy_snpdata, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") data(toy_gxdata, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 5: run the avs.evse pipeline bcavs<-avs.evse(bcavs, annotation=genemap, gxdata=toy_gxdata, snpdata=toy_snpdata, glist=glist, pValueCutoff=0.01) #--- step 6: generate the EVSE plots avs.plot2(bcavs,"evse", height=2.5, width.panels=c(1,2), rmargin=0) ### NOTE REGARDING THIS EXAMPLE #### #- This example is for demonstration purposes only, using toy datasets. #- Any eventual positive/negative associations derived from these datasets #- are not comparable with the original studies that described the method #- (doi: 10.1038/ng.3458; 10.1038/ncomms3464). #################################### ## End(Not run)
Get information from individual slots in an AVS object.
avs.get(object, what="summary", report=FALSE, pValueCutoff=NULL)
avs.get(object, what="summary", report=FALSE, pValueCutoff=NULL)
object |
an object of class 'AVS' |
what |
a single character value specifying which information should be retrieved from the slots. Options: 'markers', 'validatedMarkers', 'variantSet', 'randomSet', 'linkedMarkers', 'randomMarkers', 'vse', 'evse', 'rvse', 'pevse', 'annotation.vse', 'annotation.evse', 'annotation.rvse', 'annotation.pevse', 'summary' and 'status'. |
report |
a single logical value indicating whether to return results from 'vse', 'evse' as a consolidated table (if TRUE), or as they are (if FALSE). |
pValueCutoff |
an optional single numeric value specifying the cutoff to retrive results for p-values considered significant. |
get the slot content from an object of class 'AVS' AVS-class
Mauro Castro
## Not run: #This example requires the RTNdata package! (currently available under request) library(RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27) data(bcarisk, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27") bcavs <- avs.preprocess.LDHapMapRel27(bcarisk, nrand=1000) avs.get(avs) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: #This example requires the RTNdata package! (currently available under request) library(RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27) data(bcarisk, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27") bcavs <- avs.preprocess.LDHapMapRel27(bcarisk, nrand=1000) avs.get(avs) ## End(Not run)
The VSE method (avs.vse
) provides a robust framework
to cope with the heterogeneous structure of haplotype blocks, and has been
designed to test enrichment in cistromes and epigenomes. In order to extend the
variant set enrichment to genes this pipeline implements an additional step
using precomputed expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs).
avs.pevse(object, annotation, eqtls, glist, maxgap=250, minSize=100, pValueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="bonferroni", boxcox=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
avs.pevse(object, annotation, eqtls, glist, maxgap=250, minSize=100, pValueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="bonferroni", boxcox=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
object |
an object of class 'AVS' (see |
annotation |
a data frame with genomic annotations listing chromosome coordinates to which a particular property or function has been attributed. It should include the following columns: <CHROM>, <START>, <END> and <ID>. The <ID> column can be any genomic identifier, while values in <CHROM> should be listed in ['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3' ..., 'chrX']. Both <START> and <END> columns correspond to chromosome positions mapped to the human genome assembly used to build the AVS object. |
eqtls |
object of class 'data.frame' with at least two columns, including the following column names: <RSID> and <GENEID>. |
glist |
a list with character vectors mapped to the 'annotation' data via <ID> column. This list is used to run a batch mode for gene sets and regulons. |
maxgap |
a single integer value specifying the max distant (kb) used to assign the eQTLs in the 'eqtls' object. |
minSize |
if 'glist' is provided, this argument is a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements for each gene set in the 'glist'. Gene sets with fewer than this number are removed from the analysis. if 'fineMapping=FALSE', an alternative min size value can be provided as a vector of the form c(minSize1, minSize2) used to space the null distributions (see 'fineMapping'). |
pValueCutoff |
a single numeric value specifying the cutoff for p-values considered significant. |
pAdjustMethod |
a single character value specifying the p-value adjustment method to be used (see 'p.adjust' for details). |
boxcox |
a single logical value specifying to use Box-Cox procedure to find a
transformation of the null that approaches normality (when boxcox=TRUE) or not
(when boxcox=FALSE). See |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
a data frame in the slot "results", see 'what' options in
Mauro Castro, Steve Booth
## Not run: # This example requires the RTNdata package! (currently available under request) library(RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18) library(Fletcher2013b) library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene) ################################################## ### Example of EVSE analysis for sets of genomic ### annotations (e.g. regulons, gene sets, etc.) ################################################## #--- step 1: load a precomputed AVS data(bcavs, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: load genomic annotation for all genes genemap <- as.data.frame(genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene)) genemap <- genemap[,c("seqnames","start","end","gene_id")] colnames(genemap) <- c("CHROM","START","END","ID") #--- step 3: load a TNI object (or any other source of regulons) #--- and prepare a gene set list. #--- Note: gene ids should be the same as in the 'genemap' object. data("rtni1st") glist <- tni.get(rtni1st,what="refregulons",idkey="ENTREZ") glist <- glist[ c("FOXA1","GATA3","ESR1") ] #reduce the list for demonstration! #--- step 4: load precomputed eQTLs #--- Please note that the input data should represent eQTLs from genome-wide #--- calls, that is, the universe size should cover 'all SNPs' vs. 'all genes'. #--- The correct represetation of universe size is essential to build the #--- null distributions. Or, to put it another way, the eQTL analysis #--- should unbiasedly test linked and random markers from the AVS. #--- In this example it represents 2029 + 966240 SNPs: lkMarkers <- avs.get(bcavs,what="linkedMarkers") length(lkMarkers) # i.e. 2029 risk associated and linked SNPs rdMarkers <- avs.get(bcavs,what="randomMarkers") length(rdMarkers) # i.e. 966240 random SNPs #--- Now we prepare a 'toy' dataset for demonstration purposes only #--- by picking (naively) SNPs within 250 kb window around the #--- genomic annotation. ## load HapMap SNPs (release 27) mapped to hg18 data("popsnp2") ## map SNPs to the genomic annotation query <- with(popsnp2, GRanges(chrom, IRanges(position, position), id=rsid) ) subject <- with(genemap, GRanges(CHROM, IRanges(START, END), id=ID) ) hits <- findOverlaps(query,subject, maxgap = 250000) ## reduce 'hits' just for demonstration hits <- hits[sort(sample(length(hits), 50000))] ## build a 'toy_eqtls' data frame toy_eqtls <- data.frame(rsid = popsnp2$rsid[from(hits)], geneid = genemap$ID[to(hits)]) #--- step 5: run the 'avs.pevse' pipeline #--- important: set 'maxgap' to the same searching window used #--- in the dQTL analysis (e.g. 250kb) bcavs <- avs.pevse(bcavs, annotation=genemap, glist=glist, eqtls=toy_eqtls, maxgap = 250) #--- step 6: generate the pEVSE plots avs.plot2(bcavs,"pevse",height=2.5) ##################################################### #--- parallel version for 'step 5' with SNOW package! # library(snow) # options(cluster=snow::makeCluster(3, "SOCK")) # bcavs <- avs.pevse(bcavs, annotation=genemap, glist=glist, # eqtls=toy_eqtls, maxgap = 250) # stopCluster(getOption("cluster")) ## ps. as a technical note, the parallel version uses a ## slightly different overlap-based operation, which might ## bring slightly different counts depending on the data ## input organization ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # This example requires the RTNdata package! (currently available under request) library(RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18) library(Fletcher2013b) library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene) ################################################## ### Example of EVSE analysis for sets of genomic ### annotations (e.g. regulons, gene sets, etc.) ################################################## #--- step 1: load a precomputed AVS data(bcavs, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: load genomic annotation for all genes genemap <- as.data.frame(genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene)) genemap <- genemap[,c("seqnames","start","end","gene_id")] colnames(genemap) <- c("CHROM","START","END","ID") #--- step 3: load a TNI object (or any other source of regulons) #--- and prepare a gene set list. #--- Note: gene ids should be the same as in the 'genemap' object. data("rtni1st") glist <- tni.get(rtni1st,what="refregulons",idkey="ENTREZ") glist <- glist[ c("FOXA1","GATA3","ESR1") ] #reduce the list for demonstration! #--- step 4: load precomputed eQTLs #--- Please note that the input data should represent eQTLs from genome-wide #--- calls, that is, the universe size should cover 'all SNPs' vs. 'all genes'. #--- The correct represetation of universe size is essential to build the #--- null distributions. Or, to put it another way, the eQTL analysis #--- should unbiasedly test linked and random markers from the AVS. #--- In this example it represents 2029 + 966240 SNPs: lkMarkers <- avs.get(bcavs,what="linkedMarkers") length(lkMarkers) # i.e. 2029 risk associated and linked SNPs rdMarkers <- avs.get(bcavs,what="randomMarkers") length(rdMarkers) # i.e. 966240 random SNPs #--- Now we prepare a 'toy' dataset for demonstration purposes only #--- by picking (naively) SNPs within 250 kb window around the #--- genomic annotation. ## load HapMap SNPs (release 27) mapped to hg18 data("popsnp2") ## map SNPs to the genomic annotation query <- with(popsnp2, GRanges(chrom, IRanges(position, position), id=rsid) ) subject <- with(genemap, GRanges(CHROM, IRanges(START, END), id=ID) ) hits <- findOverlaps(query,subject, maxgap = 250000) ## reduce 'hits' just for demonstration hits <- hits[sort(sample(length(hits), 50000))] ## build a 'toy_eqtls' data frame toy_eqtls <- data.frame(rsid = popsnp2$rsid[from(hits)], geneid = genemap$ID[to(hits)]) #--- step 5: run the 'avs.pevse' pipeline #--- important: set 'maxgap' to the same searching window used #--- in the dQTL analysis (e.g. 250kb) bcavs <- avs.pevse(bcavs, annotation=genemap, glist=glist, eqtls=toy_eqtls, maxgap = 250) #--- step 6: generate the pEVSE plots avs.plot2(bcavs,"pevse",height=2.5) ##################################################### #--- parallel version for 'step 5' with SNOW package! # library(snow) # options(cluster=snow::makeCluster(3, "SOCK")) # bcavs <- avs.pevse(bcavs, annotation=genemap, glist=glist, # eqtls=toy_eqtls, maxgap = 250) # stopCluster(getOption("cluster")) ## ps. as a technical note, the parallel version uses a ## slightly different overlap-based operation, which might ## bring slightly different counts depending on the data ## input organization ## End(Not run)
This function takes an AVS object and plots results from the VSE and EVSE methods.
avs.plot1(object, what="vse", fname=what, ylab="genomic annotation", xlab="Number of clusters mapping to genomic annotation", breaks="Sturges", maxy=200, pValueCutoff=1e-2, width=8, height=3)
avs.plot1(object, what="vse", fname=what, ylab="genomic annotation", xlab="Number of clusters mapping to genomic annotation", breaks="Sturges", maxy=200, pValueCutoff=1e-2, width=8, height=3)
object |
an object of class 'AVS' |
what |
a character value specifying which analysis should be used. Options: "vse" and "evse". |
fname |
a character value specifying the name of output file. |
ylab |
a character value specifying the y-axis label. |
xlab |
a character value specifying the x-axis label. |
breaks |
breaks in the histogram, see |
maxy |
a numeric value specifying the max y-limit. |
pValueCutoff |
a numeric value specifying the cutoff for p-values considered significant. |
width |
a numeric value specifying the width of the graphics region in inches. |
height |
a numeric value specifying the height of the graphics region in inches. |
A plot showing results from the VSE and EVSE methods.
Mauro Castro
# see 'avs.vse' and 'avs.evse' methods.
# see 'avs.vse' and 'avs.evse' methods.
This function takes an AVS object and plots results from the VSE and EVSE methods.
avs.plot2(object, what="evse", fname=what, width=14, height=2.5, width.panels=c(1,3), rmargin=1, at.x=seq(-4,8,2), decreasing=TRUE, ylab="Annotation", xlab="Clusters of risk-associated and linked SNPs", tfs=NULL)
avs.plot2(object, what="evse", fname=what, width=14, height=2.5, width.panels=c(1,3), rmargin=1, at.x=seq(-4,8,2), decreasing=TRUE, ylab="Annotation", xlab="Clusters of risk-associated and linked SNPs", tfs=NULL)
object |
an object of class 'AVS' |
what |
a single character value specifying which analysis should be used. Options: "vse" and "evse". |
fname |
a character value specifying the name of output file. |
height |
a numeric value specifying the height of the graphics region in inches. |
width |
a numeric value specifying the width of the graphics region in inches. |
width.panels |
a vector of the form c(width1, width2) specifying the proportional width of the 1st and 2nd panels of the plot, respectively. |
rmargin |
a numeric value specifying the right margin in inches. |
at.x |
a numeric vector specifying which x-axis tickpoints are to be drawn. |
decreasing |
a logical value, used to sort by EVSE scores. |
ylab |
a character value specifying the y-axis label. |
xlab |
a character value specifying the x-axis label (on the top of the grid image). |
tfs |
an optional vector with annotation identifiers (e.g. transcription factor). |
A plot showing results from the VSE and EVSE methods.
Mauro Castro
# see 'avs.vse' and 'avs.evse' methods.
# see 'avs.vse' and 'avs.evse' methods.
The VSE method (avs.vse
) provides a robust framework
to cope with the heterogeneous structure of haplotype blocks, and has been
designed to test enrichment in cistromes and epigenomes. In order to extend
the variant set enrichment to genes this pipeline implements an additional
step using regulon quantitative trait loci (rQTLs).
avs.rvse(object, annotation, regdata, snpdata, glist, maxgap=250, minSize=100, pValueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="bonferroni", boxcox=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
avs.rvse(object, annotation, regdata, snpdata, glist, maxgap=250, minSize=100, pValueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="bonferroni", boxcox=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
object |
an object of class |
annotation |
a data frame with genomic annotations listing chromosome coordinates to which a particular property or function has been attributed. It should include the following columns: <CHROM>, <START>, <END> and <ID>. The <ID> column can be any genomic identifier, while values in <CHROM> should be listed in ['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3' ..., 'chrX']. Both <START> and <END> columns correspond to chromosome positions mapped to the human genome assembly used to build the AVS object. |
regdata |
object of class "matrix", a regulon activity matrix. |
snpdata |
either an object of class "matrix" or "ff", a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) matrix. |
glist |
a list with character vectors mapped to the 'annotation' data via <ID> column. This list is used to run a batch mode for gene sets and regulons. |
maxgap |
a single integer value specifying the max distant (kb) between the AVS and the annotation used to compute the eQTL analysis. |
minSize |
if 'glist' is provided, this argument is a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements for each gene set in the 'glist'. Gene sets with fewer than this number are removed from the analysis. |
pValueCutoff |
a single numeric value specifying the cutoff for p-values considered significant. |
pAdjustMethod |
a single character value specifying the p-value adjustment method to be used (see 'p.adjust' for details). |
boxcox |
a single logical value specifying to use Box-Cox procedure to find a
transformation of the null that approaches normality (when boxcox=TRUE) or
not (when boxcox=FALSE). See |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
a data frame in the slot "results", see 'what' options in
Mauro Castro
## Not run: # This example requires the RTNdata package! (currently available under request) library(RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18) library(Fletcher2013b) library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene) ################################################## ### Build AVS and random AVSs (mapped to hg18) ################################################## #--- step 1: load 'risk SNPs' data (e.g. BCa risk SNPs from the GWAS catalog) data(bcarisk, package = "RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: build an AVS and 1000 matched random AVSs for the input 'risk SNPs' bcavs <- avs.preprocess.LDHapMapRel27.hg18(bcarisk, nrand=1000) ################################################## ### Example of RVSE analysis ################################################## #--- step 1: load a precomputed AVS (same 'bcavs' object as above!) data(bcavs, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: load genomic annotation for all genes genemap <- as.data.frame(genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene)) genemap <- genemap[,c("seqnames","start","end","gene_id")] colnames(genemap) <- c("CHROM","START","END","ID") #--- step 3: load a TNI object and get a list with regulons #--- (ids should be the same as in 'genemap') data("rtni1st") glist <- tni.get(rtni1st,what="refregulons",idkey="ENTREZ") glist <- glist[ c("FOXA1","GATA3","ESR1") ] #reduce the list for demonstration! #--- step 4: compute single-sample regulon activity rtni1st <- tni.gsea2(rtni1st, regulatoryElements = c("FOXA1","GATA3","ESR1")) regdata <- tni.get(rtni1st, what = "regulonActivity")$diff #--- step 5: load a variation dataset matched with the regulon activity dataset #--- here we use a "toy" dataset for demonstration purposes only. data(toy_snpdata, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27") #--- step 6: check "snpdata"" and "regdata"" alignment (samples on cols) regdata <- t(regdata) all(colnames(toy_snpdata)==colnames(regdata)) #TRUE #--- step 7: run the avs.rvse pipeline bcavs <- avs.rvse(bcavs, annotation=genemap, regdata=regdata, snpdata=toy_snpdata, glist=glist, pValueCutoff=0.01) #--- step 8: generate the RVSE plot avs.plot2(bcavs, "rvse", height=2.5) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # This example requires the RTNdata package! (currently available under request) library(RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18) library(Fletcher2013b) library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene) ################################################## ### Build AVS and random AVSs (mapped to hg18) ################################################## #--- step 1: load 'risk SNPs' data (e.g. BCa risk SNPs from the GWAS catalog) data(bcarisk, package = "RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: build an AVS and 1000 matched random AVSs for the input 'risk SNPs' bcavs <- avs.preprocess.LDHapMapRel27.hg18(bcarisk, nrand=1000) ################################################## ### Example of RVSE analysis ################################################## #--- step 1: load a precomputed AVS (same 'bcavs' object as above!) data(bcavs, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: load genomic annotation for all genes genemap <- as.data.frame(genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene)) genemap <- genemap[,c("seqnames","start","end","gene_id")] colnames(genemap) <- c("CHROM","START","END","ID") #--- step 3: load a TNI object and get a list with regulons #--- (ids should be the same as in 'genemap') data("rtni1st") glist <- tni.get(rtni1st,what="refregulons",idkey="ENTREZ") glist <- glist[ c("FOXA1","GATA3","ESR1") ] #reduce the list for demonstration! #--- step 4: compute single-sample regulon activity rtni1st <- tni.gsea2(rtni1st, regulatoryElements = c("FOXA1","GATA3","ESR1")) regdata <- tni.get(rtni1st, what = "regulonActivity")$diff #--- step 5: load a variation dataset matched with the regulon activity dataset #--- here we use a "toy" dataset for demonstration purposes only. data(toy_snpdata, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27") #--- step 6: check "snpdata"" and "regdata"" alignment (samples on cols) regdata <- t(regdata) all(colnames(toy_snpdata)==colnames(regdata)) #TRUE #--- step 7: run the avs.rvse pipeline bcavs <- avs.rvse(bcavs, annotation=genemap, regdata=regdata, snpdata=toy_snpdata, glist=glist, pValueCutoff=0.01) #--- step 8: generate the RVSE plot avs.plot2(bcavs, "rvse", height=2.5) ## End(Not run)
The VSE method tests the enrichment of an AVS for a particular trait in a genomic annotation.
avs.vse(object, annotation, glist=NULL, maxgap=0, minSize=100, pValueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="bonferroni", boxcox=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
avs.vse(object, annotation, glist=NULL, maxgap=0, minSize=100, pValueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="bonferroni", boxcox=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
object |
an object of class |
annotation |
a data frame with genomic annotations listing chromosome coordinates to which a particular property or function has been attributed. It should include the following columns: <CHROM>, <START>, <END> and <ID>. The <ID> column can be any genomic identifier, while values in <CHROM> should be listed in ['chr1', 'chr2', 'chr3' ..., 'chrX']. Both <START> and <END> columns correspond to chromosome positions mapped to the human genome assembly used to build the AVS object. |
glist |
an optional list with character vectors mapped to the 'annotation' data via <ID> column. This list is used to run a batch mode for gene sets and regulons. |
maxgap |
a single integer value specifying the max distant (kb) between the AVS and the annotation used to compute the enrichment analysis. |
minSize |
if 'glist' is provided, this argument is a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements for each gene set in the 'glist'. Gene sets with fewer than this number are removed from the analysis. |
pValueCutoff |
a single numeric value specifying the cutoff for p-values considered significant. |
pAdjustMethod |
a single character value specifying the p-value adjustment method to be used (see 'p.adjust' for details). |
boxcox |
a single logical value specifying to use Box-Cox procedure to find a
transformation of the null that approaches normality (when boxcox=TRUE) or not
(when boxcox=FALSE). See |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
a data frame in the slot "results", see 'what' options in
Mauro Castro
## Not run: # This example requires the RTNdata package! (currently available under request) library(RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18) library(Fletcher2013b) library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene) ################################################## ### Build AVS and random AVSs (mapped to hg18) ################################################## #--- step 1: load 'risk SNPs' data (e.g. BCa risk SNPs from the GWAS catalog) data(bcarisk, package = "RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: build an AVS and 1000 matched random AVSs for the input 'risk SNPs' bcavs <- avs.preprocess.LDHapMapRel27.hg18(bcarisk, nrand=1000) ################################################## ### Example of VSE analysis for ERa and FOXA1 ### cistromes (one genomic annotation each time) ################################################## #--- step 1: load a precomputed AVS (same 'bcavs' object as above!) data(bcavs, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: load cistrome data from the Fletcher2013b package #NOTE: Fletcher2013b is a large data package, but only two 'bed files' #are used to illustrate this analysis (ESR1bdsites and FOXA1bdsites). #these bed files provide ERa and FOXA1 binding sites mapped by #ChIP-seq experiments data(miscellaneous) #--- step 3: run the avs.vse pipeline bcavs <- avs.vse(bcavs, annotation=ESR1bdsites$bdsites, pValueCutoff=0.001) bcavs <- avs.vse(bcavs, annotation=FOXA1bdsites$bdsites, pValueCutoff=0.001) #--- step 4: generate the VSE plots avs.plot2(bcavs,"vse",height=2.2, width.panels=c(1,2), rmargin=0) ################################################## ### Example of VSE analysis for sets of genomic ### annotations (e.g. regulons, gene sets, etc.) ################################################## #--- step 1: load the precomputed AVS (same 'bcavs' object as above!) data(bcavs, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: load genomic annotation for all genes genemap <- as.data.frame(genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene)) genemap <- genemap[,c("seqnames","start","end","gene_id")] colnames(genemap) <- c("CHROM","START","END","ID") #--- step 3: load a TNI object, or any other source of regulons (e.g. gene sets) #--- and prepare a gene set list #--- (gene ids should be the same as in the 'genemap' object) data("rtni1st") glist <- tni.get(rtni1st,what="refregulons",idkey="ENTREZ") glist <- glist[ c("FOXA1","GATA3","ESR1") ] #reduce the list for demonstration! #--- step 4: run the avs.vse pipeline bcavs<-avs.vse(bcavs, annotation=genemap, glist=glist, pValueCutoff=0.05) #--- step 5: generate the VSE plots avs.plot2(bcavs,"vse", height=2.5, width.panels=c(1,2), rmargin=0) ### NOTE REGARDING THIS EXAMPLE #### #- This example is for demonstration purposes only; #- we recommend using the EVSE/eQTL approach when analysing genes/regulons. #- Also, the AVS object here is not the same as the one used in the study that #- extended the method (doi:10.1038/ng.3458), so the results are not comparable; #- (here fewer risk SNPs are considered, and without an eQTL step). #################################### ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # This example requires the RTNdata package! (currently available under request) library(RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18) library(Fletcher2013b) library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene) ################################################## ### Build AVS and random AVSs (mapped to hg18) ################################################## #--- step 1: load 'risk SNPs' data (e.g. BCa risk SNPs from the GWAS catalog) data(bcarisk, package = "RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: build an AVS and 1000 matched random AVSs for the input 'risk SNPs' bcavs <- avs.preprocess.LDHapMapRel27.hg18(bcarisk, nrand=1000) ################################################## ### Example of VSE analysis for ERa and FOXA1 ### cistromes (one genomic annotation each time) ################################################## #--- step 1: load a precomputed AVS (same 'bcavs' object as above!) data(bcavs, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: load cistrome data from the Fletcher2013b package #NOTE: Fletcher2013b is a large data package, but only two 'bed files' #are used to illustrate this analysis (ESR1bdsites and FOXA1bdsites). #these bed files provide ERa and FOXA1 binding sites mapped by #ChIP-seq experiments data(miscellaneous) #--- step 3: run the avs.vse pipeline bcavs <- avs.vse(bcavs, annotation=ESR1bdsites$bdsites, pValueCutoff=0.001) bcavs <- avs.vse(bcavs, annotation=FOXA1bdsites$bdsites, pValueCutoff=0.001) #--- step 4: generate the VSE plots avs.plot2(bcavs,"vse",height=2.2, width.panels=c(1,2), rmargin=0) ################################################## ### Example of VSE analysis for sets of genomic ### annotations (e.g. regulons, gene sets, etc.) ################################################## #--- step 1: load the precomputed AVS (same 'bcavs' object as above!) data(bcavs, package="RTNdata.LDHapMapRel27.hg18") #--- step 2: load genomic annotation for all genes genemap <- as.data.frame(genes(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18.knownGene)) genemap <- genemap[,c("seqnames","start","end","gene_id")] colnames(genemap) <- c("CHROM","START","END","ID") #--- step 3: load a TNI object, or any other source of regulons (e.g. gene sets) #--- and prepare a gene set list #--- (gene ids should be the same as in the 'genemap' object) data("rtni1st") glist <- tni.get(rtni1st,what="refregulons",idkey="ENTREZ") glist <- glist[ c("FOXA1","GATA3","ESR1") ] #reduce the list for demonstration! #--- step 4: run the avs.vse pipeline bcavs<-avs.vse(bcavs, annotation=genemap, glist=glist, pValueCutoff=0.05) #--- step 5: generate the VSE plots avs.plot2(bcavs,"vse", height=2.5, width.panels=c(1,2), rmargin=0) ### NOTE REGARDING THIS EXAMPLE #### #- This example is for demonstration purposes only; #- we recommend using the EVSE/eQTL approach when analysing genes/regulons. #- Also, the AVS object here is not the same as the one used in the study that #- extended the method (doi:10.1038/ng.3458), so the results are not comparable; #- (here fewer risk SNPs are considered, and without an eQTL step). #################################### ## End(Not run)
Datasets used to demonstrate RTN main functions.
tniData, tnaData, and tfsData
The tniData and tnaData datasets were extracted, pre-processed and size-reduced from Fletcher et al. (2013) and Curtis et al. (2012). They consist of two lists used in the RTN vignettes for demonstration purposes only. The tniData list contains the 'expData', 'rowAnnotation' and 'colAnnotation' R objects, while the tnaData list contains the 'phenotype', 'phenoIDs' and 'hits' R objects.
The tfsData consists of a list with gene annotation for human transcription factors (TFs), compiled from 6 resources (Lambert et. al 2018; Carro et al. 2010; Vaquerizas et al. 2009; D. L. Fulton et al. 2009; Yusuf et al. 2012; and Ravasi et al. 2010), and provided here in the form of 'data frame' objects that include ENTREZ and HGNC gene symbol annotation.
The pksData consists of a list with gene annotation for human protein kinases, retrived from the Swiss-Prot Protein Knowledgebase (https://www.uniprot.org/docs/pkinfam), release 2020_02 of 22-Apr-2020.
a named gene expression matrix with 120 samples (a subset from the Fletcher2013b).
a data.frame of characters with gene annotation (a subset from the Fletcher2013b).
a data.frame of characters with sample annotation (a subset from the Fletcher2013b).
a named numeric vector with differential gene expression data.
a data.frame of characters with probe ids matching a secundary annotation source (e.g. Probe-to-ENTREZ).
a character vector with genes differentially expressed.
a data.frame listing TFs from Lambert et. al (2018).
a data.frame listing TFs from Yusuf et al. (2012).
a data.frame listing TFs from Carro et al. (2010).
a data.frame listing TFs from Ravasi et al. (2010).
a data.frame listing TFs from Fulton et al. (2009).
a data.frame listing TFs from Vaquerizas et al. (2009).
a data.frame listing all TFs.
a data.frame listing human protein kinases.
Carro, M.S. et al., The transcriptional network for mesenchymal transformation of brain tumors. Nature, 463(7279):318-325, 2010.
Curtis C. et al., The genomic and transcriptomic architecture of 2,000 breast tumours reveals novel subgroups. Nature, 486(7403):346-352, 2012.
Fletcher, M.N.C. et al., Master regulators of FGFR2 signalling and breast cancer risk. Nature Communications, 4:2464, 2013.
Fulton, D.L. et al., TFCat: the curated catalog of mouse and human transcription factors. Genome Biology, 10(3):R29, 2009.
Lambert, S.A. et al., The Human Transcription Factors. Cell, 172(4):650-665, 2018.
Ravasi, T. et al., An atlas of combinatorial transcriptional regulation in mouse and man. Cell, 140(5):744-752, 2010.
Vaquerizas, J.M. et al., A census of human transcription factors: function, expression and evolution. Nature Reviews Genetics, 10(4):252-263, 2009.
Yusuf, D. et al., The Transcription Factor Encyclopedia. Genome Biology, 13(3):R24, 2012.
data(tniData) data(tnaData) data(tfsData) data(pksData)
data(tniData) data(tnaData) data(tfsData) data(pksData)
: an S4 class for Transcriptional Network Analysis.This S4 class includes a series of methods to do enrichment analyses in transcriptional networks.
Objects can be created by calls of the form
new("TNA", referenceNetwork, transcriptionalNetwork, regulatoryElements, phenotype, hits)
:Object of class "matrix"
an optional partial co-expression matrix.
:Object of class "matrix"
a partial co-expression matrix.
:Object of class "char_Or_NULL"
a vector of regulatory elements (e.g. transcription factors).
:Object of class "num_Or_int"
, a numeric or integer
vector of phenotypes named by gene identifiers.
:Object of class "character"
, a character vector of
gene identifiers for those considered as hits.
:Object of class "matrix"
a gene expression matrix.
:Object of class "data.frame"
a data frame with row annotation (e.g. probe-to-gene information).
:Object of class "data.frame"
a data frame with column annotation (e.g. sample information).
:Object of class "list"
, a list of regulons
derived from the referenceNetwork.
:Object of class "list"
, a list of regulons
derived from the transcriptionalNetwork (a 'regulon' is a vector of genes or potential
transcription factor targets).
:Object of class "list"
, a list of modulators
derived from the tni.conditional
:Object of class "list"
, a list of parameters for
transcriptional network analysis. These parameters are those listed in the functions
, tna.gsea1
and tna.gsea2
:Object of class "list"
a list of results (see return values in the functions
and tna.gsea2
:Object of class "list"
a list of summary information for transcriptionalNetwork
, phenotype
, and results
:Object of class "character"
a character value specifying the status of the TNI object
based on the available methods.
signature(object = "TNA")
see tna.mra
signature(object = "TNA")
see tna.gsea1
signature(object = "TNA")
see tna.gsea2
signature(object = "TNA")
see tna.get
Mauro Castro
## see 'tni2tna.preprocess' method!
## see 'tni2tna.preprocess' method!
Get information from individual slots in a TNA object. Available results from a previous analysis can be selected either by pvalue cutoff (default) or top significance.
tna.get(object, what="summary", order=TRUE, ntop=NULL, reportNames=TRUE, idkey=NULL)
tna.get(object, what="summary", order=TRUE, ntop=NULL, reportNames=TRUE, idkey=NULL)
object |
an object of class |
what |
a single character value specifying which information should be retrieved from the slots. Options: 'summary', 'status', 'para', 'pheno', 'hits', 'regulatoryElements', 'tnet', 'refnet', 'regulons', 'refregulons', 'regulons.and.mode', 'refregulons.and.mode', 'rowAnnotation', 'colAnnotation', 'mra', 'gsea1', 'gsea2', 'gsea2summary'. |
order |
a single logical value specifying whether or not the output data should be ordered by significance. Valid only for 'mra', 'gsea1' and 'gsea2' options. |
ntop |
a single integer value specifying to select how many results of top significance from 'mra', 'gsea1' and 'gsea2' options. |
reportNames |
a single logical value specifying to report regulons with 'names' (when reportNames=TRUE) or not (when reportNames=FALSE). This option is effective only if transcription factors were named with alternative identifiers in the pre-processing analysis. It takes effect on 'mra', 'gsea1' and 'gsea2' options. |
idkey |
an optional single character value specifying an ID name from the available 'TNA' annotation to be used as alias for data query outputs (obs. it has no effect on consolidated tables). |
Options for the 'what' argument retrieve the following types of information:
A list summarizing parameters and results available in the TNA object.
A vector indicating the status of each available method in the pipeline.
A list with the parameters used by each available method in the pipeline.
A numeric vector of phenotypes named by gene identifiers
(see tni2tna.preprocess
A character vector of gene identifiers for those considered as hits
(see tni2tna.preprocess
A vector of regulatory elements (e.g. transcription factors).
A data matrix with MI values, evaluated by the DPI filter. MI values are computed between regulators and targets, with regulators on cols and targets on rows. Note that signals (+/-) are assigned to the inferred associations in order to represent the 'mode of action', which is derived from Pearson's correlation between regulators and targets.
A data matrix with MI values (not evaluated by the DPI filter). MI values are computed between regulators and targets, with regulators on cols and targets on rows. Note that signals (+/-) are assigned to the inferred associations in order to represent the 'mode of action', which is derived from Pearson's correlation between regulators and targets.
A list with regulons extracted from the 'tnet' data matrix.
A list with regulons extracted from the 'refnet' data matrix.
A list with regulons extracted from the 'tnet' data matrix, including the assiged 'mode of action'.
A list with regulons extracted from the 'refnet' data matrix, including the assiged 'mode of action'.
A data frame with probe-to-gene annotation.
A data frame with sample annotation.
A data frame with results from the tna.mra
analysis pipeline.
A data frame with results from the tna.gsea1
analysis pipeline.
A data frame with results from the tna.gsea2
analysis pipeline.
Get the slot content from a TNA-class
Mauro Castro
data(tniData) data(tnaData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(rtni, phenotype=tnaData$phenotype, hits=tnaData$hits, phenoIDs=tnaData$phenoIDs) # run MRA analysis pipeline rtna <- tna.mra(rtna) # check summary tna.get(rtna,what="summary") # get results, e.g., from the MRA analysis tna.get(rtna,what="mra") ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) data(tnaData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(rtni, phenotype=tnaData$phenotype, hits=tnaData$hits, phenoIDs=tnaData$phenoIDs) # run MRA analysis pipeline rtna <- tna.mra(rtna) # check summary tna.get(rtna,what="summary") # get results, e.g., from the MRA analysis tna.get(rtna,what="mra") ## End(Not run)
This function takes a TNA object and returns the results of the GSEA analysis over a list of regulons in a transcriptional network (with multiple hypothesis testing corrections).
tna.gsea1(object, pValueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="BH", minRegulonSize=15, sizeFilterMethod="posORneg", nPermutations=1000, exponent=1, tnet="dpi", signature=c("phenotype","hits"), orderAbsValue=TRUE, tfs=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
tna.gsea1(object, pValueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="BH", minRegulonSize=15, sizeFilterMethod="posORneg", nPermutations=1000, exponent=1, tnet="dpi", signature=c("phenotype","hits"), orderAbsValue=TRUE, tfs=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
object |
a preprocessed object of class 'TNA' |
pValueCutoff |
a single numeric value specifying the cutoff for p-values considered significant. |
pAdjustMethod |
a single character value specifying the p-value adjustment method to be used (see 'p.adjust' for details). |
minRegulonSize |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements in a regulon that must map to elements of the gene universe. Gene sets with fewer than this number are removed from the analysis. |
sizeFilterMethod |
a single character value specifying the use of the 'minRegulonSize' argument, which is applyed to regulon's positive and negative targets. Options: "posANDneg", "posORneg", "posPLUSneg". For "posANDneg", the number of both positive and negative targets should be > 'minRegulonSize'; for "posORneg", the number of either positive or negative targets should be > 'minRegulonSize'; and for "posPLUSneg", the number of all targets should be > 'minRegulonSize'. |
nPermutations |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the number of permutations for deriving p-values in GSEA. |
exponent |
a single integer or numeric value used in weighting phenotypes in GSEA (see 'gseaScores' function at HTSanalyzeR). |
tnet |
a single character value specifying which transcriptional network should to used to compute the GSEA analysis. Options: "dpi" and "ref". |
signature |
a single character value specifying which signature to use in the GSEA method. This could be the 'phenotype' already provided by the user (usually log2 differential expression values) or a 'phenotype' derived from the 'hits'; see |
orderAbsValue |
a single logical value indicating whether the values should be converted to absolute values and then ordered (if TRUE), or ordered as they are (if FALSE). |
tfs |
an optional vector with transcription factor identifiers. |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
a data frame in the slot "results", see 'gsea1' option in
Mauro Castro, Xin Wang
data(tniData) data(tnaData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(rtni, phenotype=tnaData$phenotype, hits=tnaData$hits, phenoIDs=tnaData$phenoIDs) #run GSEA1 analysis pipeline rtna <- tna.gsea1(rtna) #get results tna.get(rtna, what="gsea1") # run parallel version with SNOW package! library(snow) options(cluster=snow::makeCluster(3, "SOCK")) rtna <- tna.gsea1(rtna) stopCluster(getOption("cluster")) ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) data(tnaData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(rtni, phenotype=tnaData$phenotype, hits=tnaData$hits, phenoIDs=tnaData$phenoIDs) #run GSEA1 analysis pipeline rtna <- tna.gsea1(rtna) #get results tna.get(rtna, what="gsea1") # run parallel version with SNOW package! library(snow) options(cluster=snow::makeCluster(3, "SOCK")) rtna <- tna.gsea1(rtna) stopCluster(getOption("cluster")) ## End(Not run)
This function takes a TNA object and returns a CMAP-like analysis obtained by two-tailed GSEA over a list of regulons in a transcriptional network (with multiple hypothesis testing corrections).
tna.gsea2(object, pValueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="BH", minRegulonSize=15, sizeFilterMethod="posORneg", nPermutations=1000, exponent=1, tnet="dpi", signature=c("phenotype","hits"), tfs=NULL, verbose=TRUE, doSizeFilter=NULL)
tna.gsea2(object, pValueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="BH", minRegulonSize=15, sizeFilterMethod="posORneg", nPermutations=1000, exponent=1, tnet="dpi", signature=c("phenotype","hits"), tfs=NULL, verbose=TRUE, doSizeFilter=NULL)
object |
a preprocessed object of class 'TNA' |
pValueCutoff |
a single numeric value specifying the cutoff for p-values considered significant. |
pAdjustMethod |
a single character value specifying the p-value adjustment method to be used (see 'p.adjust' for details). |
minRegulonSize |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements in a regulon that must map to elements of the gene universe. Gene sets with fewer than this number are removed from the analysis. |
sizeFilterMethod |
a single character value specifying the use of the 'minRegulonSize' argument, which is applyed to regulon's positive and negative targets. Options: "posANDneg", "posORneg", "posPLUSneg". For "posANDneg", the number of both positive and negative targets should be > 'minRegulonSize'; for "posORneg", the number of either positive or negative targets should be > 'minRegulonSize'; and for "posPLUSneg", the number of all targets should be > 'minRegulonSize'. |
nPermutations |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the number of permutations for deriving p-values in GSEA. |
exponent |
a single integer or numeric value used in weighting phenotypes in GSEA (see 'gseaScores' function at HTSanalyzeR). |
tnet |
a single character value specifying which transcriptional network should to used to compute the GSEA analysis. Options: "dpi" and "ref". |
signature |
a single character value specifying which signature to use in the GSEA method. This could be the 'phenotype' already provided by the user (usually log2 differential expression values) or a 'phenotype' derived from the 'hits'; see |
tfs |
an optional vector with transcription factor identifiers. |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
doSizeFilter |
'doSizeFilter' is deprecated, please use the 'filterSize' parameter. |
a data frame in the slot "results", see 'gsea2' option in tna.get
Mauro Castro
data(tniData) data(tnaData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(rtni, phenotype=tnaData$phenotype, hits=tnaData$hits, phenoIDs=tnaData$phenoIDs) #run GSEA2 analysis pipeline rtna <- tna.gsea2(rtna) #get results tna.get(rtna, what="gsea2") # run parallel version with SNOW package! library(snow) options(cluster=snow::makeCluster(3, "SOCK")) rtna <- tna.gsea2(rtna) stopCluster(getOption("cluster")) ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) data(tnaData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(rtni, phenotype=tnaData$phenotype, hits=tnaData$hits, phenoIDs=tnaData$phenoIDs) #run GSEA2 analysis pipeline rtna <- tna.gsea2(rtna) #get results tna.get(rtna, what="gsea2") # run parallel version with SNOW package! library(snow) options(cluster=snow::makeCluster(3, "SOCK")) rtna <- tna.gsea2(rtna) stopCluster(getOption("cluster")) ## End(Not run)
This function takes a TNA object and returns the results of the RMA analysis over a list of regulons from a transcriptional network (with multiple hypothesis testing corrections).
tna.mra(object, pValueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="BH", minRegulonSize=15, tnet="dpi", tfs=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
tna.mra(object, pValueCutoff=0.05, pAdjustMethod="BH", minRegulonSize=15, tnet="dpi", tfs=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
object |
a preprocessed object of class 'TNA' |
pValueCutoff |
a single numeric value specifying the cutoff for p-values considered significant. |
pAdjustMethod |
a single character value specifying the p-value adjustment method to be used (see 'p.adjust' for details). |
minRegulonSize |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements in a regulon that must map to elements of the gene universe. Gene sets with fewer than this number are removed from the analysis. |
tnet |
a single character value specifying which transcriptional network should to used to compute the MRA analysis. Options: "dpi" and "ref". |
tfs |
an optional vector with transcription factor identifiers. |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
a data frame in the slot "results", see 'rma' option in tna.get
Mauro Castro
data(tniData) data(tnaData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(rtni, phenotype=tnaData$phenotype, hits=tnaData$hits, phenoIDs=tnaData$phenoIDs) #run MRA analysis pipeline rtna <- tna.mra(rtna) #get results tna.get(rtna,what="mra") ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) data(tnaData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(rtni, phenotype=tnaData$phenotype, hits=tnaData$hits, phenoIDs=tnaData$phenoIDs) #run MRA analysis pipeline rtna <- tna.mra(rtna) #get results tna.get(rtna,what="mra") ## End(Not run)
This function takes a TNA object and plots the one-tailed GSEA results for individual regulons.
tna.plot.gsea1(object, labPheno="", file="tna_gsea1", filepath=".", regulon.order="size", ntop=NULL, tfs=NULL, ylimPanels=c(0.0,3.5,0.0,0.8), heightPanels=c(1,1,3), width=4.4, height=4, ylabPanels=c("Phenotype","Regulon","Enrichment score"), xlab="Position in the ranked list of genes", alpha=0.5, sparsity=10, autoformat=TRUE, plotpdf=TRUE, ...)
tna.plot.gsea1(object, labPheno="", file="tna_gsea1", filepath=".", regulon.order="size", ntop=NULL, tfs=NULL, ylimPanels=c(0.0,3.5,0.0,0.8), heightPanels=c(1,1,3), width=4.4, height=4, ylabPanels=c("Phenotype","Regulon","Enrichment score"), xlab="Position in the ranked list of genes", alpha=0.5, sparsity=10, autoformat=TRUE, plotpdf=TRUE, ...)
object |
an object of class 'TNA' |
file |
a character string naming a file. |
filepath |
a single character value specifying where to store GSEA figures. |
regulon.order |
a single character value specifying whether regulons should be ordered by 'size', 'score', 'pvalue', 'adj.pvalue' and 'name' (or 'none' to keep the input ordering). |
ntop |
a single integer value specifying how many regulons of top significance will be plotted. |
tfs |
an optional vector with transcription factor identifiers (this option overrides the 'ntop' argument). |
ylimPanels |
a numeric vector of length=4 specifying y coordinates ranges of the 1st and 3th plots (i.e. ylim for 'Phenotypes' and 'Running enrichment score'). |
heightPanels |
a numeric vector of length=3 specifying the relative height of each panel in the plot. |
width |
a single numeric value specifying the width of the graphics region in inches. |
height |
a single numeric value specifying the height of the graphics region in inches. |
ylabPanels |
a character vector of length=3 specifying the the title for the y axes. |
xlab |
a single character value specifying the the title for the x axis. |
labPheno |
a single character value specifying a label for the phenotype (will also be used as the name of output file). |
alpha |
a single numeric value in [0,1] specifying the transparency of the hits in the ranked list. |
sparsity |
a single integer value (>1) specifying the density of the dots representing the running score. |
autoformat |
a single logical value specifying to set the graph format using predefined themes. This option overrides the "ylimPanels" argument. |
plotpdf |
a single logical value specifying to whether to plot a PDF file or directly to Viewer. |
... |
other arguments used by the function pdf. |
A plot showing results from the 'tna.gsea1' method.
Mauro Castro
data(tniData) data(tnaData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(rtni, phenotype=tnaData$phenotype, hits=tnaData$hits, phenoIDs=tnaData$phenoIDs) # run GSEA analysis pipeline rtna <- tna.gsea1(rtna) # plot available GSEA results tna.plot.gsea1(rtna, labPheno="test") ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) data(tnaData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(rtni, phenotype=tnaData$phenotype, hits=tnaData$hits, phenoIDs=tnaData$phenoIDs) # run GSEA analysis pipeline rtna <- tna.gsea1(rtna) # plot available GSEA results tna.plot.gsea1(rtna, labPheno="test") ## End(Not run)
This function takes a TNA object and plots the two-tailed GSEA results for individual regulons.
tna.plot.gsea2(object, labPheno="", file="tna_gsea2", filepath=".", regulon.order="size", ntop=NULL, tfs=NULL, ylimPanels=c(-3.0,3.0,-0.5,0.5), heightPanels=c(2.0,0.8,5.0), width=2.8, height=3.0, ylabPanels=c("Phenotype","Regulon","Enrichment score"), xlab="Position in the ranked list of genes", alpha=1.0, sparsity=10, autoformat=TRUE, plotpdf=TRUE, ...)
tna.plot.gsea2(object, labPheno="", file="tna_gsea2", filepath=".", regulon.order="size", ntop=NULL, tfs=NULL, ylimPanels=c(-3.0,3.0,-0.5,0.5), heightPanels=c(2.0,0.8,5.0), width=2.8, height=3.0, ylabPanels=c("Phenotype","Regulon","Enrichment score"), xlab="Position in the ranked list of genes", alpha=1.0, sparsity=10, autoformat=TRUE, plotpdf=TRUE, ...)
object |
an object of class 'TNA' |
file |
a character string naming a file. |
filepath |
a single character value specifying where to store GSEA2 figures. |
regulon.order |
a single character value specifying whether regulons should be ordered by 'size', 'score', 'pvalue', 'adj.pvalue' and 'name' (or 'none' to keep the input ordering). |
ntop |
a single integer value specifying how many regulons of top significance will be plotted. |
tfs |
an optional vector with transcription factor identifiers (this option overrides the 'ntop' argument). |
ylimPanels |
a numeric vector of length=4 specifying y coordinates ranges of the 1st and 3th plots (i.e. ylim for 'Phenotypes' and 'Running enrichment score'). |
heightPanels |
a numeric vector of length=3 specifying the relative height of each panel in the plot. |
width |
a single numeric value specifying the width of the graphics region in inches. |
height |
a single numeric value specifying the height of the graphics region in inches. |
ylabPanels |
a character vector of length=3 specifying the the title for the y axes. |
xlab |
a single character specifying the the title for the x axis. |
labPheno |
a single character specifying a label for the phenotype (will also be used as the name of output file). |
alpha |
a single numeric value in [0,1] specifying the transparency of the hits in the ranked list. |
sparsity |
a single integer value (>1) specifying the density of the dots representing the running score. |
autoformat |
a single logical value specifying to set the graph format using predefined themes. This option overrides the "ylimPanels" argument. |
plotpdf |
a single logical value specifying to whether to plot a PDF file or directly to Viewer. |
... |
other arguments used by the function pdf. |
A plot showing results from the 'tna.gsea2' method.
Mauro Castro
data(tniData) data(tnaData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(rtni, phenotype=tnaData$phenotype, hits=tnaData$hits, phenoIDs=tnaData$phenoIDs) # run GSEA2 analysis pipeline rtna <- tna.gsea2(rtna) # plot available GSEA2 results tna.plot.gsea2(rtna, labPheno="test") ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) data(tnaData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(rtni, phenotype=tnaData$phenotype, hits=tnaData$hits, phenoIDs=tnaData$phenoIDs) # run GSEA2 analysis pipeline rtna <- tna.gsea2(rtna) # plot available GSEA2 results tna.plot.gsea2(rtna, labPheno="test") ## End(Not run)
: an S4 class for Transcriptional Network Inference.This S4 class includes a series of methods to do transcriptional network inference for high-throughput gene expression.
:Object of class "matrix"
a gene expression matrix.
:Object of class "character"
a vector of regulatory elements (e.g. transcription factors).
:Object of class "character"
a vector of target elements (e.g. target genes).
:Object of class "char_Or_NULL"
a vector with modulator identifiers.
:Object of class "data.frame"
a data frame with row annotation (e.g. probe-to-gene information).
:Object of class "data.frame"
a data frame with column annotation (e.g. sample information).
:Object of class "list"
a list of parameters for transcriptional network inference. These parameters are
those listed in the functions tni.permutation
:Object of class "list"
a list of results (see the returned values in the functions
:Object of class "list"
a list of summary information for gexp
, regulatoryElements
, and results
:Object of class "character"
a character value specifying the status of the TNI object
based on the available methods.
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.preprocess
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.permutation
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.bootstrap
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.dpi.filter
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.conditional
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.get
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.graph
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.gsea2
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.area3
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.regulon.summary
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.prune
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.replace.samples
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.annotate.regulons
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.annotate.samples
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.overlap.genesets
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni2tna.preprocess
signature(object = "TNI")
see tni.sre
Mauro Castro
## see 'tni.constructor'!
## see 'tni.constructor'!
When analyzing two datasets that have different numbers of samples, this function can be used to assist the choice of a p value threshold for the tni.permutation() function, in order that RTN will return regulon results that have been generated with similar tradeoffs between Type I and Type II errors for both datasets. Doing this should help ensure that it is reasonable to compare the regulons in the two datasets.
tni.alpha.adjust(nB, nA, alphaA, betaA = 0.2)
tni.alpha.adjust(nB, nA, alphaA, betaA = 0.2)
nB |
a single integer specifying the number of samples in dataset 'B'. |
nA |
a single integer specifying the number of samples in dataset 'A'. |
alphaA |
a single numeric value specifying alpha for dataset 'A' (Type I error probability). |
betaA |
a single numeric value specifying beta for dataset 'A' (Type II error probability). |
Significance level for 'nB', given 'nA', 'alphaA' and 'betaA'.
The 'tni.alpha.adjust' function calls the pwr.r.test
function, which uses the 'uniroot' function to solve a power equation. The 'uniroot' function aims to find a root in a given interval, searching from lower to upper end-points. As the upper end-point must be strictly larger than the lower end-point, in order to avoid an error when searching the root, 'nA' must be greater than or equal to 'nB' (i.e. 'nB' is expected to be the smallest data set). Also, please note that 'uniroot' eventually will not find the root for the input arguments, especially when searching thresholds of low stringency (we suggest to avoid setting 'alphaA' > 0.01).
Mauro Castro, Gordon Robertson
# estimate 'alphaB' for 'nB', given 'nA', 'alphaA' and 'betaA' alphaB <- tni.alpha.adjust(nB = 100, nA = 300, alphaA = 1e-5, betaA = 0.2)
# estimate 'alphaB' for 'nB', given 'nA', 'alphaA' and 'betaA' alphaB <- tni.alpha.adjust(nB = 100, nA = 300, alphaA = 1e-5, betaA = 0.2)
This function calculates an enrichment score between gene sets and regulons.
tni.annotate.regulons(object, geneSetList, sampleSetList = NULL, regulatoryElements = NULL, minSetSize = 15, sizeFilterMethod="posORneg", exponent = 1, verbose = TRUE)
tni.annotate.regulons(object, geneSetList, sampleSetList = NULL, regulatoryElements = NULL, minSetSize = 15, sizeFilterMethod="posORneg", exponent = 1, verbose = TRUE)
object |
a preprocessed object of class 'TNI' |
geneSetList |
a list with gene sets. |
sampleSetList |
an optional list with sample sets. The 'sampleSetList' should list numerical or integer vectors, with '0s' and '1s', which are used to split samples into two groups. This option overrides the 'geneSetList' parameter (see Details). |
regulatoryElements |
a vector of valid regulatory elements (e.g. transcription factors). |
minSetSize |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements in a gene set that must map to elements of the gene universe. Gene sets with fewer than this number are removed from the analysis. |
sizeFilterMethod |
a single character value specifying the use of the 'minSetSize' argument, which is applyed to regulon's positive and negative targets. Options: "posANDneg", "posORneg", "posPLUSneg". For "posANDneg", the number of both positive and negative targets should be > 'minSetSize'; for "posORneg", the number of either positive or negative targets should be > 'minRegulonSize'; and for "posPLUSneg", the number of all targets should be > 'minSetSize'. |
exponent |
a single integer or numeric value used in weighting phenotypes in GSEA (this parameter only affects the 'dES' option). |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
Using the samples available in the provided TNI object, the 'tni.annotate.regulons' calculates the enrichment of each regulon for each gene set. First, the samples are split into two groups, one with high average gene-set expression (GS_high) and the other with low average gene-set expression (GS_low). Then a gene-wise differential expression (DEG) signature is generated by comparing the GS_high vs. GS_low groups. The DEG signature is regarded as the gene-set phenotype in the cohort. A GSEA-2T approach is used to calculate the activity score (dES) of each regulon in the phenotype (for additional details on GSEA-2T, please see section 2.2 of the RTN's vignette).
A numeric matrix with dES scores between gene sets vs. regulons.
Mauro Castro
data(tniData) ## Not run: #compute regulons rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) #load a gene set collection #here, we build three random gene sets for demonstration geneset1 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneset2 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneset3 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneSetList <- list(geneset1=geneset1, geneset2=geneset2, geneset3=geneset3) #compute regulon activity dES <- tni.annotate.regulons(rtni, geneSetList) ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) ## Not run: #compute regulons rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) #load a gene set collection #here, we build three random gene sets for demonstration geneset1 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneset2 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneset3 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneSetList <- list(geneset1=geneset1, geneset2=geneset2, geneset3=geneset3) #compute regulon activity dES <- tni.annotate.regulons(rtni, geneSetList) ## End(Not run)
This function calculates an enrichment score between gene sets and samples.
tni.annotate.samples(object, geneSetList, minSetSize = 15, exponent = 1, samples=NULL, verbose = TRUE)
tni.annotate.samples(object, geneSetList, minSetSize = 15, exponent = 1, samples=NULL, verbose = TRUE)
object |
a preprocessed object of class 'TNI' |
geneSetList |
a list with gene sets. |
minSetSize |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements in a gene set that must map to elements of the gene universe. Gene sets with fewer than this number are removed from the analysis. |
exponent |
a single integer or numeric value used in weighting phenotypes in GSEA (this parameter only affects the GSEA statistics). |
samples |
an optional string vector listing the sample names for which will be computed the GSEA statistics. |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
Using the samples available in the provided TNI object, the 'tni.annotate.samples' calculates the enrichment of each sample for each gene set. First, a gene-wise differential expression (DEG) signature is generated by comparing the expression of a given sample with the avarage expression of all samples. The DEG signature is regarded as a the sample phenotype, representing the relative expression of the sample's genes in the cohort. Then a single-sample Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (ssGSEA) is used to calculate the enrichment score (ES) of the sample for a given gene set.
A numeric matrix with association statistics between gene sets vs. samples.
Mauro Castro
data(tniData) ## Not run: #generate a TNI object rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) #load a gene set collection #here, we build three random gene sets for demonstration geneset1 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneset2 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneset3 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneSetList <- list(geneset1=geneset1, geneset2=geneset2, geneset3=geneset3) #compute single-sample GSEA #note: regulons are not required for this function, #as it will assess the samples in the TNI object ES <- tni.annotate.samples(rtni, geneSetList) ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) ## Not run: #generate a TNI object rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) #load a gene set collection #here, we build three random gene sets for demonstration geneset1 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneset2 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneset3 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneSetList <- list(geneset1=geneset1, geneset2=geneset2, geneset3=geneset3) #compute single-sample GSEA #note: regulons are not required for this function, #as it will assess the samples in the TNI object ES <- tni.annotate.samples(rtni, geneSetList) ## End(Not run)
Uses aREA
3-tail algorithm to compute regulon activity for
tni.area3(object, minRegulonSize=15, sizeFilterMethod="posORneg", scale=FALSE, tnet="dpi", regulatoryElements=NULL, samples=NULL, features=NULL, refsamp=NULL, log=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, doSizeFilter=NULL)
tni.area3(object, minRegulonSize=15, sizeFilterMethod="posORneg", scale=FALSE, tnet="dpi", regulatoryElements=NULL, samples=NULL, features=NULL, refsamp=NULL, log=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, doSizeFilter=NULL)
object |
a preprocessed object of class 'TNI' |
minRegulonSize |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements in a regulon. Regulons smaller than this number are removed from the analysis. |
sizeFilterMethod |
a single character value specifying the use of the 'minRegulonSize' argument, which is applyed to regulon's positive and negative targets. Options: "posANDneg", "posORneg", "posPLUSneg". For "posANDneg", the number of both positive and negative targets should be > 'minRegulonSize'; for "posORneg", the number of either positive or negative targets should be > 'minRegulonSize'; and for "posPLUSneg", the number of all targets should be > 'minRegulonSize'. |
scale |
A logical value specifying if expression values should be centered and scaled across samples (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
tnet |
can take values of 'refnet', 'dpi' or 'cdt'. It refers to the version of the regulatory network that will be used for GSEA analysis. |
regulatoryElements |
an optional vector with transcription factor identifiers. |
samples |
an optional string vector containing the sample names for which will be computed regulon activity. |
features |
a string vector containing features for feature selection. |
refsamp |
an optional string vector containing the names of the reference samples for differential expression calculations. If not provided, then the average of all samples will be used as reference. |
log |
a logical value. If TRUE, differential expression calculations will be computed in log space. |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
doSizeFilter |
a logical value. If TRUE, negative and positive targets are independently verified by the 'minRegulonSize' argument. |
a list with enrichment scores for all samples in the TNI.
Alvarez et al. Functional characterization of somatic mutations in cancer using network-based inference of protein activity. Nature Genetics, 48(8):838-847, 2016.
data(tniData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) #run aREA algorithm rtni <- tni.area3(rtni) #get results regulonActivity <- tni.get(rtni, what = "regulonActivity") ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) #run aREA algorithm rtni <- tni.area3(rtni) #get results regulonActivity <- tni.get(rtni, what = "regulonActivity") ## End(Not run)
This function takes a TNI object and returns the consensus transcriptional network.
tni.bootstrap(object, nBootstraps=100, consensus=95, parChunks=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
tni.bootstrap(object, nBootstraps=100, consensus=95, parChunks=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
object |
a processed object of class 'TNI' |
nBootstraps |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the number of bootstraps for deriving a consensus between every TF-target association inferred in the mutual information analysis. If running in parallel, nBootstraps should be greater and multiple of parChunks. |
consensus |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the consensus fraction (in percentage) under which a TF-target association is accepted. |
parChunks |
an optional single integer value specifying the number of bootstrap chunks to be used in the parallel analysis. |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE) |
a matrix in the slot "results" containing a reference transcriptional network,
see 'tn.ref' option in tni.get
Mauro Castro
data(tniData) ## Not run: # preprocessing rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) # linear version! rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) ## parallel version with SNOW package! #library(snow) #options(cluster=snow::makeCluster(3, "SOCK")) #rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) #rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) #stopCluster(getOption("cluster")) ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) ## Not run: # preprocessing rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) # linear version! rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) ## parallel version with SNOW package! #library(snow) #options(cluster=snow::makeCluster(3, "SOCK")) #rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) #rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) #stopCluster(getOption("cluster")) ## End(Not run)
This function takes a TNI object and a list of candidate modulators, and computes the conditional mutual information over the TF-target interactions in a transcriptional network (with multiple hypothesis testing corrections). For each TF, the method measures the change in the mutual information between the TF and its targets conditioned to the gene expression of a modulator.
tni.conditional(object, modulators, tfs=NULL, sampling=35, pValueCutoff=0.01, pAdjustMethod="bonferroni", minRegulonSize=15, minIntersectSize=5, miThreshold="md", prob=0.99, medianEffect=FALSE, iConstraint=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, ...)
tni.conditional(object, modulators, tfs=NULL, sampling=35, pValueCutoff=0.01, pAdjustMethod="bonferroni", minRegulonSize=15, minIntersectSize=5, miThreshold="md", prob=0.99, medianEffect=FALSE, iConstraint=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, ...)
object |
a processed object of class 'TNI' |
modulators |
a vector with identifiers for those considered as candidate modulators. |
tfs |
a vector with TF identifiers. If NULL, the function will assess all TFs in the network. |
sampling |
a single integer value specifying the percentage of the available samples that should be included in the analysis. For example, for each TF-target interaction of a given hub, 'sampling = 35' means that the conditional mutual information will be computed from the top and bottom 35% of the samples ranked by the gene expression of a given candidate modulator. |
pValueCutoff |
a single numeric value specifying the cutoff for p-values considered significant. |
pAdjustMethod |
a single character value specifying the p-value adjustment method to be used (see 'p.adjust' for details). |
minRegulonSize |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements in a regulon. Gene sets with fewer than this number are removed from the analysis. |
minIntersectSize |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of observed modulated elements in a regulon (as percentage value). |
miThreshold |
a single character value specifying the underlying distribution used to estimate the mutual information threshold. Options: 'md' and 'md.tf'. In the 1st case, 'miThreshold' is estimated from a pooled null distribution representing random modulators, while in the 2nd case a specific mutual information threshold is estimated for each TF conditioned on the random modulators. In the two options the 'miThreshold' is estimated by permutation analysis (see 'prob'). Alternatively, users can either provide a custom mutual information threshold or a numeric vector with lower (a) and upper (b) bounds for the differential mutual information analysis (e.g. 'c(a,b)'). |
prob |
a probability value in [0,1] used to estimate the 'miThreshold' based on the underlying quantile distribution. |
medianEffect |
a single logical value specifying whether to assess the median effect of each modulator. This global statistics does not affect the inferential process over single TF-target interactions. This method is still experimental, it can be used as a complementary analysis to chek the overall modulation effect onto all targets listed in a given regulon (this step may require substantial computation time). |
iConstraint |
a single logical value specifying whether to apply independence constraint between TFs and modulators (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
... |
additional arguments passed to tna.graph function. |
a data frame in the slot "results", see 'cdt' option in tni.get
Mauro Castro
Wang, K. et al. Genome-wide identification of post-translational modulators of transcription factor activity in human B cells. Nat Biotechnol, 27(9):829-39, 2009.
Castro, M.A.A. et al. RTN: Reconstruction and Analysis of Transcriptional Networks. Journal Paper (in preparation), 2012.
data(tniData) ## Not run: # preprocessing rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) # permutation/bootstrap analysis (infers the reference/relevance network) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) # dpi filter (infers the transcriptional network) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) # get some candidate modulators for demonstration! mod4test <- rownames(rtni@gexp)[sample(1:nrow(rtni@gexp),200)] # conditional analysis rtni <- tni.conditional(rtni, modulators=mod4test, pValueCutoff=1e-3) # get results cdt <- tni.get(rtni, what="cdt.table") # get summary on a graph object g <- tni.graph(rtni, gtype="mmap") ###--------------------------------------------- ### optional: plot the igraph object using RedeR library(RedeR) #--load reder interface rdp <- RedPort() calld(rdp) #---add graph and legends addGraph(rdp,g) addLegend.shape(rdp,g) addLegend.size(rdp,g) addLegend.color(rdp,g,type="edge") relax(rdp,p1=50,p5=20) ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) ## Not run: # preprocessing rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) # permutation/bootstrap analysis (infers the reference/relevance network) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) # dpi filter (infers the transcriptional network) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) # get some candidate modulators for demonstration! mod4test <- rownames(rtni@gexp)[sample(1:nrow(rtni@gexp),200)] # conditional analysis rtni <- tni.conditional(rtni, modulators=mod4test, pValueCutoff=1e-3) # get results cdt <- tni.get(rtni, what="cdt.table") # get summary on a graph object g <- tni.graph(rtni, gtype="mmap") ###--------------------------------------------- ### optional: plot the igraph object using RedeR library(RedeR) #--load reder interface rdp <- RedPort() calld(rdp) #---add graph and legends addGraph(rdp,g) addLegend.shape(rdp,g) addLegend.size(rdp,g) addLegend.color(rdp,g,type="edge") relax(rdp,p1=50,p5=20) ## End(Not run)
This function is the main entry point of the TNI pipeline.
tni.constructor(expData, regulatoryElements, rowAnnotation=NULL, colAnnotation=NULL, cvfilter=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
tni.constructor(expData, regulatoryElements, rowAnnotation=NULL, colAnnotation=NULL, cvfilter=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
expData |
a gene expression matrix or 'SummarizedExperiment' object. |
regulatoryElements |
a vector of regulatory elements (e.g. transcription factors). |
rowAnnotation |
an optional data frame with gene annotation. Column 1 must provide all ids
listed in the gene expression matrix. Ideally, col1 = <ID>, col2 = <GENEID>,
and col3 = <SYMBOL>. Additional annotation can be included in the data frame
and will be passed to the resulting TNI object. Furthermore, in order to
eventually use the TNI object in |
colAnnotation |
an optional data frame with sample annotation. |
cvfilter |
a single logical value specifying to remove duplicated genes in the gene expression matrix using the probe-to-gene annotation. In this case, 'rowAnnotation' must be provided, with col1 = <ID> and col2 = <GENEID>. Genes duplicated in col2 will be collapsed; the decision is made based on the maximum dinamic range (i.e. keeping the gene with max coefficient of variation across all samples). |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
A pre-processed TNI-class object.
Mauro Castro
data(tniData) #--- run constructor rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation)
data(tniData) #--- run constructor rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation)
A minimum TNI object that can be used to demonstrate RTN functionalities.
A TNI-class with a subset of samples and genes from
the Fletcher2013b package.
The TNI consists of a TNI-class with a subsetted gene expression matrix and reduced list of transcription factors. It should be regarded as a toy example for demonstration purposes only, despite being extracted, pre-processed and size-reduced from Fletcher et al. (2013) and Curtis et al. (2012).
a TNI-class.
Fletcher M.N.C. et al., Master regulators of FGFR2 signalling and breast cancer risk. Nature Communications, 4:2464, 2013.
Curtis C. et al., The genomic and transcriptomic architecture of 2,000 breast tumours reveals novel subgroups. Nature 486, 7403. 2012.
This function takes a TNI object and returns the transcriptional network filtered by the data processing inequality algorithm.
tni.dpi.filter(object, eps = 0, sizeThreshold = TRUE, minRegulonSize = 15, verbose = TRUE)
tni.dpi.filter(object, eps = 0, sizeThreshold = TRUE, minRegulonSize = 15, verbose = TRUE)
object |
a preprocessed object of class 'TNI' |
eps |
a single numeric value (>= 0) specifying the threshold under which ARACNe algorithm should apply the dpi filter. If not available (i.e. 'eps = NA'), then the threshold is estimated from the empirical null distribution computed in the permutation and bootstrap steps. For additional details see |
sizeThreshold |
a logical value specifying if the 'minRegulonSize' argument should be used (when 'sizeThreshold = TRUE') or not (when 'sizeThreshold = FALSE'). It will have no effect when 'eps = NA'. |
minRegulonSize |
a single integer or numeric value. This argument prevents the DPI algorithm from removing additional targets from large unbalanced regulons, when the subset of either positive or negative targets is below the 'minRegulonSize'. |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when 'verbose = TRUE') or not (when 'verbose = FALSE'). |
a mutual information matrix in the slot "results" containing a dpi-filtered transcriptional network,
see 'tn.dpi' option in tni.get
Mauro Castro
data(tniData) ## Not run: # preprocessing rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) # permutation analysis (infers the reference/relevance network) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) # dpi filter (infers the transcriptional network) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) ## Not run: # preprocessing rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) # permutation analysis (infers the reference/relevance network) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) # dpi filter (infers the transcriptional network) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) ## End(Not run)
Get available results from individual slots in a TNI object.
tni.get(object, what="summary", order=TRUE, ntop=NULL, reportNames=TRUE, idkey=NULL)
tni.get(object, what="summary", order=TRUE, ntop=NULL, reportNames=TRUE, idkey=NULL)
object |
an object of class |
what |
a single character value specifying which information should be retrieved from the slots. Options: 'summary', 'status', 'para', 'gexp','regulatoryElements', 'targetElements', 'modulators', 'tnet', 'refnet', 'regulons', 'refregulons', 'regulons.and.mode', 'refregulons.and.mode', 'rowAnnotation', 'colAnnotation', 'cdt.list', 'cdt.table', 'regulonSize','regulonActivity'. |
order |
a single logical value specifying whether or not the output data should be ordered by significance. Valid only for 'cdt' option. |
ntop |
a single integer value specifying to select how many results of top significance from 'cdt' option. |
reportNames |
a single logical value specifying to report regulators with 'names' (when reportNames=TRUE) or not (when reportNames=FALSE). This option takes effect on 'cdt' option if regulators are named with alternative identifiers. |
idkey |
an optional single character value specifying an ID name from the available 'TNI' annotation to be used as alias for data query outputs (obs. it has no effect on consolidated tables). |
Options for the 'what' argument:
A list summarizing parameters and results available in the TNI object
(see tni.regulon.summary
for a
summary of the network and regulons).
A vector indicating the status of each available method in the pipeline.
A list with the parameters used by each available method in the pipeline.
A gene expression matrix.
A vector of regulatory elements (e.g. transcription factors).
A vector of target elements (e.g. TF targets).
A vector of modulators (e.g. TF modulators).
A data matrix with MI values, evaluated by the DPI filter. MI values are computed between regulators and targets, with regulators on cols and targets on rows. Note that signals (+/-) are assigned to the inferred associations in order to represent the 'mode of action', which is derived from Pearson's correlation between regulators and targets.
A data matrix with MI values (not evaluated by the DPI filter). MI values are computed between regulators and targets, with regulators on cols and targets on rows. Note that signals (+/-) are assigned to the inferred associations in order to represent the 'mode of action', which is derived from Pearson's correlation between regulators and targets.
A list with regulons extracted from the 'tnet' data matrix.
A list with regulons extracted from the 'refnet' data matrix.
A list with regulons extracted from the 'tnet' data matrix, including the assiged 'mode of action'.
A list with regulons extracted from the 'refnet' data matrix, including the assiged 'mode of action'.
A data frame with probe-to-gene annotation.
A data frame with sample annotation.
A data frame with results from the
analysis pipeline.
A list with results from the
analysis pipeline.
A data frame with the number of targets annotated in each regulon.
A list with results from the
analysis pipeline.
Get the slot content from a TNI-class
Mauro Castro
data(tniData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) # check summary tni.get(rtni, what="summary") # get regulons regulons <- tni.get(rtni, what = "regulons") # get status of the pipeline tni.get(rtni, what="status") ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) # check summary tni.get(rtni, what="summary") # get regulons regulons <- tni.get(rtni, what = "regulons") # get status of the pipeline tni.get(rtni, what="status") ## End(Not run)
Extract results from a TNI object and compute a graph (Deprecated).
tni.graph(x, ...)
tni.graph(x, ...)
x |
Deprecated arg. |
... |
Additional deprecated args. |
# deprecated function
# deprecated function
Uses GSEA2 algorithm to compute regulon activity for
tni.gsea2(object, minRegulonSize=15, sizeFilterMethod="posORneg", scale=FALSE, exponent=1, tnet="dpi", regulatoryElements=NULL, features=NULL, samples=NULL, refsamp=samples, log=TRUE, alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), targetContribution=FALSE, additionalData=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, doSizeFilter=NULL)
tni.gsea2(object, minRegulonSize=15, sizeFilterMethod="posORneg", scale=FALSE, exponent=1, tnet="dpi", regulatoryElements=NULL, features=NULL, samples=NULL, refsamp=samples, log=TRUE, alternative=c("two.sided", "less", "greater"), targetContribution=FALSE, additionalData=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, doSizeFilter=NULL)
object |
a preprocessed object of class 'TNI' |
minRegulonSize |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements in a regulon. Regulons smaller than this number are removed from the analysis. |
sizeFilterMethod |
a single character value specifying the use of the 'minRegulonSize' argument, which is applyed to regulon's positive and negative targets. Options: "posANDneg", "posORneg", "posPLUSneg". For "posANDneg", the number of both positive and negative targets should be > 'minRegulonSize'; for "posORneg", the number of either positive or negative targets should be > 'minRegulonSize'; and for "posPLUSneg", the number of all targets should be > 'minRegulonSize'. |
scale |
A logical value specifying if expression values should be centered and scaled across samples (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
exponent |
a single integer or numeric value used in weighting phenotypes in GSEA. |
tnet |
can take values of 'ref', 'dpi' or 'cdt'. It refers to the version of the regulatory network that will be used for GSEA analysis. |
regulatoryElements |
an optional vector with transcription factor identifiers. |
features |
a string vector listing features for feature selection. |
samples |
an optional string vector listing the sample names for which will be computed the GSEA2. |
refsamp |
an optional string vector listing the names of the reference samples for differential expression calculations. If not provided, then the average of all samples will be used as reference. |
log |
a logical value. If TRUE, it will check whether the expression values are provided as logged data; if not, it will performe a log2 transformation on expression values before the differential expression calculations. |
alternative |
a character string specifying the alternative hypothesis, must be one of "two.sided" (default), "greater" or "less". |
targetContribution |
This argument is used for internal calls. A single logical value specifying to return the contribution of each target in enrichment scores (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
additionalData |
This argument is used for internal calls. A single logical value specifying to return the additional data objects (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
doSizeFilter |
'doSizeFilter' is deprecated, please use the 'sizeFilterMethod' parameter. |
a list with enrichment scores for all samples in the TNI. The list contains the following elements:
A numeric "matrix"
with differential enrichment scores (dES).
A numeric "matrix"
with enrichment scores from positive targets.
A numeric "matrix"
with enrichment scores from negative targets.
A numeric "matrix"
with discretized scores derived from the dES values.
A character vector listing the regulatory elements assessed by the GSEA-2T algorithm.
A single numeric value used in internal plots.
Mauro Castro
data(tniData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) #run GSEA2 analysis pipeline rtni <- tni.gsea2(rtni) #get results regulonActivity <- tni.get(rtni, what = "regulonActivity") #parallel version with SNOW package! library(snow) options(cluster=snow::makeCluster(3, "SOCK")) rtni <- tni.gsea2(rtni) stopCluster(getOption("cluster")) ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) #run GSEA2 analysis pipeline rtni <- tni.gsea2(rtni) #get results regulonActivity <- tni.get(rtni, what = "regulonActivity") #parallel version with SNOW package! library(snow) options(cluster=snow::makeCluster(3, "SOCK")) rtni <- tni.gsea2(rtni) stopCluster(getOption("cluster")) ## End(Not run)
This function tests the overlap between gene sets and regulons.
tni.overlap.genesets(object, geneSetList, regulatoryElements = NULL, minSetSize = 15, sizeFilterMethod="posORneg", method = c("HT","JC"), pValueCutoff = 0.05, pAdjustMethod = "BH", verbose = TRUE)
tni.overlap.genesets(object, geneSetList, regulatoryElements = NULL, minSetSize = 15, sizeFilterMethod="posORneg", method = c("HT","JC"), pValueCutoff = 0.05, pAdjustMethod = "BH", verbose = TRUE)
object |
a preprocessed object of class 'TNI' |
geneSetList |
a list with gene sets. |
regulatoryElements |
a vector of valid regulatory elements (e.g. transcription factors). |
minSetSize |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements in a gene set that must map to elements of the gene universe. Gene sets with fewer than this number are removed from the analysis. |
sizeFilterMethod |
a single character value specifying the use of the 'minSetSize' argument, which is applyed to regulon's positive and negative targets. Options: "posANDneg", "posORneg", "posPLUSneg". For "posANDneg", the number of both positive and negative targets should be > 'minSetSize'; for "posORneg", the number of either positive or negative targets should be > 'minRegulonSize'; and for "posPLUSneg", the number of all targets should be > 'minSetSize'. |
method |
a string specifying the method used to assess the association between gene sets and regulons (see 'Details'). |
pValueCutoff |
a single numeric value specifying the cutoff for p-values considered significant (this parameter only affects the 'HT' option). |
pAdjustMethod |
a single character value specifying the p-value adjustment method to be used (see 'p.adjust' for details) (this parameter only affects the 'HT' option). |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
The 'HT' option assesses the overlap between gene sets and regulons using a hypergeometric test, and returns a data frame with the overlap statistics. The 'JC' option assesses the overlap between gene sets and regulons using the Jaccard Coefficient (JC), and retuns a matrix with JC values.
Either a data frame or a numeric matrix with association statistics between gene sets vs. regulons.
Mauro Castro
data(tniData) ## Not run: #compute regulons rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) #load a gene set collection #here, we build three random gene sets for demonstration geneset1 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneset2 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneset3 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneSetList <- list(geneset1=geneset1, geneset2=geneset2, geneset3=geneset3) #run the overlap analysis ovstats <- tni.overlap.genesets(rtni, geneSetList, pValueCutoff = 1) ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) ## Not run: #compute regulons rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) #load a gene set collection #here, we build three random gene sets for demonstration geneset1 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneset2 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneset3 <- sample(tniData$rowAnnotation$SYMBOL,50) geneSetList <- list(geneset1=geneset1, geneset2=geneset2, geneset3=geneset3) #run the overlap analysis ovstats <- tni.overlap.genesets(rtni, geneSetList, pValueCutoff = 1) ## End(Not run)
This function takes a TNI object and returns a transcriptional network inferred by mutual information (with multiple hypothesis testing corrections).
tni.permutation(object, pValueCutoff=0.01, pAdjustMethod="BH", globalAdjustment=TRUE, estimator="spearman", nPermutations=1000, pooledNullDistribution=TRUE, boxcox=TRUE, parChunks=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
tni.permutation(object, pValueCutoff=0.01, pAdjustMethod="BH", globalAdjustment=TRUE, estimator="spearman", nPermutations=1000, pooledNullDistribution=TRUE, boxcox=TRUE, parChunks=NULL, verbose=TRUE)
object |
a preprocessed object of class 'TNI' |
pValueCutoff |
a single numeric value specifying the cutoff for p-values considered significant. |
pAdjustMethod |
a single character value specifying the p-value adjustment method to be used (see 'p.adjust' for details). |
globalAdjustment |
a single logical value specifying to run global p.value adjustments (when globalAdjustment=TRUE) or not (when globalAdjustment=FALSE). |
estimator |
a character string specifying the mutual information estimator. One of "pearson", "kendall", or "spearman" (default). |
nPermutations |
a single integer value specifying the number of permutations for deriving TF-target p-values in the mutual information analysis. If running in parallel, nPermutations should be greater and multiple of parChunks. |
pooledNullDistribution |
a single logical value specifying to run the permutation analysis with pooled regulons (when pooledNullDistribution=TRUE) or not (when pooledNullDistribution=FALSE). |
boxcox |
a single logical value specifying to use Box-Cox procedure to find a transformation of inferred associations that approaches normality (when boxcox=TRUE) or not (when boxcox=FALSE). Dam et al. (2018) have acknowledged that different RNA-seq normalization methods introduce different biases in co-expression analysis, usually towards positive correlation, possibly affected by read-depth differences between samples and the large abundance of 0 values present in RNA-seq-derived expression matrices. In order to correct this positive correlation bias we suggest using this box-cox correction strategy. See |
parChunks |
an optional single integer value specifying the number of permutation chunks to be used in the parallel analysis (effective only for "pooledNullDistribution = TRUE"). |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE) |
a mutual information matrix in the slot "results" containing a reference transcriptional network,
see 'tn.ref' option in tni.get
Mauro Castro
Dam et al. Gene co-expression analysis for functional classification and gene-disease predictions. Brief Bioinform. 2018 Jul 20;19(4):575-592. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbw139.
data(tniData) ## Not run: # preprocessing rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) # linear version (set nPermutations >= 1000) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni, nPermutations = 100) ## parallel version with SNOW package! #library(snow) #options(cluster=snow::makeCluster(3, "SOCK")) #rtni<-tni.permutation(rtni) #stopCluster(getOption("cluster")) ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) ## Not run: # preprocessing rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) # linear version (set nPermutations >= 1000) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni, nPermutations = 100) ## parallel version with SNOW package! #library(snow) #options(cluster=snow::makeCluster(3, "SOCK")) #rtni<-tni.permutation(rtni) #stopCluster(getOption("cluster")) ## End(Not run)
This funtion can help to check whether the numbers of positive and negative targets are reasonably well balanced in the regulons.
tni.plot.checks(object, minRegulonSize = 15, option = c("barplot","edf","points"))
tni.plot.checks(object, minRegulonSize = 15, option = c("barplot","edf","points"))
object |
a preprocessed object of class 'TNI' |
minRegulonSize |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements in a regulon (only affects the 'barplot' option). |
option |
plot option. |
A plot showing the distribution of regulons' positive and negative targets.
We have observed that transcription factor (TF) regulons reconstructed from RTN exhibit different proportions of positive and negative targets. While the proportion can vary between different regulons, we have observed a consistent higher proportion of positive targets, especially when using RNA-seq data. RTN uses mutual information (MI) to assess TF-target associations, assigning the direction of the inferred associations by Spearman's correlations. Dam et al. (2018) have acknowledged that different RNA-seq normalization methods introduce different biases in co-expression analysis, usually towards positive correlation, possibly affected by read-depth differences between samples and the large abundance of 0 values present in RNA-seq-derived expression matrices. This funtion can help to check whether the numbers of positive and negative target genes are reasonably well balanced in the regulons.
Mauro Castro, Gordon Robertson
Dam et al. Gene co-expression analysis for functional classification and gene-disease predictions. Brief Bioinform. 2018 Jul 20;19(4):575-592. doi: 10.1093/bib/bbw139.
data(tniData) ## Not run: # preprocessing rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) # compute regulons rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni, nPermutations = 1000) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) # check target distribution tni.plot.checks(rtni) ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) ## Not run: # preprocessing rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) # compute regulons rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni, nPermutations = 1000) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) # check target distribution tni.plot.checks(rtni) ## End(Not run)
This method plots the results of the subgroup regulon enrichment analysis in a heatmap. The rows of the heatmap represent enriched regulons, while the columns show the subgroups. The plotted values correspond to average regulon activity for a regulon in a subgroup. Enriched values can be marked.
tni.plot.sre(object, nGroupsEnriched = NULL, nTopEnriched = NULL, colors = c("blue","white","red"), breaks = seq(-1.5, 1.5, 0.1), markEnriched = TRUE, ...)
tni.plot.sre(object, nGroupsEnriched = NULL, nTopEnriched = NULL, colors = c("blue","white","red"), breaks = seq(-1.5, 1.5, 0.1), markEnriched = TRUE, ...)
object |
A TNI-class object. |
nGroupsEnriched |
a filter to keep 'nGroupsEnriched' regulons; a single integer specifying how many subgroups a regulon has to be enriched for it to appear in the rows of the heatmap (it must be use either 'nGroupsEnriched' or 'nTopEnriched'). |
nTopEnriched |
a filter to keep 'nTopEnriched' regulons; a single integer specifying how many regulons will be shown for each group. The top regulons are chosen by significance (it must be use either 'nTopEnriched' or 'nGroupsEnriched'). |
colors |
a vector of color for the 'pheatmap'. |
breaks |
a numerical vector of breaks for the 'pheatmap'. |
markEnriched |
a single logical value. If TRUE, asterisks are added to cells of heatmap that were found to be significant. |
... |
parameters passed to 'pheatmap' for customization. |
A heatmap of the subgroup regulon enrichment results.
# load tniData data(tniData) ## Not run: # preprocessing rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) # permutation analysis (infers the reference/relevance network) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) # dpi filter (infers the transcriptional network) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) #run GSEA2 analysis pipeline rtni <- tni.gsea2(rtni) # set sample groups colAnnotation <- tni.get(rtni, "colAnnotation") sampleGroups <- list(G1=colAnnotation$ID[1:60], G2=colAnnotation$ID[61:90], G3=colAnnotation$ID[91:120]) # run subgroup regulon enrichment analysis rtni <- tni.sre(rtni, sampleGroups) # plot results tni.plot.sre(rtni) ## End(Not run)
# load tniData data(tniData) ## Not run: # preprocessing rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) # permutation analysis (infers the reference/relevance network) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) # dpi filter (infers the transcriptional network) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) #run GSEA2 analysis pipeline rtni <- tni.gsea2(rtni) # set sample groups colAnnotation <- tni.get(rtni, "colAnnotation") sampleGroups <- list(G1=colAnnotation$ID[1:60], G2=colAnnotation$ID[61:90], G3=colAnnotation$ID[91:120]) # run subgroup regulon enrichment analysis rtni <- tni.sre(rtni, sampleGroups) # plot results tni.plot.sre(rtni) ## End(Not run)
This is a generic function, provides all preprocessing methods for the 'tni.constructor' function.
tni.preprocess(object, rowAnnotation=NULL, colAnnotation=NULL, cvfilter=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
tni.preprocess(object, rowAnnotation=NULL, colAnnotation=NULL, cvfilter=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
object |
this argument is an object of class |
rowAnnotation |
an optional data frame with gene annotation. |
colAnnotation |
an optional data frame with sample annotation. |
cvfilter |
a single logical value specifying to remove duplicated genes in the gene expression matrix using the gene annotation. |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
A pre-processed TNI-class object.
Mauro Castro
## see 'tni.constructor'!
## see 'tni.constructor'!
Uses network pruning methods to compute a 'core' regulon that retains good correlation with original regulon activity.
tni.prune(object, regulatoryElements = NULL, minRegCor = 0.95, tarPriorityMethod = "EC", minPrunedSize = 30, verbose = TRUE, ...)
tni.prune(object, regulatoryElements = NULL, minRegCor = 0.95, tarPriorityMethod = "EC", minPrunedSize = 30, verbose = TRUE, ...)
object |
a preprocessed object of |
regulatoryElements |
an optional vector with regulatoryElements identifiers. If NULL, all regulatoryElements are used. |
minRegCor |
an numeric value between 0 and 1. The minimum correlation between the original activity values for a regulon and the activity after pruning. |
tarPriorityMethod |
method for prioritizing targets for the target backwards elimination. One of "EC" (expression correlation), "MI" (mutual information) or "TC" (target contribution). |
minPrunedSize |
a single integer or numeric value specifying the minimum number of elements in a regulon after pruning. |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
... |
arguments passed to |
a TNI-class object, with the pruned regulons.
Clarice Groeneveld
data(tniData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) # prune the PTTG1 regulon rtni_pruned <- tni.prune(rtni, "PTTG1", tarPriorityMethod = "TC") #parallel version with SNOW package! #library(snow) #options(cluster=makeCluster(3, "SOCK")) #rtni_pruned <- tni.prune(rtni, c("PTTG1", "E2F2")) #stopCluster(getOption("cluster")) ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) # prune the PTTG1 regulon rtni_pruned <- tni.prune(rtni, "PTTG1", tarPriorityMethod = "TC") #parallel version with SNOW package! #library(snow) #options(cluster=makeCluster(3, "SOCK")) #rtni_pruned <- tni.prune(rtni, c("PTTG1", "E2F2")) #stopCluster(getOption("cluster")) ## End(Not run)
This function takes a TNI object and optionally a list of regulatory elements and returns a summary of the network (if no regulatory elements are given) or of the chosen regulon or regulons.
tni.regulon.summary(object, regulatoryElements = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
tni.regulon.summary(object, regulatoryElements = NULL, verbose = TRUE)
object |
a preprocessed object of class 'TNI' |
regulatoryElements |
a vector of valid regulatory elements (e.g. transcription factors). |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
It returns a print-out of the network summary (if verbose is TRUE) and invisibly returns a data.frame of network characteristics such as regulon size and regulon balance.
Clarice Groeneveld
data(tniData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) # Summary of the network tni.regulon.summary(rtni) # Summary of a regulon tni.regulon.summary(rtni, regulatoryElements = "PTTG1") ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) # Summary of the network tni.regulon.summary(rtni) # Summary of a regulon tni.regulon.summary(rtni, regulatoryElements = "PTTG1") ## End(Not run)
This function replaces samples of an existing TNI-class objects.
tni.replace.samples(object, expData, rowAnnotation=NULL, colAnnotation=NULL, removeRegNotAnnotated=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
tni.replace.samples(object, expData, rowAnnotation=NULL, colAnnotation=NULL, removeRegNotAnnotated=TRUE, verbose=TRUE)
object |
an object of class |
expData |
a gene expression matrix or 'SummarizedExperiment' object. |
rowAnnotation |
an optional data frame with gene annotation. Column 1 must provide all ids listed in the gene expression matrix. |
colAnnotation |
an optional data frame with sample annotation. |
removeRegNotAnnotated |
a single logical value specifying to remove 'regulatoryElements' not annotated in 'expData' (when removeRegNotAnnotated=TRUE) or not (when removeRegNotAnnotated=FALSE). |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
A TNI-class object.
Mauro Castro
## please the package's vignette
## please the package's vignette
This method evaluates which regulons are enriched in sample groups, given a grouping variable. It performs Fisher's Exact Test whether a regulon is positively or negatively enriched in a subgroup using regulon activity.
tni.sre(object, sampleGroups, regulatoryElements = NULL, pValueCutoff = 0.05, pAdjustMethod = "BH")
tni.sre(object, sampleGroups, regulatoryElements = NULL, pValueCutoff = 0.05, pAdjustMethod = "BH")
object |
A TNI object. |
sampleGroups |
either a list featuring sample groups or a string indicating a group varible available in the TNI object. |
regulatoryElements |
an optional string vector specifying regulons to use for the analysis. |
pValueCutoff |
a single numeric value specifying the cutoff for p-values considered significant. |
pAdjustMethod |
a single character value specifying the p-value adjustment method to be used (see 'p.adjust' for details). |
A TNI-class object with the results of the subgroup regulon enrichment added to the results slot. To recover the results, use tni.get(object, "regulonEnrichment")
# load tniData data(tniData) ## Not run: # compute regulons rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) #run GSEA2 analysis pipeline rtni <- tni.gsea2(rtni) # set sample groups colAnnotation <- tni.get(rtni, "colAnnotation") sampleGroups <- list(G1=colAnnotation$ID[1:60], G2=colAnnotation$ID[61:90], G3=colAnnotation$ID[91:120]) # run subgroup regulon enrichment analysis rtni <- tni.sre(rtni, sampleGroups) # get results tni.get(rtni, "subgroupEnrichment") # for a heatmap representation, see the tni.plot.sre() function. ## End(Not run)
# load tniData data(tniData) ## Not run: # compute regulons rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) #run GSEA2 analysis pipeline rtni <- tni.gsea2(rtni) # set sample groups colAnnotation <- tni.get(rtni, "colAnnotation") sampleGroups <- list(G1=colAnnotation$ID[1:60], G2=colAnnotation$ID[61:90], G3=colAnnotation$ID[91:120]) # run subgroup regulon enrichment analysis rtni <- tni.sre(rtni, sampleGroups) # get results tni.get(rtni, "subgroupEnrichment") # for a heatmap representation, see the tni.plot.sre() function. ## End(Not run)
This is a generic function.
tni2tna.preprocess(object, phenotype=NULL, hits=NULL, phenoIDs=NULL, duplicateRemoverMethod="max", verbose=TRUE)
tni2tna.preprocess(object, phenotype=NULL, hits=NULL, phenoIDs=NULL, duplicateRemoverMethod="max", verbose=TRUE)
object |
a processed object of class 'TNI' |
phenotype |
a numeric vector of phenotypes named by gene identifiers (usually log2
differential expression values). Required for the
hits |
a character vector of gene identifiers for those considered as hits.
Required for the |
phenoIDs |
an optional 2cols-matrix used to aggregate genes in the 'phenotype' (e.g. probe-to-gene ids; in this case, col 1 should correspond to probe ids). |
duplicateRemoverMethod |
a single character value specifying the method to remove the duplicates. The current version provides "min" (minimum), "max" (maximum), "average". Further details in 'duplicateRemover' function at the HTSanalyzeR package. |
verbose |
a single logical value specifying to display detailed messages (when verbose=TRUE) or not (when verbose=FALSE). |
A pre-processed TNA-class object.
Mauro Castro
data(tniData) data(tnaData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(rtni, phenotype=tnaData$phenotype, hits=tnaData$hits, phenoIDs=tnaData$phenoIDs) ## End(Not run)
data(tniData) data(tnaData) ## Not run: rtni <- tni.constructor(expData=tniData$expData, regulatoryElements=c("PTTG1","E2F2","FOXM1","E2F3","RUNX2"), rowAnnotation=tniData$rowAnnotation) rtni <- tni.permutation(rtni) rtni <- tni.bootstrap(rtni) rtni <- tni.dpi.filter(rtni) rtna <- tni2tna.preprocess(rtni, phenotype=tnaData$phenotype, hits=tnaData$hits, phenoIDs=tnaData$phenoIDs) ## End(Not run)
This function provides compatibility checks for a TNI class object.
object |
this argument is an object of class |
An updated TNA-class object.
Mauro Castro
### Objects of class TNA generated by RTN (version <= 1.15.2) can be upgraded ### to the latest version by calling upgradeTNA().
### Objects of class TNA generated by RTN (version <= 1.15.2) can be upgraded ### to the latest version by calling upgradeTNA().
This function provides compatibility checks for a TNI class object.
object |
this argument is an object of class |
An updated TNI-class object.
Mauro Castro
### Objects of class TNI generated by RTN (version <= 1.15.2) can be upgraded ### to the latest version by calling upgradeTNI().
### Objects of class TNI generated by RTN (version <= 1.15.2) can be upgraded ### to the latest version by calling upgradeTNI().