- Breaking: new ACCESSION format and builder introduced. Consult the settings
template (e.g., 'RmbSettingsTemplate("settings.ini")') for options.
RMassBank 3.7.1
- Remove getCompTox() because EPA AcTORWS web services have been retired
- Fix issue #309 when a FileList had no "mode" column
RMassBank 3.5.1
- Switch to using mzML files in the vignette after mzR dropped support for mzData
RMassBank 2.99.4
- Fix an issue if no electronic noise was specified in settings.ini, closes #239
RMassBank 2.15.3
- Fix an issue if saved InfoLists have missing columns
RMassBank 2.15.2
- Merge PR by Adelene Lai to add CompTox information
- Merge PR by Hendrik Treutler to 1) add more CH$NAME fields and 2) more Adducts and 3) Selenium
RMassBank 2.11.2
- Avoid writing out empty PUBLICATIONS
RMassBank 2.11.1
- Fix error in workflow steps 2 and 7 with rcdk >= 3.4.9