Title: | Maximum Likelihood Decay Modeling of RNA Degradation Data |
Description: | RNA degradation is monitored through measurement of RNA abundance after inhibiting RNA synthesis. This package has functions and example scripts to facilitate (1) data normalization, (2) data modeling using constant decay rate or time-dependent decay rate models, (3) the evaluation of treatment or genotype effects, and (4) plotting of the data and models. Data Normalization: functions and scripts make easy the normalization to the initial (T0) RNA abundance, as well as a method to correct for artificial inflation of Reads per Million (RPM) abundance in global assessments as the total size of the RNA pool decreases. Modeling: Normalized data is then modeled using maximum likelihood to fit parameters. For making treatment or genotype comparisons (up to four), the modeling step models all possible treatment effects on each gene by repeating the modeling with constraints on the model parameters (i.e., the decay rate of treatments A and B are modeled once with them being equal and again allowing them to both vary independently). Model Selection: The AICc value is calculated for each model, and the model with the lowest AICc is chosen. Modeling results of selected models are then compiled into a single data frame. Graphical Plotting: functions are provided to easily visualize decay data model, or half-life distributions using ggplot2 package functions. |
Authors: | Reed Sorenson [aut, cre], Katrina Johnson [aut], Frederick Adler [aut], Leslie Sieburth [aut] |
Maintainer: | Reed Sorenson <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 1.27.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-08 05:37:33 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/bioc/RNAdecay |
Calculates maximum and minimum bounds for parameter alpha based on experimental time points (t_0, t_1, t_2, t_3, ..., t_max). If RNA level is too low at t_1, then the decay has happened before our observations began - there is an upper bound to the decay rate we can detect (a_high). If RNA level is too high at t_max, then relatively little decay has happened and we can not distinguish the decay rate and the decay of the decay rate - there is a lower bound to the base decay rate of the decaying decay model (a_low).
a_high(t_min) a_low(t_max) b_low(t_max)
a_high(t_min) a_low(t_max) b_low(t_max)
t_min |
time of first experiemtal time point after inhibition of transcription (not T0) |
t_max |
time of last experimental time point |
Similarly, limits on beta are required to prevent precude ranges in which the decay rate and decaing decay are indistinguishable. See vignette "RNAdecay_workflow" for more information.
returns the lowest/highest parameter values to be used as bounds on modeled parameters
a_high(7.5) a_low(480) b_low(480)
a_high(7.5) a_low(480) b_low(480)
Identifies dataframe column names that have all of the pattern arguments .
cols(patterns, df, w = NA, x = NA, y = NA, z = NA)
cols(patterns, df, w = NA, x = NA, y = NA, z = NA)
patterns |
character vector or vector of regular expressions passed to grep pattern argument |
df |
a dataframe with column names to index |
w , x , y , z
(for backwards compatibility) separate arguments for patterns, if used patterns argument will be ignored |
Be aware that column data labels that are part of another data label are not advisable (e.g. mut1, mut2, mut1.mut2; cols(df,'mut1') will return indices for both 'mut1' and 'mut1.mut2' labeled columns
returns a vector of integer indices of the column names of df
that match to all of patterns
cols(df=data.frame(xyz=1:5,zay=6:10,ybz=11:15,tuv=16:20),patterns = c('y','z')) ## returns 1 2 3 cols(df=data.frame(xyz=1:5,zay=6:10,ybz=11:15,tuv=16:20), w = 'y', x = 'z') ## returns 1 2 3
cols(df=data.frame(xyz=1:5,zay=6:10,ybz=11:15,tuv=16:20),patterns = c('y','z')) ## returns 1 2 3 cols(df=data.frame(xyz=1:5,zay=6:10,ybz=11:15,tuv=16:20), w = 'y', x = 'z') ## returns 1 2 3
Constant decay rate function (const_decay(), case when betas=0) e^-a*t; decaying decay rate function (decaying_decay()) e^(-(a/b)*(1-e^(-b*t))). Functions are normalized so at t=0 the function is 1.
const_decay(t, a) decaying_decay(t, par)
const_decay(t, a) decaying_decay(t, par)
t |
time (in minutes) |
a |
alpha (in per time, thus in per minute when time is in minutes) |
par |
vector of length 2 containing alpha (par[1]) and beta (par[2]) values; alpha=initial decay rate, beta=decay of decay rate (both in per time, thus in per minute when time is in minutes) |
returns abundance after time t
at alpha initial decay rate and beta decay of decay rate relative to an initial abundance of 1
const_decay(10,log(2)/10) ## returns 0.5 decaying_decay(10,c(log(2)/10,0.01)) ##returns 0.5170495
const_decay(10,log(2)/10) ## returns 0.5 decaying_decay(10,c(log(2)/10,0.01)) ##returns 0.5170495
A long form dataset of RNA abundance of 118 genes in four Arabidopsis thaliana genotypes (WT, sov, vcs, vcs sov). Four biological replicates were collectred 0, 7.5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480 min after blocking transcription. RNA was extracted, subjected to ribodepletion, and sequenced by RNA-seq (Illumina 50 nt single end reads). RPM values were normalized to mean T0 abundance and corrected by a decay factor.
a data frame with 5 columns and 15104 rows.
gene identifier; AGI
Arabidopsis genotype
time of decay, in minutes
replicate number
RPM value normalized to the replicate samples' mean T0 abundance and decay factor corrected
Sorenson et al. (2017) Submitted; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE86361
Plots RNA decay data and/or decay models using the ggplot2 package.
decay_plot( geneID, xlim = c(0, 500), ylim = c(0, 1.25), xticks = NA, yticks = 0:5/4, alphaSZ = 8, what = c("Desc", "models", "reps", "meanSE", "alphas&betas"), DATA, treatments = NA, colors = NA, mod.results = NA, gdesc = NA, desc.width = 55 )
decay_plot( geneID, xlim = c(0, 500), ylim = c(0, 1.25), xticks = NA, yticks = 0:5/4, alphaSZ = 8, what = c("Desc", "models", "reps", "meanSE", "alphas&betas"), DATA, treatments = NA, colors = NA, mod.results = NA, gdesc = NA, desc.width = 55 )
geneID |
single gene ID from data set (e.g. "AT1G00100") for which to plot data/model |
xlim , ylim
vector of length 2 defineing the limits of the plot (zooms in on data) |
xticks , yticks
vectors specifyng tick marks for the x and y axes |
alphaSZ |
text size of alpha and beta parameter labels if plotted |
what |
character vector specifying what to plot; any or all (default) of "Desc","models","reps","meanSE","alphas&betas" "Desc" - plots gene descriptions behind data "models" - plots the selected fit model "reps" - plots individual replicate data as distinct shapes "meanSE - plots the replicate means and standard errors "alphas&betas" - plots the values of the alphas and betas for each model below the model at the greatest x position |
(required) normalized abundance decay data with column names: "geneID", "treatment","t.decay", "rep","value" |
treatments |
what treatments/genotypes to plot from the supplied data |
colors |
vector of R recognized colors (e.g. "red","darkblue") |
mod.results |
(optional; required for plotting models) data.frame of the model results as output from the modeling (e.g. "alphas+betas+mods+grps+patterns+relABs.txt") |
gdesc |
(optional; required for plotting gene descriptions) gene descriptions (geneID-named vector of gene descriptions geneID must match those of data) |
desc.width |
width of gene descriptions (in number of characters) before word wrap |
returns a ggplot to be used with print; could also be modified using the syntax of ggplot2 e.g.'+geom_XXXX(...)'
p<-decay_plot("Gene_BooFu", mod.results = data.frame(alpha_WT = 0.0830195, beta_WT = 0.04998945, model = 1, alpha_grp = 1, beta_grp = 1, alpha_subgroup = 1.1, row.names = "Gene_BooFu"), what = c("meanSE","alphas&betas","models"), treatments = "WT", colors = "black", DATA = data.frame(geneID=rep("Gene_BooFu",15), treatment=rep("WT",15), t.decay=rep(c(0,7.5,15,30,60),3), rep=paste0("rep",c(rep(1,5),rep(2,5),rep(3,5))), value= c(0.9173587, 0.4798672, 0.3327807, 0.1990708, 0.1656554, 0.9407511, 0.7062988, 0.3450886, 0.3176824, 0.2749946, 1.1026497, 0.6156978, 0.4563346, 0.2865779, 0.1680075)), xlim = c(0, 65), alphaSZ = 10) print(p)
p<-decay_plot("Gene_BooFu", mod.results = data.frame(alpha_WT = 0.0830195, beta_WT = 0.04998945, model = 1, alpha_grp = 1, beta_grp = 1, alpha_subgroup = 1.1, row.names = "Gene_BooFu"), what = c("meanSE","alphas&betas","models"), treatments = "WT", colors = "black", DATA = data.frame(geneID=rep("Gene_BooFu",15), treatment=rep("WT",15), t.decay=rep(c(0,7.5,15,30,60),3), rep=paste0("rep",c(rep(1,5),rep(2,5),rep(3,5))), value= c(0.9173587, 0.4798672, 0.3327807, 0.1990708, 0.1656554, 0.9407511, 0.7062988, 0.3450886, 0.3176824, 0.2749946, 1.1026497, 0.6156978, 0.4563346, 0.2865779, 0.1680075)), xlim = c(0, 65), alphaSZ = 10) print(p)
group_map makes a color map of alpha and beta equivalence groups by model. Similar colors in a row indicate constrained parameter equivalence between treatements. Gray indicates values of 0.
group_map(decaydata, path, nEquivGrp = nEquivGrp, groups = groups, mods = mods)
group_map(decaydata, path, nEquivGrp = nEquivGrp, groups = groups, mods = mods)
decaydata |
5 column data.frame with colnames "geneID","treatment","t.decay","rep","value" |
path |
write path and file name, must end in ".pdf" |
nEquivGrp |
number of equivalence groups based on number of treatments |
groups |
equivalence group matrix |
mods |
alpha beta equivalence group usage index (matrix) |
creates a model colormap and writes it to a pdf file named path
group_map(decaydata=data.frame(geneID=paste0("gene",1:4), treatment=as.factor(rep(paste0("treat",1:2),2)), t.decay=0:3, rep=rep("rep1"), value=c(1,0.5,0.25,0.12)), path=paste0(tempdir(),"/parameter equivalence colormap.pdf"), nEquivGrp = 2, groups = t(matrix(c(1,2,1,1,NA,NA),nrow=2, dimnames=list(c("treat1","treat2"),c("grp1","grp2","grp3")))), mods = t(matrix(c(1,1,1,2,1,3,2,1,2,2,2,3),nrow=2, dimnames=list(c("a","b"),paste0("mod",1:6)))))
group_map(decaydata=data.frame(geneID=paste0("gene",1:4), treatment=as.factor(rep(paste0("treat",1:2),2)), t.decay=0:3, rep=rep("rep1"), value=c(1,0.5,0.25,0.12)), path=paste0(tempdir(),"/parameter equivalence colormap.pdf"), nEquivGrp = 2, groups = t(matrix(c(1,2,1,1,NA,NA),nrow=2, dimnames=list(c("treat1","treat2"),c("grp1","grp2","grp3")))), mods = t(matrix(c(1,1,1,2,1,3,2,1,2,2,2,3),nrow=2, dimnames=list(c("a","b"),paste0("mod",1:6)))))
Generates a combinatorial grouping matrix based on the decaydata
decaydata |
a data.frame with column names:
'geneID','treatment','t.decay','rep','value' with classes
The resulting matrix of indices is used to constrain treatment alphas or treatment betas in combination. For example, in one model, treatment alphas might be allowed to vary independently (gp1), but the beta models might be constrained to be equal for some treatments indicated by haveing the same index number (other gp).
returns a matrix of equivalence group indicies based on the number of levels in the 'treatment' column (max of 4).
groupings(data.frame(geneID=paste0('gene',1:4),treatment=as.factor(paste0('treat',1:4)), t.decay=0:3,rep=rep('rep1'),value=c(1,0.5,0.25,0.12)))
groupings(data.frame(geneID=paste0('gene',1:4),treatment=as.factor(paste0('treat',1:4)), t.decay=0:3,rep=rep('rep1'),value=c(1,0.5,0.25,0.12)))
Plots RNA half-life distribution with select half-lives of select RNAs as large arrows colored by treatment using the ggplot2 package.
hl_plot( geneID, gene_symbol = "", df_decay_rates, hl_dist_treatment, hl_treatment, arrow_colors = NA, arrow_lab_loc = c("key"), x_limits = log(2)/c(0.25, 0.00045), x_breaks = c(5, 1:12 * 10, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 480, 720, 1080, 1440), x_tick_labels = c("5", "10", "", "30", "", "", "60", "", "", "", "", "", "2h", "", "4h", "", "", "", "8h", "12h", "", "24h") )
hl_plot( geneID, gene_symbol = "", df_decay_rates, hl_dist_treatment, hl_treatment, arrow_colors = NA, arrow_lab_loc = c("key"), x_limits = log(2)/c(0.25, 0.00045), x_breaks = c(5, 1:12 * 10, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 480, 720, 1080, 1440), x_tick_labels = c("5", "10", "", "30", "", "", "60", "", "", "", "", "", "2h", "", "4h", "", "", "", "8h", "12h", "", "24h") )
geneID |
single gene ID from data set (e.g. "AT3G14100") for which to plot data/model |
gene_symbol |
(optional) pasted to gene ID in plot label (e.g., "AT3G14100/UBP1C) |
df_decay_rates |
data.frame of modeling results with decay rate columns labeled as alpha_<treatment> |
hl_dist_treatment |
name of the treatment for which the background distribution will be plotted |
hl_treatment |
names of the treatments for which arrows indicating half-life will be plotted |
arrow_colors |
(optional) character vector of R colors; named with corresponding treatments |
arrow_lab_loc |
label arrows on plot ("plot") or in a key ("key") |
x_limits |
x-axis (half-life) limits in min; default is log(2)/c(0.25,4.5e-4) |
x_breaks |
x-axis (half-life) breaks/tick marks in min defaults to c(5,1:12*10,180,240,300,360,420,480,720,1080,1440) |
x_tick_labels |
x-axis (half-life) break labels, defaults to c("5","10","","30","","","60","","","","","","2h","","4h","","","","8h","12h","","24h")+ |
returns a ggplot to be used with print; could also be modified using the syntax of ggplot2 e.g.'+geom_XXXX(...)'
p <- hl_plot( geneID = rownames(RNAdecay::results)[4], df_decay_rates = RNAdecay::results, hl_treatment = c("WT","sov","vcs","vcs.sov"), hl_dist_treatment = "WT", arrow_colors = c(WT = "#88CCEE", sov = "#CC6677", vcs = "#117733",vcs.sov = "#882255"), arrow_lab_loc = "key", gene_symbol = "" ) print(p) p <- hl_plot( geneID = rownames(RNAdecay::results)[4], gene_symbol = "", df_decay_rates = RNAdecay::results, hl_dist_treatment = "WT", hl_treatment = c("WT","sov","vcs","vcs.sov"), arrow_colors = c(WT = "#88CCEE", sov = "#CC6677", vcs = "#117733",vcs.sov = "#882255"), arrow_lab_loc = "plot" ) print(p)
p <- hl_plot( geneID = rownames(RNAdecay::results)[4], df_decay_rates = RNAdecay::results, hl_treatment = c("WT","sov","vcs","vcs.sov"), hl_dist_treatment = "WT", arrow_colors = c(WT = "#88CCEE", sov = "#CC6677", vcs = "#117733",vcs.sov = "#882255"), arrow_lab_loc = "key", gene_symbol = "" ) print(p) p <- hl_plot( geneID = rownames(RNAdecay::results)[4], gene_symbol = "", df_decay_rates = RNAdecay::results, hl_dist_treatment = "WT", hl_treatment = c("WT","sov","vcs","vcs.sov"), arrow_colors = c(WT = "#88CCEE", sov = "#CC6677", vcs = "#117733",vcs.sov = "#882255"), arrow_lab_loc = "plot" ) print(p)
The mod_optimization function finds the estimates of model parameters by maximum likelihood, for a single gene on a specified list of models, and saves a tab delimited text file of the results named,' [geneID]_results.txt'. The function does the following for each gene: (1) it calculates log likelihood for each point in a 2 dimensional grid of evenly spaced alpha and beta values within the alpha and beta bounds specified using the null model (in which all treatment alphas are equivalent and all betas are equivalent). (2) it calculates log likelihood for each point in a 1 dimensional range of evenly spaced alpha values within the alpha bounds using the single exponential null model (in which all treatment alphas are equivalent). (3) For each of the grid points with the highest log likelihood from steps (1) and (2) 25 starting parameter value sets that are normally distributed around these points are generated. (4) Parameter values are optimized for maximum likelihood using each of these 50 starting parameter sets using pre-compiled C++ functions loaded from dynamically linked libraries stored in the package on all models specified in the models argument. (5) evaluates parameter estimates of all 50 optimizations based on the reported maximum liklihood upon convergence. Only parameter estimates that converged on the same and highest maximum likelihood are returned. (6) returns the optimized parameter estimates, with model selection statistics.
mod_optimization( gene, data, alpha_bounds, beta_bounds, models, group, mod, file_only = TRUE, path = "modeling_results" )
mod_optimization( gene, data, alpha_bounds, beta_bounds, models, group, mod, file_only = TRUE, path = "modeling_results" )
gene |
geneID from |
data |
decay data data.frame with columns named 'geneID', 'treatment', 't.decay', 'rep', 'value.' |
alpha_bounds |
vector of length 2 with lower and upper bounds for alpha |
beta_bounds |
vector of length 2 with lower and upper bounds for beta |
models |
vector spceifying which models to run optimization on (e.g., c('mod1', 'mod239')) |
group |
grouping matrix for alphas or betas |
mod |
data.frame specifying alpha and beta group pairs for each model |
file_only |
logical; should output only be written to file (TRUE) or also return a data.frame of the results (FALSE) |
path |
specify folder for output to be written |
returns (if file_only = FALSE
) and writes to path
data frame of model optimization results for models
one row for
each for gene
using values for it found in data
, the columns
of the data frame are:
geneID, mod (model), model estimates [alpha_treatment1, ...,
alpha_treatmentn, beta_treatment1, ..., beta_treatmentn, sigma2],
logLik (maximum log likelihood), nPar (number of parameters in the model),
nStarts (number of parameter starting value sets (of 50) that converged on
a maximum likelihood peak), J (number of parameter starting value sets that
converged on the highest - within 1e-4 - maximum likelihood of all
parameter starting value sets), range.LL (range of maximum likelihoods
values reached by algorithm convergence from all parameter starting value
sets), nUnique.LL (number of unique maximum likelihoods values reached by
algorithm convergence from all parameter starting value sets), C.alpha (sum
of all coefficients of variation for each column of alpha estimates),
C.beta (sum of all coefficients of variation for each column of beta
estimates), C.tot (C.alpha+C.beta), AICc (calculated from the single
highest maximum likelihood of all parameter starting value sets), AICc_est
(calculated from the log likelihood value computed by using the mean of
each parameter from all optimizations that converged on the highest
maximum likelihood of all starting parameter value sets.)
mod_optimization(gene = 'Gene_BooFu', data = data.frame(geneID=rep('Gene_BooFu',30), treatment=c(rep('WT',15),rep('mut',15)), t.decay=rep(c(0,7.5,15,30,60),6), rep=rep(paste0('rep',c(rep(1,5),rep(2,5),rep(3,5))),2), value= c(0.9173587, 0.4798672, 0.3327807, 0.1990708, 0.1656554, 0.9407511, 0.7062988, 0.3450886, 0.3176824, 0.2749946, 1.1026497, 0.6156978, 0.4563346, 0.2865779, 0.1680075, 0.8679866, 0.6798788, 0.2683555, 0.5120951, 0.2593122, 1.1348219, 0.8535835, 0.6423996, 0.5308946, 0.4592902, 1.1104068, 0.5966838, 0.3949790, 0.3742632, 0.2613560)), alpha_bounds = c(1e-4,0.75), beta_bounds = c(1e-3,0.075), models = 'mod1', group = t(matrix(c(1,2,1,1,NA,NA),nrow=2, dimnames=list(c('treat1','treat2'),c('mod1','mod2','mod3')))), mod = as.data.frame(t(matrix(c(1,1,1,2,1,3,2,1,2,2,2,3),nrow=2, dimnames=list(c('a','b'),paste0('mod',1:6))))), file_only = FALSE, path = paste0(tempdir(),"/modeling results"))
mod_optimization(gene = 'Gene_BooFu', data = data.frame(geneID=rep('Gene_BooFu',30), treatment=c(rep('WT',15),rep('mut',15)), t.decay=rep(c(0,7.5,15,30,60),6), rep=rep(paste0('rep',c(rep(1,5),rep(2,5),rep(3,5))),2), value= c(0.9173587, 0.4798672, 0.3327807, 0.1990708, 0.1656554, 0.9407511, 0.7062988, 0.3450886, 0.3176824, 0.2749946, 1.1026497, 0.6156978, 0.4563346, 0.2865779, 0.1680075, 0.8679866, 0.6798788, 0.2683555, 0.5120951, 0.2593122, 1.1348219, 0.8535835, 0.6423996, 0.5308946, 0.4592902, 1.1104068, 0.5966838, 0.3949790, 0.3742632, 0.2613560)), alpha_bounds = c(1e-4,0.75), beta_bounds = c(1e-3,0.075), models = 'mod1', group = t(matrix(c(1,2,1,1,NA,NA),nrow=2, dimnames=list(c('treat1','treat2'),c('mod1','mod2','mod3')))), mod = as.data.frame(t(matrix(c(1,1,1,2,1,3,2,1,2,2,2,3),nrow=2, dimnames=list(c('a','b'),paste0('mod',1:6))))), file_only = FALSE, path = paste0(tempdir(),"/modeling results"))
Example results from maximum likelihood modeling of double exponential RNA decay of 118 genes.
a list of data frames, each with 240 rows (1/model) with 22 columns and 240 rows.
gene identifier
model names as factors
decay rate estimate of genotype XXX, in per time (min^-1)
decay of decay rate estimate of genotype XXX, in per time (min^-1)
variance estimate
maxium log likelihood
number of parameters in the given model
number of parameter starting value sets (of 50) that converged on a maximum likelihood peak
number of parameter starting value sets that converged on the highest - within 1e-4 - maximum likelihood of all parameter starting value sets
range of maximum likelihoods values reached by algorithm convergence from all parameter starting value sets
number of unique maximum likelihoods values reached by algorithm convergence from all parameter starting value sets
sum of all coefficients of variation for each column of alpha estimates
sum of all coefficients of variation for each column of beta estimates
calculated from the single highest maximum likelihood of all parameter starting value sets
calculated from the log likelihood value computed by using the mean of each parameter from all optimizations that converged on the highest maximum likelihood of all starting parameter value sets
Sorenson et al. (2017) Submitted; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE86361
A custom ggplot2 theme generating function for ggplot2 plots; can be further manipulated using standard ggplot2 syntax.
plain_theme(bigFont = 30, smFont = 0.85, x.ang = 0, leg.pos = c(0.85, 0.85))
plain_theme(bigFont = 30, smFont = 0.85, x.ang = 0, leg.pos = c(0.85, 0.85))
bigFont |
larger font size of axis labels in points (used for plot title, axis titles, facet titles) |
smFont |
fractional mulitiplier of |
x.ang |
x-axis label angle |
leg.pos |
legend position on plot as relative coordinates c(x,y) (i.e., range is [0,1]) or 'right', 'left', 'above', 'below' |
returns a ggplot2 theme of class "theme" "gg"
Example results from maximum likelihood modeling of double exponential RNA decay of 118 genes. Results include parameter estimates, selected model, and alpha and beta groupings.
a data frame with 18 columns and 118 rows.
decay rate estimate of genotype XXX, in per time (min^-1)
decay of decay rate estimate of genotype XXX, in per time (min^-1)
variance estimate
selected model number
model alpha grouping number
model beta grouping number
model alpha subgroup number
model alpha subgroup pattern; i.e. order of genotypes of increaseing decay rate
model beta subgroup pattern; i.e. order of genotypes of increaseing decay of decay rate
relative alpha value of genotype XXX compared to WT
number of models that were not different than the selected model based on a AICc difference <2
number of alpha groups represented in nEqMods
Sorenson et al. (2017) Submitted; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE86361
A dataset of RNA abundance of 118 genes in four Arabidopsis thaliana genotypes (WT, sov, vcs, vcs sov). Four biological replicates were collectred 0, 7.5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480 min after blocking transcription. RNA was extracted, subjected to ribodepletion, and sequenced by RNA-seq (Illumina 50 nt single end reads).
a data frame with 118 rows and 128 columns; data are all RNA abundance values presented as reads per million. Column names indicate genotype, time point, and replicate number separated by underscores.
Sorenson et al. (2017) Submitted; https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE86361